The worst netflix show ever

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the app is verifiably impacting almost an entire generation of the human species in a decidedly negative way next stage is distant memorization throwing ourselves off a bridge hey guys you know what's really bad the social media app Tick Tock because I can watch Mr breasts react to like his girlfriend's Funko Pop collection another day all right just just give me time right I'll try to keep this brief you know Netflix right the biggest streaming service around I think the only show it doesn't have at this point I don't know these rules is the fat Italian man that's sad all the time but they do have a show of a wrinkly sad man but he also has a sad cough also if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing it's totally free and I just paid an artist to change the profile picture of the channel so I'm morally obligated to guilt-trip you into subscribing also a quick chill I now have a second Channel where I upload more chill content like games and reactions someone subtitle this to me the guy that was paid to subtitle this just gave up and also a brand new vods channel where I upload my live streams in their entirety you know if you want to have my monotone voice in the background while you're studying or working there's new videos on both of these channels right now so yeah check them out and subscribe I want to mention as well I look terrible in this video I know like my eye bags are down to my jaw and I've got a bunch of like razor burns around my mouth that's because I have not slept in two days I'm feeling a little bit crazy because I've just binge watched this entire series back to back making notes about it now what Netflix has done has made the brave decision to invite a bunch of e-celebs onto their platform to have their own TV series the kind that your younger sibling would watch on their iPad and that is of course tick tockers [Music] don't leave me here kind of black heart if you want me to die surprise bestie the people that dance on their kitchen floor promote a certain energy drink and then buy a multi-million dollar mansion where they repeat the exact same process but this time they have a bigger kitchen floor one of the biggest collectives of these influencers is the hype house with their logo looking like an 80s sitcom which is kind of ironic because their biggest fan base were probably born last Tuesday not the 80s by the way I'm allowed to make that joke by the way 100 allowed I go on my channel demographics 18 to 24 because no one on the internet would ever lie about their age anyways The Hope House is a tick tock Collective based in Los Angeles California or as I like to call it the largest dark RPG mod server in existence up with the Divide of Rich admins and poor users is bigger than ever new users resort to stealing and possibly getting a one month ban for fail RP public transport has come to a complete standstill as the tracks are littered with pop-up ads that brick your PC and every time little Timothy is dancing to a Taylor Swift song he has to close the windows because he can hear the homeless people crying outside now the hype house was founded in around late 2019 and consisted of about 20 e-celebs with the biggest being Chase Hudson everyone's favorite curtain hair child prodigy who likes to dress up as the Joker and ask seven-year-olds to die for him would he die from me and Charlie demilio the most followed person on Tick Tock now I might just be an out of touch Boomer I'm not the young buck that I used to be but I will never understand the fact that you can slightly move your neck and get millions of views for it I'm such a Chipotle what [Music] she's eating a chip with hummus she's eating a chip with hummus 2.6 million likes the first episode begins with all these celebs introducing themselves and talking about how many followers they have Thomas Petru with 8.1 million followers the founder of hype house I'm sure he's a much Kinder Master Than Jake Paul to his team 10 underlings who would have to Fork over 10 to 20 of their ad revenue for five years I'm pretty sure that's how much Machinima took from me in 2015. this is the only time where I'm actually saying please circle jerk about how bad Machinima are please go out there protest Vinnie hacker with 12 million followers who makes tick tocks where he misses his long hair he had 30 days prior like he's going through a family bereavement Alex Warren with 16 million followers probably the only person I actually recognize because last year there was this whole craze about calling him a David dobrik copycat and I really resembled with David I was heavily inspired by his format you look [ __ ] stupid look [Music] Mia Haywood with 3 million followers honestly not sure who she is and the first result of her name is people asking why why she's even famous in the first place Larry Merritt with 24 million followers he started on Vine that was quickly shut down by Twitter after scaring most of the staff by having to do entertaining things instead of just spamming ratio in every reply he then moved on to YouTube and actually did really well uploading videos like how dangerous living in Paris is I too would be scared of a country that had public urinals cover Anon with 30 million followers She's Dating the David dobrik guy which makes them one of the strongest power couples in the hype House filming wholesome tick tocks of them together I just get my girlfriend to put me in makeup usually Nikita dragon with 14 million followers who claims to be the first trans pup star which is literally untrue and Jack Wright with 8 million followers I was going through his Instagram and found this beautiful picture which I assume is what happens to him if he breaks contract feels like a dream we just posted a video on an app now I'm living in a mansion yep I'm in the same boat buddy I just posted a video on an app and now I can afford the Breaking Bad teddy bear that is cool though like look at that man and oh you smell like the sea you Mr White why do I talk like this