I Survived 100 Days as a TIGER in Minecraft

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tigers are lions which is really the king of the jungle well in the past we added lines into Minecraft and let's just say they were a bit overpowered but what about tigers how Opie can we make tigers in Minecraft well as it turns out pretty op and to prove it I'm gonna be surviving 100 days in Minecraft as a tiger Well my two friends play as poachers who try and Hunt me down and keep me from becoming the king of the jungle oh look how cute I am I'm a little baby tiger and luckily later on I'm gonna be able to upgrade into different tigers and become way stronger but for right now I only have five Hearts okay so this is my spawn Rock and over there is the two poachers if the poachers are able to kill me by day 100 I fail this challenge so first things first we gotta Escape now the second I leave this rock they're able to start hunting me do I get to get moving quick and I think I'm gonna go for that tree right there so I can make a boat and run ready and go we just need to grab three pieces of wood one for the crafting table two for the boat let's go okay they're coming over here quick I got an idea let's Dive In The Water let's go to these bubbles right here for a second let's make a crafting table okay oh they see me he's coming down put these in make a boat okay we got the boat we're going he has to get breath I heard him suffocating oh there's the other one oh he got hit on me oh no my boat okay we got we got we got it get away let's go we can get away are we under the boat drowning yes but we can definitely get away from that we can lose him okay I found a village and the hunters haven't shown up yet so I think I've lost them so let's go ahead let's make this Village our home and quickly find ourselves some food because we are really low on health and really low on food okay there's some hay bales down there let's oh wait do we take do we not take any fall damage from that wait what oh it's a tiger I'm immune to fall damage well that's kind of cool I've also got some other cool Powers as well I have combat upgrades like pounce Claws and bonus upgrades like feline stealth and flying tiger technique yeah we had a lot of fun making this mod okay so let's go and let's grab this hay okay now that we've got our food sorted let's go ahead and let's start working on a base now I kind of like this area I'm in so I think I'm gonna make my base mirror here in fact let's make it behind this village house let's literally just put it in a hole in the ground right next to the house luckily it's a baby tiger I fit in tiny holes and the poachers don't okay first things first though let's go and let's cut down a couple trees real fast let's make some sticks and make ourselves a wooden pickaxe let's quickly grab three Cobblestone and now we're gonna make a stone pickaxe and this is where we can put our house thank you okay I've carved out the base it's a box it looks good we just need some torches some chests okay yeah we got a decent bit of work still to do it's still sunny outside but it's definitely gonna be going down soon so let's go up to one of the village houses and let's steal a bed my bed okay bed okay this will work for a day one starter base and it's currently nighttime outside so let's go ahead and go to sleep and then we'll finish up the base tomorrow okay it's day two now normally I'd keep barking on the base and make it a little nicer you know actually turn it into a base and not just this box but here's the thing I want to get an upgrade right away because I only have five hearts of HP and I don't feel like dying so I want to go ahead and get pounds if I kill 100 animals and eat 30 meat then I'm already gonna be able to attack things and that sounds good to me let's start the pounds Quest and now we're just gonna kill 100 animals and get 30 me so let's make a sword and now let's go kill some animals one animal down you know that's enough hunting for tonight that is a spider jockey and I'm going home okay we're home for the night we only need to kill 10 more animals and eat 23 more meat and then we'll get this attack okay day three let's go kill 10 more animals real quick we shouldn't be able to find turtles outside that should work okay we got all the animals killed now we just need to go ahead and eat a bunch of meat which yeah that's not gonna take too long okay I'm just gonna keep jumping like this inside this cave to lower my hunger and then I'm gonna eat meat until it reaches 30. oh wait this should do it once I eat this meat we'll be all set there we go 30. now if we go to pounds and we click it we've now unlocked it let's try it out so if I use my pounce attack it looks like this oh I kind of like lunge forward let's go try it on something outside okay let's try it on this pink so I pounced him he became invisible and he started to bleed and then we'll finish him off and take his food so yeah this new power is really broken let's go ahead and let's go back inside our base okay now that we have the first attack we can start to actually work on our base again and make it just a little bit more secure so let's go ahead and let's upgrade the base after getting my first attack I wanted to finish up my base so I spent the next couple of days Gathering tons of ores and Redstone to make sure I had the ultimate tiger cave okay it's day seven and the base is looking much better not only do I have torches but I've got all the basic supplies I need to keep moving forward and I got a cool door look at that ready watches wanna hit the lever now it's open so we can go outside but if it's closed this grass block raises up it blends perfectly in with the side of this hill so I'd say my base is pretty secure now which means it's time to work on our second upgrade which is called leap which is good allow us to jump 10 blocks in the air in any direction to get it we need 10 rabbitside and a rabbit's foot so let's go ahead let's go look for a desert because rabbits are easiest to find in deserts okay we finally found a desert oh my God it's night time but at least we found one so let's go find some rabbits so we can get their rabbit hide and hopefully a rabbit's foot here's a few rabbits get over here no okay I can't fight I cannot fight rabbits in F5 oh the snake wants the rabbit too I got it first yes one rabbit hide acquired I have to do this all while not dying to like all the mobs oh here's a bunch of rabbits oh my God they just spawned