πŸ…½πŸ…΄πŸ†† Pastor Michael Todd 2021 πŸ”₯ SPECIAL SERMON: "Stop Worrying And Start Living" πŸ”₯ MUST WATCH!

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oh it feels good in here tonight [Applause] high five your neighbor and say i'm glad to be sitting next to you what was that that all your promises was yesterday man where you at there's something right there all your promises are yes somebody needs to remember just all your promises are yes the reason that that messed me up sitting over here today is because i came in here two and a half years ago and i sat in that seat in the back right over there yep where you your head just turned not you but the one behind you yes you okay and i said over there and i was one year into being a pastor and i was frustrated with transition and i didn't know what to do and the holy spirit spoke to me sitting next to paul dougherty that i was called to this and to sit here 24 months later and to hear your pastor call me up onto the platform and to be able to have the opportunity to stand and speak the word of god in front of all of you all i can say is all your promises [Applause] some of y'all need to remember where you used to be and how god has been whooped he's been faithful you are not alone god is with you there is more ahead than there is behind lift it up and just say all your problems all your promises are [Music] so then you get victory something's happening in this place right now say hi it's all about you [Music] that every person in here father god is sitting and holding a miracle god it has been your faithfulness your goodness your hand of protection that has brought us to this place and tonight you will get all the glory tonight you will get all the praise father i thank you that in the next few minutes you would anoint my lips to be able to speak what you have said and the hearts of your people will be open and father in advance before we hear anything before you do another thing now we clap our hands we shout unto god with the voice of triumph and we tell you we love you come on church lift up the name that is above everything hallelujah oh something is happening they shouldn't have let me up here [Music] take a seat because i'll listen we're just gonna have to do a worship night soon what y'all think about that okay we're just gonna do a worship night soon we'll just let's make it on a random night let's like do tuesday night because real worshipers come any night of the week okay man i am so glad to be here with you tonight i honestly am so privileged and i thank god for uh this amazing opportunity um you guys have amazing leadership at this church pastor whit and heather are next level can we give it up for a mate oh y'all can do better than that they don't get this a lot they don't get this a lot like come on let them feel it in your come on sacrifice time effort energy family thank you thank you and to the meredith and um the man of god and the woman of god who this is all built on um i told whit i said it's amazing to see generational ministry the bible always talks about the god of abraham isaac and jacob and to be able to walk into this building and be able to see what pastor george and his beautiful wife have built um we honor them today can we give god praise for for the amazing leadership so um my name is michael todd i'm black in case you didn't know um i i leave one of the most amazing churches in this city transformation church hey i love you um those are my church members um i'm so glad because our heart is church unity um tonight i have so many people in the room that i love um but i gotta honor my wife um my wife natalie is sitting right here on the front row like people don't see her she down here can you put a picture up of my wife there she is [Applause] [Music] god bless you and i will bless you too um and then out of our love we've been together for a long time and we have three amazing kids we have um three kids under four um that's mj my son that's isabella and that's ava and she's four months and um these are um the light of my life i thank god for them and uh the real reason i showed you them is because statistics say you'll listen to me more if i show you pictures of my family so so now let's get into the word right now um i i really am going to talk to you tonight like i'm home like i didn't have to get on a plane and come here like me and your pastor we got to connect and so like i'm coming not like a guest speaker like i'm coming like pastor wit said go get him doll and so tonight the word is not light and fluffy it's a word that'll challenge you and help you grow tonight's word is probably what some of you weren't looking for but what you actually need and and tonight i really want our hearts to be open because tonight i'm talking about patience yo some of y'all like dang i came to the wrong service i said it came the second wednesday he's like um but tonight i'm talking about patience because that galatians 5 22 scriptures that talks about the fruits of the spirit you know that these are the things that the spirit wants to work in us and love joy peace patience kindness all of those things you know sometimes after you get out of um kids church or elementary school sometimes those things are kind of gimmicky and we don't let them sit in our hearts but i begin to at the end of last year really study the fruits of the spirit and god began to teach me on patience and that it's more of a necessity for the body of christ to to work and walk in patience in this day and hour than ever before and what's happening is we don't walk in patience because it's counter cultural we live in a microwave generation we live in a season where you should be able to think it see it click it have it and so when god talks about a process most of us go away from it because we don't want to have the time that it takes to really be able to be do and become what