It's The Power For Me - Pastor Cora Jakes Coleman

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[Music] thank you so much teddy bear for having me and for allowing me to be before your people today i am so excited about the message that god has placed on my heart to teach on tonight and before we go into that i most certainly want to just give honor to my mother my father bishop and first lady sarita jakes i want to give honor to my hubby my husband i'm going to give honor to my ninjas and before we jump into the word i want to be very sensitive to the heaviness of our heart as a ministry as we mourn the loss of evangelist joycell rogers she was a pinnacle in this ministry she served us with the heart of gold she has been a beacon of great strength and power and an absolute jewel to not just the potter's house but our family personally i know her to be a prophet i know her to be an evangelist i know her to be a daughter of god and i know that she is not mourning but she is celebrating in the arms of her father in the arms of her king thank you for your service to us evangelists thank you for your love thank you for your integrity thank you for how you held the office and thank you for leaving us with the hope that we can continue to do the same our love goes to her family we're praying for you we're believing god's peace over you as you continue to go through this stage of grief thank you so much well i want to get into the word today with you all you all know that i love prayer it's just kind of my thing so i want to teach on prayer just from a different perspective on tonight and so if you would go with me to ephesians 3 16 through 17. ephesians 3 16 through 17. you're amazing god we're in all of you you're amazing god do what you do you're amazing god we're in all of you you're amazing god do what you do do what you do do what you do do what you do do what you do hallelujah to the name of jesus the bible declares for this reason i kneel before the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name i pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and i pray that you being rooted and established in love may have power together with all the lord's holy people to grasp how wide than long and high and deep is the love of christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of god now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us to him be glory in the church and in christ jesus throughout all generations forever and ever amen if you would allow me for a moment i'd like to teach you on the subject topic it's the power for me spirit of the living god thank you thank you for being in the midst of us thank you for moving in us thank you for moving around us god i thank you for being glory i thank you for being pure i thank you for being worthy and honest i thank you for the freedom by which we can walk and have our being i thank you god for your honesty and your love towards us god i thank you that we're victorious and we're able to endure because of who you are god i pray in the name of jesus that you would wash us tonight you would cleanse our minds our heart and our spirits that we may be open to embrace this unknowable love that you have presented to us tonight great god i pray that you would release an anointing that makes teaching easy release an anointing that makes receiving easy spirit of the living god let your glory reign tonight let your power reign tonight move great god that you are we give you praise glory and honor for who you are who you're going to be and everything that you have set forth now god i pray that you would remove me that you may consume me breathe on this word tonight bring revelation on this word tonight have your way great god that you are i will be careful to give your name all the glory the praise and the honor that it is due for it is in your son jesus name that we declare it is so and so it is a man and amen again so as we are talking about prayer and just the the idea of prayer and the understanding of prayer i find that though i could have spoken on any other subject topic when it comes to prayer we don't hear that talk a lot on platforms of this caliber and so whenever given an opportunity to come before you i feel that it is important for me to be able to share with you what i know concerning prayer what i believe concerning prayer and what the word declares concerning prayer and so as we are considering prayer we're considering the power therein of prayer i want you to think about this particular text now there are five different prayers that paul talks about throughout his journey if you will but two of the prayers are found in ephesians i want to dissect and pull apart just one of the prayers that are found in ephesians on today paul is prophetically preparing for the church of ephesus out of his five most profound prayers we see this love this love this this power this faith these particular sources that he uses in this prayer the prayer is prophetic and timeless and it doesn't surprise me as prayer is both prophetic and timeless and yet also has many different sources when you think about power and you think about the source of prayer there are a lot of sources that bring about the power in your prayer the goal in this particular prayer and i believe in a lot of the prayers that paul presents is to show you an enlightened example of who's who the love of christ is how the love of christ moves and the depths and dimensions of that love when we go into prayer and we think about this communication that we have with god i want to be clear that there is a interesting connection when you think about power and you think about plants when i thought about talking to you all today i consider the many different sources of power so let's talk about it there's the power plants that bring about energy sources so you