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First of all what the fuck

Second, I’m actually morbidly curious to see how he acts around people like Logan Paul and co

Third, this is probably a crazy savvy move by Shapiro to reach thousands of kids young enough not to have gotten deep into politics but are old enough to listen to podcasts

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crimsonchin68 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

A true meeting of the minds

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

An interesting thought i just had reading this title.

I would bet that logan paul has talked to justin bieber since logans rise in popularity. Justin bieber has reached a point in his life where he is no longer trying to maximize the growth of his viewerbase. Bieber has put recent focus on the importance of religion and other ideas in finding meaning for himself and even told his fans to expect him to not be cordial in public run ins from now on.

I have a very strong feeling, that network of thought and conversation between logan and justin have led to logan talking to ben shapiro. Maybe im horribly wrong, but that is what my gut tells me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Technauseam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shakermaker404 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this earlier and honestly it was one of the best Shapiro interviews I've ever seen. Had no idea who Logan Paul was but he and his buddies questions actually seemed decent and they gave Ben time to answer thoroughly and without interruption, asked for clarity at certain times, and were pretty fun.

E: I'll add, the camera guy does a fair amount of zooming in and out so just a heads up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blu3Skies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Submission statement: I'm about halfway through and this is good enough to be worth watching. Shapiro's in a more casual form but the discussion itself is about serious subjects (censorship, civility, forgiveness, etc.). Logan Paul and his friends (co-hosts) are clearly red-pilled.

Logan Paul, for those who don't know him, is a YouTube personality popular with younger millennials and Gen Zers. You might have heard his name in the news last year when he filmed a dead body in a forest in Japan. That was a cancel culture moment before cancel culture had a name. He's also been a frequent subject of friendly mockery by PewDiePie. Ben and Logan discuss all of the usual topics from incivility in public life to cancel culture and climate change. Also Ben wears a short sleeve shirt.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/torontoLDtutor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

TIL Logan Paul has a fucking podcast.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Branch out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Clownshow21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favorite thing about the intellectual dark web is that it is a place for serious people having serious conversations.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NomSang πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
so he reached over grabbed me by the back of the neck and said if if you don't cut that out I'll send you home in an ambulance to which I have to say my first mental response was that doesn't even make sense you don't go home in an ambulance but [Laughter] [Music] our manners out shake the jitters out and just are we good I feel thick you feel thick cause I just had a 40-pound giant bowl of food you know how much food you have to eat when you're boxing in training four hours a day how much a metric ton at least ten pounds but I lost seven pounds of my sleep last night what I lost seven pounds of my sleep how does that work I don't water Mike and Spencer actually skipped lunch yeah because of the weight of today's guests they don't want to burn anymore we don't want to fart yeah true it's true welcome back to balsa by the way the number one podcast the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing subscribing if you're not subscribed hit that button for me how we feeling y'all good I'm a little I'm fired up dude like not fired up but I'm excited yeah I'm amped up for this guest like I think you're wearing a very appropriate shirt by the way it's a little is it politically charged are you trying to send a message really I just I like the idea of people being creative and dreaming you know do you know do you think ever since you got sober he's just prophetic Mike's do a lot a lot of great things yeah you know um do you think we're capable of handling the weight of today's guests do you think like cuz I know that's gonna be some there's gonna be some comments like I'm gonna take my gum out for this one sticking out of the counter I think I think we 100% are ready for it I think people are always gonna have things to say and try to box you in but we've we've had a hundred and what 19 episodes under our belt now included the likes of Alex Jones and and a number of other hard-to-handle guess mm-hmm I mean some would call this guy the the Grim Reaper of the debate world one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse listen never been called that okay but that said you know it carries a similar weight yeah I think we bring him out right away he's one of the most accomplished political personalities in the world today he hosts the insanely popular self-titled live radio show and he's the co-founder of The Daily wire his tenth book of the right side of history how reason and moral purpose made the West great is out now ladies and gentlemen is Ben Shapiro and by the way my producer Dylan put in bold so I think he wants me to say this happy to have you here I'm not I'm a Ben Shapiro fan bold and caps it's it's it's at the bottom happy to have you here but really I think I could go before you came on he goes by the way we're Ben Shapiro fans we're friendly and we're gonna treat him like that and like I told you that like when I first met you at your office remember what I said of course it's it's embedded in my brain what I say you called me a mother effing J is above [ __ ] me but go away back there's probably reason for for not only our side but his side to ensure that have you had shows that you've gone on that have tried very hard to make it a not so happy setting for you I mean yeah of course I mean you always have to be a little bit wary of the people who are interviewing you or at least know enough about them that you don't get sandbag I mean that's happened to me too so how do you know that's not gonna happen here I have no idea no I've seen enough why is this thing I've ever heard I normally we do a pretty free flow style show and with you I wanted to kind of get a little more specific so I want to start off right away with a question that might take up the whole episode might not but okay in today's society it's 2019 your opinion what are the three most pressing obstacles that we face as Americans okay well I think the number one issue that comes to mind is the inability to have conversations well we're now living in a world where even the willingness to have conversations is seen as something bad when you live in a Democratic Republic where we're all supposed to vote based on the outcomes of those discussions if you aren't even willing to sit down with somebody on the other side of the aisle and have a conversation it makes it impossible for you to vote in an informed way and it makes it impossible for you to see your neighbor as somebody who's not a jerk it makes it impossible for you to even have the social fabric necessary to serve as the root of a civilization and you see this I mean there's an there's an unbelievable article the New York Times this op-ed in the New York time maybe three four days ago in which they name check me the name checked a bunch of other people who are in the so-called intellectual dark web and they said all these people keep asking for discussion and debate just like slave holders would and I was like whoa I'm pretty sure that the thing that the slaveholders did wrong was the owning of the slaves you know like that the raping and the beating and like the owning of humans like that was probably the problem me saying I want a discussion is actually not like that but the goal for a lot of folks right now is shut down the conversation make it so that people can't talk with you and then excise people from public life and make it impossible for them to work and look I'm lucky I get to talk for a living and I make a good living doing it but there are a lot of people out there who don't have the option of having a microphone in their face saying their opinion and they're just trying to get through the day and they're afraid that if they say something at work people are gonna come down on them destroy their lives try and have them fire that's really not good for the country we at least have to see each other as common as friends right we have to each other as emitter as Americans if we want to have those conversations so to me and it's happening on the right and the left I think right now is happening more on the political left than the political right because of the these sort of woke nature of politics and the new rules that are constantly changing and you cross a line didn't know was there and suddenly something you said back in 2010 it for Kevin Hart means you lose a job at the Oscars right and that this is how I end up on the same side as Dave Chappelle with I'm sure the Dave Chappelle and I disagree on a lot of stuff and on this stuff we are not the same page you know that that's because the lines are being drawn in harsh and terrible fashion there's no such thing as repentance there's no such thing as an honest conversation where you just go to somebody like you know that thing you said ten years ago I thought that was really offensive and persons like you know me too like I wish I hadn't said that yeah that's just kind of gone and that's really dangerous and bad so that would be problem number one that I see facing the country we've talked about that a lot in this show you've actually said almost verbatim that you think that's the most dangerous thing affecting I think I think in in in conversation it's huge when it comes to entertainment but I also believe it's the biggest obstacle we face from a legislative standpoint is the inability of the right and the left to come together and make any meaningful change through compromise we just have separate aisles where the left may even know and I'll use the left just why not the left may even know that something the right is proposing is the right and to a problem and they simply will not make a compromise just because it's the right that's proposing it and vice versa and so we're at we're at a stalemate and impasse whatever you want to call it I was talking with a friend of mine who teaches over Wharton Business School maybe a couple of weeks ago and he said if you want to have a good conversation with someone you start with the solution if you don't have a bad conversation with someone start with the problem and what you see in politics these days is that the easiest way to get people to love you and to be interested in you is you label a problem and then you say it's a big problem and the other person says well but I don't like your solution K well that's cuz you're not taking the problem seriously enough if you really were serious about the problem well I think we can all acknowledge the we're all serious about the same problems take gun control I think we're all very serious about no one wants to see innocent people shot at a Walmart we're all on the same page there no one wants to see innocent kids gunned down in a classroom we have different solutions to that and we should be clear about what we think those solutions are but politicians aren't in the business of trying to be clear or be specific because then we can either think it's a good idea or a bad idea they're in the business of trying to castigate to hit the moral character of somebody on the other side for political gain and that that does hold true for both sides I've been railing against this for a long time that these sort of we disagree therefore you're morally inferior point of view and it bears real political fruit the best politicians are really good at this and they do it do you know I think Trump does it I think the Democrats do it I think that I think pretty much everybody does it it's an easy buck do you think that that ideology in that polarization from political candidates was what kind of led to the Trump presidency and do you think that Trump as a president is more divisive than then those that came before him less more polarizing I mean he's definitely more divisive and polarizing but I think that he's a symptom not the cause so I don't think the world started spinning on in November of 2016 in other words I think that Trump happened for a reason and it happened cuz a lot of people were supremely pissed off because they'd been told for years your voice doesn't matter no one cares about you you're outside the mainstream you can't you can't be part of this conversation and those people got sick of it and they were like okay f you and after you came in the form of Trump I mean Trump is not a person who knows anything about policy he doesn't have a conservative philosophy he brags that he's written more books than he's read I mean this is not somebody who people elected because they're like oh what amazing ideas yet they elected him because he was a giant pulsating middle finger to the establishment in a variety of ways right to an establishment in the media that said we can't have conversations to an establishment that that established these these kind of rules of political correctness that he was constantly railing against and wasn't I think that Trump fails to make the distinction and and I talked about this a lot in 2016 I think he fails to make the distinction between being politically incorrect and just being a jackass right there is a difference like being politically incorrect is saying things that have to be said because they have to be said and if it offends people so be it being a jackass is saying things that don't need to be said just to be a jackass and there is a difference between those two things and it's easy to conflate them and you see Trump do this on a fairly regular basis but he is a result of people feeling hemmed in and the result of that is that he busts loose a lot of things I think some of that busting loose was necessary and good I think that he's also unleashed some some real the kind of Freudian heed in American politics and everybody's ramped it up I mean you've seen it it I thought it was bad in 2015 2016 we had riots in 2015 right mmm but I think that you're you just sing it ramp up and ramp up and ramp up to the point where it feels like something has to give I mean I think everybody has that feeling like something has to some this has to calm down somehow right and it's not calming down unfortunately before we move on to number two regarding your number one that you think the inability to converse is one of the biggest problems we face as Americans is do you have a solution to that or a proposed solution is that maybe people listening here could grow up yeah put it in the back of their mind I mean so a couple of things number one I think that the the number one solution ironically is is for people to say fu to people who want them to stop having conversations because right now there's a lot of pressure a lot of pressure on people not to have conversations you had major figures in Hollywood just this week coming out and trying to blacklist anybody who supported Trump in Beverly Hills and saying I won't I mean eric mccormack said literally i will not work with anybody who voted for Trump that's half the country man I mean 63 million people voted for Trump right the the proper response to that is not to cave to that or to be shy its to say listen you don't have a conversation with me it's cuz you're a jerk it's cuz you're drug now does that that every point of view is equally valid or equally good of course not I mean that's what we're arguing about but the the worst solution to most things is to simply say I'm not even gonna discuss it with you because ironically what ends up happening is very often you end up giving that thing a signal boost so say that