Mr White your power is associated with likes and you're following and your relationship people really really like you or people really really hate you is it just me oh that is the most borderline dystopian statement you've ever heard I've got this nasty feeling that every night these people go to bed they look on their phones and they see whoever's got more followers than them in the house and they just think why is this person more relevant than me wait wait you got negative followers this month get him out of here get out check the internet lately show me [Music] how did they we cut to Chase's house or by a stage name little hoodie and his home makes Batman and Laura craft look like they're on food stamps in comparison how fast did the rise come for you on Victory it actually took me a while because it was hard when I was not in La I would like you to appreciate that sentence a man of his own free will just said that life was hard before living in La you can almost see Eric gassetti the mayor of La like dangling a wad of cash in front of him to say that snitches get rewards now the weird thing is about this show it wasn't made during the peak of hype house which was like 2019 2020. this is almost like the decline and everyone slowly splitting off and going their separate ways some of the characters like Chase who's basically the biggest earner has just essentially moved out got his own place and he just wants to focus on his music career and honestly I'm down for this I think it's a pretty cool concept to see the decay of something instead of the build up but unfortunately it is based around a bunch of tick tockers that have the most empty and vapid conversations possible Chase what's going on in your life I want to have all your problems and I'm like all right here I go this is why I'm happy that I'm a YouTuber like you do not ever have to network or meet a single person in your life I could just stay in my hermit hole and talk on Discord that sounds sad shut up let me finish Tick Tock to grow you almost need to like physically collab with someone not just have like a face cam in the corner of the video like oh look look there's PewDiePie oh look there's critical look at this guy it's a collab now I can put feature in them in the title I didn't really fit in I always got mid final for doing social media before the wear dress I like how he's saying that his school made fun of him and someone in the editing room chose to have a clip of Chase doing a tick tock dance while he expressed his pain he didn't dirty there bro this is sick you're like living the life here I'm like proud of you thank you yeah dude your music's doing so well it's so good James I know they mean it and they genuinely are being sincere but like that that dude bro dialect it comes across as so disingenuous so happy for you bro like yeah bro like bless bro you know bro him schizo means split phrenia in this case refers to the mind but this is my chill area which leads to the backyard [Music] this is our basketball court oh yeah oh it's called being well-rounded baby three things wrong with this firstly why do you need such a big house if you're living on your own Michael from GTA 5 lived in LA and he has a house about a quarter of the size of yours and that was with a family of four secondly the sidekick energy I'm getting from these guys like every response is just you know when you like run out of dialogue in a video game so they just keep repeating the same line I hate that the song is good I know I'm like I'm I'm like should I be offended by this I know I'm like I know I know I'm like I'm I'm like should I be offended by this and thirdly which is more of a personal gripe I feel it took him about 20 minutes to get that ball through the hoop but they just kept re-shotting it until he actually got a hold of it I'll get it this time bro oh why am I talking like I've got bronchitis back in the main hype house you know where the series is meant to take place we see the group of cooking and you know what I put my hands up most East celebs lack culinary skills and their best friend is ubereats so the fact that they can do that I I can't hate on that I can't we've now reached the point that so few East celebs know how to cook that when they do it on a twitch stream it's like some kind of mythical event like Jesus has been found or something Thomas yes pool party when and how many people can we have can we like come up with people that we would want there I think that's the most La influencer sentence I've heard in my entire life can we think of people that we want there as opposed to people who could turn up give us clout but we don't actually like what's that Vin Diesel you got vintage let's get him down he'll he'll do a live he'll do a live now the Dilemma the group have at the minute is like I said earlier Chase has moved out of the house into Central LA so we can be closer to the recording studio but this worries Thomas his manager at hype house because that's essentially the biggest money bag he's ever made running straight out the door so the compromises they'll let him have the house and essentially have it as like a hype house B if he makes tick tocks there so it's more like a high pass La location and they're gonna work on making content out of there for a hype house we will plot twist it wasn't but Chase hasn't posted anything recently he made one Tick Tock over the last six months finally someone that uploads less than me God bless you these guys when I leave YouTube for like two or three months to work on a long form video don't blame me blame bang energy drink for not paying my bills that is like one sponsor I'm never gonna get man no I'm never gonna get my bang peanut butter 20 grams of carbs meanwhile Nikita Dragon at the other side of the house is getting ready for a day good morning good morning Miss Dragon I have an apple music interview That's so exciting I mean I I got recognized going to the shop today that was that was nice wouldn't really call that interview you did ask what pets got two was though keep asking it guys please