god has called us to become but tonight i want to give us a different view on patience funny story uh uh a couple of months ago i went to a store and i was i was looking for something pretty expensive and i went into this store a little boutique and they had it and i walked up and i said can i see that right there and they're like yeah and and she went behind the counter and pulled them out and put it there i said oh man that's what i wanted i would like to take two of those i said how much is it and she said um yeah this amount and i said oh great okay that's a little more than i wanted to spend but i'm gonna go ahead and do that and so i reached to pull out my wallet and get my card and she said oh i'm so sorry sir um we didn't only take certain forms of payment for certain items and i said ma'am what are you talking about she said there's some items in this store that are so valuable that we only take cash for them and i said ma'am it's 2017. there's no way that you're telling me right now that i can't pay for this and she said sir there's some items that take only a certain type of payment and i said fine and i left god's still working on me y'all just pray for them and i left and i got in the car and i was mad and i was frustrated i was like what in the world this she didn't take my car and the holy spirit began to whisper to me he said michael isn't it funny that there are some things in life that only take a certain type of payment and he said what if i tell you that there are things in your life that i want you to have places i want you to go connections that i'm gonna give you but the only payment is patience see for us that's something that's counter cultural because we want everything everybody say now but god said what if i'm gonna give it to you but it takes six more years because what i have for you is so great that the only payment for this is patience yeah i know you fine and you got your twitter and your instagram pop in and all your pictures is right and your makeup is on fleek but you still don't have a husband and you keep going around oh oh oh did i say it uh oh and you keep going from counterfeit to counterfeit and you keep doing all this stuff and god said wait work on yourself become the woman or the man of god i called you to be because i got him i got boaz back here but the only page for what i have for you is patience and yeah you are going to be that ceo and yeah you are going to have that business and yeah you are gonna run that church but what if the only payment for what i have for you is patience and what happens is many of us forfeit the promises of god because we won't develop the fruit of the spirit patience and i wrote this down and i i want us to kind of see because let me ask this question how many people in here like to wait on something like to wait put your hand down i don't know what you like to wait why because convenience is king in our culture i wrote down these thoughts we like things like the faster the better no wait time microwave meals drive through dreams high-speed internet wi-fi and it better be free wi-fi online grocery shopping on-demand entertainment hulu netflix who has a house phone nobody we have cell phones uber eats amazon prime shipping in two days if that's not fast enough amazon now they're in two hours deal dash instagram quicken loans the lottery ordering face time fad diet and the sad thing is these ideas of convenience have crept into the church and so we come in here and people would rather connection with the computer than accountability in community they would rather be seen than serve they would rather a platform than a process they want a moment of deliverance without discipleship they want success without stewardship they want likes more than they want lessons and they want wealth over wisdom and what i'm asking you is what if god is saying that i need you to wait on it what if what if what i really have for you is so good the promises is so for a specific time in your life that i need you to exercise patience and most of us we have a why wait mentality why wait why wait to have sex why wait to buy the house why wait to have kids why wait to get married and this is the thing why i think we wait because the promise is usually discovered in the process the promise that god has for us is usually discovered while we're going through the process and the process will always require patience so i'm challenging every person in here to come to another level to think about waiting on god differently than you ever have in your entire life because when god is asking you to wait it's not a punishment he's trying to give you the ability to have the payment for your purpose see you've been thinking about it all wrong like why would god do this to me instead of thinking thank you god for setting me up for all that you have for me and so i want you to write this this this first point down there are promises where the only payment is patience romans 12 12 says rejoice in our confident hope be patient in trouble and keep on praying my question is what are you doing trouble are you patient like like when the bills are due and god says trust me because you're a tither and you're you're faithful and you give i'm about to work a miracle for you but do you call and go get the loan because you didn't wait on god or when god asked you hey stay right there keep serving in the children's ministry and you're like oh my god lord my nerves i can't i i can't i can't take it like and and he says but but you don't realize that there's a promise that i'm trying to develop for you and if you keep working in patience right there some of y'all move from state to state city to city job to job and god's saying ain't nothing moving you just exercising cause the problem keeps going with you it's you you won't get patient and so what god is saying to us is maybe we need to start viewing waiting