you want to fight a bad idea you have two choices you can either not fight the bad idea and just pretend it doesn't exist in a quash it or you can come out and say here's why this is a bad idea hear all the reasons why it's a bad idea Steven Pinker who's the sociology psychiatrist neuropsychiatry Stover over at Harvard University he did this whole speech a couple of years ago where he said one of the reasons you're seeing extremist groups grow is because when you say to people you can't even ask the question people then start looking for an answer and if you're not providing an answer they go to the only answers they can find and very often those answers suck and are terrible and you'll be much better off sitting there and saying okay here's all the reasons why what you're saying is stupid or wrong or untrue why it's immoral for you to say that you at least have to knock down the other side's ideas or the bad ideas if you wish people to not believe in those ideas if you just say to them how dare you even ask that question that's a terrible question for you to ask it doesn't work in it doesn't work in politics it doesn't work in religion I mean as a religious Jew I think the number one reason that people leave religion from what I see is people go to church they ask a tough question or synagogue and somebody says you shouldn't ask that question how dare you ask that question is a bad question and people like well if I can't ask the question I'm out mmm things in politics do you think the solution then to all this is outside of politics outside of religion and if so look where is it what does it look like I mean I think that the real solution is we actually have to spend some face time with each other and we have to have conversations with each other and we don't penalize people for engaging in the conversation right the conversation is not a problem how you how you deal in the conversation could be a problem right if you give too much credence to a terrible idea or if you give a bad idea signal Bluestein again you have to be careful of that right like there are people who are awful people you have a white supremacist on and then you just don't fight them at all you just let them like that's a terrible idea if you're gonna have that person on you have to smash them with ideas and facts and demonstrate why they're wrong you know I think that you do have to draw a balance between who you have on sometimes it's not worth it sometimes you're giving more exposure to an idea that that ought not be given exposure but when you're talking about mainstream ideas the Overton Window right there's the famous idea the over to window the window of acceptable discourse I think that a lot of folks right now are trying to shrink the Overton Window and say that most discourse is unacceptable and I think they're in response people who are broadening the Overton Window too much and saying all discourse is equally valid I don't think that's true either but honestly the best way to have conversations is to recognize the person who's talking to you is not at root a bad person just because they disagree with you and you get this so much I mean it's gonna it's it's really gotten vile it's really gotten bad I mean I'll be out in public with my kids and somebody will sidle up and say something nasty has happened a couple times in the last month never happened to me before my entire life this will happen this happened a couple times in the last month and I thought you don't like the person wasn't even correct about my ideas it was just that they were angry and they wanted to take out the egg doesn't matter I'm holding my five-year-old right they just wanted to take out the anger and I thought you know as much as I portray myself as not a human being I am also a human you know we should treat each other with a certain level of respect in discourse and I mean I I don't know we succeeded that but I really do try to do that I mean yeah I'll mock people on my show or whatever but I also have a Sunday special where I bring on people from the other side we have this hour-long conversations I've had I have conversations routinely with people with whom I disagree and you know I'm I'm sure there are people who are better at it than I but I think that you know that's the kind of behavior that we need and I think that we need to get to know our neighbors a little bit more I think social medias been really bad for this Austral media's models gonna ask that do you think the chosen channel of said discourse being social media is a massive problem it's a disaster I mean I think that it depends on the method of the distribution so I think if you're talking about YouTube for example that's just a place where people are basically viewing content it's really like in the comments section maybe you get a little bit of conversation but not realize know what it's for and but but Twitter is really bad I mean Twitter is a toxic place because it's a place I know it's the attitude meaning it's a place to dunk and be dunked upon right it is not a place where you're going to get a long argument about nuance that's not what it's for I mean it's deliberately created for short attention spans in now less than 280 characters I don't have the ability to have a substantive discussion about the solutions to climate change with you in 280 characters yeah instead it's much easier and then tweets that get all the retweets system is structured yes that the funnier you are or the which very often coincides with the nasty are the more likes and retweets you get and so the people who are most successful on Twitter myself included are people who spend long hours dunking on people and it's one of the reasons why and and being done exactly yeah you been dunked on to a thousand times and once a month now and honestly I've disengaged in tremendous ways from Twitter I used to I used to be much more involved I used to think it was more fun there's also been kind of a mood shift on Twitter and that is that ten years ago it was basically like a chatroom with kind your friends and like people you would hang out with and so he'd make a reverent jokes and thumb jokes and everybody knew they were jokes and now it's you know we're gonna do we're gonna go through your entire history oh my god and we're gonna dig up some dumbass thing you said ten years ago and we're gonna take it out of context and say this is your actual view on the thing yeah that is exactly what happened to Kevin Hart right and it's happened to a bunch of people happen to Sarah Jeong at the New York Times from the right having a James gun from the right it's happened - it happens to this this kid Kyle cache of I'm from left I mean it's it's this constant attempt to destroy somebody with something they said ten years ago none of us have a time machine a lot of us said stuff that we wouldn't say now because guess what some social standards have changed in the last ten years some of us have changed along with them and sometimes what we said ten years ago was a joke and you're now taking it out of context what do you hope to gain are you actually trying to elucidate and figure out what I think or are you just trying to dig something up to demonstrate that I'm an idiot or that I said something base to be canceled or I shouldn't answer cancel culture is the worst listen when Sarah again I'm I'm I think it is fair to say that one side of the political aisle has gone too far when I'm now on the same side of this issue as Sarah Silverman okay that is not possible that is not a possible thing but Sarah Silverman is anti cancel culture I'm anti cancel culture I've defended everybody on the Left who's been subjected to this I defended Silverman I defended Sarah Shaw I defended I defended gun I've defended like pretty clear examples that you defend Weinstein people like that that have actually done something well no he committed a crime I mean you go to jail it turns out you tried to rape people I think that you should go to jail forever right I think if you rape somebody castration or death are my preferred solutions but yeah but if you're talking about just you said a bad thing it's a bad thing it feels like a substitute for puritanical religion frankly and it's worse than religion at least in religion it's like oh you did something bad in front of God so you go to shul you go to synagogue forgiving Frei do some repentance you you search your own heart you pledged to change now it's like well we're gonna have a Maoist struggle session with you you sit here and you announce all the ways in which you've been bad they're like all your right you know I was bad that was really bad then no like right you were bad right that's what I just said no no no you were bad we can no longer talk with you you are outside the realm of acceptable discourse yeah okay let's be real about this give nobody take a mile nobody is perfect and the problem is what this actually leads to is this really perverse incentive structure where you're incentive is not actually to apologize for the stuff you do wrong your best move is to double down on the stuff you did wrong because if you apologize then they just Club you in the face over it we've seen it you've seen possibly the most classic example upset apology structure right here sitting next to you we've talked about being unapologetic and I think you've always taken that stance it's something that I admire I think you should apologize for stuff you do wrong and then if they don't accept it yourself okay I think the tides are turning big-time though and and honestly probably because of people like ourselves that have podcast that can actually keep fighting these you know you know what we're gonna give me a lot of hope the Dave Chappelle special I swear to God it was it was to me in a way sort of maybe mark the beginning of what could be the end of the era of canceled culture I think that's right and and it you know it's funny it's not just Chappelle so did you see Aziz Ansari special yeah at the very beginning right he does the his obligatory apology for something he didn't do wrong right I mean the whole story was asinine basically it was a date that got awkward and the girl got pears and then she wrote about it got really obnoxious and they decided to run him through the ringer and because we now live in this idiotic culture he was like okay now I'm have to go on my apology tour and all this nonsense but most of his special is about like how annoying the woke left is how they're constantly trying to signal you how wonderful they are but they're not actually doing anything that's useful or wonderful and and Chappell I think because Chappell is much more unapologetic then as he's on sorry like Aziz Ansari through them the fish and then they're like okay we'll let you do all the rest of this Chappell was like completely fu he just walks out he's like I'm not apologizing for anything I want to say exactly what I think and they came for I'm right I mean the reviewers we're all he's siding with the powerful yeah really or is he just telling a joke you don't like yeah and now you're angry because he told the joke that you don't like I'll get used to it man up a little bit right it stopped being stop being such a pansy like really just toughen up and deal with the fact that some people are gonna tell Joe like people tell jokes about you people tell jokes about me part of being a good person is recognizing that you're not perfect and then laughing at yourself and recognizing that half those jokes are true or more than half of those jokes are true and making fun of yourself or whatever but the left's lack of sense of humor is creating this opening where I think the entire comedic community is beginning to realize wait a second I'm not allowed to tell jokes anymore like if I tell a joke as jokes inherently target a truth that's uncomfortable that's what jokes are for them but uncomfortable truths offend people their microaggressions so jokes themselves are now canceled I mean this is why Seinfeld won't do sets on college campus comedy is canceled comedy this is now how you end up with Hannah Gadsby right you end up with Hannah gasps be because comedy got cancelled so what we're doing now is we're back filling the definition of comedies you get the most unfunny human being on planet earth doing this special a hundred percent on Rotten Tomatoes Dave Chappelle who's legitimately maybe the funniest renewing a funny person he's like twenty percent thirty three hundred percent on critic audience score right so you see this direct this completely incorrect wreck is the awkward I'm looking there no correlation absolutely no correlation between the audience score and the Metacritic score because the critics are rating it supposedly based on the values their values that they want that based on the humor but who tuned in Chappelle not exactly so the Rotten Tomatoes that was the Rotten Tomatoes you know human rating is scored that's not the critics that score is based on were your expectations fulfilled right right that's why you'll see a crappy movie to get to a hundred percent fan score on Rotten Tomatoes because people are rating at not based on whether it's good or not but it's exactly what I expected it or it's not exactly what I expected people who tuned in ishbal got your pal the critics tune into Chappell and the expected Hana Gadsby and so they were very disappointed and upset the critics tune into Hana Gadsby and they got exactly what they expected and if you are tuned in to Hannah gasps be like what is this [ __ ] there is nothing funny here like remotely funny and the critics like well maybe it's because you don't understand our new broader definition of comedy which involves you suffering as though you're being hit with a drill bit between the eyes I mean her special is so painfully terrible and you're seeing this so much in in sort of late-night comedy to like Stephen Colbert used to be a funny human I don't happen to Stephen Colbert like I can't watch TV and Colbert anymore he's and he's become become so terrible in so many ways to me Jimmy Kimmel used to be a deeply funny human being until he became as my friend guy Benson says the woke Pope of late-night when now he's gonna like go out there and rail about how his daughter had an open-heart surgery and talk about health care like all of that is very moving I'm not sure what that has to do with your job which is to provide comedic relief to the - to everybody's day and beyond which I have general objections to people using their children as narrative tools I'm not I'm not a big fan of it my own daughter had had a heart surgery from the same exact surgeries Jimmy Kimmel and I never used that as a talking point against Obamacare was absurd is there anyone on the liberal left as as it would be defined I guess are you defined it that you are watching that you actually can watch or do you think it's all become so politicized and also I think another interesting thing to hear from you would be what you think of the toxicity on the right as on the fringe right the far right there is toxicity I think countries we can agree on that and and I'd be curious to hear if you think that in any way compares to the toxicity on the left and and which is worse so it sort of depends on defining terms is when you say are there people on the Left who I listen to him like yet Dave Chappelle I'm sure post Democrat I mean I'm sure that Aziz Ansari votes Democrat right these are all people with whom I disagree yeah I really enjoyed their stuff because their stuff is funny I think Jon Stewart is a funny guy disagree with him on everything I think he's a funny guy like I don't really have a problem separating off this is funny from how dare you say something I don't like politically but the as far as the the toxicity on the right it depends which part of the right you are talking about so very often when people say the right they mean the quote unquote alt right they're talking about the the quasi white supremacists white supremacists adjacent groups I don't consider those people to be conservative because conservatism is about the idea that America is based on god-given liberties protected by government and judgment of individuals as individuals and not as members of groups what that has to do with white supremacy is absolutely beyond me I mean not only do I hate white supremacy and white supremacist I was their number one target in 2016 I have 24/7 security we spent seven figures a year on security because of death threats from