have burning of fossil fuels coal oil natural gas this is a type of power you have nuclear power i want you to consider also what i'm going to be talking about today would be your renewable usable replenishable energy sources such as wind solar or more specifically the hydro electric power and so when you consider this particular subject i want you to understand that when we're looking at these renewable usable replenishable energies i want you to consider that as prayer prayer has the power to be both renewable usable and replenishable just like energy whether you're looking at wind or whether you're looking at solar or whether you're looking at water there is a power in there that goes beyond some of our knowledge and expectation when i look at water i just think about drinking water when someone who has the skills and the giftings and the power to understand the intricate the intricacies behind water when they see water they see power when they see water they see the ability to take something that seems damned and turn it into something that can be usable and so when we look at hydroelectric power that is what it is there's two ways that we receive hydroelectric power the first way is that it converts water from a reservoir into energy that activates a generator that is the first way that we see hydroelectric power this is the conversion that happens when a dam breaks and it moves through and things of that nature the other thing that we see when we talk about hydroelectric power is pumped storage so it stores its energy by pumping water uphill to a reservoir at a higher elevation when there is a demand for power that water is released from the high elevated place and then moved down to a lower place this generates electricity generating motion and electricity that can be used worldwide hydro electricity is not something that we only focus on in one place you can use water as power all over the world and quite frankly what i loved about it is that it came from high down to low and sometimes when you are moving in life in prayer and you're moving in power and prayer you must understand that the source of your prayer the source of the power in your prayer comes from up high down to your lower reservoir maybe your storage is empty and you begin to pray so that god can break that damn open and pour out a blessing you do not have room enough to receive and so i want you to consider that because the power when we consider the power and the power sources and the power plants they all have different forms and functions no matter what you look at however you look at it they all have a specific function a specific form and a specific power when we talk about prayer there are many different forms and characteristics and attributes of prayer but when we consider the source by which paul is using in this particular text he gives us three sources there is a power even in what you plant your surroundings and relationship and prayer are essential so when you are producing a power plant you have to understand that you have to be careful what is built around that thing everything can't go around your power everything can't be built around your power you have to be careful what you plant and what you produce and how you move relationally when it comes to your power you must watch what you have planted in your prayer life because what we plant in our prayer life is how we communicate with god and if you're not careful you will plant meaningless seeds into your prayer life but you need something that's more sustainable than that i want to challenge you to consider what seeds you are planting in your prayer life and paul gives us three specific understandings of sources or seeds if you will that we can use as we are planting our prayer life i want you to consider the first being love in the verse he says i pray that you being rooted and established in love let's go back up to the text when we go back up to the text ephesians 3 and 17 he says so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and i pray that you being rooted and established in love the first source of our prayer the for the first source of our ability to pray effectively and strategically are going to be founded in love this prayer itself is about the depths and the width and the and the power behind god's love so when you consider love in prayer i want you to consider how you translate your care your attention your your focus if you will into god when you pray when i pray without love am i praying with the fullness of who god is when i pray without love am i praying with this with the true strategy by which is needed in order for me to manifest things when i pray so we genuinely in this moment have an opportunity to gain the knowledge and the power of love that power that causes us to be able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything we could ever ask or think that power that works on the inside of us is rooted in the first source love where your love is where your relationship is how you embrace the love of god how you allow the love of god to consume you how you allow the love of god to move through you is important this source of love is so powerful that it will allow you to experience something greater than yourself when we consider this source of love it is a source of love that pushes us beyond material ideas and concepts of cars and clothes and things of that nature we consider when we look at love we consider something that goes beyond our knowledge it goes beyond our understanding quite possibly this is the moment in the text where we are understanding how important it is for you to check your heart before you pray it is important for you to identify the character of your heart before you pray because that is where your root lies what you're rooted in what you're established in those are the things that