The Combined Timeline | COMPLETE Half-Life & Portal Story & Lore

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this video is a complete chronological timeline of Half-Life and portal how these games interact with each other and With It well-contained spoilers for every game in the series as of 2022 on a far away world the species now known as the nylan lived in peace not a lot is known about how their world functioned or how they worked as a society but as with everything in this timeline chaos was soon to come out there in space a multi-dimensional alien Empire traveled from Universe to Universe invading every sentient species they came across after a successful invasion they then got to work where they took the natural resources of these planets but the worst part of this was what they did to the species that inhabited them over their time they learned how to analyze and adapt the biological structures of the species they encountered in an effort to grow their army where they became a combination of countless indoctrinated mutated species under the leadership of one which is why Humanity would later refer to them by the name the combine a dark force that spread fear across space on one of their jumps to explore Another Universe the combine discovered the world of the nylon and just like they had done countless times before they prepared for Invasion as the combine overwhelmed the population of this world the nylon attempted to fight back but were unsuccessful where the combine began their Twisted experimentation to see how this species could be adapted to enhance their army just like every other population under combine rule the nylon attempted to find a way to take down the combine or Escape them completely and for one of this species it discovered a Gateway from their world to somewhere new and after passing through this nylan found itself on the border world of Zen this was a place between Dimensions home to various flora and fauna to the world's previously connected to over time and here the nylan found Sanctuary from the combine and eventually became the last of its species to survive the combine Invasion although the nylon was safe for now the combine still continued their exploration across universes and dimensions so the nylon explored Zen to see if we could find a way to defend itself just in case the combine discovered Zen moving forward an unknown amount of time to 1943 on planet Earth a Young Man Cave Johnson formed a new company called aperture fixtures here he used his father's theories of farming although his father had never farmed a day in his life to create the backbone of aperture these theories were to do everything from scratch spend no expense and to never cut corners and using these aperture fixtures thrived aperture fixtures mostly developed and manufactured shower curtains although the functionality of these high-tech shower curtains is unknown they sold extremely well and were very well received by the general public and caves peers where he was given the shower curtain salesman award in his first year of business from here success only followed him for following this cave managed to acquire contracts with many branches of the United States military for his Innovative shower curtains where he quickly became a billionaire in 1944 just one year after starting his company cave decided to expand and with great vision and wealth he purchased a salt mine deep underground in upper Michigan where they planned for this place to be the new home of aperture fixtures over the following years the company thrived and with a large team under him at this point cave opted to make a change to the company where it went into a more scientific Direction by 1947 cave renamed his company to Aperture Science where he still used his father's theories in an unorthodox approach to build it up here he spared no expense and sought out the best and brightest Minds Monica AI once again this worked and Aperture Science received an award for the best new science company in the same year over the next few years aperture signs grew and the old salt mine tunnels were used to construct additional regions to work in and test scientific products and by 1949 aperture was rated number two in the top 100 applied science companies by the mechanical engineering World Journal as caves employees grew to know him they learned just how quirky his character was one specific example noted was when he listed the three pillars of Aperture Science the first that science without results is just witchcraft the second get results or get fired under the third if an employee suspected A co-worker of being a witch then they should report them immediately as with craft would not be tolerated as the years went on the Personnel of aperture did not know if cave was joking or if he truly believed this regardless cave had created a company from nothing and it only continued to grow moving into the 1950s aperture's success continued while over in the New Mexico desert the government funded black Mesa Corporation purchased some land here they believed that this location would give them the Privacy to work on top secret experiments without interruption and over the years they built a complex on this land hired staff and got to work in the New Black Mesa research facility back in upper Michigan aperture was booming aside from becoming the runner-up for the U.S department of defense's contract of the Year award which came with its own monetary gain aperture's products continue to sell well to the public and the government their products were Innovative and came at an extremely high standard thanks to the vigorous testing procedures in place due to their reputation aperture were able to bring in astronauts Olympians and war heroes as test subjects products such as the repulsion gel Sentry turret and even the development of a Quantum tunneling device pushed aperture to keep breaking scientific boundaries and with ample test subjects many products in the testing phase and an influx of Revenue coming into aperture cave continued to expand deeper into the salt mines for more room for his scientists to make his ideas a reality as the company grew cave came to the realization that he could not oversee or participate in every aspect of aperture due to how big this company had become and so he made two big adjustments to the way he ran his company the first he hired an assistant Carolyn and the second he pre-recorded voice announcements which were played across the facility to welcome his test subjects and and motivate his employees so that his presence would still be felt by 1956 aperture signed another contract with the U.S government once again boosting the company's revenue and reputation APA just sold their Century turrets to the public and explored potato science but cave heard word of another Rising science facility black Mesa who appeared to have similar work and ideas to him but with his success black Mesa was of no worry moving into the 1960s the boom period that that aperture had experienced began to die down this in part was due to other companies performing extremely well where the market became more saturated but the major issue was how aperture operated internally although the way cave had built up aperture had led to its initial success these methods gave the company issues in the long run Aperture Science developed and worked with advanced technology this brought in revenue for the company but it also came with its own dangers the many products that aperture sent out into the world were pulled from shelves for violating health and safety regulations which impacted the revenue the company received alongside this the products currently in development became stuck in the testing phase to make sure that they reached a level of standard that would allow them to pass these regulations which resulted in very few products actually being sent out into the world as a result of aperture's new reputation of carelessness and a failure to comply with health and safety concerns cave decided to prepare aputure in the events that his company and the complex were examined by an external party so in 1961 he sailed off test shaft zero nine and the other areas that the scientists had conducted highly unethical experiments just a few of these experiments consisted of attempting to turn blood into pure gasoline injecting praying mantis DNA into the test subjects to turn them into mantis men and having his test subjects fight off an army of mantis men when the previous experiment was a success cave stated that he had simply wanted to do science and he had achieved his goal with the brightest Minds he could find but this had come at the mutilation and in some cases death of his test subjects although aperture had sped ahead of the competition as a privately owned company with the secret experiments other science facilities such as black Mesa were government funded and were limited in their capabilities regardless with these regions of aperture sealed off the scientists worked on experiments on the safer side which frustrated cave as he believed he was limited in what he could explore over in the New Mexico desert black Mesa had begun to shape into one of the leading scientific forces in the world their top secret groundbreaking technology funded by the government then allowed them to explore scientific branches that aperture had not by 1968 aperture's situation had declined even further their products struggled to sell and their reputation was not what it once was cave had grown increasingly more frustrated over this time as he believed that black Mesa had stolen his ideas on top of his pressure and stress the U.S Senate called upon aperture after several astronauts had appeared during testing with this hearing failure to sell products and contracts with the US government polled aperture was forced to declare bankruptcy this had huge ramifications for aperture and the way it functioned of course cave hoped that they would bounce back and he pushed his scientists to keep working but he struggled during this time and his assistant Carolyn stood by him helped him as much as she could and became his closest confidante where a strong relationship formed between them without the ability to hire renowned test subjects to test his products cave was enraged that he had to instead hire homeless people who he offered sixty dollars for their services and an additional sixty dollars if they allowed aperture to disassemble and then reassemble them for science this obviously came with a risk but it was this very risk that had allowed aperture to boom just a decade before although the issues aperture faced were down to caves decisions and lack of care for those who had entered his facility he instead blamed black Mesa for all the issues he faced but in his rants he could not provide any proof that they had actually stolen anything from him moving into the 1970s aperture declined even further but cave was determined to push boundaries with new technology in development here he reopened test shaft zero nine and started work on dangerous experiments once again and later in 1971 a dry dock was built where a team began work on the Borealis although this experiment was top secret what is known is that it involved a research vessel specifically a heli-class Icebreaker ship and highly experimental teleportation technology although this experiment was top secret the scientists are black Mesa somehow heard word of this which quite possibly confirmed that cave had been correct about his theories and there was a spy in their mids by 1976 apertures decline forced cave to widen his search parameters once again for additional test subjects where this time he brought in child orphans psychiatric patients and the elderly although these new subjects essentially allowed aperture to function just as well as before cave hated that he had to lower his standards with his ego bruised Cave's once positive and energetic pre-recorded voice announcements declined into aggressive a frustrated rants where he ridiculed the new test subjects in his facility in an attempt to reclaim the reputation and Prestige that Aperture Science had once had he announced a three-tier plan for the future of his company the Heimlich counter maneuver the take-a-wish foundation and most notably the portal project while the first two of this plan appear to phase out over time the portal project stayed with aperture and ultimately would make a huge impact on their future this project essentially focused on the formation of portals with a handheld device which aperture named the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device as HPD for short and to develop and test this they constructed the Enrichment Center which consisted of Laboratories test Chambers and offices although cave believed aperture's situation could not get any worse by 1981 it had having fallen even further into Financial turmoil cave grew desperate for a profitable product for the company so in an effort to push the development of aperture's Mobility gels he purchased 70 million dollars worth of moon rocks to push this project even though he was told by his financial advisors that he could only afford seven dollars worth which he ignored upon the conversion of these moon rocks into a jail cave and his scientists discovered that the moon dust worked perfectly as a portal conductor where they believed that the portal project could quite possibly be the Venture that could save aputure cave took a Hands-On approach in the development of moon rocks in two conversion gel but over time his exposure to the moon rocks slowly damaged his kidneys and lungs where they began to fail as Cave's Health declined he relied even more on Carolyn to help him with his medication and the running of aputure over in the New Mexico desert the top secret black Mesa research facility had built up a groundbreaking complex with many sectors that were divided into multiple areas of research the most impressive was in sector F the Lambda complex here a team of scientists had built up a teleporter and discovered a world far away from Earth the Border world of Zen with this discovery black Mesa set up survey teams and sent them through to explore and collect samples to study this place within this team discovered many different species after research and study of the Laura and fauna here the team determined that nothing was actually native to the Border world everything had come from their own world and stayed they also found out the hard way that this place was not safe by any means and they had to be cautious to avoid the dangerous alien life forms and plant life moving into 1982 Cave's Health had deteriorated immensely where he accepted the fact that he was likely going to die this led to mood swings where he on one occasion broadcast a rant about lemons to the entire facility that's if life gave you lemons demand to see life's manager and then burn down life's house with combustible lemons on top of this aperture could no longer afford to hire test subjects so he made testing mandatory for all employees this dramatically raised the quality of test subjects but but it's also dramatically reduced employee retention so involuntary human testing was phased out as cave reflected on his mortality he lingered on the idea of the compact disc and he thought if Humanity had discovered a way to store music on a compact disc then why could they not also store a man's intelligence and personality too if he could somehow get his scientists to achieve this then he could cheat death and run aperture as a machine so he ordered his brightest scientists to research artificial intelligence something he himself believed he should have looked into 30 years before and as a smart man he knew there was a chance his illness would take him before the project was complete here he left two instructions for aperture upon his death the first that is ever loyal assistant Caroline was to be named as his successor and become CEO of Aperture Science and secondly that when the AI system was finally complete that Carolyn was to be uploaded to the system regardless of any protests that she had shortly after caves succumbed to his illness and passed away where Carolyn became CEO of Aperture Science jumping ahead to 1986 aperture heard word that black Mesa were working on their own portal technology and with the competition's strong Caroline pushed for the development of a disk operating system based on the genetic life-form artificial intelligence research that had begun back in 1982. if this project were to be completed it would allow aperture to accelerate their portal project and hopefully beat Black Mesa in this race as the black Mesa survey team explored more of these floating islands in a void of space they managed to