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there's a saying that goes like this it's great minds discuss ideas average Minds discuss events small minds discuss people and this episode is purely about people so like when we do these episodes where we just talk about people I wonder I wonder am i a small-minded man the very last episode we had on this show on the impulsive show was about beef yeah and I don't like talking about B yeah I like love I like unity I like working together as a community unity community nice mm-hmm guess what today's show is about just shitshow beef the number one podcast in the world although I found out we might not be it's I can't believe it um Joe Rogan sold his podcast the droving spirits exclusively to Spotify for I guessed before I heard the numbers I set a hundred million plus and it turns out it turns out Joe Rogan did indeed do a hundred million dollar-plus deal with Spotify really huh thank you really I think so but how can you get that high and still be as productive and accomplishes Joe Rogan some people smoke weed and do things differently than you do you have brain shut off he's just got like what's rock so he gets wired and when he smokes is that a genetic thing like why when I smoke do I become a use of sacrifice experience really smoking for sure so everything everyone grote goes through that like sloth phase it's not even a yes but it's not even that it's more so the weed having an immense effect on you I think as you go on and you smoke for 10 20 years you smoke a joint and you're you just you're you you doesn't even do a functioning pothead it's it's like like a like a functioning alcoholic it becomes a par so normalizing in your daily life that it's just you is it yeah I'm not willing to smoke for that long dude yeah I I'm really acknowledging and adopting this phase that I'm in and I'm okay with it but I'm gonna cut the [ __ ] probably when I maybe start training again or I think maybe yeah well maybe I'm Joe just sold his podcast man he did pretty well he's been smoking weed for a long time correlation see that's what I know see that's what I don't want to happen I don't I don't need to be like well he smokes weed and he was successful so it works for me anyone listening or like who's a fan of Joe Rogan or even even this show and hearing me talking about smoking weed like just monitor what it does to you please and make sure it's legal in your state - the last thing I want to do is break any laws it's different for everybody though you're absolutely right some people I remember hearing Pete Davidson like he needed weed to do SNL he needed it really does it come dues anxiety attacks he had severe anxiety I think some [ __ ] maybe I'm making all this up who the [ __ ] knows what a part of me believes that what I'm saying is absolutely crazy for some other people what its opposite for some other it's the anxiety freaks them out there's a saying that goes like this it's a great minds discuss ideas average Minds discuss events small minds discuss people and this episode is purely about people so like when we do these episodes where we just talk about people I wonder I wonder am i a small-minded man no no no no no is it small-minded or you turning to you get smaller physically I have shrunk is that by an inch your doctor said you're losing weight - you're turning into dog yo so that makes me mad that makes me mad the nurse comes in she goes have you lost weight I go yeah she goes VI you look a little skinny or in your face I'm like I'm like okay cool and then the doc comes in he goes have you lost weight one was fine - four - got me upset like now you've attacked my masculinity she lose ten pounds just man come on people would be dying to lose him but not good ten pounds all muscle my muscles gone I'm a sack a stick racing away I am he's got a few more man is it that or drugs gotta eat more honestly honestly doing the full circle here that's probably why I smoke weed a little bit cuz I know when I smoke dog ah I'm a vacuum are you trying to get garbage disposal yeah do I cuz i'm i feel my face just sinking into itself you don't look bad I mean you don't look great no I'm not kiddin how do I look man you look fine yeah he does you look handsome the back of his head is oh that's atrocious you need to fix that real fast but all right let's get into it quickly ha I do wanna say as Pete Davidson has Crohn's disease which is obviously a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder obviously as well as a as well as borderline personality disorder and in 2016 he went to rehab he was smoking a lot of weed he said there was no way I could smoking I was like somebody has to put me in a house where there's literally nothing and that's why I went to rehab but but for certain people you know different strokes for different folks I say it a lot because talk about people wanting to kill each other online now okay so it's happening we're back to the beef end it's just it's a toxic week on social media and I think this quarantine is driving people crazy how can it how can it not be forcing folks to stay inside their home and now everyone's questioning everything what is this world we're living in apparently a parallel universe was potentially just discovered there's another me does he have a podcast did he ever vlog her name Logan has already sold Vata 500 million dollars the thing we want to dive into first and I know my colleague has a lot to say about it h3 h3 versus keller keemstar chemist or schema schema situs coma Soros impulsive nation I'm your host hey Big Mike glad I hate every part of it you could do it normally do different not do it less don't do it just run normally we wouldn't cover this kind of [ __ ] right normally we wouldn't cover this but this one is big this one is popping off giving a little context Mike all right I will me either meet you yo you started talking I was like I don't give a [ __ ] yeah we should use this just sit down sit down [ __ ] [ __ ] it we're not gonna talk about it here's what just happened to dive into this h3 h3 versus keemstar beef which if you're in this like super specific subset of of YouTube audience you know these people are otherwise probably there's a good chance you don't and there's a good chance you don't care and you know what I'm with you I decided I don't give it gosh damn I prepared I prepared a three page manifesto on this situation and what you guys aren't seeing it's just a few minutes ago I got through about 80% of page one and I looked to the right of me and my colleagues were dying they were dying everyone in the room was looking at me and they were like when will this end and I wrote this and I was so sure that this was the day who finally stopped yeah and it made me feel so lifeless [Music] here are my only thoughts on cuz I'm hoping that so I'm hoping that the people want to hear this know what I'm talking about Ethan I gotta say good good job it was it was a very well put together well-structured h3h3 video it was well edited blah blah so on and so forth the other thing I'll say is this stop being me trolls live under the bridge under the bridge I will say this keeps our I wrote this you claim to do good deeds you claim to be a good person more than anything you claim to be the core personality of the dramaalert platform you have so diligently built for so many years start acting like it stop spreading hate stop being biased stop making [ __ ] up and trolling people for views stop discounting mental illness this is where it gets dangerous well here if your early 20s maybe maybe you can be doing the [ __ ] on them right but when you're when you're about to be 40 years old and you're bullying 12 year olds on the internet and in some cases like older people to do serious unruhe versa bollec you become what I call a [ __ ] scumbag surely middle-aged dogs to learn new tricks okay so so and I said and I said this do I hate keemstar nope I don't even dislike him I don't want him canceled who would