Crumbs for a Drop of Water - Bishop George Bloomer

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[Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] good morning welcome to bethel family worship center online streaming service thank you for joining us this morning get ready for a powerful word from our bishop bishop george g bloomer remember please like and share this broadcast on all of your digital platforms god bless you and thank you for joining us this morning hallelujah father thank you our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread father father we need daily bread god thy kingdom come in the earth now god god we need you like never before god we're thanking you for the anointing on this sunday morning we're thanking you for blessing your people and healing your people we're thanking you for breakthroughs god all across this land all across this nation god oh how we need you lord oh how we need you you are awesome you are just and you're such a kind god but most of all you're merciful god your love and your mercy endured forever god and we need your mercy in the land now in jesus name good morning bethel this sunday morning scripture is entitled morning into dancing psalm 30 i will extol thee o lord for thou has lifted me up and has not made my foes to rejoice over me o lord my god i cried unto thee and thou has healed me o lord thou has brought up my soul from the grave thou has kept me alive that i should not go down to the pit sing unto the lord o ye saints of his and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness for his anger endureth but a moment in his favor is life weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning and in my prosperity i said i shall never be moved lord by the favor thou hast made my mountain to stand strong thou didst hide thy face and i was troubled i cried to thee o lord and unto the lord i made supplication what profit is there in my blood when i go down to the pit shall there does praise thee shall it declare thy truth hear o lord and have mercy upon me lord be thou my helper thou has turned for me my morning into dancing thou has put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness to the end that my glory may sing praise to thee and not be silent o lord my god i will give thanks into thee forever god bless you and welcome to bethel family worship center live stream this morning is going to be spectacular because you know i'm still bubbling over last sunday's message are we living in hell and i i i'm gonna leave that up to you to to figure out whether that is uh so so now uh like and share and share and like uh and subscribe there's going to be a supernatural perfect outpouring of the holy spirit uh in this room today as we go further into the message and so i don't want to take a lot of time and hold you up in a lot of areas uh because you're gonna need this you're gonna need this you're gonna need this you're gonna need this okay share like like share subscribe subscribe share like like share and subscribe okay get ready get ready because god is going to do [Music] extraordinary things in your life as he has begun to do extraordinary things in my life personally all right you're wearing the mask because of the prophecy that i gave you seven months ago you're wearing the mask you're washing your hands you're practicing social distancing you remember that chart that i showed you remember that remember that chart that i showed you now i know the producers in the back room they're scrambling right now because they i didn't i didn't mention this to them but i i gotta show you something i gotta i gotta show you this chart from uh there you go oh y'all owing me good so that's july the first or about the july the first or uh the 16th or 17th that's the july all right and then the next week look everywhere you see red is where the delta and delta plus is spreading over the united states of america all right and then the next week look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that and this week this week covered the entire nation is covered with this new variance with this new variance booster shots necessary i mean listen [Music] the storm is not over so you need to stop acting like it is and uh the first train that came to take people to their resting place is gone but the second one is booting up and uh you need to cover yourself and be protected and if this of the vaccination everyone needs to get vaccinated but at the vaccination and this and a little social distancing can spare your life from us leaving this as a virus to a disease that's where we're going from a virus to a disease about a year from now or two this will be something that they'll be able to manage and work through but until then this is a deadly deadly killer and i want you to keep yourself covered and protected and safe okay okay now praises defeats the enemy praise him [Music] praise him praise him lord praise him jesus blessed savior he's worthy to be praised from the rising from the rising love the sun to the going down until the going down love the same he's worthy he's worthy jesus is worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy he's worthy to he's worthy to be praised [Applause] [Music] praise him praise him praise him praise him [Music] praise him jesus blessed savior his worthy too [Music] it's prayer time prayer time whatever you've been going through whatever you've been dealing with whatever the enemy has brought against you this is the time for you to take it to the lord ah