Charlie Rocket: 300 lb MUSIC MILLIONAIRE to Ironman ATHLETE - IMPAULSIVE EP. 68

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putting on my shoes when to go grab my socks and pass out and come to find out I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and those are right around the time the Grammys were coming up and we found out we want a Grammy hydrophone get started have you ever one make fun of or to act like a thirsty animal around my beautiful [ __ ] fiance ever again you piece of [ __ ] what yeah I saw you dude you met her one god you met her one time you put your foot up on the counter you like great eyes by the way and then you use the same line you always use I've every girl ever introduced to my [ __ ] life you what are you doing later you see it every [ __ ] you say that to girls at 4:00 a.m. I bring here I don't know they're doing that I think he pulled another line bro no he's just a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] nerd I said yes I don't think he heard this one yeah guys yeah yeah he said do you like older or younger brothers [ __ ] [ __ ] younger brothers oh we're good welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world that is a fact if you were not subscribed make sure to subscribe hit that button we did an extended audio Q&A with the guest after the visuals done in Spotify and iTunes it gets juicy so make sure you check it out there because honestly I want to raise in the charts to be honest rate of 5 stars please and hit that subscribe do we have right now probably 6 or 7 yeah 5 upwards oh [ __ ] said number one podcast in the world do you think we're pushing for or my [ __ ] hey I got a question dude what's up y'all got insecurities of course I hate my pinkies I just noticed pinkies I hate hoes our pinky my pinkies bro I hate them am I my ex-girlfriend actually called me out in it like when I do this dude oh there's a slight Bend there's always this like a 30 degree Bend and I hate it wait and I noticed when I'm like milli or like sometimes dabbing and I just I don't know no it's an aerodynamics just know exactly and I run slower cuz there's nothing I can do about it well there's probably something you can do about it like what surgery okay that's a good idea 3d printing hey thanks for giving me my air pods back today yeah well c'mon yeah well somebody stole mine so then I stole yours that's uh that's yeah how it works so karma this thing called Karma what you did get your off your gave me too and I only need one because that's what's [ __ ] in I saw Jay Paul do it that's what give me the other I'll take three guys do it different we have a special special guest today ah the intro that I wrote down is that incredible and it's kind of long so give me one second I'll wave you in okay I want to introduce our guest is gonna be a good one guys bringing him on he's got one of the most inspirational transformation stories in the world he used to be 2 Chainz manager he's done world tour on world tour won a Grammy got diagnosed with a brain tumor became vegan lost 130 pounds ran three marathons and an Ironman and is now a Nike athlete it's Charlie rocket what is that this is incredible here is a backpack that Nike gave me so away so my name is Charlie rocket and this is a real-life NASA backpack that they made into a Charlie Rocket backpack and I brought to a gift brother about to fry oh I'd even bring you on this was Spencer's connect this amaze you bring Spencer gift not [ __ ] right is it a book I'll take a book hey I'm always down for books Spencer first Spencer does have a gift hey congratulations to you too and all that's got to be something special gifts on it should be open them at the same time like as best like best friends yeah yeah yeah okay hey wait before you still give did this make it to the moon by chance or was it like a training back back back yeah she didn't make it to the moon but it is going to the moon yeah ah yeah yeah yeah I'm going to all that sigh maybe we'll go together hey this is crazy literally looks like there's a refrigerator in here Oh Mike it's oh my love there's money in here lots of God Wow we got a tin treasure chest here what do you think I have no idea what its gonna be Oh Gordon is coordinates yes coordinates sure what do we got it's a grey box oh my god now I would say that's tan your color brother right yep that's okay you bought me a box that's tight we're gonna open them at the same time do it without my crate yeah yeah I don't haven't you didn't need to need to do this man I appreciate this so no brother this is crazy I like how you know to talk into the mic cuz a lot of guys yeah feely hey should we do this let's do it three two one best friends yeah I appreciate you white press no I owe it is the off-white let's go I love I love white shoes I needed the pair of these here's my your gift Mike I was just looking at my was like y'all I don't know if this is this with the suede check - damn hey man you get a blue check and you know what some of us have to enjoy the luxuries of life why my God my god verified today hey congratulations yeah but still [ __ ] me on the shoes right here's my question is it worse to show up to a party without a bottle of wine or to show up like to a party where there's like three birthday people with only two gifts what would you say like you're not you roll to about like a party you don't have a bottle on you like an [ __ ] there's always venmo brother oh you're gonna send me a vent all he does is elliptical stuff thank you you're out running and right Mike's just stationary um so listen bro hey thank you for the gift this is awesome these are really cool I have yet to get a off-white X Nike collab those are awesome - Spence yeah man well we're Max or when Air Max they just pass I don't know I don't even know really where to start with you because you have such a compelling story out I kind of just want to let you talk for a bit and talk about some of the stuff you've done cuz it's it's actually incredible man um so yeah Charlie Rocky what's your story where you come from who are you me I grew up in Atlanta Georgia man dream as a kid was to be an athlete but I was like I was chubby so it exactly like work out how I thought you get to that age in school where I you need something to be good at you start liking girls and you're like all right I need something to be good at and no matter how much I play basketball no matter how much I train the second I learned how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich like when I was that height oh no no I just couldn't lose weight I was - I was - in the food you just kept making PB&J all day dangerous it's a trap yeah so so I said you know what I need something to be good at and I said you know what culturally at the time it wasn't exactly cool to be an entrepreneur but I've always kind of had this like gift of seeing around the corner like what's gonna be that next thing and I was like you know what I'm gonna dress up like a businessman I'm gonna go to school with a briefcase no way oh my god I switched switched out the backpack for the briefcase put on a suit and I gave myself a superhero name I always give myself the superhero names if I want to become something like right now on you call me Charlie Rocket because when I was 300 pounds and I want to become an athlete I said you know what my name is Charlie Rocket and then boom I became a knight he calls himself Google preferred men because he wants to be come back and Google I really just wanted please badly taken so it's like a big super just yeah so so I said CEO Charlie oh oh oh oh yeah that's that was gonna be me what's your real name Charlie Charlie jab Li okay okay so I called myself CEO Charlie became a business man and growing up in Atlanta like when my friends started like rapping I was like all right this is something right here this hip-hop thing is gonna be big I would go to my mom say ma can I put a studio in my bedroom I lived across the street from the high school so after school like a couple people started coming then like 50 people started coming and we would just like putting out music and I was like all right I'm gonna start a website were you engineering or I was in built a website blew up Interscope Records calling me wanting to buy my website it was called Spitzer in Atlanta there was the big dance movement crank that basically everything and I was the center of this movement Tom goes on a little bit I go off to college one day I get a phone call from Interscope Records said we just signed an artist and he said he wants you to be his cameraman like my website was like a media and icon I did video work for the independent artist started that artist they got signed to interscope his name with Soulja Boy so soldier boy told his record label because he was a fan of mine he lived in Batesville Mississippi when I was in Atlanta and he was just a fan of what we were doing ended up dropping out of school going on tour with Soulja Boy I see I see like the future like I'm finally gonna make it like CEO Charlie is a real egg now I end up getting fired by Soulja Boy why um apparently as a as a camera man you're not supposed to tell the superstar that he's messing up too much and he didn't stay in your lane I did not snow but that's good cuz you weren't being a yes-man correct it's true what did you tell him he was doing wrong um he was he was like like at the Atlanta rap movement was my scene and he was starting to take some lyrics from my friends and it was like hey those are mine you know I look crazy because like you're not really from Atlanta like he had family in Atlanta but he was from Mississippi and I'm in Atlanta and our rap scene our dance movement that we had going that was ours so now I'm with him and everybody's looking at me crazy like Charlie what's up with your friend Soulja Boy like why is he like taking our stuff and I'm like kind of stuck in the middle so you know one thing led to another album came out so crank that Soulja Boy that whole first album came out and we're in Atlanta it's the last day of the promo tour next day we're supposed to go to Jimmy Fallon I didn't get the itinerary from from the manager and I'm like you know I'm just gonna be proactive I'm just gonna go to the airport like we always do every morning we know we're going to LA yeah nobody's answering my phone calls not the management not the road manners not the security there's only one person who would my phone call that was a DJ they were ghosts in you it were ghosts in me and I'm at the airport for like four hours and I realized you know let me just go home and tell my mom yeah like I think I'm fired and you know can I move back into the basement she said she said um what are you gonna do I said look look look look look this is a great thing because being out there on that road like I got to see who's really making the money and it's not the cameraman it's the manager yeah I'm gonna be a manager I'm gonna be the biggest manager in the game I'm gonna manage rapper she looked at me she said oh you know about managing rappers I said I like like this is what I'm gonna do and I went out and I signed a girl group I got him signed to Interscope Records six months later they fired me Charlie why here why you keep getting fired they left me for Sierra's manager they were like well we're a big group now we can't have a 19-year old manager and I'm like you know that a lot of that happens in entertainment like you know the disloyalty and I'm right back to my mom's basement and and I said I said I like I know where I messed up see that was a girl group they were kind of poppy you know he's like I'm from Atlanta we gotta go to the strip to get those roots in Magic City not the side track too much but I went to Atlanta for two weeks and made a made music with polo did on with a weight loss competition right now