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laser beam of urine shooting all of it and I go yo if I was freaked out I freaked out I was like wake up please I have a different prop every show oh that's not extreme but does it say the night shift on it no yeah it says welcome Paul give us the night shift he's always plugging his [ __ ] show actually no it's a good show I it's a good show bro my evidence we are we rolling yeah I have can't even believe cuz this is new for me the amount of people that have come up in the past month to be like yo I love your show I'll be at Warwick right actual normal people come up to me they like y'all watch the night shift every episode so it's amazing and I still get useless yeah you did good man he is creating a spin-off show I'm trying to get Evan to do the same Worf mama and also welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing subscribing if you're not subscribed to that blood and from me bro I just got a text from Jed who reviews all the episodes Jed is our review team one hand man ten ten ten men review team yeah he said have an Amazon plan in motion do you guys want to go yeah Wow yes this episode comes out Monday so we may already be in the Amazon by Amazon by the time this comes out a week is there a chance we man yeah of course we're gonna vlog it will drive awareness will get a raise a lot of money Wow are we sick am I still invited of course even live here anymore oh so uh no he's going on we bring David the jerk that we can bring your mops I that's nice yeah now we still like you I'm still I'm still in the number one yes right yeah true is there any house gossip going on we just did a boys-only right before this five minutes before we talked about it we're pretty tapped out blue hour we did uh we got a new maid there was the old maid now what's your name again Susie Susie use hey Susan Lee Suh Sonny soo silly you made her see much time Sicily yeah it's like she's from Italy why don't we talk about so why don't we talk about the one that didn't get the job Oh so there's an audition process for every new employee ever you hire at the house chef Caitie won the chef contest obviously we had some interesting chefs yeah similarly we had some interesting mates audition and one of them how do I say this help me like as opposed to talking about it from a current stance let's talk about what happened at the end of the day Danny came up to me when she said hey Micah I'm reading the medes today and I need to your two thoughts on the made from today I have a problem I was mmm and I said she was definitely a pirate and a former life 100% hands down not open to any questions on it she was a pirate number two and this is the important one she is going to kill every single person a hundred percent guaranteed we're all [ __ ] dead if we hire sleepy I woke up and Mike told me that how much surely this can't be that bad so I go up and I wave at her I'm like hey I'm Logan by the way she's like hi oh my god and I was like understand and then she turned around and what at one point and bent over I saw just a just a Riley read [ __ ] stamp going up a Russian prison dudes damn I mean by the way sweet lady sweet lady out of conversation with do you know what her PayPal was that we paid her with who's on say the numbers just the kid it was dark soul dark soul like one two three yeah that's Dark Soul my my question is is when in the application process did someone invite this person in didn't immediately think this lady's gonna make us all walk the plank Dark Soul 666 at gmail.com come on by like we'll see you soon just need you to sign the end she was good on face them it happens it's a classic catfish this is out that fish yeah yeah but easy if you get captain can you once you FaceTime someone doesn't that you generally break the cat like usually if you're trying to hook up with like a chick that you found online if it's like big dick Nick four five six at gmail.com like you kind of you might pump the brakes a little bit Nick Nick Foles Eagles winning quarterback let's bring out our guests here we go ladies and gentlemen we have a Disney Channel legend in the house today he played Corey Baxter on that So Raven and spin-off Corey in the house he's a musician a voice actor an owner of an electric bike company Kyle Massey yeah so good to see you by the way let's go behind the scenes before you came on the show you were testing the mic a little bit you're like yeah I like the way I sound I love the way I sound like some people are scared of the way they sound but like you know I always talking mics I always like you know write raps and stuff so I just love the way I sound you smelled just walked in smile don't know how to say [ __ ] you ever get like a like an initial vibe from the guest like right off the bat they come in and like some like a lot of times for me I'm just like wow this might be this or my this dude just gives me all the good violence smells good all about good vibes but like straight up like I think I saw them like puff daddy's Instagram or something and it was like from here on out like good vibes are only like you know what I mean like in like I'm like you know what that's what I'm gonna give like everywhere I go question I love that and I try to do the same what happens when you're receiving bad vibes if you're if you're somehow your did you did you use people get out of there I agree but some people say that's rude sometimes it's hard to just like cares of this room for a person with bad vibes or sometimes you got a plain dog oh yeah then athlean that's like a sticky situation ya know you probably got like some kid next you something you know I mean like all right so then you guys might have to parachute devise or give some headphones in that stream Oh having on the far on the far opposite end of the spectrum the other day I was flying pride back from New York and I got sat next to a service dog who had his own seat let me tell you I was I got sat next to my and the lady was she was like a french-speaking lady who's sitting next to him the handler and I was like ma'am I love your dog can I pet him and she was like please go home you're hanging out do normally like they'd be like not not so yeah you know so that's just but I mean if he's chilling on the plane like come on it's like not a big deal he would always just look at it are you good what kind of dog was it it was like a it was like a mixed breed but it definitely was like he was doing his service by looking at her I was at the airport the other day I saw a little wiener dog with the vest on it said he said it's a nut detection dog have you seen this nut she must have a severe peanut allergy like like Suvi all the way like a couple EpiPen in the femur yeah so nut detection yeah see I'd be like super alert like homie bro you got not sprout this dog no that's good that's crazy y'all have a random question for y'all you ought to be honest yeah yeah oh you got like this alright cuz I mean y'all can ask me I would be honest too when was the last time you really pissed yourself I was I was me personally hit I was a burning man burn how long like a year and a half ago I'm not proud no two years would have been two years today yes Burning Man it's happening right now pissing yourself right now really could be it by the way by the way I didn't end it just it just piss dude I threw up on myself somehow some [ __ ] gave me a challenge of caca milk that's where that ended up on myself I got a great page story the last time I vividly remember I was fishing with my dad in a remote lake in Canada you had to fly into this lake on a boat plane there was no rose yeah we stayed on an island with a couple cabins we were the only ones there we're on this boat okay little little little dinghy craft and we're skirting around the lake can't find a fish can't find any fish we're looking for walleye right I've come across just we start hitting we start hitting like some of the biggest walleye