Kim Clement Prophesied About Joe Biden in 2013!!! | Prophetic Rewind

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if you don't remember what i spoke about or the  vision that i had when we were speaking around the   time of the elections that i saw a python which  speaks of a spiritual suffocation that was coming   with that it actually had laid eggs and it was  a spirit that was that is upon this nation and   that god was going to take charge of it over the  first from january from the first 80 to 100 days   now i i didn't know what that meant and i still  don't know what that means but i'll tell you this   much the first 80 to 100 days which be starting  now in january whatever whatever time that is   this spirit will be destroyed but  i really felt burdened because   i knew that it wouldn't just go easily now where  is that picture uh did we facebook the picture   of the the abbey sent us abby black was it um  this picture of the child drew about the eagle   attacking the python and of course the the  eggs would not hatch all of this is important   to understand because if you don't think there  is such a thing as spiritual warfare my friend   you've got a problem you've got a problem  because daniel spoke about this when the when   when the prophet was praying and he knew that he  was praying for something more than just his own   needs but he set his face to jerusalem which i've  spoken to you about already when you pray when you   when you walk with god whatever you set your face  not your problem he didn't set his face to babylon   he set his face to jerusalem now he was in babylon  in captivity even though he was reigning he was   reigning in captivity you may not understand this  but you can actually reign while in captivity   you can rule while you are in captivity  you can prosper while you are in captivity   what are you talking about kim well i don't if  you if you followed what i was saying the past few   weeks but joseph he prospered even though he was  in potiphar's home as a slave he became the ruler   of his household that was a massive thing and then  he went to prison and in prison joseph prospered   so really a lot of people that say well i will  wait i'm going to wait till i get my breakthrough   and then i'm going to give and i'm going to do all  these great things you're wrong because it it's   not how it works this takes place right at the  beginning of your life where you begin to practice   the gift of god like joseph practiced his gift  while he was in prison he didn't say i'll when   i stand before the king then i will then i will  show my gift he practiced it so daniel while in   captivity set his face towards jerusalem  and began to pray and he fasted and prayed   and what he was doing was he was  releasing something in the heavens   what you don't understand what i understand now a  lot of people don't understand but i do when i go   into my garden even if i feel nothing even if  i i'm in pain or i'm concerned about something   i know that every time i open my mouth and pray  that something is taking place in the heavens   which will eventually release it on the earth i  may not see it i may be praying in that garden in   los angeles california and somewhere in greece god  is doing something i may be praying in california   and releasing something in the heavens that gets  released in russia or in syria or in israel i may   never know about it daniel didn't know the extent  and the consequence of his spiritual prayer life   until the angel came there and said for 21 days i  have been battling the demon the prince of persia   now you've got to listen to this because even  though we are in the new covenant we think well   jesus took care of all that yes he did for you but  he still says fight fight the good fight of faith   he speaks about spiritual warfare that the weapons  of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through   god to the pulling down of strongholds something  that is in the heavenlies something that is over   this nation right now has to be pulled down and  it cannot be pulled down by joe biden it cannot   be pulled down by by the president of the united  states it cannot be pulled down by politicians   it can only be pulled down by the spiritual  leaders that have set their heart towards   the kingdom not towards failure but towards the  kingdom and said now we will pray and whatever   spiritual stronghold is over our nation it will  come to an end i am one of those voices just one   whatever you bind on earth will  be bound in heaven jesus said   whenever you lose on unto me give me that  big key that's in my office you have a key i was going to tell you the names of god but  i'm not going to i'm going to get straight into   into the spirit of python and the spirit  that has joined forces in order to try and   bring this about and it's happening and it's  taking place right now daniel did not know   that when he was praying and while he was  fasting that there was a fight going on in   the heavenlies and this is what the angel said  to him he said daniel i have come from a battle   for 21 days that daniel fasted and prayed for 21  days and he said i have come because of your words   in other words your prayers released me from that  warfare now i have to return because the spirit   of greece has come to join the spirit of persia in  order to bring about a victory daniel keep praying   daniel keep giving getting revelation because  out of that revelation will come a revolution out of your revelation will come a revolution  that's what we need in this nation we need a   divine revolution we need to turn around we need  young people to understand that god is exciting   that his kingdom rules and reigns and there's not  failure there's no room for failure everybody say   there's no room for failure so what am i saying  i'm saying that while you're in captivity   you can give it to me thanks thank  you while you're in captivity