cause things to blossom in your life so if i'm not rooted in the right kind of love if i'm not rooted in the power of love if i'm not rooted in the love that paul is talking about in the text then what am i rude idiot i want you to consider your prayer life can't be selfish all the time i want you to take yourself out of it and consider just for a moment i want to challenge you as you're praying and as you're going before the lord to take the eye out to spend 20 minutes of your time praying without i i want you to consider how difficult that may be in the beginning and i want you to consider if it is difficult maybe it's not difficult but we have to be willing to take out i when we are praying when you get comfortable taking out the eye when you are praying you will do better at listening to the hymn when you are praying when you take out i need i want i'm looking for i desire this is what i want father god i father god i when we take away that eye it gives god room to do what he needs to do in the you and so when we put ourselves in a position to say you know what i am accustomed to praying with i but now i am going to move that eye out of the way and really begin to move in a prayer that doesn't consistently consume itself with the i mentality it is easy to get caught up in what you want when you are praying instead of considering the sacrifice that is needed in prayer when we look into this particular text i want you to consider something else when we talk about love paul when we go back up here let's go back up to the text i want you to pull up 19. as we're talking about love we're just talking about this first source this first source of love that we are seeing uh in prayer he says in verse 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of god to know this love that surpasses knowledge have you ever loved someone beyond your ability to comprehend i don't have the full knowledge of how to explain this love paul is telling them i want you to love to know a love that is unknowable i want you to see a love that can't be seen i want you to have the depths of the love that no one has ever known about i want you to receive and experience a love that goes beyond your books your videos that goes beyond your strategic statuses and quotes i want you to know a love that you can't put together in a video you can't put together in a book i want you to know an unknowable love and it was so important to him that the foundation of this prayer is circumferenced and wrapped around this unknowable love could it be that you have been struggling with god not because of anything more than you not being able to embrace this love that you've never known this love that you can't comprehend this love that you can't pinpoint this love that you can't wrap your head around i don't know why he loves me like this i don't know why he picked this for me i don't know why he would choose me and yet still we are in a text that is written by paul who of all of the people who could say the same could be right there with you i don't know why god chose me i don't know why god told me to pray this prayer for you i don't know why god put me in this position but his love put me in a leadership role i wasn't expecting to be a leader but his love led me to leadership i wasn't expecting to be a prayer warrior but his love led me to be a prayer warrior i wasn't expecting to move in this place that god would have me to move in but it was his love and i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know how that love translates i don't know how to really tell you about this love but i do know that this love cannot like i said be accessed through the simple things that you do this love is accessed through the holy spirit this love is accessed through your wholeness in god on the inside of you this love is accessed through the way that god speaks through that wholeness in you and guide you to his favor and guide you to his fullness and guide you to his presence and his power it is in your ability to tap into the wholeness of god in you where the spirit of god begins to become activated and that love that you didn't know about before becomes knowable through the holy spirit had it not been for the holy spirit i would not have even been able to translate that love effectively but because of the holy spirit what was once an unknowable love becomes an unknowable love a knowledgeable love because i have allowed god to become whole in me i want you to declare that tonight god is going to become whole in me i don't care if you feel broken i don't care if you feel like you're in pieces i just want you to declare that god is going to become whole in me tonight so i want to address some inner being questions that i want you to consider as you are thinking about your relationship overall and how these relationships that you have with love can affect your power in prayer i want you to consider how do you show god he is the priority for you i want you to consider what does you loving god look like what is your knowledge and relationship with your inner being spiritually that lets you in on the secrets and mysteries of god that go beyond your knowledge so when you were talking about how you love god how you show god that you love him i want you to consider is the way that you are showing god you love him beyond your knowledge is it beyond your reach is it stretching you at all showing god that you love him in a place where you're trying to tangibly reach that unknowable love is going to require a stretching in you if you're not willing to be stretched in love you cannot receive the unknowable love that we're talking about and sometimes that love is painful sometimes that love it hurts sometimes that love is heavy sometimes that love you do not know but you know that if you trust in god's will if you trust in god's way then he