no way there's my boy no way yeah yo he was telling me about all that all the stuff he does to lose weight he bikes a lot that's his thing yeah when I started biking across America he did I actually two days ago this year's when I started biking across America and he did the first day with me so we biked from here to Long Beach together gotcha he brought him in a couple of his artists uh he took me the first place he took me was a strip club sheet cheetah the cheetah yeah that's way you would take you okay you gotta take them to the blue flame nice girls there shot Sarah mundo the food is good mm-hmm oh that's yes it's a good place that's why he took me this we had some sort of chicken anyway anyways what is chicken it's so funny about [ __ ] chicken this is a funny thing to remember for a strip club some sort of chicken there's actually a lot about what the strippers look like chickens good so you went back to your roots fire-code all way back to my roots as soon though I signed a strip club group no what so so at the time like who was popular at the time it was like gzi were popular in Ludacris was that era of Atlanta and I was like it's time for the up-tempo dance music to come back like Ying Yang Twins had been out of the picture for a while and I was like alright there's this group they make music I love they're on the east side of Atlanta I'm living in my mom's basement they're living in their mom's basement their name was Travis Porter and I said look we're not gonna sign a record deal because I didn't want their head to get big too fast hmm I said we're gonna do this independently and I would drive from every radio station from Jackson Mississippi to Washington DC and I would stand outside those radio stations I would knock on the window of the program director and like I've got a group that you need to hear you have radio advertisements you need to sell and this is what the kids like did they have records yeah we Travis Porter here what let me take you out was that that's him yeah that was a good song let me take you out a late okaynow late okay okay yeah oh yeah it rain make it rain yeah bring it back so that was Travis Porter was actually three guys see you're a little bit younger see see it was like the generation right before you but in Atlanta it was it was like we had the biggest bidding war going in all of hip-hop like I was 19 years old and this was my chance at finally making it and I was like I can't screw this one up this is my shot and every record label in the game is calling me deities calling me I let did he know upfront I was like look we're not really interested in signing the bad boy and I had a bidding war going huge record labels called let us fly you up Charlie I was like uh-huh flying myself up cuz when I leave your meeting we're gonna walk across the street and I will meet Warner Bros oh and this is gonna be a big big award and record labels hated me they hated Charlie because I was just this young knucklehead we had this huge deal going in New York and uh meet with all the record levels meet with Warner Brothers in the morning then we go to mr. Chow's with Monty and a real it man and you know I'm from Atlanta like Benihana is a big deal so going to mr. Charles is like you know and you know oh we're going to Atlanta Country Club it just felt luxury unitl in it and then we ended the day at drive records jive records we get off the elevator hundreds of people wearing Travis Porter shirts posters all across the walls like they're covering up Britney Spears rep for y'all oh yeah they're cordial that works yeah so so we go in home one of the record label execs comes over and whispers in my ear and says we want to give you two million and I was set in mama I was like this is it this is who we're going sign with you know I've always kind of like had this little like social anxiety of going to clubs I got like I don't like going out like tonight clubs so you know after that day I'm just gonna go back to the hotel and the feathers are gonna go out to a club with one of the universal and or I'm in the shower and I see my phone ringing all right who could this be I look out the shower curtain this is Diddy I like oh Lord I don't want to talk to did he like I don't feel like getting cussed out right now he calls again and he calls again oh no and he calls again ah [ __ ] so I finally get out of the shower and I'm like bracing for impact unlike on column he answers the phone Charlie you're gonna come to my city and not show me the respect to meet with me I'm like I was upfront and honest with you like we weren't interested in a sign and a bad boy and he's just giving it to me he said show me the respect I'm sending a car to your hotel right now bring the fellas over to I'm like that he's yelling at you like that yelling what's it like to get a call from it was he P Diddy at the time he did was it so what's it like at 19 to get a call from P Diddy and then have that call him just be reaming your [ __ ] it was tough because I mean in one aspect I'm trying to be a good manager and I'm trying to do what's right for my client you should have custom I back why the manager suit haven't you seen Entourage Ari Gold he took a paintball gun to the office and shot people up I think it's cuz he's managing like the biggest star in the world at the time he's on the coma he's got to be respectful the gods 19 years clearly you're on savage life anyways gone so so did he send you a car I wouldn't let him he he wore me down he said just bring the fellas over before y'all go to the club with Imran from Universal I was like all right cool cuz I mean who doesn't want to go to Diddy's penthouse like it's still cool life experiences so we go over give the fellas a little pep talk look we're not signing to Diddy I don't care how cool this is we're not signing to Diddy go up the elevator knock on the door and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life answers the door it was Cassie like I'm draw I'm like oh no she like my mouth I'm gonna date myself Cassie it was his girlfriend for like nine years you know Cassie you know Cassie maybe I don't know if he's here I'm 24 I saw please continue so like we go into the apartment Cassie is dragging like a four-foot bottle of Moet across the living room y'all want to drink and it's just like Eddie comes out and he says Charlie let me take the fellas to the club tonight and he already knew I told him they're going with you reversal and I'm like not you can't go to club they're already going with Universal I'm a man of my word I don't want to disrespect them he says Charlie let me talk to you in the hallway I'm like I'm about to go to timeout it's gonna be okay you'll help your negotiations trust me Universal got pissed at me oh stop them in the back this way again fired long story short we ended up deciding to go with Jive Records okay we had we had these songs going flying up the charts and then the record contract was taking so long to get closed with the attorneys going back and forth doing the fine deals and it was a really big deal at the time in music they were still two mil oh it's two mil so did going to the club with P Diddy did not indeed help the negotiate didn't hurt it didn't hurt we survived okay but our song started falling at radio during these negotiations periods just those final points on the contract I get a call from the record label saying we got word from the higher-ups the contractors is too fat the executives want to pull out of the deal completely and I'm like being hounded by the group and their parents where's the money where's the money everybody's expecting the two million dollar check and I've done all this negotiation I've taken records independently top 20 in the country from driving to every radio station I've pissed off every other record label to pick this one and now they're pulling out of the deal CEO Charlie is having a rough time here so they pulled out of the deal we were in this little Chocolate Factory like all the money ran out where Willy's no it was um it was wait a second a boy named Charlie was in a chocolate what's going on I swear to God I'm sorry oh my god I went through half the story now Charlie's at the shock factor we had this golden ticket turn into a [ __ ] blue so there was this little house thing for rent that was a commercial Chocolate Factory it was like a small little house I was like this would make a perfect little studio something we could afford like $600 a month and there was this kid who was our engineer and I gave him a job he was homeless at the time and he was like mixing records for me for $50 a pop and I said you know what I'll give you a job just be our engineer one day he brought a keyboard to the little Chocolate Factory studio and we're like laughing at him you know you ever had like a new employee and you just kind of like pick on him a little bit yeah was he good uh oh well we we don't know okay okay you're just laughing that he brought a keep like what do you got a keyboard for because it was a big keyboard yeah it wasn't a little MIDI cute it was the big like 88 keys and we're like what do you got a keyboard for he was like you know I make I make beats like I can't make a beat first beat he made make it rain [ __ ] make it oh no way [ __ ] second beat he made bring it back bring it back bring it back both top 10 records in the country then he made a lady's number 2 song in the country then he went from being homeless to making these top 20 records top 10 records top five records in the country to winning he went on and discovered Iggy Azalea and post Malone in Soho what's his name Marcus first good job first you've heard his beats good job first yeah he's a huge producer in the industry and he was just sleeping on the couch won most inspirational stories and you know that's what took my career to the next level it was no looking back after that jive records came back signed us for the contract and my career took off like then discovered 2 Chainz and I was like it's time to grow the management company and there was this artist named titty boy and sorry what his name is chance to change his name before his name was 2 Chainz was named titty boy yes t ity Bo I corsets city tidy I know like he's clean so daddy boy in the South in the South like his family's from LaGrange Georgia my family's from The Grange Georgia it's the country if you're a titty boy it means you're a mama's boy it's like see southern so that's what his mom you still in school at 16 basically gotcha so he um he signed a ludicrous for ten years I come along I knew he was a star me and my business partners taken out like we like saw him we were at a music video shoot with Travis Porter and Lil Wayne Lil Wayne had a music video shoot with with titty boy and when he walked in the room it was just magnificent like was he wearing any changed at this point he was wearing so many change he couldn't see his [ __ ] did he have a masters or yet he never had a master's degree but he definitely graduated with absolutely I love watching them argue with the newscasters about the weed [ __ ] absolutely I love to change he does he's one of my favorite rappers he was wearing a lot of change a lot of change I mean when he walked in the room it was like looking at a Egyptian pharaoh and in Atlanta over like that when I look at Jake Paul is my brother yeah like he's a youtuber I don't know why he's wearing so many chains mmm anyways Atlanta rain Atlanta and we always knew titty boy because he was signed at Ludacris he was an Atlanta legend and he had a big song going get your money little duffle bag boy he had a big shot at one point class and it you know it had kind of fallen off and then that's when we entered his life and we approached Ludacris and you know his management team and we were like we want to get him out of the contract we want to take him solos