you have literally ever oh you guys know I'll pull up a picture in our walleyes the type of fish I actually caught a fish Ohio fish wall line thirty one and a half inches these [ __ ] yeah they're a bit bony but they're good yeah okay so so that's the law yeah so we were here okay we're living large and I'm like I really have to pee I just have to pee and my dad's like no we're hitting right now I don't like you can't get pee in the water yeah and scared oh yeah he's like you can't pee I mean we were here okay and we cuz I could you around marijuana plants sometimes to keep deer away yeah it really weren't human piss actually I gotta send us a video so long story short I get things you know I get like probably like an hour past this moment where I really have to piss and I'm like I'm like dad I have to piss and he's pissed at this point that I have to piss and so he's like he's like no like you're not and so I'm like [ __ ] dude what's Boz proud I just lit my pants up just fully pants Oh like like you were like you know yeah it was a spiked piss and then what I hopped off on the dock I step up and he sees that I pissed myself and he was so disappointed I was young cuz then the other deal with that [ __ ] yeah and he's like I would rather him just pissed off the side of the boat yeah piss off the wall I versus in his pants that's true so I so so quickly wait I just want to say Bob seems like the type of dad who like didn't plan on being a dad he kind of kind of had to neigh I didn't kid no that was for my sister the sister was older it was an accident I was no more what about you Mike I'm pretty sure everyone on the set and in this garage is aware that I don't piss myself I lies no no I he has wet dreams no he poops poop myself okay sure say okay I can't remember that costs way more money than piss new socks cuz you can wash out the piss but you have to throw away then you gotta be there so that the infamous story obviously is my sister's wedding my younger sister's wedding everyone knows that story I pooped in my tuxedo I pooped in my rented tuxedo and it was rented so I'd like to give the pants back shout out we went in to get our tuxes for the super real Jake paulandhannah wedding and he was in he was in Men's Wearhouse and was nervous that they were in black I had a bad Cuban sandwich the night before it a gas station in [ __ ] Annapolis assumption guy and so that but that wasn't the last time there was his tie this is friendly Franken I got a late-breaking one this is the only other time yeah it doesn't have this that was six years going here's one that helped gas station foods never a good idea everyone's gonna discover here's one that happened in the past I hate to [ __ ] say this what happened in the past say that she has six wait six weeks how's that a juice cleanse oh I was on a juice cleanse and I went to shoot an episode of menial tasks with banks and we were in a supermarket juice cleanses can be that whoops that's what it was this wasn't uncontrollable boom ah juice cleanses and I had just taken the fifth drink of the day which was a beet juice and I got to aisle three and yeah I think banks like made me laugh or some [ __ ] and some [ __ ] happen never trust a fart on a juice cleanse yes I learned yeah you know if you drink a lot of water don't trust a fart you gotta like Kyle the fact that you asked us this question makes me thank you like this happened today no okay like here's that's what's so crazy so I had a bro like have you ever had like a really crazy dream and I'm talking about like it's so yeah real like you legit think like of course you're in this dream until you wake up right bro I had a dream I was pissing oh yes woke up have like pissed on and like but I woke up like before I finished my you know what I mean like yeah mid P like but I woke up like I had I had a literally a dream a wet dream but with piss golden dream it's just like yo and that happened like two days ago and I was all of you exactly my birthday is on the 28th I'll be 2008 where's your girl in bed with you yes she does she doesn't know that I can honestly and proudly say that I'd you know like I caught it it was a dream you know it wasn't midstream if you're midstream it's like impossible stop is if you're mid straight stuff it was I skilled you know I'm saying so I caught it like right before it got out of hand who you know it was just like a little leakage but it wasn't like any I don't know if yo that's you know I'm saying sounds close to an actual wet dream it kind of it because you're wet technically but I call it there's wet dreams and that's like sex but then there's my dreams but at night that's actually called an R Kelly he was not in my dream remember he was in my the last door you read that night was that he didn't show up for his trial that day you went to bed with our killer in your mana mistress no I definitely was not the reason bro it was me at the toilet I had a dream that I I don't know anyways you know that dude I've uh I know a couple like girlfriends of mine friends that are females that when they get drunk it's like a ritual to piss the bed yeah it's it's me swear to god it's it's a thing and all all of her friends it's one girl all of her friends like we can't like we can't let her go to sleep on that couch yeah I actually just realized I've I've I don't know if this counts but during my last ironman I pissed myself for time you told me that I totally forgot cuz you didn't stop you can't stop no you don't what do you think there's an asterisk for sporting events of course peebo more times yeah four times dude you're going for 112 miles and you're drinking water the whole time is everyone just piss yes yeah bro oh wait a second I pissed myself on the marathon he was talking about iron man like when he was dressed I had because I didn't want to hit anybody when I was on the bike and like the wind just takes it right so when you're cycling you're pissing all over the place yeah all those poor fans I think it's sweat yeah a lot of people do it well no no I mean you're wearing just like what you get out of the water you wear on the bike you literally hop out of water sprint to your bike get on your bike and go from this just piss everywhere piss in the water piss on the body quickly because I'm sure this has got to be almost done with the piss and poo right because the ones going on it is you spoke about the one girl that you have friends with we had the other one do you remember the one time it happened to me here at the house that's what I'm saying yeah and I felt like some shuffling in the bed and I look next to me and there was a [ __ ] laser beam of urine shooting all over and I go wake up the street so it's getting closer to me those get closer abused going all over the place and eventually I ran out the room I don't want to tell you this but you just pissed you're everywhere and I don't know what to do about I saw her in the next morning she is she's from Rhode Island I know that's what she goes like Logan I did a bad thing she has a Providence accent really I'm so sorry to hear you're severely distraught for like three four days so you or you own a Electric Light Company yeah bro zahle scooter bike can we talk you know fair oh yeah what okay this is this is crazy what oh this is crazy okay because I got to talk about this because they're at once again there's a group of people watch the show that respects like the business and then that's not of things I want to get end of this what the [ __ ] went wrong was it the vision was it the not understanding the market where that like you guys didn't say ride sharing is the next wave because yeah literally you did did it before everybody and then I wanted [ __ ] lime lime I learned wiill year we have was but you know well here's the thing like a wall at the time and still is sort of our vision for the company was not to speak for everyone but my particular vision for the company was to have the the bikes like be