The Second Best Free Game You Never Played

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at the start of last year i made a video talking about cry of fear a free half-life mod where you played as a sad little swedish man trying to find his way home to watch the next pewdiepie amnesia video 2012 was a different time, that video did alright and sent me into a rabbit hole of trying free mods for games, i'm not talking about mods that actually make a game fun more total conversion mods mods that change the entire game so it's something completely different and this mod was suggested non-stop in the comments section of my videos and i'm happy that you all suggested it because in some ways it even surpasses cry of fear now i want to throw a scenario at you imagine the 70s terrifying time where tick tock didn't exist and people actually had to read things and when i say read i'm talking about a book, tweets don't count okay shut up, although i have recently came back to that hell site if you want to follow me imagine you're a coast guard and you get a signal for a ship that's been lost at sea and you go to mount a rescue but you yourself sustain heavy damage in a storm and get lost you lie on the deck of your boat hoping that you're rescued but no help ever comes but when you wake up you've arrived at an island from the outside it looks hostile and inhospitable with these tall concrete structures rising out of the earth you manage to fix most of the boats damage once you're on shore but you keep getting a strange radio signal someone obviously wants your help but it's also very obvious that things are very very wrong on this island the voice on the radio also says youtube has a bug that randomly unsubscribes people so make sure that you're subscribed it's free and you can always change your mind, also this video is pretty long especially compared to the constant dopamine here of youtube shorts so now i have a second channel where i upload daily content usually taken from my twitch link for that down in the description i've also got a discord server you can join that although you probably shouldn't. Also because it's the popular thing to do i now have a podcast with dolan dark nerd city and colossal is crazy ninety percent of it is just making fun of me but you know they're all old they'll die soon who cares link for that down in the description now this mod is called total chaos it looks pretty similar to cry of fear but i'm not joking when i say this is a mod for doom 2. the same doom that has the funny pixel sprite enemies everywhere if you don't believe me just whip open the console commands and spawn any doom 2 asset of your choosing the game was made by wadaholic he lives in new zealand i think he talks a lot like this and likes fish and chips a lot. total chaos is based on the gz doom engine a source port that features cool things that the original doom couldn't do like lighting effects model support and 3d slope floors finally no more stairs, wheelchair access in video games now this is a project that wadaholic has been working on for basically nine years and only last year was the project completely finished and wrapped up can i go home now? the original videos for this mod it looks like i found footage film if the cameraman was the doom guy this game shares a lot of similarities to cry of fear both have limited resources inventory management and both have spooky monsters but total chaos's world is a lot grimier and darker, in cry of fear you were in stockholm for most of the game and even though everyone had seemingly vanished when you're on the streets things look kind of normal you could at least imagine people living here but in total chaos the game is set on fort oasis a mining colony that's been abandoned for decades so you can see the decay that's set in the underground has nature trying to reclaim it with vines and roots growing through the walls and the surface looks like birmingham on a good day to any none uk viewers uh birmingham is the city that has the funny xbox 360 shouty man i [ __ ] love steroids i love him who is this? hello? where total chaos and cry of fear differentiate a lot is the protagonist in this game is a completely (muted) he doesn't say anything directly and has no real personality and for that reason there's no cutscenes in the game because it'd be pointless, the only real character in this game are the notes you find of people that used to live on fort oasis and that voice that is constantly communicating with you over the radio again the voice is the only reason that you stayed here after fixing your boat it sounds like a completely brainy thing to do but by the end of this video it will make total sense, the game itself looks repulsive but in the best way possible it's been crafted to look hostile with tall concrete spires and rubble everywhere there's a bloom sitting you can turn on that makes you really appreciate anytime you're outside with daylight breaking through the clouds although it can definitely be a little overpowering sometimes literally blocking text that you're trying to read now even though this is similar to cryofear you'll definitely notice a bit more jank this time around like textures sticking out of place or enemies having broken pathfinding there's even inescapable parts of the map like this elevator shaft you can climb in that leads to absolutely nowhere forcing you to reload a save but this is forgivable because you know it's a doom mod and as well made by one guy not a team cry of fear had team Psykskallar which was a fair few people but this was one single person and then some of his friends helping from time to time any shortcomings in this game are totally made up by the experience because i have never played a game in my life where i've had more trust issues that is bait that is bait that's bait tom hardy pointing upwards gif saying that's bait top text watch this by the way if you're wondering why my mic was appalling even though the game kind of came out in 2018 it does have that 2012 youtube let's play vibe so i set up my worst webcam possible and use that as a microphone so sorry in advance i think i'm allowed to be nostalgic about a game that has a sticky keys problem okay if that gets enabled during a game it is old oh [ __ ] i enabled sticky keys on accident when you arrive on the island you're completely unarmed apart from the radio you've been contacted on and believe me the first thing i tried to do was mash any button to get the hidden ending where you get back on the boat and leave but that isn't an option shout out to games that do that by the way i mean everyone knows about far cry 4 you know you set the dinner table and skip the entire game but i also remember this game called shadow complex where your girlfriend gets kidnapped but you could just get back in the car and drive away plenty of fish in the sea after leaving your boat you get this brief walk on the beach that really shows how tall the structures are on for oasis some views almost reminding me of the citadel from half-life 2 something authoritarian but kind of familiar finding a way inside there's a door with a code on that we don't know so we're forced the other way and i just want to say some of the effects they have in this mod are amazing like look at this tarp flying around it's obviously not free form physics and it's just an animation on repeat i mean if you hang around long enough you can actually see it loop but it's amazing to think that this is the same game that has the funny pink goblin the intro chapter is one of the strongest i mean yeah it does that thing that every horror game does before you get a weapon you know like hearing footsteps running across the halls and random enemies flashing in and out of existence but it's the way these are implemented which makes it special you constantly feel uncomfortable and stalked and that dread only builds when you find your first weapon knowing by horror game logic you'll have to use it on something i love how horror games skew your perception so badly that getting a weapon is actually a bad thing now you find a pickaxe on the floor purposely in terrible condition unlike cryofear weapons here can break forcing you to mix and match your playstyle and not overly rely on one weapon i'm looking at you glock uh what do i think of it i think it's a huge piece of [ __ ] cry of fear started you off with a knife which you quickly replaced with a glock and because so many enemies dropped glock ammo it was your workhorse for most of the game meanwhile total chaos is a lot more melee combat based although there are guns you get later in the game i mean you know this is an american mining colony did you really expect there to be no guns here "give me the bloodlord, i have abandoned my boy" melee combat is broken into light and heavy attacks you can see the stats of each weapon in the inventory light attacks can be chained into a three-hit combo with each hit doing more damage than the last and heavy attacks for two-handed weapons where you charge up your stamina bar to release for maximum damage at the cost of being exhausted afterwards the only thing you can't really do in this game is block you can't outright block attacks because social distancing rules so you'll have to quickly make some space before attacking again the problem with three hit combos is you have to commit to deal any damage and there's a chance you won't stunlock an enemy so you'll end up trading hits or taking about five years to kill anything with hitting once backing away and repeat seriously this takes ages please never do this venturing more we find a key and a note ironically much like doom most of your progress is finding keys to unlock deeper parts of the island or backtracking to a door that was locked before the note reads they're gone they're all gone my paradise something has taken over this isolation is killing me i mean i kind of like this better than you know finding audio tape 385 of a guy going oh god help me ah and then cuts to static "they're coming oh no" but we get it you played bioshock before you made your game move on overall the inventory management is a lot more complex in total chaos than cry of fear cry of fear you had six inventory slots until you didn't and in total chaos it's more of a grid system like resident evil although you have so many slots you'll basically never reach your weight limit but more you'll carry capacity and even though the grid itself is huge the problem is if you stack too many items you'll hit your carry capacity very quickly once you reach overweight which is marked by orange your stamina region will take a fat penalty and then if you become over-encumbered which is purely red you won't even be able to dodge so you'll be a sitting duck i would actually reach points in this game where i would drop med kids knowing that they're completely useless because if i couldn't dodge an attack i'd have to end up using the med kit anyway and also exactly like cry of fear opening your inventory mid game doesn't pause anything so you need to find somewhere safe and alone to organize stuff what is that? shut up one problem i do have with the inventory is to consume something you have to double tap it but a single tap picks up the item so you can drag it somewhere else so what you'll do in a blind panic is open your inventory spam a healing item only to realize you didn't heal at all because you spam mouse 1 so badly the game doesn't know whether you want to heal or move the med kit which usually always results in you dying straight away which ironically makes the situation even more stressful because you're working against the inventory that being said one thing i love about the inventory there's never a point where the rug gets pulled up and you lose all your items cryofear did this in the last third of the game and i was fine with it because you know it was to force a slower direction of gameplay because at that point the game threw like eight guns at you and said have fun and obviously to make the rest of the game a shooting gallery it'd be boring but my point is any mistakes you make in the late game is because you didn't prepare for it shortly after you're given a tutorial for the statuses in game something dark souls would shamelessly steal six years prior why am i toxic health is self-explanatory that bar goes empty you're dead you can heal with stimpacks that cause slight bleeding and increase your hunger for civilian med kits that are safer but way a ton the three other statuses are radiation hunger and bleed if radiation builds up you'll start to take damage over time this that is kind of null until near the end of the game where the radiation is so bad you've basically read a tweet that opens up with just your friendly reminder the only real way you'll get radiation for most of the game is by eating irradiated foods like moldy bread flying on the floor you can sometimes find perfectly preserved foods like apples and bread but it looks vaguely french so eating the irradiated bread is always a better option "not great or terrible" this would be a problem but radiation is incredibly easy to treat because apparently before the collapse