bring back specimens of the Flora and Fauna they came across although dozens of this survey team fell victim to the dangers of Zen This research was invaluable and increased their understanding of not only Zen but also gave them a greater insight into How the Universe functioned on one of their EX petitions the survey team took note of crystals scattered across Zen's landscape and after they brought some of these crystals Back to Black Mesa they discovered that these crystals had interesting properties so black Mesa formed the anomalous materials team to analyze them in the sector C test Labs but to do this they needed a machine that was capable of the level of analysis they needed as one of the scientists that had originally worked in sector F Dr Rosenberg took it upon himself to design this device and here he came up with the anti-mass spectrometer where it was constructed in teslab c-33a in sector C this machine scanned a chosen Crystal sample with oscillating electromagnetic fields and beams of high energy plasma where its agitated the Exotic MATA in the crystals to form displacement fields which were then analyzed with Advanced sensors the scientists theorized that if they were able to harness the negative mass or exotic energy in these crystals then they could essentially create wormholes to discover new universes and dimensions for exploration if this was the portal technology aperture had heard rumors about but it was a completely different method of forming a portal as aperture's method relied on the ability to harness the power of a black hole inside of a handheld device to form theirs while this was one of the main focuses of the zhenian crystals black Mesa also had other ideas for technology they could develop with them over the next few years one of aperture's most ambitious projects the Borealis and its crew of scientists disappeared Without a Trace and and a part of the dry dock with it with this experiment held in high secrecy it was never reported what had actually happened to the research vessel many believed that this project was in some way linked to teleportation technology so they speculated that something had gone wrong and it had teleported out of the facility as black Mesa and Aperture Science competed against each other out there in the world a new generation of scientists worked hard to gain an education and join this race for scientific advancement one of these was Gordon Freeman with a thirst to explore and understand theoretical physics Gordon managed to get into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and over his years there he made a strong impression on his peers and professors one of his professors was Dr Isaac Kleiner this man was a well-known name in the scientific Community due to his research and documentation on teleportation something Gordon was also highly interested in where he wrote his thesis on the topic eventually Gordon graduated and moved to Innsbruck Austria where he joined the team at The Institute for experiment mental physics during his time there Gordon was able to gain a better insight into teleportation and even managed to observe a series of teleportation experiments over in Black Mesa Gordon's old Mentor Dr Kleiner was offered a position with the anomalous materials team where he could put his knowledge on teleportation to use here Isaac worked with the other great minds on this team most notably Dr Eli Vance Dr Richard Keller and Dr Arnie Magnuson moving into 1996 aperture's work on the genetic life form and Disk Operating System neared completion and aware that when activated for the first time there was a chance that its sentience would come with a Godlike complex with this risk the technicians on this project put in place a safeguard the red phone plan this plan was fairly simple it required an aperture employee to sit next to a red phone placed in glados's AI chamber and if she appeared to be hostile upon activation then the employee was to use it where GLaDOS would quickly be shut down GLaDOS essentially was rooted into the whole facility and had a full control of it so it was important that the technicians made sure she had the right intentions after many years of hard work and research on the GLaDOS project it was almost complete the technicians just needed to do one thing upload Caroline's consciousness so they followed cave Johnson's final order and uploaded her it is unknown if she went willingly or put up a fight but after this any record of Carolyn is gone therefore it is believed that her physical form passed away as her mind was uploaded the ultimate aim for this project had been to see if aputure could upload a human mind to a system that's when active would control every aspect of the facility help it run efficiently and most importantly accelerate projects in progress although Carolyn had been uploaded to GLaDOS something appeared to have gone wrong during this process where Carolyn's personality was hidden away in the system and suppressed shortly after GLaDOS was activated for the first time here she instantly attempted to lock down the facility within 1 16 of a picosecond with the intention to murder all Personnel two aperture's look at their preparation with the red foam plan allowed them to shut her down before she could do any damage initially this appeared to be a total failure but the fact that the human consciousness had been uploaded to a machine and it interacted with the facility was an accomplishment on its own so the aperture technicians persevered over time where they activated GLaDOS from time to time in an attempt to discover ways to adapt her personality with a whole team dedicated to the GLaDOS project the scientists developed a personality calls that they believed when attached to GLaDOS would positively adjust her personality and curb her murderous Tendencies as a technician worked on one of these cores Henry he explained to his friend Doug just how useful these calls were the core Henry was working on was called the morality Corps which he and the other technicians believed would stop glados's attempts to murder the facility where it would push her to actually think about her actions and essentially act as a sort of conscience this sounded like a great idea in theory but as the more pessimistic of the two Doug replied with you can always ignore your conscience as the development of these personality cores were completed they were attached to see what kind of difference they made and GLaDOS went through various calls one of note would later become known as Wheatley Wheatley was designed to form a constant stream of stupid thoughts where the technicians hoped would limit gladys's ability to think about her need to murder the Personnel eventually the technician settled on the perfect combination of course the Curiosity core the knowledge core and the emotion core which seem to only display anger with these connected aperture planned to show GLaDOS off as a scheduled event on the company's annual bring your daughter to work day but in aperture fashion this day ended with an unspecified disaster with gladys's track record it was likely due to another attempt to murder the facility following this the technicians attached the core that Henry had worked on the morality core over in Austria Gordon grew disappointed with the slow pace and poor funding of academic research and decided to look for somewhere new that he could work and increases understanding of theoretical physics where he discovered a job opening at the black Mesa research facility upon his application he discovered that Dr Kleiner was actually the lead of the project he had applied for the anomalous materials team with Isaac's great relationship with Gordon MIT education and time at the institute for experimental physics Gordon was offered the position there was another candidate black Mesa were close to hiring Dr Judith Mossman but she just missed out to Gordon with this offer Gordon accepted and moved to the black Mesa complex in the New Mexico desert entering the 2000s aperture still worked hard to get their promising projects up and running the main one was the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device where they once again use test subjects to solve the test Chambers with the device at one point during this period of time a young woman called Chell attempted to apply to be a test subject but aperture had seemingly become stricter in the characteristics and traits that they looked for in test subjects and rejected her there are also rumors that Chell was the daughter of an employee of aperture but due to the events to come this cannot be confirmed with the facility bustling GLaDOS was activated once again but this time it appeared the morality core had in fact adjusted her murderous traits where she spoke to the scientists and helped them in their advancements of projects although Caroline still was nowhere to be seen in the personality of GLaDOS the technicians were just happy to have her cooperate but from a distance Doug ratman was still skeptical of GLaDOS and this instant fix that had been given to her on May 3rd of an unspecified year in the early 2000s way out in the santigo military base a young 22 year old Marine Corporal Adrian Shepherd waited to be assigned a mission as he wandered the base his unit spoke of a weird government-looking man that had visited some speculated that he was from the government and looking to recruit While others claimed he was with a secret research group regardless Adrian wanted a spot in whatever this man offered so he continued to train and was their mysteriously bumped up at the Advanced Training List It appeared someone had a plan for him over in upper Michigan aperture prepared for their annual bring your cat to work day and over the past few weeks GLaDOS have remained active and Cooperative with the scientists she had stated that she had lost all interest in killing and only crave science where over this time trust was built between the technicians and the Machine for bring your cat to work day GLaDOS asked if she could perform an experiment as a planned activity this experiment involved cats and the boxes and she even had the most of the necessary materials for it she just needed one more a little neurotoxin to this the scientists agreed reluctantly as it was for Science and Gladys had shown great Improvement since the attachment of her morality core as the day progressed the scheduled activities took place and and then it was gladys's turn to begin her experiment with full control of the facility the trust of the aperture personnel and neurotoxin GLaDOS locked down the facility within two picoseconds and deployed the neurotoxin she had been given she technically had not lied about craving science or her desire to perform this experiment it just so happened that aperture was the box and the Personnel were her cats a homage to Schrodinger's cat where from the outside world the Personnel within were both alive and dead as there was no way to know for sure without going inside which was impossible as GLaDOS had locked down the Aperture Science facility as the facility fell into chaos the neurotoxin took out the Personnel one by one but a group of scientists managed to avoid this and traveled to secret vault full of human test subjects deep in the aperture complex here they lock themselves inside with a system that only something capable of Performing human gestures could unlock GLaDOS was unaware of this region of aperture but if she was somehow able to learn of his existence the human gesture system would keep her out inside these survivors simply waited to be rescued with full control of aperture GLaDOS began her new testing initiative and a permanent testing cycle began firstly with the surviving employees as her test subjects but one managed to escape This Disaster Doug ratman he had already been cautious about galados's motives and upon discovering the body of his friend Henry he went into hiding in the regions of aperture that did not have cameras of course GLaDOS knew he had escaped and a game of cat and mouse began although GLaDOS had killed most of the aputure employees with neurotoxin and more died during testing she still had a purpose she wanted to beat Black Mesa in the race for portal technology on the outside world the people were unaware that aputure had completely locked down sealed from within and life continued to go on on May 7th at the santigo military base Corporal Adrian Shepherd actually saw the government man that his peers had mentioned and strangely enough he noticed this man watching him from afar on multiple occasions throughout the day and as the days went on he and his units were told that they had been selected for a mission this Mission would require them to be experts in indoor strategic Combat on May 11th a research associate at black Mesa Collette green was sent a memo which informed her that a new sample had been brought back for analysis gg-3883 and after her own analysis of this sample she determined that this was the largest and purest sample black Mesa had received so far so this sample was set to replace another sample that the anomalous materials team were scheduled to analyze in the following days as the Marines at santigo continued to train they heard rumors that they were preparing for emission as the black Mesa research facility but as this facility was government owned and worked with top secret projects those on the outside were unaware of what actually happened there now weeks after gladys's takeover of the facility Doug continued to hide from the murderous robot as he watched his co-workers die during testing even if the scientists followed her orders and successfully made it through the testing track it's always ended the same way they were tricked into entering an incinerator with the promise of cake the cake had actually been used previously to incentivize aperture test subjects before this event but now the cake had a darker meaning Doug was naturally paranoid as a result of a condition he had schizophrenia and without access to top-ups for his medication over this period GLaDOS attempted to lure him out of the maintenance areas by playing on this she created traps and then attempted to convince him that this whole situation was in his head what were the chance says that a murderous robot had taken over his place of work and murdered his co-workers regardless Doug ignored her and as he fell deeper into his schizophrenia he came across a companion cube and projected a personality onto it where it became His companion and guided him on the safest routes as he traversed aputure he did have two remaining pills to take but he decided that he would only take them when he needed to as a member of Staff in the facility Doug thought about the best way to take GLaDOS down and Escape then he had a hunch GLaDOS had many test subjects in stasis just waiting to be used to test the Portal Device although GLaDOS had murdered the majority of the facility she still wanted to test so Doug navigated his way to the file room with the help of his company onion Cube which helped to make no glados's manipulation and turrets upon arrival in the file room dog adjusted the testing order of the subjects after finding a test subject that had been rejected from testing for being abnormally stubborn and never gave up ever he believed that shell would be the perfect test subject for GLaDOS to use as she would not accept defeats at the hands of GLaDOS so dog moved Chao from number 1498 to number one in the test subject list with his plan in place Doug went back into hiding and waited for GLaDOS to begin testing the test subjects where she would wake up his savior over in the black Mesa research facility on May 15th a security guard and friend of Gordon Freeman Barney Calhoun was given his assignment for the next day when he was scheduled to be working on Blue shift while over in the Santiago military base Corporal Adrian Shepherd and his Squad were finally given concrete information on the mission they have been preparing for they were told that the mission was going to take place at the black Mesa research facility but they were not informed what had happened there then they were told that they were just waiting for it to happen but no one knew what it was on May 16th in the black Mesa research facility of the anomalous materials team prepared for another experiment with the anti-mass spectrometer but this was not a normal experiment the crystal sample that Colette green had analyzed gg-3883 was the purest sample she had ever seen and with the belief that this sample could be the one to push their teleportation project the administrator of black Mesa Dr Wallace Breen put immense pressure on his scientists to produce conclusive results even if they had to deviate from standard