I be to say someone shouldn't have a chance to make things right most of all I'm not want to spend hours on problems I'm going to spend hours on solutions learn unless you want your legacy to be someone who would do anything for views or someone who hurts people for his own benefit make a change put yourself in other people's shoes learn about empathy learn about compassion learn about [ __ ] mental illness stop dividing the community that others are trying so hard to bring together and the final note on it is talking [ __ ] gets you nowhere you might be able to rack up some videos and a couple likes maybe even a couple dollars but if you spend your life tearing people down you will die having made the world worse off than you found it is that what you want your legacy to be it it might with that person specifically I I've seen tweets that he's put out that's like well I feel like I put out enough negative energy today I'm gonna go play a video game and it's almost like it's ending it's almost like it's his [ __ ] intent it's crazy just you guys know I have this dude block than every social media enough for the past again year and a half two years just worked so hard on keeping his name out of my mouth and it's honestly been great it's been great for me it's been great for my family we all just ignites like a little chihuahua biting in your sock get the [ __ ] out well the reason why we're talking about about it and maybe to you he is but he does have a bit of a platform he does and and normally like if you ever if normally if you have a troll which he is he's a bully and a troll that's what he is don't don't hype him up he's not a news reporter he's not unbiased he's not he doesn't report the news he picks assigned he trolls on the people he doesn't like just today just today after all the beef went down after G fuel terminated his contract the first thing he did was retweeted tweet from ksi calling you a loser he didn't even take a [ __ ] second just stop you couldn't see it case I call me a loser oh I see now I'm sad what happened here okay so I had to sweep hold on okay so I wake up this morning it's so good it started off a great day and by the way this day is gone to [ __ ] this is what we call on team maverick a bad day but I wake up and I see this tweet from our friend case I imagine by emerge from a loser you're still salty that's why you still can't keep my name out of your mouth you want to talk views 130 million views in a month on my second channel 50 million on my main channel and I'm not even counting side man I still win and try again cry face laughing face cry laughing face and so this was this is her spot to me talking about maverick clothing launch which is tomorrow which I want to get into a little in a little bit but um so I woke up to this and I'm gonna update you on a timeline I'm gonna try to be as objective as possible so I so I get this right okay so a year and a half ksi and I were good I think I think it was okay like we we were cordial with each other friendly and everything was great and then I saw a live stream of him like calling me a [ __ ] or something and he just kind of rubbed me the wrong way because what I've said this before when he won the fight and I shook his hand I said are we cool and I shook his hand that meant something to me and I and I and I and I tried to stick by that and then I see him chirping on social two to five days after I passed him in subscribers and I had this this feeling that that upset him and that's where the bitterness was coming from so in our last podcast I said I've kept him his name out of my mouth for a year and a half and then I'll suddenly started chirping so I mentioned that he was falling back into the pit of your relevancy which I understand the KSR I fancy you didn't like hearing but he his number statistically statistically his numbers are just not what they used to be and I said this too they will go up and mine will go down and we will keep going back and forth for the rest of time but at that particular moment that's what I said and it cannot be argued so he's waited this and what is he gonna learn that doing this gives you more views both we both get views so it's not it's not like I don't think that's that's what you know he's doing it this time but it's like it's like counting views has become the youtube version of measuring your dick this is a this is a dick measuring contest and I'm saying like statistically speaking unfortunately my YouTube dick is still bigger than JJ's I should say objective is this where we are is this where we've ended up like I just joined this hemisphere like my are my views higher than is right now yes well what the I don't like it what cares bro like this is the [ __ ] I'm talking about dude like this is what this is what's been upsetting me for the past few days like why do we have to do this me to the hell blame you all in or Hannah I'm just saying why do we have to do this [ __ ] why why is the trolling and like talking [ __ ] to people is the lowest common denominator common lot his music dude he he takes a very person when you would saw him he does he probably puts Hawking hours into his work I think anybody would get upset about that why well I love [ __ ] we do like okay I understand it when you guys are building it for a fight I understand it when you guys into a fight get the drama cooking but I just maybe it's cuz I'm old maybe it's cuz I'm outdated I'm a fossil I'm a prehistoric caveman existing in his own right but I don't get online beef I don't get the trolls I don't get these people that build a platform off being mean to other people because it doesn't take much talent all you have to do is on camera none it takes no talent an opinion go on-line talk [ __ ] about the biggest person you could fire a gun at and you could get a few thousand ways so here's your right you're straining a little bit personal thing agree you I love it I love it this is just like this is this is very like deep-rooted ksi of our slogan Paul type show and so I'm reading this and I look I'm read it in the morning I'm God dang it here we are again and I kind of looked at my phone then I looked over my girlfriend next to me I was like mmm I don't know if I care that much like I got ha I got better [ __ ] to do but I do want to know I do want to know I want to know what makes me a loser ok so that's what that's what masks you what makes me a loser is it my hair cut hey that's a little short in the back I get it look I'm color is it cuz I'm color colorblind I have flat feet I have a deviated septum like if you look closely my nose is a little crooked I get it micropenis is it is it my micropenis is it is it my beautiful girlfriend is it my successful friends around me because I'm happy is it my passion and devotion to achieve my goals my ability to empower others what is it what makes me the loser ill this is dumb it's cuz it's cuz you won the fight I guess if you talk about who well you know I'm alright with being a loser on a technicality but the point is this like if if I if I am a loser uh I'm pretty [ __ ] happy successful loser and and I'ma be alright with that his album drops tomorrow this is your promo I hope it does well JJ I hope that why would I not I mean it's like sheep in his head if it does well number one how would you know that I saw a little thing on my [ __ ] insert are you re what's good he's gonna go bald he say he's gonna shave his head if he gets number one out I hate that I hate the same that's bad that I've made have you got lessons even even then like you think about that I mean less than two million views like dude people would be going crazy if they even got a quarter of that but historically he's been the god the king can we can we talk about about WK can we talk about why for a second like i cuz cuz this is my show of objectiveness i don't know why I'm feeling like facts here I just love facts are not natural as [ __ ] why why are jiggers views down well what is it cuz here's let me