will get you to the other side it's the power for me i want you to consider how have you experienced the love of god for yourself because a lot of times we'll put ourselves in a position to say i'm loving on god i'm loving on god and we do not experience the glory of god for ourselves the love of god for ourselves so i want you to consider how am i experiencing the love of god what is my story of the love of god what is the story that i can share where i really felt god's love cover me and hold me i can remember i was worshiping one night and i was just in deep deep deep worship and i began to just weep out before the lord and as i was worshiping in that moment i felt the presence of god just come and just cover me in that moment of worship his presence and his love just came and hovered over me it came and held me in that moment i experienced the love of god that was beyond my knowledge i had never experienced the tangible presence of the love of god and so i unlocked that wholeness in me to worship there's a wholeness in you that will unlock the holy spirit in you that is waiting to be let out in order to manifest the things that god has in store for your life i want you to consider lastly how have others experienced the love of god in our relationship more than my love of self when we are in relationship it is easy like i said to become eye-oriented me mentality what i want what i'm looking for how i want to be loved how i want to be treated how i want to be covered how i want to be prayed for we can be in a very i mentality i want you to consider when people experience you do they experience more of your eye i don't like being treated this way i don't like being talked to this way i don't like you to do it this way i don't like you to move this way i want you to do it this way i want you to go this way when you experience relationships with people that are more focused on how they want to be in the relationship and they have no care about how you are in the relationship you have an issue and so i want you to consider how are others experiencing the love of god when they experience me or are they experiencing my love of self are they experiencing my love of lust are they experiencing my love of sexual desires and pleasure are they experiencing my love of sin are they experiencing my love of me or are they experiencing the love of god because you have a opportunity to be the light in the middle of confusion in your circle so i want you to consider that as well the second source if we bring up the text again let's go back up to uh the text and go to verse 17. he says so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith the second source that i want you to consider is your faith in prayer paul is saying the lord dwells in your heart through faith if you're looking for the spirit of god to be activated in you if you're looking for the lord to dwell in you he dwells in you through faith your faith is the door to letting god in your life your faith is the door that gives god access to do exceedingly and abundantly in your life it is an additional source whereby we believe god and we trust god and because of that belief and because of that trust he chooses to dwell in our inner being and when god is dwelling on the inside of us when we pray by faith and we pray prophetically then things have to move in our favor your faith has the power to move god your faith has the power to move god your prayer has the power to move god you have to be willing to tap into your faith to access it i want you to know that the following source of faith is not something that is easily attainable or manipulated the source of faith is something that happens when you are going through filth and when you are going through the fight and you still have to trust that god is going to get you on the other side of it that is your faith when you are in the middle and all hell is breaking loose and you still have to trust that god is gonna get you on the other side of it that is the source of faith that i'm talking about the kind of faith that is the currency of heaven and so when i give god my faith he's able to push me through the fight i want you to write that down when i give god my faith he's able to push me through the fight some of you have been fighting without faith and you cannot fight effectively or strategically without a good amount of faith faith is required when we pray not because it is impossible to please god without faith but also because i will say that it is impossible for you to pray with power and it effectively manifests without faith you cannot manifest what you're believing god for without faith because you won't believe god without faith you can't believe god without faith and so when you are opening up your mouth to pray you must consider what is the measurement of my faith how am i measured in my faith how much do i trust god and believe god because i pray on the level of my faith if my faith is insignificant the effectiveness of my prayer will be insignificant as well and so he prayed that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that means that faith has the opportunity to both open a door and be a door i want you to consider that when you're praying that your faith has both the opportunity to open doors for you but also your faith has the ability to be a door for you what if i told you that your faith is the door that is going to open up major favor and promise in your life it is through your faith that you not only get the favor of god but you also get to be the favor of god when you are operating in faith when you're operating in a belief and trust in god he can trust and believe you to not only give answers but be an answer and paul in this moment has not only come to pray but to be an answer to be a source to give us an understanding that your ability to trust god