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there was one time it backfired on me it was like two in the morning I was like cracked out on Hollywood Boulevard and there was these six big black dudes and I was like I could help myself I just had to go off and like show off my voice I got a high out of it so I went up to him and I was like well if it isn't the Detroit Lions wide receiver crew he got here boys how are you and I think his words were n-word I will kill you and then I said I'm out and I literally did a full Sprint away and I found out I guess they were members of uh I think the bloods oh [ __ ] so that was the wrong crowd to choose foreign I don't know if you noticed but I was actually getting head under my blanket from the girl that I was with did you I didn't notice did you not notice that I thought you did because I made her stop and I was like I was like he definitely knows right next to me yeah I even reached out at one moment to try to hold your hand as like a support welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing in most [ __ ] importantly subscribing please hit that button we love you also go subscribe to impulsive Clips it's like this channel but shorter and sweeter just the best moments All in One Clip Caleb is doing we hired a new person for this Caleb you're killing it dude really getting those impulsive Clips going so phenomenal job on that um yo yo we we've we've we do this to each other because do you remember the one it's not him I try not to keep I try to keep my like sex life uh a secret but sometimes it just leaks out and I exploit my life yeah do you remember in the in the Sprinter van the one time that you were sitting in the seat in front of me and I was getting head right right behind you mere inches away from from you I remember it vividly I was I I was pretending that I wasn't that I didn't know like I was just looking for this was me I was like this but you knew yeah I knew but I didn't want to exploit the fact that I knew because a lot of girls will get jumpy around the public Dome you know like they're like oh it's like it was in public we're in the privacy of our Sprinter van it's just like it is it is weird and like maybe I should have asked you maybe I should maybe no maybe I should have been more discreet because you were discreet I didn't even know I didn't even know until it was hot yeah until it was happening you know what I'm saying like I don't know if she even got under the blank I was more concerned about David the German videographers there too he had a better line of sight oh my God it was like she strikes me as the girl who's who's um mastered the art of discreet [ __ ] that girl that we're talking about oh yeah one look at her I know this about her absolutely dude she's a master of hidden BJ's dude and by the way that's why I think I actually I actually will um give credit where credit's due like a simple [ __ ] probably would have probably would have been fine you know she didn't then finish the job you as you may have noticed you have as you may have noticed you haven't seen her around again since then yeah uh uh she didn't [ __ ] just my my dad taught me this when I was young no no he said finish strong he wasn't wrong per se no my dad taught me something like that too yeah he said finish finish stronger than you started and he's right she did not do that yeah she [ __ ] it up she could take a page out of GPS book my balls turned into little Smurfs after that dude I had blue balls for like three days our sex expert would tell you that's not real she'd tell you you're a liar she'd tell you that you're uh imagining should we barely guest he's cool he's a cool guy today one of the coolest yeah I hope he's not mad at us Mr Ripper Magoo's has made a name for himself flipping the idea of a play-by-play sportscaster on its head posting your favorite highlights along with his comedic and more often than not R-rated voiceovers we have laughed at a ton of his house videos in his house let's [ __ ] go thank you thank you this is an honor here hey man right away we come in and talk about [ __ ] anal fisting you guys do it right in here horrifying it's terrifying I hate living here what do you got in the cup Bob I am uh I got a little Hennessy courtesy of your guy Dylan oh Dylan and uh he took care of me good and uh I get a little spittering I get a bad habit where I chew once in a while hey can I ask you something dude are you putting on this voice I think I know the answer am I putting on The Voice yes it ah sometimes because you don't talk like this in real life no not really no wait well we saw him yesterday bro I saw him real life he's like yo what's up I'm not I'm not just saying this trying to gas you up because you're on the podcast yeah yeah that was one of the you're one of the coolest guys I've ever seen he came over at the school in the mouth kind of like I think it was backwards he's just stabbed me like yo what's up good to see you here yeah I'm coming on the show tomorrow I was on Zero by the way when I met you guys I was on zero minute sleep because I I was I was [ __ ] sick I had a five day flow I feel bad I didn't show up I'm never one to not show up but I was [ __ ] influenza yeah yeah but then it was hard to explain when I see you guys at Hyde at 3am the next day or the previous night and having to explain that I was sick and obviously you guys were like yeah it's probably just [ __ ] up but I wasn't I just was out it exacerbates if you go out your sickness is exacerbated by your partying extreme yeah I talked about this I hear the DJ out of nowhere ladies and Gentlemen We Got The Ripping with goo in the house tonight Bob battery I'm like yo out of all the [ __ ] things I did not expect to hear at Hyde nightclub that would be the like short of like Mother Teresa right like right before that is Bob [ __ ] memory I hate those [ __ ] places I know you do I can't I will I'll go to a club for [ __ ] five minutes and it's just too bump but you can't talk to anybody you [ __ ] just sit there you're bumping in your dance no I can't because I do it awkward I don't know how to react I don't know how to I'm in my head when I'm in that place is the table's full with people there's no room to move you gotta suck in you gotta Bob your head the right way and look cool well I said I can't pull it off at Saddle Ranch man you didn't look uncomfortable I'm telling you I was like you walked out I was like who the [ __ ] was that cool yeah I knew you and I knew you sometimes you could pull it off you know okay but the voices you put on The Voice because you know it's like you know it's [ __ ] awesome yeah I think I talk like this have you ever when did you discover that probably in uh High School the first memory is I remember [ __ ] with this lady I was with my buddy in the car sitting there and we rolled down the window and there's this like 95 year old lady sitting to the right of us while we're waiting we're like skipping seventh period and uh we rolled down the window and I said something like well Coco Crisp uh one of the biggest dicks in baseball and the lady looked at us like horrified I'm like oh [ __ ] what the hell is that I have a voice this is cool and then I just didn't stop I I uh I had a little bit of a drug problem three four years ago so my thing was I went to LA to be an actor comedian and I was the only person to ever go to La be an active committee that never did one Audition one stand-up show I did nothing you just did I just did Ripper Magoo's that's [ __ ] it and I would just rip bags at the club and run up to people and go up to random groups of people uh you can ask my buddies like if we went out for a drink they always hated going out with me because I would have like an obsession to go and show my voice off and that was me being in my head like I'm being productive so I would just run up to a group of like five random dudes and be like well it is Green Bay against Detroit ESPN and they're just like 99 of the time it was good I got a good reaction there was one time it backfired on me it was like two in the morning I was like cracked out on Hollywood Boulevard and there was these six big [ __ ] black dudes and I was like I could help myself I just had to go off and like show off my voice I got a high out of it so I went up to him and I was like well if it isn't the Detroit Lions wide receiver crew he got here boys how are you and I think his words were n-word I will kill you and then I said I'm out and I literally did a full Sprint away and I found not I guess they were members of uh I think the bloods oh [ __ ] so that was the wrong crowd to choose oh my God yeah you got to be careful with great power comes great responsibility but I gotta I got out alive so are you still ripping uh completely sober completely so what about that I'm drinking you're never gonna give a drinking but you know when you're