Virtual Reality Will Ruin Your Life - IMPAULSIVE EP. 193

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I show up through this Animal Hospital my shirts ripped off get bleeding across my chest I'm not even in shoes my pants are off I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry then I go take this dog it's an emergency the nurse comes right after she grabs she runs back yeah what are the loud noises I'm here never the backyard yo yo yo what the [ __ ] every night every night either gunshots or fireworks it can't be fireworks there's no fireworks in the sky like is a turf war going on outside some say an hour kiss bro you got covert 19 you got the protest you got the riots you got the looting who knows what's happening plus you got that noise what is that every 15 20 seconds I hear well is that noise I'm over it welcome back to Pauls for the number one podcast in the world that is a fact by the way so that we actually check the rankings we're back up top number in part number one I can't make this [ __ ] up look chart all of them if you're not subscribed make sure to subscribe we're doing a lot of great things got a lot of momentum here at the maverick house as you know our videographer Andre moved out last week he's still right there though recording this exact podcast we did hire a new videographer by the name of dwarf Mamba [Applause] no card I don't think we need one I think it goes right into this it's got its uploading straight to the cloud via neural link I think but I do appreciate your your your insights though also I should mention I I talked to my my colleagues here my talent my cast mates two out of the three of us are a little on edge today hmm he's one of them you're the other because it's because we didn't we didn't sleep last night that's why I'm on night four of no sleep I'm [ __ ] on edge yeah amara got her wisdom teeth pulled and she's been you know having a ton of pain in her mouth and so you know at sleep time she's not sleeping and every you know hour she gets up to go to the bathroom and she's like oh did I wake you and I'm like [ __ ] and so eventually this morning at like 4:00 a.m. she just went home but it just wasn't enough no Mike oh he's one there's that noise yeah I heard it was one of the four am leaves you have no no it wasn't a fight no it wasn't a fight she just was like you know I don't want to keep you up anymore I'm just gonna leave me go home it was very nice but you were just getting home because bro Lee had a panic attack or something is that why you were up I was wondering why yeah it's just been it's one of [ __ ] mess what happened bro Lee I want to get into it um before we do I want to say like I said something ice I'm not saying we got to do member of the family we got a couple new members of the family uh so my girlfriend Josie loves horses she's wanted a horse so the longest time if you saw the vlog you probably saw the vlog uh we got a horse two horses and one of them is actually right over there in the garage oh my god hey this thing's hardly he is an absolute sweetheart he's super quick and a little timid well he's a he's a gem Danny Danny compares him to that of like his old his old house he's basically use it as a tool only so he he knows how to ride he knows how to function when someone's on top of him riding him but he he's a little he hasn't been loved properly so we brought him here to the Maverick house we're gonna have a lot of love he's gonna be super great horse that way you're moving to my ranch later so for all the horse people freaking out PETA whatever we're not keeping him obviously here and seen over bringing up to my 84 acre ranch barn stables for stables huge passion to play on so I got plenty of room in the back - yeah yeah horses they are currently I hate to say this in the back but I know what is a horse can we talk about that vine creature it is the strangest thing to just like look at a horse and be like oh yeah let me be symbiotic with you and get on your back and we'll go places together I don't get it I'm gonna tell you something right now I'm scared of them like I like I find myself a little bit anxious and nervous around them and it's because they are such a massive creature I'm feel powerless next to them they can do whatever they want anything on there [ __ ] you know no and I I don't know but you give them food so like they kind of respect you not yet they don't they don't know who I am but as far as they know I'm just a guy who [ __ ] off my dad stuck a camera in their face ya know but ya know we're gonna we're gonna train them there again they ride really really well like I keep having these like wet dreams about me climbing up the mountain at the ranch on horseback okay that's fair what part does it get wet uh it's more just like it was more just like been exciting a vision that I had in my head oh I I would didn't actually come my pants because you're riding horse yeah that's that'd be weird we have a history of strange wet dreams in this house remember that's the one that will never speak this one can't ever be spoken has that wet dream story you happen to have yours in Encino I still highly back my decision-making on that story but I'm not obviously can't cover it once again I'm in one of those situations where we can't talk about something so I don't even know I'm saying this but no but yeah it's just it's super cool super exciting unfortunately [ __ ] find out Josie's allergic to horses that's not even she every time she goes around them she starts sniffling and she's like and she's saying it's cuz of the hay but I think she's in denial it could be the hay there's like hay fever right you can get that in Ohio you can grow into an allergy allergy right like the older you get you can okay because like I also get as I've gotten older I get motion sickness now mmm I get extreme like roller coasters loved them when I was younger still love them but afterwards I feels no no one New York felt so nauseous like room.i day I can't sit in front of like a big movie screen like I can't watch TV here and sit really close to it cuz when it moves so much out good you would have lost your [ __ ] at the VR playground what are we even start with I don't know I don't know I wish we had like an expert on the show VR is we've talked about this at length before I think VR is the next massive boom I think it has been for a while you know all you had the weed boom and then you had oh yeah the crypto boom now the weed boom and I think VR is gonna be a massive financial boom but we went to this virtual reality place yesterday in Santa Monica we got we got kind of first access to it before they opened up to the public full-on immersive virtual reality experience where you have the headset you have the the noise cancelling headphones that just provide you immersive sound from the experience and you're in this massive room that you do not get to see until after the experience is over that's lined with that's lined with sensors all around the room it's massive I said massive probably 15 times right big girl and you go in there and you have a pack on your back which is the the CPU of the computer unit you've got sensors on your hands and feet and then and then when you get in there they hand you a weapon which is which is which is an assault rifle at times you can change it into a Gatling gun a chainsaw for zombies sniper rifle and like I didn't really know what to expect going into it me and him you know I had talked about VR a ton in the past and I'm like yo this this shit's gonna be cool once it once it happens blown blown away yeah I mean dude coolest thing in the world it is one of the coolest experiences I've ever done the gun the gun that we were using reclaimed so it rational recoils like you're shooting a gun and it's so weird cuz in this place there's two it's it's an open space - to cement columns that just hold the building up mm-hmm but the the program is programmed with obviously spaces and walls or recognizes like this yo we're sprinting around this place and in the game again we see the pillar yeah and in real life we're running around can't see anything in real life but we're missing the pillar by two inches very low so precise yeah you run around a pit like milling actually my boxing coach who connected us to the people there was playing and he got [ __ ] up bro he accidentally ran into a wall bad had to stop playing yeah it's I mean I'll be honest is kind of it's kind of dangerous does it like totally disorient you are you like oh okay you know that you're in this but I don't get it when you walk out of there yeah you I think the more time you spend in it and I say this uh holistically in your life the more hours you spend in there the less you will know the difference between where you are what's right I mean when we walked out of their walls we weren't sure yeah like free book but since we were only played for a couple hours it was only for 15 minutes but when you start spending hundreds of man-hours inside that program I guarantee you similar to what we've seen in movies you'll start to be able to tell less and less about the difference between there's there's multiple different game types we played one where it's team vers team and so it was him and josie verse me tomorrow and and Hayden somehow we got Hayden as well shout out Hayden which was probably a dog he's a dog he's great strategy from the so there's there's in the game there's an you go into an elevator and you push a button and elevate to above the map and then you