white supremacists four months ago a white supremacist was arrested by the FBI for threatening to kill me in my family like I don't consider I don't consider white supremacist to be on the same side of the aisle as I am to put it very very mildly so there is that are they toxic yes they're disgusting they're awful they're terrible is their toxicity on the mainstream right yeah there's toxicity on the mainstream right in the sense that if everyone sort of wants to follow the leader and this is just a human tendency generally right left or center and right now because Trump is such a polarizing figure it feels like Trump is the black hole around the about about which the entire universe now revolves first and so for a lot of people on the right because I play this game that I've called for years good Trump bad Trump where if he does something good I'm like yeah and if you does something bad like that what a jerk what do you I try to call it as I see it from a conservative does that put you in a minority yeah yeah of course I mean I think anytime you try to call it as you see it you end up in a minority because cognitive dissonance is tough and it's tough for people to deal with yet Trump as a human being is kind of a schmuck he doesn't have ideas right he he says silly and dumb and bad things he said things that I think are terrible and bad for the country also he gave me a bunch of judges that I like also he gave me a tax cut that alike also I like that he's trying to reduce the size and scope of the executive branch I also I like that he moved the embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem like I can like all these things and also not think that he is a good a person of solid moral character I can I can think all that at once but people have a tough time with that and so it's like well you're disloyal to him how dare you right this is this is this is terrible how could you criticize him that's I think that on the Trump train or beyond the Trump train but don't be in between didn't say well do you think we can do what we're talking about through a two-party system is it possible or or is it just there's too much back and forth that's not productive um the answer is yes but we have to reduce the value of politics in our so I think that most of the stuff that we do in our daily lives has very little to do with politics and the fact is I look at when I'm out in public a lot of folks will come up and say hello I'm sure you get way more folks than I do coming out to say hello because you're not in the political business and this is true for all of the celebrities that I know who are not in politics like when you when you consume information how much time on a daily basis do you devote to politics the answer is maybe if you're like upper-echelon in America you're spending like half an hour an hour and that's change dramatically since 2016 right so that is radically increasing it's so it's so funny when you watch it too because people like my mom right or even certain people that I've worked with in the past they will have this always on fiery agenda like I'll be like hey how was your weekend well it was good until I saw that new truck that never [ __ ] existed until 2016 and Thanksgiving sucks nowadays every time and now and you go and you're like and I finally personally because I was on that same yep for a while too I was watching everything he tweeted every little thing and eventually I got to a point where I said to myself why the [ __ ] am i watching all of this stuff yeah I don't as much as it all is very concerning and all the different topics are the the majority of the attention you pay to it is because you are against the other sides and you're trying to to to win in some way it's like an ego thing I think this is right I think that what what has happened you know is it is a deeper after effect of a collapse of what I called the social fabric earlier that's a term that was coined by sociologists at Harvard and Robert Putnam he has a great book called Bowling Alone and in this book he talks about the fact that in the 50s and the 60s pretty much everybody in America was a member of a bowling club maybe you see in LA bowling alleys all over the place but the heck who bowls really get that's something you did when you dated in you were 17 but like is that like is there a huge crowd of people bowling and the answer is that in the 50s and 60s this was the growth industry in America something like 70 or 80 percent of Americans bowled with other Americans Wow and and that has and now when was the last time that you spent time now the people you work with but time with just a group of people that you enjoy on a regular basis the answer is unless you go to church or synagogue probably never probably never outside the only places where we see other human beings now because of social media and because travel time and because frankly we don't have a lot of reasons to get together anymore the only times we see each other are in church or in synagogue or at work that's why we're either tree right right boy this is actually the brothership the brothers that encourage that type of we like dave and buster's will do movie theaters and stuff like that but even then it now it's a group of people who are collectively sitting on their cell phones right do you know what I'm saying so you're sitting at a dinner everyone's [ __ ] scrawling everyone's looking at their Instagram and who's texting who and all this and technically like that friendly discourse that you know involvement with people let you know of like-minded or or by the way not like minded when the ability to have those healthy debates is completely absent from today's design you do have to have a core of commonality with the people that live around you or you're not gonna have a community I mean there has to be something that you share in common and it used to be that we shared at least I think more in common least aspirationally I mean the American history is replete with suffering and people excising the other and treating gay people badly and treating black people horribly and treating lots of people who are above treating women horribly all of that is true it is also true that the aspiration which was we believe in freedom of speech and debate and discussion and we also believe that the government should not run every aspect of our lives and we also believe that when we get together in church that we can worship together like these were all social institutions that were actually fairly strong and as they began to break down people didn't replace them with other social institutions they replaced them with a sense of alienation and upset and anger and feeling alone and feeling isolated and this is this is putnams point he says a diverse society can only hold together when you have common aspirations so he says you know his his line in the book is as the diversity of a census tract goes up he's being about Nick diversity as the diversity of an a census track goes up the only two things that you know is that you will have an increase in protest marches and television launching that's not a case against ethnic diversity it is a case against his original presupposition which was that diversity is our strength he says diversity can be a strength it can also be a weakness the question is to whether it's a strength or a weakness lies in whether those diverse people have a common goal so if you have a diverse group of people who are in the army have you ever met dudes in the military foreshadows a diverse crowd right I mean that's a bunch of different races of a bunch of different income levels and it doesn't matter at all because their common goal is they get together they train they fight they have a common goal right and in a business you guys you know you put together people it doesn't matter and your goal is the same you go to church together if you all have a set of diverse experiences but the same goal that's really good for your community diversity is great for a community when you have the same common aspiration so the question for the country is what is our common aspiration at this point and can you even credit your neighbor with having that aspiration meaning do you think that the person who sits next to you is an enemy of the future of the country or do you think that that person has basically the same ideas what they want for the future of the country but they want to get there in a different way because that's a completely different discussion right if you and I think you know what we both we both agree we want a lower gun violence gun violence is terrible right we both agree on that then I say you know I see some problems with your solution here's my solution maybe we can clarify and then come to some sort of agreement that is a very different conversation then you know what if you disagree with my solution it's cuz you don't care if kids get killed at a school well now I'm your enemy all right you've just declared that I'm evil what the hell am I supposed to do with that house turns emotional real quick yeah sure do you think do you think people in in some ways have gotten lazy when it comes to disputes and debates and and and you know is it is it always people just going to a place of oh you don't see my things my way then you you're a racist or you're transgender hater or a gun you know hater a Constitution hater which we write a lot do you think people have just because the other thing now is that everyone has a platform everyone has a platform and I know you've had some thoughts on that you've had some thoughts on LeBron speech speaking out right and I've seen some stuff about that do you think everyone deserves to have a platform for public discourse I think that everybody it's good that everybody has a platform it doesn't make you an expert on things I mean just cuz you have a mic doesn't mean you know the hell you're talking about and and I think that that is a problem I also think that yeah I mean as I say if we lack commonality between ourselves we find commonality and tribes and that's what you're saying now you're saying you're seeing tribalism in terms of race which is really ugly this way see from the alt-right and white supremacist you're seeing tribalism in terms of politics which is if you don't love Trump then you're my enemy and if you if you even think that Trump is a human being breathes then you're my enemy that you're going to find a community that you surround yourself with the question is what is that oriented against and one of the things that happen in American politics is that the the community that America was oriented against for most of the 20th century was the Soviet Union right we had an external enemy it helped unify Americans because like as much as I don't like the guy who lives next door to me at least he ain't no commie bastard trying to nuke me right here and then the Soviet Union goes away and it's like okay well what do I have in common with that guy next door anyway do we really have all that much in common that's what I was that's what I was asking what do you think and even prior to that during the height of the Cold War do you think that any of that any of this stuff that was happening during that time acted as a true catalyst to isolation a time when people started to spend more time in front of the TV watching the news what was happening Russia build your bomb shelters take care of your family like do you think that that could have in a way acted as a catalyst to start that isolation process I think that is less to do with the news and more the method of distribution meaning TV is effectively addictive I mean it really is I mean as we all know I can put my two and a half year old my three year old in front of TV and he will just zone out right he'll just zombie out I mean it just treats your brain in a very different way social media platforms are built to be addictive they're built so that you are constantly refreshing and refreshing and you actually get a withdrawal symptom right and like I was you know I used to only in the last month I think if I have I really started to try and break my addiction to Twitter but it would it became like a compulsion it was like I would reach into my pocket I'm bored for 15 seconds reaching in my pocket pull it out try and refresh Twitter hear that kind of click it's now been updated I put it back in my pocket I'm sitting at dinner nothing's going on for 15 seconds is that good for family relationships is that good for the ability to have a conversation yeah I mean I think all this is the patent for the television have you ever done that no this is super interesting so the you might want to pull this up they found that physiological effects have been observed in a human being subject in response to simulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near half a Hertz or 2.4 Hertz such as such as to excite a sensory resonance so the TV is actually when you look at the patent it's designed to do that it's designed to like you said have kids zombie out have us zombie out and just tune into that frequency that that television is emitting also I think evolutionarily we built to watch what the creatures around us are doing mainly for it adaptive reasons right no one even killed by the guy sitting next to you but if you have interesting things that other people are doing in front of you 24 hours a day I mean we were built to do that we were built to watch that and get but those people aren't coming out of the TV right and but but we still have that same reaction which is the people are gonna come out of the TV they threaten us it's bad we have to stop them and and this is the really concerning thing and I see this in college campuses a lot the conflation of speech I don't like with violence so when I went to Berkeley it required 600 police officers I mean they had this they had the staties on reserve because auntie pho was threatening stuff my speech was literally about free speech it was it was I think pretty uncontroversial the entire thing was just free speech is good 600 police officers are required for this sort of thing and the the did that the the people outside were chanting and what they were chanting was speech is violence this is literally what they're chanting speech is violence and I thought to myself are you insane are you insane of course speech is not violence this is a fundamental distinction me talking to you and saying something you don't like is not an excuse for me for you to punch me in the face and if you think speech is violence well then the only thing that you can do rationally is to react to my violence with your violence in which case I'm going to react with violence to you how are you supposed to a conversation when if I say something to you and I'm not talking about like fighting words you know in the Supreme Court doctor am I talking about I walk up to a black eye and calm the Γ©douard he punches me I'm talking about I say something like single motherhood is a significant predictor of intergenerational poverty of course 100 percent drove right back by every sociological study ever done and somebody's like well that's offensive that's violence and now I'm gonna try to shut down your speech if you're that weak-minded then frankly you don't believe in the First Amendment you don't believe in basic American principles if you can't take an argument you don't like and just deal with it at least to the extent I'm not trying to shut it down you are the fascist do you do you think that you uh mmm do you think that you poke the beehive sometimes I saw you last night calling it I saw you last night calling a transgender woman sir in a debate it was that it was and the reason I bring it up is because it almost led to violence right and it was it was and it was it was I mean it did lead to a physical assault right head so he reached over grab me by the back of the neck and said if if you don't cut that out I'll send you home in an ambulance to which I have to say my first mental response was that doesn't even make sense you don't go home in an ambulance but so shocking honestly like we used to be physically accosted on national TV it was kind of a shocking thing when I mean what I did say is that doesn't seem you said it's particularly appropriate I mean so the okay so here is my perspective on the on the transgender use of the use of transgender pronouns so obviously I'm not gonna do the I have transgender friends thing because it's stupid I will say that if I am in a room with