The Power of the Holy Ghost | Bishop George Bloomer

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[Music] [Music] good morning welcome to bethel family worship center's live stream service we are so excited that you decided to come and worship with us today so right now i want you to like subscribe tell a friend tell your mom sister brother dad or uncle that we are live and we are about to worship the lord and have a wonderful time like never before so prepare yourself create some space and just get ready to worship but before we do all that a word of prayer lord we thank you this morning for allowing us to see a day that we've never seen before god where he asked that you would come into each and every home right now in the name of jesus and pour out your spirit on your people in the name of jesus god we ask that you would move like never before god any sickness any hurt or harm that might be afflicting one of the believers this morning god we ask that you would move and heal in a mighty way god heal the land heal your people god we thank you in advance for what you're going to do in jesus name amen [Music] good morning bethel this sunday morning's message is entitled sing unto the lord we will be reading from psalm 96 o sing unto the lord a new song sing unto the lord all the earth sing unto the lord bless his name show forth his salvation from day to day declare his glory among the heathen his wonders among all people for the lord is great and greatly to be praised he is to be feared above all gods for all the gods of the nation are idols but the lord made the heavens honor and majesty are before him strength and beauty are in his sanctuary given to the lord o ye kindreds of the people given to the lord glory and strength given to the lord the glory do unto his name bring an offering and come into his courts o worship the lord in the beauty of holiness fear before him all the earth say among the heathen that the lord reigneth the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved he shall judge the people righteously let the heaven rejoice and let the earth be glad let the sea roar and the fullness thereof let the field be joyful and all that is therein then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice for he cometh to judge the earth he shall judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth god bless you and welcome to bethel family worship center live stream now the only reason why i don't have a mass on this morning is because i ran up to the stage without putting the mask on is not to tell you to get rid of the mask with your crazy self keep your face covered keep the distancing going in fact you you you stay right there stay right there stay right there stay right there stay right there don't you go nowhere don't you go nowhere don't you go nowhere don't you go nowhere okay okay cause this is for the crazy ones this for you crazy people out there that have no regard or respect for delta this new variance that is wreaking havoc in the state of north carolina i told you there's going to be one more spike and it's going to be devastating but those of us who've been vaccinated fascinated will be able to weather through it uh fourth of july is coming up right right ahead and you out there dancing and partying and shaking and carrying on and stuff like that and you have not been vaccinated okay call it the mark of the beast you won't have to wait till no tribulation period to get you you gonna die before it happens okay so you ain't gonna be here but thanks be to god if you got jesus on the inside of you you'll still be saved with your crazy self right do what is necessary those young kids who have not been vaccinated even if the parents have when you carry them out make sure they wear masks because they are vulnerable to what is happening 70 million americans has refused to take this and other strains are coming so i'm just warning you about that i ain't scared i'm just scared okay and fear is a powerful thing all right now there's a scripture in the bible that says let faith have its perfect work in you but i want you to notice this ain't written in the bible but this is the book according to george bloomer let fear have his perfect work in you also because if you fear some things you'll stay alive a little longer you ain't got no business going on the other side of the highway while cars are coming head-on and it's the fear of you dying that keeps you from doing crazy things so i speak that to you in your life on this morning okay share like like share like and subscribe tell everybody that bethel is on the air it's on the air tremendous word for you today we're in the series living under the horn under the horn right and i'm going to talk to you about the holy ghost on this morning now i know some of you've been saved sanctified filled with the holy ghost all of your life and you're gonna find out that maybe today you're not as filled as you thought you were okay so you're gonna go through the word of the lord and find out what god is saying in that area what are you doing now you are transformed your living room into a sanctuary that's what you're doing that's what you're doing that's what you're doing that's what you're doing everybody inside the house can go to church today they don't even have to come in the living room all they have to do is turn on their smart device and join us this morning in the name of jesus all right you ready you ready you you you you've text and you've connected and you shared and and you liked and you've done what you're supposed to do my god is [Music] now for all of you that know me you know that uh um [Music] i love all music and there's just certain songs that just don't don't don't don't move you don't do nothing for me i don't feel no holy ghost coming up my arm or nothing like that my god is some he can move on mountains i know all that but that that don't do nothing for me so let's go to our next song in the name of jesus and don't do nothing for the people playing it either because i don't see no holy ghost coming from over there either and so let's just let's let's let's go someplace and stuff like that this hillsong stuff is is is something else isn't it it's it's something else father i thank you i bless you this morning in the name of jesus for every believer and for every mother for every person who've experienced grief and despair uh conflicts in their life we ask you to send comfort and then god for those that just had a glorious spectacular week oh a week of substance a week of divine encounters a week of divine appointments angels disguised as humans assisted them in endeavors they've experienced