pull out a sniper rifle you snipe down and you're still on the same level right yeah so so that's what I think that's what I think the motion sickness comes from cuz in the game check us out in the game it makes everything you see you're walking down stairs yeah in real life you're walking on flat surface okay a one level surface in the game you go up an elevator in real life you're not going anywhere you just stand it so your mind is telling you that you're either going up or down but you're but you're because you think about when you're walking down where you're bending your knees there you feel it so you're doing that but you're not actually going up or down it's it's fascinating and I think the only reason this isn't already currently like the biggest industry in the world is because the tech has simply not caught up to these get close it's so close like we and and him bringing that up is funny because ironically the best part of the day was when the tech breaks down so so so I'll be looking at Logan and he's normally like a halo style paratrooper with the mask on and the gun and out of nowhere his hands will be coming out of the sides of this okay Hatta sides of his head and for some reason this particular system we played on yesterday has difficulty detecting the this the minut differences in height of humans and I think if you fall under a certain height it turns you into a child so both Amara and David were little pint-sized humans and it was we were just grinding their parts of it where I was just crying laughs we've laughed in a while in a long time but but overall I mean with the last game we played was a zombie experience where you have to escape from from a rooftop and it brings you through the entire building and then you get back to the roof and you have to get a chopper but the zombies take it over and you have to you have to strategize what what ammo you want to use because if you run out of Gatling gun ammo and you get horde you're in trouble but very very cool very realistic stuff and it and the one point I kept falling back on was the financial boom for that sector will be one when the tech is gets perfected and then - and this will be the big one when they move it into the adult space as soon as as soon as these guys create an immersive experience where a fat bald man not too far from myself can walk into a bar and pick up the hottest girl in the bar and if the andif the cpu guy next to him says oh that's my girlfriend he can [ __ ] crack his skull like a bottle I just get up in the game exactly imagine imagine the power that you feel you'll have which you can just beat the [ __ ] out of the guy that's trying to get the girl you're gonna get and then you go you bring the girl the bathroom and I think what they'll do is eventually they'll set it up some house through some sort of automation where then they will join a physical unit that you can attach to your penis once it's erect or someone out in the in the on the staff of the place can do it for you or something I don't know what its gonna be exactly so when you bring that girl into the bathroom that CPU girl that you know doesn't actually absent doesn't actually exist and she starts giving you head it lines up simultaneously with the program and now you're getting had in a program with with an actual result of you coming in real life I know this sounds crazy yeah but he is so right oh yeah give him some stats in the porn industry might not the last time I checked the porn industry was a ninety billion dollar annual industry so they're gonna pull up what it is now but but that's that's that beats out NFL NBA and MLB combined the league's annual revenues annual revenue estimates as high as ninety seven billion dollars ninety seven billion dollars no I mean this game makes you feel like the [ __ ] man oh my god when I'm out here just copping zombies I'm John wick my guns sideways water I'm hit firing just my dick has never felt big guys Mike it's amazing I'd literally walk different in the game I'll walk it's funny and somehow still pulled the highest accuracy rate even with all the hip fire going but it's but it's I think it's gonna get wild once they once they shift over and obviously the the money to research and develop is there and so yeah I mean it's perfect in the tech get a new adult but I think if you if you think back to inception a movie Inception yeah that moment where they go down to that basement all the people are hooked up to the machine and he says you know without this they don't dream anymore this is the only way they dream now and I think virtual or VR is gonna have those massive impacts on people's lives where they get so tied into that system that they're unable to find joy and happiness in everyday life I mean we see it we see a sliver of it right here they're worse right now because that the only saving grace cuz I agree i nine thousand percent know that this is gonna absolutely ruin people's lives you why would you live in this [ __ ] if you could go in a game because Ami's and [ __ ] girls and be the man and the coolest person on the planet [ __ ] a real life it is so sick in there but I think the saving grace is if they can keep it active the fact that we were running around like really running around like I was sweating we were all hot but the room is cold because they're working until you close to a fire where they'll hit you with a heat wave yes yes Romo smells everything everything they'll put their put props there that you can like when you get onto a rooftop the breeze picks up in the room and you feel like you're I mean it's it bro it's crazy as long as they keep it active though it which it'll never happen they'll find out they'll find a way from people lazy people just sit down and like go like this and press upon and then there's a black near up so kind of like absolutely one of my favorite Vipers that's called USS Callister oh yeah yeah yeah striking Vipers oh oh where were they're on the ship yeah and the guy on the spaceship puts a little neuro-link on his head and he's and he's in the game he just thinks about what he has to do but I think what people I mean what do what do inventions what does tech do it solves problem mmm the problem of like y'all I let real life boring and I am I kind of don't want to like do anything if you can get in this game sit back and do nothing people people's lives will be ruined people be so addicted to this fantasy land that just isn't real life so as cool as it is I also we're also so aware of how dangerous it could they lower or it could they like take you to a beach or a mountain whatever you want whatever you want I mean that would be great you know if you could just sit there and sip a pina colada ancient like that's not saying why would you not it's coming it really is it really is you'd have to like if you get a personal system you have to maintain it and you know like have money to spend on your virtual reality machine like think like think about if you go to if you go to the bar and in you know call in 20 years and you or you order a virtual shot of your favorite drink you could have a suit on that gives you a quick prick of that level of alcohol and so you don't date you so like you take the shot in your honor you start to feel a little woozy now you're actually drunk in real life so it's all meshing it all those experince you talk about like these as concepts and ideas yeah we are always 25 years behind on on the good on the real tech somebody's working on this [ __ ] right now as we speak in 20 years you are gonna be VR [ __ ] some supermodel regardless of if you're actually able to get your dick hard in real life it's it's gonna be a wat it's actually all going to happen and it's going to happen sooner than we think I'm telling you it's it we're probably 15 to 20 years off tech perfection on this [ __ ] protect perfection yeah you just put on a suit motion sensors everywhere you're literally in the game your hands aren't coming out of your head Mike's character funny [ __ ] we are all shooting zombies sick from Halo outfits Master Chief status and Mike's character is walking around like this the best part since I have size 13 feet and and you know the foot sensors have to go around your foot I pulled one of the loops too tight on it and my foot sensor popped off and so in the game I had one leg my leg fell off and so for the remainder of the third of the zombie game first at first when it popped off we were in an elevator and my leg got stuck in the ceiling like that's the stuff when you see that stuff and you're in it even though you're facing hordes of side B the whole zombies the whole squad is dying not to mention last thing before I do my ad read you can imagine how stupid you look if you're not playing the game like people watching or idiots running around VR headsets and guns just like watch your back morons fools Roman easiest way to explain is I'm sure you have obviously but for people watch since have you ever seen a silent disco what now you're not a part of and you just have a bunch of people dance like what the [ __ ] is going on and they're all singing singing well listen if you're having trouble having sex in real life and can't find yourself a virtual reality girlfriend you love blue chalk on blue chicama offers men a performance enhancement for the bedroom you can get the first two balls with the active ingredients till then LLL fill or toddle off I'll say greetings via Agra and cialis the two of us can work faster they can be taken on a full or empty