keep asking it these things they take time there's this part where like David dobrik takes his girlfriend out to do some strawberry picking and you can just tell like even though he's innocent as these people are they are just so completely out of touch firstly they arrive at a farm in a Rolls-Royce sad flex but okay and then this exchange happens this is so cool no want to learn how to drive one of these tractor yeah distracted how much does a tractor cost [Music] that pull pull minimum wage farmer he picked strawberries so tick Tuckers can dance around them and make more money in 15 seconds and he will in 15 years it's not really looked into this series but the comparison between David dobrik and blonde David dobrik is just actually insane they have the exact same mannerisms whether intentional or not and they do this weird thing where they laugh every time they finish a sentence even though what they've said is just not funny at all what's up Charlie and Brian hey Mommy that's the right way Chase eventually comes back to the high pass for like a big reunion get together party but not before making a little bit of cheddar on the side I'm making videos at the pool party you know doing backflips and stuff [Music] Bang Bang it is important to keep creating content for the house as a group a little contribution could go a long way this is what I love about Tick Tock culture anything can be productive as long as you film it I mean what I might as well do at this point is just live stream myself edit in a bit oh that people already do that we're then introduced to Larry and his introduction when the high pass announced at a jolene's um the entire internet like cheating on me because a lot of my fans thought the high pass was cringy so then like they're just like what the [ __ ] are you doing we need to save Larry from the hype house lick my boss started this petition that that's a real petition by the way I I looked that up and the show is actually giving it free promotion after I checked the comparison in the show it's got more signatures than ever just when I thought I was out they pulled me back in we need to save him the Caucasians whitewashed him he's not funny anymore help careful there is pockets of cringe all over the area you absorb too much you're a dead man Larry and the key actually seems to get on the most in the hype house having like you know a genuine friendship and helping each other out through drama Larry I think in a lot of ways has defended me through so much he truly accepts me for me and I accept him for him again who I've read it this man like she's talking about being accepted for who she is you don't have like any kind of trans representation or anything you just have her twerking who edited this show doing social media made this public figure like I don't know I feel like I'm not like that anymore at some point I gotta help myself and like build up my career and surround myself with people that want to help me I don't know I think they're both being morons Thomas because it took about two sentences for him to completely crack and show his pretty selfish intentions it's obvious that chase wants to get out of there because he sees the hype house is gonna flop harder than Dogecoin bro you know what go buy a ranch like Kanye or even better buy a house opposite you your ex-wife just do something man episode 2 takes place straight after the party and I'm happy to announce that dog finally gets the title card at this point you might as well put beneath the dog's name hype house employee I'm sure I'm sure there's some attacks right off there but unfortunately dog moment dog moment is rudely interrupted by Mia who may or may not be dating Thomas kind of I mean I guess they are on the show but on their Instagram it just says they're good friends while holding each other I don't care the way that chase moved out was disrespectful rude as [ __ ] I don't even know how you could do that to one of your friends she's not happy that chase left and she is incredibly vocal I mean it's aggressive it's angry but it's probably the closest thing to a natural opinion anyone has had on this entire show one thing you'll notice about Chase early on in the series is that they never give him an ultimatum it's never if you want to do your music career you're gonna have to say goodbye to us because they know Chase is this money bag walking out the door and they will do anything they can to make sure that he stays I mean pretty much every single interaction throughout the series is like this hey Chase bro like like yeah you haven't filmed like any tick tocks bro like you you bought a house out of our account but you haven't filmed anything like yeah oh yeah okay yeah I think you're being disrespectful that's way out of line yeah like are you gonna punish me or something yeah yeah I will chase it yeah like what I'm halving the amount of bang energy you get in your mini fridge oh no bro damn a little bit off topic here as well but this is like one of the most painfully generic shows I've ever seen on Netflix if not all of TV the transition shots are just like static drone shots of LA and they do this horrible thing in between shots where they just artificially zoom in on footage and the quality of the show isn't that great anyway I think it's like 720p at best so you can see so much artifacting I'm not saying you have to make this look quirky like Utopia you don't have to film people on the bottom left of the screen and then just you know saturate all the colors but like this is putting me to sleep back in the hype house Alex is talking about his analytics dying and how he has to come up with a big epic video to try and revive his channel recently this last month or two my numbers have been going down drastically not to the point where it's like you know oh my God my career's over I'm going relevant but I've noticed a spike going down now his tactic to revive his career is to hire this weird spinny bull thing that people wrap themselves up in and surprise surprise it ends up being the most mediocre thing ever and totally