right in front of me oh you're toast oh my God our second rabbit got us a rabbit's foot already that's supposed to be rare okay well that's great luck we just need to go and get more rabbit hide also is that another spider jockey oh my god get over here why is that spider upside down berries it's burying it it buried the spider yo stay away from me bro you're cool okay we just got the tenth rabbit's hide we needed we have the rabbit's foot but oh God I am dying of poison quick so we're gonna get in the water here just to get away from all these things trying to kill us okay cool now that we're alive let's start heading back home okay now that we got all the items let's go ahead let's quickly unlock the upgrade and there we go we've now unlocked leap and now that we have it let's just go home okay with both the ability to LEAP up in the air and the ability to pounce and attack people I'd say I'm pretty op except for one thing I am five Hearts still and that is kind of unacceptable so it's time to evolve from a baby tiger cub into a teenage tiger now to do that I'm gonna need a bunch of raw meat so we got a lot of animals to kill so let's get to work okay we need to go ahead and cook some food because obviously I am starving I'm gonna use some of our food reserves that we're using for this upgrade to cook it oh wait we have some steak oh never mind we don't need to cook any food that's convenient I thought we needed to cook food let's store all our raw meat in here for now since we still need about 10 plus more on each one so let's go back to killing some animals oh my God the hunters are literally in the village okay I gotta be careful I don't want him to find my base so let's get away from my base we can use our leap ability to get up this mountain quick there we go we're just leaping up this mountain here we go up we go oh did he did oh my God this is a cool Village okay let's go let's make one of them bleed we got our bleed attack here we go ready wait what oh I'm dying why am I dying I'm making him bleed he's bleeding again oh bleeding and he can't move you're not getting away no way where is he here he is he's coming up to he's coming after ready and he can't move he's running though he's got to be low I'm dead we need better armor man yes we gotta get him with pounce and there we go he's done in my Village poachers okay now that we thought we got rid of them let's go ahead and let's go back to killing animals because we still need to get some animal kills now we need to go find a cow and get some milk okay here's some cows and there we go three buckets of milk and now we're gonna turn from a baby tiger cub into a teenage tiger look at me I actually look like a tiger now and in total I am 15 total hearts and I get strength one and speed one so yeah my tiger is pretty strong okay so we got the first three upgrades complete we're a teenage tiger we have pounce and we have leap meaning it's time to work on the tier 2 tiger upgrades and the first one I'm gonna do is claws because it's super easy if you look in the upper left you're gonna see that I literally just have to break 200 blocks and use pounce 50 times okay let's do it once that's one of fifty two of fifty three fifty it's like this is gonna be so easy okay there's five already we'll let our energy bar re-go up and in the meantime let's quickly go break 200 blocks because this isn't gonna be hard at all okay there we go we broke all the blocks we need to break now we seem to use pounds a billion times okay and this should be the last three we need to do one two three there we go all pounces and all blocks place and the Sun is just starting to go down meaning we made amazing time on that okay let's go back inside the base claws which I guess just kind of makes sense okay it's day 14 and I want to test out our new claw ability so we're gonna go ahead and look for the Hunter's base and use claws on them but before we go I want to quickly make some TNT so I can damage their base a little bit now I currently don't have any so we're probably gonna go look for a temple real quick and then start looking for their base okay I'm out in a desert right now and I just learned that my claws also work as diamond tools meaning I don't even need this iron pickaxe okay perfect I found a desert pyramid let's go to the bottom and let's go steal the TNT that's inside there we go that should give us nine TNT let's go back up and let's just see what we have in the chest okay now that we got the TNT let's go look for the Hunter's base so we can blow it up and test our claws on them fighting the Hunter's base turned out to be extremely tricky because this time we were using an expanded map meaning the poachers could make your base anywhere within 50 000 blocks of Spawn okay I'm pretty confident I found their base I'm 90 sure that's in the hill over there Let's Get Low to the ground just sneak up over here a tiger stalks its prey so we gotta take this nice and carefully okay they both left the bait and we're in go oh no I see an emo oh whoa oh yeah I didn't even dude he didn't see me go in get under one block no nice he's done we already got one killed oh nice we got one it's a golden apple [Applause] I'm faster than you oh he's dead nice these claws are op I got their beds right there's no way they're respawning oh no he's still spawning they're spawning down there okay let's get to bed we got both beds he's done he's done let's get the other one ready he's done this tiger oh no he just attacked a bear is he dumb why did he attack him there but either way they're both dead I have both of their beds meaning this base is toast and this should buy me enough time to keep doing some more upgrades okay it's day 18. and I want to become an adult Tiger but to do it I need a bunch of potions from the nether we're talking three strength potions three speed potions three jump boost potions three regeneration potions and a bucket with an axolotl now these ingredients aren't really hard to get they're just very time consuming and we don't even have a nether portal yet so that's what we gotta make next so let's quickly go grab some obsidian okay there we go we got 10 obsidian now let's go build another portal and now let's go get some potion supplies okay we're in the nether now we need to go find another Fortress so we can get some blaze rods nether warts and some gas tears okay we found a fortress which wasn't too hard this isn't far at all [Music] okay we got three blaze rods now let's go find ourselves