Fight With Fire | The Jezebel Spirit Revealed | Bishop George Bloomer - 3.7.21

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[Music] so [Music] god bless you and welcome to bethel's live stream it's march i think it's the psalms of solomon that says the winter has passed the rain is gone the flowers appear on the earth again it's the time of the singing of the birds and the voice of the turtles the turtle doves can be heard in the air for the first time in about 9 11 months i'm feeling within my spirit something is about to break something is about to break but we need to continue to stay focused we need to continue to keep our mask on and practice social distancing and washing of our hands and uh the vaccine is out and and many people are taking it uh it's it's it's an amazing thing i'm also hearing that uh texas and mississippi which incidentally only has seven percent of the entire state population has taken it but they have thrown away their mass opened up all their restaurants opened up all their schools and so different variances are coming so while we are experiencing trying to put the thing together we got some [Music] stay focused bishop those kind of people that are around you don't be one of those people to tempt the lord god make sure that you do not tempt the lord god make sure because if you tempt the lord he's going to be the one that's going to win you understand that all right so we're in a series of of of of messages and i think it's going to prepare us for april may june and july okay uh things are going to happen let me prophesize to you put this on record all right that um i told you january february and march was going to be dark months we're going to experience some things there i told you that in october november going into december january just docked the insurrection went on uh february now you have these states opening up prematurely uh you know a lot of things is happening but we're to rise and shine for the light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon us and the scripture says though darkness shall cover the earth even gross darkness to people but the glory of the lord shall shine upon us so god is going to give us a way to shine amidst all of the crisis amidst all of the storms that we're going through we're going to be able to see the face of god clearly so i want you to stay focused okay i want you to do that now uh uh now we get into march march is uh it's going to be magnificently miraculously marvelous with much mixed up in it then we go into april and may and i showed you in the vision that the lord gave me that in the month of may uh uh the flowers are blooming little water petals are on the flowers the bees are flying around the efforescence of of of honeysuckles is in the air the smell of fresh cut grass oh it's spring spring going into the summer months and then the lord showed me the calendar of may as it counted down from may the first down to right about the 18th to 20th uh a frost came in and caused the flowers to wither and to freeze which means that some are going to open up too soon and have to pull back he showed me this in the school systems also uh public school 27's it's clean smells pristine it is together the kids are at lunch time as they're moving through going into for their lunch they slip on these clear puddles of water and uh spring their ankles bust their nose there's blood and contorting around which means that there's a variance that is coming that's going to hit in the school systems now i'm saying this prophetically to you and i always say it like this i want to be wrong i i don't want this to be right i don't want this to be correct but if we're judging through history and if you're checking history checks a person's credit for the past 11 months 12 months what god has showed me has come to pass this season of fasting and praying has done something for me and has given me a focus and a clarity again in the realm of the spirit a few months from now i'll be sharing with you a little bit more i know i'm doing a lot of talking this morning uh because i'm excited about what god is going to do for you but i also want you to stop drifting i want you to get back on your post and i want you to be vigilant and i want you to be able to see and understand glory be to god now uh about june and july i'm going to prophesy and tell you about june july they probably about 200 to 230 240 million people in the united states of america that have been fully uh vaccinated they take the vaccine fully uh done there the movements will be a little bit different fourth of july would be different from fourth of july this past fourth of july when you know some numbskulls didn't pay attention to it anyway so it'll be the same fourth of july for them they're the reason why we had this setback in the first place christmas will be something and then new year's eve new year's eve i believe that new year's eve will be back in our sanctuary fully open fully operating going forth in the name of jesus i don't know i don't know how many members are coming back i don't know i just know that the church has been strong through the storms i know there's going to be a lot of other churches that's going to open up a lot earlier than us but i'm going to be closed and the way that you're going to meet me is online my first in-door service probably unless the holy spirit says something different because people always try to check me so unless the holy spirit says something differently new year's eve december the 31st will be the first service inside the building as we're moving into 2022 2022 but we may do something outside before we come in to the building it'll be totally sanitized it'll be clean there'll be new things happening and i'll be waiting for all the new members that joined us and watched us uh and and hopefully that everyone who was here when we when this thing started it still will be here i don't understand anybody finding the new ministry during this time what you gonna do change channels i mean this is just crazy stuff that people go through in their mental capacity but i'll be praying uh for you in the name of jesus now the song that is playing right now uh uh uh is asking a question and it's thankful uh to the lord i say because it could have been me outdoors no food no clothes there's a slain that they're using in the nation now it says could have been me uh and and you know you would think they're saying couldn't have been me were they saying could have been me uh or you know why you didn't pick me now that's not how we sing in this song we're singing this song in the vernacular of of of the intentions of the writer of the song tragedies are commonplace all sorts of diseases people are slipping away the economy's down can't get enough pay as for me all i can say is thank you lord for all you've done for me it could have been me outdoors no food no clothes or just another number with a tragic end you saved me by uh but you didn't let none of these things be you save me by your power and you keep on keeping me and i want to stop long enough to say thank you lord for all you've done for me [Music] hey it could have been no food no clothes all alone without a friend just another number [Music] me i want to say thank you [Music] wow [Music] thank you thank you thank you i want to say thank you lord for all you've done for me let's give him praise everywhere everywhere everywhere you are give the lord praise and thank him for his protection for his covering for the blessings that are on you i gave you a countdown for march april may june july by july august september october november and december and then january what seems to be a long way from now we'll be looking up into the field like we just said this three months ago promise you things are going to get better not not not just because they have to it's god's law and this cycle how god turns things are you ready to pray let's pray let's pray to it won't