The Power of His Presence - Bishop T.D. Jakes [November 17, 2019]

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[Music] to the right of the book of Joshua chapter 1 verse 5 through 11 yeah let's do it God is good to us and all the time we are in the first chapter of the book of Joshua we'll begin in the fifth verse and I think we read down to about the eleventh verse of the chapter there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life there should not be any man to stand before thee all the days of our life as I was with Moses so I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee be strong and of good courage for unto this people shall divide for an inheritance the land which I swear unto their fathers to give them only be thou strong and very courageous that thou layest observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest this book of the law shall not depart out of that mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou may observe to do according to all that is written Darien for then thou shalt make by way prosperous and then thou shalt have check us out good success there's a good success there's a bad success how many want good success have not I commanded thee be strong enough the courage be not a friend neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest ya then Joshua commanded the officers of the people saying pass through the host and command the people saying prepare you victuals says food for within three days she surpassed over this Jordan to go in in three days three days she shall pass over this Jordan to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God giveth you to possess it can you say man go back to verse 5 for me and put the fifth verse back up there the opening verse there there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of our life check this out as I was so I will be as I was so I will be as I was so I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor will I forsake thee this morning for the next few moments L want to talk to you about the power of his presence the power of his Renato presence the power of his friends not your problems presence the power of his presence let's pray spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us now as we go into the Word of God let the word of God go into us let his transformative power illuminate within us transfigure us move us and motivate us fix us and change us be God in the midst of this place establish yourself in the hearts of your people not just these that are here but to the thousands and thousands that are streaming online be God whether they're in the living room on the couch or laying in the bed or whether they're looking at a television screen or holding their phone in their hand be God in the midst of your people I thank you because you're enough for whatever I got our face you're enough God to get me through it in Jesus name shout amen you may be seated in the presence of God yeah let's go to work I love the book of Joshua I should warn you before I get started it's one of my favorite books particularly in the Old Testament is one of my favorite books because this book is not for wimps it is not for the faint of heart it is not for the superficially religious the mundane or the ritualistic this book is a book of power to people who are coming to take over this is a transformative book it's New Testament companion book would be the book of Ephesians the book of Ephesians starts out talking about God has given us all things the book of Joshua starts out talking about God has given us all things and he freezes all things that pertain unto life and godliness in Christ Jesus it's spiritualizes what Joshua literal Eliza's in Joshua we're inheriting land it Ephesians were inheriting life both of them take courage both of them take a lot of courage let me set the text in context so that you can understand what is going on at the time because scripture the strength of the scripture is only revealed when you understand its environment in which it was spoken everything in this text is moving but God everything is in the middle of transition and transformation but God the children of Israel are in transition not only physically leaving their nomadic history after having being slave for in slave for 400 years in Egypt for 430 years they are now on the cusp of a new beginning and while a new beginning is a good thing it is also a scary thing it is a difficult thing and it is a challenging thing because now they must go from being nomadic to be owners and dwellers and Zess is of land the land that they are possessing is rightfully theirs but they don't remember it they've come home but they've never been there before their fathers their ancestors had left their 400 years ago and so this is a generation that has no memory of what they're about to possess they have no history there that they can look back on as a point of reference to know that the future is good they just know that it's new now they are facing a new future without their own leaders he wasn't just any leader he is Moses Moses is a mighty man of power and authority he is in a class of distinction all by himself God said other prophets have I've spoken to through dreams and visions but of my servant Moses when I speak face-to-face God says Moses is in a category all by himself Moses I'll show things true that I would show nobody else Moses has been the man for 40 years to these people it was Moses rod that was stretched out over the Red Sea that caused the Red Sea to back up from Moses face going hither and thither and the wind blew the waters back for miles it was Moses that established the Covenant of the law it was Moses that brought down the plans for the tabernacle it was Moses that prayed to manna fell down from heaven it was Moses and turn the bitter waters sweet it was Moses that declared the power of God until he was a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day