What Happened to Ray William Johnson? - IMPAULSIVE EP. 166

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so that's a story that is the most important story I have ever heard on impulsive that that was incredible that was bright I'm meeting emotional just like thinking about the story that you just told scum Lord you held a bone over your dog's head using a fishing rod just now your dog went after it for hours you did multiple scenes and then I just found the bone in the garbage you didn't even give him the [ __ ] ball he ate too much of it already too much peanut butter in his system and the bunka clog is esophagus it's just like a it's a really blue bald your own dog I know and his name's blue burly blue blood Brawley blue balls hooker back to RuPaul's of the number of podcasts in the world that's a fact I wouldn't just say that by the time this episode is out I believe we'll have hit 2 million subscribers so guys can we please give ourselves a round of applause for finally doing the thing that we said we were gonna do for a year if you aren't subscribed please hit that button today's gonna be an awesome episode yeah man um doing vlog stuff now so so yeah sure I dangled the bone in front of my dog I had him run dude Huskies have a VD you have to keep them stimulated somehow and so I went like a fake fishing for him you think I've ever been looked down upon if you dangled a boner in front of them yeah probably just cuz like bestiality you know hmm you make a lot of dick jokes Mike I gotta tell you what well I make out a dick jokes but you're at least I'm not a dick like you that's true oh oh I'm working on speaking of that I'm working on a raising my libido dude really oh yeah how's that going not good not good at all I'm just so focused right now like at you guys life is all about laws right sometimes you're on a wave of sexual escapades wild crazy endeavors and sometimes you're just running dry I'm on a very dry spell so ladies don't booty call me cuz I will deny you and four times your running dry there's blue two blue Jew calm if you see they actually didn't sponsor this episode but now they did and we will be sending you an invoice I want to bring on our class guys he's been pacing over there and I'm actually extremely excited for this guy's he is a YouTube icon his channel was the first to reach 5 million subscribers you most likely know him as the face and creator of the equals 3 show he's a founding father of the YouTube as you know it please welcome ray william johnson [Music] [Applause] what's up oh I'd shake your hands but you might be infected oh oh we are we are good especially him here this do the thing damn grandpa sound good that's what we call them well how do you thirty-eight your grandpa bro yeah it's really young too though you look 25 you 25 same thing that exfoliating and [ __ ] wait hold on I actually can't believe you're 38 38 do you have a secret to stay young I exercise and eat right put your skin yeah I have that is the heaviest organ in the body by the way really fun fact the skin yeah dad I asked yep dude thank you for coming on yeah man of course of course we actually met one time years ago how was it I'm sorry no John I was gonna ask if you remember it and you don't I think one thing to use the only thing I've ever said to you in my life so we're at a party right that VidCon no no no it was that is something I can't remember whose party it was but it was it was super crowded and I don't know why I was invited cuz I like not in that scene okay and I don't recognize like influencers and I recognized you and the fact that I don't recognize influencers I don't know if you've ever I don't you know this but if you don't recognize you don't know who a social-media influencer is to their face they get mad oh my god they get super mad oh yeah what you don't know who I am yes this oh that no you haven't seen my fortnight makeup tutorial yes yes so anyway so I recognized you and I was like that's Logan Paul and it was before Tokyo yeah I mean it was before Logan Paul was Logan Paul I was like vine days I think it was like maybe vine was I had either died or just right okay so anyway so when I saw you on vine before all that like I'm checking out my like I don't watch a ton of just social media influence you I don't recognize anyone so I like I I'm checking out vine just to like see what it is and to write it off as something that I don't want to do haha so I see like I see you and I'm like this guy this guy's gonna make it oh like this guy this guy is super charismatic he's do like he you know the vine stuff isn't for me but like he's doing all the things that like hit like he's all he's in his work ethic he's putting out a ton of [ __ ] and I said that to myself there's only one other person I said that about and that was Andrew bachelor right and both of you guys made it so anyway this is before anyone who made it so fast forward a few years later and I see you at that party and you know I probably had a few and you're the only person I recognized there which is why I don't go to parties yeah and so I'm gonna go tell this guy what someone told me when I was starting out I'm gonna tell this guy that I think he's gonna make it and I bet I bet that'll make him feel real good so I went and I tap you on the shoulder as I hey man come here I tap you on the shoulder I was a hey man come here and then you like you know crouch down and [ __ ] cuz I'm all [ __ ] you walk I was like hey man I just want you to know you're gonna make it and you were like really dude that's so neat that's my best slogan Paul impression by the way you look really dude Thanks and the party was so chaotic and crowded that we were literally like separated right nowwe news right now right so so it ended and I'm I'm looking back going I didn't even get to explain myself I just walked up to a complete stranger I didn't introduce myself I just said hey man you're gonna make it and he said thank you and then that was it no way yeah well of course I knew who you were I don't know if you know that it was evident but I like my moment my fat that's why I was like oh I was like oh my god thank you think was I know I don't assume everyone knows who I am but I assume you did because of your reaction yeah everything but I didn't get to explain as far as you know I was like stalking you or something like that or it was [ __ ] Frank broke that's core whatever or you were like just giving him a positive medical assessment you're gonna make what so I actually got that idea because someone did that for me and I don't I'm not like a name-dropper but you should drop that name dude Robin Williams oh shut up yet yeah yeah so back in like maybe 2012 I have to I I have the privilege of shooting this little tiny thing this little scene with Robin Williams that was part of a promotional thing that he was doing for one of those Penguins movies right and it was one of those scenarios where they invite all the press out and then each member of the press gets to film something with him - it's like a press junket or something like that and I was invited from like the social media category which at the time people weren't doing so I was like this is crazy and I feel I'm like the only person here who's not a real journalist and I don't work for a magazine but like okay you know like when you're kind of in one of those scenarios so we go to this like hotel banquet room that they rented out and each group got time alone with Robin Williams so it was me him his handler and like a cameraman and producer right and let me tell you something about Robin Williams when I met him first of all Robin mooie Robin Williams is exactly the guy you want him to be when you meet him he is on he's that he is the genie from Aladdin he's like going a million miles an hour everything's a joke and it's incredible to watch and you just sit there like huh oh this like so funny I forgot to laugh but literally because you're in such shock yeah you're like oh this is amazing but the good thing about him is I know a lot of comedians who can do that but some of them are so talented they can't turn it off you're met a comedian like that and you're just like do have a conversation because yeah stop joking he can turn it off and when he did finally turn it off he pulled me aside he's like hey man I want you to know I'm a big fan of your stuff and I've been watching it I can't believe that you just got an idea and that you just went out and you just started filming yourself like that's so crazy to me no one handed you or anything like that yeah and I think you're gonna do really well man keep going and I like I like died like when I die as an old man that'll be the second time I die was that Pete like how do you peak like is that peak that was Pete Robin Williams said he's a fan of yours I came to that the thing is before that now this was back in 2012 so before that I had so much doubt about where the industry was going because it was also undefined and in fact there there was no definition of making it in the social media world and they're still really isn't does that mean certain amount of followers I mean amount of money does that mean you are on some TV show who like who knows who the hell knows what it is but he basically assured me that whatever I was doing was it like that that was fine yeah and I felt it necessary that like man I gotta pass that on pass the toys oh yeah absolutely yeah absolutely well first off thank you yeah look you made it man your names on the wall and of course we're at your house just so you guys know we are not in an actual studio we are filming in Logan Paul's house like his cleaning lady's in the next room if she runs the vacuum shit's gonna screw this entire podcast we love toilets over here when you flush the toilet you can hear the turds my ass overhead and the pipes that's how much of an actual house we are in how does it feel to know that the torchy just handed you an impulsive was originally lit by Robin Williams man I've always wanted you to do well like I've always thank you always been rooting for you right and I want you to pass it on to someone else whoever that is I've had a have a patio door get laid sorry but don't know I won't hey baby I got a podcast no no I go names on the wall I think my name is in the middle of a word that is a real word and I just put my last name in there that's not you spell impulsive by the way for anyone wandering like I feel so bad for the person who's in the middle of a spelling bee and they go impulsive and they spell it like this because of this [ __ ] show it happened to me with the word Mackey I don't remember this kettle you remember Andy kettle this kid on a football team is lasting to spell kettle ket te l which is not the correct spelling the gamy kettle in the spelling bee and I spelled like that got eliminated in the first [ __ ] round do you Andrew Robin Williams would be turning it's [ __ ] gravy heard that story Andrew kettle did you know you were great wide receiver I'm sorry dude yes at that moment I am honored that the moment you don't remember go ahead no no I do I I don't it's fine they're like if the party was crazy it was but I appreciate it and I do think it's an important moment and I'm honored that you chose me because dude like I said I have I've watched you since conception Mac actually over there is my friend since I was six years old best friend he introduced me to your stuff oh nice equals three thanks Mac and I'm good over there you get your diet coke or anything fries all right really get Mac something yeah you could do that I've got a couple of those I haven't passed the torch but I've had definitely at moments right commend young creators for their creativity actually um David from vine days back in the day when David was still in college david dobrik