the grace of god and the favor that is mind-boggling we thank you for that and we ask that more of that would happen this week in the name of jesus the first week of july we decree and declare glory be to god a week of completion and perfection in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus whoa whoa are you lord god almighty almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb are you lord god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me share something with you wherever you are in this moment the presence of the lord is here presence of the lord is there i can feel him in the atmosphere [Music] presence of the lord is here and there whoa presence of the lord is here [Music] just grab it and pull it to you grab it and pull it to you [Music] praise is what i do hate is what i do praise praise is what i do what i do what i do what i do what i do when i want to be close to you [Music] whoa [Music] come on let's worship this morning [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh come on just give him praise wherever you are in the name of jesus there's a few of us in the sanctuary so we are going to be your praise intercessors and believe god that wherever you are right now your breakthrough is transpiring right now in the name of jesus [Music] what i do what i do praise praise is [Music] if you invite him in he'll come in [Music] can't you feel it on the inside can't you feel it moving on the outside can't you feel it moving on the inside can't you feel it moving on the outside the presence of the lord the presence of the the presence of the lord is right where you are okay set it up and he'll set it down thank you well give the lord the praise give the lord a praise [Music] well let's have a little bit of church let's have a little bit of church is your atmosphere set did you actually feel set let's have a little bit of church [Music] when you're lonely heart filled with despair remember god cares he cares for you and when you're in doubt he will see you through [Music] on the name [Music] [Music] pressure [Music] [Applause] [Music] he will see you through jesus [Music] is of jesus [Music] he'll be your friend when you're down and out oh how precious how precious it is jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] john knows [Music] whatever you're calling oh how precious [Music] go ahead and praise you wherever you are yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god my god my god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus precious is the name of jesus this morning i want to carry you into the realm of the spirit i want to carry you into the realm of the spirit to give you an understanding pretty much of how we're going to make it through with our right minds after coming out of what we came out of we didn't come through it yet we just came out for a while and the vaccine is not gonna do away with this it's just gonna hold it back when we've been there ten thousand years will no less day to sing his praise as if we've just begun [Music] amazing grace amazing grace [Music] amazing grace that's what we're going to talk about this morning we'll talk about salvation i know you think you know about it [Music] amazing grace amazing grace grace amazing [Music] amazing grace [Music] there is something about the holy ghost i can't explain it but i got him [Music] whoa that's what we're going to talk about this morning the holy ghost salvation and the holy ghost i got him i've got him i've got him i've got him oh i've got it something about the holy ghost i can't explain it but i've got him oh yes i've got him i've got him and he's got me and we've got each other [Music] i promise you once you get the holy ghost you'll sing a new song [Music] i'm just gonna talk about today baptism in the holy ghost in water then in the spirit and then into the body of christ [Music] and you're going to allow your children to be the recipients of a legacy and an inheritance because the bible says the promise is unto you and to your children's children did you not know that the minute you get filled with the holy ghost everyone in your bloodline gets the holy ghost whether they know it or not or i'm gonna show you the scripture today i'm gonna show you the rhythm even when they're acting up smoking that dope and hanging out in that street the holy ghost is on them because it's on you i know i know i know i know [Music] a new song [Music] you're gonna sing the new song a song that the angels can't sing and you never heard it for a new song are you ready for the word this morning are you ready for it i'm ready [Music] i'm ready i'm ready we're in a series entitled living under the horn lesson number one the art of the apothecary lesson number two this is what happens when the oil flows lesson number three my cup runs over lesson number four what a message that was i almost believed it was true lesson number five discerning spiritual familiar spirits today's lesson is the power of the holy ghost have you received since you believed i want to talk to you about three things on this morning and then carry you through some some scriptures three things i want to talk to you about this morning i want to talk to you about salvation water and the spirit three things salvation water and the spirit and i want to talk about the baptism of the holy spirit so that you understand it clearly i grew up in a pentecostal church and we were taught get on the altar tarry for the holy ghost and they taught you how to tarry forth thank thank you until you uh you you worked yourself up into uh um foaming at the mouth and spitting and carrying on and that's how i got through with the holy ghost so i know that works i didn't come to come against that or to rebuke that in any sense of the word but there's another way that you can receive it by simply receiving it and in order for that to happen you have to first understand what the holy spirit is and the job of the holy spirit what the holy spirit comes to do so i want to say three things to you uh to set it up all right number one the holy ghost baptizes us in jesus so for those of you that are watching those you that are writing get something to write with the holy ghost baptizes us in jesus please write that down and if you're watching online put it in the chat the holy ghost baptizes us in jesus i'll explain this in a few minutes the disciples baptizes us in water so the holy ghost baptizes us in jesus the disciples baptize us in water but jesus baptizes us in the holy ghost jesus baptizes us in the holy ghost okay bishop uh i i i love you and i love your teaching but this might be the first time that i've heard this before