a transgender person we're at dinner together I call them by whatever pronouns they want to be called why because I would do that for pretty much anybody we're having a polite conversation if the topic of the debate is the use of the pronouns I'm not going to call you by your preferred pronoun because that's me losing the debate before the debate even starts so if the entire topic of the debate is should I be forced to say he about a biological woman and that's the entire topic of the debate then the moment I say he about you have lost the debate so the answer is no so I mean there's no heater thing what happened there I to be honest with you it was not it sounds ridiculous but it was not even a conscious thing zoe tur his voice he's a man he's a biological man his voice is lower than mine and so he turned was sitting next to me and saying you don't know anything about biology little boy you don't know anything about biology little boy and I said so what is your biology sir and this prompted the entire blow up now if I were out to dinner with Zoey tur I call say to her by whatever Zoey tur want to be called by but the entire debate was whether biological women are in fact men and should be and should be called such or vice-versa and so I make a very stark distinction between public debate and public fora and how I treat people privately because they are very different the entire argument is not made for the benefit of Zoey tur the entire argument is made for the benefit of the viewer and so eaters biology was relevant to that debate because presumably the reason Zoe tur was on the program was specifically to discuss his biology right to discuss why he is a woman despite the fact that he's a biological man so I was not willing to give up that point and my unwillingness to give up the became the issue you know it looks like I'm trying to poke the bear there I really and there are there certain situations where obviously I have I I really when it happened I didn't think to myself I'm deliberately trying to be provocative it was I should have seen it coming frankly because the producer backstage before the things start says I used to produce for Jerry Springer we tweet when we talk about um cuz we watch you by the way like we'll pull up your stuff watched watch your thanks and by the way I will say I hope that you also watch you know people on the left right I always say on my own show I always say people should watch Potsie of America I don't think they return the courtesy but yeah you should always watch both sides and then make up your mind and and I think one of the most polarizing you know conversations that you have is this is this transgender transphobia gender dysphoria conversation and the question we landed on I'll speak for myself I landed on and and and discussed a lot last night in preparation for this was why do you care it was a question we kept coming back to why why do you care if Johnny wants to be Susie or by the way 10 years from now Susie wants to be a cactus okay so I don't care if you're an adult I really don't care I'm a baby you're an adult I've never stumped against anybody getting a surgery they want to get or home run treatment they want to get as an adult that's a that's a you issue I mean that's it that's your decision you're a responsible adult I'm a libertarian do whatever it is that you want to do if you are now mandating that I misuse the English language in order to flatter your sense of self the answer is no I'm not going to do that and I don't think anyone should be forced to do that because if we do not share common definitions of words we cannot have conversations with one another if you want to say I am a trans woman but a biological male we are on the same page if you want me to call you a she in the same way that my wife is a she and use the same pronoun to describe you and my wife and your biological male the answer is no because you are not similar to my wife my wife is a biological female so yeah it kind of the image that comes into my mind is when you go to a restaurant there's now gender neutral and what I see is there's these people who have this identity like I need to be everybody needs to conform to my identity instead of how about if you're a transgender becomes successful open up your own restaurant and start to look you know have gender-neutral signs on your own establishment isn't that more actively not that just complain about expecting a person to go into business if they want to be a gardener to have their own establishment to justify their use of bats action between governmental to governmental action in private action is one important thing right I mean I think that businesses should be by the way if you're transgender you should be allowed to boycott whatever business you want to write you should be I'm not telling everybody got to listen to my show I don't think you have to agree with me when I am saying is you don't get to point a government gun in my face and threatened to throw me in jail if I refuse to pretend that a biological man is actually a woman that's not are you unwilling to compromise on terminology that is inflammatory whether or not the government says you should or society says you should so for example 40 years ago 50 years ago the n-word was heavily used in everyday conversation I don't maybe a little bit further back let's not get into exact numbers right but of course there's a very large difference between using the inherently derogatory term the n-word which is obviously a term that goes all the way back to slavery and is offensive on every level I'm calling you right now oh he is sitting right here right there's a dude he's sitting right here am I deriding him the answer is no there's a woman sitting in the audience or back there it's a she that's a woman am i de riding her no baby it's nothing inherently based on their belief system and and by the way I'm with you on it but based on their belief system you are deriving them or making it derogatory or inflammatory terminology towards them by not by not I guess joy by not seeing things the way they see things so I once exactly by saying by seeing things in an objectively based way meaning that it's not that I am making a different argument about the nature of he and she I am making a biologically factually objectively verifiable argument about he and she namely that there is such a thing as biology that all mammalian species are dichotomous in terms of sex there are people who are intersex if you wanted to create a different pronoun for people who are answers that make some sense to me because those are people who are intersex but if you are saying if your argument is that Caitlyn Jenner is a woman Jenner is not a woman Caitlyn Jenner is a man now I'm happy to call Caitlyn Jenner Caitlyn Jenner people can change the because what you what your name is what we call you that's subjective or you get to define that for everybody else but you do not get to read the fine fundamental terms of human biology simply because you have a subjective feeling about yourself this is this is my main objection beyond beyond beyond pronouns and what people expect you to address them as is is do you have an agenda per se I guess like what's the what's the win here because like you I you've also said you've referred to being transgender as uh sort of some sort of delusion a mental disorder it is mental disorder so under the DSM it's a mental disorder it's gender identity disorder or gender dysphoria so okay so then now that's not now without that it the medical the DSM is the medicine is worn by right it's right but so now what though this houghton the there is no now what I mean it's just we are debating right now whether facts are even allowed to be stated mm-hmm right this is my main issue here okay this is that is that if you even say these things then this is considered so controversial they should be excised from polite society but say we get past that tailpiece point what and and say you win it has to be a winner but what's the end game for that people can say what they want particularly when it happens to be true and also that people I mean that there are some actual practical ramifications to this so legally speaking for example right now there's an attempt to take title nine and apply it to transgender people which makes no sense at all okay so title mine obviously was established to create more opportunity for female equality in a variety of industries including in college sports for example they said to take the most obvious example let's say that now we redefine female to mean you define yourself as female okay we've seen this happen in MMA it ain't pretty okay when a biological male decides to fight MMA like Fallon Fox with a with a biological female it does not end well for the biological female because it turns out that biological females are not built the same way on average as biological males we've seen this happen in in high school and college sports where you've seen male athletes who perform pretty well as nails but they aren't top-notch suddenly go into the female sports and they're dominating right I mean you do see this sort of stuff happening and III don't I don't understand how you can simultaneously claim that you are a feminist standing up for women and also claim that a man can be a woman right that that seems puzzling to me there they're a lot of internal contradictions here logically speaking and when it comes to public policy which is what I talked about most days it depends on you know the the ramifications they are asking about depends on the policy that is that is saw it for example so for example take the separate bathroom issue so I frankly I don't really care where people go to the bathroom I really don't what I do care about is that when my five-year-old daughter is in a bathroom with my wife any biological male walks in not even let's take the most obvious example not even a male who has had surgeries or hormone treatments to look like a woman which at least it argues to me that there should be a different level of threat perceived by the people in the bathroom but let's say that you Logan Paul decide that you are going to identify that that you are now transgender and I'm not being facetious and you walk into a restroom with my wife and my daughter and my wife suddenly feels a threat is she wrong to feel a threat I think the answer is absolutely not why in the world would she be wrong to feel a threat the same people who are arguing that women ought to be afraid of toxic masculinity are arguing that a man can be a woman how is that even logically coherent I mean are you saying that my wife is the problem in this situation because she feels a threat that she perceives from a biological male who walks in because he subjectively defines himself as female so I don't see this illogical in any way to counter that in erawan right the the mecca of all change do you know it's super high-end grocery so call it a grocer so not even a gross here so to come to that point when you walk into the bathrooms at erawan I don't know if you guys have ever been in there it's gender-neutral right so the sinks are all shared but the actual toilets all have doors on them or it's locked so in a traditional sense of let's segregate the bathrooms so there's two separate entire rooms if we have one room but the toilets are all locked off I you feel pretty safe yeah that's a different that's a different scenario so that's that's what I'm getting at though I think when we get single stole bathroom I don't see why would it have to be gender sex or even a single that's where the conversation can come into play because I've said this but I can't poop in front of girls even tried pooping in front of a maybe girl you don't even know what that's like it's true you have no idea you I mean maybe makes you maybe it helps you it could it could who knows you see my only point is that when we like you know lock it away and I'm I'm I'm with you I feel you but I think when we lock it away and say you know there's no like improvements we can make to that system that's where it can kind of become very segregating I mean frankly if you want to come up with solutions that make sense all for it why don't you want to create I mean I think if you want to create bathrooms where the frankly I prefer this right any bathrooms where the doors are floor-to-ceiling great I mean more privacy and that's what they're really yeah so you're in a locked off nobody can smell your poo it's a it's a beautiful place all right Mike a dream world for you yeah do do you ever are you more worried this is a thing I had come to a lot I am I am completely at peace with the majority of New Age identification systems with gay marriage with like I'm peaceful I love it I support it I'm a huge fan the where I start to worry a little bit is are you more worried about where we are now or where this potentially leads well I think that we are getting very close to where it potentially leads so I I was in favor of the legalization of same-sex marriage before Albert fell and the reason I was is not because I'm not a traditional marriage advocate like I think that traditional marriage and same-sex marriage were designed for different purposes I think traditional marriage was designed for the creation and rearing of children whereas same-sex marriage obviously is not primarily designed for that for biological reasons it's designed for two people who love each other to live with one no that's fine the the problem that I see is that once you start encoding that in state law the next move is to call everyone who disagrees with that just who agrees with that distinction a bigot and then to remove their tax-exempt status from them so to take an example I think right so it's take an example that is obviously happening right now there's a baker in Colorado the baker in Colorado is a religious Christian and he says listen you want to be same-sex married fine that's cool do what you want I am NOT gonna participate personally in a same-sex marriage so I will bake you a cake you're a gay man you walk in you want a cake I'll bake you a cake fine no problem you want me to celebrate your same-sex marriage my religious principles prevent me from doing that because I think this is a sin now there are folks who would like I mean this is that an actual case they tried to sue him he was fine hundreds of thousands of dollars they tried to destroy his business why because the idea is that he's now discriminating because what we have to do is force him to participate in something that he believes violates his religious precepts now as somebody who's a libertarian I find this very scary I think that people should basically be allowed to do whatever they want I don't know you a dude you to bake you a cake you don't like my way of baking a cake go find some other Baker there are plenty of bakers many of them are gay like it's not hard to find people who will bake you a wedding cake right this is this is very silly but there is this prevailing sentiment in American life now that if I do something that you don't like if you don't approve of my viewpoint or my action on person that you have no right from me but if you don't like how I'm pursuing my business now you have the right to point the government gun at me my basic rule of thumb when it comes to government is if I don't owe you anything right if I if you don't have a claim on me and yet you are appointing a government gun at me you are the bad guy in the scenario if I don't have a claim on your money but I point a gun at you and I say give me your money I'm the bad guy in that scenario if I say to you that you owe me you have to tonight you have to make me dinner and you don't want to make me dinner and so I get the government to point a gun at you and make me dinner I think that you're the bad guy in this scenario so I don't have to agree with how the person operates their business but the minute that I start saying my failure to agree with how you operate your business is an excuse for me to put a government gun in your face and then force you to do something then I think that we're in very very dangerous territory do you see that do you see any echoes of the past here or do you once again say that there are vast differences between a same-sex marriage situation and a situation that we dealt with during the segregated 40s 50s I mean I think there are pretty significant differences between again the very nature of same-sex marriage and traditional