the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man the scripture says availeth much and i believe that i believe it then i believe it now for he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed but we're also delivered we're also set free father i set myself in agreement with every individual who is going through a season of afflictions if there's any that is afflicted among you let them call for the elders of the church sicknesses and diseases and crisis that are in our life we take it to the lord and we lay it on the altar because we know that there's power in the name and power in the blood of jesus father i believe right now that your people are rising up to walk in victory rising up to walk in victory rising up to walk in their brand new testimony because you have done it and in this moment we just thank you in faith for it in jesus name amen and amen come on come on [Music] thank you jesus that's my um that's my robot shabbat [Music] to worship you to worship you i live to worship you i live i live to worship you yeah oh yeah oh oh oh do i shuffle you i live hey to worship you i give and i live to worship you one more time [Music] i live and to worship you i live i live i live to worship you worship is a lifestyle for me today oh to worship you i live worship you i live in jesus name let your praise put the garment and lift the spirit of heaviness off of you in jesus name amen and amen get ready i believe it's going to be a powerful powerful message on this morning we're in a series talking about hell let's have a little church right we're going to have a a little [Music] church a little time with the lord right now [Music] is blessing me right now oh right now i said the lord keeps on blessing me oh right now right now they woke me up this morning started me on my way the lord is blessing me right now oh right now [Music] anytime you see me moving like this and moving quickly because it's heavy in my spirit and and when it's heavy in my spirit i don't want to i don't want it to get lost uh uh by by anything so it's not that bishop is cutting your praise off but if you don't have a personal relationship with god i'm not gonna be able to help you through rough difficult and hard times last week we started um i made the announcement to you that i was going to be ministering on hell and i believe the message last week was am i living in hell and um it was a great great um message and we're going to tag that message this morning get something to write with these messages are not going to be long it'll be 20 30 minutes maybe and we want you to get something to write with if you just look in the opposite direction you're going to miss so much so your attention and your focus is going to be needed in this in this time while we're going through the word of the lord you'll find us um you'll find us reading actually i want to recapitulate for a few moments and carry you to a last week's message and the message on hell last week was pretty much a question and we started off ministering out of out of luke's gospel chapter number 16 and i think we started around the 19th verse is that correct yes 15 to start around the 19th verse and um let me do this as you prepare for our message those you that are writing we're going to be coming out of isaiah 14 verses number 9 through 32. probably won't read all of that so don't get frightened uh but um let me recapitulate for you for let me recapitulate for you for um last week to get you to get you up a little bit on it so the story opens up in luke's gospel chapter number uh 16 verses number 19 and it opens up and it tells us that there's a rich man who is uh in purple and fine linen and he feeds uh lumpusly every day there's a beggar who is sitting at the gate and the beggar is begging for the crumbs that falls from the master's table the text then goes and tells us that the beggar is in agony because he can't find anything to eat but his body is full of sores and his only comfort is that dogs come to lick his sores now that might sound tragic but the enzymes from the saliva from the dog medicates him it's amazing how that god will take care of individuals through resources that are nasty and mind-boggling and so the story goes and it says and lazarus the beggar dies and then it says and the rich man dies also now watch how this plays out the rich man dies and he is buried the lazarus dies and he's carried by angels to the bosom of abraham okay one more time the rich man dies he's buried lazarus dies and he's carried by angels uh to the bosom of abraham they're going both going to the same place they're going to the underworld they're going to hades they're going to hell both of them but there's a gulf that is fixed and on one side is torment and on the other side it's rejoicing and the golf that is fixed prevent those who are in rejoicing to get to those that are in torment and from those who are in torment to get to those that are rejoicing uh the bible says and the rich man opens up his eyes being in torment shouts out to abraham he says father abraham would you send lazarus to take his finger and dip it into some water and come and cool my tongue and uh abraham says nay uh this can't happen because uh while in your lifetime you fits uh you fed great he was living good and and and lazarus was suffering and he says also even if we wanted to do this we can't because there's a great gulf that is fixed so those that are here can't get to there and those that are there can get here so as it is in the natural so go it in the spirit