amenities in you know upper-class hotels you know like when you go to hotels like in Hawaii and you buy sweet it comes with two bicycles so it wasn't it wasn't I don't I didn't want our product to be sitting literally on the fiery street and getting damaged rained on and pissed on not to go back sorry but you know what I'm saying I just didn't want that I wanted our bikes to be in nice places getting treated well written you know like that so it just like you know everybody wasn't on board with that they wanted to go that route but they were we got beat to it dick bro because I remember and I don't by the way I don't think it was anybody being wrong or like not enough forward thinking the only thing I thought in my mind was it was like you guys will have the winning scratch on [ __ ] wheels game they right they really just they just closed a 600 no I think was a multi hundred million dollars a year by selling wagon yeah which was the site that they all worked on before it oh really yes so the guys that started law blocking website went and started wheels is when I look at and I see and I'm like this is a [ __ ] zahle bike we're literally these dudes now have the next billion dollars no there's no about I've always been saying I think that like all these limes and all these bikes everywhere like this one they're not safe knowing the drivers or the path the writers of the Bible know when I ride those things first off it's impossible to ride them without smiling for me I have so much fun when I'm just scooting on a bird I'm like it's when we were in a Stockholm Sweden it was the only way we got around in caress even even Milton my boxing coach my 60 plus year old boxing coach is scooting around solo on it's crazy it is dangerous though dangerous but I was just saying like ready locate like but my idea for the company was when you go to Sweden instead you finding one on the street when the hotel has already purchased some from us and that they keep and that belongs to the hotel and they and when they give them to you how that's cool oh that's oh that's so it's like that way you don't have to look for yours yours says you know you know what I mean yeah that was just for you it's not like something that you just pick up on the street are you like are you anti scooter electric scooter no I'm not anti electric scooter I just think they need to make them a little safer for everyone how I don't I don't have the answers like the drones that have like the guards around the propellers maybe we should put those on the scooters like or ball yeah what if you wear a normal yellow but but you know in all honesty I mean it's sitting around with a bunch of influencers influential people I mean someone near and dear to our community extremely lost their mother Romanow mom killed in a in a very tragic scooter accident she's and by the way by the way I believe another influencer just died in a scooter accident as well another another smaller you know and like that's why I was just saying let's make them safer like you know like make them like tour their amenities where you go to vacations and the hotel already has cart paths my 35 year old emily hartridge died in a scooter accident is yeah cuz like if I'm driving up sunset like I see so many people that I almost hit and it's like I'm a responsible driver so I see them but you know everybody doesn't drive that well I think I think it's only a matter of time before like I know I was actually just driving down in Venice and the whole boardwalk is you can't ride down there yeah you can't park oh yeah so I think it's gonna start to happen where like it'll just shut off in certain areas that's what I predicted from the beginning wait what is he saying let's not do it does not do that well if you rush to get it out you know yes you could probably make a lot of money but you could also get a fat fine cuz yeah I know way all your you when you sign up for once you sell it you just not know you sign away when you sell we provide all the liability out the window but the thing is is like it's on the company you know the liabilities on you as you sign up for the app and agree the way you've you signed it I got it but the question is how do you make it safer because by blocking certain areas my prediction I don't I think they're all gonna be banned in a year that's what I was I don't see well I mean many of them this too and it happened with uh hoverboards yeah remember hoverboards were like this new sensors like the newest because they're like blowing up no no they got they could no longer ride them on the sidewalk yeah and gross scooters it's a Wild West like ice especially the the people walking on the sidewalk hate you the people driving on the street hey everyone so weird how like that industry of scootering has so many weird stories like it brings me back to the story about the guy who started segways and died like that that boom a most ironic do you think that should have been a moment where we all realized all these electric vehicles they're just not meant to be maybe we're supposed to I don't know it's like Tesla yeah his name was Dean Kaman he he he didn't start he was the CEO right see regardless product oh and he wrote it off it's like it's like it's like Segway company owner rides scooter off cliff that's terrible no bueno it's like Riley read like somehow a funny way to die with her fleshlight do you know what I'm saying it's like hot I just feel like there were so many better analogies we all the piss talk I can't get my foot down whoa quick pause we got a sponsor another yep if you like sex you'll love blue to calm blue to offers meta performance enhancement for the bedroom because everyone likes to last a little longer and go a few extra routes probably could have used blue shoe a couple times in my life yeah premature ejaculation is Lieut you talk I mean get the first two bowls with the active ingredients silly I can never say these why don't even say it's the same ingredients in in via Viagra and Cialis okay because it looks like sildenafil you mutt you're smarter than I am I just there chewables they work faster than pills up to twice as fast that can be taken when you're full or on an empty stomach and it only takes a few minutes to connect with the blue to calm affiliated physician and if you qualify you get prescribed quickly online there's no in-person doctor visit an awkward conversation like hey I wish I was harder mm-hmm yeah we all like a quick boner yeah especially the ones that just kind of pop up yeah I don't know and it comes your house and discreet packaging too so yeah that's good no one walking by your mail and they have no idea here's a great deal for you guys visit blue shoe calm and get your first order free when you use the promo code Logan it's actually my name logn Logan you just pay five dollars shipping that's beat lue to calm from a code Logan yep also hashtag your next boner yeah shaggy thrown the boner episode III so hey you know it's you know it's you know it's good to see Kyle what's good to see you still got a good head on your shoulders yeah lot of people like no joke alright they tell me that I look the exact same as I did on the Disney Channel I don't I personally don't see it like when I look in the mirror like I've had like looks with myself in the mirror no it's exactly pretty freakin similar to me the same hair no like look at that like I'm sorry helping my point at all but yes I don't like don't yeah those are newer like those are newer like what I mean those are new I can't tell years ago that yesterday like what no but you you you did go through the Disney machine man I'm not not just one show we had a few shows on Disney so why are you crazy or killing people drop like what's Ukraine um I'm from Atlanta so you know I go back and forth to Atlanta all the time but you know I know a lot of crazy-ass people that was on for sure yeah but I'm not crazy because I got to grow up and watch them go crazy oh you got the