this place was a pharmacy because i've never seen more misplaced iodine tablets in my life that quickly remove all radiation weigh nothing and only slightly increase hunger now hunger is the stat you'll actually have to keep track on your hunger will progress at a steady rate until about halfway where it directly affects your stamina regen like being over encumbered enemies sometimes drop foods even parts of themselves that you can consider food but you'll find most of it in crates around four oasis that you can break open so it's a trade-off whether you want to sacrifice weapon durability or ammo to open crates for food unless of course you found a weapon with infinite durability but who knows if that's in the game and finally bleed this is a stat that'll do progressive damage to you over time if an enemy attacks you there's a chance it'll also increase bleeding the type of enemy also depends on how much bleed you'll get get punched or scratched probably not too much but something sharper like a dog bite will give little damage but an insane amount of bleeding i mean these dogs probably aren't even native to the island but bravely swam across the ocean to maul any child they came across bleeding can't kill you on its own but it'll reduce you to one hp so at that point even a stray gust of wind will one shot you now you can lower the bleeding stat quicker by taking the blood clotters problem with them is though they increased your hunger a lot so the best thing to take are bandages but unfortunately these are a lot more harder to come by you can find them in the world or by making your own with a rag and some alcohol oh yeah did i mention this game has crafting that's something to get the minecraft stands on board, i also really like as soon as you close the menu you see this body being dragged away like they knew after you closed the menu you'd still be taking a couple seconds to process that information and using that to catch you off guard i love it the first open area the game throws you in you're forced to open three boxes and flip switches to open the door to escape the key to unlock the boxes is a performance desk next to a note which reads how many times do i have to tell you about door 237 because of your stupidity when we try to open the gate the entire blocks grid went offline again until you get the wiring fixed we have to disable all couplings to open the door you can't even do your job right if this incompetence continues you'll be asked to leave i will not hand out another warning about this after flipping the switch your first enemy spawns a brute the most basic enemy in the game now just because i called them basic doesn't mean they're weak roots have two attack modes one where they follow you slowly trying to guess where you'll go next and even throwing bottles or bricks at you like any uk pub past 10 pm that is so childish man if you keep your distance for too long they'll double their speed making this horrible creaking sound and they'll only leave this mode when they get close enough to hit you i really wouldn't recommend trying to fight them in this mode as as soon as they get near you they'll do a quick one-two combo that can only really be avoided if you dodge or can guarantee that your attack will be first and kill them when you open the gate you get taken to a deeper part of the complex where this happens it's no use fighting back you have to run quickly pushing levers to open more roll-up doors as each dead end brings more enemies towards you cruelly the game places enemies at the exit door so you'll have to wait for enemies to come from both sides until you can weave past them to the exit even if you are clever enough to save your pickaxe's durability here it'll quickly break before you can even get a confirmed kill making it through the final door it thankfully shuts on its own giving you a minute of reprieve but not before you're contacted for the first time proper by the voice on the radio you have come here to find something something we have both desired for a long time your presence in this place means you are willing to do what i ask of you if you follow my requests then i will take you to what it is you desire it's unknown who the voice is and if you can even trust them but they seem to have some control over the facility because they shut that gate behind you where the monsters were chasing you but for now you have no real choice apart from to follow their advice this is the first time they've probably been able to contact you because anything beforehand has been completely incomprehensible one person i draw parallels to is the character red from the penumbra series penumbra was basically amnesia before amnesia red was a character that would contact you on radio throughout the game give you advice but you also got this feeling that he couldn't really be trusted and a couple of times he did actually backstab you and lead you directly into enemies only to then apologize saying it was the funny voices in my head those holes in my mind are increasingly gaping going into the next room you can find some clothing on the floor common rags worn by the locals of fort oasis providing 20 damage protection better than nothing clothing or armor is an essential slot in your inventory and you should know this by now but the more protective the armor the more it will impact your carry capacity it'll degrade with each hit and can't be repaired thousand dollar t-shirt bad but you can usually find exact copies around in the world leaving the tunnels to go outdoors again we get another message from the voice on the radio we have been here before the voice on the radio wants us to go into the mines the deepest point of fort oasis one thing to know is how they talk to you like they know you personally and how you've been on the island before this is something the intro directly referenced the under halls that leads to the greater area for oasis is locked so we're forced to go back into electrical to progress inside we find another letter a doctor's note prescribing someone on the island prozac to deal with panic attacks exploring the facility you can find an optional event that's pitch black and i just want to say don't be afraid to explore optional dark areas it does look terrifying and believe me in my first playthrough i did not want to go in there ain't no way in hell i am going in there but this is where some of the best early game loot is like for example a wrench that deals next to no damage but it's unbreakable meaning it can be used to break open all the early game crates giving you tons of food and some normal pills that increase your max stamina so you can jump around like a crackhead even more even though it is terrifying it is a hundred percent worth your time even if you have a markiplier moment trying to get out i also have no idea what cstn means i look it up and just find an xbox shoe finally xbox shoe you can't cheese the game by turning up the brightness either i did that because i'm a coward but the textures themselves are pure black so your best hope is to mash the action button until you find something or hug walls until you find a light source all items in the world do glow so it's not a hundred percent unfair there are flares but they're incredibly rare and you should always collect and keep every single flare you find seriously you will thank me later inside the canteen where the workers eat we find another letter dr thomas i'm not sure if this medication is proving to be effective the symptoms are not going away the brain shivers alone are becoming unbearable please can i be prescribed something else would it be so bad if i went off this medication and stuck with therapy instead?, can you tell how much better my voice acting has got since hunt down the freeman this seems to be in direct correlation with the no prescribing prozac it could be possible that the workers in fort oasis found something deep in the minds that slowly drove them insane mutating them into monsters i mean just down the hall there's a monster that literally looks exactly like a dead space necromorph like that is a necromorph totally not related but i found this pretty funny if you go to the bathroom behind the letter your character does a yawn like he's exhausted this is triggered only by this hallway and never happens again even though you do have a tired stat i thought it was because i was hungry but nope it just happens no matter what the context even if you're being chased by monsters shortly after is where we taught our next tutorial on evading enemies there's no sprinting in total chaos but you can dodge in any direction like cry of fear but here you can do it to comedic lengths where your character gets an olympic gold for the long jump combined with the doom engine having no fall damage you could basically jump off a cliff with no drawback only real downside is you can do it about twice before running out of stamina you know i'm just gonna say i'm happy that dodging is mapped to the shift key because they had a dodge mechanic and cry of fear and it was bound to like wsad the amount of times i would accidentally kill myself jumping off a ledge because i meant to move slightly and i dodged the [ __ ] was that enemies don't have to be killed and if possible should be avoided because taking care of them will eat away your weapons durability or precious ammo and their item drop rates are somehow worse than the silver knights in dark souls 3. remember that covenant i'm happy you never got to experience true pain they'll usually drop an item that just wasn't worth your trouble you'll never get something rare after finishing up a resident of fort oasis usually just irradiated food or my favorite monster energy zero ultra this is something even the voice warns you about now in cry of fear if you go through any kind of door and come back without killing an enemy they would have reset their original spawn point this doesn't happen in total chaos instead no matter how many enemies you left behind you'll hear them all trying to get through the door you just left this is bad because when you try to go back chances are you'll get stomped on in three seconds but on the flip side absolutely hilarious because this still runs on the doom 2 engine so if you were to go through a door with an enemy camping behind it you'll telefrag them killing them instantly just before getting the key to the underhalls you're attacked by flying monsters emitting electricity if you had a keen eye you could have seen them before powering the generators above almost like the monsters are the ones keeping fort oasis alive they quickly close the gap with a flying attack but have fairly low hp where any mid-range attack puts them to bed instantly finally entering the underhalls we find a pair of scissors a backup weapon in case your pickaxe breaks you can't throw them like in you know certain video games so overall it's a fairly mid weapon did someone tell this guy that is not the way you should be running with scissors? before the chapter ends we can find a room that teaches us how to combine and repair items now cry of fear had a few combinable items like glock with flashlight and key in door oh yeah as well they had a magazine in gun but total chaos has a fairly deep crafting system let's say your melee weapon breaks when this happens you'll lose the weak wooden shaft but you'll keep the metal head intact so if you find some wood glue and then another wooden shaft you can repair it into working condition these are fairly common but weigh a ton so holding a whole ikea shipment in your backpack is never a good idea there are different types of heads and shafts so you can mix and match shovels pickaxes fire axes obviously something with a long shaft is going to support a bigger head and therefore you can two-hand it and do way more damage than a single-handed weapon but the downside is with a strong attack obviously not being as quick as a short attack there are loads of item combinations in this game and if you investigate an item chances are it will tell you what it can be combined with so you don't have to experiment yourself many items can be combined and the game will usually tell you what item can go with what so you don't have to do it yourself for example like i said earlier you can mix alcohol and a rag to make sterilized bandages funnily enough you actually can't make a molotov in the game with alcohol because apparently none of the alcohol on fort oasis is 100 proof you can drink the alcohol instead of turning it into bandages but it's totally useless it barely reduces your hunger next to the supplies is another note "T, glad you were able to return the contract to us how would you like to start next week we have a lot of backed up work we need to get on top of last year was hectic but 86 is looking to be worse glad to have you on board" a seemingly normal letter right before fort oasis was abandoned it's great little details like this that remind you that fort oasis was a real lived in place with people and at some point was normal going through another door we entered now the game has taught us all the basics so this chapter lets you loose and fully