uh yeah no it's just a little too much how how long you been not ripping Mr Magoo's for probably about I don't have like a set point where I was like I'm gonna be sober like I just had to like slowly broke off of it probably two years nice congratulations that's where'd it go yeah way to find that's a problem yeah I mean okay thank you thank you there's some [ __ ] credit here so then why you name your podcast and make rip and Magoo's uh apparel well this is the thing I've been trying to kind of slowly change because when I first started off this stuff whatever the [ __ ] I do I don't even know how to explain it but uh I said Dustin Johnson was a golfer and I used to be like making fun of Dustin Johnson going in the room in the the you know in the behind and just that's how it came up and then started click with people and then uh I just [ __ ] strapped it on hats and clothes and I mean make make no mistake the the drug and alcohol culture is such an easy [ __ ] Victory if you come at it the authentic way and I mean you see rappers doing it all day they're talking about sipping lean and promethazine and all that all that which I just had for the first time the other day hi what were your thoughts yeah I didn't know what it was Aaron actually uh went out and got me because I was sick I told you the flu so they gave me that cough it's coffee yeah so they gave uh gave it to me I guess you're supposed to take it like uh Norm like if you're you know and so Aaron get me a Sprite though I guess oh you had a purple sprite purple sprite with Skittles like he did it all up shut the [ __ ] up yeah it was [ __ ] good really yeah he did it was awesome like but I'm just be careful I have an addictive personality so I have to kind of stay away from it yeah maybe just stick with this Sprite in the Skittles exactly so I'm confused why you didn't go to an audition or do stand-up comedy or anything because you do I mean your voice is phenomenal Bob yeah yeah and you've built a massive following on social media because in part because of it but what what was what was the disconnect why did you not take any action steps when you got here I think there's like a There Was Fear mixed with just didn't have like I was doing [ __ ] bags all day like I wasn't like you know really yeah we weren't optimized by any means I wasn't and it wasn't like mode I don't know I just and then the way I kind of had I went home I was there for I ended up the last two months three years ago sleep in the car I slept in the car for two months I had no money I was Cat in a country club like broke um is it comfortable what kind of car I had a Jeep Wrangler that a member gave me back it was not comfortable but I mean actually you try and do one night sleep in the car it's hard I did [ __ ] two months it's pretty impressive where was your where would you usually park I would park in whatever a nice neighborhood was so I would drive around and the thing is when you sleep in a car you can't sleep in because people are like walking their dogs like running around they don't want to see some like crackhead or whatever so drive around and look for a nice neighbor to park in I would park and then finally two months went by uh of doing that finally I'm like I can't do this anymore I hit rock bottom went back home moved in with my parents at 28 years old where's that uh Boston oh nice and then ended up uh going to somebody's house two weeks after being home and he's like you want to be in a music video and he had like 9 000 followers on YouTube whatever they gotta [ __ ] know whatever so I went there you saw like my fingernail in the [ __ ] thing 2 am I some guy takes out his phone I do my shtick it kind of went viral and then from there I [ __ ] had you know yeah I wanna I wanna play a Quick Clip uh to get an idea of what Bob does if you don't know at Bob mannery on Instagram check us out and Up by Four Points here is the serve slapped and the game begins up in the air and how about that you've never seen that before Peter it's what takes every man down on planet Earth right off the hoo-ha she uses her strengths to her Advantage you see that move taking down so many men Across America well she used it for this little game right off the vagina another Point score and yeah so yeah I got the concept I just I had the voice and I'm like I can go about it two ways I can go and [ __ ] try and make 27 000 a year working it my way up to [ __ ] Joe Buck in the Super Bowl or knowing the day and age we live in now I could create something that would sports announcers want to say but can't which I think would be pretty cool to have like an R-rated Sports now absolutely absolutely that's an easier feeling it's hilarious and I'm trying I'm shooting for the stars but I've been kind of talking to the person I imagine Danny McBride Kenny Powers is the color commentator and having that Network I think it'd be pretty cool it'd be sick problem is the leagues don't in with all the rights and [ __ ] it's so hard to do yeah um but yeah but you you've managed to Parlay the success actually recently and ironically this past weekend at Big Bear I was watching the McGregor fight and a [ __ ] Buffalo Wild Wings commercial came on I go yeah I go I'm like is that [ __ ] Bob Henry yeah the voice of Buffalo Wild Wings I do all the voices of Buffalo Wild Wings the one thing that scared him was the Ripper Magoo's though that was one thing they were like we so you put it on a hat and a t-shirt so I said [ __ ] you I don't care I don't care but yeah I know I do and they make me roar at the end and it's awful and I hate it and I get trolled by everything they make you roar yeah they made me well I had to do it once so dehydrate commercial was like Buffalo Wild Wings Roar no please I mean if I I haven't done it but let me try it Buffalo Wild Wings Roar that's it it's the most awkward thing so but they had me they had me do it I thought they were [ __ ] with me because yeah you talk to the people you have them on the other end you know how vo works like you go and you talk to people they're not with you in the studio they're like all right Bob uh so we uh we're gonna have you do a couple different variations of uh roaring can you do that can be like 15 Roars in a row and I'm like what wait did you because well also you're saying roar like when a lion roars he doesn't say the English word Roar r-o-a-r he he's I mean [ __ ] he goes right right see that was way better now we should have put in there that sounded like it's kind of like me and hiding I was gonna say it sounds like memory puking in the bushes outside his Jeep or angler I'm gonna lose this [ __ ] B-Dubs deal to Logan Paul and it's gonna suck oh you don't know yeah you got a bigger king of [ __ ] everything like on the brand Killer really no I'm just kidding oh that's all right I mean I don't give a [ __ ] I really don't at all now we're actually doing brand deals again man yeah I'm back in the game yeah but um so they made you roar that's sometimes those voice over things get awkward yeah but um it's easy as [ __ ] though you go in like yeah I do [ __ ] 20 15 to 20 hours a month just go into a booth and do it you can hang out like 19 commercials how much you getting paid per commercial can you say I can't say but it was they took a chance on me we restructuring the deal now but they took I took a chance on me early and so they got a good deal out of it and but it's getting a little juicier you gotta build your worth up you gotta stop yeah of course yeah and it's good it was good because like it was hard because not a lot of Brands like they don't know what to do do it because we're so like vulgar and talking about [ __ ] so you know but they took a chance and I think it's working out although you didn't say exactly how much they pay you I know it's a lot of money because I know what you're about to get to it we googled your network yes Bob mannery net worth 86 million dollars for this guy well this is the thing from being a professional Instagram star no it's actually any piece of merch you buy off my site the reason why the price is so high is because this Ripper Magoo is buried in each thing right here I'm basically one of the biggest drug dealers and I just hide it with merch but that number is not true I have no idea what that is I wish it was but yeah I heard you guys talking about it uh the other day that's just it just how does how does this mistake get made no but yeah that's it that guy that guy that guy tells that your net worth is 86 million yeah that's not I mean it's not even close so that was that was the only thing we talked about the other day about you uh which is the net worth and we kind of moved on I think there was I think I think there was a mention of an ex-girlfriend in there there might have been a mention of eating [ __ ] I don't know what that was but you know nah what happens we have this editor