some Netherwood okay and here's some nether warts now we should need to get to get some gas tears for the regen potions I can't hit it like sidestepping can I get him oh I think I got him okay we got the guest here that we need we just need to get a piece of sugar for the speed potion a lucky rabbit's foot for the jump boost potion and then a bucket of Axolotl and we're done so let's go back to the base okay we're home let's quickly put some stuff together and let's make ourselves a brewing stand we'll put that brewing stand right here now let's quickly smell some sand real fast okay now let's make some water bottles now let's go ahead and just put a water source right here and let's fill up all our bottles with water and let's get everything ready then we simply add another word and all these potions are going to become awkward potions and we're gonna do this a billion times where potions are done so let's go let's go to sleep we'll turn the ball into their efficients we're gonna need both a rabbit's foot and some sugar so let's go get those first some sugar cane for some sugar nice and easy okay now we just need to kill a few rabbits and hopefully they'll drop a rabbit's foot no way oh wait that's crazy we caught the rabbit's foot which means we have everything we need for the potions let's go home and let's get crafted okay so first things first let's add in our rabbit's foot and that's going to turn these into the jump potions that we need there we go all three potions of Leaping are complete now let's make three strength potions add an Ablaze powder to the Brewing area and that's gonna turn them into strength Potions there we go next we're gonna go ahead and add sugar and that's gonna make three speed Potions there we go and last but not least let's add in three more Awkward potions let's add our ghast here and that's gonna make three potions of regeneration and there we go all potions complete now let's go to bed and tomorrow we'll get the Axolotl in a bucket and we'll be able to turn into an adult tiger okay so to get an axolotl in the buckets actually kind of tricky now axolotls are gonna be hard because you can only find them in underwater cave sources so I gotta find an underwater Lake below I believe it's like y-63 it's gonna be complex we basically have to go underground go from water pool to water pool and hope we find some Axolotl and then we just pick them up in a bucket and we're good okay so let's go down to our cave and let's start looking okay I've got my first pool of water but I don't see any axolotls all I see is glow squid I don't don't think I'm looking for glow squid okay we found some Lush caves now we just have to actually find some Axolotl I guess I just got to keep looking around until I actually find some that are going to spawn in okay found another little Pond and once again there's no Axolotl these things are hard to get okay here is a massive water cave all in a lush cave there's no way Axolotl aren't spawning in here right there's no way oh I finally found some Axolotl look there's a bunch of oh I want a pink one come here get in my bucket yes we caught one oh he's so cute oh we're drowning the cutest Predator we got an axolotl in a bucket yes now let's go back to base combiner Axolotl bucket with our potions and we can become an adult tiger okay we're finally home let's go grab the potions Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters they found my base they're right outside of it they're not inside of it yet I don't know if they know the base is there I'm going in oh he saw me hit the leopard okay I closed it he definitely saw it though okay let's grab our potions okay got all the potions now I can become an adult tiger huh cinematic quick I'm an even bigger tiger I'm an adult I have 25 Hearts okay the hunters are here and they are breaking in all right oh my bad oh I don't fit outside my base anymore I can't stop them let me grab some of the essentials that we have oh yeah they're here they're here oh back up okay they're not in yet oh he's breaking the blocks right next to me oh they're at the base oh this ain't good oh more t-e-t oh God this is gonna be hard to get out of oh he's bigger he's bigger now oh let me get some block oh my God they've even more teens how much TNT do they have okay I got one bleeding nice he's dead where'd the other one go he's in the basement hey I'm breaking this stuff oh dude I don't fit through one block gaps anymore oh my goodness let's go after let's go after him oh I apparently survives that what did I get oh I got our beds I got her old beds yes he's done oh he didn't think I was gonna come through I'm not letting you blow up my base and just get away okay well our base ain't looking too great I grabbed all the essentials I think we gotta move to a new one now though because this one's definitely been compromised luckily we survived the poacher attack our one tall entrance luckily gave us the time we needed to upgrade and defeat the poachers however the base is toast meaning it's time to move to a new one so welcome to the tigers den 2.0 welcome to the Lions Den 2.0 let me show you around the new base first things first this is where all my chests are which is now protected by water and we keep all our blast furnaces and furnaces right here as we go this way we got another portal a bed and then deeper down is just a cave and if we go the other way we have an enchanting table and once again just a cave down that way and that's the new base but the coolest part about the school base is how you actually get in let me quickly grab a bow now if we go with this entrance right here you're gonna also leads us to a redstone tunnel we're just gonna follow that Redstone tunnel out this way and we're gonna go out the back here and we go at the back you're gonna see it leads us over to this exit of this cave it leads us over to this little Vine that we can simply just jump out of and we are back outside but getting in the bay is much more difficult you're gonna notice that there's this skeleton over here sitting next to a Target now if I stand all the way over here and stand on this block right here and I shoot that Target you're gonna notice it drops me immediately into this cave where I can then go back into the base yeah I'd say this base is pretty cool but now that we're an adult tiger we definitely need some stronger attacks so I want to get an attack that's going to disarm anyone I'm fighting so if I'm fighting a poacher and they have a sword