it was Moses that gave them shame it was Moses that gave them covering it was Moses that prayed until God said quail from heaven it was Moses tell somebody say it was Moses it was Moses everything they knew about God if come to Moses everything that they understood about God and come through Moses it was Moses who brought down the Ten Commandments it was Moses that showed them the power of God so strong that the mountains shook and were set on fire and not consumed it was Moses that repeat the sins are for Israel it was Moses that clinched the leprosy off of his sister it was Moses if you had a problem it was Mulder whatever God sought to talk to somebody it was Moses when God got ready to heal somebody it was Moses when they got sick it was Moses had lifted up the serpent in the wilderness it was Moses the only problem is Moses went up on the hill and he didn't come back and they're trying to figure out who am i without Moses what will life be like Moses they don't really know what happened to Moses had never got his body the Angels have taken his body away God had to tell them that Moses my servant is dead when they heard that Moses was dead they started screaming they ripped their clothes and yelled and cried for days and days turned to weeks and weeks turned to a month they did nothing but lament the death of Moses almost there and now Moses is gone the worst things in life can happen when you're almost there the closer you get to your promises the more you lose you don't hear what I'm saying they have waited 40 years to get to this place every step they've taken has been my foot they didn't call it boy they had no bus service they had no wagon train they had no steam engine they had no Tesla's they had no automatic transportation they had to walk this thing step by step and foot by foot every inch of the land had footprints on it in the hospice Turing feet of the desert they had walked with God depending on him for their daily bread when they woke up in the morning because they were with Moses manna fell from heaven in front of each tent within their reach manna doesn't fall in their mouth it falls within their reach somebody got it somebody's been sitting around like a little bird with your mouth up and waiting on God to sit it into your mouth God never brings a blessing to your mouth he brings it within your reach touch your neighbor and say if you stretch you can get it give us this day our daily bread give us this day our daily bread give us this day our daily stretch because even though God said it if you don't stretch for it you don't get it and now our Moses is dead if you have to understand Moses being dead it's trouble to a people who are already privatized I remember being a little boy when when when the news flash came on that dr. King was dead and everybody closed down the schools and the kids went home and everybody's face was stunned and shocked and we as a people were traumatized we were as traumatized by his death as we were about the causes for which he fought because he epitomized leadership true leadership is a gift from God whether it's over a corporation or a church or business truly I'm not talking about titles I'm talking about leadership true leadership is a gift from God if you've ever had a real father or real mother it's a gift from God whether it's in the house or in the company or in the business or in the country true leadership is a blessing bad leadership is occurrence i'ma say that again bad leadership is a curse the Bible said when the wicked shall rule the earth shall mourn with the wicked shall rule the earth shall mourn with wickedness is in charge everything under its uppers you cannot make a man or a woman a leader you either are or you are not giving them a desk doesn't make him a leader giving them our office that make him a leader giving them a title that makes him a leader giving them a degree that it makes them a leader a leader is a perspective Moses was a leader Moses was a man when Moses put down his rod something happened with Moses raised his hands their enemies were defeated [Applause] who are we without Moses how can we go forward without Moses life will never be the same again without Moses and God let them cry their eyes out for about a month and then he says now now somebody say now my grandmother didn't say now she said now I don't know how you spell now and then it's probably a UGA something like that but admit now you know W now Moses is dead got it now Moses is dead that's enough crime that's enough weeping that's enough astonishment that's enough hysteria Moses my servant is dead as I was you see you see how that fits and I was with Moses so should I be with you I want you to see that everything is changing and when everything starts changing change is scary change is discombobulating change brings anxiety change brings tension change brings stress in change you must have faith because you don't have facts to stand or all of your facts are gone and change you have to believe because you can't see and you don't know and you're not sure now faith is the substance of things hoped for now Moses my servant is dead I need faith would stop death so I could move into the unseen we know how to wander but do we know how to build we know how to survive at the desert but do we know how to pick fruit in the promised land we know how to drive back other nomadic people but we don't know how to fight people that are dwelling in the land we have no point of reference for this it is when everything is changing around you that faith has its greatest relevance it has its greatest power when life is destabilizing and the future is uncertain and the props you had up under you are all giving away that's when you discover God when you run out of Moses you run into God somebody in here all you got is God everything you was leaning on is giving away all you got is God all you know is God