differently can we ask joseph because joseph was given the bomber jacket of many colors but it was 14 years before he ever got a platform in front of pharaoh would he have still said yes to god if he would have read the fine print of the contract like yeah the promise is there yeah one day you're going to control all of this but before that your brothers are going to sell you into slavery you are going to be hit on by this cougar who's crazy and she's going to be trying to press upon you and you're gonna be like i don't wanna do nothing she's gonna be like yes you are and then she's gonna tell her husband that you already did it and you get thrown into jail you get into jail you start interpreting dreams you say bro don't forget about me but when they get out they forget about you and then all of these things that happen do you understand what i'm saying but he was faithful and patient through the process somebody say process if he would have given up in year three and you're six on your 12 on year 13 he would have never seen the promise because there are some promises where the only payment is patience ask david david was not even invited to the party where samuel was anointing the next king of israel and they went and got him he got anointed and guess where he went not to the palace he went back to the pastor back to obscurity back to where nobody knew his name and that's what some of you are dealing with right now you know god's called you you know that you're here for purpose you know that you're gonna make an impact but nobody sees you and god says that's exactly where i want you because i want to build in you something that no man can take credit for i want to tell you who you are before everybody becomes a fan and it was 15 years before david was able to take his place in the kingdom i mean i i literally start to think of people like noah who god gave instructions to build a boat and start a zoo 50 plus years before it ever rained and he had to get up day after day holding on to the promise of god like many of you are getting up day after day saying god when is my child going to be saved and god said don't give up on the promise i know you just bailed them out for the 15th time out of jail don't give up on the promise i'm the same god that did it there and i'm the same god that's gonna do it here don't give up on i came to encourage somebody don't give up on the promise it has not worked yet but it's not over and so we have to develop this fruit of the spirit called patience because i literally think of it when you think of the fruits of the spirit patience and faithfulness are the only two fruits of the spirit that have a prerequisite of time like you can only tell if you're faithful if you do it over time and you can only be patient if time is a part of it and and that's why a lot of y'all in here are there any other promises that i can get without patience i mean which of and really to see the fullness of what god has for your life you have to develop the fruit of the spirit of patience and so when you get this hebrew 6 12 gives us a formula i don't know about you but i used to play video games street fighter was one of my games and i like cheat codes you understand what i'm saying i'm a holy but i like cheat codes and and and so i would get on street fighter and i'll do left left left a b a b a b a b a b and i knew that my codes would work if i did them i'm about to give you a formula to life right now and i want you to find it in hebrews 6 12 and this may make your life and your and and some of the situation you're facing a little easier it says we do not want you to become lazy but to imitate those who through faith and what's the word patience inherited what has been promised now for me when i look at the bible i'm like man they could have used another word i mean i know because i'm gonna be great and god's gonna do amazing things i know i'm probably gonna need faith but i'm gonna need faith in connections or i'm gonna need faith and charisma and i'm gonna need faith and god says you don't need all of that if you could get faith and patience you'll see the promise and i came to tell some people who are struggling and making excuses and saying things like well i just don't have the right connections or people don't know me yet or i don't know it god's saying you don't need none of that he said if you can get faith that i am the god who will supply all of your needs and you can wait on me somebody say wait on me if you can wait on me you will see the promise and it goes on in verse 13 to talk about abraham and in verse 15 it says that's how he obtained the promise and verse 15 says and so after waiting patiently abraham received what was promised i i want you to realize this that patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset that just disqualified 95 percent of the room because i'm waiting but i'm mad oh come on let's be honest i'm waiting i'm pissed if you i told y'all i'm home today okay like like like like if we start waiting but we're waiting with an attitude ask the children of israel how that worked out who turned an 11-day journey into a 40-year death because they they couldn't get the right attitude around waiting on god james 1 3 it tells us for you know that when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow and i love it so it says let it grow for when your endurance is fully developed you will be perfect and complete needing nothing when i begin to think about this if patience is a fruit of the spirit impatience must be a fruit of the flesh so every time that i'm impatient the holy spirit really begin to convict me because i have a little issue like when i'm in traffic and there's a raggedy car in front of me and they're going slow there are things that rise up out of me and i don't know if i'm the only one okay and i'm honking and i'm and i'm doing it my wife is like what calm