The Mystery of a Secret | Bishop George Bloomer

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] good sunday morning lessons everyone listen don't forget you're wearing your mask you are wearing your mask look we just want to welcome you one and all this morning to the online services here at bethel family worship center right here in the city of durham north carolina 515 down street where our pastor is none other than bishop george g bloomer so we want you to stick around he's gonna bring you an impactful relevant word we want you to like share and subscribe follow our pastor on his social media platforms everyone listen stay tuned have a wonderful day let's look to the lord father god in the name of jesus we praise you today we glorify you we magnify you we lift you up lord god you said if we acknowledge you in all our ways you would direct our path lord god we come this morning looking for direction from you father we thank you that you will speak to our pastor this morning lord god that we will get knowledge and we will get wisdom that we can go out into the world and we can use it lord we can apply it to our lives but we praise you today and we thank you because everything is moving by your power you that you did not give us a spirit of fear lord but a power and love and a sound mind lord god and we thank you that as we hear your word today lord god we will put it to practice in our lives we give you praise we give you glory in jesus name we pray amen good morning scripture read in psalms 8 o lord our lord how excellent is thy name and all the earth who has set thy glory above the heavens and the mouth of babes and succulent has thou ordained strength because of thy enemies that thou might is still the enemy and the avenger when i consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou has ordained what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visiteth him for thou has made him a little lord than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor thou made of him to have dominion over the works of thy hands that has put all things under his feet all sheep and oxen yea and the beast of the field the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea and whatsoever pastor through the paths of the seas o lord our lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth good morning and welcome to bethel's live stream i'm so happy that we're here again how'd you like last week how did it bless you it blessed me in ways that i didn't know that i had praise in in ways that i didn't know i had praise in and i find myself thanking god for his goodness for his mercy for the outpouring of his blessings for just a sabbath in my daily walk that's a deep breath and an exhale something happening relaxing we're still wearing the mask okay still wearing the mask and uh still washing our hands and still practicing social distancing and we are bracing ourselves for the winter months that is coming in i want you to continue to pray for it even when the media stopped talking about i started to talk i kept on talking about it now they're talking about it again 2 000 2 000 deaths a day in the united states of america and it has now become the virus of the unfascinated that's right the virus of the unvaccinated so those of you who are vaccinated get ready for your booster shot and prepare yourself to live i'm going to continue to pray for you now according to our schedule i supposed to be ministering message number seven in the series the underworld uh but you know what happened last week the holy spirit took over and and we yield ourselves we don't make him take over we don't we don't conjure up a takeover but when he shows up in the room we move with the cloud we move with the wind the way that the wind is moving our prayer this morning is for our children our prayer this morning is for our children our prayer this morning is for our children to protect them not only against the virus but to protect them against all of these new thoughts and waves of thoughts that are coming their way so we be in prayer for them there's a scripture that says when i was a child i spake as a child i understood as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things and for me i shared with you one time that when i was a child i speak as a child i understood as a child but when i became a man i spake as a child and i continue to understand as a child until something happened to me my prayer is going to be for men today to grow up to stop acting like children stop stop being easily offended easily bothered take care of your responsibilities if you make babies take care of the babies that you make all that kind of stuff guard yourself don't lock yourself into one woman if you know you're a three-woman man you're only going to create problems get yourself free and understand what you're what what you're dealing with this is the message that comes from the underworld to the upper world to prep and prepare you when a person has a testimony the testimony should be predicated upon an issue a crisis and an experience that he or she has had and then they share it because they got victory out of it the song that is playing is hallelujah hallelujah is believed to be the highest praise that a individual can give to god but i believe the highest praise that you can give to god is yes the eyes praise is yes when you say yes to him and you give your life to him and you turn your heart over to him hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] all right now come on come on turn the living room into a sanctuary hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah yeah hallelujah in the morning hallelujah in the morning it's morning time weeping and suffering may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning [Music] [Music] this little light of mine i'm gonna let