okay i I was texting him we we were had a long back-and-forth I was like yo I think you're really [ __ ] talented you're hilarious you should move to LA and he was he was still we've all as young creators had that moment it's like stay in college go to college or do the LA thing yeah but did you forgo that moment cuz you when did you start YouTube I'm looking right here ten years ago yeah so ten years ago my ass I start in 2007 Jesus so I've only been out for what a year they've been out yeah I I wasn't counting at the time but maybe like a year yeah and the only thing people were doing other than like uploading videos of their cats or whatever is it was it was stationary webcam talking head like all framed like this people just talking that's what everyone was doing and I say everyone I mean like maybe dozens of people or whatever yeah and no one was talking about anything interesting but it didn't matter because it was so fresh and I saw it and I was like I might want to do that I could I could do that like cuz I'm you know I'm going to school I'm going to college and I'm trying to prep about the prep for my my LSAT which is you know to get into law school and everything and I'm poor he's like it was super broke cuz College will do that to you and I couldn't afford a TV but what I did have was this laptop and I would watch these videos and watch these people's videos and I got so into it I was like man I could do that I could talk into a camera and I I did I started uploading her and I don't remember what I talked about probably just like my day nothing interesting I wasn't necessarily trying to be funny or anything like that and I just slowly from there got you know you get a few followers over a month and then the next month you get a few more and after six months you got a couple of hundred and you're like oh cool another six months you got 10,000 and you're like man that's like soccer stadium of people watching me talk about what I did in school this is insane and it just it all kind of like snowballed from there I guess you'd say that is absolutely insane you were the first channel to hit five million subscribers I think so Dylan told me that I even doubled I said villain is that true okay so yeah the internet told me that always yeah you you were doing youtuber things before a youtuber was a thing like what making YouTube what's a youtuber thing I don't know if that's good no but like when I start when I started YouTube it was I saw your stuff Smosh jenna Marbles and like even then shaycarl I think so did you refer to yourself as a youtuber then because now it's now it is the most desired job for kids under the age of like 14 like 75% of them want to be youtubers when they grow up I don't think I did I don't know when that word came into favor and I feel like it's sort of fallen out of favor in terms of like like influence or whatever because no one uses or anyone who has half a brain doesn't just use the YouTube platform like you want it you want to hit all quadriyyah right so I think the term now is influencer I know it was a term back then I just don't know when and I don't know if I ever referred to myself as that that's particularly yeah I have so many questions oh god just from like collabs to like the current state of YouTube versus the past state of YouTube even like monetization stuff okay what I'm not like I'm not like a YouTube guru man it's it is one of many platforms that that I have used over the years but I can try to answer whatever you want to ask where times simpler back then before I had pocalypse before the bad actors such as myself before YouTube boxing before the diss tracks raywilliamjohnson what was it like so certainly people weren't kicking the [ __ ] out of each other in boxing rings to like whatever prove their point but that wasn't a thing that's fairly new every single part of what we do is absurd and don't don't take it seriously don't tell yourself that anything more than that yeah it is you boxing someone in a ring is as ridiculous as us pointing a camera at ourselves and taking a selfie and it's stupid that we make money from it but we do I look at it like I think about it every day and I'm like what the hell is going on I wasn't even you know how like this latest political climate people are like what timeline are we living in I was the what timeline and we live in a guy way before that because of the [ __ ] we do because I like I can't believe I get paid to do this people watch it's crazy it's odd it's very super odd bumfights was the moment for me when bump when bumfights came out I was like wait someone is recording bums fighting and making money off of me not just recording them dude no no not just recording them they would pay a bomb right right to fight another bum that they also paid and they would film it it was crazy yeah how did you have the the charisma have you always been this like charismatic big personality because that's the thing that's the if factor that 99% of people striving to be youtubers do not have yeah I don't know I don't know if I so I go through like phases where sometime I'm like chill and relax and then sometimes I'm sort of on and anytime that I get on camera it's you get that like nervous energy it's like you people say oh I'll just be yourself on camera I think it's almost impossible to be a hundred percent yourself in the same way that that you know okay so if you went through your average day but neither of you you come through your average day now tomorrow you're gonna go through your same average day but your mom's gonna be looking at you the whole time it's real like you would act slightly different even if you weren't trying then no no be yourself no no you like even if you weren't trying out different you would act slightly different so when the cameras on it's the same thing it's it's so weird because we we have conversations all day where the jokes are a slap all day boom boom and they're the kind of jokes that make people fall out of [ __ ] chairs and then when we turn the camera on we're like yo how do we earn for myself at least I'm like how the [ __ ] do I get back there like one the camera goes on I'm always slightly not as good as I am and just casual conversation when a lot of people are like that dude that dude you how many funny people do you know anyone how many hilarious people do you know in real life who just simply cannot translate it too a means of monetization such as a YouTube a tick-tock stand-up comedy whatever some people just funny in real life most of the people I know who are funny in real life can't translate it to anything including stand-up including anything at all like they go to their job and you know in finance and then they go home to their wife and kids and that's that's just it they're just funny person some go on to - yeah you have to want to be an entertainer to be an entertainer you gotta be a little [ __ ] up like man I did I just I didn't get the validation I needed growing up and I need it from all million of you yes is that I know you went through the struggle of just on that no validation from views and likes and subscribers are you past that yeah how far past that I'm assuming a while well the thing is so I've been doing this for you know what almost a decade and a half so it's sort of what I do it's not necessarily Who I am but it's what I know how to do like I know how to do social media stuff I know how to monetize it I know how to make money I know how to like keep adding to your catalogue so that the bigger catalogue gets you'll always be churning out right I just I just know how to do it do I care like about likes and not really like I care about that stuff as much as like I mean I'm trying to try to think of a cool meadow you like in a relationship there are certain things you look for and then there's some things that are secondary yeah you know I'm saying so making content that I want for people who want to see it is first and foremost and and like being creative and there's a huge part of me now that I'm sort of evolved into that wants to use entertainment to help people right and and oh I did see some of this on your uploads so so that is incredibly important to me the likes it's it's a vanity metric so the meso your main thing like her pert the girl's personality is making stuff you want to make and giving people value the girl's personality the fact that she can make really good and yoky it's like the likes and right it's like secondary like she got it she got a [ __ ] stamp and I'm like okay that's I can deal with you oh yeah yeah I'm like that's the likes you know the secondary right [Music] she's like she's like knock-kneed or some of their head like pigeon-toed or something oh well no I thought you said it was a secondary benefit now you're talking about bad yeah I totally yeah let's just talk about all the things that we don't want in women that will go over there's so much testosterone in this room you guys need some more women in here I'm telling you Danny do any more of you running around Danny's Danny's a real 101 it's a total broke and she ain't exactly like the most estrogen-filled woman either she's a bike riding hunting MMA boxer woman Wow with a ton of tester on testosterone when you said your assistant kicks ass you literally do Austin McBroom came in my backyard the other day trying to prank me with faze rug and like masks on I don't know what any of those words mean but go on I'm not even mask okay I'm out there with a paintball gun defend in the house I'm down the fort hell yeah get one warning shot oh but yeah okay so these are your recent uploads and it's cool because you said you're trying to help people is that is that is that the motive right now is that the the goal yeah and there's a there's a crazy story about it and I'll tell it to you but it might change the tone of the podcast pretty serious story and it's a little lengthy but impulsive okay let's look whatever long so my dad died okay now the story doesn't go the way they met so he he was never really in my life like he was when he was married to my mom when I was right when I was born he was he was like pretty abusive guy at substance problems and all that and then growing up he wasn't a picture he was a deadbeat so when I was 13 years old I was fighting with my mom a lot just a single mom and I was like I'm gonna I'm gonna like have a relationship with my dad I'm trying to live my dad that's gonna be cool so I went and lived with my dad and he was like the cool dad like you know like he'd let me have a beer every now and then and you know I'm 13 so I'm like this is this is amazing and it was like the next state over so it was it was far away from you know my my mom and all that that I could be and it took me about three months to realize that this was not a good idea cuz this guy was this guy was a drunk like a really bad alcoholic so he was an addict he smoked weed all the time which is not a huge deal except that he never had a job the entire time I was there nor did he have one years before or after yeah he lived off his he mooch off his girlfriend who actually did have a job yeah umm he did a lot of meth and when I say he was abusive he would smack around his girlfriend and my half-sister who was from a different family right so she lived there too so he would smack them around like get super drunk and violent he I remember one day he picked up a like one of those big-ass mason jars of loose change and threw it at his girlfriend's head like full of change you know heavy that is and it's shattered on the wall he took a like a wooden broom and he speared it through the wall throwing it at his girlfriend [ __ ] like speared it into the sheetrock like dude was super violent right and I was young enough to know like I watched he was never abusive to me and I don't know why