at play a circle a circle yeah see you know your stuff that's a classic that was one of my favorite [ __ ] songs ever like I still rocked that [ __ ] that was a class classic yeah and we took him solo man and and you know our careers took off we weren't Grammys world tours and you know the bigger the bigger my business got the bigger I got I got over 300 pounds yes so talk about literally you got bigger physically absolutely what was the correlation there just no time to work out you man it was it was out diet and workout every day but business was a trap remember when I was young and I like buried my childhood dream of being an athlete and I decided to be a businessman it was like a track jump that led me into a trap of okay stress of business leads to food for some for some people yes yeah is it for you it did at one point it's called emotional it can be called emotional eating and so it's oh I think he's leading me to preface here like I used to weigh over 300 most 300 pounds myself and I lost about a hundred pounds - sorry bro I [ __ ] with your journey a lot and I like I get it but I I did that - I ate out of stress a lot - and I also just thoroughly enjoyed eating I just loved eating like what was your what was your go-to like cheesecake mm-hmm she's called nine things sweet any any type of cheesecake usually with the strawberry you know I wasn't big on the chocolate cheesecake more than you know mine mine was fried [ __ ] bro fried I loved like hash browns mmm what did you what did you end up getting up to three oh three oh five my heaviest weight three oh five and then I remember I was I was at 2 Chainz his house he had just bought a house in LA and I was like you know break it in for you you know like I'm staying there you know la weather is nice compared to Atlanta and I one morning I woke up in the room just spinning I couldn't stop the room from spinning oh man this can't be good and after about 45 seconds which felt like an hour I was able to get it to stop I said getting out of bed putting on my shoes went to go grab my socks and pass out and come to find out I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and those are right around the time the Grammys were coming up and we found out we want to Grammy with chimps a rapper no problems you know no problem me and that was our Grammy song and it was the day of the Grammys that I realized music money success that life I had created for myself at the age of eight and said on this path meant nothing to me and I'm looking at my life like that like a movie like it was a bad movie like it would have like a terrible rotten tomatos score like I'm like that can't be it there has to be more to the movie I can't have a bad movie be my life like this guy just woke up decided to make money and dies uh-huh that can't be it well and I asked myself what was my dream what was my choice dream and I would sit on the beach with my notebooks and I've got every single notebook and we'll get into that in a second I would I would always write my dreams in my notebook and I went back to that I want to be haffley and it makes no sense 300-pound man to go to his business partners and his artist at the age of 28 and say I want to retire and I'm gonna become an athlete it's a big statement I'm not sure I'm trying to imagine if someone were to say that to me given the situation because how much money had you made you were multi-millionaire yeah we were doing about 15 million a year so it sounds like you have everything you'd ever want you're saying you get a the movie will get a bad ride Tomatoes score but I feel like I'd have to disagree the movie sounds like a [ __ ] movie it sounds like a rock star lifestyle but I guess he's saying not for his not for his audience it was I kept saying this statement over and over in my head my story isn't over yet karma hmm major I made sure I emphasize the comma because a period means its end comma means it keeps going and I just kept saying my story isn't over yet this can't be it I knew in my heart see I believe our dreams are a lot like like the calculator app on your phone you didn't download it it was just already there and I had a dream that was in me that makes no sense to anybody in society but it made sense to me I have to be an athlete and when I went to 2 Chainz I said I'm gonna do this I'm gonna retire and I'm gonna be athlete he said I don't understand and I told him these words I said this isn't my practice life this is my only one and he said okay I get it I get it and he said well what are you gonna do I said I'm gonna do an Ironman you just immediately go to one of the hardest races the hardest in the world it was legal for those of you who do not know an Iron Man which Spencer actually ran about 2.4 miles swim on a followed by a hardened out on a 12 mile bike followed by a marathon that's right it took me 16 hours he'll be way faster than me 16 hours 41 minutes came in second last place I did it in New Zealand and I was within minutes of being disqualified on every single portion of it and if you get disqualified like say during the bike portion you get disqualified they kick you up I go all the way to New Zealand I put everything on the line to do this and I'm within minutes and I'm pushing against a 20 30 mile an hour headwind and I finished and I was over still technically like overweight when I did it how much did you weigh when you did it I probably weighed like 205 oh you are not starting lossing I had lost quite a Holloway how long did that journey take you that ten months yeah ten months of Ironman training Ironman training on lean and what was the these cut-offs by the way are not slow like 16 hours like that's still like that's your did you guys I got like 12 yeah 12 I was just under 13 so I like that's a great time that I mean still 16 hours oh so much respect amazing time so what were five well we're like you're just four like anyone out there because I've heard from some people that they're looking for kind of tips and you know ideas for how to get that weight-loss journey started like what was some of that like for you like what did you do to because you didn't miraculously go from 305 to 205 Ironman status like what did you do bro this is the problem roll like we got the odds stacked against us like people like in this country some people have good genetics most of us don't the number seven out of ten are overweight or obese in this country like 70% yo that's crazy Oh what so bestow do you know there are little worse with that term yeah it's a it's are depends on your it's the BMI BMI actually am i right according to the BMI I think like Jake is OB nah it's not he might be considered overweight obese is like okay so what is it 20% body fat yeah but just just next time you're on the airplane just look like anywhere you go like is it's crazy from the numbers I mean life expectancy in this country the most advanced country in the world has dropped two years in a row like it's crazy and heart disease is now number one number one and if heart disease doesn't get you it's gonna be cancer and cancer comes from the food too so it's like the food is gonna kill you a heart disease or it's gonna kill you of cancer like I come from hip-hop I had one of my artists he was he was shot and killed and we got demonized by the media like I'm on the news all the time in Atlanta like oh another shooting at you know street exec studios like there was a lot of violence and I thought to myself like okay yeah like there's a lot of violence in hip-hop but I did a Google search I said how many people died of gun deaths every year I know it's way too many but it's 22,000 I'm like that's a lot that's a lot you know we got it we got a real taste of that like I've been shot at did you did you have to carry a piece in Atlanta I would never I believe a lot in the law of attraction and I believe and actually Snoop Dogg says this too if you have guns around it brings me brings like Snoop Dogg's like when he let go to go in the trouble stop so so I said I never want to shoot a gun like I'm never even like I don't drink or smoke either like I'm I've my whole life I've never whole life yeah my whole life you've never been drunk no man I was addicted to food bro well I had my addiction and then I just transferred that to my addiction for like athletics so this is do you have an addictive personality I would say so but I think we all do I don't think that's unique I think people are addicted to it like sorry yeah you know social media I think we're all I think we're trained to be that way maybe I mean you you do it a phenomenal job of rerouting what you like you're targeting essentially what you want to go after and applying what you have inherently an alien you mm-hmm I don't want to skip around your question how did you do it I looked up the BMI in 3030 and higher percent body mass body fat yes considered yes yeah and so like like but I think at the end there he kind of started to talk about what what I was looking for was which was he transferred his addiction so like the way I lost weight was I fell in love with cycling man it was all I wanted to do growing every day I woke up I'm like what do I have to do right now to get on the bike like what is it what are the obstacles I gotta clear through do I got to work I got to do this [ __ ] so I can get back on the bike because that's all I want to do that's it and once I fell in love with that [ __ ] and started riding 25 30 40 50 miles a day mm-hmm then I found out yo and I don't eat hashbrowns and I could ride fast mm-hmm and then I started getting losing weight on the bike but not eating hashbrowns before he knew it [ __ ] just start to drop so when I tell people from my my journey the first thing you got to look for is a cardio exercise that makes you happy yeah cuz it might not be running it might not be on the treadmill might not be on the elliptical whatever it is find something makes you happy soccer boxing basketball but cycling whatever the [ __ ] it is you know and then just for me is boxing dude yeah absolutely and I would say I'll say the thing that probably changed my my life more than the exercise was like a simple concept like I gotta have things like boil down very simply for me and I asked myself a question I said if I'm dying and you are what you eat is what I'm eating dead or laughs I just said is what I'm eating dead or alive and I look at like different foods and it does not just meet like you can be like a Clif Bar like it can sit on the shelf for five years that's dead like I need something like say where to take like a instrument that would read energy coming off of something right and you you put it on a put it on like a UH orange like the energy is radiating you know and then I put it on like a you know ground beef it's like nice a little bit less you know it's like when I started eating this living higher frequency foods my when I walked in here y'all say what are you 21 yeah reversal kipapa photo yeah like what comparison how are you I'm 31 you know but I went backwards bro you pulled a little Benjamin Button absolutely Benjamin Button everyone go down that's just like recently scroll Scroll scroll there's like a picture of when I was really [ __ ] i enhance the speed of this girl like it's go pretty fast you wanna see he's a good scroller you all a little bit right there boom that's on the left I was I was probably 20 in that picture on the left you were 20 yeah whoa I do you haven't even out of the year it look like a really big paul wall and that boy there my ass suit you got there too as to changes wedding right there that's tutus wedding right there so so when I started eating these living foods like crazy stuff started happening in my life not just the weight loss just a living food living food switch yeah we're vegan I don't impose veganism on any anybody but I definitely will impose