and it never been explained to me this way so can you please elaborate and give me some scripture references so i fully understand what's going on first of all the bible tells it thus that no man can come to the lord except by the holy ghost so if the holy ghost is not working on you no amount of witnessing that people do on the street corners or bull horns or fear if the holy spirit is not working on you you ain't coming to christ that's that that that that that that's it in a nutshell all right so let's go to corinthians first corinthians chapter number 12 and verse number and verse number 13 the holy ghost baptizes you in jesus and it reads like this okay for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or gentiles whether it be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit his mic is a little bit too hot so bring that down just a little bit okay so now by four by one spirit are we all baptized in to the body so the job of the holy spirit is to baptize us into the body the question now is who is the body jesus is the body so the job of the holy spirit is to baptize us in jesus this is why the baptist the methodist and non-pentecostal churches will tell you what i don't need to have to go through to get the holy ghost when you get saved you get the holy ghost when you get saved technically they're telling the truth it is the holy ghost that introduces you to jesus and baptizes you into the body all right well the second thing we want to talk about so that would be salvation so i said i want to talk about three things salvation water and spirit all right so that would be salvation all right the disciples baptizes you in water matthews 28 verse number 19 it reads like this go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost so now the scripture is telling us that the job of the holy spirit is to bring you to christ and the job of the disciples who were once baptized become believers their job is to take you to the water the water now the water is a is a metaphor of uh uh metaphorically speaking of the grave and so the grave is because you're going to be born again which means that your old man is going to die and your new man is going to come to life and so the water is a watery grave and this is why we go through the uh through the ritual of having you to cross your hands or which girl just like you were going to be put into him we and we put you down and straightway you come up and so on and so forth we'll explain a little bit of that in a few minutes thirdly jesus baptizes us in the holy ghost matthews chapter number 3 verse number 11 and it reads like this i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire so the scripture is telling us that jesus is the baptizer of the holy ghost now the question is how did john know this i'll carry you through a quick story if you want me can i take you through a quick story anybody needs to give you a quick story okay uh how did jesus know john noticed john knew this because at the same time that jesus was conceived of the holy ghost in the womb of mary was john conceived in the womb of elizabeth two boys that were born against nature one had no physical man to touch her the other one was coming out of a barren womb the bible says it was about the sixth month on both of their behalfs about the sixth month that the holy spirit speaks and tells mary to get up to the hillis countries or to see her cousin elizabeth when she go up to the hillest countries to see her uh the bible says for about the space of six months there's no movement in the womb no movement in the womb which means that john is in the water of the womb but he is dead he's dead in the water of the womb when she goes up and she greets her and the bellies touch one another the bible declares that john leaps in the in his mother's womb and is filled with the holy ghost now the greek word for leak leap means to quicken it means to bring back to life so the first thing that happened to john is that john was resurrected in the womb of of of elizabeth now preachers tell you and john got filled with the holy ghost that's true but the verse says and elizabeth was filled with the holy ghost and later on down in the text it says and john was filled with the holy ghost also but jesus did not go to the womb to fill john with the holy ghost jesus went to the womb to resurrect john from the dead and to fill elizabeth with the holy spirit so she would have the with all to be able to carry what was assigned by the holy spirit to lead jesus great day in the morning into his ministry and every one of us must understand that we all have someone who has been appointed to us to be the forerunner for us and you must be very very careful because sometimes they're gifted and they're anointed and they're powerful and and you got to be able to handle the mere fact that they're not there to show you up they're there to show you off all right they're not there to show you up they're there to show you off and if your character is not it's not it's not rooted and grounded then you'll get mad at the thing that god put in front of you to show you off you'll begin to compete with them and when you start competing with your forerunner you're not going to go very very far not going to go very far i'm successful today not because i'm great i'm successful today because of what god put on the inside of me but all the people that he put around me and me being able to understand that the job that they do is great and that great job glory be to god ushers me into a an area where i can show forth the goodness and the grace of god without sweat because of the forerunners who have gone before me and every leader who is watching that doesn't understand the forerunner anointing your ministry is jacked up you're not moving successfully into ministry until you can sit down on the side shut up and everything works like a well-oiled machine if you have to uh input in every single area is because your forerunners are being hindered from doing the tasks that they're supposed to do and bishop you talk about forerunners yes because that's what the holy spirit was there are three representations of forerunners in the word of god the first one is the holy spirit and god created the heavens and the earth genesis one and one and the earth was without form and void and darkness was by the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water the holy spirit makes his entrance into the earth before jesus even shows up before jesus or the holy spirit is there he's he's managing and keeping everything in place so that jesus can show up and everything can be in place in the beginning was the word the word was