all you see is God all you understand is God all you can hold on to this God if God doesn't do it with this part as I was so will I be because that's the only thing in the text is not changing the region is changing the territory is changing how they see themselves is changing their requirements are changing their leadership is changing their are transitioning from Moses to Joshua everything is destabilized everything is saving a place of disarray and the only thing that solid is as I was so will I be social I be I'm still here I still catch you I'm still with you in the city but I got you your the new job but I got you you hit a new relationship but I got you you got a new devil to fight but I guess as I was so Salaam yeah you don't need that word if you're not gonna love it you don't need that word if you have made up in your mind you will die in the wilderness and have a pity party and feel sorry for yourself and cry yourself to sleep for the rest of your life you don't need this sermon you can exit on any door this is for people that are gonna go ahead but I'm going broke but I'm going lonely but I'm good I'm uncertain but I'm going I gotta find a way to go ahead and so in order to find a way to go ahead you have to find an absolute in the middle of variables when you're living in variables you must always find an absolute the absolute is God in this Texas I was so shall I be God says I am Who I am no matter what season of life you're in no matter who walked away no matter who went up on the mountain then didn't come back no matter who died in the wilderness no matter who betrayed you no matter who lied of you no matter who divorce no matter who quits you no matter who I will not fail thee I will not forsake me that's C I want you to see the spirit of the text not just a letter of the text the power ain't like a promise with you need one so I'm gonna try to break it down into six principles I will give you these principles these principles are important number one I'm gonna talk about the people because God is talking about the people he's telling Joshua who is the new leader who has been leader at he has been Moses jr. he's had leader techniques and principles but now he has the full job it's one thing to be an assistant to the leader it's another thing to be the set man when you are the set man the buck stops with you Joshua has assumed this position and God is telling him go amongst the people and tell them what to expect because for God it is about the people and if you ever find a purpose that's bigger than you God will help you i'ma turn around try that again if you ever find a purpose that's bigger than you God will help you God is not your manager he's not here to promote you he's not here to make you feel important he's not here to give you a back rub or massage God is here to help you find your purpose then it's bigger than you and if you can find something that's big enough to pray about are y'all ready for this morning you should have went on the cruise got some rest you can't handle me this morning see half of the stuff on our list that we're praying about is not big enough to pray about stop bringing these little penny any requests to God it's an insult to as a great man to do little stuff God needs a challenge God needs a big dream God needs something that's bigger than you Joshua I know you're nervous but this is not about you this is about the people be strong over and over and over and over again that Almighty says the same thing be strong and very courageous be strong and very courageous be strong and very courageous why does he keep telling us to be strong and very courageous because we are facing things that want to take our strength and still our courage and we have to be commanded it's a commandment it's not a suggestion it's not an idea it's not something you to vote about be strong and very courageous is a command from God in fact if you don't do this you can't survive you got no choice [Applause] my mother was daring the vols Hartman's of us and it was in the early stages where I could really talk to her really good and I said mama city is so amazing I know you know what's going on and you seemed so cool about it you seem so calm I never ran into her crying or falling apart or collapsing or looking worried to look at nervous and I said you seem so strong and you seem so courageous and he seems so powerful and she said baby mama ain't got no choice sometimes you have no choice it simply is what it is I didn't ask for it I don't want it I didn't prefer it I'd rather not deal with it but I have to face it with strength he's strong and very courageous you have got to have something to pray about this bigger than you that is worthy of the attention of God because the truth of the matter is God blesses you for other people I tell you a week ago those of you that missed the worship service had only come to hear the word miss the point you don't understand that God doesn't get anything out of preaching [Applause] God already had his word you miss your one chance to give something to God when you worship you're giving something to God when I'm preaching God is giving something to you so you are saying I can miss giving something to God and expect God to give something to me that's not hard what give and it shall be given good manager press down shaken together running over shall men give up a table that's why every worshipper in here when you praise him you are blessing God when he speaks to you he is blessing you reciprocity you got to learn reciprocity you can't expect to get something while you give nothing hallelujah you're not praising God because you're emotional or not emotional or introvert or an extrovert is not a black thing or white P or Latino thing it's not a Pentecostal thing it's a Bible faith let everything that help God said if you're not dead give me some place [Applause] you're the god glory to God glory to God