that CGI and I apologize for him as long as you know the video of me actually eating the [ __ ] I'm good as well you guys didn't find that video I'm fine well yeah I mean look you you articulated that there's some beef or something you know I saw on your Instagram that you were like mad at us on the way over you wanted to talk about like what's good well I I wanted to but then I just got scared because you're both way bigger than me and I realize you got the boxing ring five people I was coming in here ready to you know try and challenge you the next fight but it's like okay you're just you guys are too I mean based on my current record there's a good chance you'd win or Draw by the way I I took so much [ __ ] for [ __ ] because I was with Logan I'm like you know what I'm like you are gonna beat the [ __ ] out of this little [ __ ] KSI isn't that right everybody yeah yeah and then obviously you end up losing the fight it was a close fight I think that he did be I don't know it was close it was very very close but uh what I want to know is is this Antonio Brown thing is this a real thing I want to talk about this yeah I know it's your show but uh yeah uh yeah so check it out the first offer was sent to him I think I think last week yeah and he said it was too low especially considering where he's at in his life it's a healthy [ __ ] offer the man could really use it he's been dropped by his age and his lawyer he's uh the Patriots Yeah the Patriots obviously the Raiders um his baby are the police station that he made a donation to like return his donation the man's struggling yeah yeah another offer was sent today today yeah and um I wonder what his answer will be I mean who I mean who [ __ ] knows also like I would love I would love for that fight to happen but if it's not him it's going to be someone else he's got to do it he's going off the rails basically it's a perfect thing for him you know and he actually he unfollowed me uh recently shut up right yeah yeah so we had a little like uh you know we went back and forth a couple times he was watching my [ __ ] and I'm a big Patriots fan so the Patriots lost he posted a picture on Instagram that was basically him hugging whatever and being like yeah you guys should have kept me or something like that and then [ __ ] ended up uh I just wrote aggressive and then and uh he unfollowed and then it was just the other phone he petty little [ __ ] dude he is petty as [ __ ] you know you know I always have your back I have nothing bad to say about Antonio Brown but you know uh nothing if you guys end up fighting I don't think you could come up with uh I mean this dude makes me look like a saint you don't have to say anything but I'm saying like in my in my um research of like who who he really is but beyond just the player on the field legitimately makes me look like a saint this dude has done some [ __ ] up [ __ ] in his life dude the cops returned his donation and cut ties with him like he did the rape thing clear like is that right now so that's so so that's just he it's pending right now he's just doing all he's throwing bags of dicks bro I think he sent you a dick in the mail that he ordered to his house like he's the one getting dicks sent to his house twice now twice now and I'm supposed to be the one being laughed at bro you ordered Dick's penises to your house and then tagged the company like are you doing brand deals with these dick coming I don't [ __ ] I gotta he's kind of he's kind of he's kind of falling off a little bit he's losing his mind he needs help I'm here to save you please and I Can Be Your Mother Teresa let me help you I can't wait to see the [ __ ] talking that'll be coming from your corner with all this stuff that you can go after him for bruh you have no [ __ ] idea material for day I I'm when it comes to [ __ ] talking and trolling people and just making fun of people on the internet dude when I sink my teeth in and really go Dive In we already we already have a lot planned I have a contract I have a backup fight too that I I mentioned in text the other day somebody that just loves to fight dude who loves to fight and he's huge right now a rapper by the name of the baby oh see that's good he [ __ ] up everybody all he ever has on his in or SnapChat his Instagram stories is him getting in fights with people that [ __ ] with him he beats the [ __ ] out no way but some people but some people say it's like a security team and [ __ ] like that but I do know that he loves to throw hands and by the way Logan Paul versus the baby is 900 to 5 billion times bigger than Logan Paul a bunch the baby is like the biggest [ __ ] thing in rap and culture right now everybody's watching his moves and [ __ ] he's 40 pounds lighter and six pounds shorter and bet here's what he would say 40 pounds lighter six six inch or whatever it is I'll [ __ ] you up white boy that's what he would say 40 pounds later and six inches shorter yeah yeah what about Kevin Hart Kevin Hart I think Kevin Hart listen this box is Kevin Hart ended up fighting we had Antonio esfandiari on our podcast so I saw that I saw that 35-1 he gave him 35-1 odds uh they had six months to train uh I don't know what they put up I think Kevin put up 10 grand and if Antonio beat him he paid him 300 Grand it was like a private boxing thing yeah ended up training yeah dude one the esfandiari beat him for [ __ ] 300 Grand so Kevin Hart might be an option nice on yourself maybe huh that's the same amount you mad at yourself I didn't understand myself that's illegal I did by the way I did put up about it too much money I think I put like a significant amount on you do it do it for the Antonio Brown fight I I that the whole KSI fight man was just not not my night it was the one it was one night in my life where I felt like my life was a movie and I was just watching it go by and I couldn't do anything about it I know that must have been the coolest [ __ ] thing ever like to just be able to walk out Staple Center that's when you're like I [ __ ] made it I was yeah it was it was crazy you know it was crazier we went there a month later for a Kane Brown concert yeah and seeing the like now I'm looking at the uh vast number of people in the crowds and how how big it is and I was like yo I was I was the thing here just a month earlier I was the thing that people paid money to see fighting right there in the center right so crazy so great especially because I I haven't really done it before it's my second fight right there was no amateurs no really like build up I've never like performed on in that capacity so it was yeah it was nuts dude it was [ __ ] sick and you got actually a better reaction when you came out like it was a lot louder when you came I mean I would hope so um I was I was I was surprised by how many KSI fans were there I was also surprised when I fought in Manchester how many LP fans were there like right they showed up but in both in both sides um I was gonna say I really I respected the [ __ ] out of you for telling KSI on your podcast that I was gonna you thought I was gonna beat the [ __ ] out of him I had to deal why did you say let me tell you let me tell you what the Fallout of that was so you lose all of a sudden I'm just checking my Instagram and it's like blowing up more than ever I'm like what the [ __ ] going on I have every 11 year old 12 year old and [ __ ] planet Earth telling me I'm a [ __ ] idiot you're a piece of [ __ ] emojis by any chance I can't that's when you you hurt somebody when somebody that's the ACT gets me when somebody talks about emoji that [ __ ] bothers me I know what it is that [ __ ] little [ __ ] face [ __ ] me up you know you can set certain things so that they don't show up in your comments yeah oh yeah yeah do the filter things mine's like come [ __ ] dicks yeah I've already wrote dude why can't I don't I mean I don't know I don't know I just said are you anti-com anti-com it depends a lot of variables that question but uh no I'm not anti-con when's the last time you got a good tuggy uh why do I feel like you have why do I feel like you have inside information on this yeah last time a good Chunky was last night actually baby last night with no hour sleep I was like a [ __ ] zombie from The Walking Dead getting [ __ ] whacked off just a [ __ ] tug yeah because I didn't have the effort I hadn't slapped I was like yeah he's just [ __ ] yeah wavy arm inflatable Iron Man Too like when she forgot she lost use of her mouth cavity I mean she was she was drunk I mean well definitely well if she was she consented by the way she contracted I don't get in trouble here but uh yeah I know it was uh it was it was a good answer hold on no yeah go ahead well one of us is gonna hold on I'll do it oh I was just gonna say I can't imagine that there's a place in time when someone doesn't consent to a hand job but is that oh my God the girls here Time Out of