it shine everywhere i go i want the world to know [Music] some glad morning when this life is over i'm gonna fly away to a place beyond the celestial shores and then i'm gonna say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] now father we thank you this morning in the name of jesus yokes are being destroyed as your people are making a decision that things shift when we praise your name that things shift that atmosphere shift when we praise your name i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continuously be in my mouth i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord father today let there be joy and rejoicing in the homes of the saints everywhere and we give your name praise in the name of jesus because you're worthy to be praised [Music] he's all i need [Music] god is all i need you all i need all [Music] food on my table [Music] chilling [Music] yo all i need is [Music] i need [Music] if he's all that you need give him a praise right where you are right now come on give him a praise give him a praise give them a praise give them a praise and if you know that god is your major and master supplier then you need to make sure that you stay connected to him build your hopes on things that are eternal not on this temporal stuff that comes and goes and goes i'm not suggesting that you don't enjoy you want a nice suit get one you want to drive a fantastic car get one you want to live in a great house get one hold to his hand [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you gotta do it you better do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] times are filled with great transition [Music] on earth [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] changing [Music] your hopes on things [Applause] [Music] to god's unchanging [Music] hand spirit of the living god fall fresh on me somebody need it right now spirit of the living god [Music] now god break every yoke destroy every yolk [Music] and give your people victory in this very challenging hour in jesus name amen and amen those who in the building be the intercessors for those who are watching let's give the lord a praise just a quick praise father there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and i know [Music] it's the presence [Music] there are sweet expressions on each face [Music] and i know and i know and i know they feel the presence there's a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's vein [Music] and sinners plunge beneath the flood [Music] lose all their guilty stains [Music] at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light [Music] and the burdens of my heart rolled away it was there by faith i received my sight [Music] now [Music] i know it was the blood [Music] i know it was the blood [Music] i know i know it was the blood save me one day when i was lost he died [Music] i know i know [Music] it was the blood me [Music] um uh [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think i think every now and then people just want to have church we're gonna have church they went at church and then not talking about new church they wouldn't have church they wouldn't have church now the church feel the presence of the lord moving in this place be able to clap their hands and jump up and down a little bit and just let off all the steam of the world and invite the holy ghost and invite god to come and make everything all right for a little while [Music] i think that's what god is doing for us in this hour [Music] [Music] i know i know it was save me save me [Music] save me [Music] your blood is saving me your blood is keeping me your blood is healing me your blood is setting me free [Music] so [Music] one day when i was lost [Music] he died upon the cross [Music] me [Music] all right all right we thank the lord this morning father we bless you in the name of jesus there's none like you in all of the earth we pray that the word that would go forth would be a word that you selected for your people's hearing my obedience and delivering that word should bring us a corporate testimony it's good for us to be here when we've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the brightest star will know in that day to sing your praise as if we've just begun there's no one that is more amazing than you with our weaknesses our proclivities our strengths with our sicknesses our flaws you still remain faithful to us your word teaches us that even when we're not faithful you remain faithful for you will not deny yourself i learned a long time ago to stop judging people's relationship with you predicated upon what i can see for it's not a thing of works it's from the heart install your anointing and your blessing in the heart of everyone that understands and sees that there's a need to give you praise and we bless you for it in jesus name [Music] let's see we can make good of this the spirit world series started lesson number one am i living in hell lesson number two crumbs for a drop of water lesson number three manifesting you shouldn't be doing that without god lesson number four the secret is outed the truth about manifesting lesson number five manifesting renouncing demonic spirits lesson number six hush you're not supposed to know that lesson number seven is tonight number seven was interrupted by a mighty move of god which i can still feel the residue of that anointing flowing on all the platforms that we're on in the name of jesus today's message is the mystery of a secret i want to start off by you reading something that i put together and then we'll talk together retailer how are you doing this morning god bless you i'm so happy that you're here with us today and to all the bethel family uh won't be long before we're all coming together again in person but until then let's receive the word of the lord and it reads like this powerful thing