be a long prayer this morning because this morning we don't want to ask for a whole lot we want to do what the song just said we want to thank him thank him thank him thank him for every mountain hallelujah this morning i come today god to just give you thanks waking me up this morning once again in my right mind or as much of my right mind i had when i went to sleep last night for food on the table for my children getting better for having some place to lay my head for the grace that comes along with being able to pay my bills little aches and pains in my body but i thank you because others are on chemotherapy and i'm not others are on radiation treatment others are on dialysis and i know you're blessing them in their present situation but i thank you for what you've done for me in my situation be pleased to receive my praises for all that you have done for me in jesus name amen and amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] all right let's have a little bit of church on this morning let's have a little bit of church on this morning [Music] [Music] so another day that the law [Music] has kept me [Music] it's another day that the lord [Music] has kept me [Music] stayed on jesus one more day [Music] just another day that the lord has kept me oh yeah yeah just another day that the lord has kept me [Music] jesus [Music] has kept me what's up [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i can't wait to get back to church with you [Music] april may june july or april may june july i know a lot of you trying to get in on easter i'm gonna do the same easter i did last year kept me from corona with my mind i stayed on jesus i come too far to mess up now keep me low [Music] he has kept me [Music] from all the evil with my mind stayed on jesus another day [Music] that the lord has kept me [Music] oh give the lord a praise give the lord a praise give the lord a praise give the lord a praise [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus very very briefly and very very quickly i just thank the lord for you open up your your hearts and your doors into your homes or wherever you are for us to minister to you we're in a another series i like ministry series particularly especially ones like this that puts us in the set time that we're now living in we're in the jezebel spirit reveal series the first message was the introduction and it's uh you can't keep doing this it's going to kill you our first lesson was uh um last sunday and uh uh it was uh well our first message was i think tuesday if i'm if i'm correct let me see introduction then last sunday i'm sorry last sunday was um right covenant wrong friend and then on this past tuesday night uh the call for the uh spirit of elijah and our message today is lesson number three fight with fire fight with fire let us pray prelude you alone is worthy of glory and honor and praise you god alone gives us the wisdom to get wealth you also invested in us power to tread upon scorpions tonight we ask that you send that anointing the power to tread upon scorpions serpents to take them up in the wisdom of a serpent the power of escort in that our heels shall bruise their head as we come into the full prophetic knowledge who we are and who you called us to be in jesus name amen and amen all of my messages from the beginning of the year starts in revelations chapter number five i won't carry you through the pressure of having to read the whole text so i'll just talk to you about it for a little while is john on the isle of patmos and uh john is in exile on the isle of patmos everyone is expecting them to die it is after the great crusades tribulation is everywhere they've gone after all of the disciples and john finds himself in exile and um waiting to die but god has other plans for him he's snatched out of his spirit and he's thrust it up into the heavens i believe it's revelations chapter number four that says and a door in heaven was open and he stood before the lord and the first voice he heard as it was a trumpet talking to me is what he said he said come up heather for i will show you things that will surely be hereafter john fell on his face as if he was dead the hand of the lord touched him and said fear not for i am he who was who is and who shall forever be john sits up and the lord begins to reveal unto john why you are here carries him around the heavens and he shows him the mysteries of god shows him water shows him rain shows him oxygen he shows him when he shows him the chambers of the universe more importantly than anything else he shows him gravity how to be grounded when your whole entire world is turning and how you don't fall off because it's turning so many of you are in trouble because covet 19 has turned the earth and you've fallen off while the turn but others are grounded in a word that god has spoken and so as you would have it he begins to show him the mystery of the ages he shows him plagues he shows him healing he shows him angels and he gives them the mystery of seven seven trumpets and seven bowls and seven angels and seven churches and seven stars seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven and he gives them the wisdom of the perfection of seven then carries them into the part of heaven that no human had ever been in before there he sees god sitting on the throne with his hand over the right side of the chair of the throne's chair and in his hand is a scroll with seven seals on it and he hears pandemonium in the kingdom of heaven because no one has the power to open up the seals to release the mysteries thereof and they send out search parties to find someone who is righteous and holy have enough deference in great relationship with god to open up the seals the scripture says they found none they looked in the heavens and none in heaven they looked in the earth and none in the earth they looked in the sea and none in the sea and then he looked under the sea under the earth imagine going into hell and could not find any and john began to weep he wept because he knew that if the seals wasn't open and the completion of the assignment of humanity could not be completed and as he was weeping an angel phenomenal winged creature flew over to john and said chin up man and dry your eyes and stop crying for the lion of the tribe of judah has prevailed to open up the seal and scripture says they sang a new song [Music] they sang a new song [Music] so now the rest of the scripture is going to be narrated through john and the minstrels of heaven a new song strings and keys [Music] and no one could follow the song because it was a song that they were singing that no one had ever heard before and this song wasn't being sung out of their mouth song was being sung out of this spirit [Music] a new song a new song [Music] and they sang a song that they never [Music] that's how the old church mothers used to worship out of their belly [Music] out of their spirit out of their use they would release [Music] m and the angel went over and popped off the seal when the first seal was popped open they went for four horses a white a red a black a pail yeah went forth galloping [Music] representing much of what i'm going to preach about tonight [Music] plagues insurrections idols sorcery witchcraft and believers those who have a relationship with god [Music] fights [Music] with fire revelations chapter number 2 verse number 18 through 24 opens up and it says and the angel of the church of fire tire write these things saith the son of god who hath eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass i know thy works in charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and thy last to be more than the first notwithstanding i have a few things against me because thou suffered that woman jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols and i gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not behold i will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into a great