useless and a waste of money we can do a Batmobile or a monster truck or something like that something crazy because that was the most underwhelming [ __ ] I've ever done for seven hundred dollars too it's actually painful seeing this like at the start of the activity you can see Alex like filming everything and he's got that overemphasized laugh that you know everyone does in their videos but then he slowly realizes that this is it like the content is peaked and he just like barely films and then just ends up putting his camera away it's almost like you need to plan out IRL skits you can't just wing it a good example is that time Jack manifold paid people to not beat him up in public so I'm going to smash your face God [Music] Larry goes over to Chase's house and like most billionaires is incredibly lonely how sad Larry is pretty friendly with Chase but as soon as the cameras are on him and Chase has left the room he just starts attacking his house Chase's house is super like his Vibe it fits him so well like Dracula but I'm just so mad his interior designer sucks whoever decorated the house is awful look at this get like me [ __ ] look at this Elegance y'all see this I would agree with you Larry but your backdrop looks like the set of Modern Family I'm pretty sure those windows aren't even real they all regroup again in the hype house and look who's there guys Charlie demilia the most followed girl on Tick Tock I'm so happy about this news [Music] today you're joking she didn't film herself walking from one end of the room to the other and taking a ship from a bottle it is truly over for Charlie cells Charlie cells the group then to a Jenga game with every brick pulled out is a Dev row on it that they need to follow and they are the most mediocre dares of all time I think one of them was like you have to FaceTime the most famous person you follow are you stand the most famous person in your phone obviously for everyone that's just going to be Charlie and also I want to say that has been a concept for years by the way that that is nothing new sweet I just [ __ ] my pants I have like 12 followers on Twitter just [ __ ] my pants got it retreated I like how that's her dad by the way do you know how many likes someone like schlatt or Tommy and it would get if they tweeted something like that I I dare you I dare you to get all your taxes in an offshore account so you avoid paying them the group then will separately talk about cancer culture in this like very vague and unspecific way obviously they don't want to like pull any punches with any drama they've actually been involved in so it just ends up being this very thought-provoking statement of mob mentality lebad congratulations I'm pretty sure World War II was pretty bad as well I mean I get it they don't want to reignite any old drama they've been through their balls are basically in vices here uh but you can really tell how much anxiety this topic gives them because when someone mentions the c word there is so much nervous laughter Oh you're so quiet oh you're strong ass [ __ ] cancel the next scene is Mia talking about the state of the house and how dirty it is and why did I think that was Among Us man why are people not capable of cleaning up after themselves I'm like super confused yeah all I ask put all your stuff in the dishwasher I would say it's disgusting the way they live you know plates stacked up everywhere dirty laundry all over the floor but then you remember twitch streamers are a thing I haven't really done a lot of cleaning for a while making content for the house is the only way that we live here Chase was the person that helped make high pass what it was because he's not here at everything in this brand falls on me I know this is meant to be like the decline of the hype house well you're talking about it like it's the Great Depression I mean it sucks your biggest Money Maker essentially got up and did a runner as soon as he made it but like do you know how many kids with curtain hair that look exactly like him that have a tick tock account you could just grow dude you literally used to be in team 10 you know how managing works and to those people that think Chase is irreplaceable Thomas essentially hints that he made these people we've launched people like Charlie and Dixie and Adam said being a part of this brand really helped blow everyone up the second half of the episode shows Alex trying to surprise his girlfriend with a fennec fox I know I'm doing him really dirty here but I can't get it out my head whenever he speaks I'm just going to Overlay it with David dobrik footage if you guys didn't know I'm known for surprising my friends with things they're not really excited about you need to be very quiet because if you would upset it I don't want you getting hurt three two one I like the uh I like the Flinch the fennec does there by the way like actually physically disgusted by The Tick tocker Alex tends to apologize but still film and it's like you need to film everything over like he doesn't need to film all the time I failed to see the double standards here Thomas is essentially boohooing that no one in the house is making content but then Mia is saying all Alex does is film content to the point that it annoys people around him it's the lifestyle you guys chose you are in a Content house you're going to be having cameras pointed at you until you're 30. the third episode begins with Larry being tested positive for the sad cough this means the entire group has to quarantine and you know to be fair considering they threw loads of parties during lockdown like I'm not surprised but all this quarantining having 10 people in a tiny huge La Mansion leads to a little bit of infighting I hate being trapped in the house more than anything all of us are paying the consequences for Larry's actions which I don't think it was intentional but it is still frustrating no I'm trapped in a five million dollar mansion whatever will I do the show then instantly jumps to two weeks ahead when quarantine was over making that entire 30 second bit pointless but we see