will be essential for your prayer life your faith is a portion of this power that brings about the ableness of god when you consider the ableness of god this happens through your faith this happens between between you believing god declaring god and receiving god all of these become masterful sources that increase and illuminate your prayer life i want you to consider that having a faith that believes in a love that will fight for you and go to the end of the world for you places you in front of doors where you get to see god do things in your life you never expected that's what faith gets to do for you it places you in front of the door where you get to see god do things in your life that you never expected that you never even hoped for that you never even asked for god exceeds you in this moment of you grabbing a hold of love the last source that i want you to consider or or rather the last thing that i want you to consider when we're talking about love is that that is really why we communicate anyway you do not communicate with people that you are not interested in having a conversation with had it not been for an inkling of love whether it is is whether it is agape love the love of god whether it is real love like i love him he by homie he my baby daddy he might she my baby mama she my wife she my boo thang whatever the love is in order to have effective communication in love you're going to have to be able to embrace the belief and the trust that it is necessary that communication is necessary in order to have effective love if you talk to any married couple that has been married for a long time and you ask them what is the source of the power of your relationship what is the tip you can give us for for how you remain so great in your relationship nine times out of ten one of the things that they are going to say is communication so you have to consider as you are trying to develop your relationship of love with christ how are you communicating are you an effective communicator are you communicating with god consistently what is your pattern with god and so when you get into that understanding of this is my pattern this is my consistency with god this is what i know about god then you begin to develop a love relationship you would not want to have a whole bunch of text messages you sent to your boyfriend to go unanswered and some of y'all would probably get a little crazy if it were to happen that you didn't text your boyfriend 15 20 times and he has not responded you would probably get very upset this is what god has done with us with the word he has left us several text messages he has left us several letters several strategies several sources that will help us to become stronger in our life and in our walk with him but sometimes we just overlook it sometimes we just are too busy for it sometimes we just get tired we sometimes we don't move in the position that we need to move in because it becomes too much of a burden to move in faith now i want you to understand that though flesh may seem easy for you the consequence lasts much longer than anyone else will tell you though flesh may seem pleasurable for you the consequence lasts much longer than anyone will tell you and at the end of the day when you fall to your flesh you will end up having to run back to your faith anyway to clean up the message your flesh did so i want you to consider as you're moving in life and you're moving in love how do i open up my heart my mind and my spirit to an unknowable love i do that by becoming whole in god by moving in the wholeness that god would have me to move in how do i become strong in my faith and in the spirit of god i do that by reading my word and becoming very intentional about spending time with god and communicating with god not only do i want you to become a brilliant communicator in your prayer life i want you to become an even better listener because sometimes it doesn't have anything to do with your prayer life and everything to do with your prayer ear you don't have an ear to listen to what god is saying if it doesn't align with what you want and so sometimes we pray and god responds but when he responds he responds in a way we didn't want him to and if it wasn't what we wanted we reject it we overlook it we move it to the side we act like maybe god didn't say it maybe that wasn't his voice maybe he maybe not and we do not embrace this this idea this fullness that lets us know that that was god's voice that spoke to you that was god who was telling you to do that thing and you must be anchored in the understanding of his voice in order to walk in the fullness of his victory in order for you to be able to fully take on this exceedingly and abundantly blessing that god has in store for you it's going to require your love and your faith and the last thing is the prophetic the last source that paul is really circumferencing this whole prayer around is the source of the prophetic and what i really understand about prayer overall is that it is quite prophetic prayer has the ability to both speak to your past your present and your future how you choose to declare things over your life in your life to your life to come to your life that is all of that is prophetic how you communicate to your future how you communicate to your now how you communicate to your past all of that is connected to the source of prophetic ability now i don't want you going out here changing your name to prophet so and so because i didn't call you a prophet what i'm saying is the prophetic is the source of prayer it gives us insight to the kingdom of god it gives us insight to to the desires that god has it gives us insight to the power of god it gives us the ability to tap into the mysteries of god this prayer itself is prophetic the ability that paul has in this moment to both speak to a time that is