eat more living food cuz like I was noticing like I would do like a lot of ketogenic diets my whole life so I see no meat you know like I mean nothing living and I'm like wondering why I'm dying like if I'm not eating anything that has this living frequency how am I gonna be alive yeah you know a protein bar an energy bar that's not real energy there's no energy to it is dead it will sit there for six years and be perfectly fine on the Shelf that's dead bar so it's like when I went when I changed my frequency with the food I ate this crazy stuff eightwest pull over those box of notebooks this is something I've been doing for years and the craziest stuff just started happening to my would you say it would you say a Twinkie has the lowest life or the lowest like energy I still sell those for us so Twinkies will last how like for some crazy amount of time so if there's like a nuclear blast I saved one one that they were discontinued yeah if there's nuclear blast you could eat oh [ __ ] so now what is this so my whole life like I didn't know what I was doing when I would write down my dreams but everything I always asked for came true like I would ask for the craziest things and these are notebooks from when I was a kid all the way up until now like this I call this my corn some possum you know about this this is my quantum possibility notebooks like I study quantum physics now because when I started changing my frequency crazy stuff started happening and I was scared to talk to people about it because I thought they would think I was weird like Charlie like what's all this hocus-pocus stuff I'm like no like you don't understand like I'm gonna be a Nike athlete like I'm gonna be the face of Nike and they're like charlie like what are you talking about like you're like you don't play any sports but I would write stuff in my notebooks this one is like super magical can you can you just flip through I just want to see I mean you don't they show here we'll go to intricate details but yeah like is the whole thing filled Oh all these are filled absolutely so like this page right here for example I say on here I will have real Nike commercials I will be the face of Nike like the craziest things I will be on CNN I've been on CNN usual channels and like and are you just repeating it each day I repeat a lot you know I definitely have my dreams that I repeat like there's one page I hear I was like I'm gonna be on the cover of a fitness magazine and I'm like not an athlete I'm just saying I'm gonna be an athlete and then I'm on the cover of the biggest run in publication in the world incredible this is crazy runners world magazine the league is believe it or not charlie rocket will change your life like everything I asked for but the craziest thing I asked for in my phone some possibilities notebook was I will be a Nike athlete and one day I made a um I said I believe in the law of attraction I said I'm need to send out this energy I said what do you nike athletes have they have Nike clothes on and they have Nike commercials so I made a fan-made Nike commercial I just watched that it's awesome it's awesome it blew up it got millions of views where did that blow up was it Facebook yeah yeah in three days after we put it out thank he calls me let's go and all my friends that told me I was crazy I know I love when your when your goal sounds so stupid to people and then they happen that's the best feeling ever absolutely like I believe like there's this thing called the hero's journey Joseph Campbell and every hero no matter if it's you know Batman or Katniss Everdeen or Frodo they're all superheroes and they all have the same stories and they're called on a crazy journey imma be an athlete it's scary you got to leave your whole business like there's something somebody's challenged you with before some like you and you're like I don't know and but when you go and do it and then it's really when you go out into the world and you do that big bold crazy thing it's like okay it's it's like nobody believes you're all by yourself and there's this like valley of disappointment where it doesn't look like anything's happening but that superhero keeps his faith through it and then like an outside force comes like a dragon tries to come and you got to slay the dragon but we really got to slay something inside of ourselves it's really something we're finding inside of ourselves to overcome that dragon every movie is this way and then BOOM that's when it happens and that's what happened with me Nike called me said we want to fly you up to Beaverton you have inspired us to change the direction of where we're taking our mark oh no wow that's a billion dollar we walk in the number one stock in the Dow 30 last year was Nike Nike now I walk into this big conference room and there's pictures of me on the screens and it gave a presentation to me about me I have employees walking up to me say they're treating you better than LeBron James they say they must be up to something like would have these huge like they have this big theater on their campus where they would do their corporate like you've seen Steve Jobs like doing a presentation like it's like the big boss on the stage and people would like take pictures of this screen and like synonymy charlie like they're up to something I'm like what the hell is Nike doing come to find out I get a call and they said Charlie we've been working on something that you inspired us to do and there was a big commercial that came out last year colin kaepernick commercial yeah extremely controversial controversy I would know what they decided to do was to take athletes who had crazy dreams like me hmm and they featured me in that commercial they even named that commercial so when they gave me this astronaut backpack I made a fan-made Nike commercial they said Charlie like so everybody what we gave you and I was like all right I'm gonna make a film I'm a filmmaker I'm gonna make a film about it and I titled the film dream crazy that was the tagline in the video that's what they named the Colin Kaepernick yes Wow it was yours is crazy we were able to move oh my god all my friends all my family I told them I would be a Nike athlete in that same notebook I wrote down I'm gonna be in a commercial with LeBron James and Serena Williams was what they were in that commercial before but this was shot your year year-and-a-half before I said Wow Oh like you've name-dropped Oh LBJ and Serena Williams let me explain to you quantum physics bro please ice you're onto something this is this is how I'll agree you're on to something I don't know if you from this planet that's what I'm looking at you I'm trying to know right out if you're in a Oh check this out you speak at a leaf bro look at the shoes moon boots yes and he's not you just you just came up the lunar landing eclipses roof my boy West said to me earlier we were at Starbucks getting high on coffee he said Charlie we're from where future and we're coming back mmm to talk to Logan about what we saw let's go so tell me what you saw of me tell you about physics all right it's how quantum physics works it's real simple I'll break this down and the simplest terms it all started with a test where they took an atomic particle you would think of an atomic particle like a rock that's what they thought they had this wall with two slits in it they shot the rock at the wall and it went through both holes how can a rock be in two places at the same time scared everybody spooked Einstein out Einstein's technical term for this was spooky he didn't like it it confused the whole traditional physics community this is early 1900s they come to find out in this test that atomic particle which every one of us are made of this table me you this microphone every single thing is made up of atomic particles it's not a rock it's a vibration every atomic particle is a wave now if something is a wave can it go through both holes at the same time absolutely imagine this being a pond you drop a rock that wave goes through both holes well that changes the reality of everything hold on all of us are vibrations this is crazy so we can be at two places at the same time when I learn this if I am atomic particle and Nike is one then that means I'm connected to my dreams we're not separate I'm already connected every single thing that I write in this book I say it's already done time hasn't caught up yet I'm already connected to everything I want every single thing I imagine when I wake up in the morning I log into a different type of Instagram like there's Instagram where we like look at pictures and we say I like it I log into this Instagram in my head and I'm like I see all these pictures in my life of what makes sense to me and I believe there's some innate like knowledge of I know my future like I always knew I was gonna be an athlete I already knew it and I like the pitcher and then boom cover a runner's world magazine boom Nike athlete boom commercials LeBron is sarena all these crazy journeys that I want to go on I believe and it's so big and I dream so crazy it comes true every time well I'm undefeated bro I said I wanted Oprah to walk into my life literally her producer of 25 years walked straight in like I'm talking about I said to my boy George I said George like I want to work with Oprah 2 minutes later this lady walks past her name is Ann she comes over she George like Charlie tell her your story I said honest my story you know my life story this before I had any videos out nope no connections no nothing she starts writing things down I said what you writing down she said on me well Oprah's producer in 20 minutes boom Oprah's producer produced my whole bike across America tour everything I've done with the media all the give backs I always do give backs so this time last year two days ago I started my bike ride across America I was like I want to do something crazy just finish the Ironman I was like I want to do something crazy but I don't want it to be about me I wanted to do something bigger than me the Ironman was about me but I said I'm gonna bike across America and I'm gonna make people's dreams come true everywhere I go about this big old tour bus and what do most people do if they buy a tour bus they put their face on the side I was like uh-huh I'm calling this this dream machine tour bus and I made it this huge canvas painted like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and I have now on that tour bus over 20,000 people's dreams I believe in writing dreams down mm-hmm everybody would write their dreams everybody from the Duke Blue Devils Zion everybody has put their dreams on this tour bus as I'm biking across America I'm jumping out of trash can I'm there's a dumpster so I wanted to give a car to this girl who works at Starbucks she was put up for adoption ended up homeless worked her way all the way through high school going off to there's paying for college by herself goes to college doesn't have a way to get to work so she's got like some financial problems so I wanted to give her a car she has no idea she works at Starbucks she's a Starbucks barista Starbucks told me initially I could film in there in about 20 minutes before they said no you higher up said you can't you can't do this in here so I said okay can i film outside they were like yeah I said okay just have her take out the trash I hide in a dumpster she comes to take out the trash hop out the dumpster car pulls up her teachers family everybody was hiding behind trees and cars surprise her with the car makes national news seeing it ABC everybody like we're doing these gear backs in Atlanta there was a girl who had um amputated leg and they didn't have the money to afford one of the prosthetics you can run in it was just her dream to be able to run again beautiful girl named Amira I said you know what this is what we're gonna do