analysis procedure the anti-mass spectrometer run normally at 90 percent this level allowed a safety buffer for the machine and Personnel but Dr Breen was insistent that they did whatever they could to work with this new sample within the enormous material team Dr Isaac Kleiner heard that Dr Breen had gone to Great Lengths to acquire the sample with this pressure the team planned to run the anti-mass spectrometer at 105 against the protest of Dr Eli Vance and Dr Rosenberg in the early hours of this morning the team in sector C prepared for this experiment but with the additional power required for the anti-mass spectrometer other areas of black Mesa suffered system crashes and even complete blackouts on the stressful morning the team noticed a strange man wandering the Halls watching the surrounding chaos the same man that Adrian had noticed watching him with all of this additional work and preparation the anomalous materials team ran behind their schedule slot to perform at the experiment and the person responsible for pushing the crystal into the machine Dr Freeman was also running late this gave the team more time to prepare and theorize what could actually go wrong in this experiment where some whispered of the possibility of a resonance Cascade a rep in space and time as Barney Calhoun began his shift as a security guard he was sent to fix an elevator around this time Gordon finally arrived at the sector C test labs and put on his hazda's environment suit on his way to the test chamber Gordon stopped in the kitchen and for some reason turned on the microwave which destroyed a casserole that did not belong to him this moment began a grudge that would last for decades upon Gordon's eventual arrival in the observation Bay of the anti-mass spectrometer he was updated by Dr Kleiner on the situation the changes in protocol and and that Dr Breen needed the results of this Crystal sample to be conclusive from here Gordon entered the test chamber and followed the instructions of his team above in the observation Bay Eli Vance was approached by the government man that had wandered the halls of the facility and he said something strange prepare for unforeseen consequences this was such a strong statement considering Eli had been against the adjustment of the testing parameters but the team were under immense pressure and so he ignored the warning and kept it to himself whether scientists boosted the anti-mass spectrometer to 105 percent ready for Gordon to proceed as they made this change they did also notice a discrepancy in the readings but as it quickly reverted back to acceptable bounds they ignored it in the maintenance areas of the anti-mass spectrometer Dr Gina cross placed a crystal sample in a lift for it to be delivered up to Gordon where upon its arrival he pushed this Crystal sample into the beam of the anti-mass spectrometer and then everything changed as the crystal hit the beam it shattered under the Exotic energy inside of the crystal flooded the room this in turn triggered a resonance Cascade powered by the crystal this Cascade ripped a hole in space where a bridge was formed between black Mesa and the Border world of Zen as beams of energy surged around the chamber equipment across the whole facility malfunctioned as a result of this the elevator Barney studding collapsed as the Hostile Flora and Fauna of Zen teleported into the facility to Gordon's look he avoided injury during this incident and he was even teleported briefly to Zen and then pulled back to Earth to see the chaos this event had caused the black Mesa research facility had been invaded by zenian creatures and there was a force behind this the last nylon after this creature had just escaped with its life it explodes then and discovered that it was stronger than most of the species on this border World in a move of self-preservation the nylan enslaved these creatures and formed its own Army just in case the combine discovered its new home when Humanity discovered Zen the nylonth watched from afar and when the resna's Cascade occurred the creature saw an opportunity to escape to Earth where it believed it would be safe from the hands of the combine all it had to do was take out the population of Earth first so it sent every enslaved creature it had to achieve this as Gordon Freeman left the ruined test chamber and wandered the Halls he discovered the bodies of the people he had worked with moving upstairs he came across Eli and Isaac who had a 10 it's a call for help but the instant had knocked out the communication system with a suit to protect him from the dangers of black Mesa Eli asked Gordon to reach the surface and bring back help where he left to do so and with help on the way Eli went to go and find his wife and daughter unfortunately Eli's wife asean had already died but his daughter did survive just in a strange way the G-Man had somehow discovered where Alex Vance was and plucked her out of black Mesa against the wishes of his employers using unexplained abilities it appeared that the G-Man and his employers had some sort of agenda and this man was not what he appeared to be as Gordon went on he was attacked by headcrabs these small creatures attempted to latch onto a host's head break into its skull all and control it as a sort of puppet so Gordon picked up the first weapon he saw to defend himself a crowbar and he continued on to find help around this time Dr Gina cross and Dr Colette green followed the instructions of their boss Dr Rosenberg and after also fighting through azanian creatures they managed to send off a distress call for Military Support over in the santigo military base Adrian and his Squad were told that it was time to leave under the banner of the Hazardous environment combat unit the Marines were deployed for their mission they had trained for over the past few weeks and made their way to Black Mesa the interesting part about this was that the person who had contracted santigo to prepare the hecu would have somehow been aware that the resonance Cascade was going to happen which suggested that this was either a planned event or the forces behind this could manipulate time on their way in the hecu were kept in the dark on what their mission was they were told that they would get their mission brief upon arrival so Corporal agent Shepherd and the other units in his Osprey speculated what their mission was as the hecu arrived in the New Mexico desert the Osprey holding Adrian and his Squad was attacked by a flying zanyan creature where it crashed into the ground below although Adrian's Osprey had fallen down other Ospreys managed to reach the landing Zone safely and the Marines inside were briefed on what their mission was they were told that black Mesa had conducted a top secret experiment that had brought a into the facility and their mission was to take over the black Mesa announcement system eliminate the Hostile aliens and any witnesses to this catastrophe this included the Personnel of black Mesa essentially this was a cover-up operation scattered across the entire facility the hecu initially took out to the scientists easily as from the scientist's perspective this military force had been sent in to rescue them following the fall of the elevator he had worked on Barney finally woke up to see for himself the chaos in Black Mesa as he navigated the corridors filled with bodies Barney fought off the zany creatures and the hecu he encountered and eventually discovered Dr Rosenberg who had locked himself away after the hecu attempted to capture and interrogate him as Rosenberg had been a part of the team that had discovered Zen using teleportation technology he believed they could use an old prototype of the Lambda complex teleporter to escape black Mesa so Rosenberg and Barney made their way to the older parts of black Mesa to use it on Gordon's Journey he helped the scientists he came across on the way and noticed that one breed of the aliens the vortegaunts had shackles around their necks and arms which indicated that these were just foot soldiers fighting against their will for an unknown force moving on Gordon was told by a scientist that there was a military presence in Black Mesa that had come to rescue them but shortly after he discovered the true nature of this military operation where he took it upon himself to take out not only the aliens but also the hecu under Dr Keller's instructions Coletta and Gina reactivated the dampening locks of the anti-mass spectrometer with the theory that this would seal the bridge between Earth and Zen and stop these alien creatures from flooding into the facility but this did nothing to solve that problem where Dr Keller speculated that something on the other side in Zen must have been holding this connection open in sector f the Lambda complex the held up scientists there contacted Dr Keller and together they theorized that they could use a prototype displacement Beacon to create a resonant reversal and sealed the rift but to do this they needed a satellite in orbit with a black Mesa on the military lockdown Gina and Colette had to overrule this which they managed to the issue was that the hecu discovered what they were up to and took over the control room which they planned to use to launch a rocket with the satellite having fought well through the facility with every weapon he came across Gordon took out both alien and hecu and here the Lambda team believed that Gordon could help them with their problem so they managed to contact him and asked for his help to which he accepted on his way to the rocket control room Gordon fought with many of Zen's dangerous creatures and he even survived the underground rail which consisted of many of the hecu eventually he arrived at the launch site took out the Marines who guarded it and launched the rocket the hecu did their best to complete their mission but grew increasingly frustrated with the deaths of their Marines at the hands of Gordon Freeman where they even called him out by name over the intercoms and sought him out to kill him so Gordon had to be more careful as he traveled towards sector F where he and the scientists could come up with a new plan as a result of this colossal failure to contain this problem the United States government decided to send in another unit the Black Ops to take out the hecu the black Mesa Personnel the zanyan life forms and the entire structure with a thermonuclear device with their satellite in space and ready to do their part Gina Colette and Dr Keller arrived at black mesa's gamma Labs the the home of the Prototype displacement Beacon after they fought off a wave of zany creatures they successfully activated the beacon and initiated the resonance reversal they had done everything they could to reverse This Disaster but the nylan kept this Rift open between Earth and Zen from its side and their efforts have been in vain so Gina Colette and Dr Keller attempted to leave the facility over in sector a Barney and Dr Rosenberg had discovered the odd lab with the Prototype teleporter and after a visit to Zen to activate a triangulation device to allow this old rebuilt teleporter to work Barney came back and helped the scientists recharge and complete the teleporter as Gordon neared the Lambda complex he was ambushed and knocked unconscious by members of the hecu here they had to decide what they wanted to do with him their orders were to bring him to the surface and interrogate him but the people he had killed were their friends in sector a bani activated the teleporter and watched as a scientist jumped through to Freedom as he defended them against incoming forces that had discovered this lab and using his security guard training he fought them off for long enough to jump into the teleporter himself as he entered Barney bounced through different locations in one of these he landed in an underground room and watched as his friend Gordon was carried by two military units down a corridor but before he could do anything to help he was teleported outside with the scientists he had helped unable to help his friend Barney left black Mesa in an SUV as Gordon woke up he found himself in a trash compactor it appeared that the two units that had ambushed him were fine with going against a direct order and killing him regardless Gordon managed to escape this and continued on his journey to the Lambda complex over the hours since the residence cascade had occurred more and more aliens had teleported through the rift where the hecu struggled to fight back against them and Gordon's Killing Spree so they prepared to pull out after the crash of his Osprey Corporal Adrian Shepherd finally woke up and found himself in one of black mesa's medical labs he had been saved by a scientist as a result of this crash Adrian had not received any orders from a commanding officer and was still in the dark on why he had been sent here so he navigated the halls of black Mesa unaware of what had happened here on his path Adrian discovered a radio and was informed that the hecu were pulling out and he needed to make his way towards the extraction point which he did on his way to the extraction Point Adrian Ford passed Zen's forces and finally arrived here he heard other members of the hecu mentioned Gordon Freeman the man with a crowbar that had taken out many of their own as Adrian attempted to board the Oscar to leave black Mesa the hunger door closed where he was locked inside here Adrian saw who had locked the door the G-Man the man that had seemingly followed him since his days of training at santigo having missed the last Osprey out of black Mesa Adrian had to find another exit from this place where he came across other abandoned members of his unit together they looked for an escape as The hecu Departed they launched an airstrike on black Mesa underground Gordon avoided this and continued on his way to the Lambda complex after he eventually arrived he discovered many of black mesa's surviving scientists hidden within he was told that they believed a force on the other side was keeping the rift open between Earth and Zen and having survived against the the odds they believe Gordon would be the perfect person to travel to Zen to stop this Invasion so they prepared to use the teleporter thus the survey team had once used to acquire samples as the teleporter loaded up zany creatures flooded through into the chamber where they attacked Gordon and the scientists operating the machine alongside this Adrian had also lost the hecu units he was traveling with and as he ventured through the vents of black Mesa he opened the door just in time to watch Gordon jump into a portal to Zen Adrian knew Gordon's name at this point and with Gordon gone Adrian entered a different portal this one took him to Zen and after taking in this foreign world he found a way back to black Mesa in a completely different part of Zen that Adrian had visited Gordon traveled the floating islands where he searched for the leader of the vorticorns and various other species that had flooded the black Mesa facility in Black Mesa Adrian continued to search for an escape from this nightmare and discovered the biodome complex where the black Mesa scientists have brought through these alien flora and fauna for study alongside this he also discovered floating orbs all traveling in the same direction unknown to the occupants of black Mesa and Zen another species known only as race X had also taken the resonance Cascade as an opportunity to conquer and take over Earth but these creatures were planning on a different route deep in an abandoned part of black Mesa race X had begun the formation of a portal protected by their foot soldiers all they needed was for this portal to grow big enough for the gene worm to come through a giant creature that had the ability to terraform the environment around it into a hospitable environment for race X as Adrian continued across the facility he discovered the bodies of the soldiers he had trained with and even encountered the dangerous race X creatures that had killed them the most vicious by far was the pitworm in which he subsequently Avenged the deaths of his fellow Marines having discovered the displacer cannon at this point Adrian accidentally teleported himself to Zen and unknown to him he discovered the body of Gina cross it is unknown how she died or got here but Adrian did manage to teleport himself back to black Mesa the pet worm was not the only challenging foe he encountered as he often came across the Black Ops who had been sent in to kill everyone he also had the unique ability to survive in these impossible situations where he took out everything that came for him on his way through sector e Adrian discovered an underground garage that the Black Ops had taken over here he discovered what their end game was for black Mesa