you have a key compliments of ed monroe gave me this key  we have a key switch your phones please   you have a key that's my wife here i knew it  at delivery switch your phones when you're   busy we have a key the key is prayer but not  regular ordinary needy prayer it's prophetic   prayer what i am doing today is equipping you  to join forces to pray not only for america   but for the nations that are under attack right  now wherever you are watching from whether you're   in the united kingdom whether you're in france  or paris or uh wherever you where belgium shout   the names of where they where they're writing in  from ohio wherever you from where you right now you are being equipped with prophetic insight  as to how to pray to bring victory to our nation   oh kim i just want victory in my house well daniel  got victory in his house when he was praying when   the angel came he affected daniel as well in  other words daniel's prayers were bringing about   revelation that revelation was bringing about  a revolution a change now the vision that i had   was about a python that was going to i told  you what that mean it's a spirit of divination   and that spirit of divination charms everybody  say charms now i mean that's the with the with   my accent it's charm it charms that's what  it does it is charming it is it is enticing   now what i saw this morning when i was in prayer  besides anything else that god was going to bring   about a victory a massive victory in this nation  but there were going to be some humbling moments   in the white house and humbling moments for  this president this is not that i'm against   him i'm just telling you some humbling needs to  start to take place we need some humble people   to come and to stand and to speak the truth  humility is lacking okay i'm not getting much   response from that and i and i don't blame you  because you're not sure where i'm coming from   as i was praying this morning the spirit took me  into a heavenly place and i began to realize that   there was a stronghold that was joining the python  spirit and now at this very hour that spiritual   force now remember the angel spoke to daniel  about a prince of persia and a prince of greece   and the different princes the ruling powers or  the not ruling now but the powers that are at war   with the people of god and israel specifically are  active at this very moment and what are we doing   they have planned for the downfall of the american   u.s economy they have planned for the closing of  non-profit companies and charitable organizations   they have planned for your downfall and for you  to lose your money they have this is not about   a liberal or or a conservative or whatever it's  not about that their plan is to destroy and   to to to suffocate the very life out of you  that's their plan they are active right now   what are we doing about it what is our  responsibility what is it that we are supposed   to do to bring an end to this well can we need to  vote yes okay vote look what just happened vote   do whatever you have to do make your voice known  but i'm telling you right now the greatest power   that you have and the key that you have is to find  out what is happening in the spirit and begin to   pray against that and declare that you are totally  inoperable you cannot operate in in the presence   of the people of the living god and you cannot  operate in the presence of the blood of christ   that speaks of better things than that of abel we  are of the we are the princes of the blood royal   do you understand that if you do understand  that and i want every person watching me and   all over the world to raise your hands up and  say i believe that my prayers make a difference therefore what i perceive i receive so lord  i'm praying for perception to come in these   next few minutes that people would understand  and see with the spirit and as they realize   that their perception will bring  about a prayer that will destroy   this force that's trying to destroy america and  i can tell you many of the plans of the enemy   at this time i can tell you a lot of it i don't  need to i've just told you a few things and you   eventually it gets onto the to your national news  takes your news to go and find out that's what   they're planning what is god saying though now  let me say this to you in a very small teaching   the spirit that we are dealing with besides  pythons which we know god said he'll deal with   we have to pray against and we have to sow  into his kingdom but the second one is jezebel   why are you talking about jezebel today because  this morning i saw those two forces joining   because the python is losing power and losing  momentum just like when gabriel was spoke about   that the prince of persia being brought down this  prince of greece joined him to in that battlefield   now i know some of you may be saying i think  you're crazy and maybe i am but i am biblically   crazy and so what i'm giving you right now is  what happened in the bible and what's happening   right now every bible name has a meaning so  much so that sometimes when god changed the   nature of a person he also changed his or  her name now sunil will tell you and show   you in code breakers not today that how it  was i heard the plans of demonic powers when   i was in detroit michigan and prophesied when  they said we will change the name of america   and we will change the name of israel now some  of you are perhaps sitting there saying this is   absolutely stupid it's happened in the past it  can happen again don't be so sure of yourself   i'm not even going to talk about the gun control  issue right now but this is going to get very very   nasty i'm just warning you and maybe some of you  know that but it's going to get really nasty what   are we going to do about it kim we are covered  by prophetic preservation but remember something   when god changes a person's name it was for the  future