we're gonna give her a leg we're gonna make running in Atlanta cool you've never seen people being a frenzy over running shoes ever people go in a frenzy over you know Jordans Yeezys lines you know but you've never seen people going to frenzy over running shoes so what did I do about three hundred and five pairs of off-white shoes all running shoes we spent like two hundred and eighty thousand dollars we gave away three hundred five pairs of shoes in a scavenger hunt in Atlanta 305 to resemble my largest weight cool we had the city of Atlanta in a frenzy I had a hundred and fifty people in a frenzy four thousand actually showed up 151 shoes on one day and a mirror was there she thought she was just coming to like some of the motivational speaking event she didn't realize that I gathered all these people there to go on our first run with her so we saw her asked her with the doctors the the the cheetah running leg and boom everybody is there to win their shoes the doctors hook her up and we all went on a run with her so how you have all these dreams you write them out hold on a second bro acknowledge that story just for one second I'm I'm like that tell me how to impulse it I'm just all right girls like go soak that in for one second I I that's incredible that I have been sitting here listening to this is the longest I haven't talked in my entire life I'm dead serious bro I I did not expect to come in here today and be inspired I just knew we had a six o'clock podcast I didn't really know what to expect I am extremely like I don't even really I'm shook like like the stuff that you're just saying my mic was lazy resonating with me on a level that like had me feeling like you know wow dude we have to do better like like Rose you're opening up to something I felt it bro that right there bro like I was myself I'm like let me tell you I gotta interrupt you bro you just said something and that's my whole purpose in this world I come from hip-hop there was a lot of negativity when I when I got out I was like I got a make up like we would always do good things we'd always do charity stuff it was always overlooked I'm catching up in everything that I missed out on all those years these journeys that bike ride across America that helping people bro it touched so many lives like real lives there was a teacher she had breast cancer that school had a strike in Arizona I'm biking into the school district they were just on strike teachers not getting paid she has breast cancer she's having chemotherapy she can't pay her mortgage she the schools can't like it's terrible situation she missed one day of school through all her kids are in chemo she refused to miss school we paid off her mortgage completely $90,000 we paid off her medical bills $60,000 and we bought her a minivan so she could go visit her family because she did of a car who's funding all this but we make phone calls like I've got a challenge everybody to do what's right like if there's a corporation look there's a teacher here who's got help like come on let's do what's right like I don't have that much money to give away I'm not that wealthy you know but here's somebody who is and it's like boom I'm just I'm just challenging using my resources everybody gets so much out of it when you do what's right and make something a little bit bigger than ourselves all right oh I don't find the formula for my life I'm gonna be good for life if I keep making sure everybody's dreams come true what what felt better for you the day that you got the first time you ever saw seven figures in your bank account or put in that leg on that girl or jumping out of the trash can into the car for there's a new type of millionaire bro there's a new type well I've had the make a million dollars it's cool I seen that second comment as cool but when I retired I'm like I'm gonna be a new type of millionaire I'm gonna like with my hands not like just the internet with my hands I'm gonna change a million people's lives and that's what leads me into my next journey I I can't stop like I don't want to just come on to a podcast and talk about my last play like mm-hmm like we gotta keep going my next journey is gonna be maybe the craziest I've ever done and in this country there's a big problem with what's going on with the veterans oh it's crazy I'm biking across America I meet this veteran he can't even get a job because they won't let him get a job because he'll receive his disability but his disability isn't even enough money he's like volunteering at a trailer park like cleaning up like the rake in the rocks like the little rocks on the trailer park and he'd be like if he gets a they kid won't let him get a job oh it's terrible what's going on the mental health issues are crazy so many are committing suicide every day and I'm like I got to do a journey for this this is it like I got a fact this in a major way I can't little boy this this is big time maybe you want maybe you want to do something with me bro how about this how about this one of the craziest feats your athlete I can't wait to look like you I'm still working on I want to be on the cover of Men's Health magazine that's me and you try to pass the Navy SEAL test we're talking about mud we're talking about dark Rivers we're talking about crazy stuff and we do the craziest thing to give back and bring awareness what's going on here but to also do something that's a life trophy Navy SEAL test one of the craziest things like that's cool but we're talking about mental toughness and there's two different types of mental toughness see in this country everybody is getting beat down like mental illness it's almost like it's almost like the Navy SEAL test it's tough people are living that in their lives and there's two philosophies in the Western world where we live people are like now you got to be tougher but you got to be tougher to like but in the eastern in the eastern countries like China it they look within they get into the meditation they find with this oh I'm like it's mental toughness and this mental health I was like what if I compared the Eastern philosophies of mental toughness like mr. Miyagi style like I wore this shirt Bruce Lee like like what if I go to China and I like learn from like a mr. Miyagi on mental toughness then come back to the west and I learned the mental toughness from like a Navy SEAL like a David Goggin or iron cowboy who did 50 iron because iron is at fifty days type mental toughness when we do all these crazy give backs but you say brother Navy SEAL test um first off I'm down I'm down done I think it's a [ __ ] phenomenal idea and I would love I would love to do that with you I'd be honored to do that with you um that's gonna be hard as [ __ ] I hope you know but no problem no problem we'll work out together it'll be great I'm not scared of holding my breath underwater yes I am I have two fears in life that's one of them yeah he's a rock when you swim in dark water I like kill me sure kill me now but we'll do it I brought I don't know I've I'm useless I don't know what's it like like in the first thing I said in my intro for you was he has got one of the most inspirational transformation stories and like I saw it on it on a site and I read but like hearing you talk man like you talk about vibrations I feel like my skin is vibrating yeah I don't feel like in my body right now that's it no yes quantum brother your quantum if you just said you're vibrating then your quality right my skin it's like I I don't know I can't describe it but I could cry oh my god I'm I his journey like on paper was which is what I expected coming in like weight loss marathons all that [ __ ] is great the way you tell the story the energy you have and most importantly the confidence you have in the way you talk about things that are going to happen in the future is I don't know how to put it exactly it's it's mind-blowing I want it I want to hit two things one is one is real quick isn't there a statistic that your goals are more likely to be achieved if you write them down what is that is some something some crazy number like like like 50 40 50 40 something crazy so I mean it's it's it's evident in in that box full of notebooks that you have that this is true and I can relate to you there this is also why I'm on like I've kind of just like sitting back and really enjoying listening to is because I can relate in high school and I said this a thousand times like I manifested this I manifest in my life you know just like you said and I'll be writing stuff down I don't [ __ ] know what a minute I just knew I wanted and could make it happen like well I didn't understand uh why I couldn't do it I could even at Coachella I'm gonna I'm gonna say this and it's gonna sound [ __ ] stupid I mean it's gonna sound so dumb but I we'll repeat this when I'm performing at Coachella in X years SMO man yo come on man I don't I I was watching people perform and I didn't understand why I couldn't be up there it's not like I'm like a naturally born musician or like artist or singer I'm a creator and I adapt that I'm a chameleon so can I write something that boom oh man at the top right quantum possibility okay and then right right the dream so one of it one of the questions I was gonna ask earlier there's a lot of people who write their goals down there's a lot of people who have these goals and one thing that I really realized from the Ironman is when you when you're done you know the feeling when you cross that line and you're going so far beyond the limit of what is humanly possible you are mine there's a certain veil that's just lifted like you can see life clearly you're like at the top of the mountain you're like whoa I get it yes and you can only get that feeling if you go you can't get it from drugs you you have to get it from something physical like that I feel like so many of us are living with this veil in front of us and so we have this this image of what we want our lives to be and we almost become more comfortable with that image and that dream yes instead of taking the action so lutely how did you take the action and and not just sit with that dream and feel good about it it's for me I do a couple things these are my little life hacks one I say everything's gonna be easy like I mean I'm in a um you know sweet green eating a salad with a friend and I haven't done the Ironman yet and he's like he's like a big you know like endurance athlete guy and he's asking me so Charlie what advice do you want from me on the thing I was like I don't want any advice I was like that Iron Man's already done like it's gonna be easy he's like are you sure like I'm like yeah I'm straight like even when I met rich roll like I did rich rolls podcast like a year ago he's like so Charlie like what advice can I give you I was like huh need any advice like it's easy arm is easy so I'm in the salad shop somebody over here's me talking the way I'm talking big like new deep voice looks like Morpheus he walks up to me he says you're very corn so oh I said I said what does that mean he said I hate to interrupt I never do this but he said I'm a quantum physicist and he said your whole life you've been able to do some crazy things he said I could tell by the way you talk this is how I define easy-easy is if you know how to do something for example at one time tying our shoe was hard I remember I was like 3 years old I was crying I can figure out the little Luthi you know like that was hard at one point but once I knew how to do it it was easy addition was hard at one time multiplication was hard when division was hard at one time but once I did it oh it's easy Michael Phelps does this all the time he plays out before his swims he plays it out in his head so he sees it if I can see something that Ironman I was already at the finish line long before I started that's how my body was able to figure out how