glory to God if you are not dead give me some faith meaning that you are you Baptist are you Methodist are you Pentecostal are you glad are you white are you Latino he said are you breathing if you are breathing even if you Backson even if you're a sinner God said you still owe me some praise cuz I let you live with your praise itself let everything that have crap let me go on you bet sir praise service let me go [Applause] you must understand that C D D the camouflage of the text is the promised land it is eye-catching it is amazing it is wonderful it is what they were waiting on but looking at the promised land is only camouflage because the real promise is not the land it's the presence that you think this is about properly this is not about property this is about presence you're so busy trying to get the property that you don't understand presence but the real gift is I will not forsake you I will not leave you as I was so shall I be you can I give you the truth God never grieved over Moses God never grieved over the death of Moses the truth of the matter is when Moses died God turned his head to Joshua and kept right on top as I was with Moses so shall I beat see the promise myself one it's a promise the promises of God is it not that you all have to fight not that you all have to cry not that you all have struggles his promise is that I will be with you the promise is bigger than the land the promise is that power is his presence the promises his presence stop coveting the property cometh the presence if you get the presence you will get the property all by itself what good is a property if you don't have this presence the promises I will be with you I'm not promising you you won't have to fight you will have to fight but the fight will go better if you know I'm with you how many people in a fight right now the Lord sent me to tell you that he's in the fight with you but the battle is not yours it belongs to God if you're gonna draw comfort be comforted by his presence not his presence [Applause] see we have been taught to ask God like Santa Claus for presents give me give me give me give me give me give me give me but what we ought to do is seek his presence because his presence is more powerful than his presence I hope I'm speaking clearly enough for you to understand the distinction between getting God's gifts and getting God's glory the promise I want you to see is not the land it suppresses let me go let me go into it can go deeper young person just breaking out trying to figure out who am I do I have what it takes can I do this am i any good at it will I succeed I drop a good fight but can I really fight I said I'm a great man but am I really a great man I want to be a good mother I don't know I don't know I don't know I know Gus he said all God says all of that is I will be with you middle-aged person getting older don't even know what old he is running into a change in your life not sure of yourself out of your element so that you figured out how to be a grown person now you're trying to learn how to be an old person [Applause] they ought to teach a class on how to get old it would be worth setting up a curriculum for you for all the things that happen to you that nobody tells is going to happen to you and you got to act like it don't bother you the only promise God gives you I will be with you older person getting ready for the grave what is that gonna be laughs God doesn't promise you you will not die the only thing God promises you is I will be with you young lovers get ready to get married the only thing God promises you is I will be with you couples breaking up going through a divorce only thing God promises you I will be with you mainly not my leave she may forsake you I will not forsake you just cause he left that mean island just because Sheila doesn't mean how there I'm still in the house I'm still opening doors and still wait European Auto giveth I don't teach until you get it the presence of God Jack to your job the presence of God is with you if you lose your job Darley been cited in the text it's a presence of God got you in the hospital I got you in your college and got you in your classroom I got you in your marriage I got you your divorce I got you your strip I got you in your weakness [Applause] I won't forsake you when you're falling I won't run out on you when you failed I won't back up when you're up against the wall I won't run away when you disappoint me I will be with you as to me that's the best part of the text that is the promise if you don't take that to be your promise you will lean on something that can be stolen you will label something that can be taken away so one thing the devil can never take away from me he's with me and if he's with me he's more than the world y'all can't handle it y'all can't have this so I'll talk to you about the people talk to you about the problems number three I want to talk to you about the priority he says I want you to tell the people to meditate in my word night and day God says I want your priority to be pleasing me delight yourself in it and seek to obey it I want that to be your priority no no no I tell you I say this all the time no rich man is looking for no Brook woman with a lot of bills [Applause] let me find somebody who's got real bad credit and they'll owe everybody so I can bail them out [Laughter] [Applause] I mean you might end up with that but you are not looking for that I say see no golden [Applause] [Laughter] I'll explain it to the old folks in the white frozen later meet me in the back how give me the Residence Inn because nobody wants to be loved for what they got they want to be loved for who they are in fact if you love me for who I am you can get what a guy the way to get one I got is love who I am cuz I will trade you what I got if you respect who I am that's what God is saying he he said I want to make sure that you're in this for the right reason so in