ask this is he putting a [ __ ] ton of energy into music and so he and so when he comes time to make the video maybe he doesn't have the time and effort to put in a video make like what's what's the reason I'm curious I think I think it's a psych I think it's a cycle of okay so either his videos he has a second channel in main channel main channel he's like kind of devoted to music second channel is a commentary based channel and he doesn't leave is he's the roller chair guy and I think the audience that consumes that grows out of it just like just like any other youtuber like my vlogs in a year will feel stale I think or maybe not I don't know but I think people grow up and their interests change and you you've sat for 20 minutes watching a guy make commentary about like a reddit post and the minoo and then yo gets kind of Oh strangely then you get older and you start yearning to watch people in roller chairs again is that what happens you got so you're young you watch the roller chair then you watch the vlogs and then you watch Joe Rogan in a rolly chairs you get older is it like a cycle of life maybe just what they're talking about what's he even talk about man he does he does omegle stuff he does he does a boxing tearless he did you see where he put you on the boxing tearless he put Jake in uh he put Jake and the god-tier oh he was Jitsu Jake Jake was in the guy tears yeah Jake was in the god-tier poor Eddie her not already heard bro he said he said it's not happening which I I'ma be honest man this might come as a surprise to but I didn't I didn't see where he put me and I he got to cover this observer magazine which is cool uh he put you out almost there which which which in all honesty is is not is where am I almost right there you're all you're all by herself it looks like and almost there it Jake's in the got here he's got a dog huh must be nice but dude the dudes everything he said it himself I'm just everything that's an ego that just well no that's the kind of ego that sells absolutely break those charged that's a pretty that's a pretty classic you got you got to believe it you know someone has to what's what the [ __ ] is going on this week it's just a it's just a toxic tragic week on the internet just across the board everybody's pissed off you know it's like it's what they say mercury mercury is worse doing something krasimir stupid or some [ __ ] yeah flipping backwards right now it's like we're in a parallel [ __ ] universe what else is going on that's all I got oh [ __ ] tomorrow's the launch of maverick clothing its massive it's so big it's a shame it's like I called this period the rainstorm cuz the rainbow is gonna come we just got to be patient we gotta wait and I'm excited because I really do believe that I've been placed on this on this earth I'm realizing now at 25 years old to empower people whether that's through comedy whether that's through actual action being the example who can do it and that's what this that's what this brands about this with this first drop is about we've gone with the idea of being living proof which everyone in this room is we've all been shot to [ __ ] eventually you know maybe why we're friends because we all the traumatic past and things that have happened to have shaped who we are today but we all raised our head kept our chin up chest out and persevered through all the [ __ ] and so it's been cool to able to be able to emblazon that message in clothing that is not only fashion forward but it forward but it's high-quality there's this clothing is [ __ ] phenomenal and I think the best part about it for the first time starting a VIP program starting and only fence guys know that but it is we are starting a sub based very intimate team experience we're gonna call it the Maverick club this is the first time we've unveiled the name the Maverick club it's like Club Penguin in many ways but yeah the Maverick club basically you get an intimate access and experiential experiences into our life a behind-the-scenes look at the things that go down here and a bunch of benefits including but not limited to weekly exclusive content that we are either not allowed or should not post on YouTube limited edition maverick clothing site wide discounts on everything free shipping we're gonna be giving away $10,000 a month I want to get to a place where we're giving away 100k a month no comers we're gonna be doing uh yeah we're gonna be giving away cars as well it's first the first thing we're gonna go away I will give away my Challenger because you drive you in people it's crazy to imagine that I haven't bought anything since I got to the second city facetiming members every week periodic dinner away dinners member didn't just I have my Invisalign in and it's hard to talk with ya what happened to take your teeth out show I put them back in during that that break yeah but you guys are basically my friends with benefits so yeah the maverick Club is gonna be awesome I'm excited to see where that grows and we hope you join Matt clothing calm tomorrow be ready for it there's been a big process for maverick clothing just start to finish its massive yes you played it you played a big part as well and I love it too to build a brand and see the behind the scenes and go to the factory where they produce it and see the printing and the shipping and the labels and the people that are sewing the stitches and alterations and just love it no interest we've treated this thing like a very very serious brand over the past year massive rebranding efforts on the design side on messaging side real photo shoots real video shoots and more than anything the clothing speaks for itself absolutely it's absolutely incredible super high-quality and I think it I almost feel like I hate saying it but I almost feel like it's not it's pointless for me to talk about the quality of it when people get this stuff and the community starts talking about how this is easily the best clothing and the influencer sphere I think that will speak for itself I think so that's that's that's what I've been telling everyone on our team the the big one is when people actually feel the product absolutely that's gonna be the big stuff last longer if you love sex you love blue chalk aam blue chicama offers a minute performance enhancement for the bedroom you can get the first trubel's with the active ingredients so then I love Phil so then oh I'm gonna get it right until I [ __ ] get it right okay so then so so then a fill or tadalafil this is Cathy Raylan names saving active ingredients as Viagra and Cialis trubel's can work faster trubel's volutes who could be taken out fuller empty stomach the online physician consult is free so it is cheaper than those other two it only takes a few minutes to connect with the blue chick on agility position and if you qualify you get prescribed online quickly no in-person doctor visit no awkward conversation no waiting in line at pharmacy and they shipped directly to your door and a discreet package they're made in the USA and they give you confidence in bed every time you and your partner will indeed love it to it and do it got a great deal for you guys go to blue chip comm get your first order free when you use the promo code Logan just pay five dollars shipping that's blue2 comm promo code Logan III what else we have what are we doing I just I don't know today I mean Mac is saying it Mac's a code word we there was a major major issue that happened today and we doing this yeah I really wish I could have talked more to our leader about this but barstool sports posted something that was so atrocious and just disrespectful and completely inconsiderate of a great group of people and they just use some slanderous terms our good friend Evan is a dwarf a you guys all know Evan dwarf Mamba yeah he is the [ __ ] best and they use the M word and he was personally he felt offended and it sucks I every time he gets offended like this I lies it I try to do my best to you know understand what he's going