a secret is a powerful thing it can make or break you it shows loyalty and at the same time betrayal one that keeps a secret to a friend is loyal but one that keeps a secret from a friend not so much when one keeps a secret from a friend it is often looked upon as betrayal the secret is exciting and it is adventurous but it causes you to cross over into the unknown it is one of the anchors and foundations of the occult or a fraternity secret societies and exclusive groups are sometimes like god he is mysterious and far past us finding out i think that's what made the book the secret so powerful the title alone the little blurb on the back suggesting that the author knew something that works that not many people know and they weren't ready to disclose hidden truths that can make you successful in business and powerful in relationships the secret promised to enhance your spirituality help you to connect with the right mate and the world hook line and sinker the law of attraction the power of the mind the creative works of man and man's imagination teaches people on how to unlock the superpowers of humans millions of people believe it and bought into it and are still buying into it the new generation has bought the secret under its new name manifesting i think that one of the most powerful programs on netflix is a program called manifest and of course manifest has def uh several meanings to it but from the program on on on netflix uh the word manifest is taken from a manifest when you get on an airplane you get on an airplane every person who is on the plane is placed on a manifest and their seat number where they sit all of that is there together and it's a way so that they can um track the amount of people who bought it the amount of people who got off uh the destination to which you're going to in the series manifest on netflix which i think that every believer should watch um and just watch it with an open heart and an open mind because it is a program that's on television that is full of satanic stuff but it's full of angelic stuff it's all about the supernatural uh science and religion and all the things that goes along with it and i i i give it a thumbs up do i agree with everything that's on there i don't agree with everything that's in in in the church sure i don't agree with everything that's in the bible and you don't either you don't even if you look at you looking up at me you don't agree with everything that's in the bible because if you agree with everything that's in the bible you wouldn't have no problem you have to come to the altar for nothing because you would do everything the bible says do like pay your tithe so [Laughter] in the series manifest a plane takes off and um doesn't show up for five years five years later it comes back through a portal and individuals are on earth and uh 180 some art people 182 or some are people the numbers slips me now all now have uh a calling some something from the other world speaks to them uh to um help with issues and crisis um as the series goes on you find that it magnifies the person if you're a good person you tend to take the callings and use it for good if you're a bad person you tend to take the call-ins and use it for self-promotion or what have you it's sort of like the principle of money money has a way of magnifying who you are and if you cheap and you got money you're cheap when you get money you become cheaper it magnifies who you are what makes this series um attractive to me and what makes me look at it closely is that i'm a spiritual person and i recognize the supernatural i i i'm one of those persons who actually believe that noah was on the ark i actually believe that daniel was in the den of lions i actually believe that the hebrew boys was in the fiery furnace i actually believe that god delivered me from crack cocaine i believe those things i believe them and as as as miraculous uh that the world uh would work with and call it a miracle i call it the supernatural and that god works the old baptist folks you say the lord works in mysterious ways his wonders are to perform so right uh they are so the in the late 90s going into 2000 a book was released called the secret out of the book the secret they begin to reveal unto us the law of attraction the law of attraction is a idea it is a it is a ancient philosophy that whatever happens to you it happens to you through your thinking because you were the one who attracted it to yourself which is which is kind of crazy because it's almost suggesting that if you have cancer you attracted the cancer to yourself if if if you were in a fire at home you attracted the fire to your to your home if you your tire blew out you you attracted that that's horrible that would be it would be real real hot if i could attract to myself the numbers to the lottery or if i could walk through the walk through any casino and touch machines and knows which one is going to hit because i was able to uh uh attract that but like anything else timeless time equals influence and the more you hear something over and over again it develops a belief system in you which we call faith it's just as simple as that we traveled around the world to different countries and in france and and and had had had to have interpreters and when i began to minister and ask people of color who are in different countries you know uh the uh uh the dark chinese the dark french the the the the the black folks that are in other countries um um don't pull that mole on your neck even in their language they say cause you're gonna bleed to death it is it is it is an amazing thing how that hearing that thing over and over and over again has um established a doctrine a thought process that people actually believe in so time plus time equals influence and the more you hear something the scripture