then but still be able to be so powerful that it speaks to a time that is now and yet still can reach back behind us is a testament of the power of the prophetic now we could get into the power that the prophetic has to proclaim and to declare and to give words of wisdom and words of knowledge and so on and so on but paul doesn't talk about that he doesn't talk about miracles he doesn't talk about signs he doesn't talk about wonders he doesn't talk about the the prophetic abilities of being able to do miracle signs and wonders he talks about faith and love prophetically and so when we consider what is the most important foundation of our prayer life and our understanding of prayer life it is it is what we declare the prophetic the source of what you are declaring is the power in your prayer so when we consider the power what powers our prayer what powers our prayer is that love that we talked about what powers our prayer is that faith that we talked about but what also powers our prayer is what we declare the source of the prophetic what we declare over our now our later and our back then when you open up your mind and your spirit to be able to uh adjust reposition the way that you communicate with yourself the way that you declare things over your life then your sources come into alignment and when you have all three sources in alignment then you create a power plant for your prayer you create the ability to bring a source put it together magnify that source and then manifest it through what you're speaking in your mouth the prophetic has the ability to tell the devil no the prophetic has the ability to say that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper the prophetic has the ability to tell my strength to be strengthened the prophetic has the ability to call peace the prophetic has the ability to release whatever it is that i want to declare i have the power to do that in prayer prophetically so i want you to consider that there is power in your ability to let god love you there is power in your ability to believe and trust in that love and then there is power in your ability to declare that love over your life for now for later and back then what do i mean just because i was raped doesn't mean god doesn't love me just because i was beaten doesn't mean that god doesn't love me just because i lost the job doesn't mean that god doesn't love me just because i didn't figure that out doesn't mean that god doesn't love me everything that i'm going through in my life right now is a testament of what i've declared so i want you to consider what have i been declaring over my life and want you to sit and i want you to think about what you have been declaring because there is power in your mouth you know it i know it we know it everybody know it the power of life and death is in your tongue you know this scripture there is power in what you declare if you will speak a thing it can be so you have to be willing to be careful what you speak prophetically you are planting seeds that could fire back on you prophetically you could be planting seeds that are not meant for your ground sometimes the seed is good it's just not meant for your ground oh man sometimes it's good sometimes it looks good and the seed looks great but it's not meant for your ground it's not meant for the planting of you it's meant for someone else or something else and so we have a full ground filled with seeds that looked good but they're not sustainable because they were never meant for you to begin with can you sustain the seeds of love and faith and the prophetic that you are planting because if you cannot sustain the seeds of love if you cannot sustain the seeds of faith if you cannot sustain the seeds of the prophetic things that you're declaring over your life then you will not be able to see the abundance of god turn in to a will do from a can-do and so i want you to consider that that how you plant and what you plant inside of you how you plant and what you plant outside of you how you plant and what you plant in the people connected to you will directly or indirectly affect how you pray your prayer life is an indication of what you believe you are worthy enough to declare over your life and i want you to believe that whatever it is that you're declaring whether it's more strength whether it's more peace whether it's more love more understanding more direction just closeness with god i want you to understand that you are in the right place you're in the right season and you're in the right time for god to do more he will do more than you ever expected when you tap into these sources i want you to understand this as well he is planted on the inside of you everything that you need to declare breakthrough in your life everything that you need to declare chains to be broken everything that you need to destroy yolks off of your life everything that you need to break barriers he has planted that on the inside of you it is activated by your ability to believe that he loved you enough to do it it is activated by your ability to trust and believe that it was you he gave it to it is activated by your ability to declare and speak that it was you who was supposed to receive it to begin with but until you put yourself in a position to embrace the love of god being full for you embrace the love of god being whole for you embrace the love of god being something tangible for you then you won't be able to see the blossom of your plant you won't be able to see the blossom of your power you won't be able to see the blossom of god in your life when i thought about this particular text and just power in general i considered a lot of different things one of the things that i considered that we often overlook even when we use this particular scripture god is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything we could