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I don't know I'm kind spits oh this is your idea of a birthday present or I can I return is there gift receipt Danny who gave Dylan the paintball gun Dylan you're the proof sir take your producer seat let's get started rolling pal [ __ ] welcome back to pulse is the number one podcast in the world it's Mike's birthday hit that subscribe button we love you guys thank you for listening to Spock as it is the best podcast in the world as uh emblematic and if we got a reward yeah a Streamy Awards and we gotten that yeah no no Streamy has not sent us our awards yet it's it's coming it's coming soon and that is loud bass so yeah it's it's Mike how you feeling bro little older you probably saw the lights Danny the camera wasn't even pointed at me Brad's fixing the camera oh my god I were [ __ ] disaster it's an episode on the [ __ ] wind like it's what makes us great cuz I heart out I have something to do I have a hard-on that makes to me see we got a boner yeah sponsored by blue - dude we're sponsors today we do cheers the sponsor did it hi guys sexy you love blue - calm Danny you gotta send me the brief I'll be honest I know you are yeah so it's my birthday I'm [ __ ] 35 I feel blessed to be here I'm Raul I'm surrounded by people that I love I've received an outpouring of love I did a merch launch yesterday that's massive amounts of love people love the merch your merch launch yeah big thanks huge so Mike show the night shift that he shoots on this set he launched his first piece of merch is called the graveyard ship it says clock thing on the front and a super cool design in the back and work it is working he's been working really hard on this for months and when I did my first mert mert drop I would do numbers are just gonna get arbitrary arbitrary okay when I did my first merge drop tonight sky I wanna give number I probably would hi can I drop a brick and we all know how successful maverick was and is it's the reason I have this house is the reason I have most my material things is it made me and is making me a lot of money mm-hmm my first workshop you did acts I did I did X I'm gonna say it [ __ ] you $5,000 I so $5,000 worth of merch okay on my first day you have any idea how much Mike sold on his first day uh I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna say that was 15 that's right that's our two guests I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you without even dropping his vlog he sold probably 5 to 7 X what I did on my Friday just Instagram and Twitter I liked it yeah the night shift calm upload for you eight o'clock the [ __ ] mocking thank you to anybody that bought the product I think the design was really good I think a lot of the sales were based on the design it's really cool Virgil inspired front clocked in with the Grim Reaper on the back we did that whole design custom a bunch of different artists worked on it it's a great piece of product they're super soft and yeah if you like him go get him but and also thank you it was a great birthday present there we go I got the brief you feel like sexy love blue to calm blue troffers might have performance enhancement for the bedroom because we all like to last a little longer and go a few extra rounds which by the way I've been doing great on lately I swear to god yeah how many numbers bad no since we had the sex expert on I've been putting it's real work boys so real record work blue TRADOC affiliated physicians work with you to find the dosage and active ingredients that is best for you to become work faster than pills up to twice as fast and they can be taken on a full or empty stomach and it only takes a few minutes to connect with a blue truck all affiliated physician and if you qualify you get prescribed online quickly there's no in-person doctor visit no awkward conversation no waiting in line at a pharmacy and the package arrives to your door in a discreet package they give you confidence in bed every time you and your partner will love it my favorite slogan of all of our sponsors chew it and do it there's a great deal for you guys go to Blue Cheer , get your first order free when you use the promo code Logan just pay five dollars shipping blue2 comm promo code Logan booyah okay love so we do have a lot it's boys only last episode killed there's a Antonio Brown fights stuff we want to talk about it's Mike's birthday stuff we want to talk about you going out you're sober though so that's interesting I'll address something real quick before the podcast started I look out his foe oh yeah I don't know about this yeah I saw tax come through and he picked up my phone and said you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me you see that name at the bottom I haven't seen it yet yeah the [ __ ] is going on with you what do you mean always going on you go what do I mean what about what why that name yeah I got a list it's called the black list oh that's the wrong no hope wrong her it's not one thing so that is that's a that's a fashion designer it's the wrong girl dude buddy so but it's a good at the same name last name it's not you know that's nothing are you sure - positive Logan has a black list this is a good topic I'm happy I see the name I encourage everyone have a black list it's it's a it's a list of people that I never ever want to see you again in my life under any circumstances one of them I actually ran into its snow globe and you know what it's you know how hard it is for me to pretend to be nice she goes she got that snow glows she comes oh go goes I'll use it an arbitrary name let's call her Samantha because who the [ __ ] is named Samantha oh oh look at Samantha and I look at her I go I don't like you know yeah good to see you I've held Mike's phone for literally 30 seconds and I just got a text from Riley Reed and Emily Willis in a group chat listen those are the homies and they're in the newest night shift episode oh yeah the line but honestly the loves porn in today dude it's it's it feels good it feels good to be alive today and I really am blessed to have the tab these people in my laughs and I'm like I think that's something man I take it for granted you don't I'm saying I think a lot of people take it for granted like having really good people in their life and I think when I always go back to that perspective thing on how to stay out of the gutter mentally and thinking about when I think about people that don't have that support system that family and friends like it makes me realize how [ __ ] lucky I am how many people vote today versus a decade ago we're wishing you have is it what is it different it's a lot to probably the quality of the people is probably different - yeah it is I mean I mean to me everybody's quality but honestly like yeah every single person there's some exist you want to know how you make it on my blacklist tick tock do you know how this great this particular girl was on my blacklist are you gonna say this can i yeah this is this is [ __ ] up and it actually hurts me to my core yeah cuz this is it you got to really work to get on your blacklist you're pretty nice guy you're pretty friendly for is for people on it's it's it's not a lot wow this girl alright my brother had a party that I still consider to this day the best party Los Angeles has ever seen one with the dirt bikes and women the bikes the live boxing match oh designer the deejay we actually couldn't post the video on YouTube because of an issue that I think blew over and if not general probably cut this part but point is it was we couldn't we can speak about it there was a girl after the next day who claimed that she was