the group on the High Street going into a vintage shop and this is like aliens discovering memes for the first time that's fair open player how bro how do they spin and there's little grooves in the record and it makes a sound you're not really hurts about this I can see 20 years from now you will have this exact same discussion but they'll be talking about like physical copies of video games like how did they work so what you do bro you go into these bro you open it up bro and then like you open the plastic box and then there's like a plastic Circle bro and then you'd like put it in the Box what kind of house has 200 Doors the rich people God yeah you can't play that off as a joke you are all multi-millionaires or at least very close to it Chase's house looks barely any different to yours apart from the fact that he's got a bunch of arcade machines like once or twice but it's not the worst oh what it's kind of like it's kind of nice as luxurious as a rock can get kind of uh I think there's a personal kind of pain where you see insanely rich people spend their money on totally pointless things just get a couch man I don't know what LA's problem is it reminds me of those overpriced houses that critical would make videos on we have a full outdoor kitchen I see we're really stretching the definition of a full kitchen here you have a grill you have one grill with the world's most uncomfortable chairs in existence it's set up for torturing something else that came into my memory actually a young lean a couple years ago did an interview talking about like fashion uh even though it's kind of different it still applies like people that are rich and they have a lot of money they usually do spend it on garbage things like me I think it's like it's important to be able to dress yourself before you have cash be dressed in Gucci Balenciaga like everything you see online if you haven't really gotten your own style yet you're never going to be really comfortable start a milk factory Chase then basically straight up says he doesn't want anything to do with the hype house and then Thomas goes on this weird rant about how he's always been a manager like he's got ties to the mafia or something and I've had entrepreneurship flowing through my veins since I was a kid I used to walk to a middle school where I went with a lot of kids that had money and I didn't and I used to order headphones online and up charge them and sell them and anything I could do to make a quick Buck I've always been like that so to gain the trust of his employees he has sold himself as the world's slimiest Supreme reseller I have high faith that this group will last until the end of time we then come to Vinnie who introduces himself and talks about how he got famous and honestly it's kind of sad it just sounds like he doesn't even want to be there let alone be a tick tocker I never had a desire to be on social media at all just took off pretty rapidly as soon as I started Tick Tock it is kind of awkward for me to make them I don't even like look at them I don't want to see my cringy self I mean it really does just sound like he wants the game I mean you see him in most scenes and he's away from the group in his bedroom gaming CS or OverWatch or something and he's got Discord open on the other tab don't don't let Thomas boss you around man he looks like Nate from Euphoria you know what I'm just gonna call him Nate for the rest of this Thomas is no longer his name it's now Nate from Euphoria then he doesn't like it Benny hates getting [ __ ] on every day the benefits of having Vinnie in the hype house is just self-explanatory boys and men love him for the gaming side of it and the girls really love watching his content for how good-looking he is he hates the attention Vinnie's an 18 year old who's like a nerd trapped in a hot sexy summer boy's body it sucks I mean if anything this guy sounds trapped and probably one of the more humble characters on this show for Chase people look at him as little honey the e-boy they look at him for him and Charlie look at him for him in the hype house it's easy to get the 14 year old girls to listen to music but are people gonna come to a concert of yours are you going to be able to bring guys over to your audience you'll be able to get into your concept as long as mummy has time off for work that day because they want to be an artist but they don't understand the only people watching them are their fans and when you abandon your fandom they're gonna abandon you I think sorry I think Nate I think Nate has like quite a toxic view on fandoms almost implying that if you change up your content your old fandom will leave you behind and you'll fall into a relevancy that you need to stick in one lane of what you're good at I mean if I applied that logic to myself I would have quit YouTuber 2018 because I would have fallen into complete irrelevancy I mean I started with MLG and then I did like leafy commentary videos and then I did like weird gaming stuff and then I've kind of I've ended up doing like a hybrid of like reviews but also commentary later on the group meet at a restaurant called python G hang on let's look up this restaurant oh my God it's four pound signs on Google that means it's expensive hang on there there's one of the reviews here uh one star came here for my birthday celebration visit for oh I'm sorry I ain't reading all that no one asked for the new genesis Bible passage on a review like I'm happy for you or I'm sorry that happened I'm not even really sure what they made up for at this restaurant I think I fell asleep for like 20 seconds at this part also I do want to say she paid way too much for that shot they annotate it as 50 and Don Julio is about 215 so you paid 50 for a shot you have paid for a third of the bottle I'm gonna do the PewDiePie what it's coming out and what what what what hello hey how are you feeling kind of icky chase you have been working so hard it's just a lot of stress what's even been doing like he hasn't posted any tick tocks for six months the last we saw he did like one recording session