you got to understand that in the spirit realm there's this great gulf so that those that are in torment can see those that are rejoicing but can't get to him and those that are in or rejoicing can see those who are in torment but can't get to him there's a gulf that is fixed the question now is what is the gulf that is fixed between the rich man and the poor man on earth the rich man and the poor man on earth i'm not talking about in the underworld i'm talking about on earth and on earth the gulf that was fixed between the rich man and the poor man was poverty poverty the bible tells us that he desired the crumbs that fell from the master's table now watch this very carefully the master did not want him to have the crumbs jewish folklore puts it this way it says that after uh the feast would be over they would gather all of the uh all the leftovers and they would go out and they would toss them out to the beggars that was in front of the gates in this particular case lazarus was not able to get any of the crumbs that fell from the masters table i suggest to you that the master was so evil that he commanded that every piece of bread every crust of bread every bone with just a little bit of chicken left on it would be put into a trash can tied up and carried to the dumpster down the road because he did not want him to get into the trash can now that's evil knows what the text says that while in his lifetime he suffered evil he suffered evil and the rich man was in in comforted so when they get over into the other side in the underworld the rich man wants water when they were in the secular in the natural in the finite the poor man wanted crumbs my message today is crumbs for a drop of water crumbs for a drop of water nowhere inside the text nowhere inside the text does it uh remotely suggests that the rich man is a fornicator an adulterer nowhere in the text does it suggest that he's a liar or a cheater nowhere in the text that is to suggest that he steals the tithe it doesn't say anything about that the only thing he tells about is that his inhumane attitude towards uh a poor person or someone who is less fortunate and how that he could reach out and be a great blessing to this man but refuses to do it this is the case and that's the area that i want to stop for a little while and talk to you a little bit about i also showed you on last week that the hebrew word for hell is sheol sheol uh as mentioned 65 times in the old testament it is translated 31 times hell and translated 31 times as grave and three times as uh the pit the pit uh as i'm closing the message today i'm going to go back and reiterate hell on earth but for a few moments i want you to take a look at the advertisement campaign that is around hell and the reason why so many people would uh not shy away from it because the enemy has devised a plan and the plan that he has is to make hell look like the event of the year and people are running to it because it is exciting you find us reading in uh isaiah chapter number 14 verse number nine and a few verses thereof it reads like this hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming its tariff of the dead for thee even all the chief ones of the earth it have raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations all they shall speak and say unto thee art thou also become weak as we are thou become like unto us thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise the noise of thy viles the worm is spread under thee and the worms cover thee how are thou fallen from heaven o lucifer sun of the morning how are thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou our said and thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the side of the pit anyone that knows anything about spiritual warfare or deliverance ministry have read this text over and over again this is the text that talks about how satan uh made an attempt to take over uh the heavens and so we don't go from verse number one we tend to uh you know start at verse uh um number nine and or or verse uh 12 and 12 how about fallen from heaven or lucifer how the house he's weak in the nation uh and and so because we don't uh put the entire scripture in context we're able to make a doctrine that might not necessarily exist or god may not be conveying the message that we're conveying to individuals first and foremost uh this scripture here is telling us about the excitement that all of the uh rich and successful people uh have had and then they died to find out that what they championed on earth will be their torment in hell and so one must be very very clear to understand that when we talk about hell for the next few weeks we're not talking about the flames of hell's fire and brimstone when we talk about hell we're going to talk about conscience we're going to talk about falling into things and never being a solid footing that is under you we're going to talk uh about sensational appetites burning with lust we're going to talk about anger and how that we deal with our brothers and our sisters unjustly and how that forgiveness is no longer on our plate when you live in a canceled uh culture where someone did something 40 years ago and they are running for a position in office and you bring that up and what they did 40 years ago now prevents them from being able or sponsors report their sponsorship from them uh they're suggesting that uh forgiveness does not exist that growth is uh does not exist that one can't find themselves in a situation and then later on in life improve themselves