her she she was jumped she was jumped by Jake's security she had a black eye as she Alex bruises on her face and her body she claimed that she was beat up by Jake's team and Jake's security guard and then thrown under a car and left and left a time we all took this we also kissed very serious obviously we're like yeah holy [ __ ] Jake who what kind of people do you have around you like first after the girl are you okay is it how can we remedy the problem now as one does and serious what a serious accusation like this they check the video cameras and the idea what happened she was drunk and fell on her face precisely she was drunk and she fell down and she thought I don't know maybe it was like a cloud plate maybe an attention plate I don't know she thought it would be cool to put my brother's entire life in jeopardy that's fair I mean that thrown the black baby send her some love you noticed you watch her article she wanna come to the luau I said oh no no you were not allowed anywhere she's at hall but some sharks out here know what I do I kind of don't blame her dude yeah and here's why have you ever got I gotta do the Advocate or the devil's advocate have you ever have you ever taken a nasty tumble and then blamed whatever it was that made you take the tumble like y'all have you if you've never yelled at like a bottle that you tripped over in the kitchen yeah so like she she created a false [ __ ] falsehood dude and like it just so happened to be your [ __ ] thing like if you blame a bottle like it's chilling you know just just give me what really separates Jake Paul from a random bottle hmm if you think about that he's got that beard he's got that beard and a Lamborghini to you guys see that's why this show is great because you guys are [ __ ] smart exactly woke up this morning with a girl that makes sense on my birthday which was great she came over really late last night around 12:30 I didn't see her I was already but we're already sleeping she brought me a cake with candles on it which was really [ __ ] sweet and she would and and she came in and she was like it's your birthday and I was like my birthday's tomorrow and like me and local talk about this a little bit we're not huge birthday celebrators they're just like kind of like they're great dude you know I like other people's birthdays better than mine I like to celebrate for other people but that's neither here nor there she come quick benchmark I just wanna let us talk about it now like III believe a birthday crucify me is a participation award I believe I birthdays you're born you had nothing to do with it you didn't even make the decision to be born you're just born and and people want to celebrate I get it yeah for the average person feeling special day I am a little biased because my day is April 1st and for some reason you you everyone you got some pts the [ __ ] with me ever since yeah probably I was like 15 people have been [ __ ] with me on my birthday and Jake he did that Lamborghini prank no I've seen I've seen I look them in the eye Spencer and I said this is the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life and I started crying he'snot are my mom's life I remember the first birthday that I spent with you in the house like you do boxing why I'm suffering because he's so scared he is such bad it's no joke but honestly like I agree with them but also like at the same time I think days are a great day for like the have-nots like the little kids like the P you don't like the little kids you have seven because you can't do [ __ ] but let's think about it brother little kid like for people like LP who have everything what are you gonna give them I think I think it's a special day because it's a day for people who normally don't get attention to get a little attention and for people who don't have anything they might get a cake they might get some new socks like it's a it's a day to be amped on but for someone like LP who [ __ ] gets out of bed there's a lady under the bed that puts his slippers on she pops out as soon as breaks up a [ __ ] hot ass chick comes and puts a robe around him gives him an HJ in the morning away come on like well what are you gonna buy the kid for his birthday a [ __ ] a balloon nothing you don't want to [ __ ] know like that my dad always said he goes it's so hard to to give people give someone a gift who has everything yeah you're sort of like this I'll get it I'm getting this vibe hundred percent if I if you had an ideal gift for your birthday what would it be like then I could get right now so you don't hate me I hate saying this and I hate that I hate saying it but I and I truly mean it I think a lot of people say it but they don't truly mean it I really wish anybody watching the show either you to anybody in this room would go do something for someone else for my birthday no but I'd rule II mean that I noblest I truly [ __ ] mean he means it that's mad respectable I do let go find someone who's struggling or not strut just just do something for somebody go make somebody laugh make somebody smile tell your mom your mom I don't care what it is but like I have really gotten in this mode and this is the sobriety thing and this is the book and all these different things where I truly want to make a positive impact on this world and I think the thing that's pushed me to want to do that is because I know I can now because I see the DMS from people I see the tweets I see the yo I got off heroin because of you I got I got out of bed today because of you because because you told me you did it in your darkest times I see that working now and it makes me want to like really blow it up and so like yet for my birthday go do something nice for somebody like literally like that Wow I'll respect that um okay so the girl girl brings over a cake it's got the candles in it she's like happy birthday I want to light the candles I'm and so help he's sleeping the vegans are obviously they want to sleep at 7:30 after their meditation session like I'm not trying to wake anybody up right and then so so I'm like can we just do the cake tomorrow and she's like well do you want to just like [ __ ] or something I'm like yeah yeah that's perfect that's like honestly what that's another thing I like my birthday could you give it to me I didn't have it early maybe I did but I didn't last night and so we go to bed and I've run into this situation with this girl I love having sex with her but I I don't really don't think she watches you'd be surprised I don't ignore this podcasters room my [ __ ] life am i dating a relationship his sex life they all watch pop into the clips channels pop so it's like any more impulsive clips you're not safe I really like you're safe but I really don't enjoy the things that lead up to the intercourse or the things after intercourse with just her in particularly in life no it's she laughs very very Wow oh all of her own jokes that by the way are fours no [ __ ] that they're tunes brother like I'll spill a little bit of milk on the ground she's like it's like when you wind up one of those clowns they pop out of a box last night did you hear giggles oh you're right in the room next door and I know you've heard me plowing before you know how many times you hear Mike plow okay why are women so prone I'll call it - cackling women cackle especially passing you put two of them together oh my god oh my god it's exponential cackle is in their group of an animal that's called a cackle of sec a gaggle of geese [ __ ] it's close there's probably a cackle let's look it up was there a tackle of anything anything these days make you more upset with yourself than a linguistic error