in other words when he changed god's it   would change the name of abraham to abraham it  because god believed god's promise of a son and   so he changed his name to abraham putting god in  there so he changed his wife's name from sarai to   sarah okay you got me years later after the angel  the lord had wrestled with him all night long   jacob's name was changed to israel now remember  something each one of you according to revelation   chapter 3 you've been given a new name which  means you have a nature inside of you that is   able to fit with that description that name that's  another teaching altogether and it's in the bible   go to revelation 3 something i don't know what  it is and it's there and you'll find that he says   he is given in fact i'm going to read it to you  right now can you miranda can you bring me my   my bible which which is normally here and i'm  going to read this to you because i want you   to see something because we're going to be  dealing with the book of revelation as well   and the future you have to go and get it  that's usually here i had it earlier on okay so   jacob wrestled with god and god said these words  to him now sometimes we're going to realize that   what we're wrestling is for our future what we're  wrestling for is for what is already inside of us   our destiny remember something the enemy does not  want you to get what god planned for you to have   you all know that but what are we wrestling we're  not now we know it's a spiritual battle we cannot   do it by ourselves but jacob wrestled with god  now that's a great wrestling match because god   usually loses let me show you why and when i say  lose you know i'm just i'm kidding with you so   when jacob wrestled with god he was saying as he  crossed over the forward of jabbak when he crossed   over that forward the bible says that he went by  himself and a man wrestled with him all night long   now that wrestling match was for a purpose first  of all god wanted to see if he could prevail   not only over men but over god he can prevail with  god not over god with god let me read this to you   in revelation chapter 3 i hope i can find it  because this is one of the most unplanned meetings   although i have prayed a lot and please write  into facebook and encourage me because i need it   now okay thank you revelation chapter 3 verse  i don't know what it is it's somewhere here let   me find it i'm going to find it i'm going to find  it i'm going to find it um no i haven't found it anyway what i'll do is i'll just read it to you  then let's see some i just go and find it um maybe   somebody on facebook can write it in it's where it  says he has given us a stone and written on that   stone a new name which no one knows except him who  receives it i'm just quoting that out of my head i   think it's romans i think it's revelation chapter  three i just cannot find it at this very second   and anyway somebody can write in and tell me it  was unplanned so the scripture says in revelation   that's the revelation of jesus christ it says we  have been given a white stone and written on that   stone a new name which no one knows except him who  receives it 2:17. thank you so much everybody go   there everybody go revelation chapter 2 verse 17  let's read it i'm going to read it to you because   it's a very exciting one he who has an ear let him  hear what the spirit says to the churches that's   to you to him who overcomes i will give some of  the hidden manner to eat beautiful thought here   if you overcome everybody stop you say some of  you are thinking to yourselves well i i didn't   overcome yesterday did you overcome today did you  overcome anything today if you overcame just one   thing you're an overcomer but kim i'm struggling  with other things if you can overcome one thing   at a time you're an overcomer if you have nothing  that you're overcoming then you you're a loser but   surely you can understand that we cannot overcome  everything at the same time but when something   comes against you and you're able to overcome  it you are an overcomer beautiful good going kim he who overcomes i will give some of the  hidden manner to it that which is hidden   inside of you will come forth just  like hannah the experience she had   we she we we gave some of the hidden hannah no  anyway so the hidden manner when she had it in   her spirit i spoke it out she had to step out by  faith hannah could have said at that time no i'm   not doing it i've had people say that to me but  she didn't she stepped out and began to do it by   faith and the result was look what you have today  you have a person singing songs of god prophesying   doing the most amazing stuff and and what  happened was there was hidden manner in hannah he didn't have a hidden manna in hannah this  hidden manner inside of you and the way that it   comes forth is when you overcome let me give you  an example god says to you i'd like you to take 30   minutes of your time and i want you to go and pray  you say i'm sorry i cannot do it and you don't   overcome i'm trying to tell you it's it's in those  areas that we need to overcome more than these   silly little things that seem to hold us down  and we worry about every single day we've got to   worry about the big stuff that that that we have  to overcome that comes against us he overcomes is it 17 i will give hidden manner to it okay  i've said it and i will give him a white stone   and on the stone a new name written which  no one knows except him who receives it wow what is it saying it says each one of you  has something hidden that has to come out   the white stone speaks of revelation when jesus  said who do men say that i am to his disciples   some said you are jeremiah some said you are  elijah some said you are john the baptist   some say there's too many people quoting somebody  else what do you say jesus says to them who do   you say that i am sick of hearing what cbn's  saying well