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this is my secret I don't mind what happens now because I work with a lot of high-end performers we do care but again one of the distinctions I teach is I care more than anyone I know I just don't worry now think about that how good might change more how can he go more Hollywood on us I picture him bleaching his hair welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing it's a great show we love doing it we love that you love listening today today's episode's gonna be hell of value-based you will definitely leave listening to this episode a better person so maybe get a notepad or be prepared to go back and forth between YouTube and your notes and and seriously take notes most of our episodes are pretty pretty fun and this one's definitely gonna be fun but you're gonna learn a lot like the last episode we had the sexpert on no wait no yes we did an episode with this expert on but it's coming out next Monday like maybe you should give him a preface it's actually 10 for same fun it's the same [ __ ] our brains don't start working to like 11 nicely 30 it's like 1:00 p.m. I can't it's gonna be tricky but we got these sunglasses there we go that helps that definitely helps guys these are J black you know J black we love J black J Black was started how the frustration of being unable to find any high-quality fashionable frames at affordable prices because any good quality pair of polarized sunglasses or normally cost over $150 because all the major brands are owned by one company the more you know these lenses are polarized they even come with anti-reflective coating on the back of the lens to help prevent reflections and they still only cost $49 and even less with your code impulsive bash 10 and they're doing a giveaway of 15 air pod pros denote the noise cancelling headphones from Apple and everyone that orders a pair of sunglasses between December 7th December 22nd will automatically get one entry per pair of sunglasses they purchase meaning if you buy three pairs you get entries go-to Jade black CO and use the code impulsive - 10 get yourself ten percent off your purses purchase and a chance to win one of 15 air pod pros by the way I like these the staff frames you look like a US president that just got off Air Force One that's that's like what I feel or like a low-key narcotics dealer yan that as well yeah you look like you're pushing weight no or pilot a pilot pushing weight if I had these with them I reckon that's game over you I have a I have a question what do you got um what why do you could probably answer this cuz you got that girlfriend and all Spencer why do girls pretty much 95% of the time leave their earrings next to your bed no I am this is so it's not and it's also not just earrings I know that's like the the most prevalent one but every time a girl leaves my room I get like a new collection of jewelry to add to like a little jewelry thing I have I think there's two there's two possibilities either a they forget B they want to come back yet so they come back strap you know what hey I forgot my earrings can I come and get on but there's no there's no way that either a every girl every girl forgets or B every girl wants to come back I know some girls that don't like yo when I sleep over a girl's house before I leave in the morning I do a thorough check I'm going through her stuff to make sure my stuff isn't there yeah there's no reason it would be but I'm I'm flipping over the mattresses couches bro I'm digging through drawers and every time is they because maybe you don't have like feelings in your lobes like your earlobes they're just they just don't have that like so when you walk away and you're missing your Rolex you feel it on your wrist when you walk away you don't feel anything tugging on your lobe yeah but he's right though and I it's like when you leave a hotel room you you like just about to close the door and it's like it's open an inch then you pull out the thing back open you're like final check yeah you go back through and you just look through the whole room yo did I get my charger did I forget my [ __ ] contacts case or whatever by the way I don't I don't necessarily mind it it's just like a phenomenon I'm not sure I understand cousin precedent bro when I say 10 out of 10 times like I mean 10 out of 10 times if you saw a mics one episode of the night shift there's a drawer I have of just like things jewelry I've collected over the years it there's a pile of gold and silver this big have you ever thought about like cannot appraise on it pawn yeah you could do that you pay rent for like real or you could just venmo the girls back the money they lost on all that jewelry that's true oh I was gonna say some to you probably on the podcast just now right now what oh the fact that he's got a big big-time MTV show coming up yes that's what we were talking about Micah saw Mike's got a pilot that he's shooting it's a can I say what it is yeah that's a show exam TV show I mean who's on it the brother my brother your brother he's gonna quite literally leave this show yeah and then go shoot a different show a real show with my brother Jake and his wife Tana and the and the pretty fell into felon the dude that got arrested and pretty soon what a squad yeah it's a cool squad it's a it's a it's a pilot I mean if it gets picked up it'll be dope but like grass you know what yes just a young man from Milford Connecticut just out here just it's weird bro like I gotta I gotta leave they're like God the car is gonna pick you up in 15 like what card you got it I'll come on over and then they're like how long you for hair and makeup I was like I don't have either like I don't know how long do you think I don't know I don't get that much time for like five minutes it's so funny hearing him tell me about Hollywood standard procedure because like I remember going through doing all this stuff and it's really cool to see him like in a weird way I feel like dad it's like you're like my son yeah like now my son's going off to school yeah and he's like hair makeup bro like I've sat in here and make up for any our tips for young Mikey over here uh yeah the one tip that we were kind of talking about yesterday in the gym is do not let the Hollywood environment make you say make you stiff like like stay loose bro saying it and you'll see you'll see being there with Jake will honestly help you cuz I told you this do not underestimate the power of the Disney machine that kid was literate bred for two years five days a week to just be an entertaining acting machine with energy and charisma and so having him there will make you I think sink into your skin a little more because when you're like right now there's there's six people seven people behind these cameras and I know all of them and one of them is a dog exactly and and in Hollywood there's gonna be there's probably gonna be a crew of like 15 to 20 people I know dude there that's like this well there's awesome producers weddy pits hold holding a boom over my face rao and by the way this show is a whole level up to because there's a whole studio audience yeah the studio audience for the live episode the hundred episode here you've gotten that practice though i feel what you did at the at the fight you know you you were in front of millions of people online and live bro like that's that's got it in you man yeah yeah i heard you read all the scripts as well this morning he goes so when you got your scripts when you were doing hollywood stuff like you practice like the day of yeah I was like no I was like thoroughly prepared that's the one thing I'm like worried about because like everything I do because I'm so improv based like everything on the show and even like the night shift to like I just show up and blow up like that's my calling card and now they're like think about like what you want to save for this part they like there's like there's like 20 pages he read more of the script I think him and Danny read more of the script and I have at this point it's funny but did you did you have a good hearty breakfast let's see then well here have some magic spoon there we go magic spoon guys the retro and breakfast cereal was her secret weapon for starting the day off right then you grew up and you realize it was full of sugar excess carbs and stuff that you shouldn't eat this episode is sponsored by magic spoon a new cereal company that's discovered a way to recreate your favorite childhood cereals with zero sugar 12 grams of protein and only 3 grams of net carbs and each serving should've eaten this during my training camp I would have been just a lot bigger magic rune offers four flavors of breakfast cereal based on the all-time classics cocoa cinnamon frosted and fruity plus a variety pack that lets you try them all if it's keto friendly gluten free grain free soy free low carb and GMO free you've got to try magic spoon to believe it because it tastes amazing go to magic spoon com /lo gonna grab a variety pack and try it today and be sure to use our promo code Logan at checkout to get free shipping a magic spoon is so confident their product is backed with a 100% happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason the refund your money no questions asked Thank You magic spoon for sponsoring us I really enjoy the animations I got a wizard riding on a wizard riding on like a small floppy arm dog with a spoon and then you had a person riding a monkey is that what that was yeah pink monkey with the blue lady it's what it's great putting the real in cereal that's that's that's cool Wow I stand behind that I'll put the real and for real all right nice I do yeah a little bit no problem you had the hair styling yesterday so I think that's plowing you through on the yeah today's guest is known as the mind architect he's a thought leader in human potential and performance and he's here to help us become the absolute best versions of ourselves by breaking free of our own limiting habits his clients include professional athletes royalty actors and CEOs please welcome Peter chrome hi doing then see you later I see your last name right okay so we met an image in an interesting way yes our videographer Andre behind that camera who we are who we love we absolutely love Andre yeah invited me to a mastermind a dinner he had of he said them it was the most brilliant people you know and you were there yes and you started talking I was like whoa this guy sharp this guy knows things this guy's gonna make me a better person even though the conversation revolved around building a batch for a long time yeah thank you man thank you and I now and I want to listen today because you have a lot to offer so I guess the let's start with can you tell us a little bit about yourself and sure about your story and what you do absolutely I mean the mine architect as you said is sort of become an affectionate title and it's really I just had many titles thrown around for a while as the Hitman for the ego which was pretty popular like a Happiness guru and I just really like the idea of reconstructing the way that people think about themselves so that's why the architecture thing came about and as you mentioned just working with high-end performers who have a lot at stake like similar to what you've just been going through all we've been through for many years just in how can we enhance the the environment in which we're gonna perform so that we have a better chance of success so it's really to me it all comes back down to what is the fundamental design of our brain our mind and how we perceive ourselves what is the access to performance if you think that you're somehow inadequate obviously you're not going to perform very well if you have fear if you have stress if you have anxiety so I've sort of managed to reverse engineer everything to see why do humans get stuck why do they get stopped and it could go to the extremes of depression and you know some really