every time we see this guy he's just at arcade machines Chase is under vocal rest to protect his throat so he's not allowed to sing but also not even allowed to talk or whisper episode 4 starts with Nikita talking about how hard her life is while driving her 250 000 pound Lamborghini and she does mention a character that me and you we know and love you know with like all these like laughing faces I am so happy that kitchen floor crying mentally insane woman got a cameo I am so happy with this news this is exactly what I've been waiting for meanwhile Alex is getting married kind of and I thought how funny would it be if we planned a wedding and had it in a day marry you for 24 hours oh no man look I I don't care you want to start your wedding to get views I I don't care but don't look at the camera after she said I feel his pain behind that smile man my fake weddings great content everyone wants to see a marriage and I think we'll get a lot of views off that it's almost like he's looking at us like help it's your problem buddy not us I don't want to see a wedding why would I want to see that all that they do is remind me that my 20s are quickly fading and that horrible shadow of responsibility is kicking into my life Alex having a fake wedding makes me feel a little hurt I definitely don't think he realizes that it might be like toying with my emotions because he doesn't really think like that he just thinks okay bit this is bit and that is it bars homie I mean it sucks and you should 100 bring that up to him if it makes you feel uncomfortable but you're also 20. in a western country all I'm saying is it's not 1945 anymore like we don't need to be married at 16 but this really quick scene that almost feels pointless where you've got like a bunch of like big brother style CCTV cameras looking down at the kitchen wait no that that's just the living room no that kitchen no that's that's they got two living rooms rich people be like I'm mentally ill anyway they're all doing stuff in their living rooms and again you've just got Vinnie on his own on the PC the worst thing is this reminds me of myself when I was like 12 at any family gathering I would speak to No One keep completely to myself and I'd be sat in the corner of a room with my Nintendo DS on Picto chat just drawing smiley faces most of this episode is Vinnie arguing with Nate about his lack of motivation and this conversation is so vapid and dull that there is nothing to be said here so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna speed it up I'm just gonna have a little meme playing the corner to keep you entertained keep going to work out or what did some games then level this part I don't want to cut out though because this is just pure words of wisdom from Nate I consider hype house like a Nickelodeon or like a Disney if someone was on Nickelodeon like that was their chance to hit all this young audience and then they could turn into something like you look at people like Ariana Grande firstly comparing yourself to Disney [Music] oh my God I know he doesn't mean to give off this Vibe but he's basically like clawing at them to not leave the hype house it looks so desperate he's almost giving off these subtle hints of like if you leave you're essentially finished as a media person and that's it the episode wraps up with the actual real fake wedding Hugh laughing at three out of ten jokes every five seconds but to be fair in their defense they do acknowledge the David dobrik copycat meme it is 100 shown I absolutely love it I mean this is absolutely fantastic content Alex David dobrik Warren Hughes do you take this woman to be your wife something about this skit feels so awkward because like you're just seeing people filming themselves it's not their fault I think it's this kind of like weird embarrassment that we have in our eight brains you know if you see a girl dancing on Tick Tock you think okay that's mid whatever but then if you're walking down the street and you see that girl dancing in front of a phone you think that's cringe you're embarrassing episode 5 begins with Larry confronting Nika about possible black fishing basically trying to appear more black than what you actually are and oh my God it took over half the season for there to be actual drama be acknowledged unfortunately there are an impasse because Nikita's cope is my color skin changes sometimes with that situation it just it kind of sucks because it's like that is like my natural like skin tone sometimes and maybe it's lighting or whatever and like when things come up nowadays I'm just like whatever it's another thing coming up it's another person trying to like expose me this in the end it kind of gets resolved and you know they both leave as friends and Nikita goes to the main house to talk to Alex about helping him diversify and hopefully save his career I feel like you need to experience things in order to elevate your content you know what are you talking about black tar heroin Alex she is asking you to take black tar heroin it might as well be because we don't find out until way later because the show is again hijacked by Nate boohooing about the hype house this guy gets like 20 minutes every 30 minute episode to cry about this man it's like the Wall Street people whenever I'm bought into GameStop we really don't have that much to do and we still suck at it you have to do one video a month that's it to live in a mansion for free I'm not like fully okay at all and I haven't been in the last year I care this is truly the Dark Souls 2 of tick tock houses there's also this bit where like Alex does a prank in the hype house where he gets people to kiss each other and this completely and utterly backfires when I posted the video I made a very abundantly clear as a prank but a lot of fans they were very jealous and upset with this girl kissing Penny and so they started sending her death threats and just her whole world kind of came down from a video that I made I like how the people making the threats are probably nine years old there's one called Vinnie forever 888 which