probably because my biological grandfather would have destroyed him because he was a mean old man but he was never abusive to me so I just had to watch everyone else go through it and I was young enough to know that it was wrong but I wasn't I wasn't old enough to know that I could actually do something about it by like telling the police are telling it teacher I just like well there's nothing I can do so the school year finished and I moved back with my I was like mom I want to come back she's like yeah I thought this would happen come back and I went back and like I've appreciated my mom and ever since because then I realized oh our petty disagreements were were just nonsense yeah but I told myself man I'm I'm never talking to that guy again he is a nightmare so three years after that I still hadn't talked to him he he has my social security number he has all my bank account information he goes into one of my my bank accounts and he took out all the money and like it that was the bank account that was for my college tuition now realistically there was only like 2,500 bucks in there but that was all the money in the world to me and that was gonna pay for my freshman year of college and he straight swiped it and I told myself again I'm never never talking to this guy like he's he's the worst of the worst like every story I hear about him it just gets worse and worse so 10 years after that maybe eight years after that I still hadn't talked to him he hadn't reached out or anything like that no no amends no I'm sorry anything like that I get a call from my half-sister the one that I watched him beat the [ __ ] out of her and she's like hey I want to let she's roughly my age but she's like hey I want to let you know I'm getting married I'm calling everyone around you know everyone in the family and letting him know and I was a girl happy for her and the guy she was with was like really nice and all that and I you know I asked him like hey I haven't I haven't talked to dad I'm any updates on him like is he still alive as what's going on with him she's like yeah I I took my fiance to go to his trailer to visit him because you know that's you know you may introduce your fiance to your parents and he's technically my parent and she didn't have a good relationship with him after she left either so she goes to introduce her fiance to him and my dad was like falling over drunk and he knew she was coming this wasn't a surprise visit and he's so wasted that he hits on her like he made a pass at his own biological daughter in front of her fiance and her fiance I think almost kicked his ass but but again it was just another story that I was like I'm never talking to this guy again I'm just like every step of the way I'm I'm so glad that I never rekindled that relationship so here's where it gets interesting it's already pretty interesting huh so back in maybe 2014 I get a call from my mom my mom's like hey I just want you to know I got an update on your dad that you want to hear I'm like all right what-whatever mom what is that lowlife doing she's like well he has cancer and yeah I'm like oh Jesus that's Wow you know my bad I didn't I was kidding I didn't know she's like yeah it's really bad it's like spread to his you know his lungs and his liver and I think his jaw so by the time he went to the doctor it was like everywhere and and he's got about a month or two to live I was like wow that's that's crazy I didn't know what to say and she's like yeah and he wants to see you and after all that everything that I had been through I couldn't say yes I had to say no I I can't and about a month later he died and so to me I'm a point of my story is that it was then and there that I realized that I didn't want to be like him not not just in the sense that like you know I don't want to be an addict and all that but here was a guy who [ __ ] up every relationship he had with anyone who would have ever cared about him his girlfriend's his kids his other family members everyone and on his deathbed he wants to be like oh my bad can we have a relationship now and just you know can we do that and so I looked at that and I said that's not gonna be me so what I did was I started working on myself I started working on myself I started working on every relationship that I had I started being more outgoing and forthcoming with my feelings especially the positive ones like telling people hey man I think you're doing really great I think you're gonna make it you know I'm saying doing that kind of stuff and really getting into like self-development and self-improvement on myself because I firmly believe that you got to work on yourself before you can really help anyone else so I've been on that journey for maybe five five years or so and now that I'm now that I've been doing it so long I got this vibe like I I got to give back it's time to give back I got to help other people with you know what they're going through I got to help them find themselves and who they are cuz life's complicated it's hard to figure out we don't have a definition of what the hell making it is we just got to assume that we've made it so that's what I'm doing now and so I got this idea that I'm gonna start a brand now do you know brands represent their product but they also represent something more like Nike they make shoes but they have like sport right and coca-cola represents like classic America not just soda so my idea was I was gonna make this brand and this brand was going to represent helping people and helping yourself somehow somehow I'm gonna make that work so I started a show a couple months back I just wrapped the first season and put it on all the platforms I started you know there's like a Facebook account an Instagram account all stuff that like just launched and it's all geared around self-development now that is a superhuman it is superhuman cool and people you know people ask me like well you know is that gonna make money like well money is like the [ __ ] stamp of this conversation it's it's secondary I want to help you by there are other ways I make money I'm doing fine in that department been doing this long enough right so that's the story that is the most important story I have ever heard on impulsive that that was incredible that was bright I mean emotional just like thinking about the story that you just told um I was I was wondering what you were gonna say you did when it was at the cusp the precipice it was ours and obviously I'm not sure for sure for sure thinking I was gonna I was gonna ask is do you regret that at all do you regret not not not visiting him I don't I don't but I still think about what would have happened had I gone I think if I had gone I think I would be mad at myself I'd be like man I I gave that I gave him exactly what he wanted and I and he didn't learn the lesson that I feel like I want to learn from that which is like sometimes there's no going back sometimes when you when you screw over people that really care about you and your well-being like that is it that is a that is a very grave very serious very heavy example but we in this house have been revolving around the word describing the scenario which is accountability accountability like accountability is so [ __ ] huge and I think our generation will carry that so much with so much more weight than than the previous ones because especially with social media people are being held accountable for their actions yeah and and I'm I mean I don't know the man but I I I'm glad you did not give him it a pass because it's it that's that the stuff sounded horrifying and yeah I can imagine going through it even just hearing about it through your half-sister was very traumatic so some condolences some people it's fine man some people you know in the family did because they see it differently than I did but and some didn't and I was one of the ones that I guess is like now I say it firmly like no I was like no mom but you know it took me it took me a minute like it was heavy of course straight up of course it was happy was a hard decision but now it's such a common deathbed request yeah and people to see the people that they've wronged and it's that's a it's it's such a cliche and I always thought it was a cliche like movies or whatever until it happened to me and I'm like no way this is this guy he's got a month and now he's like what are we gonna casual you to play catch what is what's gonna happen like he's never been in my life I was I always wondered about this moment too because I always thought like the easy like what's the easier thing for you is it to go and take and to fulfill that last request and then be mad at yourself because you gave an and you gave them that piece before they passed or is it harder to put your foot down and then spend your life thinking like should I have gone you know what I'm saying to give him that last bit of peace before he moved to the next and it's yeah and I totally agree and and it's it's indicative of the position that he put me in my half-sister and a lot of other than Belen which is like he put me his kid in a position to make a parental decision to teach him a lesson and that's not a decision that's not a position you want to be in when you're a kid it's not a position you need to be in you need you know parental guidance and some of these things and the really bad parents will sort of reverse it on their kids and that's that's what he was is exactly what he was doing even into my adulthood put me in that position to be like no no you go you got to teach you a lesson and that's garbage I agree I don't have kids I don't want kids for that reason really yeah it was that bad that well not not that reason I don't want kids cuz I that's just not my contribution that's not the way I'm gonna contribute to the world gotcha okay who's who's super human aimed at is it aimed at people are struggling with with those kind of situations mental health addiction or or just people that you just want to help grow it's it's aimed at anyone who needs help uh yeah like like right now it's not it's so broad you know it's like this isn't one of the slogans but if you know a slogan like believe in yourself that could that could you know attract anyone right so right now it's it's broad it's it's it's people who want to help themselves and people want to help other people that's a that's a massive departure from equals three it is look my humor will always be there yep right so there's there's still some of that injected but yeah so the the equals three of it all the social media part the the part of me that does other things it did very much what social media personalities do which is you turn a camera on yourself and you go look at me look at me look how great I am and how funny and how important I am and you know I've done that for a while and it's helped honestly it's felt empty for a really long time like I just don't get that joy out of it and part of my part of my discovering that was a few years ago I got this idea cuz I get these ideas and then I just go for it that's just part of my personality right so I got this ideas like I'm gonna I'm gonna try stand-up that looks like so much fun I'm gonna do it and I did it and it was hard but I got you know you get good at it and I toured around America for two years that was just a couple years back and when I was doing these tours like part of the part of the appeal is that you meet the fans afterwards and they take a picture with you and they love it so people would come up and they'd be like man that was so funny that was so great you know you're amazing and all this stuff and in it there's a certain amount of validation that goes into that you like yeah yeah yeah sure but what they also told me was something that really shocked me and they they would say things like you've always inspired