to do it I said it's easy my body is gonna believe what I tell it every time you look at my Ironman video I'm dancing the whole way like I'm smiling I'm happy like it wasn't there was some hard parts it was easy I'm telling you like everything is easy I'm living at the finish line becoming a Nike athlete like you said oh you say it with confidence it's like this Navy SEAL thing to me like yeah it's gonna be challenging it's easy let me ask you something what's up cuz I've heard this before since you you you I like the way you break it down it's almost like from a futuristic point of view like I've done that and I now know how to do it so it's easy mm-hmm but I've sort of adopted quite the opposite mentality in that for me it's like I get more joy and I feel more accomplished if in my head I'm like yo this is tough and I know it's gonna be tough and this will be difficult for me hmm so bring it [ __ ] on [ __ ] that's right never you [ __ ] I'm up for the challenge absolutely no it's gonna be hard right but sometimes I'll say you know when you're like lifting weights you like like work em easy work really you're like bench pressing 305 right what I don't know there's something that I get out of crossing with your dad what you're talking about is you're actually in the journey most people's problems is they don't know how to start for example we're in high school we hate going to the class that's hard we love going to the class that's easy that's how I start if I said oh being an athlete is gonna be hard or being a Nike athlete I'm gonna have to like try out for the G League and like try to like play basketball to get a Nike contract but instead in my head I'm saying it's easy so I actually show up mmm I show up where most people don't even show up because they're like this is hard where you're at mentally is because you're already deep in it and that's the right mentality to have but to start nobody's starting because they're saying this is gonna be hard and when you think of something is that hard at the beginning you find reasons that are going to go wrong and then you talk yourself out of it and there's never even start so both are right I've said this to them actually and I'm not gonna like dive into a crazy now and I'm sure I'll say it again but I sort of adopted this mentality recently about how powerful I think momentum is big mo big mo is mu you got you so you've already broke this down and talked to me about it big mo is the most valuable resource in the universe what the [ __ ] did I say to you boys response yo that's I swear to god I eat verbatim I said momentum is one of the most pow I said moment remembered of the my reminder full forces in the universe that's crazy I said that and he just said that we've never spoken before P equals MV momentum equals mass times velocity I'd only get to physics with it I love but but to break this down without again going to into it is momentum sometimes the first thing you need to do is go to the gym go to the gym five days a week then eventually get the six that and get out of the gym one day one day a week 45 minutes one day are we watching this you have been to the gym go to the gym for five minutes but yo guess what guess what once that starts happening you're gonna want to eat cleaner yep cuz you're not gonna want to put your work to waste yep oh my god this is crazy when you show that to the camera what does the top of the page say what do I want what do I want what does the bottom of the page say I want momentum that was everything everything once you're once you're in it you're going dude a stone rolling down a hill is gonna keep rolling down a hill moment of inertia baby the most powerful gave me physics baby mmm that's crazy Charlie oh my god so what do we got what's the dream that you wrote down is that for the book celery's I said I will perform at Coachella oh no come on man this is what you say after you say that it's already done time hasn't caught up yet and it's easy I'm looking at a stage and I'm like that person's human just like me yeah just like me it's already done and I believe each one of us can have all sorts of crazy chapters in their life I don't believe we're meant to have one chapter that's 4,000 pages that book would suck to read mm-hmm like me I said I wanted to be an entrepreneur boom chapter I want to be a manager I want to be a cameraman I want to be boom chapter I want to be a manager chapter I want to be an athlete chapter I want to be a Nike athlete chapter I want to be an Ironman chapter I want to bike across America chapter I want to be as fit is mentally tough as a Navy SEAL chapter I want life trophies I don't want one I want a whole shelf of life Kofi's we I'm 31 well I'm only gonna be on this earth for a little while I don't say the words anything is possible do you know how limiting the word anything is that's one thing everything everything what you're doing Coachella easy-easy that frequency of easy changes everything it's easy you're there oh I can't wait to ride a little go-kart in the golf cart in the back oh I was just on his podcast can't wait what one thing just being vulnerable for for me something I've ran into and you know this is really inspiring me to think outside this I've had these moments where I manifest things that I want things are moving really quick things are going but then there's other moments where like the comfortability in life comes in and it's like you get to this benchmark and you're scared to get out of that mm-hmm like you have this comfortability that you've created mm-hm and like for me it's my educational documentary like that has to get done if it doesn't get done I like I failed for sure mm-hmm because I know how important it is but there's times where it's like I have to sacrifice it to do other things mm-hmm you know so what would you say to that - I know there's people out there like me that have that project or have that thing but you have to sacrifice what you want to build something that somebody else wants or is that you know what's the balance there you make somebody else a millionaire you're gonna be a millionaire I had to go make people's lives dreams come true I was a manager a great manager is a great server I was of servitude my dreams I had drinks you think I was my dream to be a camera man like no like but I had to do that yeah it wasn't my dream to be a manager I had to do that so it's like bro you make somebody else's dream come true you like this boom you have your service all the resources are gonna come to you and when the time's right that's right mm-hmm but you know I paid I paid 12 years of my dues for other people other people's lives and six us you know it took me with them but then when I walked away like I walked away I wasn't half in half out like I didn't go chase my dream and like have to change saying like Charlie why are you focused on all that running like why aren't you doing your job like like I did what was right handed on my shirt I said sometimes yeah and I runs nine hours a day in the morning I'm shooting that's literally like where I'm at right now it's like you know luckily I have these guys to support the hell out of me like whatever I do there you go do it and no one they don't give me a hard time but you know there were there is that kind of moment I feel like I'm approaching where it's like I gotta go do it you know like I don't know when that moment is I'm being patient I've learned patience is key but yeah I feel that too you're gonna do it yeah it's not as inevitable of course I think it's just like in your 8 when you're in the journey yeah there's that moment where you're coming to that that precipice I [Music] was saying that word last week I didn't know how does a vibration bro it is a vibration list a precipice how we were doing it you were giving it to me I like I just this the like I usually am but uh I feel like a sponge like when I entered very dry and now I'm like soaked in this [ __ ] like hmm I want to walk out of here and just like sit down and like kill all my Wednesday night [ __ ] plans like right yo goals 2019 goals 2020 goals 2025 you know what I'm saying like you are inspiring like I think people watching the show are just gonna be like dude Wow like this dude's got such a crazy way are their goal killers are there things that just like completely kill your dreams are your goals for me Bo I'm a delusional optimist like everything gonna be crashing I could be on the Titanic like we're going down I look at the little lifeboat like I'm gonna be just as dry on the little lifeboat like is weird zombie drowning the Titanic I'll be drowned a lifetime [ __ ] you've been through because I'm the same on the same way I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face I go to bed at night with smile like I'm alive that's what I'm saying you're lucky you've escaped death like 2010 I don't even know that guy this dude tells me stories and so like I understand that it was like some of the stories I got a book that I've been writing that's a good question is because you've been through so much perspective does it I had to train myself and I do this thing called I'm on a winning streak and it's a momentum it's it's literally the gym for momentum so when I wake up in the morning um I start off with like my cup of coffee at Starbucks I go to the counter um double shot of espresso on ice splash of almond milk true raw sugars the lady says to me there'll be two dollars and forty cents I said all that happiness for only two dollars and four cents some people buy Lamborghinis to find happiness some people try to buy mansions to find happiness I'm getting all this happiness for two dollars and 40 cents I'm on a winning streak and I start my winning streak every day because if I'm looking for the winning streak I'm gonna find it I started a winning streak I mean if you have a 14 game winning streak there's only one thing on your mind 15 so if I'm looking oh I'm a winner boom green light winning streak boom catch the good parking spot winning streak and I'm going throughout my day only looking for wins and then my frequency turns into a winning frequency when we're when we're losing and we're negative and we're stop and we're stale we're like man life sucks oh look at this bad thing hits up my toe Oh somebody's skirt up bad partners bye you're literally looking for the negatives but what we have in our brains is this thing called the reticular activating system and it's the part of our brain that filters like right now your eyes are technically looking at like ten million data points yeah but it's only telling you a couple that's your reticular activating sir for example like what kind of car do you have Mercedes Mercedes when you bought that Mercedes you started seeing him everywhere right like that's the reticular activating system it's now now you've said to your brain program Mercedes a wagon and we see them everywhere we go we always say look every G Wagon e says look how stupid that G whack but it's always the G Wagen it might be stupid but it's still the whole story crazy I like what you said delusional optimist love that love that term and yeah you're absolutely right you got a book can that get dangerous no so so I have a book written called the life and death of CEO Charlie every agent in the game and every publisher I've talked to all them they're like we don't want the book you're not a big enough celebrity you don't have a million followers you should write a self-help book I'm like self-help books are stale and boring I was like Walt Disney teaches better lessons with his stories than a self-help book that tells you 14 steps to blah blah blah I've read a lot of self-help books but I believe in the power of storytelling we learn more from Simba and Rafiki looking into the and you know what I'm saying like looking into the and seeing who he truly