stomach and only takes a few minutes to connect with the blue to calm affiliated physician and if you qualify you get prescribed online quickly no one person doctor visit no awkward conversation no waiting line at a pharmacy and they shipped directly to your door in a discreet package they're made in the USA and they give you confidence in bed every single time you and your partner will love it got a great deal for you guys got a blue cheek on get your first order free when you use the promo code Logan just pay five dollars shipping blue zircon from a code Logan she wouldnt do a baby nice job now that was one of the smoother I honestly think actually sometimes when I'm a little pissed and sort of like tired I do better remember what we used to do shows hungover and we're like these are the bet easily the best gels which now I think we've mastered the silver ones I think maybe we just used to do so many hungover and most of our shows are good that we were like wow well here [Music] yeah I hate drinking I got hung over the other day and I wait wait what I got hung over the other days on vacation hey yeah what's going on hit a man would you go on vacation the other day where'd you go where'd you get would you go just for context vacations the ranch and Coachella he's allowed to drink other times 20/20 sober yeah so fast let's talk about where'd you go we went to a restaurant where was that Beverly Hills and you were hungover after the restaurant yeah I was on vacation mmm what part about it was a vacation so because I thought I know what you're thinking yeah and I thought the same thing is you I was like okay Vic Vic Asia right well let's hook it up okay define define vacation so check it out an extended period of leisure and Recreation especially once been away from home or so I was at home this is where like the logical Logan Paul sucks like all of you find the one loophole in my entire disciplinary like act on myself make it okay for me to drink one night that sucks man whatever like drink a drink but come on he doesn't even like it he's so easy he's so easily swayed well oh we were at it we were at dinner and when I cuz I went on vacation with him of course I'm not drinking all at 20:20 so unless I find a problem with the Mayan calendar and say it's not actually 2020 I ain't [ __ ] drink so I'm still going strong but we're at this dinner and dude this Katie hates going out he doesn't want to go out after dinner he loves dinners cool we get to eat we hang out for a little bit but then you know Joe's Josie's she's has a lot of friends here like she likes to go out and and and she's on a social butterfly and so she was like you know there's this party happening at nice guy tonight everybody's gonna be there hit some phlegm boy I'm like yo you just named three names that aren't even [ __ ] name you know very well that not catering erb erb the whole squad here's some which is like the sound of snake makes like I'm just like what are you saying and so she's like yeah man everybody's going I look at Amara and Amara is the exact opposite of Josie no note in either way is right like whatever you want to be I'm not I'm not passing a judgement but she's exact obviously I look at Amara and Mars just like this bring me home give me a big TT that's what she calls that big TT after she eats a lot and some ice cream I want to lay on the couch and watch movies like t TT like a t-shirt a big Thai want to put on a t2 the biggest t-shirt fine and so that's what she wants to do but I he's obviously an incredible boyfriend very you know giving to his his say I also wanted to go out okay okay I haven't been out so long like I really do miss being social yeah and this it was nice I wanted to go I wanted to go cuz when I first got you there when we were dropping you off I was like I was like you know just gonna go home you know kick it watching TV I mean you guys could smoke out of the Rick and Morty bong I just bought you and you I saw your eyes let's go in because I also find as I'm growing up like I'm becoming more of an introvert I think I just think like as you get older you can pinpoint the things you want in life and being able to do that has made me realize also what I don't want and although I did this particular than I do I didn't want to go out but I mean y'all know this our circle is really tight our circle is one of the tightest I think in LA absolute like talk to talk to any tick tock house vlog group friends online most of them are dysfunctional like in real life spoiler alert some these people have beef with in the group and there's always it's not always a well-oiled machine ours is yeah like we really like each other and so I'm not always looking for like like Jakes I didn't know new friends type [ __ ] mmm-hmm I'm not on the wave but also no new friends yep sorry I tend to stay inside if given the opportunity we've been like also trapped inside for three months so I you have to imagine that some sort of conditioning has happened where you're not like want to go out so true that's at all because you know you know I to be obsessed with it I would be out every night you know doing that whole thing you're going when you weren't drinking 100% cuz I was I was literally addicted to it I felt like dicted to it like we would go to dinner and people would be like yellow hides gonna pop off after this man [ __ ] goes to the gram got fifty two bottles of ACE coming home and I would just be like damn goes to the grams gonna be there I got a [ __ ] go dude I'll be like damn I wonder who's gonna be there but why would I want it's the same [ __ ] people every [ __ ] time and you just stand against the wall your sweat and you're like this is so [ __ ] fun until you step back and realize it's not at all I'm surprised I'm not surprised that you like to go out but I thought you'd get your partying out of the way but I'm always like okay Logan still has a lot of partying to go to I did all mine College you know like I got mine out of the way right but you never went you went to college you never partied in college that's like when you have you're not only that part I thought I didn't party in college I didn't party the first three years in LA I was I don't party no drink no no smoking I just it's like a headband so now I'm like I'm pretty comfortable and I'm also really big on balancing work and play like I really like balance is huge if I don't if I don't recover rest have a little fun here and there I will implode yeah I mean I say it's all the time it's just like I like I like being able to work hard and play hard and I do yeah and I think I think the way you've started playing has been much more helpful in your in your career similar similar to similarly to how it has for mine like it is no anomaly your random situation that people are making videos about how you're gonna be the most successful person in the entire world ever you know like like like this year because of our decision to stop [ __ ] around even more importantly to get seven eight hours of sleep a night you know that's like the biggest do you guys go out you go out until 4:00 a.m. and then you go to the after-party and then you get home at 7 or 8 I mean not you know like that's typically what happens and then you're screwed for the next two days and you wake up on Monday and you're like wow my life sucks I always said that it was never the hangover that was mad sing me up it was the lack of sleep yeah like it was it was the fact that I was getting two three four hours of sleep at night now when I get my eight hours of sleep or nine or seven or whatever I wake up my anxieties is reduced I'm ready to get the data on exercise at the end of a long day still have the energy for that and everything is moving you know as it should be but um not blacked out on a Tuesday yeah it'sit's yeah exactly the hangovers [ __ ] me up I'm not some people just aren't good with them Jake's not go with him either like the entire day do you do any like hangover prevention the night before or do you just like I do this that wasn't so crazy yeah like normally I'll do like two shots full bottle of water two shots full bottle water we got on a sidetrack Josie I were dancing I like dancing yeah you know she likes dancing with dancing if you could do one water per drink you you probably can eliminate a hangover you you you might be like I always wake up yeah but you haven't been drinking that's why five six shots though but I shouldn't I should not have been on hungover I'm a [ __ ] Bob but you be on some [ __ ] well you're better you just got back into it to your tolerance is extremely low when you take I mean when you take a decent amount I'm a lightweight it's not a problem not a bad thing save money save time you know I hate to upset the you know the Red Solo Cup drinking you know tailgaters that watch the show because I know there are a lot of them shout out to those people like I've been one my whole life this is just yeah like this is just the new you know I know I don't try to tell people how to [ __ ] live this is just who I am now and how how I how I choose to live my your best-selling author dude like when you walk in a room people look at you not the social media is star I mean you are but you're primarily a best-selling author how many copies your book so 50 thousands and thousands it's honestly like I I it's been a to me to see it all over the world that's been the craziest icing on your story just posted on my story every time someone tags it in in Portugal Iceland Turkey by Malaysia like how is