a thermonuclear device stored in the Ordnance storage facility once again Adrian took out the Black Ops and deactivated the device here he was told by a security guard that's the only way out of black Mesa was through a warehouse deeper in the facility as he walked through the elevator Adrian spotted the G-Man once again this time he was reactivating the device Adrian had just deactivated unable to get back into the parking garage Adrian instead continued on his path to escape black Mesa where he hoped he would make it out before the thermal nuke clear device was set off over in Zen Gordon discovered the habitat of the vortigorns and how they were treated as slaves by a higher Force to run a biological Factory to create more foot soldiers four whoever their leader was so he continued on using every weapon he encountered now deep underground Adrian was informed by another black Mesa security guard at that there was something attempting to come through a portal in an abandoned part of the facility and many had died attempting to stop it so Adrian entered an elevator and went down to face the Beast as he wandered the Halls Adrian followed the floating orbs he had seen all over the facility heading towards a room at the back here he discovered a giant portal this Gateway was connected to the home of race X it is unknown if this was just an extended part of Zen or a completely new dimension or World entirely but this was a threat that needed to be stopped with the portal almost fully charged from floating orbs the gene worms started to come through instantly age and fought it off with black Mesa lasers to Blind it and then fighted it with everything he had in his Arsenal that was until it retreated back into the portal it is unknown if the creature died or just returned to its Homeworld but this stopped the invasion of race X and upon Adrian's Victory a portal storm erupted from the portal and took Adrian somewhere new Adrian Shepard found himself in an Osprey flying through the New Mexico desert but this was no normal Osprey it appeared to teleport through dimensions and in front of him Adrian once again was face to face with the G-Man he was told that he had adapted and survived against the odds qualities that the G-Man had seen in himself and so he had persuaded his employers to allow Adrian's safe exit from the facility having seen great potential in Adrian but with no clear use for him yet the G-Man decided to store him just in case he was needed in the future as the G-Man spoke the thermonuclear device exploded and took out the entirety of the black Mesa facility any remaining Black Ops hecu zening creature race X and black Mesa Personnel were taken out with it as for Dr Colette green and Dr Keller it is unknown if they made it out in time in this Osprey flying in space the G-Man believed that Adrian could still cause some harm in some capacity for his and his employer's plans in the future so the G-Man decided to place him in a void stuck in stasis for the foreseeable future where Adrian Could Do no harm and in return no harm could come to him in Zen Gordon had no idea that he had nowhere to return to upon completing his mission and eventually He Came Upon a large portal as he entered he came face to face with the giant creature that had triggered this entire invasion of course Humanity had had a hand in it too but the nylonth had held open the rift and sent through everything it had to take over Earth as they fought the nylan attacked Gordon with teleportation orbs and dangerous balls of energy but Gordon had man-made Weaponry as he pulled out his weapon Gordon continuously fired at the creature's head as he evaded its attacks where the scientists managed to fire into an open crevice in an Island's Head Upon impact the creature spun around and levitated as energy surged from it and upon its death Gordon was teleported Gordon had successfully defeated the 9 Island and released its hold on Earth and as he recovered from this sudden teleportation he realized that he was still in Zen and the G-Man stood opposite him the man that he had also spotted watching him from afar the man explained to Gordon that he and his employers were impressed with his Limitless potential he had survived against the odds in an impossible situation and they wanted him to work for them due to the secretive nature of the G-Man and his employers Gordon still had no idea what he was being recruited for or what he would have to do during this conversation the G-Man teleported Gordon across various regions of Zen just to demonstrate how powerful he was but still the G-Man gave him a choice join them or be placed in a fight he had no chance of winning in this moment Gordon accepted the g-man's offer and entered a green portal into nothingness with Gordon in his capture the G-Man returned to his employers with the news that they had taken Zen as their own but it is unknown why the G-Man and his employers wanted this border world this also confirmed that this whole event had been orchestrated following the end of the resonance Cascade it appeared that the G-Man had multiple goals for this catastrophe to acquire Zen save a young Alex Vance hire Gordon and Adrian and some believe he even hired Colette green and to finish it off he had made sure that the black Mesa facility and everything inside was destroyed after the event but this one disaster would come at a huge cost for the rest of humanity although the black Mesa incident ended with the death of the nylon the few survivors discovered that this was only the beginning of something greater as a side effect of the resonance Cascade portal storms ravaged the planet where it brought zany and Wildlife with it their leader had died but the creatures stayed this was their home now and they attacked anything they encountered to combat this Earth's militaries came together to fight off this infestation to protect the population while underground in upper Michigan GLaDOS continued her testing on the trapped aperture employees as they continue to die one by one here Doug ratman now having fallen completely into his schizophrenia still waited for Chell to wake up with time to waste he used the maintenance areas of aperture to access test Chambers and Drew hence tips and tricks on the walls to warn shell of the situation of aperture when she eventually woke above ground the militaries of the planet fought until they grew weak then something new came out in the vast Universe the universal Union known as the combine to others continue to search the universe with the plan to conquer every sentient species they encountered and as a result of the resonance Cascade they discovered Earth following their exhaustion from fighting off the zanying creatures that are flooded the planet Humanity once again had to fight as the combine took advantage of the portal storms and Humanity's weakened State death filled the streets as this Universal Union took down each Nation over the subsequent hours it appeared that Humanity was going to be just another species that had failed to defend themselves but then Dr Wallace Breen the ax administ illustrator of black Mesa somehow discovered a way to communicate with the Ultimate Force with permission from the Allied Nations on the seventh hour Wallace offered the submission of humanity in return for their lives in which the combine accepted this agreement relied on all of Humanity's submission but there was still some who wanted to fight as the man that had made this deal the combine anointed him as Earth's administrator the person with direct contact to the combine to deploy their orders to the population of Earth with this agreement the combine began their work to fortify their holding of planet Earth over a very short period of time they examined the human biological structure to see how they could strengthen their armies in any way and saw how they could control this species here they created a suppression field that stopped any human from conceiving a child where the remaining children on Earth would be the last with the zanying creatures still being hostile to anyone that they came across the combine developed settlements labeled cities to safely hold and monitor the population of humanity and vortigaunt with their conquered species safe the combine got to work and adjusted man-made structures into combine strongholds over the Wasteland they developed the prison Nova Prospect into a place to hold those resistant to the combines occupation of the planet here they tortured questioned experimented with and adapted the humans into Shadows of what they had once been within the city 17 settlement the combine adapted a large building it's the home of the OverWatch the OverWatch was an AI that gave out orders to the human arm of the combine Empire this human arm consisted of volunteers that have been lured in by the promise of additional rations and the better living conditions there were also some who actually believed in the combines course and willingly joined the combine ruled mostly on fear but there was also another way to make Humanity more submissive this population relied on water to survive and with this knowledge the combine began to add a solution to the water that made the humans who drank it forgetful here they began to forget why they hated the combine and became more compliant outside of these settlements the region became known as the Wasteland dangerous areas Infested by zany and Wildlife and as the combine took Earth's natural resources one of which was water the oceans dropped and left dangerous Sandy regions which be became home to the zanyan online species the combine and Wallace Breen attempted to control the entire human and vortigaunt population but they could not control everyone the survivors of black Mesa had been through enough and they would not bow down to the combine where Dr Eli Vance Dr Isaac Kleiner Barney Calhoun and Dr Arnie Magnuson came together to form a resistance in upper Michigan the combine discovered the aperture facility and attempted to enter But as GLaDOS had full control she was able to keep them out inside underground Doug was completely unaware of what had happened to his planet and he still sought to escape then Chao was selected as the next test subject a new testing cycle was about to begin as chal woke up she looked around and found herself in a relaxation Vault it made sense as she had volunteered for this position after a portal opened and allowed her access to the first test chamber Chao listened to what she thought was an automated voice announcement with instructions when in reality this was GLaDOS who pretended not to be sentient and watched her new test subject through security cameras under the robot's instructions achal was guided to the Portal Device it appeared that GLaDOS still wanted to beat Black Mesa in the race for portal technology but due to the fall of black Mesa and Humanity this race was over shall easily completed the test Chambers as she learned more about how they functioned as Doug and His companion cube watched her from the offices and maintenance areas then she reached test chamber 16. before she could enter this chamber GLaDOS informed her that the test chamber had been replaced by a live firing course due to scheduled maintenance this appeared to be glados's first attempt to murder Chao undeterred and only able to move forward into the chamber Chell avoided the Sentry turrets that filled this space and then she noticed something odd a wall of the chamber had been pushed out upon further investigation Chell discovered a maintenance area that Doug had lived in and the messages he had left for her help drawn on the floor and warnings that the cake was a lie still under the impression that the robot voice she listened to was pre-recorded Chell continued on watch From a Distance by Doug as he believed the end to his torment would soon come with Chell as she ventured closer to the end of the testing track Doug took his last two antipsychotic pills in preparation for the aftermath where he argued that he needed a clear head for what was to come against the wishes of his Companion Cube which acted as his source of reasoning during child's time in test chamber 17 she relied on her own companion cube to solve the puzzle and although Chell could not have completed the chamber without the cube GLaDOS asked her to drop it into an incinerator to proceed hesitantly she did upon arrival in Test Chamber 19 the final test chamber on this track Chell activated an unstationary scaffold and stepped onto it with the promise of cake Chell stayed on the scaffold as it moved closer towards a picture of a cake but then Chell discovered what was about to happen as the unstationary scaffold turned a corner and revealed the incinerator as the scaffold slowly moved towards the fire GLaDOS informed Chell that any aperture product could survive up to 4 000 degrees Kelvin and thanked her for her service even here she still pretended to be an automated voice however Chao was extremely stubborn and never gave up the qualities Doug had been impressed with so when she discovered what aperture had implant for her she quickly portaled herself onto a ledge this act of defiance forced GLaDOS to break the illusion and she revealed that she was actually sentient here she attempted to convince Chell that this had also been a part of the test all Hotel had to do now was wait for a party escort bot to retrieve her and she would be rewarded with cake shell instead ignored the instructions of GLaDOS and entered the maintenance areas just like Duck hard when the facility was originally wiped out while working through these areas Chao discovered just how empty this place was from what she could tell no one had actually watched her from the windows it appeared only the robot had something awful had happened here but from the drawings and dens she had discovered over her journey she knew that at least one person was looking out for her on his reversal and preparation for child to awaken Doug had drawn arrows in these maintenance areas to guide chel towards glados's Central AI chamber which Chell followed aware that this test subject could injure her GLaDOS attempted to lure her out and place Sentry turrets in regions that she thought child would go through but this test subject was tenacious and defiant where she easily ignored gladys's manipulative tactics and traps on her way to the AI chamber with her portal gun in hand Chao entered glados's chamber and they met face to robot face here GLaDOS dropped her morality core onto the ground and attempted to convince Chao to destroy it which she did the destruction of glados's morality Court once again gave her access to her neurotoxin which she deployed in a Race Against Time shall use glados's rocket turret against her to break off other personality cores from her frame and for each one that fell off Chell dropped it into the incinerator each core destroyed left GLaDOS even angrier than before although the cause had limited her to a degree they also served an additional function to stabilize a reactor above GLaDOS and due to the destruction of the cause the reactor exploded and summoned a portal on the ceiling where it pulled through both Chell and GLaDOS into the car park of aperture this explosion shook aperture and echoed across its Halls as this wave knocked down Doug and His companion cube they believed that this could only mean one thing a child had succeeded with excitement Doug ran across the facility to see chell's handiwork and discovered the central AI chamber in Ruins but he was surprised to find that chal was not there so he made his way to the exit with the belief that she had gone outside to soak in the sun on his way Doug and his cube made sure to avoid the remaining Sentry turrets in aperture GLaDOS had fallen but her turrets had not as he reached the exit it Doug pushed open the doors and discovered Freedom as he took this in he heard something and with his natural instinct to hide at this point he jumped behind the carcass of GLaDOS and he watched as an unconscious child was dragged back into aputure by a party escort Bots Doug had been given his freedom by this girl and In This Moment he had two choices leave Chell to her fate and leave this place for good or travel back into aperture and rescue her over his whole time in aperture His companion cube had acted as his logic and reasoning and although he wanted to go inside his Cube told him to leave her he had been running since GLaDOS had taken over the facility and he finally wanted to stop but his cubed told him that he should not try to be the hero as Heroes die to the disappointment of his sole companion dogri entered the Aperture Science facility and ventured towards the extended relaxation Vault where he knew this bot would take her on