tough things that everybody goes through the challenges that we face but if we can just transcend that if we can recognize okay what is it that's holding me back in my career in my relationship to do with my health that's meas you know that's a powerful thing to build access how do you reverse engineer the mind though like how did you how did you learn I guess I'm asking we really like what what are your credentials and how did you come to be where you are today so the first part reverse engineer to me it's like you look at symptoms right you go and see a doctor and you've got like strep throat you've got something going on your body and not quite sure where it comes from any doctor hopefully is worth their salt will be able to recognize okay what's the underlying root cause right now in Western medicine they actually don't really want to do that they just want to prescribe medication cuz that's a business they want to sell pills right so with the mind it's the same thing if someone comes to me and they're having a relationship issue or they're struggling with something to do with performance in whatever arena it could be sports entertainment just something to do with their business then reverse engineers mean means like go back to what is it that is at the root cause of why you're dealing with anxiety why can't you speak to your boss about something why are you struggling why are you hiding so that's what I mean by reverse engineer is to take you back to what is the root cause of somebody's suffering that is impacting their behavior and their results so that's that's the reverse engineer part credentials I mean I studied an undergrad in human biology and exercise physiology I started as a trainer many years ago and then I did a master's in IT and then I studied something called Ayurveda which is the Indian healing modality similar to Chinese medicine so that has a very strong component about the mind and understanding how it influences our physiology what leads to disease and I love that word because to me psychological dis is or the absence of ease is what eventually will manifest in your body and you get sick mmm so how often are you seeing results when you work with people I'd like to say every time I mean there's always gonna be a result and to what degree you know it's like do I take an NBA all-star who doubles his shooting averages that's pretty significant yeah yeah do i triple at PGA golfers winnings that's pretty significant or do I just help somebody you know just recently one of my MLB guys he's he just recognized that he's been basically making his biological mom wrong for 30 years and now to what degree will that actually manifest when he gets back on the mound next season I don't know but it's significant for him as a human being to go holy [ __ ] because he went through something that was tough when he was a kid and ever since he's held that grudge what he didn't realize is he's the one holding the poison even though he's making her wrong so is that a powerful successful result I'd say I mean that's that's huge sorry Lily yeah the reason I asked is because a few people come to mind and one person in particular where like the problems that they have so deep-rooted mm-hmm it seems like it'd be tough to reverse-engineer a thought or feeling that might be truly like subconscious that she might not even be aware of for sure I mean I'd say that's my actual area of expertise in the blind spots right do you can you share what it is and you know yeah give me an example an example this person she just got like [Laughter] it's like it's like a pretty it's a pretty chronic depression and I've been I've seen it and witnessed it firsthand yeah and it's it's scary yes there's nothing I can say or do to get them out of the rain right no I get it and I first of all I see how much you care about this person which is beautiful and that's one of the containers to help so depression is a if you look at the energy and the emotion of depression as a heaviness right people aren't feeling motivated they're not excited for their life there's a lethargy there's an apathy and there's normally a resignation so think about the energy of heaviness heaviness is usually a byproduct to holding on to something I come all of my one of my MLB guys we were playing the Dodgers actually and he was it had some shitty shitty outings recently and so he wasn't in the best place he wasn't feeling super confident so because I was accountable for the mindset of the team I went up to him I said you know what's how you doing and he said I'm hanging in there it's a very common human expression right but I said that's interesting choice of words cuz if you're hanging in there you're holding on to something so the holding on to meant that he was actually not reconciling his history like the last time he went out and he gave up you know five runs or whatever it was so he here at that moment recognized that what was holding him back was that he was still associated with his history right now so I said you remember the movie Men in Black Will Smith they they wave that one and you forget these saw these aliens and when I'm I said if I could get rid of your memory where's your [ __ ] problem right so with this person you're talking about depression is where we haven't reconciled we haven't processed emotionally something from a long period of time so similar to I was saying about the MLB guy who for 30 years I've been making his mum wrong that's a lot of heaviness in his system now he was still functional he's making millions of dollars on so similarly I promise you that whoever this person is she's holding on to something that she hasn't reconciled think about it physiologically if you eat some heavy food but you don't digest it properly you know you got sour belching you're bloated you feel kind of heavy and shitty that's just something physical but think about it emotionally and psychologically you've got something that happened to you 10 20 30 years ago that you haven't actually processed that is going to create a heaviness in your system so we need to get to to finish the point we want to get back to what were the events that happen and usually is one pivotal maybe a couple that made her feel in her view that somehow she's not loved she's not wanted she's not good enough something like that that's the heaviness the depression is just a symptom how many of your clients after you give them advice will tell you that it's easier said than done a lot I use the expression it's simple it's not easy mmm right so when I point things out it actually makes sense and that's the simple mark the not easy is putting it into effect actually having the discipline you know this is where honestly you know I wanted to acknowledge you for this whole journey you've been on with the whole boxing experience because and we talked about that at dinner when you're at my house is the dedication and the discipline to me was your greatest asset was your greatest win was what you had to overcome in terms of I don't feel like it this morning or you know what the hell am i doing the this psychological apathy and resistance that you overcame that that is the tough part yeah understanding I mean I work with brilliant people we've got great minds they're all that makes sense but then if they don't actually follow through and execute yeah it makes no difference yeah do you do you only work with like top performers or do you also work with people like at average like more common everyday people the whole gamut everything everyone yeah yeah how do you how do you I know you talked about what was that thing men in black called that it was a D atomizer where he holds it all buddy forgets everything yeah since you don't have that by the way unless you do is actually the key to my work assuming you don't have that how do you I do I know you're able to call out the fact that their depression anxiety or whatever it is is probably rooted in something that happened in the past but how do you go about identifying what that thing is um I guess at one level that's my skill you know it's being able to listen and from a place where I can identify whatever it is they're saying to me just reveal something like about it it's like think of or think of a room like this room is I don't know five six hundred square feet right so within this room and give space to this is perfect for a podcast or we could set up like you know spare bedroom in here but we're not gonna throw the Olympics in this room right because the space doesn't call for it so when someone comes to me with whatever their problem is I'm able to just detect what is the space they're stuck in what is the language like as I said earlier if I'm not good enough then that's gonna give rise to all sorts of behavioral adaptations people-pleasing perfectionism and then you'll have the symptoms of that like I'm exhausted I don't feel like my boyfriend gives me enough attention I don't get paid enough at work that's the problem but I can take that back to well actually the problem is that you don't think that you're worth anything and then we can highlight wow I can remember when my dad gave my sister more attention or and I thought that meant that I was less than her or something like that I was just on a retreat teaching this group and this mother brought up a concern about one of her son she said you know how do I help my son who keeps saying that he's not as good as in this case Robbie and Robbie was his older brother and she's she said you know I'm telling him he's amazing and he's got this gift and he's da-da-da-da-da I said but first of all you're not actually listening to what he's saying I get from a mother's perspective you want him to feel better but he's saying in his reality the way the world occurs to him is that he's inadequate relative to his older brother so unless you actually understand where someone is to start with then you're not actually able to help them but what he was revealing is that relative to his brother he feels somehow less then and and once you can hold a space for it okay I can see that you feel that your brother's great at this and he's an athlete whatever but then we can investigate is it true that you're less than your brother like it's an actual truth like I say I believe in gravity that's about the only truth I believe in otherwise it's just an opinion and that's where you can undo that that's where you can actually help somebody see that what you believe about yourself it has an impact and it can suck at times to live there but it's not an actual truth and that's the freedom I'm fascinated by how much one's childhood can affect the array of their life yeah yeah yeah I've sat with some therapists and during like the unpacking yeah everything it every like problem that I had was like pinpointed because of something that went wrong during my childhood or like maybe I dad or mom didn't do something you know like a lack of something and in it I made me the way I am yeah um so again there's just like a lot of lot of stuff to unpack there but because like obviously we're not able to sit you down with a one-on-one with each of our listeners yeah I want to go a little more macro okay and ask you is is there a best practice to improve or like what is what is the the thing that is stopping people from living to their fullest potential the most I mean it's a beautiful question and again I love this about you and the fact that you do care about your audience I think as human beings we're kind of designed fundamentally to survive right so on the macro level I don't care who you are whether I'm working with billionaire Executive ER here or a 13 year old kid who's struggling with a D D or anxiety issues if if you recognize that who we are fundamentally as humans is designed to fight or flight to survive because we feel there are potential threats now that threat might be my boss called me into my office my wife is upset at me