warning like I had a front-row seat to crazy everybody else going crazy but I guess we had a front-row ticket I'm like oh so this is what crazy crazy look like let's try normal one time interesting I mean it's got to be so easy to be sucked in because it is like a machine right like how old were you on uh uh that's a raven I was 8 or a Messer able so I'll be 28 in like five days and so yeah that's almost 20 years that's and are they do they still own like part of your arm or some [ __ ] like how does that work no like right now I work for Nickelodeon cartoon network got a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Nickelodeon I played Jeremy and on Cartoon Network we've got mighty magic sword soldier just flip into the north yeah like you you really because if you look on Nickelodeon like you see a lot of these new commercials you know like like it's like they're starting to become more oh really you know you imagine that conglomerate like that that merger crazy season you know I'm saying imagine the spongebob ride at Disneyland [Music] that's my favorite show ever I changed my life Disney would kill it how's the Raven doing yeah Ravens doing good yeah she's actually flying with me to Texas in a few days I'm for my birthday birthday season oh you know but yeah so Raven shout-out Raven I just saw her she came to my performance I see Raven all the time what's goin in Texas for the bday I'm going on a fashion show um I don't even know yet that's the funny thing a fashion in Texas they got fashion everywhere you know I was like damn they stepping it up I hope it's in Austin dude I love ya Austin is dope too I think Dallas I like Dallas just because everything in Dallas is like right there ya know I mean we went to San Antone recently - that was odd it was they call like the conference center conference and by the way who's in it up with how many restaurants we go no there's a bunch of conference people 1:00 p.m. getting black well I asked I asked our waiter once I was like hey like what do you guys do for fun he's like most people just get drunk I've been to many business companies the only reason you go to a business conference is to get play what March's wrote that's the best place to get blasted cuz then you can wake up with something dope is puffy you can get blasted and wake up you like what I got a LA Times Beverly Hills mountain honey spell that was a billion dollars and sold for $100,000 wait wait wait doing that was running the auctions black the hell it sold it for a little less than a check this out the mountain in Beverly Hills once listed for 1 billion dollars sold for $100,000 I'll give them a hundred and fifty right now spencer's piss is Illuminati this dude 100k that's 400 K that's Bhutan's woody board by the way I know I know the whole story there's a whole story they're gonna build a laser iron control the minds of em give you the five second cuz I got I got bored I've tried to run give me the five second the the the the guy who bought it one guy he he the original sale he sold it it put him somehow 200 million in debt and so when he what that he was going to get back but by buying it for a hundred thousand he got he let the other lien holder off the hook so now he's down two hundred million on it plus the hundred thousand so he still got he still got a great by the way he's still got a great deal but he's already got the worst deal at nob because that parcel dude when you build 40 units on that and the [ __ ] mountain overlooking Beverly Hills he's gonna clean up it's just he was the one person I was like Oh 200 milk yeah I got that whatever nobody else was wrong that's really what you what caused the water crisis is this property look at that grass like great fairway like the sprinkler bill on that sucker is a hundred thousand guys you know some of the old owners it's a little bit further down the article but it's like [ __ ] Merv Griffin I think look look where the auction I'm trying I'm trying to invest in some property this is hard by how is there not a crib they had us to twine it down on the crib there's definitely a crib there it's literally just Sam it was a lot of overseas people have been buying it for years the the Royal Wing my daughters of Iran owned that the only yeah they put its maqam you turn how much money do you think would warrant like a like the crib that needs to be on a mountain like that like I think I think you need to put a probably at least a four hundred million dollar yeah for sure sure absolutely because by the way there's homes in LA right now that are the biggest la real estate sale I think is a 105 if you look it up you can 400 it'll be the most in la most 275 right now no no the biggest sale that was that's a listing that's never gonna sell ever yeah I have to be limit so but but what I'm saying is you're probably right because the one that went at 105 105 million it was a tiny little lock and Betty like that's a [ __ ] amount yeah that's a mountain was this that'll probably be the most expensive home to this one is drop to one knife by the way it's not gonna sell that's not gonna sell it goes down like a buck forty that's why they cut the price fifty million they were just like take fifty off you live in a house so you got an apartment it's like we have a condo out here in LA but we're about to get a house tight all right no yeah I was literate no joke as I was driving up here I was like yo yeah this is a vibe we turned in as a 500 him Austin Wiz Khalifa Wiz Khalifa in diesel bindis like on the street and and you want to know you got to get them on the podcast VIN yeah yes yes you know who started the transit outside of his house every day like you're the one that goes up the hill hey VIN I got a podcast it's number one I will kill it he's gonna be okay with us talking about him living in our neighborhood and it's like exact house location to probably not know it's like South Park bro we're not talking about the real because you moved you a couple years ago now everybody's Encino yeah seems like you started up a bomb for the violence all right because where else you can even find a segue for yeah so what are what yeah go so you've been sitting on the Logan I go first off I just got a preface that I didn't I have never laughed as hard as I laughed when I found this how do you wanna how do you want to do so we get fan mail sometimes sometimes fans why this happened it's quick sure everyone knows about my life away vapors are a lot of people do you bought them for me because I want to show a jeopardy he said you send me on vacation so on off white papers I wore the shoes for a while banks got so tired of the red tag on the off way vapors which by the way made him that he cut it off with a butter knife the other night I put it on my Instagram story and people it's just a liability the tag everyone knows it so yeah that's reported along so thanks thanks cut it off and we get fan mail sometimes and one of these fans sent us a nice a nice letter here but it came in an all white box and I said and it said from off-white the address and I said this will be the first piece of fan mail I gave if my fans bought me off way is amazing and I thought they did congratulations hey Mike we realized how much you liked your off-white vapour Max's unfortunately notice they were tampered with so we wanted to gift you a fresh pair of kicks they are extra hype we hope you like them sincerely at young breed oh and then at the bottom here they put Mike X off meds because he got off his a amazing and before and before so amazing the branding you have done young great oh is mind-blowing yeah this man legit when I saw him the reason why this became so great for me he knew that he just received a pair off whites knew it how so exciting to see these let me see these off Wyatt's row and these are the off-white so just just so you y'all not only like when I left word when I see off whites this is what I see it just like this doesn't make any [ __ ] sense