there's a chance I'm gonna take that sword out of their inventory now to unlock this ability I'm gonna need 64 raw beef pork chop chicken and mutton which basically means I gotta go kill a bunch of animals so montage foreign quick food break now let's go back to killing animals done and now we can unlock play with your for the base and sleep and we'll actually unlock it tomorrow okay day 35 let's unlock this thing so all we gotta do is Click play with your food and now we can do great per category meaning next we can either work on Pearl eyes roar or become a white tiger but I think we're gonna work on Roar because it says it's gonna produce a shock wave that's gonna send enemies flying and I'm not gonna lie I want to do that so let's go accept the roar Quest and you're gonna notice we need to use a goat horn once but it does get a jukebox and attack monsters with our claws let's start by using our claws 100 times because that is going to be super easy to do foreign oh my god look what I just found if I fall hopefully I don't attract anything okay no Warden spawned nice now let's just go get some free loot nice we got a music disc and a god Apple okay I don't think one spawn we're good we're out of here we got away from the Ward now we need to finish getting some kills real quick and then we're simply going to sleep this day has been a lot okay we got all the kills done now let's just go back to the base sleep and we'll be able to do the goat horn and the Jukebox tomorrow first things first we gotta make a jukebox let's go into our chest let's grab one of our Four Diamonds let's go into the crafting table and let's surround it in eight wooden planks and then put the diamond in the middle that's gonna make us a jukebox now we'll go and put our jukebox just over here now we have two of the brand new discs from the new update now I only have to play one so let's start just by playing Five foreign 's creepy okay we're putting that one down let's try this one [Music] hey cool to finish this up we just need to go ahead and blow one horn and then we'll be good to go so let's go ahead and let's head to a mountain biome so we can find some goats get them to crack their horns open and then we're gonna play it'll be perfect we found a goat on top of a mountain nearby now he's the only goat I found so let's just go ahead and set up a stone wall real quick and he should attack if I stand completely still so we're just gonna go in F5 and we're gonna stand still within his range oh he just missed dude you missed the stone wall by an inch let's try again Mr goat okay I'm in your range I'm gonna stay completely still when I know you want to ram me really close no not jump on the wall [Applause] he broke his horde there we go we got a goat horn this one's wants to ponder one let's go and let's blow it and then we'll be able to finish this upgrade [Music] by unlocking the next upgrade which is called Roar and now let's go inside and use it because I don't want to accidentally destroy my base like last time so if I stayed in the open here and I use Roar you're gonna see it sends blocks flying everywhere I said anyone near us including this creeper flying away see I'd say Roar is a really cool ability okay with Roar complete next we're gonna work on Pearl eyes which is basically gonna allow us to double all or as we mine and we can track oars through the wall using our tiger sense to get it we're gonna need one Fortune book two eyes a vendor and three night vision potions they're right off the bat the Eyes of Ender easy peasy the night vision potions kinda easy peasy but the hard part is that fortune book because that's pure luck to get fortune on a book now there's a few ways I can go about getting a fortune book and it'll probably do the easiest way which is turn a bunch of villagers into enchanters and see if I can buy some books from them okay so let's start by killing a bunch of these blazes and grabbing ourselves and grabbing ourselves their plays rods because we're gonna need a bunch of these things to make two eyes a vendor there we go that should definitely be enough blaze rods now let's go ahead and find a Bastion and start trading the gold there for some ender pearls okay here's a Bastion now let's just go find some chests and see how many Gold Blocks we can go ahead and get okay don't go blocks in this one okay we got a bunch of gold carrots in here and we got some gold blocks now let's go get the other chest which should just be this direction okay there we go we got a fourth gold block and some more golden carrots okay nice two more gold blocks and some more arrows okay let's go find some more gold blocks okay let's get this one nice we have another gold block and we have a silk touch pickaxe okay once I bind up all the gold inside we currently are sitting at 12 Gold Blocks now we have to trailer with some piglets and we should be able to get two ender pearls okay we got three trapped in this hole let's turn the gold blocks and the gold ingots and let's throw them in the hole so we can start trading now hopefully they toss me some ender pearl oh I saw some Ender Bros come through how many we get oh wait we have six that means we've gotten at least two sets I didn't see the other set but we have all the other Pros we need so I guess we can just kind of uh kill you guys and save the rest of the gold for later okay cool we got the ender pearls we need now let's go home as we only need some night vision potions and a fortune book to finish up this upgrade and then we can unlock Pearl eyes and we're home now let's make the Eyes of Ender by simply combining some of these blaze powder with two ender pearls and that's gonna give us two Eyes of Ender which is exactly what we need for the upgrade and the best thing is to make a night vision potion we needed golden carrots and we were able to find some inside of the Bastion so we don't actually have to go make those so for now let's go to bed and tomorrow we'll make the night vision potions okay day 40 so we're just gonna go ahead put three of these potions in here add our nether Awards then we're gonna get some blaze powder and that's gonna make awkward potions then we just have to add a golden carrot and we'll have ourselves an Envy potion Hunter's names I see their name plates in the distance they could just be nearby I don't think they see the base they may have seen my name oh oh hey oh yeah they see it uh okay now I'm gonna run okay we gotta get out of here I don't want them to destroy