through and I ask questions on how I can be there to support and whenever he needs help I just want to do my best to assist but this is this is just wrong but what were they thinking so yeah the context here is Barstow Sports posted this answer the internet and it says would you rather have sex with two M words or two seven-foot tall girls the reason I say M words if you watch Evans episode that is a derogatory term apparently in in the dwarf the little people world it's the equivalent of saying the N word but I'm quoting Evan I'm quoting Evan I think I think the most important word that you said there and listen I had Evans back from the beginning on this one I told him hey this is horrible that this happened but you said a word in that sentence apparently you said apparently that word is like the N word to dwarves and why that's important is I told Evan today that although us in this house intimately understand the importance and impact of that word the great majority of people outside this house have no idea that it's a bad word which makes the situation extremely extremely tricky was does Evan have the right to be extremely pissed off absolutely does he have the right to throw a fit about it absolutely but he also said that that to me that he felt I'm trying to be a little careful careful here but he feels the same pain from that word as he feels that the that the N word brings up and I all I wanted to do is remind him that there was a seventy eighty a hundred year revolution around making that word not okay to say people sat in the back of buses they said I won't sit in the back of the bus people died as a result of trying to make that word not okay to say and so where this word is different is that revolution hasn't happened Evan Evan is you know I know I had you know I they are an extremely extremely marginalized group I talked to Evan about this all the time the only reason why there isn't a massive uprising is because the statistics there are not enough little people to feel like they have a voice as a collective yeah and it's unfortunate and I talked to Evan about this with about Evan I cannot talk today I'm gonna go home no I'm home I know all right but Evan posted this article from independent coda UK says laughing at dwarfism is the last acceptable prejudice which is exactly what I'm saying it's the it's the very last acceptable thing that no one speaks up on but don't seek my approval for your intolerance then it says if you need to ask me whether it's okay to tell a joke about my stature you already know the answer and do do you think it's the last except like like this is the thing I'm like I said I'll state it again I'm with Evan I love the kid but but I believe that using misguided and inappropriate terminology to describe marginalized groups is a massive [ __ ] issue marginalized groups across the world that whatever they are whether it's dwarves or or any other marginalized group continue to struggle with the NAM and clay churn oh man clay Chur of their of how they're described and so this is just a it's a tricky situation I think evan is being extremely brave standing up I agree I think you know it's gonna take him it's gonna take Peter Dinklage it's gonna take the people that have platforms and voices to stand up and talk about this but it'll happen other people though I mean yeah III hope people start to realize especially even from this moment right here sure you have to watch what you say when you're talking about people work words hurt and some people take things differently than others and what might not offend some person is certainly gonna affect someone else and you just just be more careful when you when you speak if there is any sort of information on the Internet of a word that might or that is derogatory towards a group of people avoid it being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes though is hard that's that is it's to become like a mass or that and like truly understand 90% of people just don't give a [ __ ] they want they want to laugh they want to a good laugh at someone else's expense and that's all it's so funny until the fingers pointed at you hundred-person I've been there it's part of the reason why I feel anyways like I'm able to see clearly like the landscape of what I say who it's affecting and how it's affecting them and sometimes this is like a separate note I'll intentionally attempt to affect someone a certain way but most of the time I'm not trying to hurt people with my words and yeah he got he got really upset about that and I think Evans gonna be a hopefully a very strong voice for this community I mean I know he has the potential to cuz because like you said there's there's not many little people who have been vocal about theirs their circumstance and I've actually seen unfortunately and I'm sure Evan hates this but I've seen a lot of dwarves who are on the other side of the spectrum and I'm like what do you what should I call you and they say call me Mitch that's the worst part it happens to happen at Coachella right it's someone was someone was screaming it I was with having someone's screaming it and if it's a killer they're saying it the Sam I'm at y'all so I'm ready rip someone's [ __ ] head off and I go up I'm like yo just so you know that that [ __ ] isn't cool that really affects and hurts some people he goes what are you doing I'm like the worried that you just said like do you see my friend it's not acceptable he goes what do you mean art this is Mitch it's my homey and his friend who is a little person comes out who they dressed as Mitch and so I looked at Evan and now I'm now I'm now I mind [ __ ] cuz it's like it isn't quite yet a universally accepted thing in the marginalized group itself they're divided too which makes their their their mission their objective that much harder yeah you have to you have to cater only to one side absolutely and that's the side that is offended by it if there are people that aren't offended by it that's fine let them be let them do the thing but but I the biggest point I tried to make to heaven today and he wasn't he wasn't having it and I talked to him about it we'll figure it out is just that this unfortunately like I said is a situation where most people are completely ignorant if I told you to explain you know some parallel universe theory and you couldn't do it I wouldn't get mad at you because you didn't know people don't know that that word is not accepted ly just don't know the guy who made that tweet from barstool and this may be an exception because barstool runs on this kind of gasoline they piss people off they have fun they're crazy guys yeah but that the guy might not have even known that it wasn't okay to say he chose to call the seven-foot woman seven-foot woman instead of Amazon woman if he had said Amazon women that group of tall women would have been pissed off yeah and so it's very tricky shade this is tricky [ __ ] but but it's tricky [ __ ] that involves the emotion of people that have struggled and continue to struggle against very very tough circumstances in their life and so you have to be open to the discussion at least what we have seen is that people can remove words from their vocabulary it's very possible so if one person can do it many people can do it just be more conscious be more aware in general that's a great strategy to start employing in 2024 remove words entirely from your vocabulary it's the only solution some of them can slip out sometimes if you don't completely remove we've done it okay Bueller it's the H word hey yep you don't say hey I have not even said the word except for like like in a response to someone who like who's being hateful no no no no not even then like I just someone said the other day I asked like random question boba are there like I don't know I I hate thinking about that and I said oh please tell me why you don't like to think about this that's right he's right you're not supposed to that were sometimes it's funny cuz I'm how