embraces exploration and backtracking but not before teaching you about the most important mechanic in the entire game throwables you can find rocks or bricks to pick up and throw other games have this too you throw a rock enemy investigates you sneak away but there's no stealth system in total chaos when enemies no issue a distinct audio queue will play when you're spotted much like doom enemies are usually placed in areas where they see you first i've played this game like four times now and only once did i actually get the drop on a monster because the devs forgot to make him face the right way, poor soul may he rest in peace, rocks bricks and bottles can be thrown to enemies and are insanely overpowered honestly who needs a gun when you have the biceps of a man that jerks off 25 times a day bricks and bottles will break on impact usually putting anything to bed instantly and rocks deal less damage but have infinite durability so you can just pick one up throw an enemy pick it back up again and just rinse and repeat until they're dead the virgin pickaxe and the chad pebble throwables can also be used to hit on reachable levers unlocking areas you never could i mean you could easily fit through that gap but you know this is the doom 2 engine so give a bit of credit come on guy the underhalls are a labyrinth you can find a map but honestly i never really relied on them too much there's no landmarks or anything visible to differentiate the place plus i'm lazy if there's no cursor to show where i am on the map chances are i'm just gonna hug every wall until something happens i like as well near the entrance they put a shotgun in plain view but out of reach behind a locked door and a door right next to it is open from the other side the game is already teaching you that backtracking is a big thing as by the end chapters usually end up being a huge sprawl one thing i love is how they put the shotgun away from the opening because in this game if you see an item through an opening you can actually grab it you know like in real life instead of having to go all the way around to pick an item up please video games normalize this i can put my hands through the bar a little bit ahead you find a locked door to the surface where you see flashes of what appears to be people before the voice on the radio contacts you it's interesting to know how the voice says the forgotten ones aren't meant to be here as opposed to you know the literal zombies walking all over the place breaking a palette you find a message saying remember the can't, now i thought this was some hidden deeper meaning but nope apparently it's a reference to the expanse tv show "remember the cat" i have never watched it but there's a guy with a fedora in it so uh yeah probably not gonna watch that now this is also the part of the game where you start to see human corpses possibly the people that used to live on fort oasis, although now their bodies barely resemble anything human the low poly textures really add to how horrific these bodies look next to one you can find a broken knife knives are a bit harder to repair as wood glue doesn't do the job you'll need a knife repair kit box and these are incredibly rare with only a few being in the entire game the knife can only do quick attacks but it pretty much guarantees a stun lock every time you hit an enemy a cheaper alternative would be to make a shiv from scrap metal and duct tape the most popular tool for communicating with someone in great britain i don't much like the tone of your voice but you should really only do this if you've got no weapon to rely on or spare parts to fix one because the damage is uh not very good next to the game's first scrap metal pickup you can find another note mr scott as you requested from last week's visit i followed up on treatment options the community of fort oasis is still young so unfortunately we don't have the required equipment here most patients we get with similar conditions are usually referred to go back to the mainland for treatment i understand that you have a preference to stay but sadly this is all i can recommend kind regards thomas clark fo medical the letter is someone talking about wanting treatment for an unknown illness but fort oasis doesn't have the technology to treat it i mean maybe this could be the reason for the fort changing maybe this person had some kind of unknown pathogen or illness that went around infecting everyone deeper in the underhalls the environment slowly changes there are less enemies but loads of bodies and webbing covering the walls and the atmospheric sounds are replaced with crying and wailing you can find another note a map this time displaying a red circle marked as a hole surrounded by red x's with white lines showing where you need to go and it doesn't take long for you to find out what those red x's represent you've landed right in the spider's nest or as the game calls them long legs the walls looking more fleshy now thankfully their dose are for now but if you get too close they will wake up now the game gives you a choice here you can sneak out without alerting any and continue through the level but wait you see that shiny switch in the corner purposely under a bright light so it stands out you want to press that lever don't you you want that dopamine hit like when you ratio someone on twitter the game knows you're going to try and flick it and if you do this happens unsurprisingly this absolutely terrified me the first time i flipped the switch spiders are another common enemy in the game you can see at one point they were human but their limbs have been horribly disfigured they have two stages like a brute one where they slowly crawl towards you but another with a sprint which looks terrifying by the way the main trick up their sleeve is being able to spit at you this is painfully effective as you'll be stuck in place usually meaning they can close the gap and get a couple hits on you if that wasn't bad enough the spit is actually acidic so it does damage to you and gives you high bleeding so your best strat is to break line of sight so they can't tumble hawk you across the map the only upside is they're more fragile than most enemies usually being killed in one fully charged attack exploring more in the spiders layer you can find a palette covering an opening and ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce to you the number one in slavic cuisine the mobile gas cooker take any piece of food you find in the world and make it slightly more edible with this amazing little tool you can turn meat sludge into cooked meat sludge which is so much more filling and removes all radiation i do i actually haven't tried spam i like how they have this to some kind of award by the way it says 90 meat as in the meat product is 90 meat like like they get some kind of nobel peace prize i'll try spam for the first time see the consistency there just looks like a liver cheers i mean it's not terrible there's definitely a bit of raccoon in there though that's such a comforting smell flavor it's delicious okay this is gonna kill me if i keep eating it but i haven't eaten today like for example turning rotten moldy irradiated bread into just rotten moldy bread wow the technology of today why not also try turning salami into hot salami you can even kill brutes and cook their rotting remains into a much healthier source of nutrition i just like how heating any food instantly removes all the radiation from it the best nutrition in the game are army rations and if you heat those they'll fully restore your stamina and hunger no matter how down bad you are surprisingly the game doesn't let you cook energy drinks not sure why must be an american thing the only problem is the gas cooker weighs around 20 pounds so carrying it around with you is next to impossible unless you want a fat stamina penalty best option drop the gas cooker in an area you know you'll backtrack and use it as a save point so you can cook anything you can find because it'll never lose its buff i like as well you can see this whole backdrop i've got here right that i spent ages setting up i tried to get a gas cooker that was similar to the one in total chaos just this little baby thing it's adorable just before you leave the spider's nest the game baits you with this cache of items oh oh my if only i could get in there i could simply never fit through this four foot wide opening well remember that switch you flicked in the middle of the nest that actually opened a roll-up door so you'll have to go all the way back into the nest a second time doing so gives you a ton of valuable items like a scientific med kit that heals more than a regular med kit stops any kind of bleeding and gives you a free month of reddit gold and also a vial of mk2 an experimental compound there's a few different compounds in the game and like any drug addict you're gonna blindly take them and stick them into your arm without knowing any of the side effects you'll need a clean empty syringe you can find these lying around on the floor surprisingly stim packs don't give empty syringes i assume after using them you eat the metal for the iron content mk2 is a miracle drug that cures any status effects refills health hunger and stamina with no apparent drawbacks yeah i'm sure that description was wrote by a guy i saw in london last week inside the room are the game's two consumable tablets a red haste steroid that massively decreases your strong attack charge up for two minutes meaning you can quickly chain heavy hits when overcrowded and an orange hb steroid that stops hunger for five minutes now this pill is disgustingly overpowered it cleans your hunger bar entirely but anything you do afterwards that would increase hunger just doesn't meaning you can spam heal stim packs that usually leave you famished but there's now no drawback you can even decrease your radiation with iodine tablets use blood clotters to stop bleeding and your hunger won't go up at all i remember not taking the red tablets too much but i'd instantly eat any orange steroid i found for once in my career i approve of the use of steroids in a video game "it gets bigger when i pull it" you can also find traditional steroids and adrenaline as well that increase your stamina and health but honestly i never use these as long as you keep your hunger down there's not much of a point the most important thing in the cache is the key to the armory where the shotgun was at the beginning of the chapter the shotgun by the way is amazing i'd say it's a workhorse but honestly no gun is because ammo is so scarce you really should treat guns as a way to get out of an unwinnable situation it can hold four rounds but usually one is enough to kill most enemies also the sound designed and animations for it oh god guns can't be broken into chaos they have infinite durability i didn't even know this until on my third playthrough but the shotgun actually doubles up as a melee weapon because you can use the butt of it the reason why i didn't know this is because no other gun in the game has a melee function it's only the shotgun the attack power is to be honest pathetic but it's great to open crates for items if you don't want to sacrifice the durability of your melee weapons guns don't have crosshairs and you can't iron sight but precision aiming is never really a thing in this game a body shot does the same damage as a headshot so if you aim in someone's general direction you're pretty much always hit you can also find the rest of the game's compounds in the armory gr72k which greatly reduces hunger in the user essentially wiping out the hunger bar still not as good as the pill form which stops hunger for five minutes though mk1 which essentially becomes a morphine injection basically a health kit an inferior version of mk2 the miracle drug i mentioned earlier compound sk423 which turns into a stamina k injection giving you a huge stamina boost the equivalent of chugging three monster energy zero ultras honestly i never really used any of these injections despite keeping them on me for the whole game thinking i'd need them if you keep well fed and stopped bleeding with bandages you won't need them the game has stimpacks pretty much everywhere so you'll never be out of health if you don't play too recklessly just before getting outside you're contacted again on the radio it sounds like whoever the voice is they've been living on the island for a while whether an employee resident or traveler isn't known but they seem almost defeated with the state that the island has reached saying that their paradise has been taken away from them why they've chosen to stay is completely unknown maybe to warn people like ourselves or maybe they never had a chance to escape the island hence why you're there to rescue them after being contacted you find another note on the table tj scott november 2nd 1984. i assumed originally it's february because americans are morons and they like swap the day in the month for some reason bizarre but the guy that made the mod was a kiwi so i'm just gonna go by the typical you know day month year the the thing the rest of the world does it is a shame to have you leave us