marriage so I see you know pretty significant differentials in that in it whereas a male that's a marriage between two white people and white and a black person I don't see any difference at all because skin color is irrelevant to the operation of the marriage obviously not quite the same thing when you're talking about the the biology of the people who are involved and particularly the reproductive parts are I mean this is this that's really what we're talking about but when you are talking about do I think that that businesses should be allowed to be bad right to do bad things that I don't like the answer is I do think they should be allowed to do bad things that I don't like so long as they're not forcing me to do anything so I'm actually more libertarian than then a lot of libertarians are on these issues like I think that the best solution to a discriminant let's take the worst case scenario right you got a business and they say I'm not serving black folks today or ever I'm a racist I'm not serving black folks today that's their that's their case my argument is that it is not the government's business to force that person to serve black folks that person should be boycotted we should never go to his store we should wreck his business by opening up a store across the street that services black folks that you don't actually want a government big enough to do the things that you like because it may turn out that the people who control that government are doing things that you don't like but are you are you cool with the canceled culture or the the the woke Twitter left coming together to boycott business based on their non desire to serve transgenders or gay they have a 100% right to do that go they have a 100% right to do that I may just agree with the boycott right I mean I may think the boycott is based on your based on your a sure they have every right to do that and in fact I think that that's a good part of American discourse so you don't want you would applaud I think so I like take take a race example because again I think these are the best examples because they're the most obvious morally so in 1960 the wharfs was a segregated was a segregated outlet a segregated restaurant and a bunch of black students including james Meredith went into the Woolworths and they sat at the counter and they were viciously treated and people poured drinks on them they treatin like garbage you become a national media story and Woolworths voluntarily desegregated I think that's great I think it's great I think that's the way that things should work so if you want it to go to that bakery that didn't that didn't participate in the same-sex wedding you say listen I and I'm not going to go to that bakery my friends who love same-sex marriage aren't gonna go to that bakery no scent no gay person I know is gonna go to that bakery totally your prerogative totally your prerogative but to point the government gun at that guy and say you US service the same-sex wedding dad I got a problem with because then you get into this really weird situation where let's say that I walk into a gay bakery and I say you know what I would love I would love for you to make a cake that has Leviticus 18:22 on it right that is the verse in Leviticus that talks about the so called abomination of homosexuality right I I walk into a gay Baker I said I want that on a cake right now you put it on a cake right now I'm gonna sue you do you really want that lawsuit to win I don't want that lawsuit to won I don't think that that guy has any obligation to bake me a cake yeah and I don't think I have any obligation to bake make anybody else a cake I think that we but again this goes back to if you think that the people in your community are bad people then you want the government to force them to do all the things that you want them to do if you think that they're basically good people and you have disagreements about this sort of stuff then you can live with the fact that there's a baker who lives down the street who may think that you're involved in sin like frankly I've always been puzzled there's this wide gap between people who are who understand the religious conception of sin and people who are irreligious trying to see what villages people think like about sin people who aren't religious people who are secular when they think of religious people thinking about this in they think oh those religious people are so judgmental they're sitting around all day just sitting around going oh you're a bad person cuz you said I do not know a religious person who does not believe that they themselves sin who does not believe there are wide variety of sins who does not believe that it is imperative for them to try and avoid sin but that you fall short right I've wrote in false toward of the grace of God right like that this is so I can think something is a sin I can also think that somebody has a right to commit that sin right I'm again I'm not anti same-sex marriage from a governmental perspective I don't think you should force my synagogue to perform one but I don't think that the government should should stop gay people from getting married in any way or something like that so it sounds like it sounds like number each other alone leave each other alone right it sounds like number two on your list would be its it almost boils down to big government so we had we had canceled culture and and this sjw wave we've got big government and then what is what is number three feel like to you I think that number three is lack of ability to to look into the future at all to think about consequences of any of the things that we do so we tend to do the thing that is convenient to us this is true obviously when it comes to government policy on the left I think people see it when it comes to climate change more but on the right when it comes to government spending there's no capacity to see five minutes beyond their own nose right we just don't think about what's gonna happen ten years in the future and we tend to think that whatever we believe is the most right thing that has ever been in history and you can just willy-nilly make changes to the system that pre-exists and everything will be fine this is scary to me like not understanding how history has progressed to where we are there's this belief that we can just shape the system change it in dramatic ways and everything will be good from there on in and that demonstrates a true lack of respect for the people who came before you because the fact is you know we live in this pathetically self-aggrandizing an arrogant world where people sit around the way Thomas Jefferson really bad guy cuz he held slaves right like yes slavery was really bad and like he was probably raping Sally Hemings I mean just really bad bad bad stuff and like well I'm smarter than Thomas Jefferson so all that stuff in the Declaration of Independence I mean I'm smart and he was the answer is you were not smarter than Thomas Jefferson you're not a product of Thomas Jefferson's time you didn't live in 1770 do you live in 2019 and if you think that you would have thought like you think in 2019 and 1770 you're full of crap do you think that thought pattern that ideology sets us up to kind of be stuck in this impasse that I talked about where people are unwilling to create change or create waves in order to prepare for something like Spencer believes is a massive problem which is climate change and and I've heard some of your thoughts on climate change I'd like to hear more of them today but do you think you know not believing that that you know people are certain people can use examples from the past and make better decisions forward facing without that data that guarantees it moving forward do you think that puts us in a bad place where we're not preparing for something that some people are saying is guaranteed down well again I think the data should always be the foundation of any political argument and most arguments that you make generally in fact the person who's trying to stop you from disseminating data is usually the problem in the conversation absolutely and and you do see this on a variety of levels you see in certain studies shut down because they're politically incorrect when it comes to sexuality you've seen them shut down on the right when it comes to climate change I don't like any of that stuff more information is better right I mean more data is better so all of that oh you know all of that is good but to go back to sort of the the the general point that I'm making about the past we have to treat the past with enough respect to try and keep the stuff that was good while getting rid of the stuff that was bad and instead it's like we want to remake the world average raishin and that is a huge mistake and GK Chesterton is famous Catholic theologian he famously suggested that the difference between sort of the left and the right politically is that if you're on the left and you come across a fence in the road and you don't know why it's there it's just the fence in the middle of the road what the hell is it doing there your first instinct is I'm ripping out that fence I don't know what the hell this is doing here it's a what is it do it if you're on the right your first instinct is I don't know what this fence is doing here I better go down to the library figure out what the fence is doing here and then if it turns out the defense isn't there for any reason then we can talk about removing it I think that that shouldn't be a left right thing I think that should be a reasonable person out reasonable person thing meaning like we should just try and figure out exactly maybe why these social institutions were in place before we take a wrecking ball to them but at the same time you do have to have an eye to the future and you have to you know try and discern why we did stuff in the past a certain way and maybe we did it for the wrong reasons yeah that's what I was gonna ask do you think do you think at times both the right and left but let's use the right for this example finds out that that fence was actually mistakenly built in the middle of a Maine thorough way and they say we're still not ripping it out yeah I'm saying we just because out of spite and we talked about this earlier out of spite for the left we're gonna keep that fence there yeah I guess I guess it happens on both sides no I think it does happen on both sides I think that because the right inherently tends to look to the Past more as a model and the past and the left tends to look at the past more as a model of what not to do then there's just different levels of reluctance to get rid of the fence generally because very often on the right what they will say is okay well yeah okay so I still don't know why the fence is there but I know that the fence has prevented x y&z from happening and if I remove the fence I'm kind of afraid of what's gonna happen meaning we know the past we don't quite know the future so we're hesitant to remove it even if we don't know the exact reason behind it so I guess what I would say is we have to treat the people who came before us with enough respect to try and get into their heads for a moment and say okay what were they thinking why was that wrong when it was wrong so that we understand why it's wrong now it's not just wrong because you feel like it's wrong today and and then when it comes to you know thinking of the future and then we have to do actual data base thinking about what's going to happen down the road and my problem with with a lot of the climate change debate is that I don't think that on either side there's an honest discussion going on so on the right I think that there are a lot of people I see who are like well I just don't think climate change is happening I think that it's all BS I think it's giant Chinese hoax as the president suggested I don't I don't I don't think that's true you know I I've talked to climate scientists from Caltech and they know this stuff better than I do and their suggestion is that the climate is going to warm somewhere between two degrees Celsius and six degrees Celsius by the end of the century now the question becomes what sort of damage does that do and you actually can and so here's where the left goes off the rail so what the left does is they go that means every major city in the United States will be under water undoubtedly also the polar ice caps are going to melt uncovering mammoths that have within them the dark plague and that will wipe out all of humanity's like wow we have to do some sort like the kind of disaster talk like if we don't get this done in ten years we're all going to die no we're not we're not and maybe the damage is worse than it would have been if we had not done it within ten years but we are not all going to die this is a bunch of nonsense okay some people will be badly affected by climate change other people's actually in the middle of the United States weirdly enough will be affected rather well by climate change because it turns out it's good for some growth of crops it will it will also says Ohio is just gonna be kind of just sunbathing yeah exactly there's 13 you know these sound like big numbers and they are big numbers but the fact is that there's a 13 degree Celsius average temperature between Arizona and Minnesota I mean like there are pretty wide climate variations that human beings can withstand also migrant we're talking about the course of the next century meaning that when the left talks about this stuff like tomorrow it's gonna be the day after tomorrow there's me a big wave that's gonna hit New York Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal gonna be sliding through the ice man it's like no that's not what's going to happen over the next over the next hundred years there will be a gradual rise in sea levels this will cause human beings to either build sea walls or try to develop technologies to suck carbon out of the air which they're already trying to do or they will get into geoengineering firing sulfur into the air to create cloud cover and to lower the temperature or they will start migrating away from these areas because why would you possibly stay in a place where you like it you wouldn't buy an island like a small island outside of Belize right now that is one foot above sea level like that'd be a stupid move free right and then that's true over over time people adapt people mitigate people adjust now the William Nordhaus is the Nobel Prize winning Mr Bond the Nobel Prize last year is a really great book on this called climate casino he tries to analyze the level of economic risk that takes place over the course of the next century based on various kind of climate scenarios and what he basically suggests is we're doing 2 degrees Celsius it's going to happen nothing they're talking about can prevent it he calls for global carbon tax now the problem with that as a political matter is that if you think China is signing on to a global carbon tax you're out of your damn mind ok trying to doing it China isn't a insane a geopolitical confrontation with the United States right now if you think they are willy-nilly going to lower their own economic growth rates in order to fight climate change rather than just piggybacking off of the United States and EU devastating their own economies to fight climate change you're wrong it's not going to happen ok so whenever people talk like I watched the seven-hour seven-hour CNN climate change Town Hall last night and you get Democrats saying things like I'm gonna be on fracking ok well let me explain natural gas is the sole reason that carbon emissions in the United States have dropped for the past four years and stabilized ok it's the replacement of coal with natural gas fracking uncovers natural gas why are you trying to ban fracking yeah but what's been what's been like the ancillary side effect of fracking we've seen it I watched a documentary called gas land that I talked about on HBO a few years back right the people in Pennsylvania are able to light their water on fire ok so it close out of there for some significant questions about that documentary oh yeah but be it but beyond that the the question of carbon emissions which is what we're talking about here sure you should take into account the other effects when you say you're gonna ban fracking at a time when the two best solutions to carbon emissions are nuclear power and fracking and you're gonna ban nuclear factories and fracking so what's your windmills ok it's not gonna do it I'm sorry