Time Out the girls hear the game the Android I swear to God she just walked in but don't show her anything what the [ __ ] you can't time out time out time out Aaron did you set this up really appreciate a good HJ right I can't remember the last time I just got a full-on HJ yeah all right we gotta stop she's right there yeah so as we were saying current you know issues with the White House yeah totally yeah uh no we're going out after so where you going uh tonight I'm probably gonna did I go to Craig's tonight for dinner you you are you doing the scene in L.A like you party life's Craigslist the scene I don't do it I don't actually go out that much anymore like I said I like you know what I like is Delilah Delilah because I like a place like I said you can [ __ ] go in you can talk to somebody and like meet Jack for you yet uh no he's the guy he's the guy to know he's the guy I know you gotta know exactly okay if you want if you want to get into Delilah on the right nights because I just don't see how a guy I mean I just don't have the game but I don't see how guys get related clubs also I don't uh I don't understand I I kind of have a cheat code because the clout thing I don't really have to say much that's it but like if yeah you have you're good you can just walk up and [ __ ] do whatever the guys with clout or the guys that are buying the bottles right those two people but by the way in La it's like yeah do you know the last time I went into a club and like tried to spit game at a girl I'm leaving the club with girls because they've either seen the [ __ ] they've seen one of the shows they know something like you know what I'm saying there's no you don't go spit game at the clubs in L.A you just show up you're [ __ ] Bob memory right that's why you're walking out with six girls for a [ __ ] huge old gym doesn't work that doesn't happen well then you need to come out with us I know that's what I'm trying to [ __ ] work my way I'm trying to work my way into the circle no you know that's what I'm trying to do you know who's hella cute who's that your co-host on your podcast Lauren but I saw you creeping on her uh easy with the creatures no you were creeping on her not a weird Wave It's during the podcast well because she's she was so pretty and I was like I was like yo you're so pretty and it was two days before my fight so I couldn't I wasn't really supposed to be like even like breathing around women I'm supposed to be like way removed yeah from any uh tempting situation she was really cute man well she's and she's very single and she's uh was a former uh soccer rights bronze medal uh so close bronze medal soccer player in Canada what about the I like the degenerate alcoholic guy Tim Yeah Yeah Tim he's a [ __ ] blast well that's why you texted me after you were like yo what's up what was your coach uh name and I was like Tim he's like no he went he went no not Tim shortly thereafter didn't him get so drunk he went on a tirade on One show we had him we had Ryan lochteon oh that's right and he had that [ __ ] whole thing in Brazil right it happened so he's coming to podcast his agents or whatever he was calling me I'm dealing with this [ __ ] guy he's actually a good guy but uh telling me Oh you can't talk about Brazil and also like what the [ __ ] are we gonna talk about him taking him taking laps around the swimming pool I'm like no like we had to talk about it but I'm like everything's gonna be run very professional I promise you that when you come on our side no but I was on the phone thank God I'm like smiling laughing as I'm telling you this and then uh the worst thing is we had to do that episode on Sunday and Timmy gets [ __ ] gone on Sunday and when he takes Sunday game day Sunday God's day so I ended up I ended up uh 5 p.m comes around we have to go to the studio Timmy is blasted I call Kevin Conley who produces our podcast I'm like uh Timmy's not doing good hopefully just get everybody out of there let's get in and out we show up [ __ ] right away Spider-Man's there Toby McGraw uh Toby McGuire is sitting there Timmy's going up to him ask him if he uses his Spidey senses to play poker like just [ __ ] the worst it was the worst day of all time but we got we got away with it so what was the rant he went on dude he was oh there he goes he goes he goes are you going to win the golden bombers Ryan is the nicest guy on planet Earth and he's because we don't like there's no scripting this [ __ ] like it was just especially with Tim and uh it was just very uncomfortable we had to kick him in and out of the room there was a rumor that Ryan [ __ ] his ex-girlfriend which was weird too is it a Rose's ex-girlfriend uh I don't know but it was a girl that I think that Ryan denies hooking up with and we told Timmy not to [ __ ] say anything to him but you can't talk to a hammered guy and Timmy goes right up to him like right away he's like so you [ __ ] my girl huh I'm like oh my God this is a disaster well I'd imagine Lochte is just swimming in [ __ ] and water he is uh definitely uh swimming a [ __ ] yeah you ever see any of his old interviews back in the day I watched the news uh reporter ask him one time what he has as a as the background of his phone he said rocks is he a dumbass I think that that's hard I mean he's a nice guy I think he's just not uh he's a swimmer you know I like that you're getting really good at not answering questions he is [ __ ] on the Spectrum 100 a thousand percent he said in his past time he likes to go to the market yeah like those are his answers and by the way great swimmer and also as you said really nice guy and so you can there's a lot of smart people out there who are [ __ ] [ __ ] you'd rather be would you rather have your head filled with rocks and be a nice guy or be an [ __ ] that's really smart hopefully a fine middle ground but I would choose obviously rocks in a nice game yeah I think that's the right answer I would rather do ignorance ignorance is truly Bliss I just don't know if ignorance is the way to be speaking of Blitz you watch porn oh yeah uh I I do yeah you got any favorites no I'm usually just 80d with it I'll just pick the first one I see that shows up you take what PornHub then I'll kind of start going and then like I'll get bored and then I'll switch to another one first one that serves is a dangerous game yeah because I mean PornHub will send you some [ __ ] up [ __ ] on that timeline occasionally like yeah 73 year old MILF gets I'm not even gonna say the rest of it yeah what's your what's your go-to I don't really watch this I don't really watch it as much as I like to immerse into the culture I like to spend time with the people I'm not a I'm not a big consumer like I'll be at the Vixen party tonight actually you know what he's supposed to come with me but I'm more than happy to trade do you have plans tonight I got no plans no I mean I was gonna go crazy he's a good friend of mine but in all honesty bro I think you'd be a better guess what is the eviction party what is it it's it's it's legit it's like uh what is it like important it has something to do with porn yeah it's the biggest anime in the world hosted by Riley Reid and all of the biggest I already canceled my dinner reservations amazing I mean can you all put in a good word uh to Adriana chechik for me um I got you all right yo Logan says what's up are you guys doing the Super Bowl this year by the way yeah yeah Miami in Miami are you gonna be there I'm gonna be there yeah my brother's fighting on Thursday before you should come where is uh it's invade it's in Miami that's awesome yeah that's sick is he gonna win yeah yeah is your favorite yes I mean but so was I I already bet one [ __ ] Paul one I'm gonna throw 50k on Jake having to go and give ten thousand dollars cash to the bookie and be like thanks Logan actually I'm not gonna lie the the worst part about losing actually this might be the only bad thing about losing is knowing I let down people who who bet their hard-earned money on me that that that eats me away everything else I can handle I got it back Drake it was I don't think what was it what was the biggest bet that you know of you have to say names but there was places that sound you know 240 000 oh boy that's one you got to worry about yeah mine was my I didn't even have to pay a book you had to pay keemstar way [ __ ] worse it's like uh it's like it's like when you take a [ __ ] okay nice I got a lot to go off of there nice yeah he's the one person you don't want to have to [ __ ] pay when you lose a bet let's just put it that way well that world is exploding Sports gambling world is [ __ ] never done any sports gambling gigs uh like I mean yeah like well points bet is one of the people that sponsors are you are you are you trying to do more uh vo stuff traditional vo stuff are you blacklisted in any way uh with what just like uh Sports commentating uh more