the community of fort oasis would not be the same without your contribution i understand you must leave due to health issues i am also sorry to hear about Leda leaving we agree it is very strange if we hear anything from her or she returns we will inform her of your situation as it develops we hope you return as soon as you're well enough kind regards alistar orwell mayor of fort oasis whoever tj is this letter seems to be in direct correlation with the other letter talking about how they didn't have the medical equipment to treat an illness this seems to be already after his resignation and he's gone back to the mainland for treatment finally getting outside again and for a game running on doom 2 it's just amazing the bloom from the sky really adds to the atmosphere that even though you're isolated and alone you have a couple of minutes to gather your thoughts this is where the game introduces you to your first dark enemy incredibly easy to dispatch but if you let them get a hit on you first their range is insane so you'll be so disorientated that you won't be able to fight back until it's too late the entire reason you're out here is to get a key to unlock surface access so you can leave the underholes entirely it's right past this roll-up door but instead if you go down to the cemetery the voice on the radio contacts you you go down to the cemetery regardless and if anything it seems the voice was lying to you there's loot everywhere maybe it's not a way to progress to the mines but at least it's supplies to stock up on but then you realize you're not alone out here there's something in the cemetery with you but you can't actually see it the only way you'll know where it is is by its sounds becoming louder and when you take damage from it on purpose you can never tell exactly where the noise is coming from but only its general direction i actually went back through this footage and found that it reveals itself for about two frames but the sounds and visuals are so disorientating there's no way you could use this to find out exactly where it is melee isn't really an option as you take damage whenever you're near it so the best thing to do is use your trusty shotgun once it's dead you're free to loot the area with no distractions only problem you'll have now is again your carry weight lose the weight bitch all right i want to complain about this for a second all right overall i think it's an amazing system and very well implemented if you could carry everything you find in the game you'd be an unstoppable force by like chapter two and the rest of the game would be a cakewalk you need some kind of hindrance there but the weight values on items make no sense the big stuff like wrenches and axes that's completely fine i don't have a problem with that it's the smaller stuff i understand smaller stuff like blood clotting tablets and cigarettes not having any weight but hundreds of bullets weighs less than a single tablet you can find your second gun in the game in the cemetery the p08 pistol the damage is alright i mean honestly i'm not too fond of this gun more because the magazines for it are incredibly heavy weighing a couple pounds each and for how rare the ammo is the gun really doesn't do that much damage but again if you're cornered and about to die it's a great get out of jail free card the po8 is based on the german lurger the one thing you'll notice is how all the guns in total chaos are very dated most of them originating from the early 1900s the shotgun looks similar to a remington 870 which came out in the 50s and total chaos is set in 1972. my mission is to kill chaos that's all i know in case you're wondering you don't actually lose the spare bullets in the mag like reloading in cryofear but the trade-off is ammo and cryofear was pretty plentiful after the first act but here it sprinkled much less frequently going back inside and getting the blue block key you can finally get to surface access when the door opens you find another note on the floor this one placed almost like you were meant to pick it up Leda, why are you leaving? you didn't say anything was wrong everything was going perfectly you can't just pack up and leave me here without any explanation i feel after everything we've been through this is a stab in the back i love you does that not mean anything? why can't i be normal fucking useless can't keep the letter ends there what seems to be a genuine letter of reasoning devolves into self-hatred and ramblings we have no idea who wrote this note but it was obviously meant to be shown to the person's friend or even partner before getting to the surface there's rubble blocking the way yep i know if we were playing any other game you could crouch jump over that but i'm trying to make the game interesting with no other way to go we have to do a slight detour where we face one of the biggest challenges yet every other monster we've seen in this game has made a straight b-line towards you but this one is different almost watching you most of you are going to say it's scp-173 and yeah it is all right it literally is scp-173 only in this game you never actually blink and instead of breaking your neck it does this it'll move whenever you don't have direct eye contact on it so you can hear it move towards you only to stop at a corner its health pool is almost near invincible i've tried emptying everything i have into one and it's done literally nothing it's basically a land mine that follows you around so keeping eye contact on it isn't enough you'll also have to make sure that it isn't camping your way out and sometimes you'll have to let it get closer just to shimmy around it so it doesn't explode it's a dicey game made perfect by that horrible barefoot running sound whenever you lose sight of it the only real benefit is being able to open your inventory because technically you're still maintaining eye contact "i'm gonna cook juicy spam in front of you and you can't do shit that must really hurt man that must really hurt you can't do shit while i'm cooking this juicy spam" now, don't tell anyone i told you this but there's a very high risk hybrid board strategy here yes the explosion radius is like a small nuke but if you manage to get behind something physical as soon as it detonates you'll take absolutely no damage the only problem is setting up a position where you can simultaneously set the monster off and then hide behind something in about half a second getting the key back tracking and escaping the voice on the radio has something very strange to say now that's interesting because Leda is the same name on the letter that we found on the floor just before going into this room the letter talking about someone named Leda apparently abandoning someone else i mean maybe some of the letters we've been finding have actually been wrote by the voice on the radio maybe at one point Leda was his wife i mean if you look at the body of the monster it looks feminine enough mommy milkers the voice sounds dismissive talking about her but the letter we read speaks volumes more one thing to know i only actually captured that audio on my live stream because every subsequent playthrough going through that area i managed to like bait the monster into exploding so it seems that if you kill Leda then the voice in the radio just doesn't want to talk about it getting in the elevator obviously used to transport workers that used to live here we move on to chapter three that isolation i assume the voice has from the letter is pretty much confirmed as soon as you get out the elevator it makes a lot more sense that the voice has been the one leaving messages for people including graffiti on the walls with one message saying jealousy is suffocating up ahead is this chapter's new enemy the splitter oh my god what is that a horribly contorted creature that once resembled a human but now has had its entire upper body separated to become one giant mouth the first thing that comes to mind is a creature from john carpenter's the thing it's fairly slow compared to a brute but it is way more tanky and if it manages to get you with its mouth it's a slow wind-up but instant kill no matter what your health, past the monster we find another blood-soaked letter i will reach out again because it does not feel right having you absent on the list we sent you an invitation for alice and i's anniversary party over five weeks ago and we have not heard back about an rsvp is everything okay for those who don't know by the way rsvp is an abbreviation of respond if you please i understand that you're going through a lot right now if you let us know that is the reason we can understand that but the radio silence has us worried your old friend ryan, again this is another letter of someone voicing their frustration but Leda is nowhere to be mentioned we're not even sure who this letter is directed at but whoever it was they were ghosting ryan i mean possibly this could be the voice on the radio isolating and cutting themselves away from everyone and in turn it saved their life because they're the only person left alive on the island now getting outside you can see the real decay and neglect fort oasis has suffered it's refreshing to be outside for the majority of a chapter but you can tell how long things have been in bad shape here looking more like a prison island than somewhere you'd actively choose to live on you can see some remnants of the old life with bombed out shops and bars but it pales to how the island is now with billboards once having advertisements now simply saying get help before going into the town there's another letter tyler i appreciate that you want to reconnect after moving back to the mainland i am so sorry to hear about your illness i feel terrible for keeping this a secret for so long but trying to get a hold of you since you left fort oasis was almost impossible we have a child she is beautiful her name is cora please keep in touch write back to me Leda now this letter is the most confusing it's the first letter wrote from Leda which should kind of give context but it throws every previous theory off we don't know who tyler is i mean it must be the same person because Leda also talks in this letter that they had to leave the island because they were critically ill tj scott is the name referred to in a couple of the letters were found so we can assume that tj scott and tyler scar are the same person but again that begs the question why would they leave the island to get treatment only to then come back shortly after the letter you can find a harpoon gun and honestly this is downright the worst ranged weapon in the game firstly it weighs a metric ton which usually means it has to be god-like to be worth keeping around what is this? what the fuck is it? what the fuck is that?! they are reusable meaning you can pick them up after firing at an enemy but there's a high chance the spear will just disappear as soon as it touches anything plus the weight of each spear is the same as a small pickaxe meaning you'll have to fully commit to this weapon and if you run out of harpoons i guess you're back to rocks there's some more around here nothing now this would be the shortest chapter in the entire game being about three minutes but your routh is blocked this chapter relies in creating shortcuts by opening one-way doors to get back to this location with the equipment you need i like as well the voice mentions a conventional weapon almost roasting how garbage the harpoon gun is if the law is telling you the gun sucks oh my god you need to get rid of it i do just have to reiterate again this chapter is beautiful the low grass blowing in the wind the wind itself from the sea creating this eerie sound that plays over the soundtrack you're outside now but you don't feel any safer i love how the developer put you outside for a chapter with the risk of not being as anxious but nailed it with this totally different atmosphere this chapter reminds me the most of cry of fear's stockholm because this place does look lifting at one point even though the population here is probably 2 000 compared to stockholm's 900 000. i didn't even notice this until now but indoors the lights actually swing again no idea what kind of black magic they did this is doom 2. this chapter also knows you're starting to get comfortable with the game so throws a lot more traps at you unfortunately for these enemies i come from the knife capital of the world so they didn't stand a chance i love this one scare in particular where you can hear a girl crying you go to investigate only to find a treasure trove of medkits but when you go to actually collect them this happens i know i already show my reaction to this at the start of the video but i love it and it is one of the main reasons i made this video you've always treated doors as a safe space a way to quickly escape enemies from behind there's not even a door animation for a solid door it's just a fade to black like cry fear but weaponizing the door against you taking that trust away is such a cruel thing to do but i love it this isn't the only instance either there's a few of the doors that attack you throughout the game but they're so spaced out