tribulation except they repent of their deeds and i will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that i and i will give unto every one of you according to your works but unto you i say and unto the rest of thyatira as many as have not this doctrine and which have not known the depths of satan as they speak i will put upon you none other burden in verse number 23 he says i will kill her children with death and all of the churches all of the churches he said i'm going to search the reigns and the hearts and i will give according to every man their works that's the song that's the song a new song a new song a new song that's the song that's the song that's the song it's a song of judgment in this moment it's a song of anarchy it's a song of repentance it's a song of grace it's a song of hell's fire all of it is together in repentance grace without repentance full judgment full judgment full judgment and remember the song remember the song it is something that you've never heard before the pandemic is something that you have never heard before you might be used to it right now in in in in a year into it but oh buddy what's about to be released out of these next trumpets and these next vowels is going to blow your mind war is coming antichrist is coming spirit of jezebel is coming and that's why we must prepare ourselves in this particular hour for what's about to transpire oh a new song a new song in revelations chapter number 13 verses 1 and 2 and then 16 and 18 it reads like this i stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which i saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as feet of a bear in his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat in great authority and he calls it all both small and great rich and poor free and by to receive a mark in their right hand and on their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he had save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 600 threescore and six so those that are a little bit nervous and afraid and about taking the vaccine i understand it understand what happened to black people and people of color questions come to me all the time is this the mark of the beast i promise you it's not whether you should take it or not you judge yourself i think you should probably protect yourself i don't want to be the one to tell you to take it or not to take it and it's my business what i'm going to do with my life but i promise you this is not the mark of the beast as many of you who secure this nation will be fine god's going to take care of us he will beautify the meek with salvation but notice how it goes the church of fire tyre he says unto thy attire you know i know your works and your charity i know uh your ups and your downs and your ends and your outs and i know all that you have gone through all that you have experienced he said this he says but if you repent i'll change things for you he says because the time is coming that there's going to be a kingdom that's going to rise on the face of the earth and this is the kingdom of the antichrist which will be promoted by the spirit of jezebel so there's two spirits that we're dealing with right now spirit of antichrist and the spirit of jezebel and my children's children are going to grow up in the nation if the lord delays is coming it's going to grow up in the nation that i can only imagine because what i think is worse is not can even be remotely compared to what is happening right now the new slavery the new slavery that is in the land is far worse than the old slavery of the past the whole slavery was passed was you know you got whips on your back and they kicked you behind and stuff like that but this new one is they smile in your face and give you a cadillac you're not free not free you're not free they hate you just because of the color of your skin and they took the chains from around your ankle and they're allowing you to put it on your own neck look at the wrappers i mean this diamonds in this gold but it's weighty and the price that they have to pay in order to wear it i know you don't want to hear this message but i promise you the spirit of jezebel is alive and the spirit of jezebel speaks of two persons an old testament person and a new testament person the old testament person is married to ahab who is the king of israel jezebel's father's name meant to catch in a snare she's an idol worshiper and she turns the whole nation into idol worshipers she has 400 prophets and her husband has 450 prophets together they have 850 prophets the jewish folklore tells us that jezebel's prophets were all women who dressed like men small wonder why when jehu came after and elijah came after uh jezebel that she painted her face and let down her hair some even believe and suggest that was the first time he saw how fantastic she was there's something in every man that's something that god has built in every man that if the right woman steps to him he'll run hide up under a tree poke his bottom lip out and stick his thumb in his mouth the power of a woman natural power of a woman imagine that coupled with seduction and a satanic assignment to take you out the governor of new york city led us through the greatest instructions during the pandemic that's what he did for us and you know new york city was the episode epic center everyone looked to it he let him through and then there were those who saw that this guy could be the president of the united states of america what did they do they went into his history and into his past they began to pull ladies out who are saying that he inappropriately touched me i don't i don't know i wasn't there but somebody's gonna have to wake up for the brotherhood somewhere along the line i'll tell you why because if you ever spent on the ground or jaywalked 40 years ago when you're running for anything that is of any importance people can't find nothing on you today they go back a hundred years which person in this room don't have something that transpired in your life that you would like to forget this is what the power of salvation is and and that's why i can't understand when christians do it because we were all something before we became born again the scripture says and such were some of you but now you are washed you are cleansed you're redeemed an old testament in the new testament these two individuals operate in the realm of the spirit and their job is to bring to the forefront the antichrist now the antichrist doesn't necessarily mean that he's against christ in as much as anti also means another and if ever there was a time that we're seeing the rise of all of these different expressions of god and the church embracing all of them this is a crazy time and so the story of elijah the prophet and jezebel can be found in first kings chapter number 19 verses one through seven i hope you at home have something to write with and it says this and ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and with all how he had enslain all the prophets with the sword then jezebel sent a messenger unto elijah saying so let the gods do to me and more also now what i want you to do i want you to read that again but i want you to read it like you read it and i just learned how to read the other day so you know and it says this uh it says in verse number 17 well verse number 16 it says and he calls it all both small and great i mean you read over that and he calls it all small but no that's not how you read this text right here this text is prophetic and i promise you if you push the button the animation will come what you say controls the animation over there here we go verse number 16. verse 16. and he calls it all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him that have understanding count the number of the beast for it is a number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six good no you know what george bloom george bloomer colin i'm gonna give myself an offering on