no I I miss so [ __ ] bad I when I [ __ ] up I was on Russell breads thanks to Andre by the way Andre and I love Russell Brand I wanted to talk about a little bit he's [ __ ] incredible I want to dive in we can come back to buy was on his podcast and I watched all of it just so I could really digest the things he was saying I tried to make it less about more about I'd like kind of likes flip the script a little bit and I used the word embarkment instead of disembarkment and it really [ __ ] from embarkment is not alone disembark he didn't catch it he didn't catch it he was in the fourth dimension probably that mad as a wizard before is he probably did catch it he just was didn't want to say anything to me because he's so eloquent he's so [ __ ] eloquent bro and why's it British anyway I'm pretty much done I mean like what do you do in this situation like I think I'm pretty sure at least you've at least you've been here before in a situation where like this girl's got all the assets I need one of them is the words even in acid like she has that asset dude [ __ ] great and she's like I love when you grab my like she goes dunk great donk and I've realized did not see this girl you fight you haven't met her to have comes over very late and I also realized with her how important remember we talked about boobs verse asked recently and you're very cool with just the donk but no I have realized recently how important a rack is to me dude I love a big juicy set of boobies bro it's like it's like I think and it's funny too because I think like I hate to say this but I think the truly elevated man in like the sexual attractiveness Department is interested in asses for all my women out there the itty bitty titty committee III ride-or-die we don't need to of anybody's we don't need them they're out they used to be in they're out now but you gotta get that butt right you gotta get that butt right here's what you so like I respect the but if you don't have a butt look at all the butt girls summer Rae the days and keys of the world if you don't have a button you can't just you can you can get a button you can could work to a star to do sport or get a bun or you could do with that you pull the girl up what is her name Mike Mike Smith what did you write about so do i do have it or do i mean here's the other thing those you can you can get you can get boobies nowadays as well that's what I don't have to hit the gym you saw that some say it so it's sort of cheating it's sort of cheat I mean look if you have a deny you but also like bet III here for that I here for that I think we're espect working with what you got this girl's girl Mike show me this girl one day I said no that's not realize impossible it's so so I mean I'm in Connecticut go away are you kidding me this year no that's gotta be photoshopped no it's not it's not so so go back up to the top of her profile so I give a quick explanation the reason why this happened was what do we got an email tab opening [ __ ] again it's okay it's all good Audrey's blurt it in the Edit Thanks okay as you notice it says 21 CT and that stands for Connecticut okay and so I was in Connecticut recently I get this deep this hey DMH ey and I look and I see 1.1 million flowers so now all of a sudden I care with clout dealing right now okay so so anyway so I see this and I go I will let me go check out a profile and I'd do a quick scroll down and I say what in the name of evil [ __ ] Jima is going on in this girl's behind and and I said I'm in the nut last night shift she has two Toyota Camry airbags pumped in or by injections of what Tyrannosaurus Rex eggs turned into a Velociraptor this is crazy I've never seen at Sochi Sochi okay zoom go back to that last one can you just zoom in on that it's the it because usually you can see if it's altered and though it is it looks like an egg it looks like someone put an egg that's not real look at the little booty crack down there see how fake that is but bro here's the question oh that that one actually looked shocked yeah oh no that's for sure shop so so a couple quick things on her so she lives in CT she hit me up this past week and was like I mean you know like first off like hey I love some flowers like how do you don't know I think about these photo but supposedly she got her like break cuz she was walking down the street and Adam 22 this was like a year or so ago I guess she told me saw her on the street and put her a star or some [ __ ] like that but she hit me up this week and was like I'm in LA in the studio so and I was like what do you argue a rapper like what III don't know but it's something something about what's happening in this world does not a subtract you into a studio via a hundred percent bro think about think about the amount of professional athletes that are in that DM thousands hundreds of thousands every single d1 college it yeah a professional athlete they're in their athletes love butts Antonio Brown DM Daisy really Daisy sent me this screenshot oh is that is that late-breaking is that real I just have real news can I say this oh I think he's holding out a sign Jeff's manager Jeff is here with a some okay [ __ ] all right and Tony Brown potential fight opponent as you guys know he's been in the news today actually because what happened here I have the TMZ article yeah I just saw this I told you about those bag of dicks at baby mama police showed out so what happened his baby mama went to his house and like tried to take his car but it's his car and so he called the police on her and that he started freaking out on the police but I don't really know what's all happening here but this is all through this bag of gummy dicks would she actually yeah he threatened me through the bag of gummy dicks at the cops did he hit him did he hit him with it oh that's that's risky first off why do you have that you know what I'm saying like is it a flex to throw it or like why what is I mean it's it's great I will say I will say do you know he do you know he took a picture of the bag of dicks and tagged me on instagram that was the first time I this was like this was like four days ago he's been sitting on this bag of dicks so he went and got the bag of dicks just something to make a joke at that at the fake dick sucking video I think that huge guy gives it was supposed to be I don't really get it but now I just wanted police with the bag of did this can we all agree this guy's a [ __ ] train wreck I mean his life as a truck is a train wreck google him there's a lot of lawsuits lost hi but check it out yeah [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] police get you [ __ ] [ __ ] off the [ __ ] out of here you [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa [ __ ] [ __ ] he ain't happy the [ __ ] out of here did the [ __ ] front of his child bro I'm confused cuz he he called the police yes correct I'm most likely let me do some research what'd you say see that no 64 watching live it's not it's not great but a lot of people saw after the fact it also I although I although being live on it described a handling like an adult professional matter probably isn't ideal who knows dude like yeah maybe just maybe handle that one in person or mate or maybe document it who knows why do you try like you have a small balloon in I'm not I'm so [ __ ] some tissue enologist you're so [ __ ] sick I'm going to the immunologist at 3 cuz what's an immunologist there's like a doctor most people have noticed that I'm sick more than I'm not sick did you I was actually the others out of the year it very well could be your colon you might need to get it get a get a flood what is it come on a colonic have