charged it is I get like when Mike's and talked about Kara Baskins husband yeah he goes I hate that dude yeah that was funny but do you don't know him listen alright but if someone hears in there like I hope not unless we're talking about serious topics like like dwarfism or or you know that's all we talked about how it's that serious to be honest with you I was gonna say or h3h3 pertain to make the [ __ ] time it's not as I'm as important is you know what Dorf is a terminology but us we're talking about something like that we're sore sarcastic Bunch it's time we're talking about everything under the Sun from stuff sometimes I am I fear our humor gets lost way away or lost right it's too much too much I think Joe's Josie uh there's a part my vlog I got in an argument with Josie I bet $100 cuz there's a part of my vlog where I'm just gonna bring this up here not pull it on up there here we go alright pulling it up we got fiber sort of Internet's a little faster are these glasses cure my colorblind chroma the color blank glass is blown add a shout-out in chroma dude for that that was beautiful how did they enact that in one day that's a that's a great team so check this out this is this is the glasses on this is the clip so beautiful you know last time I did this guys I got pretty emotional you remember but that was before I grew it so hopefully this time I'll be able to collect myself but it's just hard because you know when I look out I see a black and white landscape nothingness and ideally these glasses will make me see a little bit more vivid crisp a definition of this landscape are you [ __ ] kidding me I know this is funny I know it is you said Josie said it wasn't funny and you said Joe I think it might have gone over her head and I said I think it went under this thing this is the dumbest level of humor that we have this is your four-year-old moment for the day a small some eyes that a bald eagle well that's why it was funny bald eagle hey didn't put in he could put in a bird what is that called screech I was gonna say how but it doesn't sound like a screech either squawk bird call and I said we go put it a little like fake dumb bird crossing the screen over this way oversaturated backdrop that says desired vision do you think that's my desired vision that's the comedy come on guys and so Josie I was I was like Josie I know this is funny and she goes it's just not answering I bet we bet $100 and it turns out she's right God god bless it Josie right yeah we're gonna run a poll right now I want you the viewers at home to pick funny not funny my bros thought it was funny maybe it's like a dumb dude they have to be dumb you have to be dumb which is another thing so I just imitated Josie's voice and it sounded like this I just did it it's not funny it's not funny and she doesn't talk like that and I asked her and Eve actually I think yesterday I go I go when when dudes imitate women somehow our register always like changes into some like really non realistic version of a girl's voice and they're like really high like our codels like we know you don't sound like that and so I just doing simple math here I'm like surely there's a boy voice that the girls make and I realize since I'm not a guy I haven't been a girl in the whole life I go I've never heard it Josie please can you come demonstrate the boy voice that I found out exists please Eve you're an actress do the voice she's got it do the voice that you guys do and it always happens after a guy says some [ __ ] they're explaining to their can I can I can I ask you a question it can we get her a chair and just put it on the rest of that but so we after this we got nothing like remind so just [ __ ] do the voice do the voice like when you're imitating your guy who said some [ __ ] like a [ __ ] I'm sorry I can't come tonight they go like this they go hey you guys trying to come over him crack a few brews tonight going on some [ __ ] did it to me last night you're an actress I can't I can't take any more excuses let's go find some [ __ ] what does David said to that you're Arthur my videographer he's broken your heart I [Laughter] like how she said he just wants to [ __ ] me you know in her boyfriend's boy voice thanks he everything every time a girl that I know has ever done the guy impression it's always of our like lowest qualities it's like you know what I'm saying any you're like you [ __ ] trying to go down to the bar pop if you be ours tonight no that's a [ __ ] that can't be you interpreting the boy the girls version of a boy boys it's do that's what's a girl that's what girl what do you mean yeah like you trying to go measure each other's dicks or what like they're trying to make their baby they stand up a little straighter they're just you guys wanna go slips at Brewster's what yeah puff your chest up yeah I've been standing taller around my girl too I need her know how how much I could protect her how wide you are bro you're usually so high you can't even walk straight what are you gonna protect him stop I get so paranoid she doesn't like the the high version of me dude the high version is awesome let's sometimes it's just it's it's like a it's like a channel that doesn't come in on your television it's just but sometimes you see a little blur just say no to drugs you just get a little blur Indian users tick tock what happened here [ __ ] what happened this is fascinating oh this is crazy so evidently there's a beef going on between popular tick-tock a popular tick-tock user a mere Siddiqui and Kerry Minotti a popular youtuber and I know you know the story so what are you reading this John just I'm just looking at I told you for you earlier today I'm in no rush Brogan's in no rush she got a hundred million [ __ ] dollars where are you headed you're going to the track to run I didn't think so let me read my article anyway there was some beef between these two guys which led to the YouTuber the Indian youtubers fan Carrie Menotti his fans went in downvoted ticked Isaac Allah helped as a collective to two stars in India Oh tens of thousands of fans they went in droves and raided tick-tock one star why did he instruct them to attack tick-tock right like how does the beef go from a personality to an app they just was like the the people apparently fans of a mere reported the video for harassment that the other guy reported his YouTube video for harassment Mahna t's video and it got deleted so the the tick-tock er guy his fans went and talked [ __ ] about the other video got it deleted and that guy fired back I guess like he's saying if you take out the legs of the platform the person won't be able to stand on it it's just so not me you've--you've you blew your load you've wasted your eminent ammunition I like I would have sent them uh maybe to his Instagram to comment like certain twenty things I I don't know but like the app is this seems secondary in this in this beer take down the biggest app in the world right now I see yeah seems tricky but here you look here's a thing I'm here for a I'm here for beef I'm here because because I did all the [ __ ] I know how stressful it is and how I don't know how much of a toll it can take on your mental and so when I see tick tock tick tock ters whether from they're American whether they're from India beefing like I'm fascinated like pool on my popcorn and watch a show I did I gotta say this this is the second time on this episode don't care ah no it's not that this one's a little more exciting because it involves you know tick tock at least which is obviously fascinating to me yeah but I did a [ __ ] terrible job explaining the story I have I have done absolutely Spence I blew my loan on the h3 h3 keemstar store totally I put together page after page after page of high-level statistical data to support that story yeah I sat at the kitchen table for hours typing and then as soon as I started the story as soon as I started reading my pages I realize that this is the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life