me you you're so inspiring I started my thing because of what you did and I never knew that and I never knew that I would have that impression power that power now that feeling that they gave me when they were like now that was so that was so you know I looked up to you and you were inspiring that feeling was in completely different from the you are so funny Wow oh yeah oh yeah and once I started feeling that over and over again it started giving me these ideas of like I think this is the direction I need to go this is I'm not gonna have kids my contribution to the world is gonna be something completely different Ilana right how much more how much more was that um cuz I just started dealing with it over the past six or so months myself you know like I've built myself on a platform of addiction and so when people say to me like you talking about addiction has helped me stop doing heroin it's happened whatever right it's amazing right how much better does that feel than the Adsense check hitting your bank do you know what I'm saying like I'm sure you got so used to that to change to Chiang and letting that run everything that when you felt that first person tell you you inspired me to make a change in my life what did that feel like it's hard to make a comparison but let me let me here's why because with with the the social media money the the the adsense check I guess as you call it there's you know the first month of having sex with your girlfriend and then there's nine years Android so I've been I've been you know having sex with that at some point the feeling is it's good and the security is amazing but the feeling is not quite the same and then you know new hotness rolls in and you're like ooh shiny help that feels good yeah like this is a different feeling this is a more there's a more mature feeling it's more what's the word I'm fulfilling something tells me that one doesn't fade I I doesn't feel like it does like that that's like a 50 year run yes every because I bet you every time someone says to you you changed you inspired me to do this so you helped me out of this dark pit or whatever I probably feels as good as day one well I don't have those moments where I we probably all have these moments where you look around at everything your that's going on in your life and you go what the hell am i doing what the hell like he might am I gonna be doing impulsive for 20 years or podcasts gonna fade out in the next six it's like what the [ __ ] am i doing yeah so so when I do this and I start helping people and I go I know exactly what I'm doing exactly what I'm doing and I know how good it feels was there a point we didn't know why you do what you were doing did you have a creator confusion or a burnout like all of us do all of it all like my Creator confusion it was probably a decade long dude and I'm 100% sure that you still have if you don't have it you have moments of it where you go what boxing now as we're absolutely it's it's crazy right because because you know that next year you might be doing you might be doing one of those things really hardcore or you might not be doing any of it yep it's odd dude I was a gamer for a minute I did the twitch thing for I spend I was amazing thirty thousand dollars on the quiz my favorite part of this French wasn't but I did have a lot of fun cuz you you were actually kind of good I got good towards the end but when I started to get good I'd streamed less cuz I realised shout out gamers streaming is hard streaming is hard and I was terrible we're gonna be on for a little bit they gotta be on all day while they're playing games yeah I mean everything I'm gonna like buff us up a little bit everything we do is harder when people who haven't done it actually get in and do it they go there's a lot to this oh I thought you just get on camera and you know tell a few jokes and fart into the microphone and then you get a million dollars throw that memory card to the editor he takes it runs it uploads it you don't look at it yeah you gotta go dude if I had to calculate might the hours that I put in every week for just the basic things that you don't even think about they would probably run somewhere around 70 or 80 X hours yeas always on last night was Sunday night it was movie night we're hanging out actually watching Sons of Anarchy did you watch oh yeah about four seasons so he never he never saw her watching it last night but I mean every five minutes or so he'll pause it and go back to that to the Eddy and I'll take it to email whatever you never turns off yeah there's never a time where you're like yo I'm off today no you're [ __ ] you know you know why I like that is because um with our line of work and a lot of other lines of work too we can surprise people very very easily like if someone tries to get in our industry and they minimal knowledge of what they're doing it's gonna be next to [ __ ] impossible on the last episode I said this the barrier to enter for YouTube is so hard it is such a difficult medium to break in so we tend to surprise people with what we are able to accomplish I guess what I'm trying to say here is a message or a lesson that I got from a guy by the name of Jeffrey Katzenberg I met with him two three years ago just I was like one piece of advice you give me and he said exceed expectations which is unknowingly what a lot of creators are doing and it's a piece of advice that applies to every every part of life exceed expectations if someone expects you to operate at this level operate [ __ ] here now if you are constantly doing that in life not only are you gonna be fulfilled you probably end up being really successful to under-promise over-deliver yep that pig is one of the biggest rules you'll ever tell people you can't do [ __ ] and then blow them out of the [ __ ] park every time you do it III mean this should go without saying I forgot to ask because I've dropped so many f-bombs like it's cool what you guys gonna bleep it out if no not on this show you can't say snot but you can say the rest of the words because I would you know we could I could come in and do a good podcast but my actual goal is to get this episode to monetize the art is yeah we do monetize everything can we do like I don't kid you that no I'm not saying do it I'm saying talk about say the words yeah the words because you know it'll get caught up in that film yeah and now like right now the you know you have to like manually review just because I said Nazi Nazi Nazi a million times he said on the last episode I don't know I don't do does the YouTube algorithm I know does the YouTube algorithm hear these words yes what you know that that's why you have to blank the sweat I guess I can prove it to you know it does does the automatic captions dude some of my automatic captions are ridiculous but they'll pick up words like Nazi and if they pick up that word are they sure you didn't say Yahtzee the popular board game it doesn't matter they're gonna err on the safe side we're going to err on the safe side but err on the safe put in the bad work do some podcast or whatever and those episode of impulsive has been brought to you by no Tampax maybe not yesterday was International Women's Day so it's quite possible we go we do boner pills please like personally or you talk about sponsible that both okay depends on the day whatever these days are long dude sometimes I need a little extra help but thanks to bluetooth we're gonna send two invoices uh-huh your breads pretty uh pretty edgy yeah my my personal brand yeah you just talk about Nazis man I yeah I mean whatever whatever gets the laughs I would say the v/line for what is edgy sort of moves every I don't know a year or two and I just kind of do what I feel I don't have you had to pull back because of the climate unsocial and the sensitivity that it is playing in a way um I'm always conscious when I talk about anything or make a joke about anything that people are gonna perceive is political I'm not saying I don't do the joke I'm saying it registers in my head of like oh yeah people are probably gonna fight in the comments about that mmm even don't want you and you don't want that look it's it's not my goal is it can't it look I can't have this contradictory goal of like I want to help people and I want people to kick each other's ass in the comments like that doesn't work is that why you wore a mag a hat without the words on it that's exactly my ghost will you also always your your brain was always at least a little bit I mean your did big booty [ __ ] on a video in 2010 you were never loved PG you know creator or you know but like that's not that edge no I know that but at least no but at least it gives you a platform to stand on when you're like he was making at one point content for kids and so when talking when he started swearing singers you know I'm saying so like you set the bar yeah to a point where you don't really have to be super right and I I don't I don't make content for kids right and all I can do is be myself and myself will say things like big booty [ __ ] or whatever what you go through you when you started to youtube 23 24 25 so you were you were already like an adult yeah you knew you are I think a lot of that's debatable but I was definitely an adult I was figuring it out like everyone else yeah I guess I guess the point I'm trying to make is like I definitely went through a phase where I started YouTube at what 21 Jake started at 19 and so we were kids we still are [ __ ] kids but the content especially resonated that and it was a mirror for who we were and it was just like child is a childish immature [ __ ] so well growing up online growing up online and like finding out who you are while having to appease an audience who's telling you who they think you are is is uh is is a phenomenon that a lot of young creators a lot of celebrities to him we see it with every single young young Hollywood actor that goes through it and you were 21 yeah can you imagine being see what growing up online Jojo I believe in you I know she's gonna make it out of it I know she is dude judges that go he's like who the [ __ ] you talked or just you know Jojo see what you know what you don't watch like anyone I sorry I've researched this podcast and I was like oh it's been a while since I've watched something watch episode did you pick did you watch I saw oh III saw two of them I saw one and you had um no they were great there's a reason why I said yes to come on but you have been Shapiro oh yeah whoo-hoo III don't care about his politics I just love Ben as a character name like he's easy so both of us so funny to watch it's all the Democrats yeah like he's that guy and and coincidentally enough about two weeks ago I had this voice acting gig and they were like can you do a Ben Shapiro so yeah I can try so I had to I had to they don't want me like talking about it too much I can't give it a too much away but I had to wrap a comedy wrap as the change from hero so again the producer probably won't be saying any more than that but it's only a Ben Shapiro rap amazing out what's amazing that's incredible dude I um I was gonna pick up some records I had bought a record player recently and I was in Sherman Oaks or something I was walking down the street ben shapiro comes out of a restaurant randomly after being our podcast Thank You Danny and just like someone saw me at a casino in Vegas the other day and they tweeted like you know logan paul is like the most normal normal lookin dude just like walk around casino when it when ben shapiro is not like on not doing a podcast not talking about politics and he's holding his kid outside of a restaurant just having a conversation yeah dude he's the happiest go lucky jovial son of a [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life you know it was a no it was cool