those tags are too big my mom saw the off-white tag was like what like why did you leave the tag no let me ask you a question first that is so funny bro they are my size Thirteen's and they're in their air Hurricanes which is also a pretty dope shoot this it's not a complete L I'm just confused how young braids oh did this and and how he was so creative with it cuz we we did look him up on Instagram and this kid just doesn't look like he's got it in him doesn't look like he's the 11 year old Logan Paul himself on the bottom of the shoes too Instagram tags on the bottom of the shoe but pull that sheet up one more time I gotta say I don't know how old you are kid you look 9 off his soccer tournament I look even in this bio sorry for the realness so first of all shout out on the stock of this paper yeah this is no [ __ ] this is dwell shock paper yeah he's got the quotations around congratulations yeah like some real Virgil [ __ ] still in school we could clearly see that and obviously the best thing is the mic which is Nike times off meds yeah this is this is true this is makes me got so funny envious of your troll yeah yeah this is this is as professional troll top-level kudos young breed oh sorry for the realness yeah it was just so it was so beautifully tragic to just open that box I'm gonna take him young bright and given to one of my cousins I'm print the same thing with Ravens name on good god and I feel like we just opened up a can so are you guys about to control I love this show though man this show is really dope I love how you got the logo in the middle I like how the lighting let's see if we can cue the lighting let's see okay all right cue lighting oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that shining why did you do that I just wanted to see like what you guys watch watch tells more I mean talked about the design upset but is this your dog she yeah her name is ginger she's wearing a diaper currently because she's on her period to know about that I have not yet emailed dogs if they're not fixed how free it's not once a month is it I heard it was what I think it's once a year yeah two to four weeks whoa sometimes soils are diaper yeah do you like dude I looked it up once I don't know if you've ever looked this up how much it costs to just have a pet yeah it costs so much oh so much bro my homie spin like six grand on his dog it was like there's a wait I heard it's like literally owning a dog in its lifetime will cost like 40 K and that's not including buying the dog some dogs cost 40k $40 for its whole life Bob Barker fires whole life at the end of price and prices right to get people to spay and neuter their pets and don't forget guys get your pet spayed and neutered at the end every [ __ ] episode and and furthermore you look up Bob Barker Adam Sandler Bob Barker Adam Sandler Bob Barker bro price is wrong [ __ ] go to youtube go to youtube Mike come on are and I'm saying there's Bob Barker next one no no you got it oh you had it okay yeah the price is wrong babe babe I got served with an ADD video we'll play after add don't worry looks like some sort of that's why your abs and just put my face on it and just blink I've done that yeah serve your ads on other YouTube youtubers videos only on my haters [Music] Oh hold on in this room - no this is worth it's still going what a legend just that just brings me new car what I learned there from some people say that's me that was just a fight with Bob Barker yeah it is oh hey it's me Logan I'm here to sell you something we have a sponsor from our friends over there Jade black you guys know J black J Black was started out of frustration of being unable to find any high-quality fashionable frames at affordable prices you guys know this most polarized sunglasses normally cost over $150 and they set out to change that @j black it's summertime it's almost coming to an end but it's still summer so you still have a chance to look sexy we do they're doing a massive giveaway where everyone that buys a pair of sunglasses gets entered to win a free trip to Cancun I've been there I've been there yeah I got pickpocketed there but it's great okay it was great anyways Jade black uses Italian acetate from the same manufacturers brands like Gucci Ray Ban YSL etc and like I said they're polarized and the frames cost even less with my code so go to jay black dot Co Co and use the code impulsive - 10 don't forget the dash for 10% off and a chance to win a free trip to Cancun this summer just don't don't leave your resort because that's I mean that's what I got pickpocketed they warned me it was a girl wasn't like violence she was like dancing on me and she pickpocketed me anyways back to the episode hey yo so I couldn't help but notice when I was entering this podcast that you got a full boxing ring in the back of your house in real life yeah so like I use shadow boxing like are you like are you inviting people to fight like mobbed in like are you like I do just like be like wake up like you know I want to fight one of the homies on the phone today like pull up to the crib you know have you ever seen an arena filled with people that's what I'm saying like but do you like kick your homies asses here though no homies cuz I like that okay strangers and sparring partners yeah so you just you go like fine like random sparring partners or my coach does Oh coach does yeah yeah and I have this rule that I can't I can't be friends with them like I can't know that yeah I can't talk to my sparring partners cuz like if they're like hey like by the way did you have a good day and we start talking we start reversing and forming a friendship I can't you know well yeah do we have a boxing gym that's about boxing in the backyard and we train we train hard what are you imagine if there was a second one bro I imagine there has to be one what do you mean is there any news on that yeah it's happening beer we have a date tomorrow I'm a professional fighter wait hey thanks do you like take pictures like this with your fists up now yeah we took pics yesterday and by the way they're fire I'm gonna download actually I'm gonna die yeah all the boxers they all do this in like pictures you're actually yeah you're gonna look like a man compared to the last fight photos I know you look like a greased up lubed like 18 year old Paul well it was a combination of the hair do you wanna know what he looks like these ones yeah riess top loop quite literally why what you'll say with a beard oh no yeah yeah he's got what he has on say yeah hold up I look like a stud in these photos well I would but the we transfers taking seven minutes to download I get plan on showing these I also just say like I look [ __ ] good good so how did it feel like getting like winning a fight bro no it's just like crazy because I never want a perform but my record is oh and oh don't read like me for that like my record is also oh no and one wait what it was a [ __ ] time and it was a tie I just are you at troll level a thousand right no no wait no no I honestly jingle down I really didn't realize that until you just said it was a draw do you guys think you'll do like but is there a loss no crap which saves you a little bit technically yeah but it is a window no but if there's no loss we still had no such right yeah there was nice it was championship merch yeah she wore you're betting on option like in like buy in the draw is that like so so if you if you draw the odds are significantly higher our fight was 16 to 1 odds I bet I've been betting on sports a lot recently I like football heard like people have been in pregame yeah for sure I've never won a single sports but yeah every single one - why is that well I can't why can't I get anything I might have something to do with the fact that you don't know anything about sports and so when you at all and so you bet on them like literally we're gonna have a conversation today about the XFL Dillon tried to inspire and I said do you know what we'd