I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to pay rent this month that is all based on what I call these linguistic fortresses like the language inside of my head is that I'm not gonna be able to do something it's based in again I don't want to get to as a tarik with words but it's a negation where we're saying not something I'm not this I'm not that so on the macro level for people to be able to find some freedom it's recognizing where are you saying I'm not something that I'm not gonna be okay that's how most people relate to the future is whatever is gonna happen there's a perception that it's a worst-case scenario right fear anxiety apprehension worry I'm sure you had some of this going into the fight as confident were as prepared as you were its natural as a human being to think that I'm not going to be okay and that's one of the biggest things that I see with everyone I work with is that our relationship to the future is from that worst-case scenario and the MBA guy that I helped who was he had the leaks were that worse average he was based on past history the men in black you know the fear that he hadn't let go of was standing up at the free-throw line and now he's trying to avoid the repetition of what didn't go well and he's letting down his teammates and the crowd was booing and it's just a tough position of being so I said to him you know you think that you're worried about an outcome but you're the one creating that potential outcome because nothing's happened yet yeah right so I said what if I told you that you shoot League average for the rest of the season which was 75% and he said dude that'd be amazing his shoulders dropped he started smart like a kid and I said what I just created for you is as real as the future you're worried about they're both made up yep yeah now if you really get that and he's shot he went from 35 percent to 68 percent that whole week because he recognized he created a different future so that would be the first thing I say to people is you've got to be aware of what is the future you're creating that you're concerned about because you're the one creating it and that when this hit me it was just so mad and yet comical we got one brain that is creating a perception of a future that hasn't happened yet and it's usually not good as I said and then that same brain is trying to resolve a void or fix the future that it made up you make it seem so simple and like it is yeah it sounds like it is it's such a shock to us and I don't want to sound like a broken record but we weren't taught this stuff in school where I'm trying to think where were we taught any of this animation we have a brain and yet what class K through 12 did we ever like study our mind often I think I think the question I asked you earlier about the difference between you know teaching these top performers and teaching the average everyday person is I think top performers by default because of their ability to be top performers athletes actors royalty whatever they are are innately potentially better at their ability to problem-solve when it comes to mental illness okay this is this I'm just making this up maybe it's not true but I I think of on the other hand the advice that you give people mm-hmm that are as someone who suffers under a decent amount or at times a tremendous amount of depression and anxiety myself yeah some of that advice is reliant on what I would call a breakthrough yeah okay you can I know people live in this house nice I don't people that even live in this house that you could throw you know change your mental mind state it imagine the best potential outcome think positively let's identify your past and it's like this a man had a metal wall not not a single thing is going through yeah and so um I guess I guess like my question is like for those people out there because I know I speak for these people in the audience as soon as I say this right now it'll get clipped a thousand people DME oh you're talking about me I know this feeling nothing can get through to me no one can help me I'm in the worst place I'm in the darkest raw I'll never get out I'll never get out how do you how do you break through those people how do you get them to at least open up to the fact that there potentially could be a better life for them it's a beautiful question and my response might seem a little bit soft but for me the first thing is for people to understand what it means to truly be loved because my assertion is and it's a hard thing to say that no kid going back to your point about that most of this I would say actually all of it is generated and childhood most children don't know what it means to truly be held and loved and again I'm a dude I you know I'm a guy's guy I love my sports but I also would say one of my assets and my skill sets is that when I'm with someone I just love them for who they are so even if someone is depressed and you're talking about whoever this girl is and whoever you're speaking to in the audience what most people want is to truly be held for whether they're at think of a little kid who's just you know fell over and they got the boo-boo and they're crying and they're screaming you know want to go and like you throws solutions you know you should have had better sneakers on oh you weren't paint like that's not what they want they want to be picked up and they want to be held so that to me is the first port of call is I use the archetypes of what would the quintessential mother energy look like and it's a lot of pressure on mothers to try and embody their so I'm not saying anyone should but if you had that quintessential almost like mother Theresa type woman as your mother whatever you did you'd always feel held you'd always feel like loved and it's okay you're a kid you're supposed to break [ __ ] you're supposed to get things wrong but when we hear it from our parents is like no that was wrong that you did that and that was bad so that would be the first thing is to learn and it is really tough I really you know I have so much compassion people out there doing the best they can but to be able to hold yourself and go you know what I'm human I'm not supposed to be perfect I'm allowed to [ __ ] things up I'm allowed to be scared I'm allowed to sometimes feel sorry for myself that's okay and to make a space for that is the first thing to do so we want to embody the quintessential Mother energy for whoever's going through whatever depression anxiety failure loss disappointment it's okay that's the first time it's okay then we can start to bring in the quintessential dad energy who's the guy who's like hey you're awesome and you start to figure [ __ ] out and go okay maybe this is why you didn't you know do well in this sport or in that interview and we can start to be in the analytical but that's where most people go straight away as we want to fix it and that person never felt held like I was saying when I was in the retreat the woman who's trying to help her son who felt worse than or less than his older brother Robbie he wants to just be held and listened to first most people don't listen in relationships parenting to children just get what that humans reality is right now and they don't feel good about themselves and if you can just meet them there I'm not saying that we want them to hang out there but just to get no I really understand you feel just yeah that you really feel sad right now and that's totally okay and I think that's where women to women are a little bit better listeners you ask guys we want to just fix it it's like well that was dumb why did you do that versus listening wow I can get that sort of you've had a really tough day babe you know like I can get that now mind we might be like peeking that that could be fixed easily but that's not what they're saying they want to be heard and this is where most guys struggling relationships is they don't listen so listening is first giving people the permission to feel what they feel without judging them it's okay I gave a client this example the other day I said imagine you're throwing a dinner party not too dissimilar to the great one Andre did for us and you can invite all of your emotions and you're like well I definitely want happiness to be there definitely joy you know fun he's awesome you know playfulness and excitement I want those emotions positivity he's definitely gonna be abided possum positivity she's awesome but then you go to the listing like oh [ __ ] do I have to invite depression does anxiety have to be at the dinner party does grief have to really be there such a bummer and to me it's like if you don't invite all your emotions to the dinner party you're denying a part of yourself and so it's about being a big enough human being that you can allow all aspects of who you are to actually be part of your life that is the full integration that allows you then to be free I'm curious to kind of extend our mics question yeah you know to the to the you know viewers listeners out there that may be in a family situation in which maybe they are missing family should I know is something that you've you've obviously had to overcome yeah um or maybe they're in an abusive you know relationship or something they feel stuck in there and their environments not conducive and maybe they're too young to even move out and and they can't be on their own you know what do you say to to those types of people is there is there a way to find this inner clarity in this inner peace while still being in a chaotic environment or do you have to at some point completely remove yourself to accomplish this um I mean first thing I'd says I have nothing but love for you I mean again that sounds a little bit philanthropic but I really do I mean I've been through a lot myself we all have and so I think compassion is one of the greatest assets we can have as human being so you don't know what war someone is going through you know when we judge somebody in public eye or in traffic and we get pissed at so it's like you don't know what they've been through so first of all come compassion my first response to anyone secondly I guess it's dependent on the situation if it's a kid I mean that's the thing that really breaks my heart right as you see kids who it might not even be abuse like in terms of physical abuse but the kid that's ignored you know at the dinner table or you know the quintessential go to your room the dismissive energy that is put on humans to me is one of the the cruelest ways to treat anyone and I'm just super sensitive to suffering I don't want anyone to suffer it's why I do what I do I want to help people wake up and be free so compassion and love would be the first thing I'd bring the people and say listen you're not alone I think you know having some sense of companionship with people who are going through this to realize that there are millions of people going through the same thing and then to as best as possible yes if you can remove yourself from a situation that is abusive whatever that means it's a strong word then of course that is great seek counsel and people that you can trust you know whether it be friend I mean this is why people get into gangs you know humans want to belong and if you don't find belonging in your own biological family which you find it somewhere else and and and that's also scary right because you're gonna want to mimic the group bless you bless you boys I gotta take that sneeze as a as a opportunity to run okay my drivers outside guys don't change on this mic you guys have fun here in the digital world I want to talk to you again after the show know I'd love to help you and I've really appreciate you sharing about the depression because it's it's it's more common than people realize I know I could sit here and talk to you about it for four hours and by the way I think a lot of people would like to see that so yeah yeah just the first thing I would say to give you as a takeaway is is acceptance you know that what if you