they'll surprise you as soon as you forget about it being a thing and yes if you're wondering you can't kill the door believe me i've tried getting to the security checkpoint before the armory we're greeted again by that fleshy growth and wailing we saw in the underhauls i like how each enemy almost has its own environment and calling card giving you a bit of a warning before you have to fight them there's a lever inside the security room if we throw something at it we can unlock the door rewarding us with two new items police armor and a small explosive resembling a pipe bomb the police armor much like the regular rags you find give 20 damage resistance but with the added effect of halfing any kind of bleeding stat build up it is overall heavier to wear but if you're low on healing items and you feel like you're dying a lot in the game then it's a great lifesaver and uh yeah the small explosive what do you think it does it's in the name the small explosive is good on its own despite having a long fuse and not being able to cook it but when it really comes into play is when combined with some items you find later on some of these items include duct tape and water bottles that are incredibly common only problem is you'll only find water bottles full so you'll have to drink the water purposely irradiating yourself to make it empty i mean i get not wanting to waste anything but jesus man the final item you'll need are nails but you don't get them until much later after dealing with the spiders in the area another enemy is introduced the licker this one much more humanoid but incredibly deformed having a mouth for a stomach its eyes hollowed out and a huge appendage coming from its chest they're fairly easy to deal with on their own but usually spawn in groups to overwhelm you and their reach is as nearly bad as the dug as they literally teleport to your ip address no matter where you are what the dog doing unusually spawn in tight corridors being a huge drain on your resources when they die they explode it doesn't deal any damage to you but can be quite disorientating i just like to think that they got vac ban from the server notice how careful i was to not pick up the harpoon gun you can bait me as much as you want game but i'm not touching it using the key you can unlock bridge access to the prison it's not an amazing set piece seeing the bridge lower i mean if anything it looks like something from a roblox server but again doom 2 engine, shut up, inside the prison it's a tower that goes underground into the ocean but there's a huge prison complex people complained about the dark souls 2 map design making no sense god no no one tell them about total chaos the prison itself is totally abandoned with all the doors locked getting to the armory and oh my lord baby jesus look at all that ammo the genius part is i thought this was too good to be true and because i had such an untrustworthy experience with the game i genuinely didn't want to pick up the gun i don't like this i don't like this there's something wrong the gun you pick up is an smg c1 or sterling submachine gun it was a replacement for the sten in world war ii you know that terrible gun in wolfenstein that would overheat after like two seconds it's a british gun that we apparently used up until 1994. it takes nine mil ammo but i assume it's just really tiny knives laugh now pushing back the monsters with your newly found knife dispenser you make it back to the roll-up door that's now open and jump in to face your first boss of the game the soundtrack changes to a constant repetitive beat the monster itself looks like two people fused together but with elongated limbs now walking on all fours the arena is big and the monster moves slow but you'll need to use the pillars to hide behind as it can do psychic attacks on you if you don't break line of sight there's no boss health bar like cryofear so you'll have to keep pumping bullets into it unsure of how close you are to actually killing it when you do eventually beat it the music just sounds defeated like you haven't really accomplished anything there was a crack in the wall where the monster spawned but seemingly no way to open it an explosive might have worked but i used that earlier to take out some enemies instead we go down the hallway this is incredibly long with doors on either side some you can hear a baby playing with a mobile others a woman crying none of the doors can be opened and at the end of the hallway is a letter tyler how could you write such toxic things i have no idea where your head is at right now and frankly i don't want to know i don't want to have anything to do with you stay away from us get help another letter from Leda to tyler this one is much more aggressive any sympathy or sorrow is gone and replaced with disgust tyler has obviously said some horrible things to provoke such a response another elevator waits for you as we're taken to another part of fort oasis one step closer to the mines chapter 4 is a technical marvel because it actually has dynamic weather effects the environment starts off fairly neutral and bleak like the other chapters but quickly descends into a full-on storm only to finish with a cloudy sky with an evening sun shining through this chapter introduces a new enemy it's similar to the monster in the graveyard from chapter 2 but this one is static and kills you instantly if you touch it only giving off a small puff of smoke every couple of seconds to let you know it's there i feel these were put in to stop people speed running the game spamming shift dodge until they've made it to the end forcing you to take your time they never put in gotcha moments like around a tight corner but instead open areas so you'll usually see them before they get you this area is split into four parts the arcades the apartments the exit tunnels to the mines and the outside coast if you go to the exit tunnels first you'll be warned that it won't be easy to get through there are growths covering the exit with a note but this one is different almost instructing you the player burn the fuckers, sever the connections the growths are invulnerable and instant kill you but the note has a list of items to make a molotov cocktail a rag an empty bottle and lighter fluid the first two items are common but we've never had lighter fluid in the game before with the map directing you towards the arcade for lighter fluid but the problem is if you go to the arcade the shop that has the lighter fluid is locked with the key being in the apartments so eventually no matter what you'll have to travel to each area starting with the apartments making your way to the top floor you hear footsteps again but too many to be one person the monster the voice called Leda now has copies this entire floor is dedicated to evading them honestly chug as many monster energy zero ultra as you can before coming in here because the main strat is to beat them to check points because they'll always be moving when you're not looking at them being stalked by multiple monsters is horrible because you'll be pushed into a downright unfair situation if you're not on high alert the worst place to be is having one block your exit while another one sneaks up on you you can use firearms to push them back slightly or you could just bait them into exploding again coward thankfully once you make it to the end there's a roll-up door you can shirt to block them out just don't do what i did and test the game by trying to get through once it's shutting you can find the key to the oasis good store and a pistol if you haven't got one already the key unlocks the arcades you're contacted again by the radio once that massive task is out the way the voice talks with complete nihilism not even sounding like they want to be rescued anymore just that they're aware that they're dragging you down into their misery the ironic thing is you've never had any other choice every time you complete a chapter the previous chapter is inaccessible you've been blindly following the voice because you've had no alternative leaving the apartments the storm has arrived the incredibly short view distance with the siren in the background it really gave me silent hill one vibes the enemies of course still have full visibility so the only person suffering out here is you so it's best to get inside as quickly as you can getting into the arcade you're greeted with a map but the textures are so low it's kind of hard to tell where anything is but in here you can find one of the most powerful items in the entire game wooden axe handle combining this with a common axe head you have single-handedly the strongest melee weapon in the entire game this will easily one shot 90 percent of the enemies in the game with the biggest drawback being how rare the axe handle is and once it's broken you won't get it back also right next to the handle is an impaled head on a stage these heads are pretty common everywhere but seeing this one i tried to interact with it and this happens oh brother this guy stinks there's a security room downstairs in the arcade where you can find scrawlings on the wall saying don't look it in the eyes probably a warning from the voice on the radio for us and it doesn't take long to find out what that warning was for it seems again like two people fused together with a second head coming out of the stomach it looks almost helpless with a pathetic melee attack and slow staggered walk until you realize its physical form isn't its strength this enemy somehow has the ability to psychically connect with you dealing insane damage but also stop any bullets then pushing them back towards you funnily enough the message that comes up is that you killed yourself the only real way to deal damage is either a melee or i'm not joking your brick because apparently no one on the dev team thought someone would be stupid enough to throw a rock an enemy that can stop bullets past the monster is another note from tj scott to whom it may concern 9th of october 1986 i am writing this letter to let you know that due to my declining physical and emotional state and due to the ongoing harassment of your company i hereby resign from my position at the clearwater branch of south spark electrical i can no longer bear the stress i'm suffering at the workplace i apologize for any inconvenience my resignation may cause i will not be returning you're sincerely tj scott this is the first official letter we have from tj or tyler scott the mad ramblings before at Leda had no signature even though they were most likely from him this is him quitting but strangely enough not fort oasis if we compare this letter to the first in the game we see that clearwater is in the state of florida in america so if the voice on the radio is tyler he would have quit his job at florida already in a declining mental state and then moved to fort oasis but why would he come to fort oasis just to leave for medical treatment the story is making more sense but not everything is in place yet unlocking the good stall we get our hands on the fuel to make molotov cocktails you only need to make one to progress but you can take the rest of the fuel with you to make more they're great at throwing down at choke points because enemies will walk right into them but the bloom for the fire is so strong you'll basically end up flashbanging yourself just before you leave if you go to the back of the store there's a secret lever with a sign on it the same sign you can find back in the apartment complex if you flip the lever and then go back into the apartment a second time dodging the explody people and flip the door a second door is now open with a revolver waiting for you the revolver is amazing it's six shots but there's a high chance a single bullet will kill most lesser enemies and best of all the ammo is like nine millimeter it's completely weightless thank you broken video game mechanics for blessing my carry capacity going outside the storm has cleared and what we're left with is a murky sky with an evening sun barely shining through once at the mine entrance you can throw your newly crafted molotov cocktail at the mass of flesh you'll have to wait a bit before the fire dies down enough to be passable the radio doesn't contact you to congratulate or reward you you simply press forward onto the next chapter getting outside we see a brief flash of more forgotten ones which is quickly hijacked by explosions going off in the distance this set piece is really cool even if it is just a 2012 green screen explosion off in the distance i love how from time to time you see a bigger view of fort oasis something dark souls 3 would shamelessly steal two years prior you'll have to drain the water to go through the catacombs as the bridge directly to the mines has been destroyed and on our way down to ground level we meet a new enemy someone wearing mining equipment probably the closest thing we've seen to an actual human the whole game they move similar to a brew either a slow stagger or speed walking but the key difference is they use the same gear you've been scavenging throughout the game in particular a fire axe and a lead pipe both dealing heavy damage they're also