his way his Companion Cube went quieter over time until it stopped speaking completely and his mind became clear his antipsychotic pills had finally Taken full effect and now all of his thoughts were now in his own head as Doug reached the extended relaxation Vault he discovered that Chao had already been placed in long-term relaxation but there was still hope to get her from here he just needed to get up to the cryo control to help her the issue was that glados's turrets still blocked the way as dog checked a control panel he noticed that something was also wrong with the extended relaxation vaults glados's explosion had blown the main power grid and as a result all of the cryo Chambers and their life support had been knocked offline in a Race Against Time and desperate to save everybody in extended relaxation Doug realized that the only way to save them was to pass through the room filled with Century turrets to use the Vault controls he had relied on his Companion Cube throughout most of his imprisonment to guide him and help him survive so he asked his Cube if it would be best to jump left or right to avoid the bullets of the turrets but the cube did not respond as he felt he was running out of time Doug just ran for it and hoped for the best the issue was that aperture had designed one of the best Sentry turrets on the planet and he was unable to outrun them where he was shot in his right leg as the blood pulled out of him he felt weaker and weaker until he fell unconscious shortly after Doug woke up and was greeted by his Companion Cube his medication had won off at least now he had a companion again that could help him with what to do next and in this state though could no longer rescue Chao The Companion Cube suggested that although he could not reach her he could still save her life by patching her crowd unit into the reserve power grid in doing so she would live but remain in extended relaxation without a wake-up date here he had to decide whether she had the long sleep or the long sleep death or stasis Doug eventually decided to reactivate her life support and he hoped that maybe she would be discovered sometime in the future with child safe and on life support Doug felt incredible tired as a result of his injuries and so he crawled into another crowd unit and went to sleep with his faithful Companion Cube at his side Doug had sacrificed himself a child in the hopes she would wake one day and as of now it is ultimately unknown what happened to Doug ratman after this point with GLaDOS gone and every human either unconscious or dead the personality course stored in aperture woke up and got to work to keep their facility functioning outside of aperture the combine continued with the adaptation of the planet with new strongholds and settlements within City 17 they decided that this would be the perfect place to construct their main headquarters on Earth where the construction of the Citadel began as the setstyle grew over time humanity adjusted to this new way of life under the constant control and surveillance of the combine Empire here more of the human population joined the Civil protection in an attempt to get a more comfortable life but there were still others that had not accepted this new regime in the shadows the resistance grew under the leadership of Eli Vance since his Escape of black Mesa and the subsequent seven hour War Eli had lost his lower leg and replaced it with a prosthetic one although he never stated how this happened there were rumors that he had been attacked by a bull squid as he helped Isaac Kleiner climb over a barricade into City 17 which had resulted in the loss of his leg within City 17 the resistance formed a strong framework to recruit grow and help those in need shortly after Eli moved out into the canals of the city with his young daughter Alex and set up black Mesa East a resistance base this was the perfect location as he was just close enough to visit the city but also just far enough away to evade combine detection here black Mesa East focused on technology and the development of new weapons and equipment this was aided by resistance raids of combine locations where Eli and another member Russell broke into these locations and stole combine technology and Designs within City 17 Isaac Kleiner set up his own base in an abandoned warehouse where he attempted to focus on surveillance and infiltration of the combine ranks this is where Barney Calhoun came in useful where he joined the Civil protection as a spy and fed the resistance information such as upcoming combine raids and captured resistance members just to name a few as Eli Isaac and Barney settled into their bases Arnie Magnuson made his way to the region now known as the outlands to an abandoned old cold war base that's the black meter Corporation had purchased many years before white forest here Arnie and his team began work on a rocket with a displacement beacon in it which they plan to use when an eventual Uprising begun and the combine sent for reinforcements with the survivors of black Mesa all working together their resistance grew it strengthened even more when Eli reached out and showed kindness to the vortegone species who had been stranded on Earth after the black Mesa incident through communication Eli learned that they had only acted under the orders of the nylon and after its death at the hands of Gordon they too only wanted Freedom they knew that they had originally been freed by Gordon Freeman but the combine had taken it away from them so across the Wasteland in resistance basis the voter got joined humanity and used their connection to the vortescence to Aid them over the years the resistance continued to grow with the brighter Minds new bases across the Wasteland and they even adopted the sign of the Lambda the symbol that Gordon Freeman had worn as he closed the rift between Earth and Zen and stopped the resonance Cascade the resistance was strong and to help the people of City 17 escape the control of the combine Isaac and Eli set up an underground railroad that consisted of bases between kleiner's lab and black Mesa East so that they could safely make their way out of the city with each passing year Alex grew up and formed a strong relationship with her father having mostly grown up in a resistance base with advanced technology she quickly learned to understand how technology worked this was only Amplified when Eli built her a robot dog to protect her from the dangers of the Wasteland and she adapted and built upon him where they grew up together as Moore learned about the resistance these refugees traveled the Underground Railroad and arrived in Black Mesa East but it got to the point where this base struggled to house each incoming member so Eli decided to expand their hold of the region into the local abundant mining town of Raven home within the Citadel of City 17 Wallace Breen noticed the increase in resistance activity and as he was tasked with keeping Humanity in line he addressed the population through breencasts but Humanity only saw him as the man that has sold out his own species a sentiment that Eli also held he was the man that had pushed for the experiment that had caused the resonance Cascade in the first place and if they had only ignored their administrator then they would still be working at black Mesa unaware of the combines existence the Underground Railroad was a great way to relocate the refugees but it did have its flaws it was still open to combine interference Eli and Isaac believed that there must be a better way to transport these people between bases so as scientists that have worked with teleportation technology they began to build a teleporter in each of their respective bases based on black Mesa technology where they plan to use a relay device on Zen to act as a slingshot between Dr kleiner's lab and black Mesa East the problem was actually getting the teleporters to work correctly in Black Mesa East Dr Judith Mossman joined the Eli science team and added her expertise to help in the development of the teleporters as Alex got older she helped too and also traveled into City 17 to Dr kleiner's lab to check in on him and bound at one point Judith and Wallace Breen made contact where she became a spy for the combine Wallace discovered that although the combine could jump from Universe to Universe they had not yet discovered the technology that allowed them to jump from one point to another in a single universe and this was the technology black Mesa had looked into and the technology that Isaac and Eli were working on right now so as a spy for the combine Judith took what she could from the resistance's work on the teleporters and used it to help the combine build their own Innova Prospect as a result of continued resistance activity the combine discovered the resistance town of ravenholm having experimented on headcrabs as biological weapons they launched headcrab shells into the old mining town where an infestation began the attack on Raven home meant that black Mesa East had to make a difficult decision enter the town and take out the headcrabs to save their own or seal the tunnels to keep a still secret black Mesa East Hidden from the combine so that they could continue their fight where Eli decided to seal the tunnel which left the resistance of Raven home on their own over time Eli and Isaac continued their teleportation experiments where at one point they attempted to teleport a cat from kleiner's Lab to Black Mesa East but this experiment did not go as expected as a result Barney would have nightmares about what happened to the cat for years the resistance had come so fast since the seven hour war and it only continued to grow and Uprising was coming all they needed was a spark approximately 20 years after the combine Invasion Gordon awoke in a void where the G-Man spoke to him it appeared that the job he had been hired for was about to start he was told to Rise and Shine from his rest and that his hour had come then the G-Man disappeared and Gordon found himself somehow on a train entering a city confused he left the train and saw the director of black Mesa on a large television screen welcoming the occupants of this train to City 17. to Gordon the moments between entering the green portal after his battle with the nylon and his arrival on this train had felt like seconds when in reality it had been two decades the G-Man had simply kept him in stasis and Frozen his conscious thought as he explored this train station Gordon attempted to enter a gate to Nova Prospect but the gate closed and and stopped his entry to his look Barney Calhoun happened to be working civil protection that day and recognized his old friend where he took him to his office a lot had changed in 20 years and with Gordon still very confused Barney began a video call with Dr Kleiner where they arranged to get Gordon to his lab but when the Civil protection officers became suspicious with what was taken so long in Barney's office Gordon had to escape through a window where he began his journey there alone on foot on his way there Gordon did not speak to anyone in an attempt not to draw attention to himself and headed through an apartment complex here he saw just how terrified Humanity were of the combine and the Civil protection unfortunately Gordon did bring attention to himself whether civil protection chased him through the apartment and complex to his look the civilians here guided him to the rooftop out of their reach where he'd reversed the rooftops and avoided the bullets of the Civil protection who fired from below to escape the Civil protection Gordon entered an open window but was ambushed by more of them who beat him with their stun sticks unknown to them Alex Vance had traveled from Dr kleiner's lab with the plan to retrieve Gordon and she could fight where she took out the Civil protection unit with ease after she introduced herself Alex brought Gordon to kleiner's lab where these two old friends reacquainted Gordon had last seen this man when he had been asked to reach the surface to get help during this reunion Barney joined them as Isaac gave Gordon an upgraded version of his HEV suit and here they thought about what would be best to do going forward Gordon had arrived on a very important day this was the day that Dr Kleiner had finished the teleporter and he believed it would work this time so after a conversation Isaac called Eli in his lab and together they decided it would be best if Gordon was teleported to Black Mesa East where he could put on his lab coat and work alongside them Gordon wore the sign of the resistance on his chest once more and as a man that had survived against the odds his return meant a lot to the resistance and their cause which pushed them much closer to an uprising as Isaac prepared the teleporter Alex was asked to go first and after Gordon flipped the switch she successfully teleported through to her father's lab next it was Gordon's turn but on his go Dr Klein's deep beaked headcrop Lamar jumped into the teleporter as it charged up where it's malfunctioned over the next minute the teleporter flung Gordon across the Wasteland and he saw just what the combine had done to his Planet at one point Gordon briefly found himself in the office of Wallace Breen at the top of the Citadel who recognized him instantly Breen was somewhat aware of the G-Man and his mysterious motives and so when Gordon disappeared he contacted the combine to let them know that something was off to which the Citadel was set to high alert and many units were sent out to track down and capture Gordon Freeman eventually the teleportation sequence stabilized and Gordon found himself just outside of Dr kleiner's lab here he once again had to begin a journey alone on but this time to Black Mesa East and just before he embarked Barney brought him a weapon he knew would come in handy on his journey a crowbar on his journey Gordon took out many civil protection units as he ventured the Underground Railroad and the canals of City 17. Gordon left Devastation in his wake as the combine were never too far behind him where they discovered each resistance base on this network which led to the collapse of the Underground Railroad eventually Gordon arrived at black Mesa East and met Judith Mossman for the first time she knew of Gordon and that he had taken her spot in Black Mesa and here they descended to Eli's lab as Gordon and Eli reunited Judith left to go into a back room and she alerted Wallace Breen that Gordon God arrived Judith cared for Eli and the work they did together on teleportation and as a result of these feelings she asked the Wallace not to attack until she gave the signal so that she could protect Eli but Wallace's relationship with the combine had strained due to Gordon's wake of Destruction since his arrival he needed some sort of action to let the combine know that he was on top of this situation so against the wishes of Judith he ordered a strike on black Mesa East after a heated discussion between Alex and Judith Eli suggested that Alex take Gordon into the scrapyard full of technology that the resistance had sourced from their raids of the Wasteland and combine facilities and here Alex showed Gordon the gravity gun a powerful piece of technology designed by Eli where which also held similarities to a project aperture had developed decades before following this Alex introduced Gordon to dog who at this point was much larger than she was this had been the most peaceful moment since Gordon had arrived on the train to City 17 but it did not last for long as brain's forces arrived at black Mesa East Gordon Alex and dog re-entered the base to help Eli but after a ceiling collapse separated Gordon and Alex she asked the dog to take Gordon to the old Raven home tunnel where he could Escape The Raid as she went on to attempt to help her dad with trust in Alex Gordon followed dog and entered the Eerie tunnel to ravenholm as dog dropped the barricade and returned to help Alex Gordon was alone again as he followed the tunnel and entered this nightmare Town Gordon discovered just why Alex appeared to be afraid of this place ravenhelm was filled with the zombies and headcrabs these people had once fought for the resistance and in return had been left to die on his way through this awful Town Gordon met father Grigori Who as a man of faith guided Gordon passed the dangers of Raven home to an exit although Gregory had the option to leave with Gordon through the mines below the graveyard he decided to stay he believed his mission was to take out as many of these tortured Souls as he could so thus they could finally rest in peace after leaving the mines Gordon continued on the foot and arrived at Shore Point base one of the many resistance bases across the Wasteland here he received a report