with god and where it was god the same was in the beginning we got all things were made by him without him is that anything made that was made in him was life and in his life was the light of the world that shined in darkness well he couldn't shine in darkness until the holy spirit came and hovered over the darkness to make sure that darkness would be in place so that the light could put the darkness to shame three things that you need to understand about this salvation water and the spirit salvation water and the spirit okay it's very very important for you to understand that when we start preaching on the baptism uh it is mentioned several times in in scripture so i told you first first and foremost that the holy ghost baptizes you in jesus disciples and doesn't matter you don't have to be a preacher or a bishop to baptize someone all you have to do is be a believer and the person if there's water nothing forbids us from being baptized that's what the apostle said he says here this water is here what forbids you from being baptized i said nothing and then he turned and he says have you received the holy ghost since you believe and they said we haven't even heard that there be any holy ghost this is what's happening in the church world today that the message of the holy spirit is no longer being preached so most of the people there they think that the holy ghost is there anybody can mimic that anybody can remember that that's how anybody can do that but are you filled with the holy ghost with the spirit of god that gives you the ability and the enablement to produce tasks task task one filling but many refreshings so there's an anointing that comes for you to deal do deals there's anointing that comes upon you to be married there's an anointing that comes upon you to raise children there's anointing that comes upon you to pass the church there's a in all of those is the company or the accompanying spirits that accompanies the holy ghost and without dancing without running around the building billy graham never danced never shouted and nobody heard him speak in tongues but he was able to go and speak behind the iron curtain because of the indwelling of the holy ghost because of the power of god that was on the inside of him that enabled him to do tasks that under normal circumstances would be in power in in in impossible for him to do i learned how to read at age 40. i learned to read at age 40 and age did learn how to read couldn't read a lick couldn't read a lick but if you read the word of god to me i could give you wisdom and revelation on text that i never read but i could hear and the person who read and would go to school didn't have the revelation that god gave me because i was filled with the holy ghost and i'm not sure that i had a whole lot to do with being filled with the holy ghost it was a work of god let me explain it to you all right so we have we have mark luke john and matthews okay we have this thing in the bible that's called the synoptic gospels it's not the gospel the gospels that are the same matthew mark and luke the reason why it's referred to as the synoptic gospel is because those three books all taught and gives you stories about the third year of jesus ministry it only talks about the third year of jesus it doesn't talk about the first year of jesus ministry or the second year of jesus ministry and they refer to everything that happened in the third year of jesus ministry where jesus was wounded for our transgression and bruised for iniquities all that kind of stuff and going to the cross and being charged of pontius pilate and and and and barabbas give us barabbas and all those stories are in the synoptic gospels but in a.d 70 john goes back and he records the first two years of jesus's ministry the first two years of jesus ministry the the the matthews uh mark and luke doesn't record it they don't speak anything about that but john does one thing that they did not do he records according to the uh along with the two years of of the ministry of jesus he mentions the three things that we're talking about and i want to talk to you about that okay in mark 1 and 8 in luke 3 16 in john 1 33 and in matthews 3 11 they all talk about salvation water and the spirit salvation water and the spirit is the one time that john aligns himself with the other three writers of the gospel and he does it in the second first and second year of jesus's ministry uh mark chapter number one verse number eight reads like this i indeed have baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the holy ghost luke 3 and 16 reads like this john answered saying unto them all i indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than i cometh the latchette of whose shoes i am not worthy to unloose he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire matthews 3 and 11 it reads like this i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire i want you to read john 1 33 john 1 33 and i knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the spirit of the sin do you notice that in mark in luke and in matthews they stay on the same one is coming who's greater than zion and baptize you with the salvation water the holy spirit but john picks it up and he says watch this here 33 says and i knew him not he's speaking of being in the womb uh-huh but he that sent me to baptize with water uh-huh watch this the same said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the spirit descending he said upon whom thou shall see the spirit ascending uh-huh descending uh-huh and remaining on him yes the same is he which baptizeth with the holy ghost now who saw that john was the one the bible says and straightway jesus came out out of the water the heavens opened up and the angel of the the dove came down and descended upon him the spirit came descended upon him like a like like a dove now watch this it didn't come down on him and leave him it came down and rested on him it didn't throughout the scripture we see the the anointing of god coming on people and when the task is done it lifts so we saw uh saul in his days he was anointed as king but when he went for the witch the spirit of the lord departed from him uh we see all throughout scripture we see where the holy spirit comes and it descends for more it was on david and today they got caught up with bathsheba in the adultery and then it lifted off of them and david in psalms 51 goes and says create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit in me and restore the joy of my salvation and lord please let me have the holy spirit back because he recognized that it had left him i've been in times when the holy spirit has