see excuse me cnn is saying whoever   that didn't mean cbn sorry pat sorry  sorry sorry not doing very well today cnn or abc whatever they are i don't hear what  they saying what do you say listen carefully   please nobody says a word simon peter plucks  up the courage because something's hidden   inside of him and he's going to overcome  fear and he says you are the christ the son   of the living god as he says that jesus  swings around in response to revelation   are you hearing me what does god respond to more  than anything else revelation what he has revealed   to you speak out i'm not ashamed to say i'm a  prophet because god told me that made me that   and i would be stupid not to say it if god made  you something then you say it you speak it out so   simon peter reveals what he gets he says you are  christ the son of jesus responds to him and says   these words he said blessed are you simon barjona  for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you   but my father has revealed this to you he says  listen to this now he says to him no longer   are you simon but now you are peter what's that  all about well remember when he first met peter   he said you are simon but you will be called  peter hidden inside of you is a reigning rock and it was only when he spoke out to revelation  and that was released that he became peter   it's only when you speak it out you overcome  and revelation is spoken out that you become   the stone now what does  the white stone speak about   what did he say what did he say  to him he said where's my key forgive the den today please what did he say to him based on your revelation i give  you the key the keys of the kingdom   now you may not understand fully what  i'm saying but i think a lot of you   are quite spiritually minded to understand why  prophetic revelation is so important because   when god says something and you speak it out  there is a response that comes from god and   says now you've stepped into your higher nature  now you have stepped into your higher calling   you have another revelation two years from now  you step into a higher it always goes higher   and higher to a higher degree of understanding  insight to a greater realm of existence okay so   simon peter gets the keys what does he tell him he  can do bind on earth bind in heaven loose on earth   loose in heaven by the way you understand  what the word peter means it means a stone   the the revelation chapter 2 verse 17 simply says  when you get a revelation it is like a white stone   and on that stone written a new name which  only you know about and then you change into   that which is hidden inside of you that was well  put at least that little piece was well put okay   in the new testament saul of tarsus whose  name means meant demanded because he changed   his name to paul you know what paul means  little lesser he was no longer demanding   he changed his main name to humble or less or  little and this is what the greatest apostle   became in his own eyes as he looked increasingly  upon the greatness of christ it's amazing how   often a biblical character lives up to the meaning  of his or her name it is sometimes as in the case   of paul they deliberately took a name that meant  what he wanted to be now let me speak to you in   closing this last few minutes because you and i  have got to get to understand what is taking place   in the spirit let's talk about the name baal bahal  is how you actually say it the prophets of bahal   the word now we talk about it because we're going  to get to jezebel and find out what is creeping   into our white house our capital our politicians  no no no not because they democrats not at all   but please take this warning and today we are  going to take some action in the presence of   this spirit now you stay with me am i getting  any yahoos from from from okay okay thank you   and and i do this because sometimes i'm not i'm  not sure if i'm connecting because i you know   sometimes it irritates me and the lord does this  to me i wake up this morning i have this perfect   message and then i go into my garden and i oh no  no no it's just an hour a half it's beautiful but   it's it's and then i realized uh um he's telling  me to do it today and i'm saying god i'm not even   prepared i don't even know the scriptures and  then we've got 30 20 minutes to go and they're   saying well you decide to start at 12 o'clock  now here i am so i'm doing my best okay okay baal   means master possessor controller  possessor of anything or everything   he doesn't just want one thing it wants to  possess everything it wants to control you don't take lightly what this  prophet is saying regarding   the same thing that happened with with elijah there was a divided opinion when  elijah got onto mount carmel   to destroy the prophets of  baal and ultimately jezebel do you understand that they were of two opinions  israel i've never i don't think the church has   ever been as bad as it is now in terms of a  divided opinion about the future and if we don't   give them a glimpse into the future by saying  it's not just bad god is doing good things god   is doing great things then they're going to lose  it and you and i are going to be suffocated okay each person has certain traits vices and then  of course virtues that exist in your soul   now you and i have spoken about the soul and  each soul listen to this please listen to my   statement each soul wants to coexist  which means to exist together okay   like like-minded souls search for each other  now we're not talking about virtues only   vices virtues wonderful i see a virtue in somebody  i like that i'm drawn to that person our souls   attach we're not talking about marriages  and stuff like we talk about in life   even though marriage is a very important  issue i'm saying souls like to exist together   now that's in virtue but also in vice in evil  souls look for one another to do things together when they