and you talking to the wrong person if you're gonna have that kind of discussion and that's why i put it out there right in your face i know what it is to drop out of school i know what it is to be divorced i know what it is to be strong out i know what molestation is up i know all of those kind of things and so whatever you want to come with i allow you to come with it because jesus came and redeemed me from the curse of the law and there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit and i'm not suggesting that i walk after the spirit all the time i don't i don't i don't i want to i i wish i could i wish but there are times that i slip but bless be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ jesus according as he has chosen me in him before the foundation the word can you imagine i can't i don't even have the the mindset to understand uh what was in god's mind when he chose me before my mother's mother's mother and her mother was born he had chose me and i come to tell you that god knows the thoughts that he thinks concerning me he knows the thoughts that he thinks concerning you and there are thoughts that are going to bring you to an expected end and the expected end is the lord and the shout the trumpet of the lord shall sound and they that are dead in christ shall rise and be caught up to meet the lord in the air and those that are not sleep will be changed from mortal to immortality two ways to get there but we're going there because blessed be the garden father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ jesus according as he has chosen us in him before the world even existed this is serious today i want you to go to the message bible and uh start at uh isaiah 14 and start at verse number one and see if we can figure out what george bloom is talking about for a few seconds it reads like this but not so with jacob god will have compassion on jacob once again he'll choose israel he'll establish them in their own country outsiders will be attracted and throw their lot in with jacob the nations among whom they lived will actually escort them back home and then israel will pay them back by making slaves of them men and women alike possessing them as slaves in god's country capturing those who had captured them ruling over those who had abused them now let's take a few moments here and take a look at this you were held in captivity judah you were held in captivity benjamin you were held in captivity the twelve tribes of israel under several occupations uh uh uh several uh um uh captivities uh the babylonian captivity the egyptian captivity the means captivity uh the persians the means and the persians uh the philistines all these different types of things and the lord says i'm gonna go and i'm gonna pull you and i'm gonna bring you out and then i'm gonna bring you into your own land and when you get into your own land i'm going to bless you and i'm going to bless you real real good but you can't enjoy the blessings because revenge is in your mind quit day in the morning now maybe i'm the only one that saw that in the text i don't think so because it's written you you can enjoy uh the seed of trees that are growing 18 feet tall you can't enjoy the fruit that is growing off of the tree simply because vengeance is in your heart in your spirit and so you're focusing and taking all of your energy to make sure that the people that did you wrong are done wrong the people who did you wrong are done wrong uh at the beginning of 2020 the lord gave me 20 for 20 20 for 20 and one of our 20 for 20's was no vet no no anger no bitterness no revenge and i had a reason to talk like that i had i had an open campaign coming against my character assassinating my character coming against me fighting me but at the same time the lord was telling me if you want me to bring you out of what you're going through and bring you out with substance let me fight your battles for you i'm telling you right now that the god that we serve is going to fight your battles for you you will not have to fight this for yourself god is going to vindicate you and he's going to make sure that your name will be as prestige as it was as pristine as it was before you even went through the storm if you can hold your peace god said i'll fight your battles do not under no circumstances take revenge on individuals that god set up in your life in the first place to bring you to a place to squeeze you and to pressure you glory be to god and to get the essence out of you so you can know who your god is the scripture says for it pleases the lord to bruise those that he loves what if the person who has me in captivity uh the captivity wasn't uh designed or or brought together by demonic forces what if it was god from the beginning a bishop uh that that that can't be so well the bible says in in the book of daniels uh the third chapter in the third year of the reign of king jehoiachin came nebuchadnezzar king of babylon and god gave judah into the hands of nebuchadnezzar there comes a time when the storms that is conjuring up against you you're trying to pray and ask god to help you with this and you're rebuking demons and devils and god is saying just be quiet i'm going to allow the storm that you're presently in right now to fortify you and to make you strong and when you come out you're going to come out with substance when you come out you're going to come out with power when you come out you're going to come out dead free do you not understand that some things god allows to be concocted long