left me and i was able to stand in the pulpit and preach to people who could not recognize the holy ghost but there was always a mother sitting over in the corner or someone spiritual over on the other side and they would speak like that and they can just you could just look at them and by the movement of their head you could tell you didn't want to even look in that direction because you could tell that they knew that you was just going through gyrations that the anointing that you were once under no longer is with you because of something but john says the one who you see the holy spirit he said i knew him not but he sent me to baptize with water and the same said unto me upon whom you shall see the spirit descending and remaining on and remaining on when we read the scripture and the heavens were opened up terry and the spirit of the lord came down like a dove we translated this way the spirit of god came down like a dove on him what the scripture is saying is like a dove the holy spirit descended upon him is not referring to the picture of the dove but it's talking about the characteristics of the dove and the dove always returns back home i'm gonna do it one more time to whom you see the spirit of god descending upon like a dove absent from the body is to be present with the lord he's saying that people who are filled with the holy ghost no matter what the situation is they're going back home during this season that we've seen all of this drifting and people out of place and out of position with god 30 days produces a habit 90 days produces a culture a hundred and twenty days produces a glory pizza got a legacy all through all this we've been past the 30 the 90 to 100 we've been a year and a half and people are just but to whom the holy spirit has descended upon and remained is on their way back home oh just look at somebody at home and just say you're coming back you're coming back you you you you coming back and we're going to begin to see god do it in in tremendous ways he's going to do it okay and so the scriptures gives us that that that they're very solid clarity now here's where i want to go in as i'm closing the last words that jesus spoke uh mike the last words that jesus spoke is in acts chapter number four versus acts chapter number one verses four through seven one four through seven and it reads like this and you're doing a phenomenal job for me here we go it reads like this and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem now this is after the resurrection of the lord jesus christ so he assembled with all of his disciples and he commanded he says do not depart from jerusalem some weeks ago i preached a message entitled when you get there stay there because what has happened to a lot of the children of god is that they're moving to different churches they're they're surfing different websites they're going and what god was saying to them is stay put your biggest blessings are about to hit you just stay put it's hard for some of them to stay put here we go uh-huh but wait for the promise of the father wait for the promise of the father uh-huh with saith he ye have heard of me for john truly baptized with water for john truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the holy ghost but you're going to be baptized with the holy ghost not many days not many days hence and you know the story when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all in one place and suddenly came down and set upon them they were all filled with the holy ghost and let's not even go into speaking in tongues that's a whole other teaching there's a whole other deal that's gifts we're talking about the holy ghost we're talking about being filled with the holy ghost very very good so now those of you who uh came from the old school church and uh uh uh uh you're into father son and holy ghost or baptized in jesus name because you know i'm i'm you know i'm a apostolic guy okay acts chapter 2 verse number 30 8 37 through 39 and it talks about the uh the apostles contribution to this particular lesson today so let's take a look at what it says here watch this now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you repeated peter said unto them first and foremost repent repent the second thing he says be baptized and the third thing he says you shall receive the holy ghost what happens when you repent that is salvation baptism is water and be filled with the holy ghost so the where we get caught off in if you're not baptized in jesus name it's not the true baptism none of that is going on in this text that's doctrine and that's the chatter and the talking of men what did he say he says now when this was heard and they were pricked in their heart who does the pricking the holy spirit pricked in their heart they said unto peter what shall we do and then he said unto them repent you get saved be baptized and ye shall receive in the name of the lord jesus and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost now watch this you repent and you're baptized in the name of the lord jesus and you receive the holy ghost who baptizes you in the holy ghost i told you in the beginning of the message jesus baptized you in the holy ghost not carrying on the altar jesus baptizes you in the holy ghost the holy ghost baptizes you in jesus and the the disciples the leaders baptizes you in water so that people can see with their own eyes that you have made a change in your life now if you were baptized in water before you believed then you still need to be baptized so i would have to say about 80 of the body of christ needs to be baptized because we got baptized not understanding we didn't believe mama said you're getting baptized today and you when you get right you came over in the water came up out of the water chilly and cold and do that and you were back no no no no when you're pricked in your heart then you're baptized and so some people glory be to god were baptized before they were pricked and now we need to carry you back to the water to do your first works over go to verse number 30 39 out of out of the um out of acts chapter 2 39 and it says this for the promise is unto you and to your children now you don't want me to preach that today the promise is unto you and to your children now some people say that's heretic teaching no it's not david understood it prophetically as for me and my house we're going to serve the lord he knew that the minute that he got saved everything up under his roof got saved it is the principle of the text now everybody up in the house might not manifest salvation but they're saved because the head of the household has decreed and declared as for me and my