built the tower in genesis 11 which  top would reach into heaven they were totally   united their souls were coexisting and  they were doing it the soul of the church   needs coexistence as never before with each  other i'm saying to be united i was telling   my team the other day i'm so proud of the unity of  the trinity they do such a great job you don't get   jesus complaining to the father i don't want to  do that job and the holy spirit's saying to jesus   i'm not going to you don't have that they are  completely united that's why they called one now   the same thing is with the soul you and i all of  you watching we are existing together and we have   one thought in mind of course that's christ to be  to be sent to the world and shown the good news   but also what is he saying now and let us realize  that the spirit of pythos and the spirit of   jezebel have now sought each other so they could  coexist and they could become multiple powers   what does that mean for us it means control  control control listen control is not always bad   but it's getting worse now this is dangerous  when these souls try to coexist when there is   evil and bad in a human soul because the mischief  doubles the mischief multiplies as they coexist   the name jezebel means non-cohabitant without  obligation so jezebel if you want to an answer   is not just a wicked woman because people  have picked on these poor woman for years   jezebel can be in a male form jezebel means  non-cohabitant without obligation doesn't need to   to to be any specific place jezebel is a fantasy  space she's an effect a personality a lifestyle   now let's give you a bit of history  on jezebel because we're going to pray   against this together in the next few weeks  i've set myself aside to fast like i've never   before and pray because god called me to this  nation and to israel united kingdom australia   africa to different nations to speak to them now  who was jezebel in history the the daughter of   bahal who was the priest king of tyre and siren  she was married to ahab as you know to ratify   an alliance between tyre and israel t-y-r-e  that's the city okay by which omri provision   was made for her to continue listen to worship  her native god bahal in samaria her new home so in other words it was coming from the top you  realize when somebody has authority to that degree   the queen it then gets released to the nation  she had a strong domineering character and was   self-willed and she was forceful a fanatical  devotee of mercur the tyrion bail now that's a   little bit of history i thought i'd give you so  you understand she came into israel as a queen   her staff just to the people that worked  for numbered 450 of these prophets   the 400 prophets of the goddess asherah by  the time aye was king so she had 450 of the   prophets 400 of the prophets were false prophets  that she'd surrounded herself with and what she   clamoured for more than anything was for her god  to have at least equal rights with yahweh god of   israel i know i'm speaking out of revelation  i know that i'm speaking from my heart and i   know it's a lot that i'm pouring out to you but i  want you to hear me because god told me to do this   that she wanted her god bahal to have equal  rights in israel with yahweh god of israel   now i want to tell you the god  of america is it's jesus christ   and i'm not saying the lord god or i'm not saying  yahweh or shalom i'm saying his name jesus christ   people came to this nation for that purpose  this nation was brought to being for one reason   to announce to the world that there is only  one god and that is jesus christ there can be   no cohabitant there can be no equal other than  jesus christ there's no other god that is equal   to him do you understand me so kim you're gonna  get into trouble because in this country we let   all religions operate i know but there's only one  god those aren't real gods jesus christ is lord   thanks charlie this brought her into  conflict with the prophet elijah   the reason that god is raising up prophets all  over the world is because this spirit is so   prevalent this spirit is endeavoring to raise the  names of religions and gods and make them equal   with christ then it'll get worse now we come  to the real issue now elijah says oh i see   the conflict begins with the prophet elijah  a battle between yahweh and baha'u'll   is about to be is about to take place in the  united states of america come joel in the united   states of america did you hear what i said kim  i've never heard you being so negative this is   not about negative we're still going to be blessed  we're still going to have our families we're still   going to see god's abundance in our life i want  you to know that this force is bringing a conflict   with the prophets because it has decided that  it will dwell in this united states of america   the battle i'm going to say it as a prophetic  word between yahweh yashuah and baal is about to take place a battle in the  united states of america a spiritual battle   is about to take place so kim you're saying that we're in  trouble no i'm saying to you get up get out of slothfulness rise up and pray and  fast with me is my request you don't have to   give up all your food all you got to do is give  up something and say we're going to do for the   for the first hundred days in the united  states of america and all over the world i   want all of you to join me i'm going to go on a  partial fast to see this victory brought about   and the prosperity of his people to take  place a battle between yeshua and baal   is being fought in the united states of america  and is beginning right now now what happened   what happened on that mountain of carmel   a massacre i'm not being  dramatic a massacre took place of the prophets of baal the problem was instead of diminishing jezebel  zeal it augmented it she had a conception and   i want every person to please try