it's cool to see on-camera personality and then these people off camp because there is a massive difference sometimes yeah you know this guy from The Young Turks the I did not yeah that's the why is amazing he's the guy you would recognize yes I know him but I I've had lunch with him on a couple of occasions for several different reasons and as political as he is on his show we never talked about politics it just never came up and had conversations about anything else and I if I didn't know that that's the kind of show he does I would never peg him as political yeah and he's also like a really great dude like he's a really cool guy to sit down and have lunch yes nuts how much they just like turn it off agree so do i I actually your girlfriend David and I were talking I do not consider the girl I know could we say her name or no could we call her Stephanie oh yeah give her the fake an arbitrary name of Stephanie Mike's girlfriend her real name let's say Stephanie it's also the number one porn star in the world Lana Rhodes Stephanie is not a lot of roads they are just there to different people I refuse to believe that the same person dude Lana Rhodes doesn't even really exist anymore that character is kind of gone no I saw her at the strip club dude cute oh yeah she turns back I see she hasn't shot up an adult scene obvious in years and so she's completely different is this a bit or you actually are you actually your girlfriend's actually a porn star the net worth but she just doesn't do porn anymore she saw oh she's ex porn stuff yeah but she's still number on Lana row two ranks pornhub you dig that Search Search Search four top search okay I've got something there's like a war and then Akane award- words they don't best [ __ ] that's just based on my dating or I trended number one on porno a couple weeks ago I've never made a video I have made a ton of it as I've never put any public your parents must be so proud they're happy is fun my mom my mom's meeting her probably as this episode rolls she's mean here oh no sorry monday they have any objections to it or absolutely not I'm an ex heroin user [ __ ] psychopath oh there's someone you like you're alive and you're not selling you're using drugs you are a [ __ ] it's like a miracle yeah it's great and by the way congrats on your recovery man right now yeah I don't mean right in this moment you're high now I started by started drinking a little bit about a couple years ago and I realized that that was there was no issue with it just wasn't for me I don't like it that much so now I'm completely and utterly sober and by the way Stephanie is a is amazing she's amazing I mean she just explained how she went through a little phase and she she made enough money to buy multiple exotic cars and multiple houses in multiple states and did her thing she's a hustler but she's also just a sweet girl and you know we've all gotten to know her and she's super down-to-earth and great to all of us [ __ ] awesome dude yeah and how long how long you guys been together not very long couple months listen do you know how they met oh good I'm not - listen I just I found her because I Mike had his fascination affinity whatever you wanna call it with the doll film stars and she's the number one in the world she's young she's gorgeous and for his birthday I surprised him with her that's how they got introduced for one of my vlogs a piece of content blindfolded me I turned around I thought it was gonna be like a trip or some car something like that and there was a lot of wrote standing behind me and so I said wow what the [ __ ] and we we hung out for an hour for the vlog and then that night we hung out again and then we hung out again we went to his brothers fight in Miami turn into a thing it's awesome so you use birthday you got your boy a girlfriend his girlfriend faxes and so now he wants me to return the favor for his bday and by the way [ __ ] pissed he has him but what you say [ __ ] well okay listen listen to my love story so I've been I've been dating Kelly for four years we live together we bought a house together and all that so we're like definitely in that zone so I'm about to get engaged max I haven't talked about that point no no we we talked about everything so okay so she we plan it all together and all that but no I haven't talked about it before with anyone well not with anyone balloon and publicly so now to get on the stage I typed in raywilliamjohnson girlfriend did you date and Icona uh yeah like eight years ago yeah anyway my story's sorry I'm sorry is it is it there is it the redhead is that her yeah okay cool yeah he's like can you get all the rest of the pictures off the screen please and yell are a beautiful couple I'll do this baby I swear to god I've never had an ex before us was that jenna Marbles oh I'm about to get engaged right yeah and we got it I've got this all planned out I'm supposed to give a TED talk in Belgium in about three weeks okay and talk about that in a minute oh but I get invited to this TED talk and I'm like this is this is awesome this is like I I can't because I love being on stage I did stand-up for a long time and this would be great and I thought okay so I will take Kelly with me and I'll give the TED talk and then we'll spend two weeks and we'll travel around Europe and then we'll end in Paris and then I'll take her to Paris Disneyland because she loves Disneyland and it'll be a total cliche and under the Eiffel Tower I'll propose and it'll be great and I you know I sort of walked her through it and talked and she's like this is amazing huge dream and it was all ruined because you told her probably I think you're supposed to wait and actually just do it I don't know if you know that actually it was because of the coronavirus you're lying but your clothes oh no no that's a joke the corona virus did not ruin your yes I'm not just gonna sit on a plane for 12 hours because I'm not worried about necessarily about getting it because our demographic survives it's I don't want to be quarantined in a foreign country yes dude proposed her in quarantine that's a better status some power that'll go virus totally vlog it yes in a hazmat suit yeah so that'll go viral twice one because you have the corona virus and also because it's not my it's not my goal to go viral with my engagement or anything like that like I wanted it to be something awesome for her you know and for me so like a real human type of thing live human being I'm not sure I understand what yeah and so like all of it all that's completely ruined it's something I actually haven't cancelled my my TED talk yet so I should probably get on that before this comes out and they're like oh yeah we learned that you cancelled this about Thursday you got four days the serkova 19 engaged let's close did and I'm gonna wait for it to pass before we like I don't know try and do it all again good luck through the stock market like hits you what today about think about 1800 points yeah set off a level one circuit break for a trading halt because Nasdaq dropped by 7% which automatically triggers a circuit halt and then the second ones at 32 it's crazy what does this [ __ ] really does get real bad it somehow turns into some zombie apocalypse type situation and you never end up proposing because you got you became a zombie yeah that how do you feel about the fact that it was on me I like how you how you were like and you never end up proposing because you can became a zombie as if the proposing part would be the worst part of that zombie it'll happen as I get a zombie wedding that's a great [ __ ] movie wedding right it and you could join up with any influencer would it be Logan for the zombie apocalypse or no I don't know man what kind of resources you got there strong endless well you got it you live in a gated we need to we need a base all the same we're out we're out there's a full retreat spot we have a full retreat okay yeah then all right then I'm on your team let me ask you a question go ahead looking at this picture dude looking at you now in real life man we talked about the skin that you have yeah and how it's it's awesome you're great-looking guy great-looking girl happy couple smart guy driven charismatic savvy helps others I believe you may have a duty to have a child even though you don't want one you're the dude I mean there's a lot of idiots out there mass reproducing which is why he doesn't want to have one no because I have this conversation with Spencer jr. Spencer and they have to play with the idiot doesn't have he's easy no why walk around barefoot and he doesn't wanna have a kid but he's him an angel are amazing like he is the person who should be reproducing and replenishing our planet with more humans like the good ones the good ones but literally like I said he's not reproducing cuz all the idiots are he's like I don't want my I don't want a [ __ ] spawn of mine hanging out all these well Muppets then it'll be my goal to help all those idiots not be so much of an idiot behind I wouldn't be a good parent because I don't want to be a parent boom period nice it makes so much sense it really does yeah I don't have a problem with kids kids are cool and they're fun I just that's not my thing man I'm I like cats do you have cats I had three cats nice we talked about Jeffrey Katzenberg earlier right that piqued my interest immediately you might talk about kwibi maker studios cable monopolies oh okay are we supposed to do division with that is what is that is that one divided maker maker studios divided by K monopoly maker studios dude so maker studios was a company that I worked with a long time ago that helped me produce some stuff they helped me produce like a few shows they helped me produce a bunch of animated stuff there was an animation for a long time and we had we had a falling out when they got bought and were transitioning from being a small production company to being owned by Time Warner and then later they were bought out completely bought out by Disney right when they were going to Time Warner when Time Warner bought like a majority of the shares what happened was I think it was Time Warner I want to get that wrong but what happened was basically and I'm obviously paraphrasing this whole thing and glossing over it but basically Time Warner tells maker you know they start looking under the hood and they go oh you have all of these all of these social media influencers under these contractors you don't own any of their content right like it you might be signed with some but I don't know if they own impulsive right so time warner who's old school looked at that and they were like well you got to own the content they want the IP they want the IP and so maker came to me again paraphrasing and they were like hey man you got a you got a sign over the IP too you know at least part of it two equals three and they already own half the I'm half the IP [ __ ] going through puberty over right so they wanted anyway they already owned half of the animation stuff but they wanted half of the equals three stuff and I was like well give me a cut so no but like give me a contract and I'll look at it so they gave me a contract and the contract was awful like it was we want it was more or less we want everything we're not offering you anything this is what Lee 2012 this was 20 yeah 2012 I think they were the [ __ ] maker was was that was the biggest player right yeah they were I think they were the biggest and so most of the big most of the contracts that they were serving to people people are designing you you said no yeah I said no because it was stupid and then I hand it over to my lawyer and I'm like what do you think me up on this what do you think and he's like that's - have you showed that contract to a hundred people on the street they would say no because they're