solar voltaic energy is not going to do it the cost per unit on solar voltaic energy is something like 15 times the cost of natural gas I think the the argument though is that if we did have more strict regulations the market could shift quicker right now and like you have Tesla talking about how he could power the whole world with his Giga factories and there are ways a lot of stuff but which I wouldn't doubt him I mean for what he's able to do I think when you had some of some of what he liked most does but but when it but when it comes to the this is the case for the carbon tax the case for the carbon tax is that you're gonna artificially boost the price of energy such that a lot of formerly no competitive energy sources become economically competitive right that it still is really expensive to produce wind or solar but now in comparison with gas which you've artificially made expensive then it's going to look cheaper than what if it what if it you know theoretically what if it scared people away a little bit from investing more and more and more energy into getting oil and you know burning fossil fuels and it put much more of an opportunity cost on you know building solar building alternative ways of energy where without that pressure we're not gonna switch anytime soon you know right so again I think that the question is going to be what is the worldwide efficacy of that versus faith in human technological ability so right now the United States is providing excuse me something around the order of 15 percent of global emissions China is outstripping us by a factor of more than two in terms of their their yearly global emissions so let's say that we I mean because unfortunately environmental issues don't exist in a vacuum let's say that we [ __ ] our economy or really hurt our economy because if you if you do put on a carbon tax it will hurt our economy it will be passed on to consumers the people who will pay that price are typically not at the upper end of the income spectrum there are people who are middle class or lower class who are now paying more for the electricity because the vast majority of carbon emissions in the United States are not driven by cars they're driven by industry and by and by electricity that represents about sixty percent fifty fifty percent represents about fifty percent of all carbon emissions in the United States come from heavy industry and from electricity which we all need and the cost gets passed on to us so assume that will be economic damage like let's let's be realistic about the assessments when you hear people say we're gonna invest trillions of dollars it's gonna create tens of millions of new jobs bullcrap if the government could create billions of new jobs and millions of new jobs just by throwing money at it everything would be hunky-dory everything we want that was called communism they tried to failed okay like you can't of course you're talking about your favorite person of all time hungry New Deal's insanity I mean they they actually assess the cost of what she was talking about and she was talking about a jobs guarantee for everybody and she's talking about getting rid of jets and she was talking about killing all the cows and it was assessed by the competitive Energy Institute at ninety three trillion dollars over ten years okay the entire GDP the United States is not a 93 trillion dollars so that's that's just patently insane but so are you saying it's kind of jumping the gun then it's assuming that you know technology is not at that point yet well what I'm saying is that you have to actually factor in the downside risk to what we are talking about especially because if you want let's say we want China and Brazil and India which are increasing their carbon emissions right now to lower their carbon emissions you have two choices one you can create a global carbon tax that damages their economy damages our economy but artificially raises the price of gas and oil so that people are going to invest in the kind of technologies you're talking about do you the question is is China or China Brazil can go along with that the answer is very largely no then the other possibility is you actually allow them to economically grow it turns out the people as they get richer care more about the environment when you're poor and you're worried about feeding your kids in your burning song in the right you don't you don't care about climate change really okay my kids died in a dysentery here don't care I don't care at all it's partially but you know being I just went to the Amazon and you know a third option is not purchasing products that are condoning the destruction of those forests right so because those people are getting very wealthy and they give less [ __ ] about the environment well so the so Brazil has actually this is about something about the Amazon fires the Amazon fires this year are about the same level as they were in 2004 they're not wildly out of tune over the past 10 years so it's been a little exaggerated in terms of the threat to actual rainforest but with that said I guess that there there are three ways the way the way the North s we got angry have a lion in the house and she she's not a fan of balls in the air she was she was campaigning to go to the Amazon so I think that when it comes to you when it comes to Kanta the way Nordhaus puts in again I like him because he's an economist trying to analyse what's what's realistic he says there are three ways to deal with climate change there's adaptation there's mitigation and then there and then there is sort of technological solutions mitigation would be carbon taxes by trying to prevent the expulsion of carbon into the air adaptation is you build sea walls you move we adapt and then there is technological change which is basically what is saved humanity time and time again it's why they're 8 billion on the planet we're all living better than ever and over the course of the next century he is pointing out that the world will get richer like things are not gonna phrase in place the world will get richer there will be more people who are capable of moving the the real threats to the planet in terms of climate change are not actually to human beings and more - just like the actual environment they're they're more to the acidification of the oceans and the killing of the coral reefs right it's it's what well animals um well he says that the number of animal extinctions is a little exaggerated in terms of people have been sort of counting subspecies of species but yeah I mean if you care about that of course that's gonna have any what go ahead what do you think we need sharks alright that's exactly what I was going so so by the way at some point here and I know Dylan's pushing us towards it out I would love to spend a little bit of time like humanizing ben shapiro and and like talking and i want to keep maybe kick that off by asking you if you could save five animals that's it by the way that's it oh I am NOT so it's it I didn't grow up with dogs so it's so my wife is totally trying to get me into getting a dog right now I'm open to it I mean for security reasons and also because my kids love it so dogs I like horses horses are super useful horse exactly they used to yeah right I mean I like I like the ones that I eat right I mean I like chickens I like cows okay big fan of tendons and cows and pull pull and exotic here come on I keep kosher it's pretty restrictive so basically it's beef and chicken and fish that's pretty much it right okay and only kosher types of fish cuz I don't I mean the others I can't eat so I mean right and I'm pretty user-friendly when it comes to the animal just so you know Spencer chose sharks birds and frogs because I don't eat them so why you know like I think sharks are live well I really could eat chicken eggs you eat the egg before it even gets a chance to be a chicken it does not become a chicken though all the time it has to be fertilized your stomach is a planned parent it is not we had this talk just before chickens lay eggs no matter what unless they're fertilized they won't hatch then what's your favorite cereal okay I'm gonna go off the board here you ready for this crispix hexagons right yeah that's right there they're half corn Chex and half rice Chex anywhere and I ordered them in bulk from from Amazon really yeah no I'm not kidding I don't slightly doesn't surprise doesn't surprise me because he's most boring obnoxious cereal world that'd be it right my dad my dad was a fan of these always had the college stuff right do you put in it do you put rec dude your milk she's Mel Dairy Milk yeah Dairy Milk are you okay hold on so where do you where do you live right now California okay you're in California that is a mortal sin in California to drink milk dairy Miller you are a you are you can you can still clip your nails and public places you could eat a steak on a school bus if as soon as you break that dairy milk out you are a caveman a sinner and just a murderer at that point because listen I drink dairy milk and people think I am out of my [ __ ] mind is done I have chocolate milk once as a baby I can't believe no I just why would you not it's one of God's great creations I just like I just like all the milk better you like better tell yourself you don't like it better you're just saying did I get laid yo I might have a lower B on a hat like there's a big job Jess was telling me bro like you didn't I changed me yeah yeah do almond milk in oat milk now that's the next man what was your first kiss oh um I believe it was with my wife yeah it was a virgin until marriage and I was married at 24 my wife is 20 and she was my first serious girlfriend Wow so unless I miss something no it was that but it's it I feel like I remembered it but yes that yes I am yeah I mean listen we dated for three and a half miles who married for 11 years we got to only been for three and half months yeah how did you know how did you know that she was the one well number one she's incredibly hot number two beyond that she the the fundamental thing that is different about dating when you're Orthodox is obviously you're dating for marriage so for so for me it was you're looking for shared values your I mean we're talking about kids like what how you would raise kids on the first date and you do that I'm normal for that I do that more so as a strategy to give them hope do you know what I'm saying yes but also like don't we all love to fantasize about what could be huh like like don't tell me you haven't gone on that first date and you're like you know how crazy would it be if we got married this is this and this is our first day and we get to tell them this story right but I don't do it to give them a hope I'm like making sure this chick it's like not crazy allegiance to your your values on the religious side gives you a more of a ground to stand on from a debate standpoint and also want to ask you is properly as possible about the yarmulke okay and about an ability improper better and do you think that it ever provides that you ever find yourself utilizing either the yarmulke or your religion as a as a fallback when you find yourself in a defensive stance I mean I hope not okay I hope not it's a bad argument okay I don't cite the Bible as a source for my arguments and if I did I feel like it's a bad argument because the person I'm talking with rarely shares that frame of reference so what difference would make I think here's he's saying like so on the hierarchy I think straight white Jew is just slightly above straight white Christian yeah you got us we're at the bottom no you have you two feet you but only but only very very marginally we're wedged between white men this is right we can't find this higher by the way a napkin what is it I mean it varies based on period but but right now it would probably be transgender folks and then gay folks and then black folks and then Latinos and then women and then and then Asians and then Jews and then YP mmmm yeah right I mean that's pretty much how it goes in terms of like the privileged hierarchy they just reverse that and called the privileged hierarchies that really is not saying anything super controversial they would say that you're privileged those people at the bottom that I'm putting there are actually at the top because they're the most privileged people in America and the people at the bottom right now are transgender the least privileged people are transgenders that's that's how folks we took questions from Twitter and one one of the girls said I'm worried to watch this and she said just make sure he checks his privilege I'm sorry like like if you want to tell me that I am privileged there are certain ways in which I am privileged there's certain ways in which we are all privileged frankly and the level of privilege obviously differs by your life story right like I thank God my biggest privilege I grew up in a stable two-parent household that is my number one privilege my parents are wonderful wonderful people right that is my number one privilege and I grew up in a pretty solidly middle-class household for most of my childhood I mean when I was until I was 11 we were living in like an 1,100 square foot house I had three younger sisters I shared a room with all of my siblings and we had one bathroom for six people it wasn't like we grew up loaded or anything but it is a privilege to live with two parents who love you take care of you provide for you share a set of values is that the greatest proof it is the most important problem I think it could in some ways be the biggest solution to a lot of the problems that we'll have absolutely I think it is the biggest solution to most of the problems that folks have in the country right now I mean as I said before it is the same growing up with a single mom and it's not a rip on single moms this is just a fact of life is the single best predictor of intergenerational poverty in America right now meaning that you're growing up with one income and a mom who's at work all the time isn't hit there to take care of you as much I mean obviously I had it easy from the parental perspective I had it easy in the sense that I grew up in a free country where I can practice my religion openly and I can wear a keep on I can be successful and and all that's wonderful right I grew up you know as I say middle class and then probably upper middle classes we got a wall door my parents could afford to put me to private day school right I mean there's certain privileges that I have had now how much of that is due to my victimization of others none okay I didn't none of those things are about me victimizing anybody else or my parents victimizing anybody else and I'm really sick of this nonsense where because I acknowledge that I have been privileged to have good things happen to me in my life that is because I victimize somebody else my success does not come at the expense of your failure and this this basic notion is deeply disturbing and divisive and ugly okay the fact is that if you can point out a place where I hurt somebody and I kept somebody down then that's me doing something wrong but if you're saying that just by dint of the fact that I grew up in a two-parent household and I've somehow victimized you go after yourself man that's a--that's not a thing and we are you willing to agree that use the word failure are you willing to agree that there is on the flip side of the spectrum well you're non-privileged of course I mean of course then when I say family you are I know I don't mean my I don't mean like your chosen failure right by that I just mean like in the contrast between the word success and failure but when but obviously okay so examples non-privileged you grew up in a single mother house what your dad wasn't around you somebody went to jail you grew up in a poor area you have less educational opportunities the schools suck you have a health problem there are all sorts of things that crop up in people's Latin of course those are areas of difficulty and we should be looking to help our neighbors I mean I give a lot of charities specifically for this reason because we should be looking to help our neighbors and create institutions that help people out but that is not the same as saying that somebody who is successful is therefore guilty of doing something and that that's what the privileged the woke privilege brigade is all about it's not about how do we help the person at the bottom how do I help the person who's had a setback it's about how do we