and  listen to me now of an absolute monarchy her conception her dream was of an absolute  monarchy to rule as long as she lived   that spirit is on our nation and will spread  if we the prophets don't do something about it   i'm not exaggerating this is a heavy den but i  need to use this to address it are you speaking   about the prison are you speaking about the  vice i'm not speaking i'm talking about a spirit   you work it out yourself but this force has come  to join hands and i'll tell you the one thing that   elijah did that i love he mocked their gods he  said do what you have to do to bring fire from   heaven because here is a sacrifice in front of you  in your presence i'm going to offer the greatest   offering that israel has ever given on this mount  of carmel i'm going to do it in the presence of   baal and they began to dance around and scream  and hour after hour they cut themselves they bled   they urinated they did all kinds of stuff that's  what the baals did they were so full of filth   as they did it elijah stood up and said  where is your god has he gone to the toilet   has he gone to refresh himself and began  to mock the the god of baal the baals now listen to me please this is great stuff go do  a major key so we can and go to the key of d major   if you can listen to this people i'm finished  with jezebel now i just wanted to tell you that   but i do want to tell you this what is going  to bring about victory in the united states of   america canada united kingdom france countries all  over the world that god has pinpointed me to pray   for even though christ nations russia god has told  me there's certain things he wants to do and he   is plucking out people from all of these nations  and they're going to have this unbelievable soul   connection like we have right now and gonna break  the power of this force as elijah did on mount   carmel thank god i'm finished with that because  i had to share it it's off my heart now now let's   do what they did every person watching me at this  very moment i want you to stop just for a second   i want you to think just for one minute about what  took place and then we're going to we're going to   play and we're going to get you into a place  of hearing from god elijah student mocked them   and then he said get out of my way and built an  altar now you've heard me talk about this before   but we are going to act today what was the purpose  of it he said bring me water pour it on the wood   because i'm going to prove god so much to you  that i'm gonna take that which you don't have   pour it on the on the wood so it's impossible  for it to burn and then the fire and the water   together okay the fire and the water  together are going to bring about rain   and the destruction of the baal prophets  and bring israel into one opinion   he stood before israel said why do you have two  opinions your soul is divided let us offer the   offering to god and in the presence of the bell  let us offer this offering and when the fire comes   and consumes the offering the first thing  that's going to happen is the destruction   of the prophets of baal and then the rain  from heaven are you wanting that for your   nation for your people for your family for your  business yes you do then we're going to do it now   father we sense very strongly that this  prophetic revelation is has taken us to a   place where we know we have no choice but to act  we're not going to do anything now we're going   to first do what elijah did in the presence  of these enemies in the presence of behalf   in the presence of jezebel we are going to  offer an offering to you lord and we pray   and as we put it on this altar that you would  consume our offering and then bring to destruction   begin today of the spirit that is endeavor  to join the spirit of pythos to suffocate us   to take habitation of us to take control over  us and lord i pray cast it out from even the top   in the land throughout this nation and throughout  the earth i pray now every person listen to me   i want you to pray a prayer and say this and  then i want you to act i want to give to you lord   knowing that this offering is done in the presence  of prophetic revelation and in the presence   of the spirit of jezebel and as i do it i'm  praying that you would bring this force down   and that you would touch our nation but especially  our families and that yeshua would be raised up   and control suffocation will be brought down  to nothing say this with me speak to me now   and i will give and as i give consume my  offering destroy the influence of these religions and send the rain   you know what i love about the prophetic is you  get so close to the heart of god you hear his mind   his thoughts what he plans to do you know you need  this on a regular basis and there are millions   of viewers all over the world that experience  this twice a week sometimes even more at my den   you can experience it as well i would love to have  you there all you got to do is go to kim dot tv we   have so much we have worship we have songs that  come from the heart of god prophetic words about   things that have not happened yet that's what  we we say to the people welcome to the future   and i want you to experience that  i look forward to seeing you there
Channel: Kim Clement
Views: 38,200
Rating: 4.9656854 out of 5
Keywords: kim clement, kim, prophetic, prophet, obama, america, usa, Ferguson, snowden, future, politics, prophecy, songs, music, sermons, kim clement spirit come, soul, chuck missler, benny hinn, brexit, california, donald trump, destiny, den, house of destiny, trump, teaching, christian, church, kim clement prophecies, kim clement prophecy, kim clement prophet, trump prophecy, supreme court, kim clement esther, kim clement 2015, spiritual warfare, 2021 prophecy, joe biden, biden
Id: 9i1TFUJN7jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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