house we're going to serve the lord if you don't believe that then you do not believe glory be to god that on the uh when when when the death angels swept through the land there was people inside the house that did not believe in moses but because they were in the house they were protected and because the blood was on the doorpost they were protected and i'm telling you glory be to god your children are protected some of you have lost children and when you get to the other side you're going to see them there and it's going to blow your mind your pastor your church your organization does not know more than god and does not know more than god's word now they might know what they think they know i'm telling you what god's word says if you're going to control a house the bible says you must enter into the house and do what bind the strong man find out the ruler of the house if you get him you got the whole household if you don't get him you don't have the whole household and that's the reason why children are all over the place because they didn't get mama and they didn't get big mama and since they didn't get mama and did the big mama mama and big mom is on the outside praying that breakthrough and relief comes to you first john chapter number five verses seven through eight about to close now watch this here for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost the three that they are record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost the father the father the word and the holy ghost the father the word and who's the word jesus is the word that's salvation the holy ghost is what what is the holy ghost that's the baptism power who is the father the chief baptizer three that bear record watch this here verse number eight and there are three that bear witness in earth uh-huh the spirit the spirit and the water the water and the blood and the blood the spirit that's the holy ghost the water baptism the blood jesus salvation water and the spirit and i'm telling you satan has jacked the church up because a lot of people that will confess with their mouth the lord jesus believe in our heart does raise them from the dead thou shalt be saved and that's it and satan is happy that you go that way because you don't have the power acts chapter number 8 verses 12 through 17 reads like this but when they believed philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god in the name of jesus christ they were baptized both men and when they believed which means they repented salvation then they were baptized that's water i just want to talk about about three things salvation water and the spirit here we go uh-huh then simon himself believed also and when he was baptized he continued with philip and wondered beholding the miracles and signs which were done now when the apostles which were at jerusalem heard that samaria had received the word of god they sent unto them peter and john who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the holy ghost that when they would come down pray for them that they might receive the holy ghost now this these three principles doesn't just start in the new testament these three principles starts in the old testament and i'm gonna close with this story giants i'm gonna close with this story there's a man by the name of moses and in first corinthians chapter number 10 verses one through four it sounds it reads like this uh-huh moreover brethren i would not that ye should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud all of our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and all passed through the sea put up some spunk in it come on and we're all baptized unto moses there you go and was all baptized unto moses stop they were all wet baptized to who they were all baptized to moses so the scripture says that moses is a type of christ remember moses name means drawn out of the water moses is the deliverer of the children of israel the word salvation in the word deliverance is the same word deliverance and salvation moses is a typical type of christ that comes to deliver the people out of their bondage and what does moses do he leads them to himself they're baptized in moses and then he takes them down for by one spirit are you all baptized into the body the children of israel was baptized into moses and then moses took them down to the red sea and as they was going across the red sea they were going into their baptism and when they got into the wilderness the bible declares that a pillow of cloud by day and fire by night and fire represents what the holy ghost so there you see salvation baptism and the holy ghost baptism the problem that we continue to have inside the body of christ is that they're not teaching on it anymore but this is the hour this is the moment this is the season as churches are opening up and businesses are coming back in and churches are beginning to come together people are coming back to the church with all different types of doctrines and mindsets you remember for a year and seven months they've been under the hands of prophets and false prophets and telling them this that the other all they've heard about is houses and cars and and loved ones and what have you and now the doctrine is all messed up you don't need this you don't need that you don't need the other and god now is telling us that the god of the bible is about to show up again uh your pastor might be your moses your pastor might be the individual the one glory be to god that is going to lead you into a new baptism you're going to be pricked in your heart to understand god at another level uh how it was before the pandemic came uh will won't move you anymore it's going to take more than a dance and a shout and a quickening and and speaking in tongues there's something that is brewing on the inside of you and it's called more and you've been pricked by the holy ghost even this morning many of you have been pricked you need to get up inside your house get your bottle of oil which is a symbol of the holy spirit and begin to put all on the threshold and put the all on the top of the door and on the sides of the door so that when your daughter comes in and goes out when your son goes in and comes out they're going in and they're coming out up under the blood of jesus against their will absolutely this is the last time we're arguing and fussing with you about your life and your lifestyle i'm gonna hold my peace and let the holy ghost do its job healing is about to take place in the lives of believers because the devil glory to god moved us around people that no longer believe in healing but the bible says that he was wounded for our transgression and bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we were healed and if we were we still are but we're not seeing the manifestations of the move or the work of god simply because the teaching is not being taught anymore the spirit the spirit of god is one thing but the letter kill it and you got a lot of people that want to run in the spirit but they don't want to sit down long enough to read the word of god i'm telling you this day that there is going to be a tidal wave of the holy ghost coming again i'm talking about the move of god that we have not seen in a long long time we are raising children that know not our god we're raising kids glory be to god that don't mind doing church but they don't know how to have church we don't we're raising children glory to god that may go to church but they don't come to church they sit right there in the building and because the fire is no longer in the pulpit like it used to be the enemy has wreaked havoc in our homes but the devil is a liar this is the last argument that i'm having with you this is the last discussion that i'm having with you my own grandchildren uh i have grandchildren i got a bunch of i got two grandchildren they said they don't even believe in god i said okay you don't believe in god no allowance because everything i got comes from god they believe in god now y'all ain't hearing what i'm saying no allowance no car no no no no don't don't put the fruit down don't don't don't eat nothing because everything in this house comes from the god that i believe in i am the living manifestation of my sacrifice and my obedience and if you don't believe in my god put my chicken down if you don't believe in my god i ain't buying no sneakers i'm not buying no clothes for you you ask for me and my house we're going to serve the lord so i'm telling you wherever you act glory be to god don't be worried don't be despair don't allow yourself to be in despair in this moment in this season in this hour lift up your hands and say to god i give it all to you right now everything that i am everything that i hope to be i turn it over to you right now it's all yours now it's yours lord everything i am everything i got everything i not try me and see if i can't be completely yours i'm no longer going to be embarrassed by what the naysayers are saying i know there's some issues in my family i know my children are all messed up some smoking dope some insane gender relationships some are going through pure hell but it's all right because you made me a promise and you said as for me and my house you said the promise was not only for me but it was for my children's children's children and after they've gone through hell ah bring up a child in the way they should go and in the end they shall not depart and in a few days from now the one that you've been dogging out is going to have a testimony and when you hear their testimony you'll be able to lift up your hands and say god did it it was not my doing but it was the doing of the lord i'm done now i want to tell you that you need the holy ghost for when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all in one place at one time and suddenly a sound came from heaven and i want you to hear the sound hear the sound that's coming from heaven your daughter's her your son your husband your wife your uncle your aunt your pastor by the get filled with the holy ghost and fire take no thought for your journey the holy ghost the holy ghost has moved out of the atmosphere of hovering and has landed on the ground and we about to experience the outpouring of god he says in the last days the very last days your sons and your daughters shall prophesize i want to pray for you today i want you to stop what you're doing and i want to pray for you and you don't have to go into a frenzy i just want you to pray this prayer the bible said if your earthly father being evil can give good gifts how much more can your heavenly father give the holy ghost to those that beg to those that tarry to those that chant no to those that simply ask ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock in the door shall be opened unto you this morning bethel a few months from now we're coming back to the house socially distance might have to do more services just to get the people in and stay safe but i want you to come back here filled with the holy ghost i didn't ask you did you have the holy ghost i'm asking you are you filled and baptized with the holy ghost so this is my prayer lord jesus you said if your earthly father being evil can give good gifts how much more will you give the holy ghost to those that acts every person saved that has not received the holy spirit you can't walk the aisles today but you can stand up on your feet you can't walk the aisles today but you can come close to the screen and let me pray for you let me pray that the anointing of the holy ghost will saturate you in your life and literally overwhelm you this day in jesus name the next time i talk to you i'm going to talk to you about the one pure language and that's speaking in tongues don't let nobody tell you that because you don't speak in tongues you don't have the holy ghost you're not filled with the holy ghost listen to this preacher can have the holy ghost and not speak in tongues but you can't have coded communication and glory without the holy ghost and if you ain't got coded communication the devil is riding your behind like he wants to but if you have coded communication he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaking not unto man but unto god for no man understandeth them i'll be it in the spirit he speaks mysteries my time is up for today have you received the holy ghost since you [Music] believed [Music] well they tell me that it's independence day also it is first sunday so in a few minutes you'll be able to do your cookouts and what have you but before we do that let's commune with god between the wings of a cherubian commune with him [Music] the blood that jesus shed for me way back on calvary it will never lose its power for it reaches the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valley the blood that gives me strength from day to day it is very fitting that we speak on the holy ghost today and we speak on the blood on this communion sunday because where you see the blood god passes over you the scriptures read like this [Music] seven things family safety for children returning to school for the regression of the delta variant [Music] for the safe reopening of churches wow clear vision for the prophets in the land israel and the middle east and for the families in miami florida that are searching for their loved