down i'm like why wouldn't they move that and when i speed up then you want to speed up and when i slow down you want to slow down and then you know you have to do the international once you pass them you just like i don't know what that does like i'm not going to flip you off because i got the transformation church sticker on the back of my minivan but i'm gonna look at you and you're gonna feel like i cussed at you anyway but what god said is michael he said when you when you ask for patience when patience starts to work he doesn't magically zap you with patience he gives you an opportunity to be patient see what happens is you're looking at a lot of your delays and your frustrations as something that that is a nuisance but it actually is your growth agent and so when god says i'm gonna work impatience in your life he sends an annoying boss he said oh yeah some of y'all somebody just caught it but hey my god see he said when when god wants to work patience he gives you a child with your last name but with the spirit of the devil you understand what i'm saying but if you view it wrong you miss your opportunity to grow that annoying that annoying person or that frustrating situation god says stop looking at it like you're looking at it this is your growth opportunity you thought it was coming on a platform it's coming through pain you thought it was coming through somebody else it's coming through me it's coming through this and i'm telling you right now that i came to encourage church on the move and transformation church that the greatest annoyance in your life is about to be one of the things that god uses to elevate you one of the things that i've been keeping you frustrated god is going to use as we work patience and trying to somebody just say patience some people didn't even say it over here they're like i just want you to know that it kind of is a shoe-in that you're going to have to learn this because our savior our example jesus even had to learn patience some of you guys know when he was 12 he was ready for his purpose he was 12 years old he was ready he knew why he was here and one day he he got up and he started going to the synagogues and his brother was like don't you need to tell mom and dad that you're going he's i ain't got to tell mary and joseph nothing i'm the son of god and he he he started moving and walking and going and mary said where's jesus he's supposed to do this it's trash jesus jesus jesus chaos and jesus jesus jehoshaphat if you don't get over here right now mom what are you doing you know who i am you know i'm ready for purpose you know i'm the son of god you know i'm ready for elevation this is this is my time you know you didn't sleep with my daddy to have me [Applause] god but this is where you learn the wisdom of submission to authority because after that moment you don't hear from jesus for 18 years look it up it's from 12 to age 30 you don't hear about anything that jesus did he was in obscurity he was waiting patiently he was developing skills that nobody they called him a carpenter when did he learn that when he was patiently waiting see let me just give you a free nugget that your gifts don't matter if it's not time oh y'all didn't hear me like it don't matter how gifted you are if it's not time and then we hear about jesus at 30 and i want you to understand how valuable patience is jesus lived 33 years and he had 30 years of preparation for three years of a platform for three hours of purpose will you wait on god will you wait for the per promotion will you wait for the promise to come think about it 30 years of preparation for three years of a platform for three hours to say it's finished and god says my plan for you is bigger than your promotion my plan for you is bigger than what you desire my plan for you but i want you to have it and i got it before you were formed in your mother's womb i knew you i made you i got this thing that's better than anything you ever ever imagined but the only payment is patience and once we get this deep down in our heart and our soul everything changes but can i help you once you get this it's not automatic for the rest of your life pride will repossess the promise let me just help somebody cause somebody like i've been patiently waiting god brought me into the promise pride will repossess your promise i start thinking about first samuel when when when saul was in in a very very very hard position and and samuel the prophet came to him and said hey you wait here for seven days and and i know you got a lot of people in opposition you can look at it in first samuel 10. i don't have time to go through it but there's a lot of opposition but i'm giving you instructions you wait here wait patiently for me for seven days and i'll come back and i'll offer something up to the lord worship up to the lord and you will have victory and so saul's sitting there and saul was called anointed he was 30 years old and reigning saul gets a bad rap because his end was messed up but saul was really anointed and appointed by god in one season of his life and what happened is he forfeited 42 years of god's favor for about 40 minutes of impatience i'll prove it to you because some of y'all looking there confused first samuel and we'll look at verse 13 or chapter 13 verse 8. it says saul waited there for seven days for samuel as samuel had instructed him earlier but samuel steele didn't come saul realized that his troops were rapidly slipping away so he demanded bring me the burnt offering and the peace offering and saul sacrificed the burnt offering himself he did not wait on god he did it he moved and he did something prematurely justice saul was finishing up with the burnt offering samuel arrived saul went out to meet him hey hey what's going on sammy uh yeah and he said what have you done and he said well you know what end up what happened was i saw my men scattering from