says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of god i like to quote it this way faith coming by hearing and by hearing and by hearing and by hearing you don't even have to be the word of god this is hear it you just keep on hearing and hearing and hear it hear it here and hearing it and you begin to develop and stop this belief system that is there and so the law of attraction has worked for at least 30 million people that we know and if it didn't work for them in in process it worked for the writer who had 30 million individuals to purchase the book 30 million people purchased the book the secret at the good old price of 23.99 you do the math after a day like that after 30 million people at 24.99 purchases your book i think you could attract any law you want to attract to yourself i don't think there's a car that you can't buy or a jet that you can't fly on or apartment that you can't get all of this begins to happen and then she made her way to [Music] the number one talk show at that time which was oprah winfrey and oprah had the golden touch that whatever oprah touched just blossomed so 30 million copies sold and then you go to oprah the numbers can't be numbered right now and the book is still on the best sellers list and it's still selling and now our young people have picked it up but they don't work it from the secret stand point of view they work it from manifesting manifesting or a manifesto a document to which there is a name or principle written down i want to do this very very quickly just have a few more moments um i'm inspired a part of the message is inspired to write or to talk to you about is because i've been having some conversations with my grandson who for me uh when he was born he was like my son uh real real briefly i'm driving in the car one afternoon i look through the rear view mirror and i see a a car seat sitting in the back of the car and a little kid sitting in there with a baseball cap on and then i look again and he's gone and i'm driving again and this happens this has about six or seven times and i'm in new york city and i get the telephone call from my wife then and she says your daughter's pregnant so i have this this this vision in the car this little guy sitting to the back with a baseball cap on bouncing his head and of course the child is born his name is justin and about a year later i am driving in my car and i look through the rearview mirror and he's sitting in the seat with the baseball cap on and the whole it shook me to the point because i had this quick moment where i had a flash into the future and i promise you that every one of you that is watching and every one of you that is in this room and everyone that you would review barring none all of us have visions like that we don't we don't we we don't a lot of us don't write them down a lot of us don't uh uh don't um regard them but we have and i'm not talking about a dream i'm talking about an open vision where it was a daydream for a moment a uh what the world refers to as a deja vu you enter into something and then you wind up someplace and you say or or your spirit has traveled to a place or to an area that you've never been before and then a year later you step in the room you say i'm freaking out because there's something that is very very familiar about where i'm at i have it and you say well i know i've never been in oregon before but i've been in this room before and and and when when when the children of god would begin to really really believe that we are made in the image and the likeness of god and the only hindrance that we have total hindrance that we have is the flesh but our soul and our spirit has the ability to travel and to gather information and if we spend time with god or we spend time with meditation and becoming one with our inner self a lot of times when people are talking to you you'll be able to say stuff like this i knew you was going to say that i don't know i don't know that i was just thinking exactly what you what what what what you say and this ain't no spooky voodoo witchcraft stuff this is who you really really are and a lot of times because we want something so bad and we want so much of it the lord is telling us don't fool with that heifer but she's thick he looks good we're having all the visions that this heifer is going to take a full head of hair that i have and make it as bald as i am if i deal with her but our flesh decides not just for the guy for the lady also the lord said don't fool that joker he is going to make you bald you better own wigs you're going to lose your substance if you fool with that we're all wired watch this with the ability to see tomorrow all of us i don't care if you're saved or unsafe i don't care if you atheist or agnostic or buddha or krishna or catholic or whatever you want to call yourself all of us who was made in the image and the likeness of god and if you're breathing you made an image of likeness of god you possess this ability to see tomorrow and sometimes to step back into yesterday and correct things so the day after tomorrow won't be as bad as it was going to be and it requires you understanding that that word on the screen secret and mystery is the same word but what you need is a key to unlock the secret that is open to someone else that refuses to give you access to what they know it's is it's it's it's amazing i don't want to tie your brain up too much but it's amazing and i want to say this one more time and then i'll go to the scripture and then we'll be done for the day that you are about to have a a series of open visions of open visions visions about tomorrow about the next day about the day after that and it's going to be up to you as to what you do with it and how you deal with it but here here's the frightening part and i'm literally talking to those of you that are watching and i'm