enough so that the trade-off can take place the trade-off can take place oh i feel the holy ghost right here uh the in the in the scriptures and there's a whole lot so i don't want to carry you through so i'm going to expedite a little bit of the text for you in the scripture the lord is saying to uh to judah he said you you're messing up right here i want you to understand that the people who held you in captivity they held you in captivity because i said so it's not the first time that god has done anything like this uh god has you know he's constructed several uh patches of hell on earth where people were just going through agony and going through a distress and going through despair and going through very very hard times so that god can get his glory out of him what about moses who is on the backside of the mountain for 50 years to get four words let my people go let my people go uh 50 years to get that to to to learn how to speak and to go back to pharaoh to tell pharaoh god said let my people go to only find out that god went to pharaoh and said to pharaoh when moses get here talk about letting my people go you tell him no that god was working with moses but he was also working with pharaoh it was god that hardened pharaoh's heart why because he wanted to hold the children of israel in place long enough to do what god does god knows how to put a display on he knows how to show forth his hand you remember the story where uh uh with jesus and the disciples are three days journey away from where lazarus is and lazarus takes sick and mary and martha sends this little boy to tell jesus that their brother is sick and jesus turns and says to them your sickness is not unto death that brings comfort to mary and martha but at the same time lazarus dies what happens what happens to you when god gives you a word and the word that god gives you does not come to pass the way that you thought it was to come to pass and almost make god look like he's lying and he's in ingenuous he's not telling you the truth he says his brother's sickness is not unto death but the brother died and when he died jesus perceived in his spirit that lazarus is now sleeping he said let's go right now three days journey by the time jesus gets there it's four days that lazarus has been in the tomb there's a big stone rolled in front of the mouth of the sopoka and jesus could have called an angel to move the stone but he didn't what did he do he's setting up something here what did he do he spoke and he says move the stone knowing that it would take a few hours to move the stone to break the seal and to move the stone he knew that while they were breaking the seal and moving the stone a rupes would break out in the community people would be running around saying jesus then came and lazarus is dead he's in the grave he's been there for four days he'd stinketh by now and here come jesus he gonna raise him from the dead and the crowds came along because jesus would need witnesses to what he is about to perform and when they got the stone moved from the he spoke the word lazarus come forth it is god who is speaking directly into the underworld to the paradise section of hell where lazarus is with all of the patriots of old and they're down there and lazarus had been testifying to them for a long long time telling them that jesus glory be to god was on the was was going to be coming that jesus is on the earth moving and now they can now they can hear the voice of god in the underworld saying lazarus come forth lazarus comes bumping tide and bound to the mouth of the sepoka and mary and martha learns that jesus has the final say i come to tell you that we're entering into a time where the enemy wants to use all of your past occasions he wants to use all of your past uh indiscretions he wants to use your failure he wants to use lasciviousness he wants to use your sins he wants to use the hidden things about you to use it against you but i tell you another thing that god also wants to use your past he wants to use your indiscretions he wants to use all of that to show the world that god is the only power that can take a wretch undone and fortify him and cleanse him and pick him up and turn him around and place his feet on higher ground in the text of isaiah it tells the story on how glory be to god they're waiting in hell for every person who had the ability or the opportunity to witness to them and to give them the message of jesus and did not i want you to go to isaiah chapter number 14 and jump down right about maybe right right down about the 18th or the 19th verse the 18th or the 19th verse in eyes as isaiah 14 on on on our uh our lesson today and i want you to see that you see it uh-huh and it says this watch this here all the kings of the nations even all of them lie in glory everyone in his own house but thou art cast out of thy grave yeah like an abominable branch yes and as the raymond of those of the slain thrust through with a sword yeah that go down to the stones of the pit as a carcass trodden undefeated my god thou shalt not be joined with them in burial because thou has destroyed thy land the bible is telling us this powerful story that i want to convey to you this sunday morning that the rich man is not in hell pastor sonja the rich man is not in hell because the rich man is a fornicator he's not in hell because he's an adulterer he's not in hell because he's a liar he's not in hell because he's a gambler he's not in hell because he doesn't go to church he's not in hell he's not in hell for the