commercials yeah I mean I think that I think that well I have not gotten any really offers from anybody else that's that's that's [ __ ] insane that's insane to me because people are a little scared they never know when Bob's gonna get [ __ ] up off some Ripper Magoo's and drop a clip at 3am about hookers and blow they just don't want to chance it but that's what makes you who you are though too you know what I'm saying it's such a fine line because I I walk it myself you never know when I'm gonna fall off into a world of [ __ ] degenerative you just gotta triple down on what got you here and then [ __ ] that's it hopefully it works out if not [ __ ] it back to the car do you do any like uh anything positive to give the kids any tips or any of that kind of [ __ ] with what I try to I try to balance my my porn with my with my like yo here's how to get out of a bad place in life type [ __ ] no not really no I don't try to help anybody really really no but I'm telling you authenticity is key so if you just like live in that space you're chilling no one cares but those [ __ ] if you're talking about brand deals and [ __ ] like that they're all paying because there is sports betting is legalized in four states right now and it's about to explode like I mean [ __ ] and then the play is this if you can find a way to partner up with like DraftKings or FanDuel or what MGM bet comes out that new app whatever it is and then finding a way to not just get like say 200 per referral bring 10 000 users there right but getting 25 percent of player losses on the back end imagine how big that is and they're doing those deals do you follow Sports religiously no not at all I mean I I truthfully don't like we what I do is like I'll do my Clips I'll have what in the [ __ ] that was my phone well I'll do these clips and I'll just like if I don't know a player I'll just say look them up on Google and yeah [ __ ] just add them in and do my [ __ ] I don't know but how do you find the clips it's all isn't it all like sports stuff so I'll just immediately anytime ESPN the NFL or anything post something I just steal it oh wait that's it whatever stuff but now you're you're effed on the golfs I'm coming back with golf though the PGI PGA actually black barred you bald you from [ __ ] it and wait what hosting PGA [ __ ] yeah what well they didn't like be talking about their [ __ ] main guys and like whatever I'm like hey you're trying to make the game more fun and skew younger you might as well [ __ ] you know have an alternative kind of way to interpret the game of golf you used to pick on Dustin a lot but there was also Daily you had a bunch of different guys who would go I mean it wasn't just Dustin Johnson was it Dustin was the main one Daley was the other one I [ __ ] with Danny Daley about which is not true I don't think but banging [ __ ] was one I remember that one but I did I had a confrontation with Dustin Johnson are you dating so I was in uh I was in Vegas and Brooks kepka and Paulina and Dustin were at a club and Dustin is the wife yeah the wife of DJ DJ [ __ ] Hates Me Like hates me this point because I'm just bashing him like in everything like he'd post a picture of like a fist pump like winning a tournament and every comment wouldn't be like great job Dustin it would just be like blow blow blow blow whoa whoa River Magoos blow so that got a little tirings for him so I I get a call from kepka on FaceTime he's like yo uh come in here somebody wants to meet you and he was just [ __ ] me obviously so I go inside the club I walk in I'm like oh God it was [ __ ] Dustin Johnson standing right there I walk in and then finally I tap Brooks I'm like I'm not doing this I don't [ __ ] meet Dustin Johnson like I'm out of here so I walked away go down the escalator and all of a sudden my fate my phone rings and it's a FaceTime and uh it it was uh I think it was Dustin's face on the FaceTime being like hey get the [ __ ] back here like just sloppy so I'm like whatever so I go back I go inside the club go up to him like hey what's up brother he's like listen I'm think your [ __ ] is funny as [ __ ] but you make one more video about me I will personally [ __ ] kill you and he was the number one player of the world at the time and I was just like all right deal like you know I won't yeah I've not made it it wasn't me being a pushy it was just like because he dropped no he dropped he dropped the kids line I have kids yeah that's a tough and it's like [ __ ] you got you know you got he's got kids would you say you got shook down I got shot he didn't take your wallet right he didn't take my wallet I did leave there with my tails in my legs yeah that's Dustin Johnson Logan yeah I mean this dude this dude's kind of like the the Celeb of the sport see the bags under his eyes you see the way is you know he's he's had a rough his life his but yeah Paulie and his wife is a very uh attractive girl so so the kids I mean you say you don't do things for people but you did something nice for nothing I did yeah I backed off of it also I didn't want to get sued by Taylor man oh were they threading yeah they were by the way and they make great equipment I was getting letters every [ __ ] day yeah I played yeah you've been playing out here at all I've been playing I like to set up games like I played uh I played uh uh Steph Curry in a matchup I saw that so me and Steph played and we made a bet that if I beat him uh he has to drop my name six times throughout the course of the year in an NBA interview he won so he won didn't you no I lost an 18 by one and if he had won I had to [ __ ] wear his jersey for 30 straight days and not take it off and my guys will test like I didn't [ __ ] take that thing off who won he beat me on 18 by one yeah so like if I if if I if I beat him he would have been like you know like a tough game today obviously you know me and Clay didn't get along too well Bob Marley's a man [Music] um but I ended up losing and for the first like five days like wearing the Jersey I was just like felt I was the man because people were like oh your Golden State Warriors fan man like I'm like no actually I just played Steph Curry lost it okay but then day 15 came around I was like suicidal I couldn't get anywhere I like I had meetings at these [ __ ] places like this restaurant with like uh these Fox guys and I try to go in they're like you can't come in here with that I'm like I can't take it off Choice okay we had to go to like McDonald's and have a [ __ ] meeting wow respect for actually following through though because like Steph wouldn't have known if you didn't do it yeah but I made a certain when you have a guy like that you have access to him you got to make it a big deal and then if I don't follow through it I turn into a [ __ ] fraud would you stand by I mean you would probably raise Stand by Your Word from Beantown yeah yeah so but it was uh I still get the jersey and uh it was [ __ ] disgusting I've never I didn't wash it the whole 30 days not one wash 30 days not one wash it seems uh I took it off a bit I took it off uh went to go to bed but any first of all anytime I was in public I had to wear it anytime well because that people could take pictures you're not wearing it too exactly that's tricky that's way tricky yeah and that's half the reason I think my girlfriend real government too is that as well in Mexico which is another thing by the way I heard you guys you guys are bringing up Katie Carney pictures on here this was a big thing what are you talking about like could you just roll the tape from an episode yeah we edited this podcast no one's rolling [ __ ] yeah no he brought it up he told he told me he told me about it that's the first time I heard about you uh he told me I've been following Bob memory for a long before Bob mannery was [ __ ] in like doing this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying before he had the milk Boys on no I mean you were bigger but I think you had probably 900 000 yeah and I was like yo this dude's voice is hilarious but he's got great jokes and he taught and by the way I don't follow enough sports [ __ ] as much as I should you give me what I need to know you know what I'm saying like when when girls are playing that slam into the Net game with their vagina I need to [ __ ] know that [ __ ] you know but no but but then I remember that you you had this kind of uh lull I was the biggest [ __ ] on planet Earth hold on a second yeah you were in love yeah yeah I think I was in love with a girl but I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] I was putting up like poems and [ __ ] like it would go from like wait are you serious it would go from like 30 yard touchdown passes and like me doing commentating to my next post would be like love is a funny thing yeah I'm like what the [ __ ] am I doing why'd you do that Bob yeah I just thought I could get her back that