you ever gotten a colonic don't talk that's where you get a tube shoved in your ass and water and just spit up in there I gotta give it to boot my butt yeah you gotta do a dude you gotta do it I've been out there I did a hole I did a hood colonic one time they use a garden hose they just stick a garden hose up your ass and put it on full blast yeah it comes out your mouth they do that I think that's it dude you just got to get a tube in your tube in your ass so the reason why I like this Jeff by the way and anyone else who's listening including both Logan and Spencer in the audience is that this is the first time I think that Logan has fought someone that maybe more people want to see the other person get knocked out then Logan that's like do you know what it's gonna feel for me to be on the side that people want to win this will be the first time since I joined this Internet world the first [ __ ] time do it be crazy for the first time I wouldn't be the villain okay I sorta was the villain sigh cuz he was just such a [ __ ] [ __ ] was so this but he would be he would be the he'd be the bad guy of course absolutely here's why we bring this up this happened this morning and also for a fact I know the the actual offer was set to Antonia realm this morning as well official offer for the fight same with me Jeff just held up a sign that said Antonia Brown received the offer and refused it because it was too low you little [ __ ] it's very clear you need this fight stop being stingy and take the [ __ ] deal let's put on a show how much money how much money do how much bargaining power do you really have I will say this with a hundred percent absolute certainty if Antonia Brown does not take this fight I will find someone else and just as much people will watch it we don't need you and Tony or brown but this is what the world wants and I would love to provide that for them don't be stingy please make this happen for your sake mmm that was like a fridge that was like a what's it called like a manifesto I was like a sermon I felt like is this something that was incredible yeah I was ten I was I was tantalized mm-hmm I mean he needs it clearly though he needs the back from this video this is this is not looking good this is one of many problems Jeff saying there's lawsuits what do they need a bike Jeffrey you follow the NFL maybe you do too a little bit what are the chances realistically give me a percentage that he goes back to the NFL in the next year I mean do there's been some there's been some questionable characters they gotten back into the NFL like I think I mean he tried hoozy training with the Saints was it the Saints he was trying he went there for like a day this this undeniable for sure his head case in a team system where we know teams need to build up to win you can't have it he's like the DeSean Jackson right of this wonder like like coming from like his name is has been tarnished and his brand is tarnished she's done things yeah you can't just ignore if you decide tomorrow Wow I was idiot try out for a team yeah a lot of times they don't do that though until they're actually like broke until they and maybe the but he's broke he he he athlete alert he could learn boxing so quickly just make it [ __ ] happen make it happen stuff to a gummy dicks at cops dude there's a better future for you out there my guy although balls literally to throw her bag is anything I think at the police yeah that that's a Miche this is really heating up it's getting it's getting interesting I hadn't heard about Antonio Brown since his name came out of my mouth in in our podcast and now all of a sudden I love the Bigelow squash what's next though like that offers too low apparently do you know Jeff I'm assuming I'm assuming the sort of negotiation or they'll just be like full stop next opponent which by the way with sure minded opponent mu knowledge is gonna tell me if I have any predisposed conditions that make me incredibly sick this is this is [ __ ] weird a commie times as of this year already - I haven't not been sick this podcast actually we were supposed to have a guest Bob mentary a [ __ ] Ripper Magoo's goose buddy you wanna know why he's sick oh I don't know why but Bob mentor he's sick right now I was at Hyde the other night for father Kel's birthday party yep and I'm and of and and everybody's there [ __ ] everybody Shelley's II like that whole crew like all these [ __ ] tick tock errs were there and it's a real who's who've the [ __ ] social world and all of a sudden I hear the DJ go shut up Bob Metairie in the building yes and by the way like that's the one thing you just never expect here at the [ __ ] Bob Bob BEMER mentoring the building rip Irma goose and I looked at him like is this [ __ ] real life and so he dm's me yesterday and he's like yeah man had to get out of there or whatever I think he probably left and ate some bad ass bro cuz Bob man he seems like like seems like an ass eater questionable ass bro he's all he's apt out of his [ __ ] mind he's been doing Ripper Magoo's all night yeah and now he's got he's got the plague of the a cedar but with some real some real talent with some real Tings have you see did you see his Instagram my man runs around with some table so how old is Bob first off mid-30s I would say early third by the way look up is net worth while you're on goo no there's no way Bob many age sorry it doesn't pop up immediately guys please help just go click the foot but network is always right on Google by the way it says mine it says mine I think it's like $1500 and you're exactly right any but it also says three pending charges I have to be embarrassed a lot resources famous in script star Bob Mary's net worth is 86 billion dollars at the age of 32 years let's go Bob just make up any number Olivia O'Brien's worth like 220 million worth like a quarter beers I says $300,000 all right yeah but she's performing at Coachella that's cool shout out Livio Brian I'll be there I'll be Olivia I'll be there front row I'm gonna hold the sign so so manner he got zapped he's supposed to be here today and he did to me Ripper Magoo's and he's [ __ ] up now Obata so anyways you said he pulls hot chicks do you know so listen do you know he's do you know the backstory with him he didn't he dating a hot golf pro one of the hot do you know this he was dating like one of the hottest lake boats heard in women's PGA golfers and they had a they had a big falling out and he had like a social media breakdown for like a while like he was posting these crazy posts that were like by is she cute is it is if what the [ __ ] why is her watermark on the Google Images please stop what is she's cute also is it weird that we're talking about but like he should be on this pocket no we're gonna wait for him of course for some proper hype you know people love this [ __ ] dudes voice is incredible we've got questions but we'll save it I think you need yeah we're really all over the place I think people have come to expect it for do you have our [ __ ] impulsive meter are we off the charts really you also look like you you look like you did too many ribbon Magoo's your hair did you party what you say you did too much cocaine drank too much alcohol I heard that hey what the one thing I'm not I don't know for me dude I doubt with like they [ __ ] going up my nose directly to my brain I don't I don't know it just seems like oh it's not the sauce that's what like Rob yo I'm down to do dumb [ __ ] that's a little too dumb wait so my book my book is gonna blow your [ __ ] top off yeah I read the first like page and there was blood and it's this crazy blades involved Jed reading it now because