that one there did i do good on that one huh yeah you oh yeah punking out for were you scared of the text here it is here is wisdom that him that have understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six i'm gonna let you do that we're gonna i'm gonna let you do that let me i'm gonna let you do that do that do that uh-huh here is the wisdom let him that had understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six see that's what's happening to you ladies out there you keep on marrying these pretty boys that's your problem that's your problem there's some things you don't do cute is that mike going over there rhys but you can read it out from where you are right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] so it's verse it is verse number 18. verse number 18. someone hold the mic for him so we can have the music and hold the paper up and so you see it and you got to do all that you got to do all that and and and he's going to be able to do it i didn't play the same time before huh well you're going to learn how to do other things walk and chew gum at the same time multitask this is called multitask there we go somebody got to hold this paper somebody got to hold the paper i can't see and you got to hold it in front of his good eye yeah the third eye that third eye no we don't want to hold it in front of the third eye oh okay bethel family worship said watch what it says here here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 603 score and six all right i i put too much faith in him i'm trying to play it but let me do it one more time for you so that you understand this this text right here is extremely important what does it says let him that have wisdom let him have an understanding count the number of the beasts relax for it is the number of a man relax his number is 600 blacks three score pause and six thank you very much second kings chapter number one second kings chapter number 19 verses one through seven reads like this just start reading uh-huh so let the gods do unto me and more also if i make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time and when he saw that he arose and he went for his life and came to bathsheba which belongeth to judah and he left his servant there but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a juniper tree and request and requested for himself that he might die and said it is enough now oh lord take away my life for i am not better than my father and as he lay and slept under a juniper tree behold then an angel touched him and said unto him arise and eat and he looked and behold there was a cake bacon in the on the coals in a cruise of water at his head and he did eat and drink and laid him down again and the angel of the lord came again the second time and touched him and said arise and eat because the journey is too great for thee all right so this is this is this is um a very very serious piece and i want you to uh understand what is transpired in revelations chapter number 2 the spirit of jezebel is announced in revelations chapter 13 the spirit of antichrist is announced in first king chapter number 19 we go back to share with you how the physical person jezebel corresponds with the spirit of the spirit of jezebel in revelations chapter number two in revelations chapter number two what we begin to experience in this area of of of this conflict this this battle is that the spirit of jezebel is after the kingdom of god and the prophets and the apostles and prophets and apostles we better realize that they're under a humongous attack in this hour at this particular time on last week we dealt with the principles of jezebel today i want to show you what is transpiring and what is happening in malachi chapter number 4 verses 5 and 6 it says behold i will send you the spirit of of behold i will send elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the lord and he shall return the hearts of the fathers to the children and hearts of the children to the fathers lest i come and smite the land with a curse with the curse so hear me now when the bible says that i'm going to call for the spirit of elijah uh he's not asking elijah the man to come but the spirit that was resting on elijah to come so now if the spirit of elijah is going to come there's an eschatological a quote in the text before the great and dreadful day of the lord that's the end times so god is saying that in the last days we're going to need to employ the spirit of elijah the spirit that was on elijah in the days of elijah we're going to need that in the 21st century in 2020 so we have to ask ourselves the question what did elijah encounter what did he come up against and what type of spirit did he deal with well he spoke he dealt with the spirit of jezebel and jezebel had a a threefold uh uh assignment that was idol worship uh uh equal uh gender equalization and uh the murder of children those three things which are now very very prevalent in the earth we have false religion rising up everywhere people are into everything they're into spirituality they're into witchcraft and sorcery and necromancer they all call it spirituality uh we're dealing with gender uh equalization the uh uh the gays and and and black lives matter and and and and all different types of the emergence of of of of men and and women and not being able to even be able to to to to uh on some applications uh they have a male female gay or other on applications the the gender neutralization and then the murdering of children in the womb and also out of the womb out of the womb uh is uh abortions in the womb is miscarriages that we are actually dealing with those same three things and so god says the only thing that's going to be able to come back this is the spirit of elijah which means that we must enter back into our ability to combat these forces watch this with the supernatural now i uh when i when i talk on this piece that i'm gonna mention right now i get on the nerves of a lot of young people uh but one of the things that the enemy has done he has removed the genuine intimacy between man and god and has replaced it with a a a a a a disguise uh or a a spirit of seduction that seduces you into a false intimacy and so when you deal with greek mythology and you deal with sororities and you deal with those different types of things the number one thing that is pushed whether it's islam or it's a mason tree or it's uh the sororities one of the things that they push very very strongly is what the brotherhood the brotherhood and that's the thing that catches the young people that's the thing that that that endears individuals because the church who has jesus on the inside who who who who is supposed to be the the very uh the very essence of love is full of crap but these uh i had people uh uh a family that went to our church here and uh the husband was a motorcycle he'd like to be in a motorcycle game and he said what was the motorcycle again and they meet on uh three times a week and they ride and they have a motorcycle club and i went to and i said what what's the whole deal and he says it's the fellowship the the the the and he's not lying he's telling the truth it's the fellowship and the fellowship is a lot better than the fellowship in the church when preachers are in the pulpit they spend most of their time telling you to stay away from each other they ain't doing that in the motorcycle club they ain't doing that in the sororities they ain't doing that the masons they got their state they got their secret handshakes and they which they know how to go into places and walk out guilty as hell and they know how to connect with and and walk out free the fellowship they know how to move amongst each others and christians don't know because we when you when you become a christian you don't know how to do other people right in fact some people are are do people better when they are uh in the world than they were some some of my friends that don't