talking to those of you that are in this room under the sound of my voice today i'm telling you this you'll have to give an account to god for the vision that he showed you that you did nothing with because the vision itself is a key that unlocks a mystery or a secret in your life and the wrong person in your life can lock you out of the mystery the wrong acquaintances being at the wrong place at the right time could offset and it's amazing to me that the world at large has tapped into it and is getting it to work for them and believers are behind trying to catch up to the world say what you want to say be mad be upset all of you gospel artists all upset and bothered and agitated that kanye has found the secret wait a minute god didn't just give it to kanye he gave it to everyone who has musical abilities every one of you that's in that pit every one of us that can read every one of us that can sing every one of us that can write when god opened up the heavens he opened it up and the rain began to rain on the just as well as the unjust but whoever was open to receive it was the ones who got it and now when the gospel artist started crossing over and climbing the charts the sinners said nothing about it it was the christians who said y'all need to stop that now that the secular artists are crossing over and climbing the christian charts the christians got a problem with it we're not most of the christians most of the christian writers haven't got a problem with it and one of the things you cannot deny i don't know who kanye spends time with i don't know if he talks to god or talks to buddha talks the demons but what i do know is that when i hear his music my hand goes up it doesn't go down my hand goes up my heart is lifted and i'm pulled into the prophetic part of myself that makes me wonder makes me see what i couldn't see moments before i'm not promoting kanye i'm just telling you that if my people will not praise me the scripture says the very rocks and the trees are going to cry so what we're going to see is more and more inspirational gospel spiritual supernatural things coming from people who don't go to physical church buildings because they're tired of the church crap and yet god trusts them because if you could take 12 hours and send the secret text out and fill up central park with 80 000 people in 12 hours i'd say that's an anointing i say that's a mighty gift and and i'd like to have it i'd burn some candles to get that no i wouldn't do you understand what i'm saying so god is trying to return us back to the supernatural and that word secret there suggests that what he's about to do is not for everybody it's just for everybody that knows how to access the kingdom deuteronomy 18 verses 9 through 15 uh giants it says this when thou come into the land which the lord thy god giveth thee thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire this shall not be found any one of you that make it this son or his daughter to pass through the fire which was a ritual that the uh in the biblical days they took their children and they offered them up to idol gods by burning the flesh of their children so don't enter into that uh-huh or that uses definition or uses definition you know what divination is divination is the fortune telling realm of the spirit or it is dividing and in the bible days when they were in the wilderness they would climb up and get a branch off of a tree remove the leaves from it and use the y part of it and use it and focus their attention in order to find hollow spaces in the ground so they could dig wells so that which was used for good purpose somehow another got perverted watch this here or an observer of times he said or someone who is into astrology the observer of times almanacs and and horoscopes and etc but wait a minute isn't horoscopes in the bible of course it is isn't the stars in the bible of course it is uh who was the prophets who located jesus i don't know who they were because there was no prophets that located jesus the magi eyes was the ones who located jesus and they were astronomers warlocks and witches who saw the star that was in the east does it sound familiar we're beginning to deal with that those who are anointed to bring god's word is so caught up in other things that god has now got to take people with questionable characters to show forth his mighty hand if the church was full you'd hear amens and shoutings and the blood of jesus all over this place people to begin to begin begin to manifest by loosing and binding because it's true this is where we are and this is what's happening uh-huh or an enchanter an enchanter or a witch a witch or a charmer a charmers person who uh can put you under hypnosis or a consultant with familiar spirits consulting with familiar spirits this is a person who talks to people who talk to the dead who talks to people who talks to the dead uh-huh or a wizard a wizard or a necromancer wizard is a male witch or a necro mansa so there's a great celebration that is going on in uh in the movie industry with harry potter's and uh the the uh click uh click bait and and uh and and uh uh manifest and true blood and those that have been left behind in all these game of thrones we're entering into a time of the supernatural where the underworld refuses to remain secret and it's coming up showing you that we have power just like you but the problem is the church doesn't know that it has this power read for all that do these things are an abomination unto the lord and because of these abominations the lord thy god doth drive them out from before thee thou shalt be perfect with the lord thy god for these nations which thou shalt possess hearken unto observers of time and until debonairs but as for thee the lord thy god hath not suffered thee so to do the lord thy god will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him