asking for everything and not giving anything which is not a big deal I get offered things all the time and I go no because it's not it's not you know it's not in my best interest but what the problem was is they were helping me produce these things and they their CEO who was you know a lot younger than he's probably in his 40s now he's in his 30s then but he was kind of a hothead and he was kind of a bro and he was then he started trying to strong-arm me he's basically like hey man if if you don't sign this we're gonna break you [ __ ] knees we're gonna well we're gonna cut off your legs we're gonna cut off like yes like what's your legs gone yeah exactly we're gonna cut off production to everything that we're working on right so you need to sign this and we're gonna shut your shows down I'm like well you can't shut my shows town because you know one of them you don't own it all right and if you shut the other one down it's just gonna hurt you and and I didn't believe was like whatever you're not gonna do that and then they did they did they call they called my bluff and I was like oh my god so I had to start filming out of my house like so that I wouldn't miss an episode or whatever and I was like all right cuz I don't I don't get into drama and I don't I especially don't fight publicly because I don't get into the thing where I'm like oh I'm so mad at him and I want everyone to see us you know fight it out on that's not my thing live on the zone so I didn't say anything guard just just whatever they they are dicks and move on and do your own thing you'll be fine you've always been a self-starter you'll you'll keep going but then the CEO I don't know why he did it I think he did it just to be a dick but he put out a press statement that basically said we dropped ray from our roster what tough and it made me look really bad not not that I quit and left which I did but basically that they severed ties with me because they were think trying to jump out in front of the story and so immediately my social media is blowing up with like oh why did they drop you what did you do wrong and all this stuff and I was like all right so I at least need to put my story out there so I wrote an op-ed and I'm a pretty good writer like if I hadn't gone into other forms of entertainment I probably would have written mmm so I write an op-ed and I give it to like the only blog that I know of and I don't even know if that blog still around nor do I remember the name but I do remember having a contact with someone so I give this blog like hey man will you publish this and anyone who searches my name can see the real the real story and I said in fact here's a copy of that contract that they offered me and you can put it right next to it so that people know I'm not full of [ __ ] but I don't know if anyone's gonna find it and he put it up and it went viral like within a few hours Wow like everyone is sharing it because it made them look really bad at least everyone in my bubble was sharing it it made them look really bad well then the CEO the high like reads it and he he texts me and he says something along the lines of breaking both your ankles he's like you're gonna die [ __ ] something like you're gonna die [ __ ] this is war so he's actually coming for ya it was some kind of threat like in text and I was like I can't believe I can't believe this just escalated to this threat and so I scream capped at and tweeted it out oh my god so they the vent the media media like them not just the Eddie Hearn Joe mark house loves the media media picked up on that and they were like wait a minute this company that Comcast or Time Warner now owns the CEO is dead yeah it's threatening this guy um and then they all hit me up for a statement and I was like I I do not do this this is not my thing so I'm not giving you any state everything that I have wanted to say I said it in my op-ed and then I showed you the the threatening text and I'm not going to be on that class right huh but and and and I kind of wanted the the guy to be the CEO to be shamed for it because that is not cool like you're you're in a you're in a position where you you can't do that [ __ ] and also don't threaten people in writing dumbass qat so anyway you gotta send those by carrier pigeon but as long as a carrier pigeon doesn't have it in writing it needs to be a parrot who can regurgitate what you said and tell him he's gonna die [ __ ] cannon string his worked as well but I think a few months after that he got fired for that not your top talent or whatever likes I think like the board kicked him off and I think he's doing fine now like he started another company and started a new mob squad of killers I saw him in a meeting a couple of years ago and he like we didn't talk about it but it seemed fine like it was okay and I'm like all right cool he's he's grown up and yeah all that so it's all good but look man it was a it was a big company and he grew it from nothing to to being you know Disney sold to Disney so it was like it was like his baby I'm sure and he didn't he didn't want it to look bad and although I don't know why I'm making excuses for him interesting III didn't know it's like that that's the that's the sort of maker studios story and I don't I don't like I know people back in the day we're like yeah you hate makers I know everyone I met that I that worked there I thought was really great yeah I got into the fight with a head guy everyone else was really good are you still tight with any of the og youtubers or any anyone now that we may have seen online um I don't think so were you I don't think I was ever tight within him oh this guy you know Lloyd from epic rap yes of course yes yeah Lloyd's my boy he's the tall one or shorter one he's sure he has he has other you know physical characteristics but yes he is shorter than the other one so you tell me he's so he you're told me he has more just being sure or no yeah he definitely I would say he's got more going on than that he's a really talented guy he's the talented one just a quick determinate is the one on the left he's [ __ ] amazing this one right yeah cuz this one's really tall yes at all I don't know no we need a high six seven foot nine career to go do comedy you're tight with uh with Lloyd oh yeah I'm great I just had dinner with him a while back very cool but I look to be honest a tight with Lloyd honestly I'm not I don't I don't and we'll say I don't have a lot of friends but I don't I don't hang out for the sake of that often yeah let's either everyone we like lives in this house that's it is very hard to hang out I have a hard time kicking it right kicking it back with the boys I'm either working or Kia with my boy not really that's like--that's like the oil - hanging out boozing and drugs are like the oil to hang out people when you're sober and all you're trying to do is build businesses hanging out is the biggest [ __ ] detriment every like you want to do what you wanna go see a movie how the [ __ ] am I gonna monetize that and once I'm in my movie what are we gonna do during that movie yeah when I can I bring my laptop in answer emails like what am I they've Wi-Fi yeah it's it's it's sort of a weird I don't know I don't think I was always like that I think it developed over time where you just work so much and there's like a there's like a sort of an accomplishment factor when you're working and then when you go hang out with someone you're like where's that accomplished oh yeah where did it go yeah this feels so weird that's why that's why I like doing certain things helps like you go to hang out with someone to like do those painting painting classes where you like paint something together at least you've done so oh yeah act to activities to foster a friendship yeah that that works versus like you know the people that you want to hang out that means like go sit on the couch and throw back 40 ounces or [ __ ] PBRs or some [ __ ] are you are you asking me to take a painting class with you - as a matter of fact si I'd like that guy's and hang it right next to that one that's some art I made see you ladies gentlemen his fridge is right there kitchen and I don't know if you know this but at night Spencer sleeps right here right here in this back in the day just before the sleeping bag right right no but we've had I've had sex right here oh that's good it was where we're on the counter yeah yeah right here and and right there she got rug burns though because he was on the carpet yeah that's her fault she was going too hard I told her chill who's that again full-name back ah you just so I can uh yeah you know I can't you not that particular one I have class I'm not gonna reveal all this too much too much information well we just exploit the [ __ ] out of our lives and I really do wonder when it's gonna stop like the fact that you said you want to do a real human marriage and not have it on camera like I commend you that's awesome I know also like what a great people do that all the time you can do that if you want I just might do it I might not I don't think I will it doesn't benefit me or anyone else in any way for me to like vlog the whole thing why I why I started capturing anything on video is because I love the fact that you will it is a moment preserved in time forever yeah that's true right so it's this double-edged sword of living in the moment but also the moment moments are [ __ ] fleeting dude I I don't know what happened five seconds ago I cannot paint the picture for you I can go here though I go right there and look at it so if I have a class this is such a big argument right now in art art in our day and age it's like do you wanna record your grandma's last birthday happy birthday cake moment do one record it and watch back or do you want to live it with her right so that she lives it with you and you live it with her or do you want to be standing there like that's right grandma you look great on the screen and she's like are you gonna [ __ ] signa happy birthday you're gonna look at me on your phone wow it's a big [ __ ] question it is thee to be or not to be of our generation do you want to live or do you want to fail to film or not to film that's it and it's a big question that is our Hamlet for sure especially especially with your pre-arranged engagement that you've already run through multiple times with all the specs and everything yeah she's like you said 126 we'd be on it's a small world after all what is the hold up why are we still standing here damn rude guy ruined so much for me I'm still bit I'm so bitter about it as I had to come on this pad guys talk about it piss me off are you uh on the tick-tock I'm not no what did you get you that did the Facebook so I'm I'm 38 so I'm probably 36 years old [Laughter] despises tick-tock I mean I'm even 2040 I found myself lip singing it tick tock yesterday I'm like what the [ __ ] am i you're not the only influencer to to say I buddy with a guy who rubs out who works with a bunch of influencers and he's like they and anyone over 18 who makes content for it like any influencer who feels like they have to do it they all complain about it because it would move um I got a college degree and I'm over here lip-synching to [ __ ] Taylor Swift this is ridiculous if you can make oh if if if you can make a tick-tock like truthfully really funny and if I can find that spark that made me start doing vines and like that creativity and I like the product it like I made to yesterday that are actually amazing awesome and I watch them and I'm actually gonna post it when I post on Twitter the cache is gonna be I think something like well I made a tick-tock and I actually don't hate this one so if you if you can if you can adapt it to again just believe it or not make you happy you probably be alright yeah of course and at some point I might