have to do to Logan to get them to talk about the XFL in logos what's the XL this is what a draw looks like yeah can you zoom it on your face - winners is what it is so I'm right - ah ok technically are like I got my hand raised that's like gesture that's two winners because if there was two losers their hands will be down to people that there's got your channels hacked at the same time that's the face gaze look at their faces like what was yoked I meant by the way I'll be I'll be there again um I'm gonna be a little beefier this time I mean I can't I can't say too much oh come on by the time this podcast come out comes out there will be some announcements no toot but two days after this podcast what so all case you have a date for the announcement yes can you say that in a straight Center oh no no anything I can't say anything my hands are tied prone to even say that now I'm contract really contraction so we can't make any announcements about the announcement - the announcement date or that it's two days after this podcast yes I'm saying y'all expected I can't so there might not even be an announcement yeah well be a troll you guys didn't roll this could be a troll right no no I'm the king of that the king of troll and what we get is trouble announcement if if there's going to be an announcement about I don't know I lost you at the first I so these pictures these pics are downloading Kyle I got a question while we were these pictures to download what were some of the boards are the best moments that you had on the show on um which show Corian house Oh Corrine the house um Cory in the house man it was was dope I just got to you know everyone thought I lived in the White House I was gonna say you didn't know Disney can't afford that but um we had a really expensive you know set I got invited to the White House by President Bush and I got to meet President Bush and like go to the White House and then like they gave me this really cool tour and then like the one of the tour guides stopped me and was like yo oh my god like all the little kids that come on the White House were like ask about everyday like you know I you know but she said that she used to give White House tours and kids used to ask like like you know that's what I thought you lived there yeah he was Joe bro I will tell you he is one of the most chill people I've ever met my entire life Wow but that was after his presidency yes I mean he's his favorite thing I told you that's his favorite thing to do was me and Cory my house that was another one is a favorite thing to do in the whole world is to clear brush he loves to drive around his ranch and clear brush it's a favorite thing to do that's my favorite thing pull up on some brush that's overrun a roadway and like yep Oh total bin rake did he by chance do it with a scythe have you seen this is this analysis painting has anyone seen anyone use a scythe already clear brush yeah even if you have four pictures up here and one of those a scythe you can say I couldn't even Grim Reaper dude hyper Oh you just kind of like this I mean this is crazy it's like a little cross stick okay wait is that what you said Bush loves to do yeah this is what this is what the President does when he's not being president wait can you turn the sound off so I can make the sounds for it this dude's like just a man in his sights maybe he's not even good at it I saw a dude that was just even all that good if not now I feel obligated to show you guys like a dude who's actually really good I swear God some of these dues here we go look at this [ __ ] bro he's killing me get it Oh for arms could imagine clearing a whole field like this this is how they make crop circles the aliens come down yes I know I think they don't they use flat flat bread I didn't maybe they from Olive Garden they flattened them I would really hope the aliens have more high tech size than that oh yeah they use lasers yeah a question how the [ __ ] do we get talking about sites well I just in my fault Michelle was George Bush's fault what I was gonna say is that have you guys ever seen George Bush's paintings are they talking I mean you guys have never seen know that he does yeah they're incredible they're incredible I've never seen this George Bush George W Bush is a phenomenal artist baby that and fainted Peyton are you kidding me that's so accurate but at least we know where his mind is it's like Robert Downey jr. I mean he's right on yeah that's what bush baby bro but oh my god it's literally exact maybe he is great that's what he painted bro that's it it makes so much thing he just happens to have a little I from predator this just feels like one of those things that is rock I mean this is just this stuff is great dude no it's nothing you do there's this one there's just one painting of like somebody in a shower and when that way it live it just kind of like it was a big concern what are we doing dude this is that thing you do after you retire cuz you're bored like my baby I've said it before woodworking I'm gonna make bull yeah but dude this is your thing those bowls are going to be pricey no matter how shitty they are because you made it yeah that's the thing you know someone's art that's gonna be real pricey because is actually pretty good as Jim Carrey's and it's cuz who he is Jim Carrey have you seen Jim Carrey's art never know I have it's actually do you know what I have my after retirement thing planned out what do you know I'm gonna build the boats in the bottles where you stick the thing in my grandpa did that and I and so did mine and that's what inspired me and I'll also say on that point quickly there's no shot I'll ever do that and here's why because I can't sit anywhere for more than five seconds at a time and yet alone build a boat in a ball do you know how long you're gonna sit there with a little a little tinkering thing dude have you ever seen NCIS you know like Gibbs like for like 12 seasons he was built in a boat garage I don't have the patience my skill how many bowls dough how many bowls all day long I'll shellac wood all I'm Tony you're gonna be up in the mountain somewhere meditating just make it some moles I hope you could help I have my honey with me though okay I like a couple running around okay timepiece no Abdul bro you're gonna it's gonna be good I see it'll be a good life it's gonna be food-related actually living off the land yeah I want to be a chef Bobby said you ever give a plan yeah he's like what's your ideal like hobby side hobby um so really like I just like set up like advance I just partner with this app bender which like streams like live music performances so basically like you know I just know artists and influencers you know musicians in general so I'm just gonna like help facilitate getting them and you know like we just did migos or just a juice world so business yeah you know just transition it into different businesses as well as just you know just having fun and I'm gonna do a podcast we start a major what's go let's go what's it called you guys inspired me let's go you know so yeah cast industry is a billion-dollar industry now I didn't even know that that bro secured that bread get in there she call it you should call it in courses all in course if I was thinking it could be like like quarry in people's houses like I just like pull up pull up on Logan Paul that's the hope go through his house just he shows it's like cribs but with me like I didn't your house have a second like you know I mean like I like that that's like something interesting on most people like that segment because because you went in your house you went in your room and you're like welcome to the Maverick room to my room it's the shittiest room with an Africa and like every other youtubers like I just did my meek over to my crib I have a couch you can't sit on it though because it's only really for my laundry I put my laundry on it because we can't sit on it like you literally went through I'm like