from Alex who told him that Eli had been captured and taken to Nova Prospect so with a plan to save Eli the leader of the resistance the resistance members at your point gave Gordon a scout car to continue on his journey across the Wasteland to rescue him on his path Gordon met the people people who risk their lives every day to fight for the resistance he met Colonel Odessa cabbage at new Little Odessa where he helped protect it against a combine gunship he attempted to save Laszlo the greatest mind of his generation from zanyan antlions but he was unsuccessful and he met many border gaunts one of which introduced him to theropods these allowed Gordon to manipulate pheromones which in turn gave him the ability to weaponize antlions and eventually he arrived at Nova Prospect over in City 17 the pressure on Wallis Breen increased after every failed attempt to capture Gordon where in turn Breen turned to his braincasts to publicly ridicule the human arm of the combine Empire for their failure to capture one person a scientist with the help of the outlines Gordon successfully broke into Nova Prospect and subsequently fought his way through the prison towards the depot this was an addition that the combine had built and it appeared that they still had work to do on the rest of the prison in this part the combine stored their prisoners and Advanced Technologies in the Wasteland Humanity feared this place as this was where stalkers were made heavily mutated humans turned into biological husks and this was also the place where the Civil protection were biologically upgraded into combine elite soldiers as he explored Gordon reunited with Alex and together they fought against the prison guards in their search for Eli battle after battle the deal traveled deeper into the facility and with Alex's ability to hack into combine computers they stumbled upon a conversation between Wallace Breen and Judith Mossman Judith appeared to be upset with Wallace that he had gone back on a promise not to touch Eli to which Wallace responded that Eli was too tempting of a prize to Simply turn loose especially as Gordon Freeman had escaped to Alex's surprise and anger Judith argued that the combine would have Freeman if Wallace had just waited for her signal Wallace was under a lot of pressure from the combine to stop this outlier and although Judith stated Eli needed to come around to brain's way of thinking without pressure Wallace instead choked this up to Judith having feelings for the resistance leader as the call ended Alex and Gordon headed further into the depot to confront the Spy where they eventually came face to face with Judith in a fit of rage Alex accused her of betraying the whole resistance as she brought out her father although Judith had been caught she still denied the claim that she had betrayed the resistance and instead had only worked to protect Eli in the Next Room Alex discovered the teleporter built from Eli's stolen work with her main mission to rescue her father Alex ordered Judith to prepare the teleporter as she contacted Isaac in his lab to get the coordinates on where to be sent but Judith knew this equipment really well and distracted Alex with an error as she ran into the device where she teleported herself and Eli to the Citadel having failed at their goal Alex and Gordon fought off combine units as they waited for the device to recharge and as the teleporter hit full power Alex and Gordon jumped in and teleported this teleporter in Nova Prospect was still in development and unstable and having been used twice in such a short period of time it's malfunctioned and exploded this explosion had two major effects the first that most of or all of Nova Prospect was destroyed as a result and the fall of a major combine stronghold had signaled to the resistance that the combine were not as indestructible as they had once thought and if one stronghold could go down then so could another and the second that Gordon and Alex had not arrived in kleiner's lab as planned and many believe them to have died in this explosion Martyrs for their course over the next week an uprising began where the resistance led by Barney Calhoun took to the streets to take back city 17. block by block the resistance liberated the streets where the citizens joined them in their fight alongside this the resistance also disabled the defenses thus the combine had put in place to keep out the Hostile alien zening creatures from the Wasteland where headcrabs and antlions flooded the city as Isaac packed up his lab in preparation to leave a war-torn city 17. he heard his teleporter activate in the back room and as he opened the door with a shotgun in hand he was surprised to discover Gordon and Alex they were alive and Isaac had a theory on what had happened as the teleporter was unstable when they used it and the fact that the combine did not use a relay as a slingshot for the teleportation The Duel had been stuck in a slow teleport that to them had appeared like seconds when in reality it had taken a week after Isaac filled in the duo on what had occurred over the last week Barney sent through a transmission and asked for help as he was under heavy fire so Gordon and dog left to join the fight as Alex stayed behind to help Dr Kleiner out of City 17 which she did and after doing so she also joined the fight on his path through a war-torn city 17 Gordon fought alongside the resistance as a leader on his way to Barney but Alex was captured by combine forces during this push eventually Gordon reached and rescued Barney from Combine snipers and together they led the resistance to the OverWatch Nexus here they not only took over this once feared building but they also deactivated the suppression field that the combine had used to stop the reproduction of humanity as the resistance marched forward They Came Upon the foot of the Citadel where dog pulled up a part of a combine barricade to reveal a tunnel that led directly inside the Citadel Barney and his units had control of this region now it was up to Gordon to do his part so as Gordon dropped into the tunnel to rescue His Friends Barney shouted down a message to give to Wallace Breen I said [ __ ] you upon his arrival in the Citadel Gordon entered a confiscation field which took away all of his Weaponry but it had a different effect on the gravity gun where it supercharged the device and turned it into a weapon itself here Gordon fought past OverWatch Elite but was ultimately captured and taken to Dr Breen's office in his office Breen felt immense pressure his control of the population of City 17 had gone and he was desperate to regain it he needed their submission so that his relationship with the combine would continue and so with Eli in his grasp he ordered the resistance leader to tell them to back down but Eli hated Wallace and the combine agenda and refused as Gordon was pulled into the office Wallace gloated that he had succeeded and once again demanded that the leaders of this resistance put a stop to the uprising and once again Eli refused and Gordon stayed silent where eventually Breen brought out a trick up his sleeve Alex although Eli loved his daughter she too was a stubborn as he was and together the three resistance leaders refused to do anything Wallace ordered to the point where Wallace threatened to send Eli and Alex to the combine Overworld as they were of no use to him silently Judith contemplated her role in this whole situation she had a strong relationship with Eli and had been promised that no harm would come to him but Wallace now appeared to be going back on it as she decided her next move Judith finally spoke up she wanted Eli to be safe and argued that she needed him to complete their work on teleportation for the combine to which Wallace simply said that she was more than capable of finishing Eli's work herself so with Wallace having told her that Eli was set to suffer or die on the combine Overworld she turned against him Wallace asked Gordon to change the course of this Uprising he was the symbol and leader of this resistance and as Wallace knew of the G-Man in some capacity he spoke of how Gordon had essentially acted as a puppet for the G-Man and his employers before Gordon could say anything Judith locked the doors of Wallace's office and the free Gordon from his containment pod but unwilling to surrender himself Wallace grabbed Gordon's gravity gun and activated it where the blast stunned everyone in the room as he escaped on an elevator as Gordon our Alex Eli and Judith recovered Wallace contacted his combine overlords and asked for help here the advisor offered him a host body on their Overworld In This Moment Wallace Breen had a choice face the species he had betrayed or become something new on a new world to survive in desperation Wallace chose the host body but his call with the advisor was cut short as Alex and Gordon came for him so he fled again this time to a teleporter that could take him to the combine Overworld down below Judith repentant for her actions during this war helped Eli leave the Citadel where they planned to travel to white forest in the outlands the place Arnie Magnuson had set up many years before in preparation for this very moment at the top of the Citadel Alex and Gordon discovered the dark Fusion reactor that's powered this entire structure and with knowledge of how to use combine Machinery Alex waited in the control room as Gordon followed Wallace as Wallace activated a portal to the combine Overworld Gordon fought against OverWatch soldiers as he climbed to the top of this structure to stop Breen's Ascension using his wet and gravity gun Gordon Freeman fights fears of dark energy at the reactor where it was shut down in this moment a chain reaction occurred the portal above the Citadel closed Wallace fell to his death and all of the citadels across the planet were disabled as a result of this all access and communication to the combine Overworld was cut off from Earth in this Victory Alex cheered for Joy but then the reactor exploded and a surge of energy came from it as Gordon watched this burst of energy come towards himself and Alex time stopped and the G-Man appeared once again he told Gordon that he had done so much in his short time back it appeared that Gordon had somehow done exactly what the G-Man had wanted him to do and as he had completed his task he was once again plugged out of reality the G-Man explained that he was impressed by his work and he had received tempting offers for his services this time Vegeta did not give Gordon the illusion of choice and instead placed him back in stasis where he hoped to keep him for his next task at the top of the Citadel with the G-Man and Gordon gone time started again n but before the wave of energy could head Alex it was stopped again this time by vortigaunts under the influence of anteline extract this extract allowed them to amplify their abilities and as some members of the vorticult species had at the power of foresight they believed that they needed Alex for the fight to come so they who teleported into this region grabbed Alex and placed her somewhere safe away from the wave of energy at the top of the Citadel Alex found herself at the base of the Citadel pulled out of rubble by dog and out of Harm's Way as she looked around she noticed Gordon was missing over the next few days Alex wandered the region around the base of the Citadel with dog as she searched for him but he was not there after their arrival in white forest Eli and Judith were reunited with Isaac and their old colleague Arnie Magnuson where he caught them up to speed their rocket was almost complete and they believed that when the unstable Citadel inevitably fell then the combine would find a way to come back to earth and reclaim the planet to stop this Arnie needed just two things the first to complete the rocket which would be done much faster now that he had Eli and Isaac and the second the coordinates to the combine of World which he believed was somewhere in the north so as Eli and Isaac got to work Judith ventured to the north to discover them with their enhanced abilities the voticons broke into the G-Man status prison where he stored his recruits they needed to find Gordon Freeman the vorticons had once only known Gordon as the man with a crowbar who came at them done the steel corridors of black Mesa but now he was the free man the person that would save them from the combine eventually they found him and he woke up as they prepared to bring him back to Earth they were interrupted by the G-Man who had come to protect his charge but as they had Amplified their abilities they were able to hold him off this angered the G-Man as he appeared to have a plan for Gordon however the vortegorns were too powerful so he left enraged with his plan for this scientist changed in the north Judith and her team discovered something unexpected the Borealis this ship had disappeared from aperture decades before under mysterious circumstances although aperture had attempted to keep their project secret the Personnel of black Mesa had still managed to access confidential information since its disappearance the Borealis had become a legend no one knew how this ship had disappeared there were only rumors that it involved teleportation so when Judith discovered it she recorded some footage and returned to her Arctic Base here she documented her findings and began a transmission to White Forest where she embedded her files into the trans Mission the problem was that the combine had spotted her team during their expedition attacked her base and interrupted this transmission Judith managed to flee this initial assault as the combine took this transmission and uploaded it to their servers on Earth Gordon woke up and heard Alex's voice the vortegaard had placed him somewhere that she would find him and after dog lifted up the debris on top of him they were reunited over the last few days the city had fallen even further as a result of the uprising and many had evacuated as Gordon Alex and dog began their journey to leave they heard the Eli over a communication station Alex had attempted to white forest for hours and they had finally initiated contact although Eli and Isaac were happy to hear that Alex had found Gordon and that he was still alive they were upset to discover that she was still at the base of a highly unstable Citadel Isaac suggested that's the only way they would be able to leave City 17 in time would be if they entered the Citadel and stabilized the core it would explode eventually but this would give them and the remaining refugees in the city enough time to evacuate with their mission clear Alex and Gordon entered the structure and fought past the remaining combine units inside Gordon wore a HEV suit that protected him against the radiation of the core and so it was his job to stabilize it as Alex watched from an observation window and looked through the combine systems with the core stable from now it was clear that the combine had set the core to melt down so that they could use their power from a dark energy flare to send off a data packet and request reinforcements from the combine Overworld as Alex looked deeper into the combine system she also came across Judith's transmission with the embedded information about the combine had stolen in which Alex downloaded all of their data combine Overworld coordinates included having done everything they could in the Citadel Alex and Gordon boarded a razor train out of the structure into City 17 and although this razor train crashed the deal made it to the Tactical train station where Barney had charged himself with making sure that the remaining members of the resistance and refugees boarded a train out of the city the problem was that the remaining combine units in the city also wanted to board the trains and kill the resistance with the help of Alex and Gordon the refugees made it to the train safely and having done his part bani decided to leave with them as Barney boarded the Train Gordon and Alex said their goodbyes as he left after this moment it is unknown what happened to Barney however as he had shown similar survival qualities to Gordon it is likely he got the refugees to safety Gordon and Alex had done everything they could for the resistance in City 17 and it was their turn to leave but they were ambushed by desperate combine units and a Strider where Gordon had no trouble using a rocket launcher to destroy it as Alex prepared the train as the train left the city the core of the set of thou collapsed and a dark energy flare destroyed the Dark Tower and the city around it from the train Alex and Gordon watched as the combine advisor pods launched out into the outlands to safety these creatures were the contacts Wallace Breen had with the combine and as far as he knew