things that we taught people oh he committed a sin and that's why he's burning in hell he's in hell for one reason and one reason only he didn't have compassion on his brother that's why he's in hell you mean to tell me bishop george blumer that that is possible that that could actually actually happen that without drinking without smoking without committing adultery without doing fornication without doing all those different types of things that i could actually find myself in hell's fire in the flames of hell simply because i didn't do my brother or my sister right that's what the whole text is about the righteousness in this text it has nothing to do with christian living because there was no christians at that time it's no different but do believers there was no pentecostals there was no baptist there there were none of these things jesus says if you don't keep the 11th commandment in the 11th commandment there's a new commandment i give unto you that you love your brothers even as i have loved you the scripture teaches us that if you are not kind to those that you can see and deal with folks that you can see how say you that you have the love of god on the inside of you when your brother who you see each day you hate and then you say you love god who you have never ever seen before poverty and prosperity produces a gulf a great gulf there's a reason why there's a wall in north raleigh it's not by mistake and it's not just to keep the built for sound barrier purposes it's to produce a golf to make sure that less fortunate people don't find their way to clinging their cups trying to panhandle in front of our doors there's a reason why the walls are high there's a reason why we have gated communities it is designed to make us better than you the bible says that he that give it to the poor lends it to the lord i have to i have to honor the uh the uh overseer king and his staff here at bethel family worship center over a period of a year and eight months we fed 45 000 families he's in my heart i know what it is to be hungry i know what it is to starve i know what it is not to have but little did the rich man know little did the rich man know that when lazarus was asking for crumbs that fell from his table when lazarus was asking for crumbs that fell from his table the crumbs that fell from the masters table possibly could have been the seed giants could have been the seed for the harvest for the rich man to stay alive a little longer the truth of the matter is this is that nothing moves god and moves god to move like people who are suffering people who have nothing on earth lazarus acts for crumbs in the underworld the rich man acts for water watch this water represents life the spirit bread represents bread life manna from heaven on earth he's asking for crumbs in the earth he's asking for water hear me today hear me today punishment does not soften criminals i've been there before punishment does not soften criminals if you follow the life of of the rich man in the underworld he does not repent when he gets into the underworld he acts first for lazarus to come and quench his thirst secondly he goes and he acts as that they would send men to his house to get his brother so his brothers don't come to the place that he's at because he does not want his brothers to come and add to his torment then he acts that someone would be raised from the dead all of this punishment does not soften the criminal you don't see the rich man contrite you don't see the rich man repenting even though the flames are all around him because punishment does not make you contrite makes you contrite is pricking in your spirit by the holy ghost it brings you to a supernatural awareness a supernatural awareness that all that you have comes from god here's my clothes we talk a lot about burning in hell i want to talk to you for a few moments about burning on earth the bible says that hell is a place where the fire is not quenched nor the worm die of not metaphorically speaking the fire is not quenched the first time we read the word hell is the word gehenna which means landfilled so when david was passing through he says a past round about in the flames of hell was all about me he wasn't talking about the underworld hell to taurus or or or or or the bottomless pit he was referring to a landfill that burned perpetually because people kept on putting trash inside and burned and when folks died they threw their bodies in it and the parts of the bodies that didn't burn the decay brought on maggots worms worms the greek word for worm is where we get the word scolak from where we get the english word conscious from so the place where the fire is not quenched which means appetite fire's not quenched it means a sensational desire where you continue to do something like you're hooked on drugs and you're trying to get that high back again where the worm dieth not is referring to conscious where you keep on conjuring up things and your conscience is sealed with a hot iron and you continue to do things and you can't break away from it the bible when it talks about the pit and falling into the bottomless pit metaphorically it's speaking about individuals who fall into things and keep on falling for everything and there's never a clear footing up under them so they fall for everything they are trying to gamble trying to get rich quick they falling in and falling out and falling for everything and its perpetual is continuous just fallen falling the bible says chains under darkness this refers to people who can't