to be honest with you it's it's literally so gruesome and visceral yes I don't even know if it go I don't even know if it can go out like I've current form I mean there's nothing there's nothing no bad thing that I've done in my life no horrific situation that I've been in that is not published I think that here's my thing is I think it needs to go out so the people who think they have it bad read that like oh wow I live in Paradise Drive no nasal cavity left on my left side well I took it quite well one of them was a razor blade when I would sit there and [ __ ] scrape at the scabs in my nose because I was soaked okay ah literally I used to close my eye cut pieces attendant out of my nose i cartilage [ __ ] hands and I got yelled at by the Kinect because I kept getting blood on the walls in the bathroom like it's disgusting but honestly it's I did it I wrote it like that for a reason because I want people to understand how [ __ ] nasty it is out there this dude trying to bash down the door because I'm in the bathroom getting blood all over the [ __ ] walls yeah this Dominican canals bro and this is just 10 do this 10 years do you think people will think differently of you when you release the book or do you think the response oh it's gonna go up immensely I mean first one once you publish a book you get it you got to get a boost every person you've ever seen on a speaking circuit has a published book you you have no invite until you publish so just that but I mean also like yo there's I think there's a lot to be said about somebody who willing to put it all out there vulnerability yeah you don't say that's the the wave we're living in you vulnerable but gentle have the final call what goes out cuz I don't know I mean there's statute of limitation like I don't know [ __ ] it now a lot of the [ __ ] is gruesome bro the reason I asked this is I was kind of leading you somewhere and Jed might cut this if he thinks like I I love I love Kevin Hart and you told me to watch his documentary on Netflix it's awesome well at least the first episode was great yeah yeah I'm three or four episodes in but to be honest with you I'm surprised Kevin Kevin let this go out he and there's something to be said about his vulnerability and his willingness to say like I [ __ ] up but I'm I'm right at the part where he's yelling at his trainer on the on the or he's talking talking to his trainer on the plane he's like he's like do you have a house and he just keeps asking him that and it's just like a he got you not me and you getting TIF sometimes it was like a pretty bad like like pretty like disrespectful as bad as like our bad ones worse oh really we've had some when we get Tiff's usually it's it's not coming from a place of like disrespect yeah like with intent with intent to like really like psyche damage you up here you feel like he was like trying to I I guess it I I guess I'm just asking like props the Kevin for being is open and willing to put his life out there and again being able to recognize his mistakes but I'm three episodes into massive mistakes which actually makes me feel more humid so maybe that's what he wants cuz now I'm like you I [ __ ] up a lot that's why I can't really pass I tell you right now I I genuinely feel like my youth gives me like in my mind I'm a lot like this is my time to [ __ ] up it was just something it was so interesting cuz I'm watching I'm just like I'm like Kevin's a friend I'm like I think you probably get to a certain point though where like you're holding onto it internally and it's okay for him to get it out and to express it so other people can see what's really happening like you can have that imposter syndrome if you don't put what's really going on the cathartic miss the cathartic nature of writing and telling all is unparalleled the final chapter of this book will have a will be a chapter on basically my tips to the person struggling and one of those tips is to find an outlet to let it out sitting with your problems sitting with your toxic regrets and your mistakes and just letting them boil in your mind is one of the most destructive things you could do to yourself yeah talking secrets away talking away things that you've done wrong the mistakes you've made is horrible like it whether it's a therapist whether it's a best friend whether it's your mom getting that [ __ ] out I remember when I first started going to therapy and I don't go as much as I'd like to anymore cuz I'm so busy I remember every time I would walk into them I would walk in feeling like I weighed 10,000 pounds I would walk out feeling like I was alive yeah well I mean it's a culture we live in like we have superhero movies that just teach us I go everything's okay a good guy always wins like you'll always overcome everything like the narrative that we're being fed through our entire lives is not you know deal with your [ __ ] be vulnerable I think get it out I think superhero movies are getting better at that oh yeah much better actually yeah I think I heard Stan Lee actually say this before he passed obviously he said he said he wanted to make his his uh his superhero human I think it was spider-man the first kid who was like kind of clunky when it's super here's a [ __ ] kid like a vulnerable little like high school question word yes my question to you is sir don't you think although yes cathartic don't you think there's some [ __ ] in your life my life one's life that is so dark you need to permanently bear that [ __ ] there's no one can know about there's some wherever toss it there's some of there's some things that will not make this book that are that are and so and so hearing me say that now when you know that I when you read what did make it knowing that there are some things that won't make this book is is so there's some disgust there's some things well I like life that I just they're there in my brain and they will never get out the only thing I think as long as you as long as you remain humble with the burying of that I think you can get by and you you have to ask why am i burying it I or what is their value in me sharing it I I pride myself our self and being as open as we are I think that's what why people are drawn to this show even in the vlogs and my old lager I was really open people just like how much of my life I was willing to show like I knew in many ways I exploit my life and we talked about Evan on the last episode he texted us he's like hey man can you guys just check check in with me before you talk I'm not as open as you got and we were like yeah honestly yeah we [ __ ] up we apologize I just think like going back to the Kevin thing really quick that instant he had with his boy his trainer who's his [ __ ] boy was it public he didn't need to show that that could have been buried that easily could have been buried and my opinion are like thoughts about Kevin would have just probably been the same and but seeing it like did make me I don't know I don't know I was torn cuz I love the ability of a storyteller and an entertainer to put that above his his personal life and Kevin did like he's you show it a lot dude everything I respect it at the end of the day everything as we learned in Virginia and we knew from Simon senex TED talk everything you need you do in life should be rooted in why everything you do in life should be rooted in a purpose and so asking the question is is should some [ __ ] be hidden away and talked away for no one to see it depends on why you're telling those dark secrets everything that I tell in this book or I talk about on the show is rooted in the why of helping someone else who's going through a tough time and so when so