order to purify you I want you to get in my word and I want you to seek to obey my word outside of your promised land don't wait till you get there to be grateful I want to know can you be grateful broke I want to know can you be grateful sick I want to know can you be grateful lonely I want to know can you be grateful when I break your heart and I hurt your feeling can you wipe your face and say you're still God I want it I want to check your priority cuz I swam don't bless you if you get your priority right don't worry about the blessing I got the property so the text talks to us about the priority of having a devotion do not know most people do not have a devotion outside the church to have a devotion most church people live close to the edge of backsliding at any given moment you just one honking horn away [Applause] and the reason is yeah I keep it real so if you don't want to if you don't want read oh don't come here the reason we are not in touch with our spiritual sales is that we have no devotion aside from our stage [Music] [Applause] I couldn't remember when we didn't have to hire washer I can remember where the church didn't have praise dancing everybody was a praise dancing everybody wasn't washing her the problem is you don't need me you don't need an organ you don't need a band you don't need a drum you don't need all these people with all these amazing voices you need a heart that's open to God you need a hard they can sing out a tune in your kitchen that can walk around in your office before anybody gets there and you making coffee and blessing the Lord and getting ready for your day I'm talking about a relationship with God not with people not with Church not with Fame not with fortune not with your idea success because when you get whatever you're trying to get you will find out it ain't nothing soon as you get it you gonna figure out it wasn't what you thought it was in the first place they will be in your guard [Applause] y'all can handle it cuz you want to be rich I know rich folk dis crazy I'm a rich people never suicidal I know rich people that have no sense and all you want is rich it's paper baby it's just paper calm down it's just paper you can burn it instead lighter so we're just you need a devotional that anchors you because things are gonna go up they're gonna go down your life is gonna go up it's gonna go down your finances gonna go up they're gonna go down your friends gonna go up they're gonna go down your marital status gonna go up and go down we've been happily married for 50 years a liar liar pants on fire ain't nobody been happy 15 years with nobody I'm not even happy with me 50 years I get sick of myself no way in the world even be happy to do you stop line the tub we made it we pin it [Applause] the priority of a devotional stabilizes you in a destabilized environment it is it is the worship it is the breakfast of champions it is some breakfast of champions there is nothing like walking up on my white prayer and having to back up out of her space and she had a whole room lit up with glory and her relationship with God is none of my business so I back out of her stuff because that's too personal even for your husband she might need to be talking about me [Applause] give us privacy so she can work it out [Applause] that's how personal the priority of consecrating yourself you know what you stress having a little kiddin you have no consecration this'll last have you had devotional by yourself without all these fancy singing and all their selves no wonder you get out they might sing like this hey make you happy whether you got the Holy Ghost about I'm talking about you by yourself walking around in your heart making up a song ain't got no 2k5 no key nobody can play it but God loves it he said make a joyful noise serve the Lord with gladness come before me with singing God's telling you how to please him he said come before me with singing I'm like it when you say I don't care that you ain't got no tool just make some noise when you walk up in your house in fact it's easier to do it in church when you do it at home the reason you're so slow to start up is that you don't do it at home I just believe that where God is getting ready to take you this message is necessary he's getting ready to put you in the unstable environment out of your element where things are uncertain and the only stability you're gonna have is coming from his presence and you've got to learn how to value his presence enough to give him time whatever you value you make time for people who in the gym all the time value looking like that they take time for it they in the gym six hours a day they look like the reason I look like this it's not that important to me if it was that important to me I would do it for six hours a day mine don't have to do it in 15 whatever God go do we gonna have to do it quick I want microwave ABS you got to cook it quick Jesus cuz I got stuff to do whatever you've a you you make time for how much time do you make the dog so he said I'm telling you I want you to start getting in my word and observe my role as a part of your daily routine so in order for you to possess I want you to prioritize sweetie let me put it in New Testament language seek ye first the kingdom of God in His righteousness and then all these things shall be added on here he didn't tell you to seek the thing he said seek the kingdom if you seek the kingdom the thing will follow you number four what this is really about is the purpose of God Moses dad but God's purpose didn't so when he says as I was so will I be as I was with Moses so will I be with you I'm gonna do the same thing through you I would have done through Moses because it wasn't about personality it was about purpose now this I'm giving really on here is bad you gotta be ready you gotta be able to handle this to accomplish his purpose God will use anybody [Applause] [Music] see you think it's a