Gobert and I've done some dumb [ __ ] horrible [ __ ] put a book together about there's a [ __ ] blackjack how would we do that the casinos are closed oh man boy you have a solution for you boys my bookie my bookie here are the main talking points for the custom sake he's gonna be doing for us but ultimately the idea is for the bits to come off genuine so if he could just sort of improvised off of these lines that would be perfect please no this is four to five minutes long my bookie has a casino and I can't stop playing blackjack [Music] it's 7:30 p.m. Eastern and all the way up to 4:30 a.m. Yuki Stern this episode's gonna fly yeah good boys never gonna sign us don't let it flow dick doc don't let this one flop I mean go for the love of God whistles we playing blackjack I'm not even connected to the blackjack machine we should get on it all right can you guys keep talking while I walk into the casino to find out where Emily Wilson for where we just talk on nonsense and it's everyone's favorite part oh it is it is we're keeping this [ __ ] I'll get us to the casino relax I got a sign thanks Mike what else are you guys doing today tote bags yeah I know we went you two we went to the factory for the clothes just to check it out it was a fascinating process big factories yeah when we already kind of even hinted about that and then the everything happened it's hard you know I find hard to get out of a rut I've talked about this before get out of a rut once you feel like you're stuck in your days is going so bad I talked to hypnotist about this one I was like 8 p.m. and I ran into him on the street like I'm a hypnotist neat yeah there I go help me hypnotist I'm having the worst day ever the worst day ever he goes no you're not I go sure sir I can assure you my day is [ __ ] [ __ ] then he goes it's only that way because you're telling yourself it is he goes what if you press the restart button right now start over from the day and I go you know what mr. hypnotist man you're right and so I did I press the restart button and guess what happened my day cuz you gave me false hope yeah me off thank you made me optimistic for [ __ ] that's so funny that you said this guy cuz by the way that's what they're all called if they're male if they're men and they come off tuna hypnotized they're hypnotized or guys they're hypnotist guys but every time they walk up to me always have the same feeling get get get the [ __ ] away because do you want to know what they want me to do they want me to pass out they want to steal my wallet well I have a question how often you're running into hypnotist oh it's pretty likely pretty much once or twice every decade there's typically a line of them outside up there try to drag that on the screen front so we got the the DS here's the problem I'm gonna sell the first two cars now here's the problem with some of them with some of the online casinos your dealer sometimes it's pixelated this see Paul there he was occasionally pixel in whoa just women women women on the screen bro VIP table oh here we go guys don't be a pixelated dealer please don't be a pile jokes inside this is actually fun I feel like that's why we can joke about weight a lot of fun playing this last episode we played blackjack for a little bit we got a good strategy Mike's always been my my go-to guy to give me blackjack advice but my bookie now is live dealers if you're feeling lonely we are in quarantine tables where you can play by yourself if you want to stay lonely blackjack is my personal favorite and that's a fact but they've got a ton of stuff they got war slots roulette all the best casino games got some pretty crazy casino bonuses that you can't use when you sign up to get some extra money to play with there's no way we got to this table during a goddang shuffle what the [ __ ] are the chance today all right well loan it he's becoming pixelated just like starts pixelated da nose evaporates that's the parallel universe thing well that's when you did something in your drink you guys can play this game on your phone laptop computer your laptop computer whatever you prefer they got a ton of blackjack tournaments a lot of them are free to sign up big without being even paying an entry fee let's see if we're gonna win big right now people is losing all all ability to be a human matrix you've been dealt in a deal who's got a 9:30 oh I think I'm trying Paul oh okay I'm sorry oh he was waiting on us can you hear us No thank God boy boy [ __ ] Wow 21 right off to rip we do good when we play live I noticed that well yet cuz we always lose normally yeah and but on my bookie it seems like things are great for making sports bets but I had no idea that casinos went this deep alright so we want great great job well let's bet some more then I'll see if you guys don't know how to play blackjack if you're new don't worry you can practice smaller hands until you're ready to play with the big boys and that's what my sheet says I probably have said that in real life hey let's do a big $75 bagger oh you bet 75 oh he's gone why does Paul look pissed on this one most hired he's like some guy came to the table we got a five do I got fit you gotta stay Mike you gotta stay he's gonna bust and so we're gonna go ahead and stay notice this look his fingers curved up not to be that guy but I can't be the only one that sees this dude every time he picks lates they are like my fingers they do this I feel like he's gonna say hello mr. Anderson I'd love to meet these guys in real life feel like the real standout gentleman what does it mean to wear a ring on your middle finger [Music] hopefully you win guys just go to my bookie comm start playing some blackjack if you're feeling like playing some blackjack or any other casino game apologies for the worst adroit ever but it's just one of those days can I go all in here well how much money do I have left this is this is like an episode where I'm a title it something like definitely don't watch it so in case people do really don't watch this episode uh he's turned into a he's turned into a puddle you got 14 are you kidding me I guess a 5 though he's popping hey Paul I didn't I didn't do anything why you why'd you go to the last guy I didn't even say yes or no that was my fault we couldn't are they gonna 18 let's see what let's see we got 5 oh you gotta be [Music] [Applause] you can always count on my lots of fun all right well I'm gonna close out of this and give you your microphone to church actor back here yes not good turn what 6 what's up what I got a question for you it's not a question it's a statement you ever heard of the difference between you I'm gonna let's take some questions for some fans on Twitter you already have them yeah I'll get him I'll ask him right now you'll come in real-time hit it one more time we're talking to people for longer more ten minutes how have you guys stayed mentally sane while in quarantine ah here's the answer we have it no we have gone completely missing when do you want to start a family / have kids you really like that also also do you want to reach them the user names of these sure sure the first person mentally Oh Millie at Oh Millie the second person when do you want to start a family / after Mike sweetie we're on a pulse of who has questions for us go ahead hurry go I here we go biggest fear we already talked about that did you ever think you'd become a social-media influencer Mike that's a good question for you because you were a corporate guy paying social media influencers to do your dirty work and this other so there's bean bags yeah I mean no but I will say this stranger things have happened my life has been a strange roller coaster ride of emotion is backflips of disorganized anarchy I loved watching Logan fight both times when will his next fight be Oh hopefully soon boy do we have something for you all that YouTube boxing talk all of it just Cheyenne just shot to [ __ ] no one's gonna give a single solitary [ __ ] anybody's YouTube boxing