me and you didn't arrive when you said like you said you was gonna be here on the seventh day but i thought it was gonna be like you know right on the seventh day and he said so i told the philistines they were ready to come down and fight and we weren't ready and i didn't ask the lord for help so i felt compelled to offer the burnt offering for myself before you came how foolish samuel exclaimed you have not kept the command of the lord your god gave you you did not wait patiently have you kept it had you waited on me the lord would have established your kingdom over israel forever i want you to see what he lost because he couldn't wait his generations son after son after son would have ruled in this if he would have waited and he said but now your kingdom must end for the lord has sought out a man after his own heart the lord has already appointed him to be the leader of his people because you have not kept the lord's command can i tell you something that the lord shared with me he said anytime you come up with your own solution but it is not in submission to god's strategy it will become your sabotage i'm gonna say it one more time because that was good preaching you better preach michael okay anytime you come up with your own solution but it is not in submission to god's strategy it will become your sabotage i just came to challenge somebody who's about to make a business deal that god said wait on this may be for one person but i had to come and be obedient tonight somebody was about to give up on a friendship and god said no no no i'm working on them they need you here and god's god's saying wait on me patient you are about to give up on the dream there's a book inside of you a cd inside of you a website inside of you there's something god has in you and you are about and god says just wait on me you are about to sell over your rights to what god gave you for generational wealth you're about to give it to somebody for pennies and god said wait on me because the promise i have has come in the past but maybe the only payment is patience the last thing i want to leave you with is how you wait directly affects how long you wait yeah yeah because somebody's like well i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it can you bring me that towel right there dasha next to you yeah like like and so so this is what most people do okay i'll wait on you god and you see how uncomfortable some of you got that was 30 seconds of waiting but what if god asked you for 30 years of wedding and see again i bring back the children of israel they complained they they resurrected gods and idols and they they were bad to leadership they were frustrating they didn't do they didn't wait right and what i came to challenge all of you is that that god doesn't want you to wait in a manner where your attitude and your feelings are the thing that people see more than your obedience see people want their feelings to be to be acknowledged more than their obedience and god's saying how how long you wait remember the children of israel took an 11-day purity process because they once were slaves and god opened up seas they got to see nemo live in action they got to do all of that he did all of that and then they get into a place he was providing for them every day and he was he was giving them manna from heaven it wasn't the best but it was a miracle see you will literally count miracles as frustrating things when your perspective is wrong mana means what is it that means every day it fell from heaven they'd be like what is it and then and then and but it was it was feeding them but they looked at a miracle as a curse and were wishing to go back to what had them bound because they could not wait patiently and the thing god really began to deal with me he said michael how you wait is more important and i said god what do you mean he said it's not about how long you wait it's about how you wait i'm at your service scott what do you want me to do how much do you want me to give lord i'll do it yes some of you need to realize that god's gonna require more of you and you're gonna say at your service god you want me to keep serving in that area you want me to love that person father they're on my last nerve but yes i will and god's looking for a church that will stop acknowledging how frustrating the season is and know that god has got you right where you're supposed to be and if you can view it through the eyes of knowing that you have a good good father everything even the things that you hate are all working together for your good i had this culminate in an experience that me and my daughter had a few weeks ago she told me she was hungry and she said dad i'm starving and i just want to eat and she's four y'all and y'all pray for us cause she's coming into her personality and some days i don't know whether to laugh or just but she began to tell me how hungry she was and i'll just let you see it just play that little clip as we close we're trying to teach you patience right yeah and so you had to wait how was it waiting well it was not good so i was trying to wait so much but i couldn't i was just super hungry in my tumblr my time was rumbling so i couldn't wait till that place starts but you have to be patient but i was really hungry but but you weren't just hungry you ate gummy bears why'd you eat gummy bears well that's because i was hungry okay so next time you're gonna wait you're gonna be patient but after every day single day i get a tummy ache or i'm so hungry all day oh you're not hungry all day yes i am okay like right now okay we'll eat but but in different things you have to be patient okay [Music] why don't you you don't like to wait no why kind of hard it's hard to wait [Applause] but doesn't that sound like us it's so hard to wait she started blaming me she said you make it so slowly but doesn't that sound like us god you're doing it so