ever ask or think we stop right there we do not go into that other portion of according to the power that works in us and for a long time i kept saying according to the power that works in you but when i read it in the niv it said the power that works in us we as the people of god we as the people that god loves and has chosen as poured into the power that works within us has the ability to activate the ableness of god the the ability of god is activated according to that power that works on the inside of us so everything in me has the power to activate what's in god for me oh man that went over your head everything in me has the power to activate what's in god for me when i'm moving this understanding that i know that i'm connecting and aligning with god not just for the eye but for what he has in him for me for you what he has in him for me for those who are connected to me and when i put myself in a position to understand that then i understand that it is in us i love the idea that we as a people must come together in order to be able to activate the power we are looking for we as a people must be able to come together in order for the full glory of god to be revealed and activated as it was on the day of pentecost they all had to come together there is a togethering an us if you will that must be uttered into the church and us if you will that must be uttered prophetically and us if you will that must be uttered in the prophet's mouth in the teacher's mouth and the evangelist mouth and us if you will that brings us into a place of moving into the ableness of god i love superheroes i watch dc legends of tomorrow is one of my favorites and they have so many different powers and so many different attributes and giftings and individually they are a hot mess but when they come together as a team they are better together as an us than they are as a me they like working better alone they thought that they expected to work better alone but they work better in the us than they do in the eye and so what we understand is in their powers the more they used their power the stronger they got the more they worked their power the more their giftings increased the more they spoke into their power and practiced their power the more they got and i want you to understand that just as hebrews 5 14 says but solid food is for the mature who have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil by constant use your ability to distinguish good from evil is a power that must be used frequently and if you use it more constantly if you use it more frequently then you're able to fight off these obstacles that the enemy is placing in front of you if they used more of their power they would be able to see their capabilities increase when you use more of your power you are able to see the capability of god increase in your life when you use more of your power and you work that thing you work that thing through prayer you work that thing through reading you work that thing by worshiping you work that thing through praise when you begin to work that thing in prayer then you're able to see the manifestation of god happen in your life we started off with power we started off talking about the source and and power plants and the hydroelectric plants and all of the different powerful plants that can give us energy and give us sources of power and strength i want you to consider another power as i'm coming to a close here because in this text if we go up back up to the text in verse 20 he says now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us there is a difference between will do and able to do will do is an active power it has a kinetic power it is a physical power that is happening think of it this way your kinetic power is you turning the key into the car the ignition you physically putting your key in and turning that to turn the ignition on is that kinetic power and then we have potential power the potential power is the car is in the driveway when we consider prayer i want you to consider the kinetic power of prayer being you activating your love your faith and your declarations that kinetic power of prayer is you working that thing you moving in that thing you opening up your mouth and declaring things your potential power is just you you have the potential to break every stronghold that is holding you down you have the potential to speak over every generational curse and it has to be destroyed you have the potential to move in a power that causes chains to be broken you have the potential to move in a power that causes everything that the enemy thought was going to tear you down to end up building you up you have the potential for significant power and yet if you do not use your power if you do not work your power then you're simply the car sitting in the driveway waiting have the potential to be used i have the potential to work i have the potential to be great i have the potential to do something mighty but i have no kinetic connection i have no power to move in what i believe i am capable of doing i want you to declare over your life in this moment that you're going to move i want you to declare over your life that the power that used to be stagnant in you the power that used to be scattered in you the power that used to be broken in you that you're about to move in power you're about to declare some things over your life that makes chains have to flee from you i want you to consider in this moment and in this time that you have an opportunity to move in a power that causes your promises to be manifested that causes the love of god to be an all-consuming factor in your life i want you to know that even though you may be going through the worst of it you have the power to get through all of it even though you may be going through the hardest time you have the power to get through it you have