punish the person at the top and blame them for the setback for the person in the message okay Bill Gates is not rich because you are poor Bill Gates is rich because Bill Gates provided a product that millions of Americans bought and it made their lives better the real problem is that you're poor and so the question is that's not and that's not a problem with you obviously maybe it is maybe you made bad decisions but maybe it's not the question is how do we make you not poor right how do we get you to make decisions that are better how do we help you overcome things that were not your decision right it seems to me this is why the whole conversation about income inequality to me is such a nonsense the question is not whose are the rich richer and the poor are poor the question is why are the poor poor and how do we make them richer but I should possibly care that you make a lot of money crying I think my life made some money and I made more money and I made a lot of money and guess what I was the same human being it didn't make me innately a worse person now that my income level is higher and it didn't make me innately more generous or wonderful when I was poor this is a bunch of nonsense are the rich doing enough to start to mitigate or work to help the socio-economic issues that are causing those problems so that the poor can become Richard I mean I'm a tax level one hundred percent on a tax level the richer or bottom like an education level and so on and so on an education level the problem is not the amount of money that is being poured into the schools the problem is lack of school choice I mean you know he used to agree with this was Elizabeth Warren in 2003 ensured a book called the two income trap and in that book Elizabeth Warren said that one of the big problems in America is that if you're stuck in a crap School District and you can't move your kid you're stuck in a crap School District and you can't move your kid and you can't afford to move to the suburbs that's your poor right so what do we do well the answer would be that we give you some sort of school voucher so you can move your kid out of the crap school and into a better school right I'm all for solutions bullying everybody then just move the kid out of the crap school and in the better school but then when you just have less suburbs well no because if the question is what made the crap school of crap school was it as the crap school of craft school because the parents population was not doing enough in which case it won't matter where you move your kids or was the crap school of crap school this is the supposition because the teachers were not as good because it was underfunded because it was not run well because the administration was a problem because the rules were set differently so it allows that change right is more freedom is better more choices better yes is a good thing versus those systems to have to adapt and change the specialty he's been working on education doc for the past six years now to do a cross-country tour he's met with some of the biggest educators legislators in the education space so this is this is right up his alley yeah I mean this is this is super important stuff when you're talking about increasing opportunity for people the the fundamental thing that you can do is stop trapping them in systems that are failing and this is why it drives me nuts when and if you've been watching what's been happening in New York right now with Bill DeBlasio on the education system and the push by the New York Times to shut down a lot of the these the kind of gifted programs in New York because they say well not enough minority kids are getting into the gifted programs are shut down the gifted programs it's like why would you shut down the gifted programs why not focused on making the other schools non garbage alright how about that like why why are we taking the schools that are doing well and we're like well shut those down because they're not diverse enough and the schools that are more diverse those are garbage so we'll just put all those other kids back in the garbage schools and then everything is fine I think you just feel anything but almost exemplary of the system of like higher taxation on wealthy it's it feels like it just blends down right to that kind of program like it feels very similar like penalizing those that are performing better in a way to help the lower part the truth is that the United States taxes and the lie that the rich don't pay their fair share in America is a lie it is an absolute abject ridiculous lie the United States has the most progressive end of individual income tax system in the West it's not close we have a much more progressive individual income tax system than anybody in Europe why because the taxes in Europe are sky-high for people in the middle class if you're making about 60 grand in Denmark Japan like 60% of your money in taxes yeah okay in the United States you really don't start paying a heavy taxation until you make six figures and then once you get up into the upper levels you're paying like 50% of all the money that comes in right now to me does that spell the rich somehow screwing the poor or does that sound more like the rich are putting nearly in the entire bill for everything the tax burden in the United States is wildly disproportionately placed on people who are at the top of the income spectrum so I don't think that is wrong but but the and I do think that's wrong actually but it certainly put some lie to the idea that the rich aren't paying their fair share I mean I don't know how you're defining fair share of when you pay ninety five percent of all the net revenue to the government after after you take out the benefits that you also received from the government cuz the rich don't get any benefits and if you're middle-class you do get some government benefits depending on the governmental programs you're taking advantage of according to the American Enterprise Institute I don't know what the fair share looks like if you're paying like virtually all of the tax burden it's kind of crazy I was just gonna say why why are so many people so pissed about that then because it's always easy to be pissed at the person who's making a lot of money and she suggested if you had his money you'd be better huh I mean I think that human beings are venal I think that they're venal when they're rich I think they're being all in they're poor I think we're greedy when were rich I think we're greedy when repor I don't think money makes people better I don't think lack of money makes people worse I think that human beings are innately flawed I think we are sinful creatures I think that we are nasty and greedy I think we're also capable of doing incredible things so money amplifies yeah well dad that's certainly true right I mean I know a lot of wealthy people and if I knew them before they were wealthy if they're nice before they're wealthy now that they're wealthy many of them are much nicer because they have more ability to do soo nice things huh and if there are [ __ ] before they're wealthy they are massive as much now that they're wealthy right I mean it doesn't money money just exacerbates there there's a there's a phrase in Hebrew that you only know somebody and that the phrase in Hebrews but key so Picasso Picasso which means in when he's rich the key so this in his pocket Picasso in his anger or when he's drunk Acco so like that's the only time you actually know someone is when they have one of those three things I mean it's fairly true ah but what's a happiest moment you've ever had in your life well I mean I have kids so it's obviously the stock answer anyway I thought you're gonna go with impulsive [Music] kids right that you know about no Logan's on a quest Mike might have one float is unbelievable what another kid hey you can't tell me this man cuz I really do want to keep okay so you know what's cooler than family channels on YouTube single dad channels are there examples up bro young single debt like yo a family mad respect Austin you know I love you but young single dad channels who's doing it is what I mean you're doing it I'm working on it I don't watches I lecture you guys you ready okay cuz that's why I come here to do the more responsibility to take on in the life the better a person you'll become okay when you are a when you are a when you're single and it also it also really does expand your horizons in terms of emotional ability like what I always say is when you're single your range of happiness goes from like a nine to a two right now like a low is like a two and high isn't I then you get married and your high is like a twenty and your low as a negative twenty cuz when something happens to your spouse it's worse than even then what I can't steal and then when you have kids all boundaries remember the best things that ever happened you in life will be with your kids and the worst things that ever happen you in life will be with your kids and it's all in one package but people in today's society keep saying like I don't want to take on responsibility until I'm ready for it the answer is take on responsibility now and then you become ready for it because nobody has ever been ready for the response no I've said all this this is the exact rationale I'm using like I know you're not ready to have a kid I get it but is anyone really ready for anything and also if I were to just pop out a quick bed something something about something I mean I assume there's someone else involved oh yeah hopefully whoa be honest so I'm working on a scrotum baby if I'm hanging on he wants a vessel what do you want so easily been waiting for a message not just a vessel dude well privilege being a two-parent family remember that like just a minute ago it's the biggest problem you can't be a single dad because then you got issues no no I I'm gonna be a single dad I had two dogs I have a child are you just saying that because of your situation growing up you didn't have the ultimate privileged childhood hero Ben um let me decide from immediate family members so when I grew up I was a big history buff and so every Halloween a dress-up as John Adams cuz my I'm right out of the PlayBook man is there a photo of this floating around oh yeah you gotta respect about Ben is like he's not he's not putting on some show this is this is Ben dude he just this irritating I married my wife in three and a half months she's the only person who can stand me and then I produce babies just so I can have friends that's pretty much the kids are your homies do is is the reason why is the reason why people aren't going into that situation where they're taking out more responsibilities is it because of this thought that they're not ready for it is that the more the more prevalent reason or is it because simply put we've entered a time you know just short of the four horsemen where people just don't give a [ __ ] about anything anymore I mean and want a house they wanna they want a party and then they want party some more they want to have a lot of unprotected sex they want booze they want to do drugs and they want to tell people to [ __ ] off and they want to be you know remember it my predicted outcome if you take on responsibility is that you'll be a better person it's not that you'll be a happier person mmm and I think that a lot of people believe that they are going to be less happy if they take on more responsibility and there's truth to that right I mean I can't go out every night with my wife the way that I would if excuse me if we didn't have kids but I think that a deeper level of happiness lies in living a good life I mean we're among men so I think living a good particularly for men this is true but I think it's good for women too but for me personally living a life as a man being a man is about taking on responsibility fulfilling that responsibility and then at the end of my life recognizing that my my duty was fulfilled I fulfilled my potential because I fulfilled my duty and I think that people are not concerned with that or they put it off and then very often it's too late or they've shaped their characters in ways that they can't - unshaped particularly easily taking on responsibilities is is a massive decision but it's also the kind of decision that changes you and tribute inspiring to take on responsibility I mean frankly you know this is true in business it's true in life I mean taking it like ditching at ditching an irresponsible life in favor of a responsible life when when we talk about like the things that you like about the people that you like it's usually because you feel like they do what they say they are going to do they fulfill their obligations they're reliable they do their duty and not only do they do they feel comfortable in their own skin I mean that that that should be the goal I think happiness lies I mean I say this in my book but I think happiness does lie in having a purpose in your life and purposelessness leads to depression anxiety pretty good studies that show this yeah that's funny because I spent a lot of my initial time on camera being this wild man in a lot of ways I still AM but I was the party guy and we just took up this sobriety for him it's a necessity because he's got to get ready for boxing for me it was a challenge I'm gonna join my best friend in this hunt for sobriety and like 35 days in and I've started to already like kind of reshape my narrative when it comes to the content purdue's and talk more about mental health and I've I thought everyone was so interested in watching me be a jackass and like party and [ __ ] and then I realized everybody was 50 times more interested in stuff added value to their lives and so it's your point about responsibilities it resonates it does I just don't see yeah I think the the responsibility for me like we've talked about like I don't particularly want to have kids and I think the responsibility is made up in my mission to give back to education to give back to the world and yeah I'm taking that responsibility so I think you know there are a lot of younger people out there that are choosing to not have kids and they're choosing to go those those routes and I think it's not necessarily because they're maybe avoiding that burden or that responsibility I think it's more there's more earthly responsibilities that we're feeling called to as long as that involves you doing a thing and not requiring other things other people I think that's a great thing I think that people tend to use politics as a substitute like well you know I gave it the office because I voted for higher taxes that means that I'm a giving person it's like well that wasn't something you did right your vote was not a thing you did you just vote it right your ideas we're not a thing you did there were just ideas what did you do today to make the world a better place to make your community better to help somebody out what did you do now what did you tell somebody else to do now what did you tweet to some jerk on Twitter you didn't do anything okay Twitter has never accomplished and and people tend to substitute you know all of all of I you know I've virtually signaled on Twitter and my points went up maybe it helped organize Arab Spring may maybe yeah and then it turns out that all the people those are people who are actually living on the ground undertaking and yeah I mean if you're living in Tunisia and you're like this dictator needs to go you're undertaking the risk if you're living in New York like yeah that dictator does need to go you're just enough yet nothing's gonna happen what it would do you have the fans off are we doing that so yeah I mean I have some fan questions here and and I want to make sure I think one of them is 2022 one I had a question from back home from someone can you ever see yourself running for a major political office when I was younger the answer was yes now it just looks like so terrible in every possible way like I number one I have kids and that does actually change your mouth like I don't want to spend my time on the road like I used to speak on a lot more college campuses I speak on fewer I want to be home with my kids beyond that it's it's terrible I mean like having your entire life subjected to the wokes goals is like as I determine the people who are just out there to dig up every single thing that you ever did to try and humiliate you and shame you and make you feel bad about yourself like it sounds really awful and frankly I have a great job right now I got to