know jesus yeah i got friends that don't know jesus but my friends that don't know jesus treat their wives and their families much better than people who call themselves saved no amens in the whole cyber community you at home you didn't say amen to that a few of you with that you just looked at him and looked away and so the the the this false intimacy he replaces it with a false intimacy and it's called the brotherhood and they know how to fellowship and they know how to look out for each other they know how to look out for each other in business they know how to look out for each other in courtship they know oh yeah they know how to do it and so it moves you away from causes you to drift away from the things of god and find yourself in a fellowship that is against god but the fellowship part of it is godly what do you mean bishop the fellowship part of it is godly because the whole principle to being a christian is loving your brother loving your brother how how much does it take for me to love you tim how much does this take for me are you an easy person to love you would like to think so i i think so mike how about you right have you ever said to yourself who would not like me now if you if you're a person that have never had that thought about yourself then you are inherently and organically wicked if you if if you know why people should hate you then you're in trouble if you are oblivious of people that don't love you and don't like you and don't hate you after all the things that you try to do that's nice right by them then you're in a good place but if you are oblivious to that or you know why so i know why they don't like me why you don't dog i know why i slept with his wife his daughter and his mother stop why you looking at me like that i kept it in the family this is this is the spirit of jezebel bishop what are you talking about the bible says that he will put her in a bed with those that commit fornication which is immorality and adultery so he will put her in a bed with individuals who will sleep with your wife and not care about it sleep with your children not care about it keep it all in the family should i stop here should i finish the message because this sounds like we it'll grind hit a bedrock serious and the way many ministries flourish because rarely do you meet up with a muslim who's a who who is a uh a genuine muslim most of them you meet up with they came out of the baptist church very few mormons i'm talking about black folk maybe mormons we weren't born no mormon they're singing on a mormon uh tabernacle choir that didn't happen for us am i telling the truth something happened when you see us into all different types of things is as a result of being mishandled somewhere and out of the mishandling the false intimacy presents itself it does you know i wasn't always saved and back in the projects oh god the guy had the same name as one of my sons his name was jeff jeff was a wicked negro what jeff did and i hope you not like this jeff free because jeff was free with his love jeff never had his own lady jeff all of jeff's girls came from his boys girls jeff would sit there and listen to the hardship that was going on in the relationship counsel her away from him into his hands so as a result of that in jeff's later years he had no friends no one could trust him that's the kind of spirit that was on him so he would listen to try to figure out man if i was you if i had somebody like you i would never treat you that way you do that where's your friend you know why nobody i ain't like that that's how he is and i be talking to him about that all the time but you know he won't listen to me but if i had somebody like you jeff you treat me so nice you know you know i'm watching around the room while i'm teaching this and there seems to be an uncertainty or there's a fidgety going on amongst the men inside the room and i think that i'm in a room surrounded around some jeffs joey huh what does that mean oh what does that mean i don't i don't understand what it means i can tell people at home they're enjoying this message this morning what does jody mean oh jody is there when you're not there is he quarantined he got the vaccination so he can move around he's out jody always around i've never heard that before breese have you heard that before we must be in the old club jody they say it in the military wow oh i did hear that yeah i did i i did hear that oh that's the joey they talking about jody back huh joe did your food while you're at work what jody did me and jody ate my food drove my car sleeping in my bed on my couches walking on my carpet and living in my house jody jody did me in but thanks be the guard that gives you the victory he gave it all back to me stay focused bishop i don't even know where i'm at in this message right now jody's gonna mess the whole thing up the bible says that he's going to call for the god of elijah and the spirit of elijah and the spirit of elijah is going to come to combat a number of things that is transpiring in the nation and so i want to conclude with this for you to show you some things that are happening out of scripture and see if you can compare it to uh headlines breaking news and uh the newspaper as to what is going on uh the first thing uh we must uh prepare ourselves for is idols the nation has become idol worshipers there's the golden calf from the children of israel when they left egypt uh this golden calf uh went on and they began to worship this golden calf and so they built this calf while moses was up in the in the presence of the almighty god and this golden calf is stealing the presence of god the golden calf is jody isn't that jody that's jody right stealing the intimacy that they had with god away and drawing it to idols uh this was not only um that only did not only happen amongst the children of israel when they were in egypt but when they were enslaved in in uh uh in babylon nebuchadnezzar required that a statue or image of himself would be built and then as we went into our modern worlds into the a.d after after the death uh we saw zeus the worship of of zeus and these roman gods the guards of the sun and the god of the wind and god of water etc and then they began to continue the worship of the worshipping of the saints when the churches came into place holding crosses and us bowing down to graven images everywhere you look he's a graven image a graven image a graven image all into the church and people would go and they would buy their little guards their little idols and hold them if you were to go into a person's house and you had to do a fetish cleansing you'll be surprised of how many images that you have not that you worship them but how many images that you have in the house that changes the aura or the mood of the spirit inside the house at cpac this uh this uh week on the news everywhere people are scratching their heads trying to figure out what went wrong with the republican party as they brought their own calf in and they all brought their own image in this is an image of the president of the united states of america a golden image a shrine to the president in his hand is a warn go back to that picture in his hand there is a wan he is wearing a black jacket a blue jacket with a red tie red tie symbols the republican party he's wearing shorts of the american flag and he has flip-flops on suggesting that he's still ruling the nation while on vacation that is it in his hand he has um the the constitution we are we the people and in his hand he has a five-pointed star which is a pentagram in the form of a warn saying that he can move his magic wand and shift things on on wednesday the 4th wednesday the 4th the fbi had received information that the anarchists and certain groups had come together that intercepted information they've come together to once again go after the capital on wednesday of this week they had to call in national guards to the tune of another ten thousand in