this book getting in those countries and the people are finding so much they just find it exciting like either some people are reading it for that hope because they need it and other people are just reading it saying you is a screenplay for a movie which it is it's not it's not a book this should be a [ __ ] movie it's so action-packed so intense and and the thought has to be like how the [ __ ] did you even live you know we've obviously talked if you made a VR experience of you know absolutely not I don't want anybody else to go through that [ __ ] at all it may be tragic maybe a crash course in addiction speaking of crash courses and also the new going out trend that is happening some bad news coming in from Arizona and this is right on the heels of me and you know bringing up the people had called the coronavirus of political hoaxes Arizona cases are skyrocketing right now and and you know I don't have the corona virus outbreak in Arizona is going very badly forty this is a business insider the exact accelerating spread of covin 19 is caused primarily by the viruses directly related to the state's easing of coronavirus restrictions twenty five states in Puerto Rico I've seen infections increased by at least 10 percent in the past two weeks and so I saw a stat yesterday that they are actually growing at a at a rate that is three times what New York State was growing at on the initial wave which was the hardest hit state in the country and so you know I I think I made some some light-hearted humor about the people who called it a hoax I'm a couple episodes ago but this is no [ __ ] joke dude like we're we you know Trump has obviously talked a lot about how the the democratic states have been hit the hardest and all of this you know political agenda that has not just him on both sides but all the political agenda that has happened around the coronavirus when in reality I don't want to hear from Donald Trump I don't want to hear from any pundits on this [ __ ] only hear from the doctors who have the statistics since day one I don't care what anybody else has to say about I don't believe there's a political gain to be had by a doctor reporting the statistics and this does not look pretty we've seen Arizona which is where Jake was which is where the partying has already kicked off you can go to you know massive festivals there right now bars are all open met no mass required and we're now seeing the consequences of that action that's insane it's the second wave which is supposed to be Wailers I read comments people call crazy when I said there's gonna be a second wave how come on example does not be a [ __ ] second wave it'll be an idiot especially because and I hate to do this we have not been given and graced with good leadership and I seriously think we're running our hour around like chicken with chickens with our heads cut up solutely we have no idea what to do we have no idea how it spreads we have no idea how to stop it and no any ideas we do get a stop it this is a this is a sideline point Trump was touting hydron hydroxychloroquine hydroxyl organ which is what was it the malaria drug account remember he authorized a federal or an executive order to speed up production and strong in the FDA just revoked it and said this drug doesn't do [ __ ] to [ __ ] help you at all I mean any one of the ones you just like [ __ ] around because it [ __ ] you up yeah it can [ __ ] you up and so the feds halted the emergency use of coronavirus drug so you got and I once again I don't want to blame just Trump but you've got one person saying one thing then the doctor saying that ain't true and then a state governor says [ __ ] this we're reopening then the state goes under it is a mess just like everything that's been happening with the other problem in the country it's just unorganized disaster I have a question yes sir do you think as the leaders as the authorities of this country do you think their action plan is like knowing knowing that they know nothing about this they don't know [ __ ] about [ __ ] and they aren't sure how it spreads what the best course of action is knowing that which they do we don't we're like finding out now that like the people were listening to actually don't know anything yeah they've thought it would be a better idea to just tell us information that may or may not be true versus saying we're unsure of this let's handle it with caution and then proceed according 1001 so they'll Hogan make sense make up just to get some people believing in doing something there is never in my life that I can remember ever been a time where people were in such a rush to be right about anything whether it's Trump whether it's the government whether it's the feds whether it's whoever it is everybody wants to be right and people will go extraordinary lengths right now to not be wrong Trump got this wrong this drug ain't gonna work hey gorg but do you think he's in a rush to talk about the fact that he got this wrong he'll know he's gonna try what he'll try to do now is be right about something else real quick it's a it's a [ __ ] messy place that we're in in social media uh amplifies it yeah because he could so quickly tweet hey he might have got information about hydroxychloroquine chlorine chlorine chlorine from from one person yo we just got some independent reports back this drug is actually killing the chronovisor he might go open Twitter I have found a song for this disease boom boom that quickly because he's in such a rush to be right just like so many other people no one's fact-checking no one's doing the research I mean again that's the hard stuff how do you actually find the things that work and how do you get that information to someone that can share the information to publicize it to the entire world like it's a long process about Gen Z Millennials we get in frustrated we getting real [ __ ] fed up with this [ __ ] because we know how to do those things right on my mind you're like I don't know if that's true and then you can look look it up on Google really fast to find out if it's true we know how to do that yeah but still grain of salt winning anything on the Internet I'm just saying officer it is it is getting frustrating people want to go out people want to shake hands people want to give give hugs I see people who won't touch me look at me let alone touch me yeah I see people who will shake my hand and refuse to wear a mask this organized unsure uncertainty what's it's scary it's been so messy too because like you would think okay we've got a deadly disease out there that's kill it now killed over you know 100 is it 200 thousand people now I can't remember but over a hundred thousand people at least would the with the right thing to do be to err on the side of caution at least individually I I understand that us the individual states and the federal government wants to reopen because we are we are taking a pounding as is the rest of the world but but for an individual standpoint I would assume people would everybody would want to exercise a you know caution air on the side of question and this this even goes me I got I got pictured walking down the street without a mask on the way to catch the other Nighy and you know giving there was no one around us it was a straight shot into the restaurant we put our masks on as soon as we got in which was required of us but I mean maybe I I don't know that's the thing like should I have a mask on right now he looks great in that picture though I looked like I was ready to so no is there is anything gonna happen between the car and the front door that someone opens for you no I don't know you're breathing in air Internet why is my face look like that man like look at all three you guys look so good and I like you could put a dick right in it what what I think you even have your tongue in your cheek - I think you should do that for all your paparazzi photos yeah just make that face like you're constantly saying like whenever you walk by the paparazzi just do this Oh your face looks slim Mike you've been doing something I've been trying to do better I mean I bought a new boy you could been riding that but yeah I mean see and and and Logan was the only one with the with the [ __ ] mask on bro I flipped it what any time I go out in public and I am in contention for any controversy ie not wearing a mask I don't want it to be tied to my brand I don't want I just like any yeah that's mine anytime like any say something went wrong and I have a maverick logo plastered on my face I don't know say he got in trouble for not wearing a mask yeah and it's like Oh his whole crew and those the Maverick I just keep that week this brand us this camp everything is in such good [ __ ] shape right now how's the memory club doing phenomenal yeah and it's the greatest thing of my life really it is I swear to God I so I'm lucky that I'm a creator who actually really does truly appreciate his fans like if you ever met me in real life it's not it's not like fan meets star it's like homie you told me well y'all let's take a pic how you doing yeah happy legit legit like I was a beginning I love these people and I always have so this club when I say the people this is truly like an intimate special curated experience not only is it intimate because I'm giving you 100% of me but it is curated I'm shaping an experience for the members to really get what it's worth it's 20 bucks a month it's a subscription service mark my words this will be a model that a hundred of hundreds of other youtubers will copy