few little bless people and if you're not in God's click god cait use wrong God use focus y'all don't want me to talk to you God use donkeys God use animals God use fish god don't care what it is when God gets ready to accomplish something in order to get it done he'll use anybody he used idolatrous Ruth were the more by this she didn't even know who God was but when God gets ready to accomplish his purpose he'll snatch anybody from anywhere in order to get things done if you want to survive getting the purpose the safest place in the whole wide world is in the purpose of God whenever you get in the purpose of God God will protect you to protect his promise jianchi handle it ah things work together for the good I did that love the Lord who are the called according to his God said if you get in my purpose I'll make it work out alright if you get in my purpose I'll fight your enemies off for you I'll whip anybody who stands up against you if you do what I tell you to do if I know I can count on you to do my purpose your animation to come by in abyss your battles become my battles I'll Drive back your diseases I'll heal your body if you hear my purpose I'll strengthen you in your old age Hezekiah was getting ready to die [Applause] he was ready to die he him laid up in the bed he was sick and afflicted the Prophet Eli prophet even told him he was gonna die true prophet said he was gonna head the cars turned his face to the wall and told God he said if I die the grave cannot praise God said if you praise me I'll add 15 years touch three people say get into purpose [Applause] get in the purpose getting the purpose of God it is something bigger than you get is something that's not about you getting something that lot about what you had in mind giving something were you willing to sacrifice the safest place isn't the purpose of God I am Alive because of the purpose of God I've seen my enemies die fighting me because I was in the purpose of God God didn't help me because I was good God helped me because I was obedient oh my god tells me people say get in the purpose can I go deeper how many people getting blessed through the word make some vow how many people feel like you're in the purpose of God make some knowledge how many people are going to be more intentional about being in the purpose of God dr. James are trying to let him be able to use me anywhere anytime anyplace so I was in the Caribbean and I was meeting with the premier on one of the hours and his father had just died and it was a day after and I said sir I don't want to disrespect your face or I'll put you in an uncomfortable situation but I know you're hurting and above any business and we were talking I am at my core a pastor and I said let me pray for you because I understand how hard it is for people who are perceived as big men to get real prayer because everybody's trying to impress you and everybody wants to bow down before you and they see you are so big that they don't know that you get weak and they don't know you get tired and they don't know that you're hurting and they don't know that you just lost your daddy and he burst into tears and I took him and I pray for him because that is my purpose now we were talking about business and we were talking about property and we were talking about possibilities but I never let the possibilities or the property or the business drive me away from a purpose because if I gotta leave my purpose to get the promise then you can keep it I will walk away in a hot minute you have never seen anybody who can turn and walk away like I can walk away my way says this cancer I can walk away and still be waving back angle check can hold me and nothing else can hold it I'm a grown man I got a grown God who does grow stuff and I don't have to go through you to get nothing if God get ready to bless me he's already sixty-two years you don't let nothing drive you away from your purpose because the purpose of God is already blessed all that praying you trying to do trying to get God to bless your plan stop it get it his plan it's already blessed you ain't got to stand before no fans God's plan he's already blessed God's plan is his purpose stop trying to draw God into your agenda get in he is cuz he will protect that which pertains unto him let me tell you why you're here because of the purpose of God if you be honest you know it's not because of your righteousness now you complete them but you can't plead me because I know don't let me turn on my prophetic gift and read you you know you are not that holy the purpose of God has protection are you hearing what I'm saying and when you are in the purpose of God you ought to be knocking the door trying to do something for God Oh y'all go let me do something forgot I don't know I don't know when I got it sound what I got to do I got I got doing I'm gonna be a bar and to do something for God committee put me on to do something for God committee right now put me on to do something for God committee because if I get on to do something for God committee arthritis came hold me sickness can hold me death paint a holy disease can't hold me leukemia ain't hold me haters can't hold me witches can't a holy war lost ain't holy you know why I blessed you can't curse what's already blessed blessed cuz I'm in his purpose a blessed cuz I'm in his wheel I'm blessed because I showed up where he told me to show and I said what he told me to say let me hear y'all oh I feel the glory of God in this place would you tell your name of God is getting you ready for something now I'm going deeper I'm going deeper cards you going with me you going with me so my fifth point is the provision the provision now normally when you talk about provision with God it's normally God provided okay this time of smile God has been providing for 40 years all through the wilderness the manor has fallen every morning with the do early in the morning God baked the