way and then it just backfired she was like you're [ __ ] weird and I was like all right I'm just about this [ __ ] was that the toughest time you and Peter ever went there you would that was a tough one yeah that was like a fetal position crying for two months straight but oh [ __ ] not that bad yeah but yo breakups are rough break of course they're the worst actually the rough is an understatement breakup yeah yeah I remember like especially especially publicly I remember the comments during during the time they were just like get your [ __ ] [ __ ] together [ __ ] [ __ ] the funny thing is I had so many people it felt so good too I had some people reach out be like dude you're gonna get this you can get through this I've been there before and I'd like look at the kids profile he was like nine like what the [ __ ] am I I'm like taking advice from this [ __ ] nine-year-old I'm having like he's like some girl stole my juice box one day Jesus that is the funny thing too is like you when you get because you you got to get trolled all the time right uh in person or online right you gotta control everybody does right no not really wait what's the question does he have like a troll I I used to severely yeah but like now it's like I'm pretty smooth sailing I'm not gonna lie these are high here in the Maverick House you're good yeah see you're lucky yeah when the [ __ ] 12 year old start barking at me I just I get to go at him you know why because I have an army of 12 year olds too I don't have to I stay out of it bro like yeah activate [ __ ] and they go head to head it's the Spartans versus the Persians every time right I'm gonna be the Spartans okay but like Spartans are strong bro Leonidas at the helm team Maverick LPS are you I love how you just keep subtly yelling things to the camera I never know what it means but I'm just gonna go along with it yeah they're all they're all positive do you ever uh do you respond in the comments a lot do you read a lot of comments I try and read all I mean I literally very Hands-On with everything I'm trying to do so I try and be involved most of the Canon yeah I look at every single one really three 29 [ __ ] point seven trillion followers but it still doesn't matter like one negative comment can put anyone into a spiral for days it does actually to be honest it doesn't get to me I never get [ __ ] face really nothing will faze me that you say except that little [ __ ] clown Emoji now I have a feeling I just made the situation bro you just made your bed so you're gonna be clowned out but yeah well imagine imagine being Antonio Brown who if this goes through I will only refer to him as Antonio clown and he he will be his Instagram will be littered for the rest of his life this and the good news is you're gonna look like a [ __ ] superhero knocking this guy out because he's not the most likable guy right now I told you bro I'm doing God's work would you rather see him knock him out or Ray Rice uh I would rather see him knock out Ray Rice because I don't have anything bad really with Antonio I mean besides that he hit me with that hard unfollow but uh which was just totally out of line I mean one line aggressive you know but that's all right I mean it was uh yo um can we can we have you commentate some stuff we can shrink it yeah I mean you know I I yeah I have a process used I do but [ __ ] it I'll do it yeah no I want to do that I want to what's your process actually so the process would be let me get my phone I have I have Clips here should you want me to play them yeah yeah pull up I hate my phone but I'll show you the process too so and it's the cheesiest thing I use this [ __ ] free app called splice I ripped the Clips off NFL I add crowd background to it so it's so that same [ __ ] thing that I've always used because I'm lazy as [ __ ] and I don't like whatever and [ __ ] I'll just sit there and I'll give it like you know six or seven tries and if it doesn't work I'll just not worry about it and if it does there's this video that went viral of this dude sitting in a sitting in a cafe while these other dudes fall behind him okay have you seen this let's play it first okay what's up okay and then this dude is just so so calm right right right right so when I'm looking at this video I'm looking at uh yeah obviously that guy's standing there awkward is a big thing that you would use yeah right in the commentary I think that the Tweet was this one pretty viral I've seen enough Jason Statham movies to know the only guy worth being afraid of is in this video is the one sitting at the table minding his own business during the fight so I'll steal that joke so normally I'll see that I'll steal that that'll even put that in my comments he's working smarter not harder exactly I'm gonna be honest I feel like we could do a better clip right yeah I also feel like uh what about the poor we were talking about why don't we just shoot a commentator porn yeah I mean it probably would work on this show but uh you know what this feels like kind of like when we have rappers on we're like yo throw a freestyle together Bob's gonna nail it I don't know I mean I'll do whatever I can make an attempt at it I I got sent this video I actually think would be better because there's a man wielding a machete a man with a baseball bat and an ice cream truck in the background there's a lot going like this one's pretty pretty cut and dry besides that guy sitting there I don't know about this however this fight video what we got here you know I love my fight videos so yeah I'd be like you know that just if you press play all right ready because I usually don't even watch him first obviously there is a bunch of crackheads going wild here fighting each other look at that man's hair the afro popping out we have trouble in the streets as a man comes in with a [ __ ] baseball bat and now they are battling for the baseball bat punches being thrown obviously the police know her to be fat you know and I would just I like that and I'll do that but I'll add [ __ ] you know I have a thing so I'll add like the perfect amount of like uh crowd volume [ __ ] and you [ __ ] I hope you were going for the ice cream truck next the music's playing the cops didn't show up at the ice cream truck didn't show up yo so I just want to break this down because you know I mean street fight videos I've watched street fight videos on YouTube all the time who doesn't this dude has a [ __ ] machete oh I didn't see the machine yeah I didn't see the machete examination there is Machete in place a machete okay and then this one guy is just destroying everyone the big guy in the white shirt look dude comes with a bat tries to hit him and this you got by the way you got one shot it didn't follow through and now he got [ __ ] and now but this is where I gained some extreme respect for the big man in the white shirt takes the bat has an opportunity to hit him across the face does it does it but then that guy looks in trouble though he looks like he's not out though he does he might have got clipped the guy in the black Who's down with one hand on the car might have got clipped so this is like well this is that moment we talk about this all the time like that extra shot like yo imagine he hits his dude across the face he goes to jail for life because he dies or some [ __ ] and then the ice cream truck tops it off nice little chair you can hear the music who's filming this too like I mean how would they allow this to get I mean it's the internet I guess let me just press his post but West world star [ __ ] you know but that's that's I ain't [ __ ] dope man it's it's a process you know what I was doing but I mean I tell you what one day when I want the ultimate goal is to be able to sit there ringside in the booth Antonio Brown Logan Paul and Bob having his own separate stream maybe with your fight do you that'd be sick you were supposed to it you know we start a separate little subscription thing where you can tune into Logan Paul Antonio Brown you'd have to go to [ __ ] you know enough about of course I could call the fight tomorrow I need [ __ ] a week I need a week of preparation really and I'll [ __ ] call the Super bowl next week well part of the part of the thing about commentating that's not true either well you're also color caught like there's a thing called color commentary like when there's a there's usually like a two-man team one of them is really tuned into yeah the Tactical aspects of the sport and then the other persons call her commentary you know what I'm saying that's what makes it listenable no one wants to hear a sharp right and that was followed up by a sharp left and a sharp right and he is throwing lefts and right but do you know who does it better than anybody else Joe Rogan uh Joe Rogan's great but he's great do you guys watch hockey ever oh God doc Emerick is the guy who does all these Legends dude he