slowly this beautiful little princess of mine had her father was preparing a meal for her but she settled for gummy bears on the table i want you to get this because she would not wait on her father to prepare the thing that would actually nourish her and i dare say that many of you are settling for the junk that's going to give you an instant high and drop you because you won't wait for your father to prepare what he has for you i'm coming to challenge the culture in us that says we gotta have it now we gotta have it now and maybe the promise is so great that the only payment is patience my final thought is the only thing harder than waiting on god is wishing you had and many of us sit after broken hearts and repossessed cars and broken relationships and it looks so much better to have waited afterwards and i think god brought me from the other side of town to just challenge somebody that the promise is coming to pass yeah yeah no god didn't forget about you yeah you've been through some crap he's got you though like like like like even though you tried to make your own way his grace factored in your mess-ups but now he's saying hey the only payment for this one is patience if you're in this place and you feel like there's some areas in your life that you need to be patient that god needs to work this fruit of the spirit in you i want you to stand because i want to pray with you right now this may not be for everybody but this is for a lot of you tonight yeah and and forget about everybody else this is just for you i believe god is about to do a deep work in you and if you could would you just lift your hands to receive father i pray for every person under the sound of my voice i declare father god that your promises for us are coming to pass father forgive us forgive me father god for moving prematurely forgive me for getting into that relationship out of timing forgive me father god for trying to make that business still happen when it wasn't you forgive me father god for making plans and then asking you to bless them god i'm coming to you today with my family and god we're saying we're sorry and i thank you today that you're taking us and teaching us the fruit of the spirit of patience god i thank you that your still small voice would guide us and lead us and god i thank you that as we now see opportunities to be patient that we would take them and know that we're getting stronger because it is through faith and patience that we will receive the promise and we thank you for it in jesus name somebody say we agree amen can we give god some praise in this place thank you so much for allowing me to share with you tonight god bless you thank you brother give him a big hand clap come on lift it up praise god man praise god would you be seated just for a moment [Music] you know as i think about this this this is an amazing night this is an amazing start and i'm going to hold you to that worship night we're going to hold you to that we're going to do that that's going to be awesome but as i was thinking about it there's one promise that i know of that we don't have to wait on today is the day of salvation now is the time for salvation if you don't know the lord you may have come in here with friends tonight you may have just come to check this out i hate to close out any service without giving someone an opportunity to accept jesus so i'm going to lead you in a prayer if you'll pray this prayer mean it with your heart commit your life to christ he will take you and begin you on a journey where you'll see the rich blessings that our brother was talking about tonight all of you and here are most of you in here believe in what we're doing i want you to pray it out loud with us would you bow your heads close your eyes pray this with me say dear father thank you for sending jesus i believe that jesus took my place paid the price for my sin i believe that you raised him from the dead that i might go free that i might experience freedom jesus i receive you as my lord and savior and i thank you for coming into my heart in jesus name amen now if you pray that prayer i'm going to ask you to take one more step in the seat back in front of you there's a little card there that says i have decided would you take a moment and fill out that card and then when the service is over if you'll bring it out into the lobby we have an i have decided table out there and if you're sitting in a row that doesn't have a seat back in front of it and you just made that decision just come out to that i have decided table out there we'd love to put some resources in your hands that will help you grow we want to help you in this process we want to walk with you in just a few short days my friends easter is coming i challenge each and every one of us to get people to come with us to this most important service we have a bunch of cards in the back we have invites we have posters we have all kind of things that you can use to begin to tell your friends and family let's get them involved would you do that for me and by the way new you new purpose part two will be coming right here this weekend pastor willie george will be here to teach that so we're excited about all that would you stand up with me i want you to grab the hand of the person next to you we're to do something different as we leave tonight i'm going to pray for us and i'm going to pray that what god has begun here tonight will continue it'll continue to grow in this family relationship that we have begun will only get better in the coming days lord in jesus name we thank you so much
Channel: God's Promises
Views: 1,167,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Todd 2021, Michael Todd, Mike Todd 2021, Michael Todd Sermons, Michael Todd Sermons 2021, Michael Todd February 2021
Id: 1kJdkw65NLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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