incredibly tanky probably due to the mining equipment they wear they're one of the few enemies in the game that can survive a point-blank shotgun blast they're called angered brutes but i'm just gonna call them minecraft steve getting back to the coast there's a phone ringing similar to the one from the start of the game although we couldn't reach that one and when we answer it it's just dead air no one is saying anything but there's a note on the table next to it keeping yourself cooped up in the house will do you no good you need to get out and talk to someone go for a walk anything this isolation will do you no good there are people out there that care about you there is only so much i can do i do wish you would come back and see me it sounds like there is a lot going on in that head of yours we need to get you back to baseline you don't have to feel like you're trapped by your thoughts you have to let them pass this letter is the first one we've seen typed out as opposed to handwritten we can assume it's for tj scott but there's no signature past the phone and the note the entire area is flooded this is where we come back after draining the water out i did try to swim in it just like cry of fear but your boy invisible wall is there to make sure that that doesn't happen this chapter introduces a fair few new items firstly a box of nails and the nail gun honestly like the harpoon gun i'd never touch the nail gun it's a literal meme it does pathetic damage and boxes of nails are so hard to come by so you'll end up dumping actually viable weapons like the shotgun just to keep your weight down also a box of nails has no ammo reserve just the whole box so if you reload before finishing a magazine you'll just lose an entire box of nails cry of fear did this but you can't bring up cry of fear rules this late into the game and with one single weapon it is decent crowd control for the flying enemies but they die with a literal paper cut it's a total waste of resources the reason why you don't want to use nails for the nail gun is because they can be used to make the nail bomb the most comedically overpowered weapon in the entire game combine a small explosive with an empty bottle duct tape and finally nails and you have an explosive with so much shrapnel you'll kill everything on fort oasis and two continents over i actually can't find footage of me not taking damage throwing this thing no matter how far away i was alternatively you can also put nails on blunt objects like poles and bats to give it a bit of extra damage just like mom used to make also not relevant to progression or anything but this chapter you can find a bag of vitamins on the floor with the description saying a bag of greens the pyrocynical channel would never promote substance abuse so the best thing to do is to drop it instantly and then report the game devs to the authorities shortly after you find a broken shovel you can repair with a pole the damage is alright but the reach is one of the best in the game but again i have the fire axe i don't need this peasant weapon i mean it's a great item if everything else you've got is close to breaking but if you've got a good setup right now and the fire axe oh no it cracked the floor there's also a butcher's knife which is the sister to the combat knife it does stun lock but this late into the game its damage is kind of useless but i do appreciate the dev leaving out new weapons for people that are barely scraping by and used all their resources in earlier chapters nearby another phone rings seemingly waiting for us to answer i honestly can't make out what's being said here there's an actual voice this time but even reversing the footage it doesn't make any sense up ahead is another spider's nest if we push through there's one final phone ringing and this one is the only one i can somewhat understand it sounds similar to the voice on the radio but not quite because the voice usually demands you on what to do next as opposed to this like sad whisper getting to the pump station via the coastline you can find another letter and this one is just a tiny red dot i assume this was meant to be like a map or something but uh something went wrong in the coding every playthrough i've encountered this letter it's the exact same so probably nothing on my end i hope i assumed it was a problem with my pc but i'm only using 95% of it for my bitcoin farm the voice then warns you about the next area when you go in you'll see the environment slowly change around you endlessly looping around the same places over and over it's a nice touch because you don't notice any frames dropping when the environment changes behind you eventually a new path will open and you'll hear those similar barefoot steps only this time it's something different something is following you the game calls it a shade and it isn't halted by your eye contact it only physically appears when it's close enough to you which always results in an instant kill you can kill them but it's usually not worth your ammo unless you're totally cornered getting outside to travel to the pump station the draw distance is incredibly small so you'll have to use your audio to hear enemies before you see them the areas are open which sounds great but that just means there's more ways for you to get flanked a good tactic is to herd enemies to these arches as a check point to deal with them at once and in case you were wondering yes the mummy milker monster is here as well there's also two more areas you need to push through before the pump station another spider nest and the woods i wouldn't even mention the spider nest because it's like the fifth one so far but the dev put in some kind of reverb in here and whenever any sound is played the entire area sounds like it's been recorded inside a tin can afterwards is the forest where the radio gives us a hint for a stash of supplies i really like this area it's basically total chaos's only real puzzle but i personally like it more than the park puzzle in cryofear you're given a map with directions to the pump station the supply shed and also a way back your only indication of north and south are these statues it took me a bit to find the right path because you'll have landmarks appear that tell you where you are on the map like this archway only you're not meant to go through the archway but in the complete opposite direction going to the supply cache first and oh my lord the voice wasn't lying that stash can supply you can find pretty much every ammo type in the game with numerous amounts the revolver if you didn't pick it up already and unironically the single best item in the game the weight skeleton armor something so unbelievably broken that it has no condition value and literally bugs your inventory when you open it this isn't a joke by the way it does actually glitch my inventory whenever i open it the weight skeleton doesn't absorb any attack damage technically making it worse than the common rags at the beginning of the game but it increases your carry capacity from 180 to 240 pounds if you're a disgusting hoarder like me then this armor is irreplaceable thank you wait skeleton for letting me live out my fantasy of being one of those mass hoarders you see on daytime tv finally arriving at the pump station the game introduces a new enemy well that wasn't too hard anyways you head towards the all right fine fine i'll talk about you they're basically a mix between the spiders and the brutes having high hp and a humanoid shape but they can also spit you like the spiders which is really really annoying can you tell yet that the dev has arachnophobia finally making it to the pump room we turn on the three generators which leads us into now this chapter ironically has one of the biggest gripes that i had with cry of fear and that is backtracking backtracking is an essential in these kinds of games i get it cry of fear had the apartments you were slowly unlocking more and more of it i love that and in total chaos the chapter where you got the smg how you were slowly unlocking parts of the island i love that stuff but no one likes long lengthy 25-minute backtracks through environments they've already been through before cry of fear had you travel all the way back to the beginning of the game to get fuses and total chaos as you retread every step you took to get back to the beginning of the previous chapter there's nothing new on the way back either apart from this enemy that is a literal dead space necromorph call it a stabber all you want but it is literally a necromorph making it back to the catacombs that are now cleared of water we find a few notes the first one reads may i suggest you try something different this week find yourself a place it can be anywhere you've been before or somewhere purely fictional whenever your thoughts seem overwhelming or you are feeling down i want you to go to this happy place this is somewhere your thoughts cannot invade where it is you and only you somewhere you feel at peace this is what i want you to practice this week i know it may feel like we aren't making a lot of progress with your sessions but i feel we are getting close another type wrote letter seemingly from a therapist to a patient giving them exercises to deal with stress and depression this again could be the voice in the radio making you really think if you could trust someone this unstable down the staircase are two more notes both showing maps on where to go now this is probably the most stressful part of the game i could easily get the total chaos world record speed run mostly because only eight other people have played this game but the catacombs always throw me off you're essentially in pitch darkness apart from your flare that burns for a pathetic 30 seconds now there's two ways to progress the first is using symbols on the walls to correlate with the map to find where you are exactly and the nearest safe spot to stock up on flares also using enemy cries to indicate you're going towards a dead end and to avoid them alternatively you could do my strategy which requires you to empty any normal pills you have and run around in the dark depths like a mental patient triggering every single enemy and save scumming until you get one shot or somehow by pure luck make it to the end of the tunnels leaving the catacombs there's one final note to find covered in cobwebs and stained with blood seemingly from the same place that prescribed the prozac at the beginning of the game 12th of december 1986. mr scott i am pleased to inform you that the therapy was a success and you are now in remission may we book you in for a follow-up test in a few months from now please give us a call back so we can figure out a time that is suitable for you if you have any questions feel free to call us back at any time congratulations john thomas cw medical we now know what tyler's illness was cancer and the reason why he had to leave for oasis but again if his cancer was in remission what brought him back to the island who is tyler we still have no direct link to the voice on the radio being tj scott with regression over we move on to the seventh chapter this chapter onwards is where the game becomes more not too much that it becomes a literal shooting gallery but if you've been serving up your ammo up until now the game throws even more at you so you can be a little bit more liberal with the second amendment the voice talks almost like you're gonna meet them in central district but regardless there's only two chapters left until the mines now these are easily the largest parts of the game there's nothing more to learn there's no new weapons no objects it's just you trying to survive with the knowledge you've acquired throughout the game most of total chaos has been dark hallways alleyways but this is when you get to the central city district and it becomes a huge sprawl some paths have supplies some have enemies some have absolutely nothing central district would have been the most populated area in fort oasis meaning more bodies the game is throwing everything at you until you make it to the mines up ahead is another letter this one's hand wrote as opposed to the last few being type wrote i have come across newspaper clippings of fort oasis everyone has moved away the mine has apparently dried up so there goes my ticket back home fort oasis is a barren wasteland everything i've ever wanted it has all been taken away from me this could be tj while he was away in florida getting treatment for his illness finding newspaper clippings of his home fort oasis now being defunct and sucked of its resources but that also means fort oasis fell apart before the monsters arrived originally i thought it was the town's population that got turned into monsters but that doesn't make sense now so the only possible theory is that they're coming directly from the mines we're also given the last armor of the game the minor lead vest it's incredibly heavy at 35 pounds but pretty much nullifies the bleeding stat and absorbs half the damage of all attacks great armor if you're struggling and low on supplies but for me it's the skeleton weight after progressing and blowing away loads of monsters we can see a