because it's very smart I feel good to get the content out like the stuff that you don't get another thing that's it so as a creator it's frustrating to me when I can't but something I you to because I'm like oh this is like this might get backlash this may be perceived wrong I can't say this I can't be drunk or high on YouTube no on the mavar Club I can because I know there's there's I'm not gonna say the number X amount of people watching yeah who only give thumbs up there's no negative feedback it's just community it's a family I like I write the emails to the people at the end of each week I'm giving extensive rounds of notes on the exclusive content yeah and it's just a really good place and I know this is gonna sound funny it's a really good place to be an artist and be a creator and just be me and connect with the people who appreciate me the most ya know I love it also the horses RIA everything we do in our real life I try to make it special for the Maverick Club we're gonna bring out a member to come ride the horse with us at the ranch amazing yeah as well as I think we're gonna do like a rollerblading biking trip down Santa Monica Pier yeah like with a group of people I would be doing like to FaceTime calls a day and as well as the Challenger giveaway the $10,000 giveaway the dinner which I think we're having next week it's just like a really [ __ ] cool thing and it's cool to once again be innovating this space in a way that I haven't seen anyone else yeah if you're not a part of the math club by the way I'm not kidding you it's one of the [ __ ] coolest things I've ever done you [ __ ] with us even [ __ ] with this crew please join no I don't please join I am recommending 10 out of 10 would recommend join go to maverick loading comScore scroll to the bottom you'll see I'm at a club membership I know I was a bad for club related no I was just gonna throw in really quickly just just in light of the giveaways of it it's all most like I mean you could there's so much stuff being given away and that thing what are you up to no you're doing 10,000 a month I've uh I've so ten thousandth grounder Rito six or ten thousand bucks yeah and then more car the horse the rainbow horse that I am that I bought for 8k probably could sell probably I bet I could get 20 30 km yeah sure is hand-painted yeah and then the horse is the there's one more thing like a horse riding experience yeah no no not that I just mean like the stuff you actually get like we're gonna get we're gonna start moving towards crazier cars - it's in it's in the roadmap I mean it's it's almost like just as almost as like a pay to enter type thing just that aloneness is the [ __ ] value oh I was afraid when I started it you know there's like the commentary youtubers we like will laughing make fun of your ideas or your endeavors but yeah on their screen I was so afraid like when like when Jake did a financial freedom movement I mean obviously like I'm comparing apples to shoes but uh you know someone always has some [ __ ] to say and everything I've seen about the matter Club as I go this is actually good some people who don't even like me know this is actually good the I'm like man I think we do we bet we've actually been betting trouble on the business side of it because I think we under priced it oh look who's homie right now he's probably got it I say you got some questions for you she's taking take her right now yeah of course yeah good yo yo beast let me let me call you back I'm on I'm on I'm Paulsen right now but it'd be cool to get him on the subscription wave yeah yeah cool to bring it back on the show quite quite the machine yeah we got it's kind of a big deal [ __ ] I've been stealing a lot of thank you and everything's been going really well in my life lately and I'm moving out I'll be honest I already knew about this yeah we've talked about it so we just lost another one another open bedroom though if you're out there watching this join the maverick Club we're gonna be giving away those bedrooms you don't actually move in we're actually going it's been really awesome here you know we've been at this for a long time it was a great year but I can't sleep in the rat box anymore so I'm moving out of the rat box and into the ice box but you're staying in the house oh yeah [ __ ] you just into the ice box David it's got a door so you move from one shoe box to a hot box no ice cracks it's the rat box okay because the other rat on my head yep moving out of the rat box into the ice box kept the German prisoner that's what happens when you [ __ ] with us hey listen you know why it's called the ice box cuz there is a vent in the room that pours out sub arctic air everyone who's lived in that room is unable to cover it we've tried every single cases aren't engineers like me I'm excited to see what your sob so much cuz that was my first just like I'm so ready I'm pumped mine was a piece of Xerox paper prayer paper with duct tape it fell off the first night and I never tried it again I just put jacket you have to wear jackets in there it's act like sleeping cold though it's good for you but when you do move out if you ever do move out I'd like you to not know like ideally we have some sort of commune in a nice neighborhood where it's like there's Mike across the street hi I'm gonna be your neighbor so there's Matt like that's my that's my ultimate dream and goal were all just neighbors yeah but like tell me off off not like na na pakka I mean I had to do that Spencer do you believe it I felt I felt like Spencer today I had to do I did I did believe it I did believe it but Spencer seems timed right let's be honest we all we all knew that's coming this was a shot house you know I have to say also kind of going back into our history real quick we weren't friends from first grade we were actually really yeah Dogen was the fastest kid in school but now the fastest kid on the planet oh yeah see I was also the fastest kid in school and we kind of had like a silent rivalry no one really knew and then kind of took the playground races there was never really clear winner yo you have no idea how intense these races were so there's this big thick [ __ ] tree huge tree well you say about 30 40 yards is 40-yard dash 40-yard dash yeah so you go hit the tree and then you go spring back and are what would you call the lady who watches over the kids at the playground playground attendant she would she would facilitate the races so she'd say go and we you would smoke everyone I'd smoke everyone then you know at the end of the 20 minutes smack first slogan yeah everyone's gathered around there's like 50 kids just like cheering us on yeah and we go neck and neck he'd win some I'd win some and for the longest time we hated each other he was full um I don't want the fascists calling now he lives in the box so to be the icebox speaking of the icebox Dave Portnoy is back in the news when is he not in the [ __ ] it this dude this dude he's got it all figured out i I see 9 is clout Portnoy is News News DJ he lives in the traditional news cycle now and I and I I obviously love Portnoy and I you know I'm wearing I'm wearing a pizza related shirt today he does his pizza is pizza time so this is all about New Haven PD to the shirt but Davey day-trader global has has continued to blow up to a point where you're seeing it covered by actual analysts on MSNBC Kramer's talking about it because they believe he has activated such a large group of speculative traders that is it is influencing the entire market so he's pumping it up in on every he is he is doing these day trades and with his 1.5 million you know flowers I believe on Twitter and so many of these people are taking part in the moves which according to Portnoy the market only goes up that's his famous his famous saying right now the market only goes up which historically is true but over over a larger longer turn that true analysts believe that he's building the bubble almost personally and so so so Buffett infamously a couple months ago made a statement that he was getting out of Airlines and cruises yeah and he had a mass exit from Airlines Portnoy then said Buffett is what called Buffett washed-up hey Portnoy called Buffett washed-up which in jest I love you as a joke I love but I'll say to Dave straight up right now you're a couple zero short on that statement you're a couple zero short I love you dude you're great you're great guy you're fun to watch but it's you're talking about a [ __ ] icon here trading icon itself but it's off it's doing the same thing on just on the other side of this back he makes money both ways if he sells he's making my it doesn't matter what he does Buffett's gonna make money hand over fist yeah but what they what what port noise guys you know followers call them is the suits the suits don't want us to trade this one yeah they call the traditional sit traders the suits in love that it's so fun to watch but it's it's turned into this massive speculative situation because listen like the market the market came back after the first Corona dump you've seen stocks get back to you know 26 27 thousand down looking at it right now 25,000 763 undoubted a um we're gonna dump back off guys yeah this this is gonna happen that the unemployment numbers are gonna [ __ ] are gonna continue to grow bit you know you're gonna get chilling numbers from businesses when they report earnings this this thing is gonna slam yeah I I'm on the sidelines waiting for that to happen to buy when there's real blood you know you know I love