but I just don't that demo is so young so young so young for me Oh young and maybe when they grow up also you know this argument could be made two years ago for snapchat and I didn't really do the snapchat thing and then it kind of stuck around and it kind of went away and so tick-tock and that could be the case for tick-tock maybe not who knows it could be the next big thing I do this much in two years it's gonna be a completely different one it'll be a new one it would be like have you been on what you know Shiblon Oh quick quick have you been on do you have a show on quit you have a show on kwibi if you're if you're on kwibi as a creator are you a quiver nobody likes a quitter quivering I'm a quiver if she equip is Reese Witherspoon a quiver who else have you seen Reese without her spoon ever quiver [Music] but I caught it last night here what happened no shake my hands that was I still that was great it's just reason Witherspoon bro check it out this is Reese Witherspoon and this is reason without ice cream I know I'm sorry there's certain things I just can't dad jokes I know love dad jokes want to hear my favorite one I told that I'm two podcasts ago if you take the filter out of a vacuum cleaner give it a good scrub are you too smart for dad jokes you can predict the outcome no it's cuz you'll never be a dad there you go look first of all that's not a really high bar thank you sitting there you do smart for that now you can just you see it coming from a mile away yeah I mean come on I like as a person who has spent a lot of time writing jokes you see him coming let's play a game it's called Nazi Yahtzee this game is called first word with raywilliamjohnson we have a list of creators who we want you to say the first word that comes to your mind and I I think you'll know these ones a list of creators that's right like Internet creators yep what's first word for that guy oh okay so I have to look up here and yes okay first word but with is cutoff so first word if raywilliamjohnson here we go this Oh lumberjack son of a lumberjack I like her she's great um sweet sweetheart yes wants to marry into the lumberjack family can't they just can't accept it from the dad sorry clean-cut yeah I'm going for hair styles yeah yep bye oh why oh um broke Adam Sandler oh no you had to do one word broke how much broke okay one word water boy sorry I don't recognize a lot of the people there that's actually fascinating that david dobrik to you is just a person will never be a lumberjack yep that's all he is to you he's the world's biggest creator I mean I'm sure he's sure he's a great person I don't Robbi hack away some some logs - Oh David chop chop the [ __ ] out of someone again I I don't I know how offended Internet influencers get these was why I feel like I feel it gets the ones who almost and could be great and like top tier that get offended because they're still in like that phase or you maybe have to put on an ego to embody the role of what it means to be there in the fluence they're in the fake it part of the fake it till you make it exactly and these ones all have made it but I don't give a [ __ ] okay I think it's cuz they're in a bubble to be honest I mean that to me I'm surrounded by people who know them and and like them and give them [ __ ] and treat them a certain way and then suddenly they step out of the bubble and it's like oh no I maybe I've seen you I'm not really sure I don't really watch and they're like oh but this is [ __ ] yeah I can't believe oh you haven't seen my toy unboxing podcast I'm Ryan's toy time it's one pod cat one whole podcast dedicated to one toy and that is us if you haven't seen it no do this oh sorry I have no idea what you're talking do you think part of the reason why they are as big as they are is because they wouldn't get offended or don't get offended when people don't know they are because how much this thick-skinned contribute to overall success on the Internet I mean it's it's everything that's that's part of what my um that's part of what my TED talk was gonna be about was dealing with fear of judgement mmm and and so like borign everyone naturally has a fear of of judgement to some degree it's like we're hardwired for it and I can get into the science of it but I don't have to but where everyone's naturally hardwired for that so when it takes a special kind of crazy to put yourself in a position where you're on stage or you're on camera and you're you're in a situation where more people are going to judge you openly than they would in a normal scenario and it yeah you got to be a little nuts to sort of want that right to bring it upon yourself right to bring it upon yourself and then to have to deal with it and then put that face on of like okay I'm this is fine like you know one person said they hate me today and that's not gonna ruin my day you know how like you you know you have those days and then you read that one comment you're like I'll [ __ ] kill that guy it doesn't matter if 19 people told you you're amazing you get that one at that right time and destroys your soul I know so I tell you I'll give you this rule of mine it probably wouldn't work for you but it works for me probably won't work for you because I think the style of content that you do is more involved in the influencer singing code but so 10 about ten years ago I watched there was like a video someone said to me and it was about me and I watched it and it was a fan and I want to say it was you know some young girl and she was like Ray's amazing he's the most amazing person in the world he's so funny and I was like oh that's sweet oh good for her gave it a like and maybe a comment or whatever and then I watched another one and it was some guy and he was like Ray's the biggest piece of [ __ ] yeah I if I ever saw him I'd punch him right in the dick and I I said and it was like it wasn't just that it was like saying things that I had done that I'm just like I didn't do that listenmi yeah which is another rule you learn as an influencer if people can't find [ __ ] about you they'll just make it up anyway so what's these two videos back-to-back and this was I believe I was still living in New York so I believe it was 2010 and I said I'm never gonna watch a video about myself again and I swear to God I have not no I swear to God nice if someone sends me a video and says they talk about you I don't watch it if my name's in the title I don't watch it even if I think it's positive well you watch do not watch it I will watch this because I'm involved yes right that's a little different but I don't watch it and it's not because you know I can't deal with hater comments actually psychologically I think that either of those perspectives in either of those videos aren't healthy because no matter what this young girl says I'm not the most amazing person in the world right and it's not healthy for me to believe that nor am I the biggest piece of trash in the world and it's not healthy for anyone to believe that either and so what happens to these influencers I think and why they get these these weird egos is like you're being pulled in completely polar opposite directions push in a stage where you're trying to figure out who you are and and likely you you know you land somewhere on the spectrum of you know being awesome to like being a turd sometimes yeah right but they're trying to figure out who they are and some days they believe this group and some days they believe this group and I think it makes them really manic and it's not good for them so I completely stay away from that stuff and frankly I probably avoided a lot of drama from it to thank me for coming to your TED talk that was actually not innovative that was Ritz really true I never once thought about it like that in my entire life but it's so true some days you're hammer some days you're the nail when it comes to comments and some days you're the funniest guy and some days you're not you know and it that definitely has a affect that going back and forth between turd and amazing yes as you said yeah and why and like look I'm I refuse to be a part of the [ __ ] story that someone tells themself me and and no one that knows me I believe has ever like made a video about me because anyone that knows me would call me and be like hey I have a problem with you or whatever so I have it I don't necessarily like lost anything from from missing out on any of this stuff and occasionally I'll see comments that are like hey this and it's like a username like this person like this whoever they made a video about you you should watch it well I mean also like the other question is like how much at the end of the day do you really give a [ __ ] what the audience says about the performer like you're the performer you're the person that's and and we talked about this the other day there's two very different approaches there's either the person that takes critique takes a lot of that feedback and just swims in it and tries to digest what's pot like what's constructive because sometimes there's little nuggets of constructive or critique in there and then there's people that I I relate more to that are just like I don't really give a [ __ ] unless like in all honesty I'm producing the content I want to produce if you like it fan-fucking-tastic if you don't like I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] so like unless you have very specific criticism or critique for me which we had some on the show recently where I was like yo like pull a little bit back a little bit let another Pete you have that kind of stuff great I'll listen to it I'll take it yeah but for the most part like I don't really does the reason why I'm here and there's an audience that's watching or that you're here and there's an audience watching if they want to create their own content then they should do that you know I'm saying it's a pasta telling you all the time like yo you suck you [ __ ] suck or is great or whatever I there's definitely that I like to consider myself a bit more receptive to two notes delivered in any fashion you're big on the delivery right it's not what you say it's how you say it I don't give a [ __ ] it's what you say I don't care how you say it if I if you think watching right now I'm a piece of [ __ ] you let me know it by the way I'll listen I'll be like okay what what did I do I wonder what I did for me to be better when I talked with Gary Vaynerchuk for our documentary of the maverick documentary he said you know if Sally pants nine four one four seven leaves a comment that she sucks like are you sucking maybe maybe she's right like why why why does she think that let's see if I could flip her because by the end of my life I would love to flip everyone who's ever said anything negative about me and it's of doing the [ __ ] you - banishing them Friday I believe I believe I can flip I just need to let me hate that and I and I would disagree 100% with GV on that one just because there's a lot of people out there who just want to say you suck no thought no reason for sure for sure but what if what if the person that is throwing out those mindless pointless mean negative comments could be flipped to being a good hopeful optimistic young because of your content they can't they can't give it up it's a fool's errand all your time trying to flip people's opinion the best thing you can do is be to be that the real you the authentic 100% the best version of you and hope that they get on board sir but I got yeah I got 60 more years to do that like I'm I'm sure I'll be able to flip some P I've already flipped people that passed like six months to e yeah but you do you do that by being like yourself yeah that your friends like being around for shot that version of you so if they don't like that now I'm like if they don't like that you're not like man I'm