when Kevin does it and it's not rooted in the why and he's just doing it to entertain them maybe he could have talked it away when I talk about something that pains me to talk about that makes me feel hurt to even say it I'm doing it because I want someone out there to say yo this person had the courage to say this on on a show or in his book to help my life be better everything I do everything I talk about in that book is rooted in struggling person the attic the mental health suffer the person who came home from war without us everything is built to make people understand that they could come that they can overcome a struggle every single part of it and so however dark I can paint that picture so people understand that their obstacle is not that high or is not too high for them to overcome and by the way I'm not making I don't want my story to ever appear to be anywhere close to the suffering or struggles of others there are people out there with pancreatic cancer without insurance there are people in Kenya who have no food like but I want to do my best to paint a picture that you can overcome the [ __ ] struggle that you're going through and so all of my stories are rooted in that truth and so there's I'm not holding [ __ ] back I'm not maybe a couple things that are just so painful to me that I can't talk about but for the most part I want people to read it and be like yo what I'm going through today I could probably get past it's a mess with that I went to the Pasadena flea market yes all that got the oh my god I saw one of the purchases before we jumped on the show man I'm disappointed really I'm disappointed with the budget have you go forth on that has been I've seen it in action I have it okay ladies gentlemen daddy can't bring this it hi what's the passing of flea market this better be good once month it is a second Sunday of every month I was walking past this thing now we all know we've all seen these this is a that's hefty heavy hey let me just move your gold phone is how it sounds on a plays record ship all right so this is a it's called a photograph and Spence guess guess how much more you know how much it was way yeah photograph right yeah we've all seen these phonograph first off how much does it look like it should cost I'm gonna say 400 400 bucks how much did you say that one 25 bucks 25 bucks yeah it's about it's about right Oh antique it's heavy too it's it's this is from 1905 what is it's a photograph that's from 1905 1805 and I paid 2,700 bucks for it it was 3,000 but million my boxing coach negotiated a good price what a deal but make sure you prepare the people you have to blind it up if they wind it up Adric you see you wind it up so you paid 2,700 hours and you still have to do things all you said the price yep and then you just listen the good thing is is the song is probably so old that we can't I don't he's not about signing him to redemption oh well the sad thing is dead [ __ ] bro [ __ ] bro is that that's the name of the song I don't know but look this thing was great we bought a bunch of cool stuff there and like I'm happy with this purchase I bought for the ranch okay I aspire to get to that point where like we talked about the merch sales earlier in the Schleich like bro i aspire to get to a point where I'm just I see a [ __ ] horn and some hot chicks like this would be perfect for our bedroom at the ranch and he's just like how much is it they're like three grand he's like [ __ ] it Danny [ __ ] pay and Danny just whips out a [ __ ] bundle hundreds showers the old antiques man he was just like wow I would have sold that for 400 yeah but I bought a cattle skull with big horns it was a bull the point is I really do feel like I'm mature and guys amazing like my interests are changing speaking of which can we go back to the Russell Brand conversation love Russell so op game Bray so what happened here Andre set it up these audre the vegan god this girl's smiley Kylie I just like Roger was like hey would you would you want to sit down and talk with Russell Brand and I'm a person who doesn't really watch podcasts or like long-form content or really any like super motivational anything but I watch Russell Brand and I've I've watched a lot of him on Joe Rogan I'm obsessed with his eye I told him our ability to articulate complex ideas he's super eloquent he really does have a way with words I'm just gonna play this clip here this is just a small clip that we were talking about after the podcast cuz we talked a lot after why not do that do you try that if that but then leave with the question of what is it I really want so in many ways I told her I was like I don't really have a mentor like honestly the closest thing to a mentor I have is mic so but who like Big Brother's me but I don't have a person I really have anyone who I can like go to if I need like really internal growth or yeah deep yeah like I said this on his podcast cuz like I outgrew the point where I can rely on my parents for that stuff mom and dad I'm sorry I love you it's just like given the circumstances of my life this weird [ __ ] world that I'm living in it's like it's hard it's hard and Russell's done a lot of [ __ ] and so I really enjoyed my time within that podcast coming out soon on his channel I believe but what really intrigues you from like a lifestyle perspective from Ross from Russell cuz like obviously he has massive success with the traditional mainstream route but he wasn't he got he was married to Katy Perry I forgot to tell him on his podcast that I hated him for a long time really yeah because he was married to Katy Perry and I was I was 13 years old and California girls had just dropped that she's spraying like cupcake frosting out of her boobs I was like this girl's amazing I love her she's the one she's the one for me love cupcakes today and I love cupcakes in 13 I love boobies so dangerous so then I saw polyps that I see she's getting married this guy Russell Brand I forgot to tell them that I was like so jealous of him for the longest time still and my favorite my favorite line from him in a movie is so aligned with most people's sobriety not mine but I I like it now because I'm sober again which has been fun already were two weeks now it was good you guys look I feel great you know feel [ __ ] great but he says he not forgetting sarah marshall which is one of my favorite movies he's that that he said he's at the dinner in hawaii and they go to they offer him a drink and he goes if all i have just one sip of alcohol he says if i have just one sip of alcohol you'll find me in the back rim and a waiter just to get me ends on a rock and it's just it's such a classic story of like why addicts aren't supposed to drink and I'm like it's I love it I mean he cuz he's got a massive addiction story in his past as well yeah that's that's the heroin a lot of a lot of his stuff is focused on he was a he said for years he was addicted yeah were you able to travel to the metaphysical with him he is he a Brit is here middle grounders he at the top level like Andres middle ground oh yeah I'll tell you why cuz he gets it routed in physical like is he able to boot it in but also really listen to what he's saying really I what he was saying it in person remember that was when you started recording the inscribe story I was listening I was like I was trying to follow then he got them with this like min and a half monologue about the metaphysical and cut the unconscious and connecting the two and I my first response was like okay you said a lot she said a lot and then when watching back I understood what he was saying and he's right and he's right I just think he's right