and I hate to say it cuz I loved his own I love I love you know those guys but but God dang what we were working on right now God dang large Daniel s 3 5 3 7 6 3 2 0 says what's your biggest success so far in life Mac what I want to point that question my biggest success so far in life being able to do what I love and trade my art / craft / abilities for the life that I live I like that I realized mine before this podcast started okay they say work smarter not harder my biggest success in life been able to work smart has been me being able to work smart and work hard mm-hmm yo that's I swear to god that's the secret formula if you can work super strategically at [ __ ] you're good at like you say it all the time I got lucky the first thing I tried in life I I loved it it was my thing ish I said find the balance of what you love and what you're good at if you could find that sweet spot right in the middle of the two of those because there's a lot of people out there I don't want to distract them or detract from their dreams they want to be a singer but they got no mouth no mouth and check Adam to the list of extremely marginalized people you've pissed off here's the list people who have been abducted by monkeys primates women who have Barbie vaginas it's a thing and now unfortunately people who have no mouse and there's you forgot people have been caught in half sorry what I'm saying what I'm saying is you know there are people that want to sing but they can't sing they're not good at singing and so I don't want distract from it but maybe they're really good at engineering music find what you're good at and make it a line with what you love it's hard I think if you're listening to this podcast and it's it's late in your life and I understand that jump that leap can be hard for a lot of people yeah it's never too late they always say that but I'm gonna I'm gonna really preach this advice to my children and I'm going to really monitor their interests as a kid because I noticed mine have not changed when I was 7 I said I want to be an author I want to be a writer when I was 8 I go I want a video camera now I'm storytelling on camera yeah it happened notice your kids interest and then faster them I said that one thing to add one thing to that yeah not everyone has to want to be a CEO or top-level playbacks oh hell no but like that's like the mentality that's pushed you got to work 80 hour we do this no we see it all over the place we're Carl work hard work hard some people want to work the nine-to-five and enjoy their lives and then on the weekends go fishing with your friends dip in the river yeah I think we're gonna have quite a few more questions on there if you refresh that squeeze okay it's going Swain methylene did you did you have a bigger success I mean the problem I wrote up I wrote up and by the way it's [ __ ] crushing people love it bro like I wrote a book that people loved that was a top ten can I answer this question I'm sorry this one's also sort of Logan boxing but why would lo Giovanni Torres I can't just these these at names are hard triad Giovanni at Guerrero - why would Logan continue boxing when his life is really good right now if he goes back to his YouTube it will slow down because of training that's a fact man and why would I continue boxing boxing is dangerous that's a sport for some brolic ass dudes and there's some serious like real life repercussions that come from getting hit in the head that many times and for me the honest answer is I love it I hate that I love it wait getting hit in the head or fight him fighting okay I love the competitor Nate the competitive nature of boxing I don't think there's a more primal form of sport it's modern-day gladiators and because I am a youtuber there is a stigma especially in LA that comes along with that and being a boxer people read you different people give you respect that they might not have before is that because they're terrified they're gonna punch him in the head I don't know what it is but it's like it may be like when you're the baddest dude in the room which doesn't always happen there you know there's oh there's an energy that you carry and then people look at you a little different and I like it that happened to me with the book - I'm gonna be completely honest when you're Paulette when you publish a book it gives you a whole new level there's 700 questions already what 700 Whitter is highly he's saying highly engaged 700 I know I am the ask you guys it's not know about that studio audience but I'd prefer to answer every question that comes in on this every single one top five artists all-time favorites but not goats though Jackson Pollock not codes okay I don't think that meant that can artists most overhyped movie that's Lana or Logan well it depends on what activity I'm doing with said person there's got to be an overhyped movie surely there was one I saw recently that was we kept saying once upon a time in Hollywood mmm I haven't seen it oh yeah I got a one that was it on cut Jan that was it complet you what was the deal with complex and uncut gems can we talk about this I've never got to be ideal cahoots deal yeah I've prefer one enjoyed uncut gems yourself in it right it was an anxiety ridden festival for me I loved it I loved every second of them you know I love slow movies slow slower movies I love them the American made wasn't all that fast we watched American made last night put it - true story true story love to stir-fries let me I got a true story for you he's got the fifth vital it's out all right go ahead favorite part about being with Lana will Mac ever shave his beard from a OH was that a question for me all right would I be wrong to say that at the views um the views of that ass nah she's just it's nice having a uh it's not okay here's what here's how say it's nice having always on 24/7 breath of fresh air like love like of like nice positive energy we gettin some Tiff's we getting some tips they're quick but for the most part it's just always like I call her she's happy she's up beats having a good day I like that I like I like I like positive energy I like positive spirits like Jeff Jeff dude look at Jeff Levin can we got a camera on Jeff Levin look look at this face zoom way in way too far on his face his Mac the reincarnate Vincent van Gogh from Reno 1999 uh-oh if I cut off my ear I'll let you know but I don't think so he's a cool guy but I don't think so herpy durgi says who actually read the book on y'all not a single person mike is reading me the book right oh I have met probably four people who have read part of the book but not finished and they're all on this team it's almost like you guys already know the story oh that's why I started my instagram post I said I said I haven't read it I'm sure it's great like I've been honest about you know Mike's been read it so we're doing the audiobook and he's literally like reading the book and I'm sitting there recording it so I get to have the author of the book read it to me oh that's awesome yeah at first oh that's what you guys doing there at night I thought you oh you thought I was dropping tried this tracker no in a way I was like oh they're working they're grinding and you definitely are and you are too but you do get to listen to a really fascinating book it's interesting I at so many times I'm like what is wrong with this kid I'm excited about it too because a lot of people asked for me to read it and so that's coming son I like this one from Rohan one eight one six nine two seven two how do you spend money I cry usually I try okay I got an answer for this you know and then I'll pass to you guys I to do it on credit card I use Chase I choose Chase Sapphire Preferred they've got a tremendous point system they've always been good to me they've got a helpline that I call 24/7 they'll answer the phone immediately and I feel good about the card it's thick it's made of steel it's not it you know the Amex you do the Amex platinum No Limit yeah I don't know I I try