it's the worst house at room in the house it smells bad it's a little just weird yeah you guys self-deprecation is hot it's so hot hot boy summer hot boys summer summer over what I think my order of female rappers that are coming obvious a lot of female rappers coming out there is that's that's it's that's cool to me man that's so dope you know how like is it RZA Rizzo yeah yeah throwback but she still let you know like you don't know me like she still be dropping his cardis like the Queen yeah card is the queen like sweetie is dope city girls are on fire right now like you know they had a whole season of like weird after I got some these pictures oh no I think that's what we've been really way no how these pictures down I mean is here's a good one let's see this okay sighs about to screenshot looking me here's another bro bro this isn't this ain't nothing here's another one just in case that's like your face when they've got another draw I mean you got your own boxing gloves yeah bro matter i'ma ask you on the show what's up with some merch I want some maverick I can hook it up but you see this that's sexy do you think I'm like I don't leave it like I moved up 18 year old come on your body's like you're young and spry I miss you I misspoke yes that's hot yeah okay Rocky vibes you know I fired yeah but I got you I got you on the merger I said we got a merge room that has been turned into a better of room on four overpopulated in the house that's why I tried to you know depopulate I remember remember remember hood the day by the day you were like you know I am gonna be moving out I was like perfect just like dude it's just overwhelming that's great that's why when I moved out it wasn't an announcement you know it's like yeah it's not a big deal to me it's just like you know I'm just moving on up it does suck though because there was no like there's no period where I was like oh like when I was able to come to terms with it I came home and another vegan had already moved yeah literally replace its my neighbor like it's my room and like I come back and I'm so used to Spencer's like quiet vibes he plays like Enya at 11:00 p.m. in yah-yah-yah like loud is long and hard he's got a he's got a like you had like cool paintings of all of us he's a moss wall like yeah you definitely couldn't cope with that that period but now there's a dog in the house that's having its period okay so hey were you the runner-up on Dancing with the Stars yeah man it was rigged I mean what's good with that no what's it gonna be some I said that no I'm just kidding isn't that right is it no it's not rain stop asking me that I'm ridiculous if you're being a little rigid yeah no I lost man like you know I came in second place you know it's all good I really should have won though like if I didn't make any mistakes I just never got a ten from Lynne which is one of the judges after this season now that's real yeah I think it's happening Oh God I mean what in the [ __ ] is going on what's her name again Lacey Schwimmer how do you know that I just saw on the top what did you think about I know we're gonna talk about that you don't care that your man is just dancing with some other star you're not still pissed about it I was the star she's a star Tom like knows who she is look at that pic and him just talking mad smack to all the contestants he's like I want to start off today by saying [ __ ] off you came in to fight this is what I lost him Oh Jennifer Grey Wow bro she's funnier Nancy it's funny that that's her name sings how her whole bottom half is gray in this picture it's like she has no legs oh but his cheating because she was on Dirty Dancing that's like someone like from high school musical winning Dancing with the Stars look at that chick in the math she's the one who rigged that he's just thinking she is the reason in place and that Trump won the presidency yeah I got Putin on line two right now look at her dude what is she papa lady if you're seeing this [ __ ] you gotta reach out to us what is good to reach is a good chance she watches the show Dylan held up the sign six times Sean Spicer Sean Spicer what's going on he has been pulled on Sean Spicer I'm in the fight is is this really happen look this up right now I know that Ray Lewis is going now that's Ray Lewis is one thing great Louis Jo all he does but Sean Spicer press guy for Trump and he is a sure you gotta see this dude he's not red states love Dancing with the Stars this guy yeah but even red states didn't look we want Spicer bro he he was that press secretary that would come out and be like everything's wrong would dump some insane mind he would back a lot look what do you see what he meant by see you you press that's the problem with you press hey so you wanna know if the show is rigged if he [ __ ] wins Israel make six big years for Dancing with the Stars can you pull up S&L Sean Spicer really quick you know or type it in and then make a decision based on it so you can get an idea of who he is this is the one of the best [ __ ] things oh wow I got hit with another ad time in my life I should get you to premium I want to dupe Google preferred fine just please hook it up with YouTube premium hey come on Solis y'all how much is it dude that's a lot what did that guy's got a husband sub that's to not have commercials yeah boy House briefing with press secretary Sean Spicer oh my god this is so accurate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] there's the part where she wheels around on the podium into the crowd yo you know this too can't dance could you dance all the right right astray now I wonder if we'll get to a point where it'll just become so much about entertainment in politics that we just don't take it seriously at all I'm sorry like we just I'm sorry are you serious right now are you not have you not been around for the past - no no no I'm saying like what to the point where it like literally is like the Queen of England she doesn't do anything it's just yeah cuz entertain are you sure the Queen angle NASA nope she has no power she's a figure she's yeah but it's not like government like she's making law so she doesn't make no decisions she can but she can influence the Parliament I'm sure yeah she can have some money and like I think it's more of like a it's like a I don't I don't want to offend people so I actually don't know but like I think it's more of like a you know it's tradition like it's not really I think they have some type of but what do you have anything cause my I don't know she's how does they they write asked to remain strictly neutral respected political matters unable to vote or stand for election however Majesty does have an important ceremonial and former role formal roles in relation I think she does have the ability still to declare war oh my god that's all she has that's everything that's probably pretty good now she's a sips tea in practice therefore the power to declare war is exercised by the crown ie government rather than the Parliament ohm however the UK has however the you guys not declared war since World War two yeah that's a good the BT and company yes but they're like she's probably got a button she just that's war yeah like if somebody comes in be like this compass tastes like ass having the power to declare war all by the way British the British [ __ ] dudes like I know we talk about a lot about seals and Rangers SAS dude those dudes are suppose it's a top supposedly the SAS are placed better than seals and Rangers on the list really that's interesting interesting yeah sure I know that um whatever double-oh-seven is what is it my six I got like some elite people to shout out double-oh-seven like that movie has been around for a million years I think he's gonna keep going forever yeah I think so there's a there's a couple franchises like that well I hasn't there been another move no no no Houdini shark don't don't leave it Copperfield know who's the guy who's the guy who's like explores