and it's not it sounds like what do you guys call like fufu yeah like we'll stuff woo you guys haven't you you vegans have a name for it it's like Lala Fugazi no blue blue said it to me before it's like fufu fairy stuff yeah what is it floating yeah that's a great song but yeah he he roots in just watch watch watch our podcast gotta watch watch his podcast he's just like listen to Russell he can help you we but we've been doing it without him to our the other night we're two weeks in now and after another three months after your fight of just absolute debauchery it just random just craziness we spent our Friday night this past weekend me Logan and Mack at O and Evan - yeah at men cheese eating frozen yogurt and talking about philosophy we we had a really in-depth discussion on Rene Descartes who's one of my favorite philosophers he he's responsible for a bunch of different philosophies about not believing what your senses tell you and making decisions for yourself based on reason and based on mathematics and he's very based in Plato's original philosophies which is the opposite of Aristotle and they had this huge argument and I find us on Friday night eating frozen yogurt I'm watching Instagram stories of people at the club pouring liquor on each other's Rolexes and I'm like what the [ __ ] happened bro like but but I am thankful that we're able to go full board either direction but you don't I'm saying why are you a part of it separate from it just like or how ridiculous he said that he goes he's like guys look around we're eating frozen yogurt on a Friday night talking about philosophy two months ago on a Friday night we've been absolutely obliterated out of our mind and hide tongue deep and some Rando so it's a random smart box you don't want to be there it's a just it's it's interesting I think it's all about like channeling energy the right way like where it's weird like we're extreme bro the end of two weeks in what a merge drop you know got a no episode like it's like book book is one chapter say it really quick to the fans no one has been more anti AO lo gang was popping than me no one I'd like bro a Jah page up page up and he's like you know like well I agree with you blah blah all we've had back and forth on it within the past two weeks and remembering that he was the icon of this whole thing that we call YouTube because of these staples and everyone has been so he's so known for it I don't worry I like it again it's like hearing something you know that makes you feel comfortable how it takes you it takes you back so there's just the gold and the Hall of Fame it's the good stuff if we gotta age up I thought about this we have a plan for maverick in mind to age up and and and make it like a mainstream thing yeah but I thought about having low gang merch again they can be I think it'd be like a I think it'd be cool like niche thing just for like people to wear sort of as like a like a satirical statement yeah I think it I think it could be cool I think I don't know I love I love the the current low gang I'm sure they've always been great but I wrote you know those group chats that I jump into that are like so I think they all every single one of them today has changed their profile picture on Twitter to me and my birthday hat with my birthday cake I can't go in the group chat all it's 30 people talking at the same time and they're all have my face it's there they're the most supportive fun bunch of people I've heard I foresee the low gang being your presidential like that's gonna be your your squad that's gonna be the people that vote you into office is the low gang so you might as well start plugging now that's just my two cents on the situation yeah it's quite possible I think it's profound you think Bernie Sanders is gonna be dead Oh mmm no I don't think I don't hate to say it but it I don't believe it's possible I think I did I think Trump's got America by the balls we're talking like you know the people who are gonna get him back in like unfortunately he's manipulated quite a few people yeah wifey I guess Biden's the only chance but even like he's soft means anything how do we get to this point where why can't we vote for somebody like Logan about thirty five Carl Smith so somewhat so today I want to go for the rock today i winner cardi B through her kind of metaphorical hat in the ring not not not for presidency oh sorry sorry she tweeted that she wants to go back to college so that she could be in the government but there's no end in government it's capital I sometimes like government maybe sheesh and then change yeah I think would be great and then she also said she's got um so much she dead-ass has so much ideas for how she's gonna change the policies that's good see I'm I'm bought in yeah me I'm the she if she has I'm some ideas sorry I'm his bought into that as I am to putting a flamethrower to small kids to save their Wow that's like what like what what what the [ __ ] like cuz here's my question when you start to do that when you start to do cardi B right I've already done Trump when do you do cardi B and then when Logan and Jake run at what point is there any sense any less to them to the off it no no but hear me out because all right is it a joke into the joke it is a Joe who cares breh I'm just trying to live a little I hear surprised yeah but you are and that's great little Heather what is yes but al it a life without nuclear weapons involved not true do you know what I'm saying like make another piece and so like so like let's all have fun let's all just one love baby these are the people the Senate committees the house that say yes or no to extrajudicial or not a traditional but yes or no to killing on foreign soil do you want cardi B is it just she say eat my body like groceries or exactly Mickey you but booty that gross you know this it's not as though needless to say she's pretty close do you want her deciding who lives and who dies on foreign soil like please please I know it's fun to joke it's tempting its tempt it's tempting you know what else is tempting I'm I can I have no analogy here but site could be something for some people to it's tempting to saw all this conversation is making my face on my body like a turtle head heat is turtles I don't know dude like y'all we all right let's cut the [ __ ] guys that's it we don't cut it what do we got no we're done we're done with the pocket doughnuts do you think you should have talked about government to me in the government yes what you got some else oh oh how do I even say this probably with your mouth I'm moving too kawaii where's Jeff Jeff where's Jeff we need to do it what'd you say I just said I'm moving to cry for what I'm still gonna be here every Monday guys I'm still gonna be here every single Monday I'm flying back every week I'm moving by myself took Hawaii but what the [ __ ] you talkin about right now how much acid have you taken it a lot I took a whole tab he's not kidding what what the [ __ ] you're talking about huh yo it's funny you say that because I'm becoming a [ __ ] racehorse I'm a toilet look what are you saying right now the word you're saying things with your [ __ ] stupid lips that aren't making sense you're moving to an island okay let me let me let me unpack word you about to move back in here how did you I was weird yeah I don't want to say a bunch because I have a lot going on with my personal life I do okay this is like a deep moment I do you're moving to Kuwait you said yes wait sorry please no I mean I don't want to make it too too deep because like there's a lot going on behind the scenes like I don't want to I don't want to like reveal all the personal