I hate to say I'd love to see a $14,000 in form Don all yeah [ __ ] all of it port noise in the [ __ ] news for something other than pizza and it's just fun to watch cuz he's taking aim at everybody they're putting him on the they're put him on the news he's got a um Logan how's your 401k doing yeah my retirement fund is is good got stocks and dividends and working on stocks and I need to get I need to get you're gonna be put options going I don't know he's not doesn't all the vocabulary you know what this is similar to Logan to bring to bring it back a little bit people are mad you know all these all these traditional guys are mad that Portnoy is leading all these speculative traders with with the way he trades and the way he speaks it feels very similar to the way you and ksi LED new boxing fans it people hate the idea that that a ventures only less intelligent or a person who is not an expert can do better than you're doing at the thing you're so apparently so yes exactly and that's exactly what's happening here now it's it's funny because you can't you can't hate on him he's bright he's getting you know a ton of new attention to trading and trading is a beautiful thing and a lot of suits have made money for a long time on it and I actually believe that there's a chance that my maverick Club will be trading related potentially so I'm looking I'm looking into it now because we I've got obviously friends in the space I have system set up for it and I love trading and obviously I'm super into it but you you you make a couple trades here and there yeah I'm not good because I trade stocks like a gamble facts which in historically I probably lost 50 to 100k gambling some reason to go back and I do it you're about to win you're about to hit it big next time yeah which is Friday yeah we're gonna walk away any 100 200 K more than that 300 K I was gonna say it and maybe hope I'm you know just make sure you buying it the highest limit table just start there we always you will always win and always well that's the thing about gambling as long as you keep playing eventually yeah we are [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] we're sarcastic everything we say is a joke except but you know I mean [ __ ] poor tonight I love a go against the grain [ __ ] that's him hey Portenoy is that he lit he is bro a go against the grain [ __ ] he's the white camera down really well should we fix it well let's troubleshoot we got it we got some tactical difficulties I may let this run I mean it's let's see if I got anything to think about here do you do tote do you do uh vote foot photos on maverick Club I thought about all you should yo oh you show I thought about doing it only fans for Josie's Posey no just it broke she's a top model it's not that it is you own you own your own only fans you'll never do only fans what you have is it only yes so just put it up put a separate put my girlfriend's feet on in the maverick Club if your girlfriend's no says no mind will surely say yes student I feel like I'd be weird if I'm always like hey to your girlfriend hey can I get a pic picture goes by [ __ ] okay we've talked about the other day two to two different people Amara cares about one thing me that's the only thing you say anything no no no no no that's Alana okay Amara cares my only one thing me that's it nothing else in her life that she cares about Lana cares only about one thing money that's it that's the only thing she [ __ ] cares about she's a she is the imminent hustler bro so if you it so if you offer a percentage I'll give you foot shots and if you think the guys will I will will line up for maverick Club as a result of its kind of diluting the the experience where are you gonna put it would you we have a Instagram at the maverick Club maybe just post them up on there there's a private that's not because check us out if it's private people will be able to see how many people are in the maverick Club and that number Topsy's confidential top see or not that's a trade secret yeah that's not everyone is following talked about last night why we're tired yeah this is the big thing day oh yeah uh we had a scare last night with Brody blue Kimberly blue my palm ski 60% Pomeranian 25% no sixty percent high Siberian Husky 25% Pomeranian 10% Samoyed hundred percent more on cross the [ __ ] board dude so I so I knew that and I've had a slew of problems with this dog ever since he was a puppy he was just being a little [ __ ] just leo kinda is they'll kind of is he he carried the energy but he's also the greatest dog in the world he's a house dog he's his amazing he's a little Jamie loves everyone just a sweetheart and last night he's a little sick he threw up then he had like a post throw up and then a post-op so he just threw up like three times I cleaned it up bro Lee's been throwing up since he was young yeah and I thought nothing of it just like oh yeah Cup dinner no problem something happened watched him monitor his body language for a little bit seemed fine went to sleep 1:30 a.m. I get a phone call from George who had called me earlier in the day and was like hey can I come to your house like it's gonna be kind of late to grab a thumbnail I need a thumbnail calls me 1:30 he's like yo you need to come down here your dog is uh your dogs not breathing he's he's like upside down he's foaming at the mouth I'm like holy [ __ ] wait really he's I can you come down here right now mind you I took so many melatonin I gave you soul because I was exhausted I had the longest day not be getting good sleep exhausted bro so I wake up and it's like it's like the quaalude moment from from wall think I'm walking I could be just like crawling down the stairs like loading floating I'd like this like floating yes and I go downstairs and yo this dogs upside down he's on his back he's foaming it off not conscious you know when you see someone just got knocked out there I go yeah and I'm like I'm gonna go brother you got your good any kind of pipes up he looks at me and it was cool to like connect with him and he got a little bit of a life and pep in his step but he's still like upset huh I'm like I'm gonna go bail call the nearest 24-hour animal animal control Animal Hospital and so we find it we pick up Rolly get in the car we speak to this animal hospital mind you it's me Josie bail Justin and George driving incredibly fast as I I hate to say this I wasn't sure if this dog was gonna live yeah yeah he's on my lap my first dog do G has died in my arms before and he's just like paralyzed in my arms and we're trying to work keeping him awake and he's just like foaming about doing this whatever here's one thing I also know about burly like you said he's done he's also overdramatic same as Carl exacting is called naive I've like watched him like kinda like maybe get hurt a little bit and this dude's out for two hours like he's a baby his body language was telling me this dogs are some serious trouble so we're gonna date we're gonna take every necessary step to make sure he's okay so bro I show up through this Animal Hospital my shorts rip don't [ __ ] bleeding across my chest I'm not even in shoes my pants are off I'm sorry I'm sorry comes right after she grabs and she runs back I'm like no that's what I thought happened in my head that's exact way Lou juice oh I need to reiterate I'm [ __ ] up hostile and so is Josie dude we're just not not in good shape turns out all I did was walk in hand the nurse was running that was no VC the nurse came out she's like we're like we may have like drank something like a toxic chemical I don't [ __ ] know but he's been throwing up whatever he's not moving when nurse runs back I'm like this is it next thing you know I'm filling out this paperwork alone in the lobby just his movie scene just a loaner Lobby it's 2:30 3:00 a.m. music what the [ __ ] just happened and I gotta give a thank you to George George Janko I had this thought I said I said this may have been why God put George in my life just saved your dog right brother last night uh he came over at 1:30 a.m. to get a so bizarre my front door was locked he was leaving he was going to go home he goes Theo I'm gonna check the studio studio happened to be a lot Jake brodo left it open it's his room he happened to unlock it that night walk through walked in CeCe's Broly and gives me a call if you thank God I know when I'm holding his dog I was like it was one of the scariest moments of my life and I'm sitting outside the Animal Hospital and George is again great friend to have in this situation cuz he didn't just tell me yo your dog's hurt and then leave he's like your dogs [ __ ] up i'ma Drive you to a hospital nice throw us all there and then while we're sitting outside he's telling jokes lightening the mood and just like making me feel better but I going in and outs of spurts of like panic yeah oh yeah like oh my god would hide her this this was a thought I was having I could say now I didn't say last night because I didn't want to put the energy in there but like I was having this thought it's just this [ __ ] sweet sweet animal dying in an animal hospital with knowing that he loves around him that breaks my heart and so I'm going in and out to these bits of panic and George is doing his best to alleviate the mood Josie's like hey we should have them drive us back to the house so then they can go home and go to sleep and we can come back and so we did that drop them off said thank you to George and his squad came back in the in the Yeti and here Josie and I are at 3:30 