they were the leaders although Alex and Gordon's train traveled at Great speeds away from City 17. this burst of energy still caught up to them and then everything went white as Gordon woke up he heard the strain of metal and as he looked around he saw that the train had just about survived the fall of the Citadel having survived another dangerous situation Gordon made his way through the train to the ground where he was relieved to find Alex also alive together they start started their Journey towards White Forest at one point The Duel looked out into the distance over the ruins of City 17 and right above it they saw the formation of a super portal this had now become a Race Against Time and they needed to get a white forest with the data packets before this portal formed completely however the combine knew Alex had this data packet and began their own offensive strike to stop the duo from reaching the resistance base on their Journey Alex and Gordon reached a communication station and contacted white forest here they let Eli and Isaac know they had survived the blast and that they had a data packet downloaded from The Citadel with all of the information that the resistance needed to move on with their plan with the rocket shortly after the duo arrived at an old mine and as Gordon looked for a way to open a gate to get inside Alex was violently attacked and impaled by a combine Hunter as Gordon watched helplessly trapped behind Rubble to their look they were close to a resistance base occupied mostly by vortegot Victory mine one of the balticons there detected Alex was in trouble and came to save her where it fought off the antlions around her unconscious body the vortigaunt knew just how important Alex and Gordon were in this fight against the combine and after the votergan's freed Gordon from the rubble it picked up Alex together they traveled to Victory mine Alex was in a critical state but the vorticult explained that they could heal her all they needed was for Gordon to retrieve antline extract so that they could amplify their abilities to save her it's just so happened that this base was situated on top of an artline colony and so Gordon and the vortigord that had saved Alex traveled into this colony to seek out the ants line extract as Gordon and the Victory mind bought Accord returned with the extract the vorticons here began their procedure on Alex from a distance the G-Man had watched The Duo since they had both found themselves at the base of the Citadel and with the voter goats finally distracted he froze time to have a heart to heart with Gordon he told the scientist that he had plucked Alex out of black Mesa when she was a child as he believed she would also be a great investment even if his employees had not initially seen her value as a sort of repayment for saving Gordon's life after the death of the nylan the G-Man asked Gordon to make sure that Alex arrived at White Forest safely then before this mysterious entity said goodbye he whispered a message for Alex to tell her father when she saw him next prepare for unforeseen consequences a message only Eli would understand having said what he needed to say the G-Man disappeared and allowed time to continue as normal the vortigaunts were completely unaware that the G-Man had taken advantage of this situation but through Power and concentration they healed Alex's wound with Alex healed the deal left Victory mine and continued on their journey to White Forest on their path they encountered a combine advisor and discovered just how dangerous these creatures were after they accidentally Disturbed it the advisor became hostile and showed off its telepathic and telekinetic abilities where it lifted Alex Gordon and a dead resistance member off the ground as it prepared to strike them with its tongue fortunately a piece of the Machinery malfunctioned and injured the creature where it flew off to safety eventually Alex and Gordon reached a valley leading to the base but Came Upon one final hurdle a Strider this Valley was fully occupied by the resistance so when The Strider prepared to attack dog jumped from a cliff and ripped out his brain brain following this Gordon and Alex raced dog threw the valley to White Forest where depending on who tells this story the answer on who won will always be different the arrival of Gordon and Alex boosted the spirits of the resistance members of White Forest most importantly Alex was reunited with her father where he mentioned that as the combine suppression field had gone down maybe she and Gordon could give him some grandkids shortly after the group got together and discussed the plan going forward as they spoke Lamar entered the rocket in secret Gordon also placed a gnome inside of the rocket that he had picked up a while back this was the final push for the resistance they just needed to complete the rocket this was also the first time Gordon had seen Arnie Magnuson since the resonance Cascade but Arnie remembered Gordon for a different reason on the day of the resonance Cascade Arnie had prepared a casserole and placed it into the microwave in the kitchen when he returned to collect it he discovered the remnants of what his casserole had once been Gordon was responsible for this Arnie did not understand why Gordon had chosen to destroy his casserole that day but he had held this grudge over all of these years now Gordon was the symbol of their Revolution so if this man could help them launch the rocket then just maybe he could forgive him for the first time in decades the combine forces stranded on earth have found themselves in a desperate situation they had no contact with their Overworld and the resistance had the ability to stop their reinforcements from coming through they just had to stop the Rockets from launching having fully prepared for this moment since they had arrived at the white forest this base was prepared for any assault that the com by throughout them in these desperate times as an alarm went off Arnie sent Gordon to deal with it as the other scientists continued their work here Gordon with the help of the other resistant members fought off a combine strike safe for now Gordon entered a control room and watched as Dr Kleiner explored the information from the data packet Alex had stolen from the combine where they extracted the combine Overworld coordinates learned of Judith's attack and her discovery of the Borealis the discovery of this ship and attack on Judith instantly upset Eli he argued that the potential technology on the Borealis if used could lead to another black Mesa incident he felt partially responsible for the reznas Cascade as he had not stopped the experiment when he had told to prepare for unforeseen consequences he did not stop that but he could stop this where he argued that nobody should have that sort of power on the other hand Isaac argued that the technology on the ship could help the resistance and their goal to remove the combine from the planet following this heated discussion Eli decided that he would go after Judith and save her himself where he would destroy the Borealis too but as a leader of the resistance Alex argued that if the combine were to get their hands on him they could use their advanced technology to acquire resistance secrets from his brain with all hands on deck Dr Magnuson called for Isaac to continue his work on the rocket while Eli attempted to calm down however In This Moment Alex felt the urge to reiterate the words that the G-Man had said to her when she was unconscious prepare for unforeseen consequences Eli knew exactly who Alex had heard these words from and linked this warning to the new discovery of the Borealis as combine Striders entered the grounds and made their final push to destroy the rocket Silo Arnie introduced Gordon to a new weapon he had worked on the Magnuson device named after himself this device was designed to be launched at Striders and upon contact stuck to them these were also highly volatile as one bullet destroyed everything in the range of the device with his gravity gun in hand Gordon left the hunger and with the help of every resistance member they fought with and defeated this final assault on white forest as the scientists inside continued their work on the rocket with the word that the rocket had been completed during this battle and with the Striders dead Gordon and Alex made their way to the rocket control room here Alex Isaac Eli Gordon and Arnie prepared to launch the rocket in these last minutes Isaac noticed an eight and a half pound anomaly in the rocket unknown to him this was Lamar but they decided that the rocket was still okay to launch where Isaac volunteered Gordon to hit the button as this scientist hits the button the countdown began this rocket if successful would change everything the resistance had all their hopes on this so as it launched Alex Eli and Gordon headed outside to get a better view of the impact as Isaac and Arnie stayed inside to make sure that the resonate data was activated when the rocket got close enough to the portal on his way outside Gordon was stopped by Eli Eli told him that he was very proud of him and that he could not have been prouder even if he was his own son he also mentioned to Gordon that he knew of who had told Alex about unforeseen consequences and they would have a conversation about this mysterious entity in the future following this heartwarming moment Gordon and Eli joined Alex and dog as the rocket hit the super portal where it successfully stopped its formation and cut off the combines attempts to reconnect to their Overworld this was a great victory for the resistance but there was still work to do prepared to head off straight away to find Judith and the Borealis they entered the hunger of an old helicopter doctor Alex had fixed up that she and Gordon planned to use to travel and Eli joined them just outside of the hunger two combine advisors waited for an opportunity to strike back at least key members of the resistance and as the trio traveled into the lower parts of the hunger the advices broke through the window in the last ditch attempt to stop them here they used their telekinetic abilities and pinned Alex and Gordon to a wall as Eli attempted to fight them off with a metal pipe but the advisors were too powerful for him where one lifted him up in this moment Elite told Alex that he loved her as the advisor impaled the back of his head he died upon impact as the advisors prepared to take Alex next dog crushed through the ceiling and fought off these creatures but the damage had already been done Eli was dead and as Gordon fell to the floor he watched as Alex cried over her father's body this is where green grew up and epistle 3 take place if you consider them Canon I have pinned the videos above and linked them in the description the G-Man was disappointed with Gordon as a recruit and as he watched from a distance he had an idea on how he could hire Alex instead he had a way to motivate her to accept his terms he just needed to challenge her first using his abilities the gmag traveled back five years to where Alex was a young impressionable 19 year old the combine knew of the G-Man and his abilities so when he appeared inside of an apartment complex in view of them in this rare occasion they brought him one of their most advanced pieces of Technology the Vault to capture him here he and the apartment building were trapped inside this moment began the adjustment of the timeline with this Victory the combine kept the vault in a place above the quarantine zone of City 17. and reported the use of the Vault on their internal Network on a raid of a combine region Eli Vance and another resistance member Russell looked for equipment supplies and information to help them with their cause during this raid Russell accessed a combine system and discovered information on something called The Vault but the information here was very limited on what this actually was however the access of this file alerted the combine of their location where subsequently combine units were sent to capture them this was the moment the G-Man had planned for Eli was later captured by combine units and Alex did what she could to rescue him but ended up getting arrested herself luckily Russell was able to break her out of combine custody where the two work together to free Eli through her journey of the quarantine Zone a zanyan infested area of City 17. Alex used the Russells also known as gravity gloves and the weapon she came across to reach her father Alex also met a vortegot Gary who had suffered brain damage and somehow had a link to a big future event in Alex's life Eli's death but Alex thought nothing of this just yet and eventually she derailed a razor train and rescued her father free from Combine capture Eli and Russell looked further into the plans that they had stolen from the combine system on the Vault where they theorized that it could be some sort of super weapon here Eli sent Alex to investigate further as the words of Gary rang in her head follow the Northern Star as she evaded combine forces Alex looked out of a window and saw the Vault for the first time a Giant floating ship in the middle of the quarantine Zone connected to several wires across the city Alex later discovered a substation of the Vault connected to an abandoned Hotel this hotel also happened to be called the Northern Star so following Gary's words she entered the hotel fought through the zhanian infestation within and reached the substation here she made a disturbing discovery that this station was powered by a vortigorned trapped inside of it where the Natural vortescence Energy was absorbed and sent to the Vault on her path Alex discovered the more substations and rescued the vortegone trapped within them as she reached a zoo Infested by ants Lions Eli contacted Alex with more information about the Vault he and Russell believed it was not actually a super weapon but a prison and whatever the combine had trapped in there was very dangerous to their cause as she continued on Alex overheard a conversation between a combine scientist and an advisor where they discussed who was in The Vault someone who had survived the black Mesa instant and disappeared shortly after instantly Eli and Russell believed this to be Gordon Freeman the hero of black Mesa if they could rescue him then this would be a huge win or the resistance so Alex ventured on to attempt to do this eventually all of the vortegorns in the substations were freed which left the Vault without power however a backup generator kicked in and kept the prison in the sky in response to this Alex made her way to the vault's dock and attempted to bring it in manually but instead The Vault crushed into the ground as Alex entered the Vault she fought her way to the core and discovered a man Frozen in Time held by the vorticorn's energy the combine had stolen from its prisoners still under the impression that this was Gordon Freeman Alex used her gravity gloves to manipulate the vortescence energy around her and shattered his cage here the G-Man was free and he was finally face to face with his potential new hire she had passed his test and he had an offer she could not refuse the G-Man offered Alex a nudge as a reward for his freedom in which she responded that she wanted the combine to be removed from Earth but that was too much of a nudge he then played his hand and offered her something she did not yet know she wanted and here he showed her the death of her father the Jima let her know she could change this and as she looked at her hands they filled with vortegone's energy where she struck out and sent a wave of energy through space and time at the Combine advisor just before it killed her father she had acted exactly how the G-Man believed she would and had passed his test just like Gordon and Adrian had back at black Mesa here he told Alex that he had another employee but he was unwilling or unable to perform how he had expected where the G-Man showed Gordon who had disappointed him as a result of the vortegone's interference and his actions with Alex in his grasp he took her from the moment just after her father had survived and placed her in stasis as a new recruit with his plan successful he returned back to the present day and watched the aftermath of his actions where Eli instantly knew that the G-Man had had a hand in his daughter's sudden disappearance so Eli Vance handed a crowbar to Gordon Freeman where he said that they had work to do after this point the fate of Gordon Eli dog Isaac Arnie Judith Lamar The Gnome the rest of the resistance the combine the G-Man and his employers is unknown many years in the future some believe this to have been 50 years While others believe it was closer to fifty thousand deep underground in upper Michigan the