is or Moana like she was called on a journey like to chase him to chase her dream to save the world it's like I don't want to write a boring self-help book and I'm just like kind of like like all right yeah I don't want to give me a book deal fine damn it's cool I'm not worried about books written 50,000 words are written with a three tonnes New York Times bestselling author but they're sleeping on me because I haven't blown yo that it's cool because it's coming it's funny that you say it cuz everyone I talked who's like make sure you have a lot of info in there about that the steps you took like talk about exactly how you did it like step step step step step and I the way it's written right now it's just a story but let's say it's the biggest world our stories you take for instance um Alchemist yeah as a self-help book just a story about a kid who walked through a desert it's not ten steps but these publishers they caught on the wrong thing like the world doesn't need another stale book like my book starts off with how I got the name CEO Choi it starts our first chapter I ended up on judge Hatchett I was suing a guy at age of 12 for saxophone like I've lived a crazy story and I teach all these crazy lessons about how I did all these crazy things my whole life like you've ever heard of like the site nice kicks calm or kicks on fire calm like that comes from me like I ran the clothing line for nice kicks in my mom's basement kicks on fire me and my business partner I started a hip-hop website and he started the shoe website we were business partners kicks on fire biggest shoe blog in the world like like I come from culture I've done so many crazy things and people have to hear the stories you uh again I can relate to on so many levels and one of them is you want to do a lot of stuff and you've done a lot of stuff and I have that sort of addictive person like I just like my goal when I moved to Los Angeles was to be the biggest entertainer in the world and I use the word entertainer because it's not like I don't want the biggest podcast in the world although we have it impulsive like and subscribe I don't to be the biggest actor or youtuber I just want to be the biggest entertainer I want to make people smile and laugh on a daily basis but um when you are at the bottom of the mountain and you've never hiked before mm-hmm how do you overcome that mentally and and think Mountain no Everest as I'm sure when you like again I can't get over when you were 305 pounds and you were 28 years old and told all your friends and people you worked with I'm gonna run an Ironman like I if someone told me that I'd be like I mean nah I would always be like okay you can do it but in the back of my mind I'd be like yeah that's [ __ ] crazy delusional optimist live at the finish line the president doesn't exist the past definitely doesn't exist Andre 3000 has a lyric my spaceship don't come with rear view mirrors we do last night the pass don't even exist where I'm at right now doesn't exist I'm living in here I'm living at the finish line constantly so when somebody tells me no like the publisher tells me no you think I'm worried about that I already know what the future is I don't care that you said no I said it's already done time hasn't caught up yet everything so you know what paranoid means the universe is conspiring against you like somebody's paranoid everything is like going against me Pro noid is the universe is conspiring for me I'm like all Italy that you know publisher oh you just did that just because boom something else is about to happen I'm protected my blessing is protected I've got this shield around me like oh thank you for not saying yes like I'm thinking everything is conspiring for me at all times I'm delusional optimist constantly on a winning streak it was a winning streak that that publisher said no because I just got protected you get in a contract with the Redbirds I like thank you like that wasn't the right fit I'm protected I'm constantly at the finish line I feel like I know the answer to this question but what happens if your dreams or your goals don't come true mm-hmm I just pick another one every time I've got it like remember how early are we talking about the hero's journey mm-hmm I just got to be called to go do something crazy that's the only time I'm happy I don't like sitting at home Martin Luther King wasn't sitting at home like he had a dream he got out and he crusaded for that dream every day and that's what I like to do in the second something doesn't happen I'm moving but I believe in it every time and I still know it's gonna happen every time are you religious absolutely religious spiritual quantum died universe like do you define yourself as a Christian yeah or Catholic Christian Jesus is dope Jesus as though Jesus is dope like Jesus did more in three like I'm fascinated by somebody who can do three years worth of work and it can last 2,000 years like I'm fascinated by ISM like an ism like for example I'm vegan you're vegan too right yeah alright so some dude don't know his name thought of this thing called veganism he's up in heaven right now looking down like it's still going you know the guy who started stoicism don't know who it is you might like he's up in heaven but stoicism it's like in like tough like in the place dog yeah so it's like it's an ism it's a way of life ISM okay I suit you so an ism is a way of life he's up in heaven 2,000 years later he's like yeah miss stone says I'm still going like I'm fascinated by that like teaching people a better way of life that's what Jesus did he did it for about three years still going I like that I would like that for me I would like to be able to teach people by the time I leave this earth to teach people a certain way of life that helps them improve and me be up in heaven 2,000 years later like still going what would yours be called I have no idea rockin ISM Tarly ISM no that's a little wave winning is American citizen quantum because that is the one thing like for example Tony Robbins where as a quantum pendant but he doesn't teach people about quantum physics like Moses holding the secrets most of these guys likes great Tony quantum physics explains a lot of attraction and it is the end all like once you understand quantum and like study it like you're pretty much unlocked you don't need to go back to a seminar once you're unlocked do you think a lot of these self-help teachers know that and they just continue to profit off of something that works absolutely I'm in the motivational speaker space and I have to say and I'll get in trouble for this I don't like it I don't like it there's a lot of predators self-serving predators and I don't like it at all me state that's where that's where I coming out of college at Michigan State I started working with Bob Proctor mmm that was my first job out of school so I started reading these books same thing I was like you know I'm gonna work for Bob Proctor after I met him one time and I worked with him for a year and then that's when I moved out to LA Matt Jake met Logan and same thing like that that industry it can lock you in you know and so I think older generations are locked in there but I think younger generations are getting that personal development from so many other different ways absolutely absolutely man I believe Entertainment is more powerful than self-help and there's never been somebody who can figure out how to bridge the gap because I look at a self-help event like like 2,000 people are there like I come from a hundred thousand people in the crowd like in like we truly know how to penetrate in entertainment self-help is like it's like there needs to be a new age of self-help that's not so like for example I lost a speaking engagement the other day because I was on Instagram talking about I had a bad day like I'm honest on my page like I get depressed I get down I have bad days you know you follow me like I have bad days and they said well we can't book a motivational speaker who's not motivated like the fun like I'm like I'm like it's real people need something real it's just the motivation world the self-help world like most of these guys have to be perfect every day oh yeah I'm so over that fake that is that has been new the new wave is being real is being authentic being vulnerable being a little [ __ ] up being a little whatever that's the new [ __ ] I'm calling it right now that's it that's the new ism realism like straight up you know no more that petty [ __ ] cowering to this cowering to that next couple of years the new wave is y'all I was 305 pounds now I'm not I was a heroin addict now I'm not I was struggling and I was poor now I'm not it's not y'all I was a child actor now I mean you'd like it's [ __ ] yo what did you overcome what made you real that's hot one of the this is this is definitely controversial to those who get it but I completely agree and one way I know is from my upbringing with self-help you know the book Think and Grow Rich mm-hmm you know what yeah yeah okay that book is all based off of Andrew Carnegie Napoleon Hill studying from Andrew Carnegie like they met and he wrote this philosophy in a book right well there's no documented meeting between those two mmm and if you look this up the guy who studied Andrew Carnegie said in a point he'll and Andrew Carnegie never met the whole book isn't real what the [ __ ] you saying the whole book was based on about that I never had so those kiddin you how does that happen how can you lie about that well it's the top ten one of the top ten no it's on my um list I it's sitting out there to read it's a great book the never mention in there is incredible none of these interviews are proven it's almost why I did my research I'm not just saying this off of one thing I read I emailed the guy that and I'll show you guys this after I emailed the guy who studied Andrew Carnegie wrote his biography wrote multiple books about Andrew Carnegie so he knows how this guy speaks Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest men to ever walk the planet like Law of Attraction this guy knew what was up built America Napoleon Hill didn't start talking about this meeting until like ten years after his death and the guy who was his biographer you know who wrote this biography said I know for a fact they never met and this is not how Andrew Carnegie spoke when did you find this information out like two nights ago dude I didn't you didn't this was the book I came up to you told me then yeah then you told me that Napoleon Hill had a meeting with Andrew Carnegie and he like died with all his secrets but Napoleon was the only one who like knew what's one of the biggest I mean it's not as huge so it is Nepal is Napoleon Hill then a genius in his own I mean if he can wait leave it up I don't think so I think it's I think there's is the number like that why is the book so great he's a great writer and I think he had some other people that that he was getting his knowledge from should I read the book I didn't tell no no I'll get right to the point my point is to build Mike's point is that I think the generations before us that's one of the most read books compared like we're talking Bible Think and Grow Rich things whoa art the generations before us are studying from things they're living a certain way right now that's not real like it's not real so I agree with you I think there is a way to tap into being real being authentic not trying to be perfect like you said and just be in the moment like make your own stories that let's stop looking back at these people it's time to just have to the comparison I make that makes the most sense for my stories when I look at a million little pieces did you guys hear the story of that with Oprah it was one of the best sellers on Oprah's bestsellers list of all time all about James Fry's struggle with addiction