ye shall hearken verse number 15 says the lord god will raise up unto thee prophet a prophet i'm going to say prophets from the midst of thee and of thy brethren like unto me and you shall hawk in unto it and i believe that i'm one of those prophetic voices in the last days and in order to be a prophet and to prophesize you have to be willing to be called a false prophet until the prophecy that you prophesize came to pass you have to be strong enough to take fiery dots and accusations and be knocked out of the play and be called all different types of things and then the lord shows up with his supernatural power and proves that his hand is on you god doesn't use supernatural people he uses natural and put his super on them and that's what makes them naturally super and super natural and this anointing is resting on the lives of god's people you're going to see in this hour in this day a lot of young people who are called into ministry and receive a calling of god on their life and once they get the calling of god on their life they come under a tremendous attacks so they take the call in and put the calling aside and now they're in trouble they don't ever have to sin another day in their life they don't have to fornicate commit adultery they don't have to drink smoke they'll have to do anything all they have to do is deny the call that god has placed on their life so incidentally if those of you that are caught up on the series of manifest you know that each day or each week different ones receive different uh premonitions and these premonitions lead them into certain areas i'm telling you that if you're spending time in prayer with god i'm gonna use the word premonition also you get premonitions you get visions you get a feeling that this is that you get a feeling that this sometimes in the midst of all the rough and rugged things that are happening and transpiring in your life you feel at that moment that things are going to get better i know that's how i feel sometimes i'm awakened by god two three o'clock in the morning i call one of the elders or one of the overseers and i say check on such and such a person and when they do it we find that the person is on their way to the hospital or sick i remember one of our precious daughters in the ministry i was walking across the pulpit during the conference and i stopped and i said where is such and such a person and they said uh uh we'll check and uh they went and they checked and i kept on speaking and they gave me the word back she was just rushed to the hospital this happened while the service was going on she was just rushed to the hospital i said russia that said she's just rushed to the hospital and a preacher jumped up and he says well it's just going to believe god that the miracle is going to be fine and in my spirit there was a twist and i put my hand out like that to him to to to hold him to tell the whole and i walked over there and apostle shirley brown and the preachers were all over there adelia and bishop brown and all of them was over in that section and i went over to the section over there and i whispered to them i said we're gonna have a funeral in this church it was immediately the lord spoke to me and told me through this secret key passage of something that was going to happen tomorrow [Music] a few months ago uh i uh called uh overseer king late in the night time and i said i want you to do something for me he said give me a few moments let me let me wake up and i said please forgive me but this is on me strong i want you to call nina massey and i want you to tell her to start hanging around me again i sense something wrong i sense something dark something dark and he called her and he told her and she says and then my daughter called me and she says uh uh uh daddy did you call nina and tell nina i said no i had king to call she said oh cause you know you scared her she's really really scared she's really really frightened here was a girl who grew up uh who was brilliant in her thinking a mathematician a educator uh grew up with a mom and a dad who lived in old old uh um um uh which was called uh hope valley now hope valley back in the days where all black people would hope that they could ever move to in fact for 30 40 years ago hope valley's all the mansions it was the where the golf course was at on hillandale i mean there was life back there and they were able to secure a home in hope valley that that that's big time and when they left they left dad left later the mama left first the dad left and they went to be with the lord and left her well taken care of but vultures flew in in these dark forces flew in through loneliness disguised as a lover and depleted every bit of legacy and everything that was belonged to the young lady and just a few days ago we funeralized her that thing bothered me because my premonition my vision where god showed me that had we been able to throw our arms around her and to come closer she would have been able probably would be here with us today he that dwelleth in the secret places of the most high shall abide under the shadows of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge my fortress my god in him will i trust i'm telling you bethel that this message this morning is designed to get you to take a few moments after praying after praying take a few moments write the name of the person you're praying for down write your daughters and your son's names down and take a few moments and think on what is lovely what is pure what is just what is kind what is of uh what is of of of a good mind of a good heart and pray that god would give you visions so that your sons and your daughters can be protected under the wings of your prayer life that's what this is about this morning he said when you go into the other places do not do what they do god