a.m. outside of the Animal Hospital eating jack-in-the-box oh nice good so you guys could be the next people in the hospital like just pigs and they call us they're like yeah and this is why I say Berlioz overdramatic like yeah nothing's like we're really wrong with him like his vitals seem good we monitored you want us to get an x-ray I'm like I'm like absolutely anything just like get it out of it they're like okay something might be blocking like a passageway it's gonna be something his stomach they call me after the x-ray there's like there's a little foreign fluid in his stomach but there's nothing blocking his passageway and he's actually doing fine so I'm like oh [ __ ] you know why this happened right remember what happen when you got the bird really got a little jealous you just got two new horses yeah bro Lee's trying to stake his claim of your attention this is easy way to do it man poet he's definitely overdramatic let me drink this like what he it was a possibly the mop no I didn't even drink anything it was just his average fluid I will say this he could have just been that exactly doing that yeah I don't want to I don't want to scare you and I'm gonna tell you something serious right now and you and you may or and EDD serious you may or may not want to hear this the reason why I was listening so intently to that story from you is because I've been through that exact thing before with my dog titi who was my last the Fox Terrier like finian Finney and Henry and one day I was at my grandfather's house and she went down she went down shoes she was unconscious her her eyes were just opening a little bit looking at me quite literally one of the scariest moments of my entire yeah and I held her in my arms as we rushed to the Animal Hospital she got blood drawn they said we she kept trotted out of the waiting room it was absolutely fine she said they said we can't find anything wrong with her at all she's absolutely fine we got in the car we went back to my grandfather's house the next day my grandfather died so they were they were they were inseparable best friends so who's gonna die and I know I told you are I know so so you saying the dog felt they were best friends the whole thing people say that dogs are able to predict earthquakes whatever and so yeah I don't know maybe I shouldn't have told you the [ __ ] story but maybe call it do around the calls to random strangers in the world and that you may have once yeah I don't know warn them [ __ ] in the bro it's just like you feel a certain type of way after this whole night like you're not sure if your dogs gonna live yeah they call you tell you he's fine they opened door and probably comes out music so weird bro it was the weirdest thing ever but thank god he's okay thank god he's okay and because we're sitting outside and I'm like I'm kind of like breaking down a little bit I'm trying to laugh at George's jokes and I'm and he's like oh you good I'm like yo you all know this I have the worst luck with some of my best pets hmm and uh well he said he's kind of like a cat dog right we know that so how many lives Broly yeah I think he's got to art seven left he's till seven more he's like that's true buddy I thank god he's okay quite an eventful night yeah yes yeah some other stuff happened talk about an advocate yeah one question I have for you guys saying I wrote this last night I finished my entire notepad filled the whole thing you guys are both interesting relationships right now and one thing I've seen in my life is that is become easier to give love but hard to accept when someone is you know looking to love you how how have you guys adapted to like receive love because you're like both pretty arms distance when it comes to deep emotions or have been have been arm's distance I've I'm actually good at receiving love mm-hmm I've gotten much better at giving love that's been my like improvement over the past three years like giving the people who show me love the love back just reciprocating I have no I have no problem being loved I have a problem with compliments I'm not good at taking cards I feel like they probably fall into a similar bit maybe just a part of the whole yeah I'm this I mean I'm the same way with that I I'm terrible at both to be honest with you at both you know I I don't do a good enough job showing you know physical affection and with that huh want to talk about it I mean we can really quickly I look at Logan and Josie are rightfully since they're in honeymoon period times two the second time around cuz they had their little break so I think you go honeymoon again honeymoon period they're overly affectionate third durricks like like super touch you feel like they're always like we went out to catch and I meant to even have this conversation with you it almost like makes it hard to for me to go out with you guys because you're at a four-person table it's me tomorrow which is fine and we can do that both couples having their side things but they'll just look at each other it would like the spaghetti hanging out of each other's mouths like the whole time the entire dinner which is a beautiful thing I'm not knocking it I love it but at what point do we just like go to dinner separately yeah because I'm sitting there and um you know me and Mara seven months in so we're always you know like you know stop [ __ ] eating like that what the [ __ ] why are you eating like that she's like we'll look at you you farted at the table like we're at that point where it's you know where you get it's all fun it's all fungal you can we knock each other and so we're both sitting there and I'm sitting there like this and Amar's you know with their fork like this just looking at and then it's like mission up you boogie will keep wookie wooo I wanna talk it okay with you with the bubi bubi and we're at catch and there's other people and alright so anyways so anyway because I'll do that so anyways we it's all fun I've no issue with it but but what happens is a Mara sees it and she says to me how come you don't call me your schnooky lucky okie Ockham's and buy me horses I'm like I bought you a [ __ ] Louie bag which one would you rather you don't even have anywhere to put a horse you have a power house apartment Beverly Hills where your new tie it up outside go fire hydrant you got a Louie she goes like come on a ride ride me with the Louis bet it's cheaper want a vacation or some [ __ ] cut the [ __ ] but but huh she gives me [ __ ] because she's like look at them and I was like they're [ __ ] weeks in there weeks and of course they're gonna be like that and and I and I went up to him cuz I was hadn't slept hadn't ate again this was yesterday I'm like go could you back for the love of God just [ __ ] chill out for five seconds and they were both like nah man and then I sat down at dinner tables like who am i to [ __ ] tough love the [ __ ] out of each other you know you know you never know when it's all gonna go away so you know in life so just [ __ ] if you got them love them to the max and so that brings you back to where I'm at I'm it makes me slightly uncomfortable because I'm not so good at it mm-hmm I'm not so good at it and so it's something I think that I need to work through and you know - well from a time standpoint as well as a therapy standpoint I mean I didn't you know I have a lot of obviously a lot of baggage and trauma from the past related to a million things and I don't think I ever got super good at either giving or receiving love I've always kind of been like yo yeah but you've like finally let someone into your life which is a little mass yeah like like technically you and Amara even making it this far is like somewhat of a mere mass massive massive especially especially now at the height of my not the height but like at the highest I've been from a Fame standpoint cuz of the book and all that other [ __ ] in this podcast and the vlogs getting millions and millions of you like all that [ __ ] you'd think like now would be the time where I would get swayed to not want to be in a relationship because they're so it appears that there is so much else out there which there's not I'm aware of that you know what I'm saying I'm aware about [ __ ] go to have it yeah it's been a it's been interesting trying to trying to get to that point you know and learn about myself but I think I need some therapy dude for sure that's a question for you yeah I just like I haven't seen you like intimate or being given love in a while I'm uh I'm really focused on what I'm doing right now I'm like diving headfirst in the in the business I'm starting really focused on almost always on creation kind of talked about this yesterday in my livestream but uh yeah I just I'm putting all my time and effort into like the organization of building something bigger for myself and I feel like it's really important for me to do that right now just to get it done and kind of solidified in a way that I can manage it and then be able to take time away for it from it so I can spend time with someone else who's willing and capable of understanding that my one of my main focuses in life is to make this business the biggest I could possibly make it mmm so I'm more so not letting anyone else into my life so that I am not distracted not I'm not it's not that I'm not distracted it's that I'm because I'd be incapable of giving them everything that they would need in a relationship in order to want to still be with me I was like that for a while for a really long time I totally get what you're