and he wrote this whole book about addiction alcoholism and all these terrible things he went through went through none of it was true mmm every single piece of it was debunked he was not a great that none of it ever and this sold mill like millions it was one of the biggest sellers of all time do you read books Charlie oh yeah I've had to stop down why too much books addicted likes no coming I was becoming too much of what I was consuming and now I have all these I was kind of like tapped into my own philosophies and I'm able to boil things down because I'm not consuming but there was a point in time I read a lot but I started asking myself what makes sense I love that that's makes sense and you're obviously right my biggest problem with reading and I've iterated to these guys before I can't always wrap my head around adopting someone else's philosophy like no matter who they are you know what I'm saying like I've always found the bed way for me to live and I've gotten most of my wins from is just experiencing things just what use you will see myself last week there was a time where at war we would stand in a field know what I would look at you oh you would look at me but that was the old war and if we were reading books on how to fight war nobody would ever hit behind a tree so we um this is the beauty of being young and broke when you're young and broke it forces you to innovate hey hold on a sec by the way also if you're broke at all let's not even use you if you're sixty Andrew you still gotta innovate absolutely I ain't got nothing to do with it it's did we say or we were talking to Pete about it David said inspiration and desperation are the two drivers in life so either you're inspired by someone else which I am by you right now but I've also been in hella places in my life where I was desperate as [ __ ] yeah and that desperation drove even bigger increases like that's the [ __ ] that pushed me through the moon like needing to do stuff change comes from inspiration or desperate I think your story Logan in particular like you found that on your own like yeah I think your story is is amazing because you come from Ohio you come from the small town small family and just out of nowhere like becomes number one celebrity in the world rocketship and I think you know to the people out there like myself I was I was going through college and I was like lost I was like dude yeah my way is not working yeah and that's why I turn to books because I was like I I just got real with myself I was sitting in my dorm room and I was like yo my way is not working I'm gonna try someone else's I I've tried this other person's I I was like I'm gonna stop thinking completely the way I thought okay I'm gonna try this way and so I think the same thing can be done with what you're doing charlie or what you're doing logan like all right there me I think it's like if you are out there and you're listening or you're watching and you can adopt somebody else's mind I say leave yours it would be a book it can be whatever but it be real with yourself if your way isn't working try it why I love that it is also subjective and by the way I'm reading a book now it's called how to win friends and influence people okay and you said you said if it makes sense so that's what I'm like the first chapter of the book quite frankly I disagree with the second chapter I'm only two chapters and I apply every day and again the first one I strongly disagree with it's actually I'll say it's on the rule is he said don't criticize people don't criticize condemn or some other C word I agree with the condemn I don't like the content but I'll criticize people till the cows come home like what's his reasoning is it a waste of your time no what was it he I think he said some people don't I think was like people don't respond well the criticism I just won't even hear you they'll put yeah yeah we're gonna get anywhere which like yo if someone criticizes me like I'm changing and I agree with it like I'm I will change well it's constructive criticism I think that's where like he criticism first constructive criticism no he was I mean maybe I interpreted it wrong doesn't have a book club like a join but it's it sounded like he would just be silent about it and instead just praise cuz you know if like a child's misbehaving they say like praise the child for what he does right or can convince him why he should not do that via positive reinforcement instead of like scolding him and smacking him I got the [ __ ] kicked out of me when I was younger shoutout Greg Paul I'm being sarcastic he'll kill me Child Protective Services but uh not no I'm not kidding he beat the [ __ ] out of him belt came in bro like our generation we'd always have you probably got your my wall not in school but my dad he was forced to kneel on peppercorns and he used to get hit with this thing called the hell's up yeah it's cat of nine tails Josh's dad well with nine belts on it yeah wait pipes every my dad got [ __ ] off let's go by the time this in my book so by the time he got it's in your DNA for the time it came for me to get hit his dad it is that it hit him and when and when they when my dad was like yo it's time to [ __ ] these kids up my mom - my mom would hit me with this means ooh and I done a spoon and she she hit the counter with her hand like almost broke her hand anyways the point is I'm gonna come back from this Tanja's personally I respond well to criticism because like I gotta fix something I think the thing with you that's tough wouldwould stuff like this and I think dispensers point is you are such a anomaly to like the general person you're like you're like you're like you know I feel like I came out of school I started YouTube and now I'm a billion you know what I'm saying am I getting it no no I'm just saying so like hey no kritis know her or not on criticism I just mean I'm like adopting like for the jet for the average person going through life picking picking up like a sponge little things they can use here and there is is very helpful you know what I'm saying in for and for Spencer diving completely into mindsets that helped motivate him to do better to do certain things as life has been helpful for him what works for you like what works for you I'll show you well I'm no anomaly on my Instagram I've made a whiteboard that like in in my little Instagram world went viral and is it's called how many times I fail and remember how I started off this journey of like being a mess up what speed scroll yeah yeah you'll see a whiteboard that just says nope not that one not that one I'm gonna finding the whiteboards there's two here they're right there how many times I've failed here we go and it wasn't until so it was it was literally just trying to figure out how to be a little bit tougher the only anomaly I've got is the same thing that like like my dad always was a little afraid I was gonna be soft like I was overweight he liked working on cars I like being on the computer he always had this little fear that I was gonna be soft and there was one day we're driving I just bought a t-mobile Sidekick we're driving to Florida father-son vacation old 56 dodge my dad's car we had to drive it at night because if we drove it during the daytime it would overheat he says oh let's look at the Stars pulls over on the side of a little two-lane highway in the middle of nowhere look up at the stars get back in the car cars stuck in the mud I have to get out of the car start pushing the car boom get back in the car we're driving down the road I fall asleep wake up 30 minutes 40 minutes later boom feel from my t-mobile Sidekick I said pops I can't find it I can't I can't find my phone like like I just saved up all my money for this like I'm a kid like this was my phone this was like the first iPhone like it was awesome I said pops I think I maybe dropped it when I was having to push the car how far back do you think it was it's the middle of the night pitch-black country Georgia southern Georgia he said it might have been 15 miles back he might have been 40 miles back he said let's go look for I said that'd be impossible like what if we're like 20 miles off like what if for five miles off like it's like like needle in a haystack over the course of 30 of iron man trying to find look he's looking for for five hours I started like getting madame pops let's go to the beach like forget the phone i buy another one he gave up i said told you you couldn't find it let's go I had to be right we go to the beach for five days get back in the car to head back home to Atlanta I he says he says to me he says we're going home I said whatever you do don't stop and try to guess where this phone is I'm not doing this for another five hours I'm asleep in the car wake up we're on the side of the road my dad is nowhere to be found I turn on the car start driving up the highway look for him I'm cussing the mountain pops pops man come on man like you're not gonna find the phone we might be 30 miles 50 miles away from it who knows you might walk right past and don't even see it like it's in a black case in the middle of the night he said never tell me I can't do something never ever tell me I can't do something I was like forget this take the car back over to some sitting on the hood four or five hours past old man is crazy I see the old man walking down the highway with the flashlight as he's getting closer I see his hand in the air ha ha ha he walks up to me after me giving him hell of saying he's crazy for thinking he could find this thing he says never ever tell me I can't do something and never tell let anybody tell you you can't do something and then that's that moment in my life I was like I gotta prove to my dad I could be tough like how he's tough and that's why when I'm failing every single time everything I'm doing I'm failing and I'm like record deals are being pulled out like artists are firing me boom I'm like I have to learn how to be tough that's the only thing in my life I've got to learn how to do I love failing I love it it's one of my favorite things because it's the only way I get better and like I'm so numb to the minor failures now like gotta be big you're deaf on the phone you still have a sidekick I wish did he found it though yeah he found we were not allowed to say cants in our house growing up somebody's my dad would not let us say I can't make sense why yeah then I got a little smarter and I said dad I'm unable to do this he says that's can't we go to the audio only absolutely now this has been a [ __ ] pleasure get a gift you've been a gift from God today I want to shake your hand it's the number one podcast in the world I couldn't make it up okay it's a fact if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button we're about to do an audio-only Q & A with Charlie rock it right now Spotify and iTunes hit us up there we're gonna get you see we're gonna find you on social is that Charlie Wright head Charlie yeah that's cool alright we'll see you guys next time take it easy vamp peace and I remember there was one time I went to Memphis and I binge ate and I had on this light but not sure and I was I ate like 15,000 calories at night I woke up the next morning and my skin was bruised my entire body was bruised everywhere I would touch my skin because my body expanded so much overnight that the shirt I was wearing the day before when it even
Views: 1,239,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, charlie rocket, charlie, quantum, winning, winning streak, 2 chainz, soulja boy, nike, nike athlete, vegan, 300 pounds, transformation, comeback, motivation, inspiration, obese, tumor, music, p diddy, diddy, ironman, triathlon
Id: emORcYj-KIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 40sec (6280 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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