speak ideas to people and once you're in it takes like let's say that you ran for president you win Hey and then my sole job as president is to basically make my job irrelevant because I'm a small government person so I want to see the government reduced in size right my entire job is not to talk ideas anymore my now my job is now to fire a bunch of people in the executive branch and Roussel almost an yourself right exactly that is small I mean this is Rick Perry did not run a good campaign in 2012 but the one thing he said that I liked was he said my job is to make Washington irrelevant in your lives and I thought that sounds fantastic I mean you know how nice it would be to wake up every morning and be like who's president don't care okay that'd be kind of nice right because the truth is that that's really how life should work you shouldn't care what some person 3,000 miles away is thinking about that morning reading about England got that way with the Queen partially right yeah this is pretty pot I mean she's powerless to it I mean there's a Prime Minister obviously right of course but I'm just saying like they moved away from that model I think well this is one of the problems in America there's a case for for a monarchy and America mainly for ceremonial purposes because the president has become a ceremonial monarch and yeah the president should not be a ceremonial monarch it's it's ugly I hate the State of the Union address for example I think it's Minorca crap he walks in every standing up and true he's the president and and we play the music and it's like the big things like that's not the present was supposed to do he's literally there to command the Army and the Navy and then sign bills and then execute the laws he's not there to be the boss of America every time I see any president Trump Obama Bush whenever I see them there's like a hurricane and there's a picture of them sitting behind the FEMA desk and is like really what do you are you directing the resources now you die are you sitting there I'm moving it all the pieces around like like a plane Turkey go over here have you seen her in a FEMA cab have you seen Trump talked about category 5 hurricanes did you see that close it was real it was spectacular yeah he's got like there's been like probably five category 5 hurricanes and each time one comes out he's like we've never seen one unprecedented category 5 right never seen it before every radius the things that does drive me nuts about the media and the political debate right now is we all know what President Trump is like are we gonna keep pretending that were shocked anew every time one of these things happens I start like the media every time it's a Chiron breaking news Trump says dumb things like Oh world oh really is it today ending and why like I'm like who cares I like telling him last night about the time when he said he can go out on Fifth Avenue somebody literally great and everybody was like oh my god that's so terrible that he would say that okay first of all like the man is basically a stand-up comedian you ever watched any of his many of his rallies he's not doing it like this is why people like you know if Obama said the same thing he'd be really mad but right because Obama is a politician who is intelligent and thinks through the things he said already says them so if Barack Obama says the thing I take it seriously for the same reason that when my wife says something I take it pretty seriously my three-year-old says something I don't take it seriously at all like what why why would I pop like this idea that I have to take Trump with the same level of seriousness and what he says as Barack Obama is asinine in the extreme you would never do this in your does that tolerance hurt us on a foreign scale and also does it hurt our the Office of the President and does that matter so it's not good for the office of the presidency right I mean I do not like the lack of decorum in the office of the presidency I think that as I said earlier removing there's a friend of mine writes for the New York Times actually and says that removing all the guard rails from rhetoric is a bad thing and I kind of agree with that I mean the president is supposed to rhetorically uplift the country and this is why when so many people on the right are like but he's doing all these great things that you like why aren't you more proud Trump and like well the president really has two jobs right job number one is to do a bunch of stuff and job number two is to speak in a way that moves the country in a particular direction and that I think Trump just doesn't do but when it comes to you know the foreign the the sort of foreign affairs kind of stuff I own esteem a foreign policy real politique guy in the sense that I think countries have their interests they pursue those interests I don't think what the president says has an extraordinary impact on the interest of foreign countries like I don't think if it did then Trump's wiggling and in kind of his needy stuff with Kim jong-un were to stop Kim jong-un from firing off missiles it doesn't right I mean Trump is of the opinion that you can sort of kiss-ass into people doing what you want them to do mainly cuz I think a lot of people actually done that to President Trump I mean I think that people who are sick of Fanta to him do well by president and Trump and say things all extend that logic I'll go be really really nice to kim jeong-hoon and then we'll be best friends and that's why he tweets like this right he sent me a beautiful letter unbelievable and and and it's like well no kim jong un's international interest did not change because he sent you a nice letter he's an evil dictator who's keeping millions of people in a gulag and he has an interest in maintaining his power source by developing nuclear weapons and missiles i mean that has not changed just because you're nice to him so orcas dennis rodman do exactly the same token when trump says about him like he's little rocket man and people are like oh my god he called him a little rocket man it's unbelievable okay North Korea is not launching a nuclear war against the United States because Donald Trump said the little rocket man are you sure dude saves a little [ __ ] off off him I am 110 positive because there's one thing that Kim jong-un wants and it's not to be killed in a nuclear annihilation right that's literally the only thing he cares about that's the only thing he will murder his relatives he will he will anthrax his relatives will strap people to anti-aircraft guns the one thing he wants is to maintain power and there's a very surefire way not to maintain power and that is you fire a nuclear weapon at the United States okay our military is not up for that yeah I put it mildly you see strategy with an anti-aircraft and some he did they say he shot he shot one of his negotiators I think with an anti-aircraft gun yeah this dude's a [ __ ] maniac he's probably the world's worst human being yes 2020 2020 who has any chance because first of all first of all is there chance of course of course yeah who is it Biden is the best shot for them in general I don't think he makes it through the primaries so the best shot in a general let's say that you were a Democrat the so that the goal in politics is to make it very hard for people to vote for your opponent and very easy for people to vote for you so Joe Biden doesn't make it hard for people to vote for Trump but Trump makes it very hard for people to vote for Trump I mean that's trumps any gift is this the people who love him loving and the people who hate him hate his guts and would walk over broken glass to vote against him and will commit voter fraud to vote against him that's not it's not a thing he's not people are not committing widespread voter fraud in any case the the I have to make that comment from Media Matters in any case the the facts that Trump is always undercutting him self means that what the Democrats really should do is they run a weekend at Bernie's campaign without Bernie Sanders right they should actually just wheel a corpse around and the corpse should actually just like not be animate in any way and just sits there and then Donald Trump says something it's not absorbs back to Bernie's bat back to none'll Trump and people like all that Trump guy I can't stand that guy but this corpse over here he seems kind of nice and so you think of the Democratic candidates which one is the closest to being a corpse and you figure okay Joe Biden is kind of stumbling around out there it doesn't seem totally with it he's totally non-threatening right nobody's looking at Joe Biden and being like that guy is gonna totally remake America like just even know where he is right now like it so he's non-threatening so that being the case that's why he's clocking Trump in the early polls in a lot of the swing states there's a poll today showing him up about nine points in Wisconsin and national polls ease up like twelve okay now the other Democrats it's a bit more dicey because if it's a referendum on Donald Trump who is very off-putting versus Kamala Harris who's radical and also off-putting or Elizabeth Warren who is radical and not quite as off-putting as Kamala Harris but certainly pretty radical then it becomes a lot more of a competitive race all the Democratic I've been saying this since the day Trump was elected if Democrats want to win all they have to do is one thing not be crazy that's it that's the entire thing and they can't do it they can't do it they do a 7-hour climate change Town Hall in which they declare that they're going to stop you from eating meat and they're gonna ban plastic straws like is that your path to victory guys do they think that since Trump's path to success was going full get going [ __ ] nuts do you think that that do you think that that's inspiring them yo we're gonna we're gonna fight fire with with fire in the primary line say so in the primaries yes in the general no this is why this is the problem for Democrats right now is in the primaries I'll tell your Democratic primary voter and if your Democratic primary voter again you despise Trump you think that he's horrible for the country you think that he is all the worst things he's orange Hitler the whole thing and you're like okay who's gonna clock that guy directly in the face who's gonna get up there and just take it to him and be nasty to him and hurt him and you look at the field you know like okay well Joe Biden is asleep and all the end all the other candidates like when did he get like that he wasn't always so sleepy was he uh he's sleepy Joe is it honestly Trump it is his gift I mean his gift what do you think about um I think that it's weird but I also don't think that it's anything like what the media have suggested that it is right I mean like like I'm not going to pretend that Joe Biden hugging people too long is the same thing as Al Franken grabbing people by the ass or Donald Trump sexually harassing people allegedly I'm not gonna pretend that it's like I think that that is people trying to create a narrative about Biden with that said again the election is actually gonna be very simple is it a referendum on Trump or is it a referendum on the Democrats if it's a referendum on Trump he loses if it's a referendum on the Democrats they lose the great lie of 2016 is it was a referendum on Trump and he won so both the left and the right have bought into this and it's nonsense 2016 was not a referendum on Donald Trump it was a referendum on Hillary Clinton everybody thought that it was gonna be about Trump is so toxic he's so terrible you can't vote for him and that's why she'll definitely definitely definitely win and then it turned out that it was actually a referendum on Hillary and people weren't that into it people didn't like Hillary Donald Trump did not bring out vast swaths of millions of new voters or any of us in Wisconsin Donald Trump when fewer absolute votes than Mitt Romney did Mitt Romney lost the state of Wisconsin Donald Trump won the state of Wisconsin why because a lot of voters went missing for two reasons one they thought it was for sure Hillary was gonna win and two and like Hillary all that much she's off the English call me store was call me story the the nail in the casket gone a different way if that didn't happen in an election where 80,000 votes in three swing states decide the entire election it's hard to say that that any one factor didn't decide the election right you could say was the Comey story you could say that it was Hillary collapsing into a van a couple of weeks out from the election I felt like I felt like that was Menace the Comey story to me was that was the end all well I feel like listen I think that it definitely hurt her it underscored suspicions that people had that she was corrupt because she has been a extraordinarily grasping politician since she first ended entered the political scene it underscored a lot of things about her so yeah I mean the coma thing definitely heard her and I'm not gonna pretend that that didn't or that without the comb anything from definitely wins cuz who the hell again he won the greatest outlier election in American history he lost the popular vote by two point five million votes and then he won the electoral college by like seventy or eighty votes okay that is a mess of data outlier so the the that means that basically any factor could have could have changed the election I mean was it was a very very close election in those states you have what are we doing here I've had I've had this ask to go to four hours you think I need to know it's a bad thing because the people watching this wants to go to tomorrow why is they know I know do audio all right let's do it let's do some fan questions on audio only you're freaking out man you're gonna thank you bro thank you for coming on thanks for having I course man I wish I could have spoke more but it's a catch-all no no it's this kind of your thing and I enjoyed listening to you oh yeah one quick question some people say you're just as they say you're not a smart guy you're just a really dumb guy who talks fast and uses big words what do you say to those people do you even acknowledge that comment what's the metric by the way I mean are we doing metric by like IQ background I don't know you have you yeah you know you have haters yeah I mean I think that there are a lot of critiques that can be made of me I will say that like anyone else I say the occasional dumb thing and because I say more words I probably say a lot of dumb things um you know I will say that for a lot of folks on the Left there's sort of a three-pronged attack are you here they're stupid or you're corrupt or you're evil so if the best thing to come up with is that I'm stupid I can live with that I find it fascinating because like it's hard for me to listen to you and and and find any any way that that sense holds any truth to it because I mean you you are incredibly intelligent and articulate and yeah I want to thank you for coming on the show and blessing us with your presence again thank you so much for thank you brother where can they find you on the Instagram Twitter social media the toxic places yeah it's official Ben Shapiro over at Instagram and it's Ben Shapiro over a Twitter and on Facebook you just look for Ben Shapiro all cool for you cool we're gonna do an audio-only right now on Spotify and iTunes thank you for listening to impulsive one podcast in the world we'll see you guys next time a perfect definition of Ben Shapiro he's literally a 35 year old man who goes to college campuses and argues with kids half his age to make himself look like a genius then when he's backed into a corner during an interview with another full-grown adult he gets mad and storms out while they have an L oh he's a perfect picture of millennial conservatism a movement predicated on the belief that appearing correct is more importantly than actually saying things that are true I've always thought of you as a factually based debater and I hope so
Views: 6,300,622
Rating: 4.8180475 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, ben shapiro, shapiro, climate change, debater, jewish, trump, politics, cancel culture, gun control, transgender, gender identity, gender disphoria, boycott, family, police, money, white privelege, 2020 election
Id: g-9TdoU4Ay8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 22sec (6562 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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