went through you obviously got a big heart you care you've got a great mind and you're no different than any other human being in terms of you've been through tough stuff right but to accept your pathway without resistance is where you're gonna find freedom that what happened is one of my quotes that say what happened opened and couldn't have happened any other way because it didn't and if you really get that there's a lot of freedom to be found because oftentimes we're judging our history as though that shouldn't have happened they shouldn't have done that well now you start right what happened happened couldn't have happened out of the way because it didn't and if you really get that you my friend will find some more freedom I love it thank you bro you kick ass in the big screen I think so the people out there that maybe are saying Oh Peter you don't get it you yeah you know you you have life made you're working with all these people like could you unpack your story with your parents personally because I don't think there's there's a lot of people out there that I think would benefit from hearing that yeah I mean it's definitely I've encountered that a few times like yeah I remember distinctly like doing an interview in London for some of my work and the woman made the point so it's easy for you six four three and you're successful I wasn't always that way so it wasn't always six four three so yeah when I was I was an only child and when I was seven my mum passive cancer and so she'd been sick for a while so she really wasn't present in my life as a mother for a good couple of years and I was actually sent away by my dad you know you're a kid you don't know what's happening when you're six or seven and when I came back he took me into one of the rooms in the house and sort of got down on one knee so he could be eye level he was always very considerate of that and said you know I can't remember his exact words but basically your mum's not here anymore and I don't know to this day to what degree I've actually been able to process that you can't ask a seven-year-old to understand what death means and certainly of this quintessential security blanket called your mother so that that was that and then so Matt made my dad and I very close and I'm blessed that I had a very unconditionally loving dad and he did the best he could given he still had to go to work we weren't wealthy and then one day he went to work when I was 17 he worked on what we call the fairies or the boats ago between England and Belgium and in England and France and the boat capsized and about three three to four hundred people died and he he was sadly one of them so it was our equivalent of any major disaster it was all over the news for days where they're pulling bodies out of the English Channel and of course we're sitting there hoping that all the people coming out with blankets that I see my dad and suffice to say he didn't he wasn't one of them so that was probably I'd say that was the hardest thing I've ever been through and in ways that I still couldn't even process at the time again seventeen you know you're so young but I can remember standing in my bedroom and again that mums died dad's gone I did have a stepmother but you know the race she was a very nice lady but it's not like my biological parents and I can remember viscerally having the what I consider the worst experience of human being can have which is the feeling of complete isolation and I think you know as my work has evolved I've realized that what we're up against is the belief that we're separate and if we think we're separate as a human being as any sort of pack animal it's it's the worst feeling because you want to belong you know which we could say is love or family and community and but this was visceral meaning it was physical it wasn't like I could argue no no no but I've got a great brother even if he's a dick you know it's like we're closed there was no one there's just no one and so I think that's what led me to have so much compassion for people is because I had the actual experience of separation which i think is what people are going through when they're suffering they might have parents they might have siblings they might have loved ones or spouses but if we feel separate then it's a it's a desperate feeling so yeah so that was part of my own part of my upbringing which I think you know again look what I just said to Mike what happened happened it can happen the other way because it didn't doesn't mean it's ideal and some people misunderstand that quote I just want to be clear I'm not saying that what people went through is ideal people go through awful things from child abuse to sexual abuse I'm not saying what happened is great I'm saying it happened and if you keep processing it and you don't let go of it then you're still suffering even though it might be years after yeah so what happened is that's what happened and apparently that was my destiny and it allowed me to become as I said loving compassionate patient understanding with people I wouldn't wish it upon anyone but clearly that was what was my karma so yeah I feel like some people take that experience they they use it and they get into trouble some people take that and come the best version of of themselves I think it's one of the most you know the greatest compliments I got when I went to college in the UK at first year at University I didn't know anyone and obviously start to make friends and this one guy he was a very sweet guy very sensitive and he came up to me and after we got to know each other and some people had heard my story College had something like 15,000 students and he said you know if we were to line up every student and you had to pick the kid whose parents had died you would have been the last one I'd pick because you just seemed so vital and full of life which to me at the time was very you know as a compliment to what degree at that age I was also hiding a little bit because you know I was conscious of it I don't know but it was still it was still a compliment was it was there like a mentor or something that you found because I think what's interesting now is like we're on a podcast and hundreds of thousands of people are able to process this story and this experience like that you didn't have that as a kid so I think we have an audience right now that has the potential if you've gone through something where you can make a conscious decision okay I'm gonna be like Peter I'm gonna I'm gonna use this to actually become an awesome human being yeah was there something for you personally that that allowed you to kind of help you know make sure you didn't go down a bad path and you you did go down this path no it's a it's a beautiful question and I think a lot of people have said something similar it's like wow you could easily have slipped into a pathway of drugs or you know become somebody who was just bitter about life and why me and it's not fair and screw God and so there was no one in particular that stood out I think I grew up in a community there was a lot of families on the small street that I grew up where there was a lot of supports a community you know I think that is going to give people a lot of access to strength and security I think just for me I I was always somebody who's very curious I wanted to understand things I didn't want to be a victim of circumstance I wanted to be responsible and I think that's one of the powers that I garnered at a very young ages like okay I could either say that somebody is the reason for my suffering or I can look at it myself and that it that to me was very empowering so whatever anyone's going through right now if you're looking at your life like you're a victim of your boss your wife your parents your kids you're already on the back burner already struggling because you're saying I'm powerless it's well know if they were better then I would be okay if they said sorry I would say so if they said I love you I would say right so you're always playing this waiting game and this is again why I have a lot of respect for you my friend is it you know you're a pioneer and I know you get a lot of backlash in different ways and it's sort of a love-hate relationship but you put your [ __ ] out there you know and that takes courage because you know you are making a sort of a statement that can leave you vulnerable and whatever you pursue and I think a lot of people are scared which is totally human but if you want to break out or something it's incumbent upon you to actually be responsible for the life that you're creating and and that's that that takes cojones you know or a passion or a big heart to really believe in something and that but that to me is the most fulfilling life to live is you can either be a victim of life or you can be somebody who's responsible for the life you're creating do you feel like this this podcast cuz I've seen I've known you for a handful of years and I feel like that vulnerability you talked about is like the key idea how do you feel like this podcast for example and like because you've put so much more of your personal life out there last year yeah this podcast is ruin my life it has personally the growth that I've experienced because of my willingness to talk about the things I'm feeling and the things that are happening in my life it's like it's unparalleled like this podcast is quite literally one of the greatest things that happened to my life yeah for some reason it helps me form and articulate thoughts more and also it what you were touching on earlier is like acceptance not only with other people but with myself yeah even though I've I've [ __ ] up I've made mistakes yeah you know I'm [ __ ] when I was younger and the one out when I say younger like one year ago two years ago three years ago which really isn't that young but in the scope of my life and I'm a ever-evolving person and I and I and I change quickly like I in a year I won't be this person exactly um being able to accept myself has made my life so much easier versus trying to pretend that I'm something that I'm currently not yeah like I'm well aware of like the social media perception that is like Logan Paul and instead of being like instead of living in a place of denial it's I accept it and I am optimistic and looking forward to taking on the challenge to bring people on board yeah and and and and make them hopefully see what I see about myself because I just I just like believe I can and one thing I do a lot that that you hinted at earlier is like I press the reset button all my life you know a lot I will wipe my mind of the past and look forward to the future and that is that the future by the way that I've manifested and that is great yeah and it's not focused in the in the negative and I wanted to ask you this actually this is sort of anecdotal but in my boxing fight yeah I manifested the victory I manifested mm-hmm the win only the greatest outcome mm-hmm and the fear of losing you know or the fear of failure which again you mentioned earlier didn't cross my mind yeah there was no there was no there was no fear of losing I wasn't worried about becoming a mean that wasn't my motivator my motivator was I'm gonna I want to be the greatest and one I don't want to I want to prove to the world that I can do this yeah by the way so can you yeah but a lot of boxers Anthony Joshua I know even I think ksi said a big motivating factor for them was the fear of losing yeah that that world that they created that by the way hadn't even happened yet yeah um and I'm wondering if that maybe although it may be not ideal I'm wondering may a stronger motivating factor that fear of failure because like on November 9th ksi wanted it more and I I I can ask myself why I can come up with excuses all I want but me being optimistic and hopeful for the best potential outcome yeah may not have been as strong as that fear of being inadequate yeah and do you see that often like our people