stuff I've been through like the family [ __ ] I've gone through over the last couple weeks like it's deep man like it's deep I I went to Hawaii for New Year's and when I was out there I met a group of people that I really really [ __ ] with and I've been in LA for five years and like dude this this place is like it's just not motivating motivating me anymore like I feel like spiritually I need something to I need something new to like really dive into and yeah the opportunity opened up to move out there so I'm gonna move out there [ __ ] yeah I love you and you know like I opened up to you personally and I was like shits going down bro and like it's yeah I mean it doesn't it doesn't feel like like the end of everything for self the beginning for me for selfish reasons [ __ ] that I know but for you I love that I actually actually do love it even when I first said it I know I was like this but like I really loved that like it hurts to say I love I love that I love I love a massive shift in life change is good I think I think you could only wholly spur big things that's crazy Spencer joining like a tree like that way Jordan the vibe tribe I'm getting a little emotional where do you go it's beds today yeah this is it's weird we got a phonograph I'm moving out there indefinitely I'm going out for a week right now and then I'm coming back out here for a month would you like shoot some stuff was your house I don't have a house yet I'm staying with somebody out there they have a guest house so for me my biggest goals to answer your question are just to like truly route myself spiritually like I don't feel like being in LA I haven't been able to like truly ground myself like when I was in LA I was water in Hawaii I was walking barefoot through like all these trails like I was meditating on the beach every day like I was not distracted from social media and I was like holy [ __ ] like this is me you know like I felt it and I I don't know I feel like I'm not able to hit that level spiritually that I want to hit here well you're in the even though I love it I [ __ ] love it you're the most spiritually bankrupt city in the world exactly quiet you're looking at two polar opposites I mean you have to be a very headstrong and spiritually driven person to exceed in that arena here in LA we are bankrupt in this [ __ ] city like there sorry I don't mean we this city is bankrupt there's like amazing stuff happening here it's not in it and that's the thing I'm not running from pommy grass block it's in pockets and I think like I live in in a downtown city area and it's like you know I'm not I'm not surrounded by people that are like diving deep into that path all the time because there's distractions you know there's there's something going on you know what what you're gonna use that new energy that you'll probably feel - do I really want to like and I've struggled to put out content like you know I see what you want to do I do yeah for sure like I have my documentaries like that stuff still going out I think like personally like I see you you put your content out there you're you so that's why it's so good that's also please [ __ ] with the merge that's why people like support you I think for me like you know I haven't felt like myself like you like them in a long time you know the vibe source stuff is close to you yeah that's what ran is that sure what you plan to cuz cuz by the way that is a massively growing industry from a from a business name but I hate to I hate to [ __ ] it dumb it down to business but the spirituality and wellness industries are massively quickly growing into so - it's a great [ __ ] didn't happen it's a great place for you to be yeah but also it's funny we just had this conversation the other the other day about when I do comedy bits and when I talk about topics that are not passionate about I mentally find myself putting a puzzle together how do I make this funny how do I get interested when I talk about things like addiction helping people with mental health problems helping people in general the words come from my soul Mac we talked about this it's like I don't even think it just comes right I think you will find exactly what you're looking for through trial and error and the creation of content you will find your niche because you'll find what feels most natural to you and when you find that the audience will say this is natural from him we want more of it and you will have that connection yeah I wish you wish you nothing you're gonna crush it yeah and I am literally flying here I mean I think I'm just releasing something cuz it's like you know I'm I know I'm still gonna be here it's just that it's a it's a leap you know this is this a big next chapter yeah a big next chapter kawaii is probably the polar opposite I'd say of Los Angeles yeah so it's the polar out and this was a big chunk of your life dude huge yeah I mean that's where I met I met Jake here like literally right when I moved here like I knew nobody bro I moved to LA and I was just like I cannot do winters anymore I flew in LAX I got us I rented it Airbnb five minutes out of LAX like I literally didn't know the area and I got invited to a shoot with Jake that's how I met Jake Jake introduced me to Logan's so like damn forever grateful for LA at least would you say and this is what I would judge it as you moved to LA for opportunity and now you're moving to Kauai for purpose yeah yeah it's a beautiful way to put it yeah for impulsive I I see I'm an optimist but this is a pessimistic statement I wonder how long that'll I agree Hawaii's a lot like talked about every week and by the way we'll see yeah well if you don't we're gonna know that you're doing something that's at least to you that's more important you know what I'm saying at the end of the day like you got to live this life the way that you believe it should be late for sure you know you can't be pulled by other people like I I mean I I hate I don't want to turn around of me but quickly like I've had already had people I already had it's just representative of it I've already had people that have been trying to like pull me out of the sobriety within the first two weeks you know what I'm saying like yellow [ __ ] that [ __ ] why are you doing that to yourself like that's like and honestly like it's representative of the situation where you just have to tell people yo this is what I'm doing you know what I'm saying like you're not gonna be you're not gonna be shaking you're not gonna be pulled away from your mission yeah I'm saying so I respect that yeah we'll see I mean like I'm going out there this week I'm sure I'll learn a lot more from experience yeah alright we did we definitely talked about this for the podcast is done but they're damn tight start to drop that one on you guys normally it's like yeah yeah I'm moving there next month no we're gonna end the podcast fencers going to the airport podcast is over like forever hey we love you guys thank you for listening this episode of impulsive hit that subscribe button Spencer we love you you know guys wish better well on his new journey Instagram sprint survives the up-spin survive Spencer vibes [ __ ] love you bro that's uh that's crazy and I'm excited for you love you guys too hearsay seriously guys that's it see you next time
Views: 1,080,213
Rating: 4.9030881 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, hawaii, spencer moving, mikes birthday, russell brand, antonio brown, fight, logan paul boxing, mma, fake boobs, instgram models, fake butt, russel brand
Id: ukCBIeJywps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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