bread fell right in front of the tent they grabbed it they ain't that's why I brought it up so you could remember your blessing that God makes for you as always within arm's reach they pulled it in according to their households some more some less so don't compare yourself with each other because God is just but he's not fair [Music] where is everybody in here gets to just it since you got more kids you get more more capacity more provision that's just but she could say that's my fare I don't have no kids here with me it's not fair but it's just you mad at God because he's not fair God didn't promise to be fair he promised to be just so to the beat big tent people who had a lot of need more bread filled because they had capacity people who have little need got little bread that wasn't fair but it was just they have had 40 years of God handing out the bread in our text for the first time since they got out in the wilderness God now says I'm through handing you bread prepare your victuals this is the first time that he has made the Promised Land generation have to prepare he said I'm through giving you freebies [Applause] he says prepare your victuals which is food you gotta go out there and prepared now this is a generation who never had to cook all the bread was prepared but God now says to them the manna has ceased I could pull out Scripture I didn't the manna has ceased when the manna ceases is society must prepare it's not a sign you can't eat when it ceases to be easy it doesn't mean it ceases to be it just means that in the course of providing God changes methodology that which comes easy as always temple [Applause] that's so good I'm gonna get the CD pass here that which comes easy is always temporal that's like honeymoons that which comes easy is always temporal if marriage was honeymoons that's right look at me like you all know what I'm talking about that which comes easy is always temporal sooner or later you have to get your hands in it you have to put some sweat in it you have to put some effort in it he said now I'm making you prepare your victuals because you're closer than you've ever been before you're closer than you've ever been before get your hands in who I felt I felt unction like glory coming out of me like God is saying specifically to somebody get your hands in it I've been handing these stuff that you didn't have to put your hands in now you got to get your hands in it I'm gonna feed you but you got to get involved in it you got to put your hands in it comparing your victuals cuz I'm getting ready to movie [Applause] I'm getting ready to shift you prepare your victuals cuz you got three days to get ready for this shift [Applause] Sunday to Monday Monday duties he teach either with its three days to get ready prepare your in three days in three days you will cross into something [Applause] like you have never crossed into before in three days somebody say three days at three days three days prepare your victuals for in three days you shall cross this Jordan wait a minute I heard that three days before jesus said if you destroy the temple in three days I'll raise it up Jesus went into great death burial and resurrection three days Hosea said in two days I revived Ian the third day out there's some about God in three days there's something about God in three days he were raised up Jesus on the third day from the dead and Jesus is the Living bread [Applause] you heard me did you Jesus is the Living bread get your hands in it Thomas comes in and says unless I get my hands in it I won't believe get your hands see you can go to church all you want to but until you get your hands into Jesus you prepare your victuals because in three days I'm gonna bring you into it now watch this this is the kind of message that is for people who are on the cusp of change I am staggering while I'm preaching at the power of his presence as I sense more prophetic than preaching that there are people in this room that are on the cusp of transition and this is more than a cute message you had to be here because everything in your life is getting ready to shivers and God is getting ready to bring you into a place that you have never been a state that you have never been and it is in part because Moses my servant is dead and you have been destabilized too in order to become dependent so that with which you normally would depend has gone and now God has got you to himself and he says prepare your victuals [Applause] Who am I free to choose somebody somebody somebody said marry my God my God my God my God Who am I preaching to where are you are your kitchen are you in the house are you in the front porch are you in your car on your way to church are Union golfing cold where are you pinching the submatik I don't know what picture - whoever picture - if I in the house makes annoyed the provision of God has now been placed in the hands of the believer that is not to be ignored God is saying I'm putting it in your hands gunshot aah I'm putting it in your hands I'm putting it in your hands I'm through dropping stuff here till 10:00 I'm putting it in your hands get your hands in it get your hands in it get your hands in it get it involved in it I want to feel your DNA in it I want your fingerprints in the bread get your hands it feel it touch it punching pulverize it me that need it need it need it like dough get your hands in everything that you're about to eat because you're getting ready to cross into another dimension talking to somebody I feel it so strong my toes are tingling every nerve in my body is standing on edge glory to God there's a shift in this room there's a shift coming in this room little by little back get out the way get out the way now hold it go get out the way little by little by little by there's a ship coming in the world there's a ship coming in the world there's a ship coming in the world do you hear what I'm saying there's a ship then I said