often driven by yeah I mean either it's a it's a beautiful distinction and being able to be aware of it like I work with a lot of high end athletes right pro athletes and so to me there's three main stages which is preparation execution and then outcome and most people just focus on outcome and so I will tell people if you didn't prepare and you didn't execute you have absolutely no right to be pissed about the outcome and most people don't get that so within what you just talked about there's so many Nuggets so we could talk about in terms of performance but the thing that hits me the most is I love the confidence you had but I would say it was also what left you vulnerable mm-hmm-hmm because Jack Nicklaus is the greatest golfer that ever lived you know in terms of like actual accolades he's got more than Tiger and Tigers off as its doing whatever he can to beat that but he said one of the most important parts of winning is being okay losing hmm so he made space for that's a pill to swallow dude huh it's funny cuz I've like technically I've lost a lot in my life but every time I do it I'm like yeah and even after my fight dude I'm in the ring and you see me grab my chest this is moments after my hand wasn't raised yeah and I'm like like I felt like pain in my chest I was like oh this this thing's this loss like it's I was like oh yeah which it's definitely something I need to be better at it reminds me of one of my again MLB guys full of life Venezuelan he won he was part of the Cubs team that won the World Series you know after day I'm one for whatever 180 and prior to that season he's [ __ ] yo [ __ ] Beto he's like just super super positive dude yeah I'm never gonna fail man I'm the best and I I said dude listen I love you but you could yeah you could I mean specially in the sport of baseball and he took it on right I said what I hear is a kid who's super passionate but you're actually scared to the point that you're pretending you're okay with it where have you ever pretense you were vulnerable and so that moment he I said me what it but what if what if you're okay that you do lose what if what if that doesn't you're gonna be okay and I liked a little use a bit of humor I said or do I have to call your mom you know it's like you gonna be all right and he was you know so for me it's like if you're okay if you are okay with every outcome you're free which which by the way before the fight I wasn't good if someone in my camp said something about me losing I'd like snap on them I'd be like yo watch your mouth like there you go but I'm sure on my team don't you believe in me yeah and like in my mind there was literally quite own quite literally only one outcome yeah and that's what left you vulnerable you know you didn't and listen this is powerful because it's a fight right it's it's a job it's any kind of performance that someone is committed to if you don't integrate all possibilities then you are leaving yourself it's like I said the dinner table if you don't include all the emotions then you're not complete you're not being like you said fully self accepting that there's one of my teachers and I mean the guy died but he's an Indian guru so I read his books called Krishnamurti and he said he's got this great meme that goes around it's like here's my secret I don't mind what happens hmm they need to get that that's a snout where it down yeah this is my secret I don't mind what happens now because I work with a lot of high-end performers we do care but again one of the distinctions I teach is I care more than anyone I know I just don't worry now think about that care pointing to your chest like his heart anatomically it's associated with that the love worry is the psychology where people get ahead of themselves so I care I just don't worry hmm and that's that's deep if you really get it most people are in their head constantly warring that's anxiety that fear that's a depression apprehension concern but if you care that's love which means that makes space for the fact that I could fell and I'm okay with that now I wouldn't want that few if I as part of your team and we were working together yeah but if not now knowing what you're sharing which is beautiful for you for yourself and your audience that you actually weren't okay with that is what led to you Blythe bringing that forward right another powerful quote I uses life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you're not free and get that again life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you're not free to me that vibe revealed where you weren't free which is awesome maybe not in the outcome but it is for your growth because now you give wow I can be a bigger human being because I got to see where I wasn't okay with what could have happened because that is the realm of possibility yeah yeah absolutely I think I think something else that didn't help was the the the press conferences honestly and like in like the videos and the everything leading up to the fight mm-hmm the backstory because I'm conflicted because I'm this on this fighter who has like a moderate ability yeah but also I'm I'm an entertainer who I would let me pet myself in the back for a second like I love to entertain that's that that is my thing so yeah I'm attempting to sell the event yeah and so I put on this persona of like yeah you know first rod decapitation I'm unbeatable on the greatest boxer ever in look I get home I'm like yeah that was hilarious there was fun but like probably 10% what I said was realistically true yeah and so then I start to fall in this mindset of like know I am the greatest no I'm I can only win mmm there's only one outcome yeah and it it it's weird cuz I like psyched myself out so the take were here is I guess for the next fight I gotta find a balance between being humble and realizing realistically mMmmm that both outcomes are possible winning I'm losing or drawing I guess but also selling a show yeah because I'm not a world-class who's who can sell a show based purely on his athletic ability no I get it and listen I think honestly this is why you have such a big audience right because there's something about you that every human being can relate to which is both aspects that you just spoke to there's the entertainer right so for you it might be on scale but for somebody at home their form of entertainment is trying to look good in front of their girlfriend or their dad there's a form of entertainment it's still a pretense and then there's a part of you that I think most people are really enamored with which is your vulnerability like even the fact that you're letting me contribute you in this way and go you know what you're right I was pretending to be like I'm the number one I'm gonna be the best and but underneath it you don't know that I have no idea I don't believe myself I'm just guessing I get it but you said one word which to me is what it's become one of my favorite qualities that I hope that I do and body is humility because my mic won't quote awaken if you want to call it was that when I discovered those three words I don't know because I'd had a girl leave me you know which was perfect cuz it revealed my fear of loss which we now know from my parents dying was very strong in me as a fear so I meet the first girl quote-unquote that I fall in love with what do I want to avoid happening the same thing her leaving me so as she left I fell apart and then I had all these questions will issue with someone else will I ever see her again blah blah blah feeling sorry for myself which is human it's okay but the answer to all of the questions was the same I don't know and once I got that and accepted it I was free because the nature of life is uncertainty you did not know on that night stepping into the ring what the outcome was gonna be you had the pretense which is great we could call that bravado or confidence but to me it was vulnerability and where you stand a chance to really evolve as a human being with the impact that you have to be even more powerful is to stay in the space of uncertainty whilst being committed right so for my athletes I say totally committed fully unattached hmm I love that now if you get that I'm gonna give it my all but I don't know what's gonna happen and I'm gonna be okay regardless that's a path for human being I feel like that it's rare too because we're bred to be thinking about the future we're bred to be thinking about you know we're going through school and you know get ready for college get a job do this blah blah blah you're gonna retire yeah you're always striving for something yeah and you're never being taught to just be present just like enjoy the moment every moment that you're part of even if you're an LA traffic which that's pretty damn hard bro Thanks everyone's everyone's ideal life is in the future now just get that it just didn't even make sense when if when have you ever been in your future that's why people are freaking miserable yeah no no but I'm getting there even the expression right I'm getting there well where are you getting to yeah the only place to be is here now I'm not saying that I don't as an entrepreneur as somebody who's committed to really shifting the course of humanity which may sound grandiose but that's what I'm up to is that I have a future that I'm committed to and I don't want to be fatalistic I might pass away tomorrow you know I don't I don't know so I'm still gonna be fully with you guys engaged in this conversation fully present and that to to your point about being an athlete and being a boxer the more that you can embody presence whilst being okay with all outcomes is the degree to which you have full access to your power to impact the moment right and most people are as you said they think that their future no wait just when one day I have enough money my body's finally ripped and I've got the best partner the big whatever it is that people are committed to and I have you know have all the goals and aspirations you want but if you think that your joy your happiness your freedom is gonna be found in your future then you're kidding yourself and you're in a mild state of depression mm-hmm I think I resonate like on the note of boxing I resonate with like ruies verse Joshua like Ruiz came into that first fight like completely unexpected you know ended up why do you think that's why he won yeah and then the second fight you could clearly tell that he he he did not prepare nearly as much as Joshua - yeah yeah yeah like I I've rested absolutely well cuz I mean the first fight like he had nothing to lose he was a substitute and he went in just like wow I got this like championship fight I'm gonna just do the best I can you like yeah he maybe he didn't give a [ __ ] like honest and he had fought six weeks before that so he was already in shape he had already had his win right he's got a nice house in San Diego we went there for his birthday like he had everything you wanted bro and he just went in and was fully met unattached yeah my question is yeah this is my so one of the quotes you said this is my secret I don't mind what happens yeah you adopting the idea of being comfortable saying I don't know yeah being totally committed and fully unattached yeah how do you how do you become fully unattached how do you say I don't know and how are you always comfortable with what happens and not be a sociopath right right and I asked is because I sometimes had this problem and which is why I think this guy Shane Dawson did a piece of my brother and the word sociopath was thrown around so many times and with with people sometimes I I use logic to determine how I act or how I treat them or what I say to them because to me as a person who is kind of unattached mmm who doesn't know a lot of things and who doesn't really mind what happens like I want the best but I always say this you'll have if you take this house away from me and you take all my money away from me I will go back to Ohio and I