washington dc because they're saying that by the month of july they're going to remove biden and carmilla and they're going to get rid of the congress there and put trump back in never before in my life have we seen uh a home-grown terrorist or terrorism like it's coming up right now our battles are not going to come from iraq and iran our battles are going to come from mississippi and texas i promise you we are in for something in this time and this day the spirit of jezebel promotes idol worship turning the united states of america into an idol worshiping nation country if you pick up the pitch that picture back up again you'll see that even in the cpac there were individuals that went and pitched pennies and bowed down and prayed and praised at the foot of this golden image of donald trump this is crazy stuff statistics are telling us that the spirit of of of the spirit of jezebel is in the land and it attacks marriages okay 51 of marriages now are ending up in divorce uh 18 to 20 of of pregnancies and abortions uh um uh are taking place in america uh the bible uh is telling us that this spirit will come and it will be murder children so you have the worshipping of idols the destruction of marriages uh and i i i am fully convinced i'm fully convinced that as i look back over my life i'm fully convinced that while i was doing ministry there was a spirit of jezebel assigned to rip and tear my marriage apart i i believe that at the base the the core of divorce is a spirit of jezebel that comes to just destroy the marriage no marriage no marriage ends with one person both of them but both parties play a part i'm not blaming anything on her i did my part she did it but i'm saying behind that a thriving ministry thriving church making money rich living in mansions flying private jets and the whole thing comes apart there's got to be a spirit somewhere that is attached to that 18 to 27 of of of pregnancies and uh end up in abortions all right the highest rates of abortions uh are now happening between women between the ages of 20 and 24 years old we also are experiencing the occultic worship in the nation occulted worship nations that practice and succumb to witchcraft in the occult number one south africa number two chile number three the philippines number four united kingdom number five haiti number six mexico number seven romania number eight central african republic number nine saudi arabia you know what i looked at this thing on my way coming i was on the phone talking with my one of my friends and i found out that the leading country in the world of witchcraft you know what the country that is the united states of america far more witchcraft is observed and practiced in america than any country on the face of the earth pornography the industry of pornography the pornography industry is enormous raking in an estimated 16.9 billion each year 16.9 billion dollars a year from a person sitting at home watching something never remember remember pornography you ain't touching in pornography you ain't kissing you ain't hugging or if you're doing any kissing you're kissing yourself you're hugging you're hugging yourself understand this 16.9 billion dollar industry it is also said that one third one third of the internet is porn sites one third of the internet porn sites y'all getting uncomfortable in here again i'm going to invest in a gadget in a in a app that downloads information to me on all the people that i know so when they go to a website my phone will beep so that i can help them how many times a day do you think my phone is going to be beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep pornography and addiction uh-huh frequently watch this here co-occurs with other mental health disorders number one depression two anxiety three social anxiety for mood disorders now bishop blumen you mean to tell me that people who um pleasure themselves through pornography uh deal with depression uh playing video games smoking dope and watching porn at the same time that's got to be depression oh you think i'm joking mike do you think i'm joking oh no i'm serious one tv is on the pawn got the joint and he's smoking the dope and playing the video game that's depression depressing and it's enters you into sexual addictions that's number five number six substance use disorders number seven memory problems number eight smoking and tobacco use number nine erectile dysfunction it's very very important for you to understand that i wanted to put together a list for you so that when you watch this morning you can begin to ask yourself how do i get delivered from this thing that is on me i got some responses from some young ladies who had abortions and they can hear the babies crying psychologically and when they sleep they nurse the baby that they got rid of they need a deliverance there are others who miscarried and can't sleep there are others who have gotten themselves caught up as the spirit has drawn them in what the spirit of jezebel comes to destroy what is she after 13 things i want you to take a look at you might want to take a screenshot of this if you're watching it by uh the internet so you know how to pray number one manhood manhood this spirit is out to destroy you and to take away from you the ability to be the man number two prophets and apostles this spirit is after the supernatural every prophet every apostle who is called the spirit is after them number three marriages number four kill church through abortions and miscarriages number five promote the antichrist number six turn nations into idol worshipers you think that's gonna happen here in the united states of america it already started already started it already started every pastor black white indian chinese mexican latino whatever all pastors when they saw that statue of should have should have bombarded cnn and declared that this nation is a nation that serves god they're silent because it's their guy [Music] number seven comes to destroy the position of spiritual fathers many of these young preachers today have no spiritual father no spiritual covering not now guys i know i get on your nerves from time to time but is there a little respect for me in your heart that's a question i mean if you don't have it i don't either there's nothing i can do about it the question is why why do you have a little respect for me or any respect for me because my spiritual father and spiritual father makes mistakes right but this guy here is honest with you i don't pretend to be one thing over here in something over there i know when i get mad i'll cuss you out i know that i'm asking god to help me with that he is help me jesus i'm not making this right i'm not saying it's okay i know i look at what i'm not supposed to look at and sometimes i look at it again and say help me jesus oh god i refuse to allow a false spirit to drive my public appearance so when i fall you look and you say i know it ain't him i want to be honest the way that i do it is i pray i fast i seek the face of god i laugh i enjoy life but i'm myself and i give you permission to be yourself what number we at thank you very much what number we had eight number seven comes to destroy the position of spiritual fathers that's a serious serious thing i've had i've had conflicts with my my physical father and have had conflicts with my spiritual father i didn't agree with everything but i never disrespected him physical or spiritual and anything i felt i felt it up under my breath and i didn't share it with other people even now didn't share with other people i held that thing because of it the lord has blessed me number eight fights the supernatural i want every person inside this room to embrace the supernatural once again i want you to start praying and seeking god's face and i want you to begin to speak things into the atmosphere that ultimately will shape i want you to stand in such authority that people that would try to control you in their mind they