the base are they coming no they're staying at the base they're staying in face we're gonna hurry we're gonna oh oh they figured out he figured out the entrance okay he's bleeding okay let's get him over here and let's Roar them this will catch them off guard oh are you kidding me did I really just cut myself my father okay we got him good there let's go over here oh he's running oh it does not look like a tiger to me I'm trying to launch him off the hill we want hype let's see some chicken okay we can get him here there we go that's a fall damage he just took some massive fall damage now let's get it with our RAM and we'll be able to kill him nice he's bloody just let him flying and he's done yes okay they didn't get into the base but they know where I am and they know how to get in I mean I guess they could just break the glass but they know my secret anyway we have three awkward potions let's go and let's add a golden carrot and turn them into night vision potions and then we'll have the Eyes of Ender and the night vision potions complete for Pearl eyes and just need a fortune book and then we'll just need a fortune Buck there so the night vision potions let's put them in this chest with Our Eyes of Ender okay it's day 41 and we're currently in a village and I've made two Librarians now here's the reason I'm making Librarians you'll see if I trade with one of them he currently has an enchanted book called lava wax now that's not what I want so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna break this lectern and then I'm gonna put two lecterns down again we're gonna get two Librarians again so let's talk to this guy he has straddle jump which isn't what we want so we can break the elect turnies in and then give it back to him so we can get another job okay if they're doing this for like ever I finally got a librarian who's training me a fortune one book now we need 14 total emeralds and we currently only have eight so let's quickly into a mountain by them grab some more and then come back and trade with this librarian and there we go all right okay we're back let's go ahead and let's do this trade so for 14 emeralds and I need a book and now we can do the trade and get the four th book now the pearlized let's go home sleep and unlock it tomorrow let's go ahead and let's unlock Pearl eyes and now every single Aura mine is doubled let's test that out first okay so if I go up to an iron ore like this and I mine it you're gonna see I actually get two raw iron from each one that I mined and now to the second part of pearl eyes which is the actual pearlized item if I left click it you're gonna notice the name of ores appearing on screen let's set it to Diamond then if I right click it it's gonna tell me coordinates to the closest Diamond around so we need to go to 1106 and there we go diamonds was it really only one all we got was one but hey at least we know it works okay it is now time to become a white tiger that's the next upgrade on our list white tigers are actually one of my favorite animals in the entire world let me know your favorite animal in the comments down below if you actually watch this far into the video now to become a white tiger I need 128 snow blocks 64 fish and a totem of undying so let's start with the easy stuff the snow blocks and the fish now let's start mining some snow wait it really doesn't work that way well good thing I brought along a diamond shovel with me just in case of that it turns out the blocks you can't break them with a pickaxe it just doesn't work so let's just get a bunch of snowballs okay there we go that's 128 blocks of snow it didn't work oh meaning we're already done with that anyway now let's just go ahead and get 64 fish okay we officially have all the fish we need killed meaning all we need left is the totem of undying but now let's go back to the base and hit the hay okay so to get a total of undying we're gonna obviously need to go to a woodland mansion and the easiest way to do that is to grab our emeralds grab two stacks of paper two stacks of glass panes and two compasses and with all that we should be able to trade for the map that'll lead us there luckily we already have most of the stuff we need we're good to go ahead and trade for this map okay here's our two villagers we trapped earlier let's go and let's remove the left turns and this time we're gonna go ahead and give them a cartography table okay perfect that was gonna trade this guy and now we can trade him our glass panes and now for the compass he should trade us a woodland Explorer map along with our emeralds which he does and now we have a woodland Explorer map with a DOT on it because we have one Compass remaining now if we pay attention we can see that my DOT is currently in the bottom left of that map which means I have to go northeast if I want to get to the Woodland Mansion now this can take a while so I'm gonna quickly stop back at the base grab some food and then we're gonna go ahead and start heading to the Woodland Mansion after grabbing some food and supplies back at the base I went searching for a woodland Mansion which I would find two days later over 8 thousand blocks away it says we're close I don't see it oh is it gonna be right on the other side of this hill the hunters are in it they may need a total of undying for one of their upgrades we literally just need one totem of undying that's all we need oh no there's one right here nice we got a totem I see Ryan's name he's above us they're actually doing here they definitely know him here they definitely hear me fighting oh okay we killed one the other one seems to be running now you're bleeding buddy you're flying backwards whoa we got him everything else is at home maybe we can go ahead and get out of here okay let's go into our chest and let's grab our snow and fish blocks and now with the totemoon dying that is everything we need to become a white tiger and there we go we're a white tiger look how big we look but the best thing is I now have 35 Hearts strength three speed three jump two and anytime I eat meat I automatically get regen so yeah being a tiger is now really overpowered anyway with this complete it's now time to get feline stealth because it's not too hard we just need skulk sensors string and some invisibility potions now the skulk sensors are easy because there's a skulk City literally right nearby and the invis potions are easy it's just a golden carrot and then I just need a fermented spider eye now luckily we already have