apprehend anything no comprehension when the bible refers to as as as as a lunar spirit metaphorically he's talking about dementia and and alzheimer's and schizophrenia and and bipolar disease these are uh are chemical things that goes wrong in the brain and i'm not doctor neither am i going to play one on television i'm just reading the stats and it says that chemical imbalances and then satan steps into the area where the chemical imbalance is and pushes it a little further that's what hell is if you leave the definition of hell go to the definition of hell or the seminal synonyms thereof you'll find that the fire is not the first thing or even if it is it's more to it than just fire and so to preach to this young new generation that you're going to die and bust hell wide open and burn forever and ever never never ever you better get a different way to present the word of the lord because they're not as gullible as we were the definitions of this number one a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death number two another world in which the dead continue to exist hades number three the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punishment often used in curses and number four a place or state of misery torment or wickedness a place of state of misery or torment see i was introduced to the word hell not through fire i was introduced i was raised in rental projects i was introduced to the word hell through cussing what the hell get the hell out my face say what that that's how i was used to the word uh introduced to the word hell the synonyms are this synonyms gahanna gehenna pandemonium pandemonium have you ever been at a place of total pandemonium there are pastors who are running churches who are out of total order it's in pandemonium week after week day after day there is no order at all that's hell watch this perdition petition you have that people around you that are betraying you selling you out smiling in your face stabbing you in your back that's hell watch this here tell fat uh-huh agony tropez means bottomless pit uh-huh agony agony have you ever been in agony uh-huh horror have you ever been scared out of your wits misery i know a whole lot of people are miserable a whole lot of church folks just a bunch of miserable individuals no joy ever watch this here murder murder uh-huh nightmare have you ever had a nightmare torment have you ever been in torment torture have you ever been tortured to know anybody that has been tortured disgrace have you ever been disgraced i know what disgrace is and i know what embarrassment is all about and those are hells that you live in on earth today i close by challenging you to take the crumbs that god has given you and spread it around take your bread and cast it upon the waters for in many days it shall return onto you bread and water bread and water which are terms for imprisonment the bread of affliction and contaminated water metaphors of hell take the crumbs that you have and be ready to share it with everyone who's around you for you know not when the flames of your conscience is going to come and you're going to need someone [Music] a hand that goes in a little bit of water to release it so you can be comforted that every decision you make while you are alive dealing with people is a decision that you make for yourself and not the person that you're kind to i'll close with this the scripture says judging not that ye be not judge for what measure you judge you shall be judged also people say the bible said don't judge no the bible never said that the bible says just be prepared to be judged with the judgment that you used against someone else in fact corinthians tells us this he who is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man crumbs for a drop of water i think that's a fair exchange think about it the presence of the lord is working on you right now to correct things that are wrong in your life so you don't have to deal with the skull act the worm the maggot of it through all eternity as it is in the natural so go it in the spirit this is your opportunity to trade your crumbs for water in jesus name amen and amen [Music] you too can be saved healed delivered and set free by the power of god you too can be on the road of righteousness by living a life that is separated and totally dedicated to god you i'm talking to you you and it can happen instantaneous if god can deliver me and change my life and set me on high he can do the same for you someone says that god has no respect of persons they're right only in salvation there's some people god shows a lot more favor too than others and i want you to get up under that umbrella of the blessings of god and in order to do it you got to be born again how do i get born again bishop romans 10 9-10 says if thou would confess without the lord jesus and believe in the heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved forth the heart man believer with the mouth confession is made to salvation i know you can't walk the aisles but you can raise your hand we offer christ to you my brother we offer christ to you my sister he will give you brand new life life abundantly [Music] just come just come just come just come no man can say that jesus is lord except by the holy spirit so when you get saved it's you saying yes but the holy spirit is revealing unto you god touch that heart right now and if you're ready for this and i know many of you are just raise your hands right where you are and say lord jesus i'm a sinner in need of your saving grace i