will live in a tree chop wood and I'll be just as happy as I am now I've had this like level of happiness my whole life and the through line is pretty consistent yeah so how do you how do you do all the things you said you say you said and still show that you care yeah I would actually say that's the greatest way to show that you care because otherwise what you're saying is my value is externally associated why are people like wanting an outcome because it's the accolades whatever that might be it could be a check for something it could be the recognition for something so to me that most the the highest form of care is where you recognize your value for who you are like you're in a unique aspect of life there's no other you on the planet and to me that warrants honoring that warrants reverence yet most people are under the impression that their value is somehow compromised I'm not worth something so I will compensate for that by trying to get something external hmm so if I'm if I'm ok with me then I've got literally nothing to lose talking about the boxer right because I'm not looking for external trappings to try and compensate for internal lack of self-worth now if you really get that that to me is the most powerful human being because nothing can be taken from them and that's how I see every human being why cuz there's nothing there 1 in 8 billion how much more special do you want to be yeah but the trouble is most people because of the lens that they look through which is they've been told that they're not this or they didn't get picked for the football team or they lost this or whatever it is yeah it's human nature again why have compassion and love for people but it's not a truth to think that you're somehow inadequate you're just not that's a narrative it's a conversation so you believe that you're somehow inadequate and then you're gonna do whatever you you think you need to through behavioral adaptation to compensate for that and that's why you're not okay with outcomes and that's why you're not okay not knowing and that's why you're also like trying to attach yourself to some external value none of its wrong but it's also futile because what you keep doing is reinforcing the belief that there's something inadequate about you that's what going back to the one brain that's like coming up with this sense of insecurity that then trying to find security not realizing you made up the insecurity in the first place so that to me is the ultimate form of care because it is self-care it is if the degree to which I fully love and accept myself is the degree to which I can extend that to all other beings like like you're saying it's self-love yeah so how do you have like tangible take home for the audience like a few things that they can do on a daily basis to like how do you practice self-love and I'm scraping some comedy that I need to scrape my mean anything anything that is reflective of self-care you know I mean kidding aside that could be tongues great we could be flossing like what are you doing that is in some way honoring the life that you are right another quote I use I say until you love and respect yourself what makes you think anyone else should mm-hmm and we do we tend to look at their the other way around like well they don't love me that well how well are you playing that game right yeah so it's it's just a reflection it's a mirror so I would look at where are you abusing yourself where are you like having negative conversations about yourself why are you even speaking to people around you in a way that is sort of compromising your worth and stop doing them I would say I would say also a good way I love that I would say if you go into your room and it's messy mmm I feel like that's a good that's a good place to start if you have a messy ass for this take care of that first there are people who say the first thing you should do every day is make your bed mm-hmm there's a video that went viral I think there's like at general yeah exactly yeah because even if you had a shitty day so then you come back and your beds made yes about that momentum like you're actually like are starting to like move you're doing some yeah yeah yeah III I agree with the sentiment but what I saw but I try to I try to I've heard this before too like successful people are disorganized you know and that is that could be ever like a messy desk is a sign of somebody who's you know mind yeah you know like if a cluttered desk is a indication of a cluttered mind what's an empty desk mean I guess it implied in him see my into it but it just means it's a cluttered desk or it's an empty desk I mean listen you know anything that is a form of action a form of this is again why I acknowledged you at the dinner that you came to is the it's it's the act it's the discipline as I said it's the preparation and the execution people are always trying to find the right answers you go and see an expert invariably it's all around the realm of instruction like what should I do how should I do this and I think people focus way too much on trying to get everything right first let's just get on with something yeah like I used to but my stuff my desk there was just the expression get on with it like because I could sit there I'm a smart guy I got a great mind I could strategize and a land or I could just get on with [ __ ] yeah you know so whatever it is like people who struggle with weight loss let's say and maybe they are to 300 pounds overweight and they do have all sorts of you know potential disorders from diabetes to a high cholesterol and it's it's tough you could sit there and feel sorry for yourself or you could do something today that loses half a pound hmm right and you're closer to the goal than you were at the beginning of the day it might seem miniscule relative to the 200 pounds you have to lock but you have to go through that stage at some point so getting into action doing something that is a reflection of self-care and self-love is quote-unquote the greatest thing you can do to enhance the quality of your life yeah just going off of that example one thing I always say to people and it's advice I gave that girl to I I asked her if she was doing something physical every day mm-hmm like just literally just yes sweating yes sweat just make yourself go jump over 15 minutes yeah make yourself sweat once a day go to a gym I'm sure you'll end up working out yeah that is a huge self-care ritual for me yeah like when I'm hitting the bag no nothing else nothing else matters movement to me is you know if we will talk about human potential if you don't have some consistent form of call it exercise or mobility stuff then then you're not close to accessing your potential it's just it's it's one of these what I call non-negotiables it's like if you don't have good sleep than equally I don't care what you're committed to you're not gonna access that yeah so movement is key like doing something as you said that gets blood moving there gets your heart rate up that that allows you ideally to sweat it's one of the things a few people might Mike would love you right now that's what he's always about just skating around by the way my sweat say it Mike's not a person you'd see and be like oh like that guy works out right but like he's moving yes he's he's not really in there to get in the best shape of his life he's in there for his physical and mental health yeah and by the way I know it's hard I know it's really hard like or sometimes when I'm working I'm jogging I'll be at a mile and a half in not like this [ __ ] says the last thing I want to do Rose dude yeah but you have to do it and when you cross that hump your life will be so much better something I've done a mindset that I've adopted that has really helped me come to terms with working out and how it's become a necessity in my life is I will be partaking in fitness for the rest of my life yeah it's it's one thing I need I need food honey water I need fitness and so like accept it accept it the fact that you're gonna be in the gym two to five times a week and you're playing yourself if you're not and you and you might not even see it I I can say that because when I was training for Ironman there'd be days where I'd be on the bike and I would I know like in my training schedule it says like you got to go hard today and I wouldn't or I'd cut my workout a little bit short and then when it comes time for that actual moment for you to perform and in my case that was an Ironman I'd be like you know 12 miles in on the marathon at the end I be like [ __ ] you'd like yeah this is where those days where I could have put that little extra in came in handy and you don't want to wait till that moment you want to be at that moment and you want to be like hell yeah thank God I put those times that time in when I didn't think it was even gonna mean anything with like it every day means something yeah with boxing I had that moment a lot in practice and I've made this clear before I worked my ass off like I always do that's never like I think we need to worry about like me under working or anything but also with boxing I think it might be easier because that moment comes with the idea that you know if I don't if I don't go as hard as I possibly can right now I will be knocked the [ __ ] out become a meme it and so it's with boxing it's a little easier to to not slack yeah cuz you can't like you're you got a lot on the line but it goes the same for every sport because you don't want to have that moment of wow I should have worked harder on game day definitely yeah definitely well any and even with fighting though it's like there's always a layer to it it's like mental or some preparation that you know you don't want to regret not to I just remember like I was I was two months into into training camp and we were doing ladders and I was like this shit's [ __ ] hard like how easy would it be to kind of just like maybe go a little slower than I should I was like if I do that I'm a [ __ ] die and I guy this is not it is not worth it I'm gonna push myself now so I can be comfortable fighting on Fight Night I respect that I think even dumbing it down like the average person out there like the days that you're not putting in a sweat for example like you don't know those consequences and the days that you have bad days you're like why am I lost why can't I figure out my passion why am i June that's that's the accumulation of you not putting those like really simple practices like you're saying like just movement it it's one of the favorite parts about the science of Ayurveda where you were asking earlier about more credentials yeah they have a beautiful system called some property which is the Sanskrit word which means the process of disease and they recognized six stages and how any disease comes into existence but the first stage is accumulation so you you gather too much of something so you think about even just like think about your closet you know when you get too much [ __ ] in there then the accumulation leads to the second stage which is aggravation now you can't find stuff and eventually the third stage is loca a spread sorry so now the clothes start to spread into you know they're hanging on your treadmill or they're on the floor better so to this point about like accumulation if you understand that's the first stage of disease then the body's accumulation it's where you're gathering too much because you're eating and you're not actually burning it off you're holding on to unexpressed emotions that's a form of accumulation that I promise you you know Mike talking about depression or this girlfriend of yours like it's there's an accumulation of stuff that hasn't been discarded so what's one of the greatest ways to get to a place of feeling better about yourself sweat cuz you'll end stuff go donate stuff clean out your closet these are at external tips you know that people can do to help feel that to inspire that sense of liberation or