not good enough for sure you would it right it's it's that well they're just not into me yeah for sure for sure some people just don't like the color purple you agree they're gonna stick the middle finger one of my favorite jay-z quotes only god can judge me so I'm gone either love me or leave me alone that's it either love me or leave me the [ __ ] alone I don't get like either you [ __ ] with me and you like what I do and you like what I produce or just go do something else I don't unless you have very specific critique or criticism that could tell me how to do better if you want to deliver a warm heart everything I write when I tell give Logan a note it is thought-out to a tee and I try to do do the best possible job I can telling him how to do a better job right how you say things you suck does it helps no one it helps absolutely no and why do you it doesn't tell why for the person sucks it doesn't tell what you're feeling does nothing what do I do with that you're a simp you're a loser you're what is this [ __ ] by the way so one thing that's going around I don't know what it's like somebody that liked try so hard to be with a girl but never hooks up with a girl simp a simple person lacking common sense of for 38 years a man that puts himself in a subservient submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over with other female bringing anything to the table I'm sorry what are you reading the Urban Dictionary I like what you said about the video is the one praising you and the one that's showing the disdain for you I guess they're gonna go and they're gonna go in either how many times have you put out a video and every comment is like yeah look at Paul he's alright no it's gonna be he sucks or he's amazing right oh yeah or this other person in this video sucks or they're gonna say something you know sexually suggestive about the women in the video that's lawful right but not like none of that I'm not saying none of it can't be helpful videos no yeah you are well that's the worst thing that's the worst comment anyone could ever give you ah give or take that's the worst thing you can ever get because but cuz here's the thing people watching your videos and hating you and commenting it and people watching videos and loving you and commenting on it is all engagement that's driving ads ad revenue and revenue for you and and views somebody that doesn't care enough I'm not gonna watch I don't care that's your biggest problem I agree with you for me a utility' sorry how do I say it cemetery from up from a district right perspective because you know that old saying all publicity is good publicity I actually don't think that's true I agree with you so [ __ ] false I think bad publicity is actually better publicity because negativity travels faster and farther so if you're getting a shitload of negative comments now you're in terms of the business you're doing it you're actually doing it right which I hate to say hate it I don't like that and I don't like to do that [ __ ] but like yeah you get people mad at you you want to play the villain that's a role that some people have stepped into sure they've made a career out of it sure sometimes though you can go you can shoot yourself in the foot like oh like nearly a hundred I'm saying this stuff you just can't come back from yeah I'm thinking about that girl threw a cat on the livestream right or the girl be hurt dog up wait am I what elena salinities the cat won and she just got beat up by her cat now the other day so it's even 1-1 so she threw her cat and elyda t she's a twitch streamer okay she was singing the other day and the cat really got her they have a new life hold the skin off of her without with the tea and it yuzu min you could see you [ __ ] live they can't do that why did anyone ask it one of these cat finally gets revenge I mean it really [ __ ] god she's hot wait really was she mean to the cat or was this just a cat being a weird cat she threw her cat walnuts hat doesn't like when she sings and I think she was singing again the cat doesn't like what you is this it yeah oh [ __ ] this cat scratched his [ __ ] on her no [ __ ] you are bro the cat strikes strikes back Wow and so this way this went really big because the story about her throwing the cat is a viral story in the twitch community and every time something happens on Twitch she got no repercussion for throwing her cats so every time like a girl's nipple slips out and they get banned they say but you can abuse animals and so everybody who's waiting for the cat to strike back and it [ __ ] okay got her could go strong buddy [ __ ] yeah Wow I watched the the Drake rap radar interview I took notes on it I think he's I think he's the go I think he's incredibly wise me like as a person Jay doesn't think he's it go no well I mean you you like him a singer I like him as the wisdom that he has that I don't I don't believe Drake is a farm animal both both that's why that's why I think he's the go okay I love I love him as a person and I really love his music you have an opinion I could tell do you like no I wish I was listening sorry I was listening I was watching this and one of the notes I took was he said he tries never get never to get caught up too much in the highs or the or the which is kind of what you were saying and your sentiment towards reacting towards both videos the really good ones tell you how great you are and the really bad ones it's I mean it's it's all noise dude it's cool it needs to be all noise or it'll pull you in each direction that it goes yeah right a day sucks right here right here yeah and right here if you stay in your circle and do this [ __ ] you love to do and don't be too influenced by the people watching other people just doing this because they can type on a keyboard yeah you'd be good the one the one thing I took out of this conversation today by the way too is both of you guys have done such a good job of breaking out like you you used to went into like stand-up and then Ted and now you're starting a clothing company helping people you with boxing and I think that that's kind of overlooked when it comes to internet creators and like youtubers of how important it is to step out of that out of that realm and into like something new whether it be like yeah so like traditional media whatever you know some yeah because look despite what anyone tell you by offer you a little bit of wisdom which you already know I'm sure despite what anyone tells you the way 99% of people experience success is not in this really straight long line that lasts their entire life even even if it from the outside even if it looks like that even if you look at Tom Cruise you're like well he's been successful for four years and you know no no that's only because you you're not zoomed in far enough success comes in pockets right right and so you gotta like you gotta like catch each pocket as it comes because everything changes over time I think I referenced it earlier where you know podcasts might be out of favor in two years yep and then you got to be then you got to like do the next thing you what you don't want to do is be like well I'm going down with the ship I love that device yeah it's a series of crests and troughs highs and lows and you just all you have to do very simple have more wins than you do losses yes and stay on the up-and-up but if any any normal persons progression to success looks like this and I am the cameras no my eyes oh right so yeah if there's ups and downs little ones and then something no but then sometimes sometimes for my case no everyone yeah but for any and everyone keep on that up and up yeah always always and and yeah you jump from like pocket to pocket and that's that's the thing man when people talk about success like a thing I look at it as more of a personality trait one that you can develop over time if you want so you say someone is successful and I said well they're a successful person meaning that no matter what comes their way they're gonna make it that's awesome most successful stories I know are of successful people like like like they they did this for a while they were very successful in that arena right they went so not not most I guess but a lot of the stories of successful people are successful people that you said you have a lot of really strong inside didn't know that you're gonna bring this I had a really good show I was gonna say man this was [ __ ] phenomenal bro you are incredibly wise and articulate well thanks man yeah of course dude and not that my validation means any so yeah my advice to you and well to really anyone about being successful because I get asked about that a lot and I'm sure you do too is develop that personality trait yeah don't wait for luck to come along luck happens you can we can point to a million people who got lucky but luck luck happens but it doesn't stick around look happens once hmm maybe twice in your life right the people who stay successful for a long time that's not luck that is that is something that they are doing in their approach to every single thing they do that they make it work thanks right there's a reason why you went from being successful on vine to having a successful podcast to you know you're getting all these the I don't know how successful you are in boxing I'm sure you're kicking some ass it's not even true he's a good he's a very good boxer he just hasn't turned the engine on completely yet one thing another not ready yet I'm not ready I'm gonna hit him next time yeah the one the one other thing you pointed out a little bit when you were saying about successful people too is they they diversify like he's trying thing Cubao tit the success rate of somebody who tries a lot of things is probably higher than somebody that says I really like this and I'm gonna do just that most of them really uber successful people you know have tried a million things before the first thing hits you know what I'm saying and maybe some of the other ones hit pretty well but then that one booms you know gotta try things in out there in Ducie your your if your video game thing had taken off we'd all be playing battlegrounds or doing that instead of this cuz you just that's that's the way it happens man by the way I just I don't know I don't know a lunar day or like anything about her well like I feel bad cuz I know what it's like to be pinned is that one person who do that one thing I don't think I don't subscribe to that whatsoever she gets that yeah it's even but but I think yeah she's cool but now I got attacked by her but even before that like I didn't I didn't give I like I didn't I didn't even see the Catherine video I wanted it's it's all jokes to squash the beach yeah yeah alright alright thank you thank you I want to see this TED talk so if you can risk getting the coronaviruses answer for it I'll give it at some point maybe not just maybe not this round because you know okay that makes sense we're gonna find you on social media if they want to do that you can you can search me right william johnson that's my handle everywhere like Facebook YouTube Instagram I run like 12 Facebook accounts you got all of that macho you got all that like make money doing it face like they're different branded sharp it's crazy anyway but yeah cool very cool thank you for coming on brother yeah listening thanks for being a part of her now plus 2 million subscriber Ganga gangster we love you we'll see you next time take it easy peace
Views: 1,157,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, ray william johnson, equals 3, =3, rwj, makers studios, ray william johnson vlogs, og youtube, youtube, jenna marbles
Id: cJF0lb0k_ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 44sec (5744 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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