the spider eye and the sugar taken care of meaning we just need to go get a brown mushroom so let's go get a brown mushroom so we can make a fermented spider eye okay let's just cut down this giant mushroom here there we go and now you're gonna see we have some mushrooms now let's go back to the base and finish the potions up okay let's go to a crafting table combine the brown mushroom the sugar and the spider eye and now we get a fermented spider eye now let's combine these night vision potions with the fermented spider eye and that's going to turn these into invisibility potions when we finish this up we'll go to bed and then tomorrow we'll get the skulk sensors and there we go three potions of invisible already complete meaning now we just need 64 string and three sculk sensors between the string I have in this chest the string in this chest and the string I have on me I literally already have the string complete invisibility potions and string done all we need left is three skulk sensors which we'll grab tomorrow nice there's one there's two and there's three nice we got all three and no Warden summon now let's go back to the base and do the upgrade and now we have everything to unlock feline stealth which is gonna make me turn invisible whenever I'm crouching okay yeah that's gonna be really overpowered this ability anyway let's go let's go to sleep and tomorrow we can go ahead and work on unlocking the next combat upgrade it is now time to work on the next combat upgrade which is marked scent we need to attack the warden five times shoot 64 monsters with spectral arrows and this is what we think of your dumbled thing oh the honors are here wait what I need to block okay I went and blocked off a large part of the base now let me see if I can get around to them oh that's not good oh they blew up a bunch of my chest I don't know how I'm getting out of this base oh I took his pants so when I disarm them oh he's destroy my bed nice we got his boots I didn't realize there was a tunnel you could fall into oh he died no way he fell in my cave okay that's not good though oh yeah my base is toasted it's time to go to a new base because this one's toast after losing yet another base I decided to build a base I truly love it not only looked really cool but it was gonna be near impossible to destroy and our base is officially done it's uh pretty boring from up here let me give you some better shots now that's better that's a good aerial view of my base but yeah overall I think this base is pretty poacher proof but now it's time to start working on some upgrades I've already started the mark sent Quest and to unlock it I need to attack the warden five times shoot 64 spectral arrows and get 50 Critical Hits and I really want this ability too because it lets me see enemies through walls so let's get the scariest one out of the way and let's go attack a warden oh he he smells me we need to get five hits on him let's try and get him here one two three four five we're running now okay now we have to shoot 64 entities with spectral arrows now I already have 30 spectral arrows but I do have over a stack of regular arrows so like grab some more glowstone dust I'll be able to turn those into spectral arrows and then we'll be able to complete this part of the quest okay we currently have three stacks of Glowstone Dust which I think is gonna be enough let's go back through the portal and let's see there we go we have a stack and a half of spectral arrows now now let's just go shoot stuff okay there we go we got 64 hits on Mobs with spectral arrows now tomorrow all we gotta do is get 50 Critical Hits okay let's go finish up this ability and get 50 crits and there we go 50 crits done which means we can now unlock marked scent and now I can see enemies through walls so if we take this zombie right here for example and I use the Ability now you can see he starts glowing and I can see him through my shield and even through the wall right here but yeah that ability is gonna be pretty good now let's just excuse me I'm trying to talk I'm trying I'm trying to talk now let's go home with that upgrade completed there was only three more to go we have King of the Jungle which is 50 total Hearts we have an ability called join the pack which makes lions fight for us and finally we have the Flying Tiger technique which basically lets me become a flying tiger almost all of these upgrades require something from the end so we're gonna have to start going to the end which means we gotta start collecting Eyes of Ender so we can actually find the Portal so let's go into The Nether and let's first start by grabbing some blaze rods okay there we go we got a blaze rods which is all we're gonna need to get to the end now let's go find a Bastion and start trading for some ender pearls okay we're currently at a Bastion and this is a fresh run with a nice bridge on it so we can pick up some more gold blocks to trade there we go there's a bunch let's check the chests oh my God a full netherride engine oh my God four Gold Blocks dude no way okay well I'd say this bastion's kicking butt now let's just go trap a few piglens and get some trades on okay I've currently got three pickles trading in there so this should definitely get me all the ender pearls I need okay so far the picklets have been trading for about 10 minutes and I have 12 ender pearls to show up for it I only want to put more more to be fully secure but once I get those I'm out of here and we're gonna go home okay with the blaze these rods and the ender pearls in hand then all we got to do is find the Portal but before we go there I want to upgrade my gear just a little bit more by getting some better pants and boots because right now these two just don't cut it okay we can get protection four on the leggings nice we'll definitely take that and on the boots we can also get protection for oh my God that's amazing we are ready to go take on the Ender Dragon but first obviously we gotta go find the portal on day 63 I continued looking for the end portal I just turned around It's gotta be right here okay let me go down right here we're gonna be set oh we hit stone brick we're finally here let's go now we need to go ahead and find the Portal oh we found it we got the portal it's right in front of me okay now he's put all the eyes in and now let's go fight the dragon okay let's take on this Dragon are we perfectly made it to the top of one of the tallest pillars now let's shoot a bunch of the end crystals nice all