feeling better about yourself and and in that realm again of people who are struggling it might seem like the last thing you want to do but when you're depressed one of the best ways to overcome that is to do something for somebody else like often times I've had people who are stronger and depression go to a volunteer center you know go feed the homeless donate something that means something to you to somebody who could really benefit from it because what happens is in doing something you realize wow I make a difference and your value goes up your value goes up you're gonna take better care i resonate with that big time I remember when I was down in Bolivia and I'm like meeting these people who their entire property has like just been obliterated by a fire and then I'll come back to LA and I'll start complaining about something like something small I'll be like shut up dude yeah you know I think that is so important for people to partake in something greater than themselves yeah perspective is huge I try to always make a difference because the law is it's all about me you know what is me it's all like iiiii this is the perspective that people have I need this I want this I'm supposed to and versus recognizing no I have the opportunity to make a difference and I think that's something that you've done and you continue to evolve into which is beautiful is to help make a difference in people's lives yeah I think that's that's why I push that so much because I think like anytime there's a chance to you know use this platform to you know do good it goes way beyond us it transcends this lifetime it's something that you know people are gonna forget the selfish things that you accomplished like yeah you can take that with you to the grave but that's where it's gonna stay yeah like the things that you did for other people for the world that's what lives on that's what people end up caring about hundreds of years later and and that to me is where you know the stuff that I've been doing through hopefully the podcast like this too like it's just so touching when I'm getting these thousands of DMS from people I've never met like I got one the other day that was so moving she actually left a voice memo and a DM that's right about she said I've been for 51 years I've been a seeker and she said I was always asking what was wrong with me what was wrong with my parents what was wrong with the universe and I said I listened to one your podcasts over and over and I realized there's nothing wrong and for the first time in my life I feel free and it's not to say that it's ideal it's not to say that I condone the way things are currently but there's nothing wrong life is the way it is but only always and then what are you committed to in terms of improving that but to resist it is gonna be the suffering that people experience so yeah you don't know where this is gonna go but like it's just it's so powerful and it's it's it's gratifying to get stuff like that back I because I think I'm 24 years old and I'm like a testosterone-driven male yeah a term that I like adopted is like often I say so oh [ __ ] it [ __ ] it dude like hey yeah in many ways it's it's like a harsher version of everything you said that relates to me more just like he's not trying to understand [ __ ] it this is where I am I don't know what's gonna happen but [ __ ] yeah I'm sure it'll be alright and if it's not they're like you know they're hearing us say like totally committed fully unattached they might not know what the words committed or unattach things they know that's that's where again just to subtly to help people like that's the I don't worry can tell you care you've got a huge heart you know you've got a beautiful family extended here and and but to not worry is where people will find freedom yeah and that's me is the greatest product is to let people be free from the concerns about a future that hasn't even happened yet mm-hmm can I put it exclamation mark no I just want to ask something cuz I yeah I've had this problem okay and I edited this on my last video on my youtube channel sometimes I don't worry and it it [ __ ] me like like specifically in the fight mm-hmm it was round for I had knocked him down probably should have capitalized that on that but I didn't because I was like there was no like fire at the moment and mau5 against there was this like nonchalance that by the way has contributed a lot to my success right because I don't worry but in some scenarios don't you think a fire should light under my ass yeah that's a commitment but I believe the most powerful form of fire is where I'm committed to something for a purpose not because of fear mm-hmm there's subtle difference right like so you're committed something like when someone goes into the gym because they want to get in shape because they're concerned that they're overweight they'd just been diagnosed by their doctor that they're pre-diabetic and that's a reaction to something you might give them fire it's like holy [ __ ] I'm about to die I got to go and get myself in shape I'm not saying it's bad but the trouble is it's not being driven by something that they're committed to it's something they're trying to avoid and most people in a reactive state of mind versus a creative state of mind for sure so this is why to me one of the greatest gifts we have as human beings is imagination because you know the whole Apple thing or whatever it is think different you know people have all of these mottos about like being creative like look at the leaders the Pioneers that thought leaders that we've had in life they were people that thought out of the box and it wasn't in reaction to something necessarily that they were trying to overcome but rather something they wanted to create they wanted to innovate so worried to me still is in the bucket of reactivity versus not I'm gonna create like something that is powerful that shifts the course of my life and the people around me that you you being committed to what you were committed to in that fight to me yes to some degree it's a reaction to a challenge that case I put down but you also became a different human being by virtue of that commitment that to me is the real win that's the real like opportunity for you to see wow what can I commit myself to now that means that I have to evolve that I have to become a better version of myself not because you're fighting something externally past base that you're like judging that you're reacting to but what am I committed to do in my life just for the sheer hell of it that that's a joyous life yeah I feel like that ego too from the the win like the victory that fruit doesn't last long like we saw like people forget about the fight a couple days after right there it is so this so quickly so the prize the prize the prize in that learning lesson that you're describing is is lifetime yeah versus you know something where you get to have like weird around make a few videos like it doesn't last it's one short lift one of the PGA Tour golfers who had like many golfers aspired to become a major winner like you know you win or gasps story when the British Open or whatever it is he actually won the British Open and you'd think that that was like the pinnacle of his success and for sure that night and they went out and they had whatever cocktails and they had a good time as he won but then he went into a major depression mm-hmm because he'd gotten to what he thought was the pinnacle of the success that he was striving for now if you don't have anything that keeps you growing that you keep having to go towards you are gonna go straight into that slum I I had I was called in to address a major league clubhouse Bay baseball players 25 guys with all the staff and they were in a bit of a slump and I said you know the trouble is in this room you all made it right so you think about little leaguers who then want to aspire to be like you know play at a high school and then a high school maybe they get drafted and they go into a minor league development program for organized nation and they're an independent born and they're double-a and then triple in and they become a major league baseball player that's it right yeah but then when you get there what's next yeah and so this group had become so resigned because they had nowhere else to grow into they had nothing else to become and so my invitation to you is like this fight I think was one of the best things that ever happened to you not necessarily because of what it was about in terms of an outcome but what you got to see in terms of what you're capable mm-hmm when you commit to something that is beyond the current version of yourself that to me is what makes human beings feel fulfilled is how can I continue to climb the mountain that actually doesn't have a top it's not about rid when people say I'm gonna help you reach your potential and like you [ __ ] kidding me my potential is endless yeah you don't want to reach that how are you ever gonna reach it like you you can't like what's so great you you say you win the fight now what like okay great learn to play the violin do you know how to play the mind you speak Chinese then there's more potential when I do both of those when you play the violin in Chinese I want to learn Mandarin so bad and I'm and I want to learn the violin so bad toots anyways that's just something I want to do yeah I think I think in terms of athletes the one that like really resonates with what you're saying is Tom Brady yeah I do six Super Bowls but and then I see him post on Instagram and he he like throws past 50 yards and he's like man that was two yards short so I got to keep working mm-hm and I'm like that's insane the dude has six Super Bowls and he's talking about a pass that he needs to he needs to keep working on I mean that's like that but that's proof like if you're gonna look at the best like nots the mentality the mentality of like he's not playing to win a Super Bowl or else he would be gone he'd be tired for Super Bowls yeah yeah commitment to excellence you know and I think that is the gift and the opportunity that it is to be human it's to not sit and like rest on our laurels or just even you know just think that where we're at is adequate and you can do that that's totally fine you know but it's not gonna necessarily be a fulfilling life but to recognize the gift that it is to be human to touch other people's lives to access what we have available to us that is is extraordinary and we don't know how long it's gonna last that to me is a life worth living hmm how do we maybe we can end on this note before we go to the audio only but um how do we block out the noise of social media because I don't I don't think it's helping I don't think I don't think this like groupthink of negativity is is bettering anyone no I mean there's external stimulus right like so if someone would come up to me and say usually I've been blessed with like compliments like oh dude this you've made a big difference and so we want to listen to the good but if you can't discern between that and someone says you know what I'm not sure that what you're saying is true or I think you're full of [ __ ] at a like to be other listen to both first of all is what we've got to work on right so whether it's social media whether it's a overly controlling boss or a very negative spouse being able to learn to listen and not take things personally is the first thing to look at because otherwise you come up with a strategy oh I'm gonna drop my Instagram or I'm not gonna pay attention you haven't actually dealt with anything because it's still there so it's you know one of the expressions I use as I say can I be with this now it might be a weird term it is like can I be with whatever the situation is if somebody has an opinion about me that maybe doesn't seem subjectively flattering can I let them have that opinion and not be upset so that to me is the opportunity for a human being to get to a place