probably indicates that she was born 888 minutes ago I mean I get it in a sense I don't want to defend the tick tock people but there is a saying that if you get 100 nice comments and then one negative comment your brain will instantly fixate on the negative comment I mean for me until about two years ago that is exactly how my brain functioned it's horrible it sucks I do actually think for these like East celebs though gradual exposure to negative comments it does help it really does because you reached a point where you're gonna just stop caring because whenever someone says a mean comment they've said that a million times before that they've run out of material at some point we come back to the Nikita Beast story where she's putting makeup on all the boys and honestly I feel like suing for damages because it is so painfully obvious that you stole it from me first episode six Begins by talking about how successful the high pass was by showing a bunch of tick tocks that are years past their day at this point but that process behind the high pass creators collaborating consistently because people don't like single creators they want to see groups they want to see friends it was the most collaborative environment it was so much fun just creating content every day and now times have changed firstly secondly the biggest creators on Tick Tock are always solo they don't I mean they'll occasionally collaborate with people but they're not group channels I mean you've got Kirby lame if I'm saying his name right who might actually overtake Charlie at this point later on we see Larry at his place with a bunch of friends around and I hate to admit it but these characters only really seem happy when they're not at the hype house but at their own place man this entire series is like a PSA to not move to LA also you remember chase the guy that doesn't want any kind of responsibility he's back in the show now and uh look how much he adds to this conversation where they're talking about what kind of girls that they like I like I like females with the nice sense of style you do appreciate the style a lot and if she can dance that's always cool that's a plus what about you lying not much personally I preferred it when he couldn't speak can we just bring that plot element back I don't know whether it's because I've been sat on this project for so long but I'm finding it so hard to just focus on any kind of plot points now there's no narrative anymore something happens maybe Chase does a funny laugh and then it just cuts back to Nate crying about his career dying Thomas in a pretty pathetic last-ditch attempt gets the entire group together to go on a road trip I mean it worked obviously look how much everyone's enjoying themselves yeah they go to the desert which also has a pool so instead of being in a mansion in the desert they're now in a caravan in the desert it just looks like everywhere in La man just uninhabitable like you could probably see tea few somewhere up on the hill talking about phase releasing the contract again so what are they going off about oh yeah well then I'm gonna look pretty and get comfortable and I'm gonna watch some Ratatouille well where did that go they ran to the trailer and hidden that's where they are it was really weird though I'm getting over people not gonna hang out and not posting I'm so over it why did we come here no one's helping make content or even hanging out there's no point anymore I like how she assumes that if you get a bunch of people with pre-existing problems put them in the desert they'll suddenly have a life change and want to make content again we had this conversation with the whole house about no one doing it well no one's even talking about that why are you upset for no reason don't be rude that you're now controlling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winner yeah we're going to throw you in the gulag for 12 days my you know you know might it might refresh you it's like yoga then Larry proceeds to write off her entire attitudes via star signs I don't know if she's hyped up because she's Thomas's girlfriend or is she hyped up because she's a Leo or is she hyped up because I did the desert fever hello there this isn't the first time he's done it as well like I haven't really mentioned it but throughout the series he kind of accepts people or writes people off based entirely on their zodiac sign I mean if you're into that if you believe it fair enough but at the same time if you believe horoscopes are real and you can't leave the bed because you might die that day you need to be locked up you need to be locked up and looked at or at least looked at we should have this person locked up and looked at or at least looked up [Music] the penultimate episode begins with the group still in the Mojave Desert somehow none of them left and they all talk about their experience before they go home they were just buying their trailers and stuff and then she pointed out later he later got mad and the Oliver started screwing at each other because we went in the trailers I'm watching because we're not watching we're not filming enough content did he did he say he's watching right you know what honestly I'll give him that he's obviously so drunk he couldn't even come up with a decent excuse he's got a bottle of Don Julio next to him he just did not give one this then leads to Nate having an emotional moment with Mia talking about how much of a nice person he is oh Legend of his old people you're just such a giver I'm done since I was a kid at dinner with my mom I don't know my dad and all my siblings my grandparents I'm not saying Nate isn't a caring person especially with his family and in his defense he does go on to say that he never got the attention he needed as a child and that's horrible for anyone to go through but a couple episodes ago he was flexing talking about how he made money by essentially scamming people as a reseller anything I could do to make a quick Buck the group then come to their senses and actually tried to win over Mia and Nate how do you think this happens