doesn't [ __ ] stop he has his voice she's like he's like I'm the right side passes over crazy over the credit like it's so fast and he's by himself like he's just oh really he is the most talented Doc emmeric is the most talented play-by-play guy on the planet because he has nobody to rely on and the sport is so [ __ ] fast look at that bottom left picture of him yeah bottom left he's not doing so good he wasn't getting any [ __ ] back then that's right now he's just slaying [ __ ] girl in your [ __ ] bus over there that was I bet you the elk boys know that that guy is no boys good though this guy's a good dude yeah he spent some time with them what other uh what other creators you Ching these days yeah I mean dude before like I obviously knew who he was just started to learn through who you were through his thing but obviously this show um now boys uh nature is metal is my favorite Instagram follower what in the [ __ ] is it it is [ __ ] unbelievable dude you will go down a dark Rabbit Hole nature is metal it's about animals that just are [ __ ] killed in the wild oh what dude you will lose your life shut up like watch click the second middle one right oh my God pigeon or whatever the [ __ ] are we able to get zapped by this [ __ ] alligator oh no oh no oh God yeah wait for it oh no and there's better ones this is not even like scratching the surface commentating right there oh he's gone dude like no that's it but then you but then you go through do this there's more that are so uh like it's awesome it's the best [ __ ] nature is nature is metal it really is they got a lion taking a [ __ ] on another line that thing right there on the right side oh my God God yeah that's like what guards the gates of hell yeah that's a it's a it's a hyena with a glass eye somehow a surgery that's insane he had his he's got a good option rabies [ __ ] the best one ever was the Battle of Kruger that was like 10 years old remember the [ __ ] one where the the alligator gets the [ __ ] lion and then the whole Buffalo's come on yeah and there's this like confrontation between it was like that was the best nature video what the [ __ ] is uh see it imagine being that thing like he's [ __ ] up he has to walk around now with his [ __ ] spleen hanging out and Mark this we can't we definitely can't show that hey can you blur thing we could probably just hop off this page for a sec yeah nature yeah you're like Bob after our show we can use three minutes of everything thanks for coming in so that's no that's probably the only thing we can't but on the side when you get a chance go you know you're bored at 10 o'clock you'll spend two hours I'm not gonna do it no but I appreciate that you did I like say at least you're openly honest about it you're like I'm not gonna [ __ ] I'll do it yeah he will he's into that kind of [ __ ] I'm from Ohio bro I'm not like into it but it's that it's fascinating dude like especially coming from a hunting background you hear about hunters telling saying and like anyone who's anti-hunting doesn't like to hear this but animals who are stripped of their life early naturally via being attacked by a [ __ ] alien it is vile it is painful it is the worst pure savagery animals don't give a [ __ ] nature the wild is truly the Wild and so hunters will argue I don't hunt anymore but the hunters will argue that the The Taking of a life is uh much easier and merciful than that of the action you're pro hunting right there A lot of times for sure for sure I mean I think I don't know if there's a especially with all the [ __ ] like GMOs and um uh what a factory factory farming [ __ ] that's happening right now I think I think it's one of the most organic ways to get your meat like Joe Rogan does it all the time I respect this [ __ ] I I read all his posts about how he does it again I don't do it myself but like yeah a pro hunting for sure I know you guys are this is your show I don't know if you already talked about it you did the 72-hour [ __ ] uh I saw you just do a solitary death camp yeah military you got to get on here as a guest and it was my first guest my thing was Robert O'Neill the guy that killed Bin Laden you had him on he was my first guest oh my God I went to New York City at UFC with Robert O'Neill who was killed Bin Laden I went with Dakota Meyer the one the guy who was awarded the Medal of Honor for uh uh he was they got [ __ ] trapped by 250 Taliban in a town it was four against 240 Taliban they get [ __ ] trapped this Humvee that they were with blows up in front of their guys they pull back drive away and uh they're just sitting there and their guys getting [ __ ] killed they pulled out of town so the reason why he got was awarded the medal from Obama was uh he called into a supervisor and he goes my guys are getting [ __ ] killed in there we're going in they're like Stand Down dude it's too dangerous you can't go in he calls again twice Stand Down dangerous [ __ ] third time finally he's like [ __ ] this [ __ ] let's go overrides all [ __ ] orders beelines it back into the town that they're so outnumbered and [ __ ] ends up just like saving people carrying them out getting shot in the show Heroes we and we were privileged and blessed to be around those type of Heroes at this uh combat school um one of them in particular Dom Rosso who's a former member of SEAL Team Six same team as this guy he just wasn't on that raid yeah um yeah yeah probably knows this dude like dude like yeah true true heroism like people who are willing to give everything for their country is it was so it was awe-inspiring dude so I mean I'm jealous as [ __ ] you had them on we get him on he would die to do this he loves this [ __ ] and he he I mean the crazy thing is like that imagine that helicopter ride right you're riding on there with two helicopters and there's 12 guys in one I think 12 in the other and [ __ ] just knowing that you're going in to [ __ ] Pakistan invading a foreign country with nobody knowing about it knowing Osama Bin Laden because they had 100 pretty much 100 that he was in there knowing that you're going in there [ __ ] just ready to kill the Most Wanted guy was responsible and the helicopter crashed she saw Zero Dark yeah yeah crazy yeah and he was saying too he's like a lot of that story with zero dark dirty was pretty you know it was pretty spot on he said the only thing was remember that girl that was like responsible for being like Bin Laden serious yeah uh he said the only difference was she didn't cry at the end when Bin Laden was dead and they had to be like you know hey whatever her name was come over here like yeah is this your guy and they unzipped it they had the scene I guess where she like broke down and cried yeah he was like no that's not how it went she looked at it she looked at the body and goes well I guess my job's done and then [ __ ] hopped on a [ __ ] helicopter that sounds a lot more accurate baller but get him [ __ ] on you want to have the dude that we were with to Dom Rosso on from uh from SEAL Team Six as well we just spent a bunch of days with him out in Virginia and he was uh he was he was a member of the team when Extortion 17 happened you probably you probably don't know what it is maybe you do but it was this this Mission it was the one of the deadliest days in Afghanistan history and he lost I think it was uh like what 18 Navy Seals on one yeah I mean basically all of his friends and he wasn't able to be on that mission and he so that's that's a story that's close to him but these guys are these guys are the most elite special ops in the in the world yeah um you don't [ __ ] around with those guys when they tell stories too it's like you know you check in and out of conversations with people sometimes they tell you a story just like locked in you know you can't even [ __ ] imagine what they do yeah Alex fine was texting me and he said um he was with the Lone Survivor uh obviously I lost my [ __ ] I was like oh my god dude that that story is incredible whatever he said he said the Lone Survivor slap the water he slept water for a year so his hands would be like sheet metal and what time he was at a dinner and he slapped an oak table and it split in half no [ __ ] this was like one of the many things like people with this mindset do yeah like I I don't know if I could slap water for a year I probably couldn't even do it for that long and what was the point of slide water for you again it hardens your hands like you see that you see like uh people kicking trees and to harden their shins right right kicking banana trees that was that was the thought interesting yeah just to become a just to become a quite literally a mechanized machine yeah I could I couldn't I couldn't I respect those I could never [ __ ] do it it's crazy I couldn't do it have you ever gotten the [ __ ] kicked out of you though no I've I've never been in a fight never been humbled like that