to put it back into like my my production but I end up fine dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] Dre kind of skateboard at my damn croissant said what's the best brand of water I'd say anything but Hasani you know well I got a girlfriend that's obsessed with one brand a sentient iya essentia well I did you much is it 2:39 about what do that Jeff could you zoom in it I'm just facing a really really hot like like two [ __ ] really on the way in way I want to see his pores yes it's actually not pH balanced water exposed exposed since she has exposed favorite pod come on I'm not done yet I don't have an answer to this question but I'll tell you what the what the worst brand of water is makes me upset oh this this oral reaction Arrowhead we get that ever ahead is the one water that I can taste I and I know i'm drinking Arrowhead because it tastes like Shh Wow would Logan ever consider a career as a police officer a firefighter after his UT I could send you oh and that is sorry that's Nico Cooper so Nico 24 C I could see you rot I can see you rockin the firefighter yes or no you me me oh yeah zoom in zoom in on Jeff eggs I'm saying anything this time but just hit him again not that was respectful go go as for hard as you can on respect like over he said I'll go crazy when I was that would seem like I did almost is sarcastic then and yes yes I will logan ever after what else you got Tanner Gibson says how did Logan manage to lock up Josie I'm seeing that right now I actually don't know I I have a theory alright so I'm pretty like uh I'm a pretty complex person there's like me on camera there's me off camera and then there's a version of me that exists past 11 p.m. that like the only person who would ever really see it is the girl I'm with who I share a bed with and there's a lot of layers to me that I think mm maybe fascinate her and I'm a nice guy I like her I don't [ __ ] know maybe also she likes you it's probably probably I think that probably helps how much alcohol Blake leisure leisure Blake leisure underscore Blake how much alcohol you drank since 2020 began Oh Mike zero not a single [ __ ] sip I can't believe that I can't believe I I'm still trucking on that [ __ ] dude miles Logan's about 50% of the way I'm pretty I'm pretty normal my my typical intake for the year I'm down I'm definitely down a percentage but I'm probably about 70% of where I would have been anyway most regretful business decision listen here kids don't buy the hype do your [ __ ] research bad investments that you literally lose all your money listen to your trusted advisors in generals I've probably lost mmm a quarter million dollars on investments that my business managers have told me not to loss gone it's gone what's one thing you must accomplish before the end of your life from Jeff swift Saxton good guy stand out guy a firefighter actually and that's facts I'm speaking facts to that Oh Jeff swift Sachs did you know that i DM him he's a goddamn firefighter and out gentlemen a volunteer firefighter from forked river forked forked river real great guy he asked me how to uh he asked me some workout advice he goes hey man I wanna get in shape I want to start work and I said guy hire a trainer it'll change your life that's a great Ranger life he did he's down how he said as of this morning to month mark I've dropped an additional eight pounds to put me at 250 for a boy starting at 278 March and and you're you attribute this to potential you a little bit to a conversation you guys had I mean he he had that he has the drive I just made a suggestion but but what do you say what was this question hey I said what's one thing we want to accomplish by the end of our life I showed you a picture of a lazy river today that I want to go on real bad you think I try to pull it off why don't you lunch you guys answer I'd like to facilitate this is tough cuz this is not me at all right now but I'd like to facilitate the advancement of technology okay I've been having these weird thoughts lately about how far behind we really are ya you've been telling me about this [ __ ] David and I had this conversation in the kitchen last night and I'll say it again the wheel it's the best we have right now yeah the [ __ ] wheel so we have rocket ships that go into space so talk to Jeff Bezos how long have we had the wheel how long did it take humans to invent the light bulb far behind yeah but we went from like light bulbs like think about this way we wouldn't we invent planes 1901 1901 or 1902 1903 1905 my brothers they're awesome and then 16 years later World War one we're flying across the ocean listen what's your what's your improvement for a wheel I've asked you this a thousand times I don't know that I'm a figure I will figure it out what we there we go I mean in a way we saw the wheel we've seen the wheel we evolved yeah have you not seen those tires on the on the on the war warfare trucks that turn into triangles so they turn into track and then they turn back into circles tires that's but that's a pretty good wheel I guess I'm just talking about like means of transportation okay like I'm telling you clip this [ __ ] moment I'm gonna be 90 years old trying to explain this technology to my kids kids and maybe their kids kids kids and they're they're gonna be mind-boggled at how simplistic we were living and I'm really starting to realize I and I and I acknowledge where we are currently and how how great these advancements in technology are and this little infinity box that has turned us into half cyborgs but there's just there's just so much undiscovered Hyperloop I know but here's the thing about Elon Musk here's the thing about Elon Musk the man's a genius he's ahead of his time wise beyond his years except technology has not caught up to his ideas he literally has to create the technology that has to be pretty [ __ ] straight that's what him and Jeff Bezos are doing they're trying to lay the foundation so that the next next generation of inventors and smart people are able to build those technologies empowering the generations to I got answer do I want to do I want to be a grandfather oh nice yah-tchi oka that's it that's that there's a bunch of other stuff but like that's one that I think I would like I really really really just would love to have a grandkid everyone drink it would be great but a couple probably be better yep yeah Mike sent me this is a cool thing and it's the only thing I want to do because I wrote a book so this is it this is it this is the rest of my life right here it's in China I like these Gatorade for the water too it's like a giant lazy river mountain flower are you sticking your cork and my majestic mountain top where's it at Wuhan not since mount Laos mount Lao Jun daga daga at friend whose friend whose friend can we super friend is yeah can you tak can you cut that Mike do you remember your first gamertag yeah I do it was a Mighty Mouse really yeah Mighty Mouse 1313 Danny Danny Strobel that Danny Strobel Danielle's trouble asked when is this podcast going ahead Oh Danny over there on the on the producer and engineer currently cuz I don't I don't know exactly what you guys have planned I don't get care no hold on a sec hold on Jeff can you take the camera over for a minute no go ahead give it up sit down Jeff's on it this is absurd okay with that that was actually perfect oh my god I am so sorry I don't really know how else to sign off for this [ __ ] show that has transpired today thanks for watching what's Logan's favorite [Music]
Views: 962,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, smoking weed, h3h3, keemstar, beef, dwarfism, firefighters, fan questions, tiktok, indian tik tok, maverick clothing, branding, g fuel, joe rogan, spotify, 100m deal, JRE podcast, KSI, views, drama alert, content cop, content nuke
Id: WU9TtIFwmcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 51sec (4311 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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