tombs and [ __ ] because Harrison for Chris Pratt those are two different running away from the Harrison Ford is still lives a miracle why cuz he's like crashes plane like mom Harrison Ford flies his own plane yeah and crashed onto a golf course and survived it by the way by the wayside no I will never unless I have a parachute on get in one of those small the Cessnas yo every reason like once a week on Twitter plainly what's a week on Twitter blah blah blah passes away small plane crash you know I'm crazy like a big boy playing Taylor huh yeah I could go down yeah like they learned our dime track no darling or juniors planes did he die no no no no let's hurt but it just feels like a jeast like a big prey like a new point but is a jet in it crash my favorite didn't crash on unlike a runway or where yeah I think since when is Harrison Ford a Japanese Siberia he was like a Mustang looks like from [ __ ] crash bomb the Titanic look at marks he was only going to crash a plane no to butter down a plane and survived it yeah but he but where is he coming of violence his copilot it's two seats in there I the crazy before he flew it they're like yo you realize the last time this was flown was a hundred years ago this was fixed after being crashed in Pearl Harbor look up John Travolta's planes this [ __ ] planes are the craziest I mean he got planes roll bro he had an airport he baby has turned his crib in there airliners massive that's his house his house is the airport it's a terminal why that's why whenever like that's why when where is this where does he take off he fly dude that's why whatever celebrity start to flex their like I got this new Patek Phillipe I'm like bro John Travolta has a [ __ ] seventh row said he's got one of the cestas there look he's got he's got one of the [ __ ] the tiny little Cessnas bro it's not good that's all bad yeah I'm not trying to fight with this you know dangerous flame like that's like a seven okay so okay so I remember we talked about on the last episode Dwayne Johnson and earning 90 million dollars those who's paid he was paid last year what about John Travolta much money was this guy making that he can afford these like that that that's a that's a forty to fifty million dollar plane and and the one to the left the bigger one the medium-sized ones probably like ten to fifteen and the other ones probably three to eight yeah so how could how can he as an actor have a compound like this I'll tell you because he's got more movies than that he's getting 25 million he's got so many planes he's probably making 1020 million offer royalties like every year I think about when they were tired by their retirement probably and they're big they're good they're good movies 170 million that's all you need to do all that I mean listen to what you just called out you call that like 20 million in planes and probably like and the April guy he's probably million you can probably get hookups on planes too if you're wealthy like that yeah if you got cash oh dude I'll put your plane on my story Yost give me five million yeah Drake got his plane for free yeah so what yeah what what's up what was that I don't know he well he's the thing is mailing he's Drake yeah is that like literally I mean the whole conversations I he's Drake who is the area I mean who does that I think the hell like I'm actually I think they had an extra bit 747 laying around what was the story where the to does he acts is it actually his plane now I where's that no is it like a lease a free lease 767-300 F jet that cost over 220 million dollars yes you were way out here on those ballparks for Travolta's no no he no cuz that wasn't a 707 this is a car yeah that's a big looks like dropping FedEx back yeah it's like one of those plants it's like use the like and he decorated as like a 1980s casino I don't I don't want to bring this up again my god I'd posed the question how many how many just do you think the Beatles had a new meaning to their honey but the thing is more yeah back then I don't know you could buy jets not Bromley James Brown had a jet with the names of his songs written on in the look bro all that I said Chris Brown no he has like the names of his hits like oh the first african-american did yeah to ever own a dead yeah it was James Brown bro he was doing it like big wow back when like nobody was doing big bro he had a jet with the names of his songs written on the side of is a jet the ultimate flex back then it was up there like but you can see like if you look at it yeah he has like the song among his other J like James Brown for next he's like yeah I think it is Spence I think I don't know if there's a because at the moment where like when you see this if this time in the world that was a yacht a yacht might be a bigger flex cuz you stay on a yacht for an extended period of time yeah well yeah it doesn't go as many places well it also depends on what size yacht cuz like that Russian oligarch dude his yachts are what like three four hundred million yeah their third there I think he has a billion I think you might have a close to a billion dollar yeah bro you know how much it costs to gas up those boats oh yeah oh yeah that that's more expensive than the plane yeah like yeah - gasps those giant yachts that's so expensive so expensive whoa you're probably spending $100,000 and then you have to move it out of the way for hurricane season you have to no note or no choice yeah dude look at his numbers bro you have to move it 560 million by the Saudi Arabian yeah 594 Geffen des ridiculous David Geffen has a five hundred ninety million dollar Yahoo's David Geffen the owner of Geffen Records where's my invite the picture up is that serious there's no [ __ ] way Geffen Records and what is that ridiculous you need this picture Universal yes wait hold on this is an ugly yeah this is an ugly not ugly come on guys oh but but listen I mean it wouldn't be the first one I copped if I had man for sure but it's not it it's not the worst one another thing it oh sorry go ahead my I was just gonna do some math can you imagine that that yah wouldn't even be big enough to be a dinghy on the yacht I was talking about earlier of Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich one point nine billion dollar American US yacht they'd always US dollars one point nine billion dollars oh yeah that's Russian nesting there it's called the super yacht Eclipse it is it is the name like that it's got to pull this thing off you could literally feed the world for like three months with that money oh my god that's like a real cruise liner that's a cruise ship oh my god you can't even pull that thing all the way in the regular yellow there's a helipad on the front I've yes straight up I've read about like the defense's this thing has cuz in Russia he's just cruising around the Siberian you know or whatever the Black Sea like I could shoot down a hundred percent Oh important person oh my god it's one of the richest people in the world this reminds me of Sacha Baron Cohen when he did when he played the yacht guy in his new so good have you seen that one where he sells the yacht to like yeah that was incredible hey listen let's uh let's let's wrap this up and do audio only yeah it's like this but it's audio only hook your um Kyle bro thank you for coming on the show for reals Thank You Man thank you for having me man Kyle Massey on everything made sense and my YouTube is dropping soon stand the look up for that until then subscribe to this channel see you next time audio only right now it's about iTunes take it easy Oh Britney Spears who who's there serious drop the mic
Views: 609,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, bob barker, peeing yourself, corey in the house, thats so raven, disney, nickeldeon, chilldhoof, tv, acting, dancing, dancing with the stars, business, money, finances, dogs
Id: ZdHw9_hvdCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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