would say i ain't gonna work so i don't even want to pay i want you guys to be as real as you possibly can be not playing games but be serious because we're going to heaven amen i i plan on leading all of you guys to heaven now of course you're going to get there before me because i'm staying here as long as i can always okay i'll eat every piece of cheese i'ma drive every car and live in every mansion you all go head-on i see you when they get there all right see my thing is the reverse of martin luther king john the king says we're the people who get to the promised land but i might not get there with you see so he went first and i ain't going first be right here and you call me from there and let me know everything's all right but we gonna get there love you guys number nine against signs and wonders against signs and ones ain't nobody getting healed why are you paying tithe what are you giving your money to the church for against signs and wonders 10 comes to establish the kingdom and dominion of the antichrist and we're seeing that shape right now you're staying in shape right now man and i'm not talking about mankind's all my physical men are under the greatest attack that they've ever been under before there's something happening in the gender world female world amongst those feminists that hate men that are coming after us be very careful on your job how you speak to women be very careful what you say and how you touch them make sure you have a real relationship so that you could maneuver do not think for one moment that in this hour and day you can be successful [Music] and have an advantage you got 100 000 in the bank and that hussy is thinking about a way to sue you for every dime that you got and all you said to her was how you doing we live in the time of the day you don't have to do anything to a person all you have to do is put it online people believe anything that's online you have to do not you don't have to do nothing all she had to do is say you did it and then after you proved that you wasn't even in the same state on that day with pictures that you someplace else there's still people that still said i still believe he did it and if he didn't do it he was thinking about doing it this is where we act that's the spirit of jezebel verse number 11 uses witchcraft and manipulation to control leaders number 12 comes to destroy your identity comes to destroy your identity and number 13 undermine and destroy kingdom authority it is here to undermine and to destroy kingdom authority that's what this pandemic has done is neutralized the forces of the church has created a brand new habit people are watching their church services not on time when they get around to it they still watching when they get around to they're not about 10 10 o'clock in the morning they make no effort [Music] no effort don't look down look look this way now they make no effort because satan has neutralized the forces of the kingdom [Music] you thought you was gonna dance this morning right what you're really gonna do is rejoice you're gonna rejoice because god has given you the wisdom and the tools to fight off this spirit that is on its way to you [Applause] [Music] so let's pray let's pray that the holy ghost would give you great wisdom on how to embrace god once again and to return back to your true love meeting him in the cool of the evening your family your friends your prayer partners your church community all covered under the blood of jesus as we expose the spirit of jezebel in jesus name [Music] amen you two can be saved today covered under the blood of jesus walk in the full blessings of god under the umbrella of faith and favor it doesn't take long and it doesn't matter how long you've been saved or been into it what really really matters is that you accept jesus i know you can't walk the owls this morning but you can raise your hand i know you can't shake the preacher's hand but you can most definitely open up your mouth and receive him as lord and savior in your life you ready romans 10 9-10 says but if i was confessed with my mouth the lord jesus and believe in his heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shall be saved for what the heart man believe and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation that's what the word of the lord says and so this is your moment to give your life to jesus give your life to jesus you don't have much time call on him right now come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on we offer christ to you oh my brother [Music] we offer christ to you my sister he will give you brand new life life [Music] oh come come come come come on to christ to cry if i will confess the lord jesus lord i'm a sinner and believe in thy heart lord i believe that you died on the cross for my sins thousands of years ago i accept what you did on the cross and i ask you to save me to come into my heart forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood give me the assurance that i have life eternal for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but shall have everlasting life in the name of jesus rise and be healed be delivered be set free most importantly be regenerated by the power of god in jesus name amen welcome to the royal family you just got born again and we thank god for you today in the name of jesus i hope you wrote some things down today to understand where we are uh-huh so you can walk in victory and in breakthrough and those of you who already saved and already filled with the holy ghost get on your knees and ask the lord while i'm down here praying lord search my heart get stuff out of my heart that is not right get stuff out of my heart that is not correct because i want to be right you know whether i'm right or wrong can you do that yeah can you do that all right it's offering time now and um i look forward to being on the prayer line with you tonight and uh because the month of march we want to make sure that magnificent marvelous much is our portion i'm gonna ask all visitors to the website today to do something for me that i have not asked you to do uh in the 11 12 months that i've been doing this i'm going to ask all of my visitors who are watching today to set aside a sacrificial seed to sow in one of three areas i'm going to ask 300 people to sow a seed of 30 i'm gonna ask 300 people to sow a seed of 60 i'm gonna ask 300 people to sow a seed of 100 30 60 100 for the fo for the fold for the fold and when you sow the seed i want you to put up under it done it done it this is your breakthrough seed it's your breakthrough seed i said it's your breakthrough seed i'm not talking about tithe i'm talking about an offering a sacrificial offering in the name of jesus i want this sunday's offering to be the largest sunday offering that we raise from the website i wanted this sunday morning to come in if you love bishop if you love your pastor if you love your spiritual leader if you love your spiritual father i want you to sacrifice 300 persons sowing a seed of 30 300 persons sowing a seed of 60 300 people sowing a seed of 100. the bible said he blesses 30 60 and 100 fold the 30 is c to the sower the 60 is c to the sower and bread to the eater the hundred is a thousand fold because the seed of accumulation is coming forth and god is going to continue to do it let's loosen this in the name of jesus those of you that are getting ready to sow your tithe where you're getting ready to bring your tithe to bring your tithe and your offering i want you to get that right now there are three ways that you can sow your four ways that you can sow your tithe and your offering to the church text bethel to 844-888-9183 online giving cash app dollar sign bfwc515 or mail it to 515 dow street durham north carolina 27701 your taroma seed your toroma seed bring the priest a portion of your dough that he might consume it and the glory of the lord shall not depart from your house the glory of the lord shall not