ones [Music] the body of the lord jesus christ that was broken for you in pieces take and eat all of it [Music] commune with me commune with me [Music] the blood of the lord jesus cover you in these seven areas [Music] we do this in remembrance yeah [Music] we do this in remembrance [Music] if you don't have grape juice you got a little wine left over from last night some orange juice of water let's get ready to commune [Music] everybody we do this we do this we do this [Music] in remembrance in remembrance thank you jesus in remembrance [Music] of you [Music] lord we [Music] you [Music] lord we are you [Music] do [Music] he said as often as you eat this bread and drink of this cup you discern the lord's body until he comes the blood of the lord jesus christ take it drink all of it [Music] that fear and doubt depart from here send peace and grace within this place god let the healing power of the holy spirit through your blood do what it is supposed to do in jesus name amen and amen [Music] waiting on your testimony waiting on your victorious testimony because if god said it he's going to bring it to pass if he spoke it it will happen for i'm not a man that i should lie neither am i the son of man that i should repent yeah from calvary to your house he's coming down oh yeah the blood that gives me strength that gives me [Music] day-to-day [Music] [Music] i hope you are as excited this morning as i am and i pray that you have a great great holiday today eat all the hot dogs you want wear your mask stay away from people you know just enjoy yourself god's gonna do great and mighty things we don't want summer blues to hit here at bethel so you know this is your time to do what you're supposed to do okay and so i want you to prepare yourself for your tide and your offering um the bible tells us that when david was um transferring the kingdom over to his son solomon he gave him gold and silver and metal iron and wood gold for the things to be made gold out of iron for the things for iron to be made out of wood for the things we want to be made out of steel for the things that steal brass for the grass in other words he says that every area is going to be covered if you would take the resources and use the resources that i have given you for that purpose so we don't want tithing money in hot dogs and in uh uh steaks on the grill render unto god what is his this week and you'll see the blessings of the lord overtake your life all right are you ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get your seed in whichever platform that you use to sow your seed get it and make sure it's in place god's gonna bless you in jesus name [Music] four ways to sow your [Music] while seed down here praying lord search my heart while i'm down here lord search oh you know when i'm right [Music] me that not now give me give me get take care of me oh capric time because they they took it to church at ragtime [Music] four ways to sow your seed text bethlehem two eight four four eight eight eight ninety one eighty three online giving cash app dollar sign bfwc515 or mailed to 515 dow stream durham north carolina two seven seven zero one all right for you to roma givers all right look at the screen general of warfare zell bloomer paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844 889 fifteen fifty nine all right get that seed in the ground get it in the ground get in the ground and the lord's gonna bless you [Music] while i'm down here praying lord search my heart oh while i'm down here praying lord search my heart oh while i'm down here praying praying praying lord search my heart oh you know when i'm right you know when i'm whether wrong right or wrong [Music] search me search me lord i said search thee search me lord search me search me lord i said search speak loud search me lord i said search me search me search [Music] search [Music] i said search me search me trust me [Music] right [Music] mondays through fridays monday through fridays warfare ecology 4 p.m eastern standard time you wanna you wanna you wanna get this and you wanna go back and watch some of the most powerful programs that we're doing the seventh of this month we start back with our feeding programs we announced to you 45 000 families fed on the campus of bethel family worship center throughout the months of covert 19. thank you for your seeds and your funds that made that possible that ain't no jacked up number either it is it is what it is and we thank god for you for that for those of you that want to attach on to the prayer line prayer all right at bishop blumer what is it prayer at get your prayer request in in the name of jesus we're going to be praying for you we are on our way to the conclave our first conference in two years uh it's reset and start august 25th through the 27th in georgia in georgia we want you to be a part of this great great move of god it's going to be all of that all right tonight we open up the week with prayer and on fridays we close the week with prayer all right makes take a screenshot of that you've been faithful there's been you've been on the prayer call for one year and six months thank god for you i would have not been able to make it without you take a screenshot of that and tell a neighbor and a friend they can join it it's not just for our churches for everyone we open up the week on sundays and we close it on fridays friday sabbath prayer all right so um [Music] [Music] when [Music] four ways to sow your seed text bethlehem 844-888-9183 online giving app dollar sign bfwc515 or mail it to 515 dow street durham north carolina 27701 to roma seed givers look to the screen dollar sign general of warfare zell bloomer paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 [Music] whether i'm right or wrong i'm wrong now maybe saving grace of our lord savior jesus christ for fellowship of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with you now and forevermore see you tonight on the prayer call there will be no after service today you enjoy your family and we'll see you tuesday night bible study god bless you have you received the holy ghost since you believed [Music]
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 1,626
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Spiritual Warfare, preaching, teaching, Jesus, Td jakes, benny hinn, jamal bryant, bible, bishop bloomer, george bloomer, bethel family, durham, north carolina, warfarecology, kevin williams, bishop jakes, Zoe Ministries, Larry Reid, shirley caesar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 41sec (5201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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