sign for an armory but trying to get in there we're blocked by the forgotten ones we've been seeing throughout the game they don't fight back but you'll have to kill them to get into the armory here you can finally stock up on ammunition but also a brand new gun the double barrel shotgun i just love how it was a staple of doom 2 and also made its way into this mod the gun is devastating it will kill anyone in a single concentrated shot i mean yeah not the telepaths because the whole matrix thing but you can melee them if you want to kill them in like 20 minutes its best ability is lining enemies up to get double kills only problem is it chews up two shells per shot so within 20 seconds of using it you'll have no ammo left personally i prefer the precision of the base shotgun he goes to bed at 7pm and can get a bit boring he's asleep he's boring but he'll always be reliable you know what thank god that was subtitled because i never would have been able to hear a single thing over that audio stinger and the 1400 enemies that just spawned in front of me after finding the key to push past the central entrance dancing around a group of mommy milkers we're on to the last real chapter hey that's that's the name of the mod chapter 8 is central oasis a mix of the industrial district shopping and residential essentially a melting pot of all the previous areas in the game this level has backtracking but the good kind where it's not really mandatory and it also rewards you you get a master key in this level that unlocks all the doors in central giving you loads of loot to stock up on for any players that are low on supplies you start off in the apartments where there's another letter on the floor i was working as a coast guard i received a distressed call from a damaged offshore boat after packing my belongings i left to attempt a rescue a great storm approached my boat became damaged and stranded me at sea i lay on the deck of my boat waiting for rescue but nobody came then they came for me a boat from a nearby mining colony saved me they took me back to fort oasis i stayed recovered and each one of them welcomed me without hesitation after helping me fix my boat i was hesitant to leave i have finally found a place i can call home somewhere i have found peace i do not plan to return we can only assume this to be tyler's letter but what's more confusing is the first half directly mimics the intro word for word working as a coast guard going on a rescue mission and then being stranded we've never really asked this question but who are we the player character we have no personality no voice we've never said anything the entire game we've just been blindly following the radio's voice from objective to objective i think the more important question now is what is the connection between the voice on the radio and us who cares i just found another portable gas cooker time to make myself some warm salami onwards there's another passage blocked by the forgotten ones this time it is an optional but a mandatory path forward so we have to kill them they're helpless against you and how far you've came in the game petty distractions like this aren't going to stop you from your end goal there's another letter shortly after typewritten fort oasis outsider report january 1991 construction started on the small island in mid 1963 the island was divided into two towns the north and the south the north housed a deep mining complex the south housed the 2000 or so citizens that lived there its most notable export was coal however the mine officially closed in january 1994 and the island was cleared of inhabitants by june today its most notable features are the abandoned and still mostly intact concrete apartment buildings the whereabouts of the citizenry of fort oasis is now largely unknown this brings more questions than it answers the introduction stated the year is 1972 but this report almost came out 20 years later who's being honest here the narration or the random scrap of paper on the floor before we can think about it more the radio contacts us again the voice seems dead set that getting into the mines will end the suffering on the island and also give answers but they're not letting on to why just yet in one of the offices where the master key is is another letter tj thank you for reaching out to us we are glad to hear the community of fort oasis were able to perform a rescue we received confirmation that the original call-out you're attending has been resolved with no casualties thanks for letting us know that you are still recovering from your ordeal take all the time you need regarding your resignation we understand you're wanting to reside at fort oasis from here on out it is sad to see you go but we wish you all the best for your future mark smith clearwater coast guards so we know tyler was originally working as a coast guard he was lost at sea and then rescued by the residents of fort oasis and then he moved there but what did he do what was his income is tyler the voice on the radio or is tyler us because both answers are very difficult to explain the mines generates a strong radiation so going near them would be suicide even being near it you slowly build up radiation and hallucinate about being somewhere else endless hallways only being guarded out by the forgotten ones you killed leading you to another letter life on the mainland has not gone as smoothly as i would have hoped sure the therapy was a success and i have a new chance at life but i can't be happy i miss being at sea at fort oasis Leda, my friends; could i go back? nobody's there anymore they're all gone i sure as hell don't want to remain in this place how does one make new friends when you're too scared to even look people in the eye i need help there's Leda being mentioned again we know for a fact that she was romantically involved with tyler it sounds like he's been pulled away from Fort oasis by the mainland and wants to return even though he knows there's nothing there for him if we really are tyler and we've returned to fort oasis on some kind of delusional adventure then who is the voice on the radio and before we can even question that the radio interrupts us again we'll need to craft a radiation suit to survive the sheer amount near the tower the body headpiece and battery each part heavily defended by monsters and when you eventually reach it above is this mass of flesh almost like a tumor writhing around agitated once you pick up the part the voice makes out there's an infection that's spread across the island but this contradicts with all the previous letters we've collected explaining how the island went defunct and people left once the resources dried up unless people tried to move back into the island as the infection broke out i'm unsure but even if he's lying you can't ignore that giant dangling tumor in front of you each piece of the suit you collect the tumor shrinks more and more until it dies off completely combining the suit it goes over whatever armor you currently have meaning you can keep wearing whatever protection you have the downside is the radiation suit is insanely heavy meaning unless you're carrying practically nothing you're at least going to be overweight when putting it on you're protected from the radiation but at the cost of having most of your vision be obscured you can hear your character breathing heavily and even the nose piece gets in the way it's clunky dated technology the miners would use passing the tower and the insane amounts of radiation you finally enter the mines into the final chapter getting into the mines we travel down in a work elevator the same ones we've used to get to the surface we're now descending there's a thick cloud of smog everywhere it's damp and eerie but quiet there's no enemies and even the radio has gone silent both of which is never a good sign the only real sounds are your footsteps and the Geiger counter are slowly creeping up until this is your last push using all the equipment the game has given you but even with everything it's hard to not just scrape by the monsters must be coming from the mines themselves surely there's never been so many at once finally making it past the hordes you get into the mines control room looking almost like a missile silo where you see an opening the Geiger counter picks up more and more in the darkness a table and chairs with a note waiting for you august 31st 1983. mr scott as feared our further test results have come back positive for stage 3b lung cancer we do not believe fort oasis has the medical equipment available to treat this you will be required to come back to clear water as soon as possible for chemotherapy and possible surgery please give me a call john thomas cw medical you can hear Leda screaming at your cancer diagnosis and if this letter wasn't confirmation enough who you are then the next thing will be you're given a room to stock up on any ammunition you might be missing out on this is going to be the hardest point of the game by far you're not even in fort oasis anymore the walls are drenched with blood dripping from the ceiling this entire place is alive and wants you dead you can see growths across the wall and even in the sky while enemies flush you out and try to stop any kind of progress your guns aren't as effective here these enemies are stronger than anything you've faced before trying to escape you see giant syringes coming from the ceiling trying to impale you enemies with blades for arms and legs so much is introduced so quickly it's overwhelming walking down a hallway you see the forgotten ones stabbing themselves filled with self-hatred and loathing until one last fight against odds that you can barely beat but somehow you still do still pushing forward another bloody corridor more syringes more monsters until you can wait around as long as you want but believing there's no other way out tyler eventually takes his own life and envisions himself in a situation he has no chance of winning when you first launched total chaos before the intro dialogue before anything it's the message i could handle it i had already gone through so much worse at the end of the day i still had me in 1963 fort oasis started construction as a mining colony to drain its resources for use on the mainland in 1972 tyler scott a coast guard got a distress signal from another ship he went to investigate but he himself was lost at sea he was rescued by the people of fort oasis he was so infatuated by the kindness of these people that he chose to stay he quit his job as a florida coast guard even getting his partner Leda to come and live with him he began working at fort oasis as an electrician helping maintain power on fort oasis for a number of years eventually his partner Leda leaves him for unknown reasons losing the love of his life tyler writes a spiteful letter to Leda saying how much he hates himself and how leaving him is a complete backstab Leda writes back saying he needs help and is unstable tyler begins pushing away everyone in his life ignoring invitations from his friends and family even though they're already incredibly concerned for him august 31st 1983 tyler is diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer an aggressive cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes the weird cocktails of drugs you find in the game probably representing all the treatments and chemotherapy he went through Leda reaches out to him to express her remorse and that she's given birth to a child called cora and he is the father november 2nd 1982 tyler leaves fort oasis for treatment on the mainland as they don't have the facilities to deal with the cancer he begins work at south spark electrical in florida for income his mental and physical health deteriorates to the point he has to quit his job starting workplace harassment more likely his depression skewing his worldview thinking everyone is mocking him december 12 1986 after years of treatment tyler's lung cancer is finally in remission although great news tyler just sees this as an extension of his miserable life struggling to maintain any type of connection with anyone or even maintain eye contact in public april 16 1988 tyler is prescribed prozac for his frequent panic attacks he later writes to his doctor saying his prozac isn't working and the doctor suggests therapy for him he has multiple sessions but the therapy never seems to have any kind of breakthrough he fantasizes about his time on thought oasis and how happy he was before Leda left him before his cancer diagnosis but researching he finds out the island dried up and nothing is left for him stuck between hating his life on the mainland feeling isolated and alone combined with his paradise being taken away from him he sees the only option is to take his own life before doing that he has one last fantasy where he is call to fort oasis by a character that he made up an extension of tyler the cynical depressed and lonely version of him all his anger and vitriol manifested into someone guiding him towards his death the other tyler never wanted to help you just to weaken your defenses to the point you'd end the nightmare for him you play as the tyler that still has