the crystals are gone now let's just take out the Dragon eggs right over here let's grab all this XP real quick are they here oh God daughters are literally here do I get the egg I got the egg oh no he took the egg they were definitely trying to steal that dragon egg let's just worry about getting to the outer end are they chasing me they are let's go let's go let's go nice we got through they just poisoned me but we're through we need to get out of here quick oh God there's a remote island let's just throw the inner Pearl over here and we're gone yes let's go after getting to the outer end I thought I'd escape the poachers however they found me and chased me from end City to end City trying to stop me from getting elytra well they did Slow Me Down it wasn't enough to stop me because while I didn't find any elytra I was able to get all the sugar shells I needed oh another red City let's go are they still behind me literally still behind me there is a ship there's a ship on the back side we have the shulker shells and the dragon egg we literally just need this a light truck oh he attacked the slimes those things are gonna mess him up they take your items and start fighting you with them look look at him he's getting messed up okay perfect we're at the elytra let's go ahead let's go in the chest see what we got so good wait Where'd I get this sword oh I think I took one of the hunter swords earlier and didn't even notice okay let's grab this pickaxe got the elytra okay I got the electro that's what matters I took it off okay we killed one well finally he's done okay he fell is he dead yes okay let's just break through because now we can fly on out of here okay perfect I put the elytra and the dragon egg in here because we still need some final supplies before we can finish up these last three upgrades first things first for the king of the jungle we're gonna need another star and four and crystals another star means I have to kill a Wither and the end crystals mean I need gas tears then there's join the pack where I not only need to kill a Wither but I also have to become the hero of a village and tame three cats and then finally Flying Tiger technique where you just need elytra shulker shells and Phantom membrane so I just need the Phantom membrane so from this day forward I will not sleep so that way Phantom starts spawning and I can start taking their membranes but while we wait the three days for those to start spawning let's go to the Nether and start killing wither skeletons so we can get wither skeleton heads which will let us spawn the wither okay we finally got all three skulls we need now let's go back to the Overworld spawn this wither and take him out oh you know we don't want to spawn this wither too close to my base because he could end up damaging it so we're gonna spawn the wither way over here instead okay let's start by activating this Quest so that way we can get the Wither kill and now let's summon the wither and there we go our Wither's here and Wither's dad there we go give me your nether star thank you and the nether star to become king of the jungle starting tomorrow night we should be able to start getting some Phantom membranes too okay it's day 77 and at this point I think it's gonna be very hard to kill me especially if I get these last three upgrades pretty quick now all we need left to be able to fly is 10 Phantom membranes and luckily tonight Phantoms are gonna start spawning so during the day I'm gonna go ahead and go to the Nether and start killing gas for gas tears so that way I can make the end crystals and then at night I'm gonna come back out and kill a bunch of phantoms okay imperfect we got the gastiers and the Phantoms are here so let's just murder these dudes real quick just 10 membranes and the Moon is just starting to set meaning the sun is just starting to rise so let's head on home and finish up some upgrades we officially have all the dragon eggs we need the nether star and we have the gas tears which means we can make the end crystals meaning we could become the king of the jungle right now on top of that we can also unlock Flying Tiger technique because we have elytra all the shells and the Phantom membranes so let's unlock both right now first things first let's grab the shulker shells and let's gain the ability to fly now if I leap off my building you'll notice I have the ability to fly down just like elytra where I can swoop and everything else so if we go in here and grab four ender pearls and go in here and grab our blaze powder we can combine these ender pearls and blaze powder to make eyes a vendor and if we grab this sand and quickly get its melted okay our glass is done now so let's grab it all out of the furnaces now let's go in the crafting table and start crafting we want to put our glass like this put Our Eyes of Ender here and our gas tears here and we get four end crystals now we need to grab some gold from the chest make a golden helmet and now we can become the king of the jungle goodbye white tiger hello king of the jungle I'm a massive buff tiger who is going to destroy you I mean look at me sprinting this is terrifying if you saw this sprinting at you you would be terrified and now that I'm king of the jungle there is literally only one more ability to unlock and that is join the pack now we've already killed the one wither we need so we simply gotta tame three cats which is easy and then obtain here of the village which is still kind of easy so let's start by taming three cats okay we're at a village and I've brought some fish with me and I should be able to tame these cats by giving them this fish boom hey look we're best friends forever now me and this Kitty I'll name you Garfield okay Garfield you can sit there because I feel like the poachers are gonna kill you otherwise okay let's go find some more cats I want you because you look like my real life cat Arya okay and just like that we have three cats tamed now let's go become hero of this Village I basically just have to go get a bad Omen from a Pillager Tower and luckily I already know where one is because it's right near where I farmed goats earlier okay and here we are at the Pillager Tower see it looks like it's already been raided but hey there's a guy with a banner and I think he's the one who's gonna give me bad Omen so hey will you give me bad Omen there we go see I killed him and now I have bad Omen which means if I enter a village a war is gonna start that's what we're gonna do is we're gonna go