depart from your house or from your dwelling all right and here's your teroma cash app warfare ecology zell bloomer paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 those that like to use the turtle you can put it in the mail uh yeah ggb ministries p.o box uh 3867 durham north carolina 27702 or you can go to give a five now i'm asking i'm asking i'm asking i'm asking for 300 to sow a seed of 30 300 to sow a seed of 60 300 to sow a seed of 100 start sowing that seed right now the anointing that is on my life to get wealth and the wisdom that is associated with it i partner that with you now in the name of jesus a seed that is sown into the soil with purpose will produce a forest that you can store in the storehouse i'm believing god right now in the name of jesus now put done it done it thank you very much done it thank you thank you thank you for your seat of 30. done it done it done it done it there you go done it done it done it done it 30. done it done it done it done it done it done it yeah right done it done it now somebody come on come come on over to the 60s come on come on 60s and and and 100s i yeah it's easy for you to do the 30. come on come on sacrifice and sacrifice and do the 60 and do the 100. you know whether i'm right you know when i'm wrong hey you know whether i'm right oh four ways to sow the seed beth uh uh text bethel to 844 888 9183 online giving cash app dollar sign bfwc515 ah yeah all right uh uh yeah 5 15. all right uh yo dude they messed up my uh all right mail 515 dow street durham north carolina two seven seven zero one cash app cash app dollar sign warfare ecology now they they they snatched our other warfare ecology of other uh cash app so we had to go this way so take a screenshot of that a big guy ain't there if you're sending it it ain't going nowhere because big guy ain't there no more bishop blooming their warfare ecology warfare ecology zell bloom at paypal me ggv ministries text to give text blooming to 844 889 fifteen fifty nine you know whether i'm right [Music] you know when i'm wrong you know when i'm right and when i'm wrong you know if i got 30 you know if i got 60 you know if i can give a hundred [Music] you know if i got 30 you know if i got 16 you know if i can't give 100. [Music] search me search me thought i said search me search me lord search me search me but i said search me search me lord search me sends me judge me lord hey search me search me lord i said search me touch me search me lord i said search me search me oh i said search me search me you know whether i'm right you know when i'm wrong you know when i'm right or wrong oh you know when i'm right you know [Music] bethel i'm sorry text bethel284488 online giving cash app dollar sign bfwc515 or put it in the mail 515 dow street durham north carolina two seven seven zero one ah cash app warfare ecology zell bloomer at paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 [Music] now you show it sowing 30 60 you're throwing 30 60 and 100 30 60 and 100. yeah you're sowing it from new zealand yes thank you thank you thank you from canada thank you thank you you're sowing that seed you're sowing that seed from new york city thank you you're sowing that seed from florida from miami from jacksonville wow from gainesville you're sowing that seed you're sewing new jersey you're so in that scene 30 60 and a hundred south carolina columbia it's columbia marion south carolina you're so in that sea you're sowing that seed you're sowing that seed yeah yeah yeah north carolina raleigh raleigh raleigh yeah raleigh yeah durham raleigh right henderson north greensboro charlotte gastonia you're sowing that seed 60 100 30 60 100. bishop i'm standing with you i know you're in the parking lot i know the thousands of families that you feed i know that you didn't lay your staff off doing this during this uh uh pandemic i know we want to support the man that's supporting the community we know that you've got clothes for the kids we know that you put coats on their back we know that you paid light bills we know that you paid water bills we know that you paid mortgage thank you thank you thank you search me that search me search me lord hey memphis memphis thank you so much memphis memphis thank you thank you so much so that sea soda c 30 60 and 100 bronx new york bronx new york brooklyn bronx new york soda c that's right in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus virginia virginia whoa south carolina south carolina marion south carolina charleston south carolina columbia columbia you know i got churches in columbia columbia south sow that seed sow it i call it out of you right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] whether i'm right [Music] [Applause] [Music] so let's see chapel hill there so that so that seed so that morrisville north carolina yeah sow that seed sow that seed get that offering in there get it in get in you know whether i'm right or wrong [Music] lord when i'm wrong you know all right watch us every day on warfare ecology warfare ecology monday through friday 4 p.m eastern standard time get your prayer requests in your prayer request goes to send it to prayer at amen remember to be with us on our prayer calls closing out the week on friday open up the week on sunday about to celebrate a year of prayer a year of prayer we did it we did it we did it and we've seen the hand of god on us and on our life because of it oh you know brother i'm right every wednesday wednesday in the month of the month of march wednesday uh food giveaway will be in the parking lot of of bethel family worship center the freedom foundation gigi bloom's ministries along with the joseph storehouse at bethel family worship center thank you for your seeds and thank you for your support one o'clock on wednesdays the numbers at the bottom of the screen if you need information on that in jesus name all right four ways to sow your seed to bethel family worship center all right text bethel2 844 888 91 83 online giving cash app uh dollar sign bfwc515 or put it in the mail those of you that are doing your terma today to roma cash app warfare ecology uh gazelle bloomer at paypal me ggb ministries tech uh dgb ministries text to give text pluma to 844-889-1559 or you can mail it or do give a five thank you for your seed those of you that are sowing that seed of 30 60 and 100 don't stop don't stop don't you dare stop don't you dare stop 300 someone thirty three hundred so in sixty three hundred sown uh a hundred bishop the word that you preach the word that you're preaching i don't mind supporting it i don't mind supporting it i'm giving up a honey bun and a coke i'm giving up a pack of newport cigarettes i'm giving up a coke 45 i'm giving up old english 800 i'm giving it up i'm giving it up and i'm sowing my seed into the kingdom so that you can be a blessing to help people everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere oh you know whether i'm right [Music] [Music] now i see you tonight in the prayer service i want you to continue to pray for us and pray for this series two more messages in this series is going to bless you we're going to teach you how to pray for the nation would you do that okay enjoy your family have a wonderful wonderful day today and i see you on the prayer call tonight in jesus name god bless you so much
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 3,046
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Spiritual Warfare, the word network, now network, preaching, teaching, Jesus, Td jakes, benny hinn, jamal bryant, paula white, bible, bishop bloomer, bloomer, george bloomer, bethel family, durham, north carolina, warfarecology, general's daily briefing, bishop jakes, Jezebel, Fight With Fire, Shirley Caesar, Dr Kevin williams, Larry Reid, Zoe Ministries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 11sec (6131 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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