a small amount of hope left surrounded by impossible odds that's why the introduction text changes from tyler's handwritten notes to typewritten it's fictional he's writing one last story for himself to justify his death every time you've listened to tyler you've broke down your defenses against him giving into that nihilistic part of yourself that's given up even saying this important line on first contact just being in this place means that tyler has lost all hope when you go to quit the game it even tells you that you're ending the isolation but we never quit the game instead we kept pushing tyler and listening to his self-destructive requests there was even some subtle hints throughout the game that this wasn't reality like the couch with the key on it that was in the middle of a forest obviously tyler's real couch in his apartment and in one of the earlier chapters there was an elevator just marked useless look i know this is literally spec ops the line like you could have stopped at any time but you kept going i want to make my case all right everything in spec ops the line was orange everything in total chaos is grey thank you your honor what if things were different what if there was a way to change tyler's outlook despite how melancholic and depressed he is if we go by the logic of defying anything the voice tells us and we go to chapter 2 down to the graveyard a specific place he told us not to go to in one of the corners you can find some boxes and pallets if you smash them it leads to a huge hole in the floor which tyler can jump down and at the end of a long bloody corridor a letter from Leda fully explaining why she had to leave fort oasis tyler i am sorry but i have to leave this place i know you've always wanted to live out on the sea but it's not the life for me i feel isolated enslaved i have to go back to the mainland i have to be with my family i will never forget the time we shared together you are a good person i love you i will always love you i'm sorry i had to tell you like this but i have tried to talk to you about it and you won't listen i don't want our last conversation to be another argument take care, Leda Leda didn't leave because of tyler she left because of the island and how isolating it was also homesick from being away from her family this letter does exist in the real world but tyler hid it from himself because he knows it doesn't justify him taking his own life now this is great progress but it still isn't enough to save him in chapter three the monster that tyler warns you about is actually a representation of Leda and your daughter cora hence the baby cries and the two bodies fused together you can't reason with it but you can escape it there's a cracked wall near the monster spawn and if you kept the small explosive from the security room earlier you can throw it to blow up the wall this skips the bus entirely meaning that the connection between Leda and his daughter is still there he can deal with it when he's ready as opposed to cutting it off entirely in chapter 4 when you're told to burn the growths that are blocking the way out that's specifically referred to as connections this is tyler cutting himself off from any social connections he might have like friends or family making him unreachable and him taking his own life more justifiable you can't go past the growths by any normal means because they block your way and one shot you but remember when i mentioned earlier that revolver you could get by flicking a switch in the fuel shop and then going back into the apartments a second time next to the revolver is a vent you can squeeze through to bypass the growths entirely in a side passage again as horrible and deformed as they are you need them right now to change tyler's mindset in chapter six when you reach the end of the catacombs tyler will tell you to go any deeper is pointless and you should just leave if instead we keep going you have to deal with even stronger enemies but at the end is a dimly lit room with a note on the table i am glad you have stuck with this therapy for as long as you could even after feeling like it was not working i have noticed a turnaround in your attitude these past few weeks it seems you are coming to accept your darker thoughts rather than trying to suppress them i feel if you keep working on this you can make positive changes in yourself even if you decide to continue down this path without my assistance i don't think you need it keep it up this is a continuation of the other type wrote letters we found throughout the game but this is the first letter where tyler has made genuine progress and the therapist is happy about it again another letter that he purposely hid from himself because with it there is a chance of redemption in chapter seven disobey his orders to kill the forgotten ones these are the past connections you've had with people materialize the spirits killing them will further cut your connections with people you once knew increasing tyler's anxiety and paranoia they block the armory which means you miss out on some ammo and the double-barreled shotgun but it's worth it if this helps tyler recover the other encounter in chapter 8 seems impossible to get past but if you go through an underpass and then throw a rocket a hidden switch you'll open a side roll-up door to ignore them completely progressing but leaving those vital memories in tyler's mind alive you'll have to do it all over again all the monsters puzzles and check all across fort oasis but when you do and reach the mines instead of seeing the forgotten ones harming themselves they simply wait and watch to see what tyler does next tyler has been proven wrong and thus has been able to escape the dark part of his mind he'll always have it in him but now he has the ability to manage it and begin to build those connections with his friends, family, Leda and their daughter i just like as well i spent 15 minutes talking about how cool this was just to be stopped by an invisible wall now after concluding the game you might want some more content you know something juicy to chew on well after the credits of both endings you'll be given a code on its own it makes no sense but the shapes are similar remember at the very beginning of the game before going deeper into fort oasis there was that door to the left with a keypad on it but we didn't know the code if you enter the numbers from the credits you'll be taken to a new hallway where you can enter new game plus now i just want to say this is not your normal new game plus are you sure you're about to enter new game plus mode for total chaos are you sure you wish to do this it will not go easy on you ignoring the warning and going through the walls become blood soaked again with a thick red mist permeating the map next to a cache of supplies a note he is hunting you he will not stop be smart but most importantly be fast things here are not the way you expect them to be this is the only advice you'll get for this entire run the cash left for you includes some basic meds weapons and the double-barreled shotgun i've already expressed how this gun isn't ammo efficient but at least they left you with something you played through Tyler's mind the same way you would in the base game although things are different here the skybox is replaced with a massive growths and tumors and every chapter begins with a countdown of how long you have until the hunter arrives and just as a warning you don't want to be around when he arrives the hunter is an unkillable enemy that chases you through the entire chapter if he can't reach you he'll just spawn behind you his arms have been replaced with axes which will instantly kill you again you can't kill him or even stun him you'll just have to make it to the next chapter to push him back until he starts chasing you again i love this mechanic because the hunter is absolutely terrifying i assume he's meant to represent tyler as the voice on the radio this monster that can't trick him anymore so instead just wants to outright kill him the ground shakes when he's near and he won't stop until you're dead the game also changes enemy spawns a fair bit in this mode like how the first enemy you see the brute is replaced with apparitions of Leda that make what should be the tutorial part of the game incredibly stressful and now rewards can sometimes be punishments in chapter 2 when you're first taught about throwing there's a lever right in front of you to show you how you can throw it to get rewards but in new game plus if you do this it just teleports you into a room full of enemies that instantly kill you talking about stress this mode will never let you have time to yourself even if you find a quiet area to manage your inventory by doing that you're just wasting valuable time until the hunter spawns so any time alone isn't rewarded the hunter will even leave you bait like ammo for the super shotgun and if you pick it up he'll instantly spawn behind you this mode is incredibly cruel and honestly i would say it's harder than cry of fear if not for the fact you can still auto save save scumming is the only reason why cry of fear is still harder because in total chaos you die you lose 30 seconds in cry of fear you lose 40 minutes to an hour once you reach the mines yet again and trigger the lockdown instead of a horde of enemies it's just the hunter and you're given a room to stock up on ammo and given a simple objective to kill him the arena is a bunch of narrow corridors some with dead ends that get you killed instantly there's boxes and pallets with supplies but they also block your way so always have a secondary ready to destroy them i love this fight i felt at some points the hunter would almost bait me around corners for a quick kill when i was being too greedy but once you finish him off you're taken into a room that looks like it was made by a 12 year old in gmod complete with flat grass outside and once you open the door the torment has ended i assume this is tyler finally overcoming the darker parts of his mind one thing that would be cool is if the hunter was actually voiced by radio tyler constantly mocking him and telling him how futile everything is it'll just make it feel a lot more personal overall total chaos is amazing and definitely worth your time there's a reason why it's my second favorite free mod i do think overall cry of fear is a better package but total chaos still does some stuff better you know cry of fear had cut scenes and doesn't rely too much on reading letters which was the entire crutch for total chaos but i still appreciate both of them like for example how total chaos in my opinion does inventory management better even if it literally is just stalker and also the fact you have to mix and match weapons instead of relying on the glock for 80 of the game and honestly i cared a lot more about finding who the voice in the radio was compared to the doctor that simon would chase for half the game now i know a lot of you just going to argue and say this is cry fear 1.5 and uh to that i say you've watched a two-hour video of a man talking about a free game go outside touch some grass so what i did near the end of the game i started hitting no clip to go through doors you couldn't and stuff like this door you can never open it you go through and there's actually a whole area here they never implemented there's crates to like store your items and over here is this like machine that can remove your radiation and in return you get a bunch of hunger so it's almost like they had a lot more bigger ideas for this game but they just never got to implement them which sucks this would have been amazing i actually just noticed this on like my fifth playthrough of the game but there are cigarettes you can find in the game that lower your stamina and the title literally reads illness smoke this if you want to die i mean it's a little on the nose but you know now i don't want to get your hopes up but wadaholic the guy who made this doom mod recently posted on his twitter screenshots of a standalone version of total chaos he says it's a few years away so don't expect anything anytime soon but it's great to see him return to such an amazing project thank you for watching i'll leave a link down in the description so you can download the mod for yourself it is free but it needs doom 2 to work which is like i think 5 quid on steam so technically that means i scammed all of you and it actually isn't a free game and to that i say thanks for the free money i'll catch you guys later bye bye joke's on him, have you seen what he's into?
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 7,092,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pyrocynical, pyrolive, total chaos, cry of fear, cry of fear analysis, pyrocynical essay video, pyrocynical analysis, funny moments, horror game essay, far cry 3, fat cry 3, pyro, livestream highlights, the best free game you haven't played, the second best free game you haven't played, free game, minecraft
Id: CXJHt7r7n7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 27sec (6807 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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