enter a village oh my god did my cats follow me let's go back to the village now and let's start the raid okay let's head to this Village and I think a raid should start yep here we go okay once we stop this raid we will be the hero and finish up this final upgrade oh I see a bunch okay they're coming in from all sides now we want to get The High Ground to make sure we see them all okay there we go we've stopped the first wave of the raid nice and easy okay let's fire at them as they try to get closer oh they poisoned me I didn't know they could poison nice he's dead attack the lion bull the hunters that's why I'm poisoned okay we're gonna have to do this raid while the hunters are attacking us I guess nice we killed one already okay cool we have to kill the other one we can finish this Pillager raid oh what did he trap me he put me in a hole oh we got him good he's running he's running what a baby why is he running I'm not gonna follow you in water I'm gonna be able to dive in the water I got a raid to finish up you big baby oh I see the last Raiders up there oh I see him let's go take care of that guy yeah okay we stopped the next wave of the raid oh yeah you're bloody you're done let's go the villagers are setting up fireworks because we've defeated not only the hunters but we became the hero of the village and now we have the hero of the village badge even though I have no idea what that actually does well this is great news because with that we finished up our final upgrade which will actually unlock tomorrow okay it is time to become a fully upgraded tiger our last upgrade join the pack is officially ours and now with the push of a button I could prove I'm the king of a jungle by summoning a lion and making it work for me wow that is a really tiny lion I am a massive tiger and I make this lion look puny but yeah I'm now fully upgraded so I'm gonna go and give out my coordinates to the enemy because uh I'm so strong I don't think they stand a chance anyway okay I put my coordinates in chat and now let's see who shows up okay dude they're they're here the hunters are literally here as long as I don't shift I'm invisible they can't see me so they don't know I'm here I'm gonna actually get down here I've hit my first Roblox oh no boom Oh oh I cannot believe we did that to him okay the other one's still coming up this other side let's get down there let's get close to him oh he didn't see it coming I was right next to him off the cliff oh I just missed him no hey Cat breath yes dead meat up here oh how do you get up on my face that's TNT he just blew my base oh my God everything's gone no not the middle how do you get in I hear one you are not getting away nice kitty nice kitty yes okay he's dead but my base dude they destroyed it all that's left is my enchanting room everything else is gone not even my enchanting room my enchanting room's damaged too they literally just destroyed my entire base and I really like this bait so you know I'm gonna go destroy theirs and I'm just gonna teach them a lesson I gotta show them what the real power of a tiger is and show them what happens when you mess with the wrong tiger I spend things 81 to 84 simply looking for the poacher's final base I was gonna make sure I got revenge for them destroying one of the best bases I've ever built okay I think I finally found their base that has to be it yeah yeah oh wait is this their base down here too this is their cave system hold on hold on hold on I hear someone building right near me I'm invisible but he's right next to me he didn't see me I popped up right in front of him he's done see you later you're not getting away son oh God faded trap set in their base and I just apparently fell for it but I got their gun no what have you done I'm blowing him up our front entrance oh he's blowing up the boat in front of his face thank you for the entrance my friend yay remember when you blew up my base buddy yeah it doesn't feel too good does it okay ready let's summon a lion buddy I summon another lion there's two lions now attacked by lions yes let's go lion let's open another lion get him yes let's go okay where are they spawning is there base down the fountain their base is down the fountain okay their base is definitely down here they're shooting me with arrows but it's not gonna be enough we're in the base look at this we've got right into a bed Andy gave me an easy way out thank you and if I kill you you're gonna go back to spawn because I think I just destroyed your bed yes let's go okay he's done okay let's go down in the hole we can destroy their base here okay we just need to break this bed come on yes the bed's broken set him off the hill he's done see you later no beds no response for you and this is what you get for destroying my base so here's the thing they're dead but they're not out yet they're respawning back at the start of the game where we spawned originally and you know what I'm gonna have some fun with them because this game is not over yet because there is still 14 days left to fight so let's go to spawn and pick on them a little spawn's literally in this direction there it is they have no idea ready for this I still got some some baked potatoes luckily yeah we can start a new oh my gosh what are you gonna do oh you're dead yes you're done they don't even do any damage to me they've never right what's he doing here oh my god dude I can just pick on them and spawn all day this is great and they're slowly losing their armor too all right we have a little fort now you can't hurt us in here no I can get you out of that you can't hide in a box you guys are just toast what do you understand we can't beat them we can't beat them we surrender you guys can't quit it's not even day 100 yet yes we can no yeah you literally can't well we can not play no you can't wait what no don't leave good luck survive until day 100 they literally quit I guess that means I win even though it's a little early so I guess I'll just go play Minecraft Survival field day 100 so uh thanks for watching uh here's a shot of my new base that I'll build by day 100 bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 3,242,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as a TIGER in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 days as a tiger, minecraft 100 days tiger, 100 day tiger, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: 38BJxlwGAxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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