the power to pull yourself through this thing i challenge you if you struggle with love loving yourself allowing god to love you allowing god to move through you allowing god to embrace you i want you to recondition your heart recondition your heart to understand that it is still available the love of god has never left you it's never been out of your reach you just have to open up your heart to embrace it just to begin to declare god i'm accepting your love today i'm accepting your love in my broken space i'm ex i am accepting your love and my tired and weary place i'm accepting your love in my lost and confused state i am accepting your love i'm embracing your love i'm receiving your love and i am asking you god to break everything off of me that doesn't look like your love break everything off of me that doesn't sound like your love break everything off of me that isn't aligned with your love because i believe god i believe you and i trust you i trust you with my life i trust you with my spirit i trust you with my mind i trust you with my heart i trust you and i believe you god that there's power waiting to be moved in me there's power waiting to be birthed through me there's power waiting to be changed in me so god i receive your power tonight just just begin to receive the power of god tonight i receive your power tonight god in the midst of my confusion i receive your power in the midst of my worry i receive your power i don't know why they took her i don't know why she's gone i don't know why i'm grieving i don't know why my heart is broken but i receive your love tonight god i receive your love into my heart into my inner most being god i want you to know not only do i receive your love but i send you love i send you my love god from the north south east and the west i send you my love just begin to send your love to god i don't care where you are the north the south the east and the west send your love to god he is waiting he is anticipating for you to allow him to move in your heart tonight so allow him to move into your heart i'm declaring prophetic power be released tonight i'm declaring chain breaking power be released tonight i'm declaring delivering power be released tonight i'm declaring the love of god be released tonight i'm declaring faith be released tonight great and mighty god we surrender to your will and your way even when we don't know how to walk it we surrender we surrender all we surrender all that we have we surrender all that we choose to be all that we hope to be all that we ever wanted to be god we surrender all we surrender our ideas we surrender what we thought was the greatest for what you have that is greater we surrender god we know that the source of the power of our prayer is love the source of the power of our prayer is faith we know god that there is a prophetic ability in us to declare a thing so we declare all things will work together for the good all things will work together for my good make that personal for you tonight all things will work together for my good he's giving me more [Music] he's giving me more he's giving me more than i ever hoped for he's giving me more just begin to declare that he's giving me more [Music] he's giving me more than i ever hoped for [Music] he's giving me more exceedingly and abundantly he's giving me more god's given me more than i ever hoped for than i ever hoped for than i ever hoped for now unto them than i ever hoped for now unto them than i ever hoped for now unto them than i ever hoped for open up your heart and just receive god's love tonight his presence is wherever you allow him to be his presence is wherever you allow him to be if you can't feel him ask him god let me feel you god let me feel you god let me feel you for real just ask him if you can't fill him god let me feel you god let me feel you [Music] god let me feel you for real i need to feel you for real i have to have you for real i need to feel you for real i have to have you for real i need to feel you for real i have to have you for real i need to feel you for real i have to have you for real [Music] and he'll meet you if you let him he'll meet you if you let him just sweep over you he'll meet you wherever you are it's the power for me that god would look down and he would say that there was something in us that would cause him to be willing to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything we could ever ask or think the text is clear this is the prayer that paul has given to us this is the prayer that i give to you tonight that you be feel that god give you a hope that is everlasting that god give you a love that is everlasting that god give you a strength that is everlasting that god dwell in you with you and for you and if you are not saved just repeat after me god i receive your love tonight i cast down every sin at your feet i ask you god to cleanse me from the inside out remove everything that is not like you i believe that you died on the cross i believe that you rose again and i believe you're coming back to save me again yes again because he's already saved you right now in this moment if you repeat it after me you my brother sister you are saved prayer is how you start it doesn't have to be how you finish but it is definitely a powerful start and i challenge you to start i challenge you to start praying in love start praying in faith start praying prophetically over your life until we meet again have a wonderful night god bless you god keep you for it is so and so it is amen [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 68,359
Rating: 4.9087634 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, finding the power to get past what you are going through, how prayer effects you
Id: zHHyvK6XDso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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