doesn't want us burning sage he doesn't want us chanting names of people he doesn't want us in scripting he doesn't want us leaving faith and finding uh trying to use the law of attraction to bring things to us for the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leads me in the path of righteousness for his yea though i walk through the valleys of the shadows of death i'll fear no evil for he is with me that's the god that i serve my god shall supply all my need according to his riches and glory in christ jesus he's the provider for me i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord why because we're protected by god and i give you a secret today i give you a secret today that when you pray and seek the face of god he whispers things into your spirit that gives you the up on tomorrow every person watching right now i'm going to pray in about two minutes i'm going to pray a prayer and this prayer is going to get the dirt out of your third eye allow your prophetic eye to be open again and then unstop your spiritual nostrils which is your level of discernment so you'll be able to smell things notice what he says in in in psalms 91 verse number three says surely he shall deliver us from the snare of the fowler the snare of the fowler that means the trap of the bird catch catcher and he says from the gnawsome pestilence nawsa means stinch it means stinky it means something that has a foul odor and pestilence is plagued or pandemic surely he shall deliver us from this and his shield and buckler shall be the truth that you're going to walk around with a reflex that blocks things that comes to your way this is going to be a jerk reaction the old saints used to do it all the time but spirits have come there they they they were quick and they almost looked like they were they they were fighting or why because they understood the secret so this week over the next few days the next seven days you're gonna have dreams and visions if you embrace this prayer that i'm going to do in about a minute and 12 13 seconds you are going to begin to see what is good for you you're going to begin to see what is bad for you you're going to begin to see what is good for your household you're going to begin to see yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and then after you see you're going to be able to say and then after you say you'll see it you'll see it say it see it you will see it in your spirit you'll say it and then you'll see it in the natural because god is going to equip you with that level of the anointing witchcraft and sorcery uh has changed its clothes it's no longer spooky and scared it's become trendy and what people like to do and like to be involved in but those that know who their god is you know who your god is you're about to have a mount carmel experience that the god of that big god answer by fire and the fire of god is coming your eyes are going to be open your nose is going to be unstopped and your hands are going to be anointed are you ready are you ready are you ready a new song a brand new area and atmosphere you're moving into right now on your job [Music] dealing with people your gifts and your talents all are now being fortified seven-fold seven times as much seven different parts of your ability to function in the realm of the spirit all of that the season of seven is happening to you right now put your eyes closed now open them for the scriptures teaches that the eyes are the gateway to the soul hold your breath for a moment now release it and breathe out of your nostrils for nostrils represents discerning being able to sniff and smell things out close your mouth open it now [Music] you now have the ability to speak things into existence that are around you and don't be in such a haste to do it how long does it take for an oak tree to grow just because it didn't happen in two days doesn't mean it's not going to happen the seed of your word has to grow down before it can grow up one must never run into running it takes walking and crawling before you get there father i thank you for it in the name of jesus and i thank you for the testimonies that are about to come our way because the saints of god are about to see visions and dream dreams and enter back into the alignment of the connection and realign their ears with the voice that you have assigned them to this morning as we leave the month of september and go into the month of october which is the month of death cause resurrections to take place in jesus name amen and amen [Music] [Music] you know i really feel good about this message this morning and what makes me feel good about it is that while i was ministering i saw eyes opening up and i saw people having a second thought about the thoughts that they've been having and they're learning this morning that the thoughts that you've been having are holy their god and it's the lord warning you to get in front i pray that this message will be as successful this week as the miracle of worship was last week i believe the lord led us into worship so that we can install this gift this week in the name of jesus remember we're in the season of reset and start well your prophetic has been reset now you can start your gif is about to make room for you in the name of jesus i pray for every person who needs salvation who needs the lord in your life and you might be watching right now lord jesus i'm a sinner in need of your saving grace save me save me that's all you have to do save me you got to do all of that save me he know he's standing at the door knocking he trying to get in he's trying he's trying to get in more than you was trying to let him in have you received them say come in come and come in [Music] if thou would confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you shall be saved save them now in jesus name amen and amen [Music] to cry [Music] i don't know why i don't know why but i can't let it go and i'm trying to let it go but somebody starting right now is about to have daydreams and great night dreams and god is going to show you keep you [Music] ahead of the battle you'll know what to do [Music] that same little boy that sat in the back seat of the car that was riding with the hat on one years old when i saw him [Music] started to say things at times we didn't understand and things would happen [Music] he came over to the house and he was walking around the house i was downstairs making a sandwich and he walked into the kitchen he said can you make me want to get what knows i say i'm making one you can you can have one he's about eight years old then maybe one of those anime people [Music] he said uh papa what did jake say to you when he called you i said huh what [Music] i said ain't spoke to him i said don't try to be no prophet [Music] ate a sandwich we moved around he said man you're gonna be you you're gonna blow up you're gonna be you're gonna be you're gonna be on that stage i said you've been talking to your mom and said no my mama just said i don't know that night terry this is jake's called me he said i'm inviting you to do the i went to little justin i said what is this what is this every time the service would be over he would run get one of my ties wrap it around his head take the microphone and start speaking start preaching he don't do that no more that's why i say they grow out but they come back in and i can tell you story after story after story after story and i'm telling you god is going to stir up those gifts on the inside of you last week i started calling sons and daughters in ministry and saying this to them the anointing of the lord is on your life what are you going to do with the anointing what are you going to do with the anointing that is on your life what you're going to do with it this is a reset to a start this afternoon blessings of a little one year okay i release dreams and visions and miracles in your life in jesus name amen i love my church [Music] a few days from now we'll be in the conference a few days from now we'll be in the conference and uh it's gonna be supernatural it's gonna be supernatural okay so and i told you bethel i don't want to be here by myself every minister every leader inside this church that don't sign up i pray that your car tires all go flat pray that when you eat your food it don't taste good i pray that your water heaters don't get hot enough for you to take a shower the meeting is over we have it hard in the meeting you should have it hard where you are what a god kind of man is this yeah ray charles said what kind of man is this yeah no this is a holy man telling you that this is our season to restart to reset so we can start amen all right i'm done uh uh let's prepare ourselves for our tithe and our offering on this morning whoo i still feel visions and dreams you gonna sleep well well with the mandate [Music] four ways to sow your seed [Music] wow down here praying lord search my heart while i'm down here praying lord search my heart oh while i'm down here praying god search my heart oh you know when i'm right you know for when i'm wrong [Music] you know whether i'm right or wrong [Music] text bethel beth02 844-888-9183 online giving cash app dollar sign bfwc515 or dow street durham north carolina 27701 cash app dollar sign general of warfare sale bloomer paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know when i ride [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight we open up the week with prayer fridays we close the week with prayer take a screenshot of this so you can be a part of this great prayer group that has prayed us through this year and almost 10 months after it's a blessed thing get your prayer requests on the altars prayer at get your prayer requests on the altars we're going to be believing god for great and mighty things a great outpouring of the holy spirit in the name of jesus remember on wednesdays we have the food giveaway here at bethel family worship center all right call if you ever need i know that when we help the needy sometimes we have to help the greedy but uh if you have a need we want to be a blessing to you we have now ministered to thousands we can say tens of thousands of families because of your faithful support in our food giveaway thank you so much i always wanted to do this and we're happy that we're able to do it now in the name of jesus four ways to sow your seed [Music] your teroma seed also give the priest a portion of your dough that he might consume it that the glory of the lord would not depart from your house and remember once again the conference is coming up and i want you to register to be a part of it i'm saying to all of bethel don't leave me here with visitors you be a part of this mighty move of god i know you will thank you so much in the name of jesus now may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the full fellowship of the holy spirit the comforter rest [Music] remain and abide with you until we meet again sweet dreams and sweet daydreams shall rest upon you as god gives you the ability to see tomorrow god bless you [Music]
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 918
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Spiritual Warfare, the word network, preaching, Td jakes, jamal bryant, bethel family, durham, north carolina, warfarecology, kevin williams, Zoe Ministries, Larry Reid, Spirits, The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, Oprah, Pastor Shirley Caesar, Manifesting, Manifestation, Shut Up I'm Manifesting, tikTok
Id: CBQcguCo9nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 53sec (4733 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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