where you're okay with what is doesn't mean you want to hang out in that situation but I'm not going to be affected about but social media it is it's it's almost like it's designed specifically for ego because if you look at the nature of what it is is like I want to be liked which is the little kid inside of us who doesn't feel worth doesn't feel loved doesn't feel enough so hopefully if a thousand ten thousand a million people like me then I'll feel better about myself which of course will never actually happen this is why you know actors who paid millions of dollars have millions of fans will still want to end up in rehab because they haven't reconciled that within themselves so that's social media any kind of media whatever it is if we don't find the ability to be at peace and still with whatever's going on around us it doesn't really matter the world is the nature that it is which is driven by people who are gonna be coming from fear and manipulation and domination so to find respite to find peace to find stillness within yourself is that's that's where it at that's that's the game to win not about trying to control external stimulus yeah cuz that's exhausting you know I said that's like driving around Arizona in the middle of the summer it's 120 degrees out and you crank the air conditioning in your car but you're rolling down the windows because you think for me to feel comfortable I have to make Arizona cool mmm the thing about that metaphor that's what people are doing I have to control everything around me but for for me to be okay that's exhausting but you roll up the windows metaphorically of your life like you just focus on work and and don't try and manipulate circumstance don't try and get everyone to like you I mean people are gonna think whatever they think and hopefully it's nice and if it's not that's a reflection on them not you you know and that to me is a much more manageable and peaceful life to live I feel it was social media it's like cuz I I deleted my Instagram and now I I look I have a healthier relationship now every time I step away from it it's like I deleted it now I'm back using it and why what I view social media as is it's a tool it's like a weapon honestly and if you just hand a weapon hand a sword to a kid they're gonna hurt people with it they're not gonna know how to use it but you have the power like you're saying you can roll up the windows you can wield this weapon however you want you can you can do really good things with it I think social media in itself is not bad it's just it's like an enhanced you know stimuli is an enhanced reality where we see regularly how people are you know interacting how they're communicating what they're saying what they're doing unlike ever before we've never had this kind of connectivity it's like 5.6 billion Google searches per day I think it's insane I think it's also the question why you know what is the intention why are you going on to something what are you looking for and just to be self-aware of that if you're looking for some form of like you said inspiration like I love following some of these mobility guys who do parkour and they do crazy stuff I mean it's just inspiring but if you're going on there because it's a friend of yours or someone that you knew who has a bigger following than you what you're actually doing is reinforcing the fact that you're somehow less than that's not a powerful intention yeah no definitely not so it's again being aware of why are you doing anything what's the underlying agenda in all of your behaviors and that takes a minute that takes a human being who's willing to just stop and go okay why am I actually doing this what am i hoping to accomplish here and usually for the most part people are what they're trying to accomplish is they want to be right about their own belief of inadequacy that's you know super inspiring roll up the windows on your life yeah Mike Michael like that too and that before like he just said before one of the things uh how did he put it one of the things instead of trying to chase the positive things in his life he'll cut out the things that he knows they're negative mm-hmm and he'll make his his box he'll be in his car with his air conditioning and focus on him and hit the things around him yeah he knows he's in control of instead of trying to make everything happen that he can yeah because that's an exhausting way to live and unfortunately how most people are designed condition program to live which is we're under the impression that my circumstances are the source of how I feel right like well I feel good because something out there happened well then it's logical then that I'm gonna try and manipulate everything around me to be good so that I feel good but what if I could actually access a state of being and how I feel that's independent of my circumstances I I think it comes back to two what you were saying - with vulnerability and you know this platform for example the podcast is a space to be vulnerable it's a space to put yourself out there and I feel like that rewards us so much more than just trying to put this persona out of like look at us like how perfect we are and yeah I think more people are doing that but also like you're seeing it everybody's trying to be perfect still but I I cannot believe it and again this podcast is made me realize that it's this podcast has made me so comfortable with myself and when anyone says anything negative or the occasional Twitter person wants to speak out I'm like you know like this is me this is all I got either hop on board or like please like I'll ignore you and do my thing yeah and then by the way if you I firmly believe this if you're a person who like lives with that negative energy and carries it like that that is that is on you man I feel I feel empathy for you because that is not easy living in a world where you have to criticize others so you can feel better about yourself yeah yeah that sucks and for that I empathize with you mm-hmm that's one again I love quotes it's how you know right and then my upcoming book I use quotes and I say making another person wrong is the poor man's version of self-worth damn think about that next time you guys are writing comments about my hairline but-but-but-but think about like you know love I love the word vulnerability right and it gets thrown around a lot but but I got no probably roasted I'd love to sort of just give a different spin on vulnerability and I can I think this is where one of you know your qualities you could say it's vulnerability but again the quote I users say as long as you're being as long as you're okay being vulnerable you're no longer vulnerable now if you really let that sit in think about the person who doesn't want to show some weakness they are vulnerable because they could be found out but if you're saying hey this is me I'm imperfect and I did this and I screwed up that where's your vulnerability because you actually being fully self expressed you're transparent so for that reason if you really can help this this hopefully will help the ordinance a lot of vulnerability to me is like a superpower because what you're actually saying is in being vulnerable I'm sufficiently comfortable in myself which is an expression of self-love that I can show my imperfections I can show my weakness and that why to me if you can step into vulnerability what you're saying is I embrace me whether you do or don't that doesn't matter because I got to speak about something that I've been hiding that I was self-conscious of that I was maybe even secure about but I've stepped into a bigger version of myself such that I can even share it with you because I'm okay with it whether you are or not yeah Mike would love that that's like that's what he stands behind he always says that he's like I forget what specifically he says but like that's the new wave like just being you being authentic being real and understanding that you is always evolving right so you know we're we're constantly hopefully in this process of improving and evolving as human beings so that's where I'm at right now is hey I'm scared of X whatever it is like I struggled maybe to go up to somebody and ask for their number maybe a guy struggles with that with girls okay but if he could speak about that that's more powerful than the guy that actually has the same feeling but pretends he's all cool about it yeah do you see the difference so it's it's subtle right but it's important to recognize because if you see that Wow your ability to express all of your concerns your fears and again we touch them right with the fight there was an opportunity for more vulnerability which have actually made you more powerful is the opposite of where people are trying to have this pretense where like now I'm cool with it it's like well you're not and now you're vulnerable no different write me up major major difference major tome a little bit to digest things in outer space now yeah this was podcast I got I gotta go back and watch it like ivory watch some of ours so I can like really download mm-hmm that's a juicy one yeah yeah I agree I hope you guys learn something nuts it's so fun I love talking about this all day we could probably talk for many more hours on topics that people struggle with but hopefully if there's one thing people take away there's nothing wrong with them there's nothing with life I'm not saying that it's perfect yeah I'm not condoning behavior but if you can at least stop fighting life the way it is and be committed to what you want versus what you don't want that would be a completely different way of behaving in the manner yeah my last note to if you're watching this and you're struggling with you know like your passion or or finding what you love come back to this and re-watch it and don't overthink that process right like world but that's natural it's completely okay I think all of us here go through that still in some in some manner so you know these are tools these podcasts are tools for you to actually come back rewatch them and learn something and I think it's powerful man action every again another corner I say everyone's a masterpiece and yet a work in progress at the same time truth so you know look at Logan just holding a vibrator in his hand he's raised his vibration right in front of it I'm not sure that is one way to raise vibration but this expert gave it to me so it's gonna be fun but yo Peter thanks for coming on man thank you for having me it's been a joy to be with you fellows and hopefully as I said people get something from this of course what's your Instagram they want Peter Crone official cool and then what's this book you have coming out I'm not sure he's coming out it would be my first so but if you go to my website Peter Crone calm and then you can enter your email and we'll let you know when it comes out very cool right yeah thank you guys for listening to a pulse of the number one podcast in the world we're gonna do a quick audio only version right now and Spotify and iTunes with Peter so stay tuned if you want to hear with your ears that subscribe button we love you we'll see you next time take it easy peace I'm much more interested in what happens here you know like again I say people talk about heaven and I'm like listen why don't you create heaven now as opposed to this idealized future that you're striving for I'm like again a quote I say as long as you think heaven is something you're going to in your future chances are you're living in Hell now I love that so I'm like say over time as long as my bio
Views: 510,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, suffering, depression, anxiety, personal development, spiritual, books, coaching, life advice, mindset, thoughts, energy, growth, personal growth, how to, help
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 51sec (5571 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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