Aperture Science facility continued to function the combine still had not been able to access this facility even in glados's absence and as so everything inside had continued to operate aperture planned ahead for the future and had installed an emergency test protocol that oversaw test Chambers in a time of cataclysmic system failure where the autonomous robots were able to function on a mere 1.1 volts as time had passed nature had reclaimed parts of the facility and the Enrichment Center decayed without maintenance from aperture Personnel however some of these robots were sentient and sought to find out what planet Earth was like outside of the walls of aperture where a personality core Wheatley decided to enlist the help of the humans in the long term relaxation Vault and here he found one that was still alive ciao as she woke up chal was confused on how she had ended up here the last thing she remembered was her fight with GLaDOS and then a bright light however after Wheatley explained that some time had passed and he knew of an Escape Route out of aperture Chell followed him to escape the facility Wheatley LED Chell to the central AI chamber where GLaDOS had once controlled and dominated aputure here they discovered her remains it is unknown how her robotic body ended up back in aperture or how its design changed but some theorize that the autonomous robots of the facility built her a new body in preparation to install her with a backup version but no one came to do this so her body just like the rest of aperture was claimed by Nature Wheatley explained that all they needed to do was access the main breaker room to call an elevator to the surface and they had to make sure that they did not accidentally activate GLaDOS in the process as they entered the breaker room Wheatley somehow managed to activate every switch and as a result he reactivated GLaDOS too since her death glados's Consciousness had replayed the last two minutes before her destruction on Loop constantly over all of these years as a result of a quick save feature in her system and the first thing she saw upon reactivation was Chell the person that had murdered her as a result of this GLaDOS placed Chell back into a testing track and crushed wheatley's core back in the same situation she had been in many years before Chao worked through aperture's test Chambers as GLaDOS repaired the aperture facility alongside this a GLaDOS also began development on two attesting robots Atlas and Peabody where she planned to murder Chell when they were complete however chao's incarceration did not last long as Weasley managed to salvage parts from spare calls in the facility to repair himself and then he broke Chell out of the testing truck within the maintenance areas GLaDOS attempted to get back her Rogue test subject but Wheatley knew the maintenance areas extremely well as he had worked here and he had a plan to take down GLaDOS first he knew of glados's main forms of attack turrets and neurotoxin so he led Chell to the turret manufacturing plant and instructed her to manipulate the production line on this line the completed turrets were scanned against a template to see if they were fit for use or defective so Chell adjusted this template and set the parameters to allow only the defective turrets to continue onto distribution as the perfect working turret was sent to an incinerator with the glare losses new turrets now unusable Wheatley LED child to the neurotoxin chamber where shall use lasers to disable the robot's access to the substance and here with glados's defenses out of use Chell returned to her Central AI chamber after a brief confrontation GLaDOS realized what Chell and Wheatley had done and are now defenseless against them Chao initiated the core transfer process of the facility where they swapped out gladys's core with wheatleys this meant that Wheatley was now in charge of aperture where he called for an elevator so that he and Chell could leave but this newfound power appeared to have a negative effect on him and instead he got mad and placed glados's core into a potato battery in a growing rage he accused Chell of bossing him around and working with GLaDOS while potato battery GLaDOS realized that Wheatley was the core that had been attached to her and given her a constant stream of stupid thoughts as he got angrier he smashed at the elevator with a robotic arm where it plummeted deep into the Forgotten parts of our picture as Chao woke up she saw a bird fly away with the potato buttery GLaDOS potatoes and with her portal gun Chell ventured into the enrichment spheres of aperture to find her where upon Discovery she formed a more positive relationship as they attempted to climb up towards the surface on this journey the pre-recorded messages cave had made were played out into the Spheres where Carolyn even made an appearance in which GLaDOS recognized the voice as her own a sort of conscience and as time passed GLaDOS appeared to unlock some semblance of the person she had once been before she was uploaded to a machine and this appeared to soften her harsh personality eventually Chell and GLaDOS arrived back at the Enrichment Center at this point they discovered the Wheatley had an urge to test this impulse was a side effect of being connected to the central AI system if a test subject completed a chamber then the robot was rewarded with a good feeling but if they went too long without a test being completed then they would get an itch to test Wheatley had attempted to get around this with a new creation the Franken turret but they were unable to complete a test chamber so when Chell arrived back at the Enrichment Center he put her back into a testing track since Wheatley had taken over the facility he had neglected to care for it where its nuclear reactor began to melt down as he did not know what the issue was or how to fix it he just turned off the alarms and hoped the problem would go away in this new era of aperture Wheatley renamed the facility to Wheatley Laboratories and as Chell tested for him he sought out other options to fulfill his testing needs he knew how problematic child was and then he discovered Atlas and Peabody with robots ready to take her place Wheatley attempted to kill Chell but as another person in this universe that had the extraordinary ability to survive impossible situations she escaped and instead made her way to his lair on her way there Wheatley watched back the battle between chal and GLaDOS where He adjusted his lair to make it Chell proof however Chell had a secret weapon GLaDOS where she suggested they attach corrupted cause to Weasley's body to trigger a core transfer as Wheatley gloated and threw bombs at Chell she used these to break open a pipe of conversion gel which upon touching the floor tiles and walls made these surfaces portalable here GLaDOS brought in the corrupted cause as Chell placed them on Wheatley after Chell managed to connect cores too Wheatley the system detected that he was corrupted and a core transfer was triggered surprisingly Wheatley had planned for this event and placed bombs around the button Chell needed to press to initiate the core transfer and as she attempted to hit the switch the bombs exploded and knocked her back Dazed and Confused Chell looked around and saw just how close the Aperture Science facility was to melt down as a result of wheat leaves neglect and above she saw the sky here Chell fired a portal at the Moon which connected to her other portal beneath Wheatley instantly Wheatley and Chao were pulled through the portal to the moon and in this chaotic moment GLaDOS was able to reattach herself to the central AI chamber and Paul held back as Wheatley drifted off into space with full control of her facility once again and with two robots to test for her GLaDOS allowed Chell to leave it appeared that GLaDOS in a way cared about Chao as a result of Caroline's influence so as chal rode at the elevator up GLaDOS discovered the location of Carolyn in her files and claimed to delete her whether she did or not is unknown but she explained that Carolyn was her Newfound conscience and she didn't not want it as Chao rode the elevator up to the surface she was greeted by a Toyota Orchestra a grand send-off for her time in aperture and eventually the elevator stopped and Chell stepped out into an endless field of gray and behind her a partially burned Companion Cube was thrown out this was the cube chal had been asked to incinerate way back in test chamber 17 but it appeared that GLaDOS had kept hold of it Chell was finally free the problem was that she had no idea what had happened to her planet in her absence as she ventured into the unknown with her Companion Cube an Untold number of years had passed during her long sleep in the extended relaxation Vault and it is unknown if the resistance succeeded against the com buying or if they still occupy the planet in some way regardless the fate of chal and her story is unknown after this point underground GLaDOS was free of Chell and she now had her own robots to test for her as Atlas and Peabody completed her newly constructed test Chambers she missed the fear that the human test subjects displayed these robots could simply be put back together upon their demise in comparison to the humans who would stay dead and aware that some areas of aperture were still out of her control GLaDOS used her robots to acquire discs to access them in the hopes she could discover new human test subjects after the retrieval and installation of these discs GLaDOS discovered the human Vault the Vault that the scientists had taken Refuge inside during her assault on the facility here she sent Atlas and Peabody to access it upon their arrival at the Vault these robots into interacted with one another in what the scanner perceived to be human and the door unlocked where GLaDOS and the robots discovered thousands of human test subjects in stasis with these GLaDOS no longer needed Atlas and Peabody so she set them to self-destruct and this time did not rebuild them over the next week GLaDOS subjected her new human test subjects to her Chambers however within just one week she attempted to turn them into killing machines but they all perished in her tests although GLaDOS preferred human test subjects due to their ability to display true fear and their limited mortality when they did die they were gone forever and subsequently as the final human test subject died GLaDOS resorted back to Atlas and Peabody in their recap configuration chamber Atlas and Peabody re-entered the testing Hub here GLaDOS told them that they had been out of commission for 100 000 years and the humans were still all fine but she later confessed that the humans had only lasted a mere week for GLaDOS to lie to her robots it would suggest that she felt a sense of guilt that she had lied and for her failure to keep them alive this further suggested that Carolyn may still have lingered somewhere in glados's memory banks as she set her robots to test GLaDOS detected something override her control of aperture to figure out what this was she sent Atlas and Peabody to investigate on their way they used the skills they had learned throughout the test Chambers and arrived at a control room outside of the standard testing region as they entered they discovered a bird's nest set up within an old chassis of GLaDOS the bird had created a home here and laid eggs having formed a phobia of birds after she had been kidnapped by one GLaDOS asked Atlas and Peabody to escape before it attacked them but Atlas was Brave and opened a hatch for it to fly away and here GLaDOS regained full control of her facility although the bird had fled it had left eggs in the nest in which GLaDOS took them for herself with the plan to raise them as her own little killing machines this is the last known moment in this long complicated timeline but in other universes events occurred differently the Multiverse is an infinitely big place and in other versions of Earth aperture acted differently in one Cave Johnson successfully transferred his Consciousness into a machine but due to complications his fate left him trapped as a giant head without help in another Cave Johnson managed to trick the other Aperture Science facilities across across the Multiverse into building test Chambers for him where he was able to save enough money to keep his aperture functioning the way he wanted and in one more of an infinite number of possibilities Cave Johnson became Rich enough to purchase black Mesa and as the owner he renamed the facility to blapacha Mesa and put a stop to the study of anomalous materials completely aware of the possibility of a resonance Cascade in this universe the people of Earth lived on unaware of the existence of the combine or their brutal reign in the Multiverse anything is possible too many to mention but in our timeline the population only suffered due to the decisions of a few here our timeline ends and now all we can do is wait for it to continue I knew this video would be long but I did not anticipate it would be this long I guess covering more than 11 pieces of media in one video does that I have done my best to piece this timeline together in the right order but as we all know valve are pretty consistent when it comes to avoiding using dates so after a ton of research I believe this is the right order it makes sense and events don't contradict each other it was tough but I'm happy with it I have only used Canon games in this timeline so this is valve's timeline of the events of Half-Life and portal I'm still surprised that some people did not know that Half-Life and portal were connected which is part of the reason why I made this video although portal stories Mel entropy zero entropy02 and even hunt down the Freeman add additional valuable lore to the world they were not made by or Commission by Valve I did use black Mesa to show the events of Half-Life but I made sure to use only Cannon friendly footage now some of my older viewers will know that I created a portal timeline and a half-life timeline a while ago they were made when I was just starting out on YouTube and looking back all I can see are the issues in the videos the frame rate is off the audio sometimes Clips above my voice and the scripting isn't as strong as I believe it is now also since then Half-Life Alex was released and I didn't really give a lot of information about blue shift opposing force or Decay it also wasn't a combined timeline they were separate I really wanted to challenge myself with this and combined every story into one chronological timeline which is why it's this long I also want to give a huge thank you to Mr Floyd who went out of his way to get me access to maps from Half-Life Decay so that I could capture them on PC and in 4k you all probably know who he is he's recreating Half-Life Decay for PC as a solo experience which he has called Half-Life Decay solo Mission I've linked the mod DB page down below for you guys to check out there's even a demo out right now for it he's a super nice guy and thank you again for your help if you have made it this far thank you so much for watching I do appreciate it I think that was everything I wanted to say please share it please like it subscribe if you are interested in deeper dives into specific topics which I also cover on the channel and finally I would like to thank my gold tier patrons and channel members Jonas Lewis Queen Arby fluffy the dragon Chicken Guy 791 Ruba Mendoza mosfolit Montana Tosca it's Sophie and Eliza Lowell if you want to help support the channel then there is Link in the description below to become a patron where I do my best to post behind the scenes content Early Access to videos and many other great features as always thank you so much for the continued support what did you think of this timeline what is your favorite game in this series and which game would you like me to cover in my next timeline let me know in the comments below this is where our story ends check back next week for a new one thank you
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 3,183,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portal, portal 2, half-life, portal 3, portal story, portal lore, portal gun, portal 1, half-life & portal - the complete story, half-life alyx, half-life 2, portal half-life, portal 2 (video game), half-life story, half-life portal, half-life & portal, portal theory, half-life portal mod, portal lore in a minute, half life story, portal valve, portal rtx, lore, timeline, half-life 3, half-life timeline, complete half-life timeline, portal timeline, half life timeline
Id: E-eDQHX78Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 23sec (10283 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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