I've never I never looked for problems I never like but I I've been I tell the closest was probably that that and that would have ended not in a fight I think I would have just been shot in the head and killed you might they might have jumped yeah they might have jumped it's not so bad it sucks for a few days after but I was like the biggest [ __ ] in the world because after I said that and I realized the moment wasn't going the way I wanted to I literally I swear to God I did it's full Sprint ran away like ran I'm fast yeah okay yeah I'm an athlete but I I'm too low I was too little I was like [ __ ] four for three like 37 pounds in high school they'd like stick tubes down my throat to see what the [ __ ] was wrong no one [ __ ] with you because they were scared they'd like they're just like I don't want to beat up [ __ ] Gollum like we're good are you that small I was [ __ ] I stepped on a scale to wrestle 103s I was 90 pounds they're like we've never had to say this in wrestling like gain you have to gain weight wait what you were that small I was small I was little oh my God yeah I was a late bloomer I hit puberty at like 28. how do you know not 32. nice how the past four years been fun yeah you know roller coaster ride roller coaster ride definitely so where you go from here just keep commentating videos and watching Nature's metal basically yes I want to build like I said I build the first ever R-rated Sports Network I want to find a way to do that nice but do you have to find more of you uh no I think it's it's I think it's me doing play-by-play you need a color commentator I want to build it out like a real like you're watching Fox but this is just an alternative channel to go and watch it a different way like you see like bar stool all these things it's working now it's kind of like everybody's not taking life as seriously it should be with everything going on would you ever partner with like a Barstow for that probably not bar stool because I we had a little bickering bag you don't say yeah who haven't they [ __ ] bickered back and forth with yeah ignore those guys because they they they they you know they if you [ __ ] with the back that's what they want we we we got friends there so yeah no I love everybody's there I I don't have an issue with you know I mean all those podcasts are at KFC all those guys are all cool I just issue with one guy Dave that was it the CEO uh yeah yeah I just she's like I had an issue it's like there was one little guy there that I had an issue with did you have refute one of his pizzas no no I I learned hard not to [ __ ] with them because we have the same kind of audience too yeah for sure like when I kind of went at them actually I challenged him to a million dollar boxing fight do you think you'd win no but I knew he wouldn't say yes okay so he's like what now what I mean what why Woody he's floating around on a tube and Nan talking I'll tell you why bro Courtney strikes me as a [ __ ] Who's down for anything at the drop of a pin I think they're selling too I think they're selling to a casino company for like 600 million or something really yeah what a gold porno yeah so he crushed it dude no that's all in the past I have no problems with David president who do you got beef with nobody besides Justin Johnson me and Mike Dave Portnoy KSI the six dudes right there is a lot of beef out there Detroit Lions you I mean if you talk [ __ ] about people for a living no like repetitively like over and over again like eventually they start to catch on well I don't like it like a lot of the guys like it like they like if I like if I do like that thing the stupid like thing the [ __ ] bag titty [ __ ] of the week which was basically the shittiest player of the week and I always used to pick on like Nick Foles like Jameis Winston and they never they always hit me up like yeah it's funny you ever talk to Fabrica I have never talked for you but I need him on my podcast I've been trying to get in touch with it be somewhere in the [ __ ] Philippines buried somewhere floating around in boats I don't know he took a [ __ ] midair he did take a [ __ ] midair yes wait wait wait release well yeah no he did wait what was that I mean when you say this is a real clip this is actually what happened watch jump shot the diving board and the reason why I wasn't able to land it was because he took a shipment air I'm not joking wait that's the one you always do Fabrica he actually that's what people don't know though is he took a [ __ ] in his pants where is this [ __ ] clip it's in your email Mike are you sure that's my favorite did you just email it to me Dylan well I would say the Justice the Olympics I got it yeah the diving video is the easiest oh no this this poor dude yeah so this guy is uh John elmerson fabriga this is for the gold medal he was dreamed about this his whole life Fabrica the Olympics oh [ __ ] that is not good what does fabriga think this is a high school pool party you can see what he does wrong here right here he takes a [ __ ] I think he took a shipment air because look at his face and the dive is just horrendous and I believe the judges are going to rape him for this one let's check out what he got yep all zeros across the board he took a [ __ ] yeah he actually took a shipment nobody knows that but he took his [ __ ] midair he got brutal as it gets all zeros oh poor [ __ ] God always [ __ ] before a big event dude I can't stop thinking about the Vixen party now I mean bro I'm I'm dead serious I've taken David to so many parties and he doesn't speak English I honestly it would be quite wise to take somebody else no I mean hey Plus have you bro off camera Bob's the coolest oh my god dude I mean I like what about on camera are you pretty cool yeah you're I mean yeah [ __ ] you bro I think what he means is a lot of people don't translate well once they get into the bar scene you know what I'm saying yeah oh for sure flu's still there sorry no you had influence as well oh dude I had 103.5 fever I was in bed five days didn't get out of bed who nursed you back to health my mom did me I mean my mind didn't do me CJ Franco is uh CJ Yeah well yeah why is it getting quiet in here guys what's going on here we can talk about it yeah it's fine yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh how's how's everything else good good he's got my my clothing on nice oh you got you got a line now yeah what do we got buttery toast buttery toast I mean here I am bringing your Magoo hats I haven't got a [ __ ] buttery I'll send you anything you want I mean you like buttery toast I I don't know what it is no actually no I [ __ ] hate butter on toast it's actually one of my biggest things so I'm sorry dude I'm like crushing your thing I can't I know I'm sorry I can't don't do this please no don't do it million dollars I can't no I just said for some reason butter on toast freaks me out the [ __ ] do you put on it what do you put on it instead jelly without butter yeah I can't I can't do it I love butter on here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna mentally reverse the last minute of my life and I'm gonna make believe it never [ __ ] happened because you are like a [ __ ] a legend to me bro can we is there's nothing we can do to change it I mean to be honest with you I think if you put a piece of butter toast here on the thing and offered me five thousand dollars to eat it I don't think I would eat it that's how actually much of a [ __ ] thing this is with me this is you setting you up where I'm just telling you to offer me five thousand dollars to eat a buttery piece of butter toast I don't think I would [ __ ] do it for five grand I would probably do it for ten thousand bucks I have not tried Dave's Killer Bread no I know that but I'm gonna find a way to fix this at the Vixen party tonight you might not even be in by the time it's usually well it's pretty well received well do you like River Magoos I used to okay I did for a long long long long long time and I used to like [ __ ] buttery toast a long long time so it looks like we met in the middle somewhere now let's go [ __ ] some porn stars that's fine I'm in for that thank you guys for listening to this episode of the podcast Bob working to find you on social uh Bob Metairie just my name pretty plain and simple yeah it makes sense and I don't I'm too lazy to plug anything else that's it oh good hey uh we love you guys thanks for listening and we will see you next week take it easy love it thank you boys
Views: 658,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, sports, comedy, sports voiceover, sports comedy, laughter, funny, nature is metal, jokes, impressions, voiceovers, barstool, podcast, voice, bob, menery
Id: NZN3zxbr3KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 39sec (3879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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