ask you to come into my heart forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood give me to know that i have life eternal in jesus name amen if you prayed that prayer you just got born again welcome to the royal family and let god arise and the enemies be scattered in your life in jesus name it won't be long before we open the back up and you'll have the opportunity to come and fellowship with us in person until then do not forget to join us each week on this line and be prepared for god to do great and mighty and extraordinary things in your life in jesus name amen and amen let's give god praise it's going to be a phenomenal awesome week in jesus name amen and amen all right get your tithe and your offerings in let me share this with you i told you bethel that we didn't want any summer blues and let me give the lord a praise for you because we're not going through summer blues here the need is being met and you're taking care of your financial responsibility let's keep it happening in the name of jesus when you hear that sound you know what that means that means what that means that means that something good is about to happen to you uh-huh where there is no seed in the ground there can be no harvest harvest is on its way to you because of your obedience all right all right four ways to sow your seed to bethel family worship center uh text bethel to 844-888-9183 online giving uh cash app dollar sign bfwc515 or mail to 515 dow street durham north carolina 27701 all right get that seed in the ground cash app general of warfare zell bloomer at paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 or you can mail it or use give a five the lord is gonna bless you real good get that seed in the ground and let the lord do what your seed can do only your seed can do it four ways to sow your seed four ways to sow you say come on beth though uh text bethel to 844-888-9183 cash app dollar sign bfwc515 uh-huh or mailed to 515 dow street durham north carolina 27701 uh toroma seed givers cash app general of warfare zell bloomer paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844 889 1559 you know rather i'm right or wrong while i'm down here praying lord search my heart while i'm down here praying lord search my heart oh while i'm down here praying lord search my heart oh you know when i'm writing hey you know when i'm wrong oh you know whether i'm right or wrong search me search me lord i said search me search me lord search me search me lord i said search me search me lord i said search me hey search me search me lord when i'm wrong you know when i'm right or wrong monday through friday's warfare ecology 4 p.m eastern standard time don't forget to watch the daily briefing with bishop george blumer you know lord whether i'm right and you know lord when i'm wrong and you know you know all right those that need to get your prayer requests in as we're going to the season of prayer send your prayer requests into prayer at those of you that have need on wednesdays here at the church uh the freedom foundation along with gigi bloomers ministries and joseph storehouse 45 000 families fed one year and eight months paul take a screenshot of this whatever your need is if we can help we'll do that in the name of jesus oh searchly search me lord i said search me search me lord search me search me lord i said search me search me lord i said search me search me judge me alone four ways to sow that seed text bethel to 844 888 9183 online giving cash app dollar sign bfwc515 uh mail two 515 dow street durham north carolina two seven seven uh zero one uh toroma c general of warfare zell bloomer at paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 you can mail it or you can use givify oh search me search me lord i said search me search the lord search me tonight tonight we open up the week with prayer thank god for the prayer team the prayer lines are open it's been open for one year and eight months friday and sunday nights we open up the week with prayer friday nights we close the week with prayer your faithfulness here take a screenshot of that and you can now share it with others the prayer lines are jammed every sunday and friday night thank you so much search me search me lord i said search me search me lord search me hurt me search me alone i said search me search me search me lord you want god to do that for you and continue to do that for you as you become a part of the process of dying daily with sanctification and keeping yourself pure before the lord god bless you have a wonderful wonderful sunday there's be no after service today because it's the summer and so do what you're supposed to do and i'll see you on on the prayer line tonight at 8 o'clock and tuesday night bible study sit and share love you very much now may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the full fellowship of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with you now and forevermore in jesus name
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 1,017
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Spiritual Warfare, the word network, preaching, Td jakes, jamal bryant, bethel family, durham, north carolina, warfarecology, kevin williams, Zoe Ministries, Larry Reid, Spirits, begger, lazarus, rich, poor, marvin sapp, al sharpton, olympics, shirley caesar, eternity, covid 19, llamda, delta
Id: qeqFzrHY8Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 40sec (3820 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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