somebody's has been destabilized situation for a long time and you're big time I said if you're big kind of heavy and your boss has been on and God says stop crime cuz I'm getting ready to shift you stop crying cuz I'm get ready to ship to stop crying because I'm getting ready to ship you into another dimension glory to God get your hands in your brain get your hands in your stuff get your hands in your vision get your hands on the glory get your hands on the power get your hands in it get it do you hear do you hear it y'all yeah I'm not gonna do it for you the way I used to do it for you I'm not gonna do it the way I used to do it stop crying for me to do what I used to do you're in love with yesterday your yesterday is over it's over let it go I'm not gonna do what I used to do again I will do a new thing in you the former things have passed away stop craving for that which is over stop crying after what's over [Applause] I rebuke the spirit of avoidance I produced this fear to being disconnected I revealed this rid of depending on other people to handle your stuff this is a season right now that you got to get your hands in it you got to have your mouth in it you got to get involved in it you got to get involved in it cuz of ship disk of blow ready god I'm sorry oh I can't go to file help me Holy Ghost whoo go Ritu God a shift is coming a ship is coming a shift is coming the shift to shift the shift the shift is coming the shift is coming Oh Oh the shift is coming your way to go me to do what I used to do but I'm gonna do something fresh glory to God in fact you've wondered Who am I if you don't do what you used to do I don't have to do what I used to do I'm gonna do something new in your life get your hands in preparing the victuals prepare your victuals for in three days you will cross this Jordan in three days I'm gonna make you another kind of person in three days you will be a new kind of people in three days you will never wander again in three days you will not be nomadic and here and there and everywhere and unstable in three days I will stabilize you in three days I will organize you in three days I will bring a new deal out of the old deal in three days and get ready to ship God said I'm gonna yourself the whole direction of your ship is about to shift in the winds of God he says I have given you number six I have given you the possession is number six I have given you the land to possess it which is an oxymoron it is an oddity because if you've given it to me why do I have to possess it God says I've given it to you by permission but you got to take it by force [Applause] I have given you the land to possess it you gotta possess it you're gonna possess it you're gonna possess it you're not just gonna shout about it you're not just gonna sing about it you're not just gonna dream about it you're going to possess it you have got to prepare your food the food you need to eat for what's in front of you is different from the foods you needed to eat for what was behind you do you hear what I'm saying in order to be ready for what God is going to do you gonna have to change your diet for it what you got time for who you listen to what you let feed you to let poorni your spirit has got to ship for this this egg that's [Applause] properly ready it's really I have given you the land I have given you the land take it ham I will take it I told you I will be with you I will be with you when you take it I will be with you when you take it I will be with you when you possess it you will win every battle not because they're strong but because I'm with you the only battles they lost was when they disobeyed God so his punishment was their failure his reward was their winning if you obey me I'll make a winner out of a loser I'll turn your life completely around I'll turn your mourning into dancing I'll give you a beauty for Ashes I'll give you the garment of praise for the spirit of evidence I will lift you where it matters most on the inside I won't just give you pretty stuff I'll beautify the meek with salvation I'll make you pretty where it counts I won't just make you look good I'll make you good I will restored unto you everything that your enemies have taken out of you there is a glory in this room [Applause] because I obeyed him to preach the power of his presence there is a glory in this room right now oh my god I know you're getting it over the internet but I wish you were in this room because there's something in this room right now there's an undercurrent in this room there's a flow in this room that I'm not sure that all the fiber optics can convey the glory of God because the glory of God there's something in the atmosphere that shifted in this room and if you're a spiritual person you can feel it right now I have given you the land I have given you your future now take it I have given you your prophecy now take it I have given you your destiny now take it giving you your opportunity take it I have carved out a place for you no man will withstand you all the days of your life nobody a behavior resistant [Applause] i'ma bring you down to the banks of the river i'ma bring it to the hedge and your Jordan are you ready to cross over he's standing at the river standing at the river I got a cross over into my promised land this way before [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] about 5,000 watts of us this is she Templeton lost innocence wife the chef [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's a move victory victory victory victory victory victory victory victory yes yes yes [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 2,521,067
Rating: 4.7512808 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation, The Power of His Presence
Id: _DxtXuRASV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 1sec (4981 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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