a they have a logical thought out discussion talking about each other's strengths and weaknesses and coming to a compromise B they conclude that they can't stay as a group but they'll still remain in contact and as friends or C they base everything off the Zodiac it's C it's going to be of course it's sea okay Mia she's a Leo she needs to be understood doesn't need to like realize her wrong for her to realize you're wrong I want to look at my zodiac sign I've never actually done this before people born under Terrace value consistency have you seen my upload schedule they value honesty above all else I mean true I'd like to know from YouTube while my videos keep being age restricted they don't shy away from hard work yeah I mean to be fair sending the entire Joker movie over Discord to that very taxing negative traits very set on their ways yeah sorry mum I wanted to be a YouTuber not a doctor can take their pleasure seeking ways too far leading to laziness and procrastination I mean I I don't play league so I don't know about that one I do like power wash simulator though that's kind of fun they're perfectionists okay you know what I'll admit that I'll admit that recently in my word document scripts for long form videos I actually started adding full stops and to make it even better I apparently have the same zodiac sign as Hitler anyway Larry and Mia essentially zodiac cope and use that to make up and be friends again foreign I like how Larry adjusting his glasses is like a tick Tucker equivalent of reaching for a gun you could tell he was he was about to hit you with that subtweet eventually they leave the desert to go back to the mansion surrounded by desert so they can try and rekindle all of their friendships and they do this by filming a tick tock together I just like in this industry that's how friendships are salvaged not by handshakes not by hugs but by filming funny vertical videos together but despite this Nate basically admits that the hype house is over and he thinks that everyone is eventually going to split off and start their own careers I feel like the business model behind content houses gets really complicated and I feel like it's kind of setting yourself up for failure people are separating into their own Avenues and people are growing into their own future careers and I think that was the whole goal of the house so to conclude this episode anything and everything in La is Chase's fault you greedy [ __ ] you have left all these people to die you and your pride and your ego the final episode begins with a montage of a bunch of other Tick Tock houses that essentially flat lines like team 10 and sway house what even happened to this White House I I heard about them briefly I didn't really care though tick tock's White House is over but its message will never die but what message bro like new flavor of bang energy it's kind of scary actually I do feel sorry for these guys because hype house is essentially the very last tick tock Collective house in all of La the main plot about the finale is Chase having a live show where he performs in front of a bunch of tweens pulling up to the concert doing the equivalent of an Xbox 360 mic spam through a megaphone [Music] [Applause] it's basically a Flawless performance nothing goes wrong I think at one point he drops his microphone on accident and then the microphone starts speaking to him in Morse code as I'm running down the stairs my mic falls on the floor [Music] in time with Nikita having plastic surgery I wish I could have plastic surgery man I could I could probably actually get a good mug shot then look at this look at this look at this I dubs went hard on leafy thank God he didn't make a video on me the group meet for lunch and Vinnie has this like incredibly Bland and mediocre Revelation that you'd go oh cool at but because the cameras are rolling these people go absolutely insane who didn't go to prom who's around I went to an all guys school and like we had we got one wait we went to an all guys wait you went to an old guy yeah God I wish my friends cared that much I could probably tell my family I won the lottery and they'd care less than that anyway for no real reason apart from the chance to film even more tick tocks the hype house host a prom I mean it's better than going to the middle of the desert again so I'll give you that Alex talks to his girlfriend saying that he does want to be serious with her but he needs more time to kind of mentally mature as he never really had a childhood and to be fair I checked on their Channel after watching this series and in the present day they're still together doing fine and they've actually lost a fair bit of weight so power to you I can't really knock that and then the series just kind of it it just kind of ends Nate essentially says yeah they all left but there might be a tick tock house 3.0 but then there's a six month time Jump and he goes on camera to say that everyone left anyway I've checked their Tick Tock recently they don't get near the amount of views that the other people used to have they're gonna fell off not not a lot fell off a little bit fall off conclusion is uh don't do Tick Tock I mean I'm not even sure the only reason why the past three videos have been Tick Tock hate videos is because YouTube is that insecure about the site that they basically promote anything against it but yeah thanks for watching I know the past couple videos have been a little bit more filler even though they have been long I have got some stuff in the works but I've got to do a little bit of traveling and obviously I don't want to dip this channel for three months so I still want to keep it alive just with some more kind of easier to enjoy content all right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ERS there's two people left on the planet someone is gonna want someone dead
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,536,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 28sec (2788 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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