saying when you're a twit well your your life you your career your a goal goals are obviously very important to you as they are respectively for everyone in the world and so it's actually very mature of you to realize that you're not a hundred percent able to give yourself devote yeah do person I'm just not emotionally available yeah I recognize that but it you know it's like of course it's nice to have someone you can like confide in and tell your deepest darkest secrets to and open up to and just be loving and caring with but yeah I don't know I'm very patient with that kind of thing I'd wait for someone that that is as perfect as that can be for the time being that's walk into my life that's it what you just said is the perfect point of all of it it's it's a timing thing love is significantly based on timing because what you need right now and the best thing you could find would be a girl who is sim Orly exhausted from trying to reach her goals in life and has has so like it's all about finding the right size key for the right size lock if you find a girl who has about 10% of her time just to give to a relationship dedicate to a relationship yeah and you have about 10% of years you have a perfect situation see you every Friday night for a little bit every Wednesday we'll talk on the phone for 20 minutes a day we'll talk about some some deep dark [ __ ] that's one of the reasons why me and amaras has been a little bit difficult at times because I'm very much closer to where you are and she's very much closer to where he is she's financially set she's got 11 million followers she could post a titty and make a house it's like literally she's got it all [ __ ] figured out I'm closer to building my first notepad still yeah you know I'm obviously somewhere in the middle I've got a book and all that stuff but I'm still very much grinding grinding grinding and so she wants 90% relationship I got about 50 to give and so I've been trying to close the gap and it's interesting you can make it work it'll work what would I really have to do and what she wants me to do more than anything is catch up to her because if I can catch up to her then we got no problem so now she's trying to push me in the stand-up she's like what's the next step so that you go from hundred thousand dollar deals to multi-million dollar deals and you could catch up and we could have a life where we don't have to [ __ ] in I told her this after our last trip at the ranch when George came out and even he was being like the funniest version of himself I've ever seen it struck me so hard that this dude needs an EE bas to be doing stand-up comedy yeah George Jenko stand-up comedy if he just reroutes his energy a little bit of it to perfecting that craft this dude is gonna be so good in ten years and I thought I told him you geek he's got what it takes if he starts selling out or he could start selling out stadiums like like I'm Sebastian Maniscalco type [ __ ] that dude is a G and they're very very similar they're so animated mannerisms and the way they tell their jokes they're because in their comedy so every day since the ranch trip to this day it's about a week and half ago I have texted George every single day and I said reminder to do stand-up comedy I'm actually shooting this text I know what I'm saying is I could do that for you if you'd like no because Amara already does and in a [ __ ] day she's like just write a routine you'll blow up [ __ ] immediately you've got millions millions of [ __ ] fans it's funny and boys that tell better hilarious yeah I just have to channel it properly and everybody knows I got one thing George I don't know if he'll dive anxiety here I'm saying like new places and do things but that's how life is that's how life isn't until dissimilarly the way that this show was for me mm-hmm I it's in I wrote about this in the book like the first day I was came on the show dude and that happened with it with the sex lady the sex therapist when I had that anxiety happen your first going by jokes about you having an anxiety than just and like sweating my armpits and just like included into your routine we know what's gonna happen yeah just like MT I sink into it lean into it and I got that turn for moderate much easier said than done anxiety is no [ __ ] like right is quite crippling right let's give it a shot yeah no no it's definitely I mean dude if you're like that's such a like used approach right now to use your your vulnerabilities and your and [ __ ] on yourself a putting on yourself as hot as [ __ ] are you guys doing Thursday night hanging out should we link a little stand-up thing you know how we used to set up the he's gone all week we're traveling all over the place well we'll get we'll get there I've been tell I've been telling her I'm like just slow down you don't [ __ ] tell me other day I got a million other things going on and yeah Oh we'll get that's a you know how you're always running around the ranch thinking about things to do and what should you do next and I was thinking baby you should start writing talking about long format content ideas writings great I will eventually I will I just don't have to I'm maxed out and what I'm doing right now I will be doing it I will be doing this wave of vlog maverick Club podcast building the business behind the scenes for no 2 3 years yeah and then i'ma start slowly shifting my energy to a bit more a really strategic hard-hitting traditional [ __ ] cool like I I thought had to start there at the other day Seth Rogen puts on a movie every X years Jordan Peele every MCS and the Jordan [ __ ] P let's say one of their masterpieces it's awesome awesome pieces of work that they a lot of time and energy to and eventually hopefully I'll be I'll be the same way where I could just really zone into a project yeah and it pops off I miss like when was the last set throw good movie I want I'm ready for another mm-hmm I think you guys won't coming out where he's like that goes back in time and he's just grandpa or something yeah like I eventually when I get a little older and I'm I don't necessarily want to be vlogging always I'm making videos so I die just [ __ ] I literally came out the womb with the g7x in my hand saying what's up low game huh and I need another we need another mid form I you know nobody pride that's like your stand up for me like I'm always they came in we need another flat Earth's we need another flat earth I so badly want to write I have you know I have a million ideas on the cartoon side that I've talked about that I haven't started or the one extra come or T type [ __ ] the one is could be interesting you guys need to watch the midnight gospel it was it's on Netflix right now it's by a guy named Duncan Trussell I was watching the other night I don't know Logan you walked in while I was watching it it is colorful is zany it's deeply esoteric and mind-expanding psychedelic it look like I was trying psychedelic yeah I mean dude it it's like riddled with symbolism and like just brilliance really it's at such a cool show I love it it is all over the place too you know best way I like to I like to confuse my mind sure likes a [ __ ] it a little bit with things that don't make sense but the part that makes it so coherent is that the dialogue that's happening is from like a podcast format so it's recorded like this and they're just they just animated it why it's like so they recorded a conversation something similar to this and then the animations that are going on around are there's like bits and parts were like story points are added in through the conversation Wow but dude its revolutionary i'ma watch it yeah it's it there's eight episodes right now I think maybe the second season I don't know but I watch the whole thing in a day hello hello we'll be going our 22 right minutes off yeah it's close well cut it they're meeting Jose Canseco later this week should be should be good it should be interesting the home run hitter he seems seems great isn't me awesome seems he seems great talking on the phone a little preliminary meetings you figure out we're gonna say don't first probably hey hey Jose or mistake now that I'm mr. Jose Slugger mr. Jose slugger hey slow that's disrespectful which seriously what I call in high school with it was mister yeah yeah I'm 25 years old I'm an adult hey there mr. Canseco if it's called me Jose oh-oh that's what's gonna happen that's when he breaks your hand I think you should call it mr. Jose Canseco yes and ask him ask him from a querying standpoint no Rock Prairie no like a like a question like a query can you point me to the nearest rock quarry no I don't want to but like ask him like this asking my desk good to meet you mr. Jose Canseco like ask him cool from a question yes yes Jose Canseco right okay that's it so we got I felt like today was a good [ __ ] episode thanks for listening hit that subscribe button during the maverick Club MAV including that cop scroll there bottom you see all the good stuff and we love you see in the next episode impalas a piece I'm mostly available but I still love you
Views: 830,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, Virtual reality, dogs, vets, urgent care, emergency, moving out, VR, AR, Augmented reality, end of the world, dave portnoy, drinking, sober 2020, horses, horses in the back, relatioships, honeymoon stage
Id: Sk1HW3Jbuj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 37sec (4597 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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