Interview Series - Dr. Jamal Bryant - Ending

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I only throw some names at you and you just said as the last question who named you throwing I'm thoughts I'm nervous I'm gonna throw some names at you and tell me what you think Bill Cosby trapped in a book of Malachi he's broken the law and no one's offered grace is a terrible thing to be an inner testamental period when you in last John he only got a few years left name is off to university petition two hundred thousand bars national fishes star fame and you are now being held accountable rightly so but regrettably so in your late 70s in the season where you should be looking at highlight tapes I do not know no pun intended if Bill Cosby will be afforded the luxury to rest in peace he's in a living purgatory al Sharpton how Sharpton his is a classically trained opera singer with wounded and ruptured lungs you sing classical music you know vibrato you know your diaphragm but if you keep singing at that pitch your strength can't maintain regrettably for Reverend Sharpton he's had to sing solo acapella for so long his voice doesn't have the same strength something amazing happened some years ago I was did a banquet for the n-double-a-cp Reverend Jesse Jackson was the speaker old sainted woman from the movement leaned over to me and she said do you know where Reverend Jackson's problem is I said no ma'am she said he's lived too long we don't know how to retire leaders we only know how to bury you so REM Sharpton is his lived longer than his office has given him insurance for so there's a lapse I was going to say Jesse Jackson Knicks but I guess you answered that unsung hero but never get us do Eddy long Bishop Eddie Long has left the body in a very vulnerable place and no greater forgiving people than black Christians but we don't know how to forgive without a confession we love them I want to see them do well but we don't know how to approach it and I'm speaking in generality when there's been no ownership this your bride John Richard Bryan good the MVP everything I learned how to do right in manhood in ministry I learned from John Bryan everything I've done wrong I learned her mouth 47 years of married to the same woman no outside children no scandal no woman ever called our house knocked on the door to model integrity that I'm never in all of my years heard my father cuss I is a model of manhood I can only be in all hold on be something to say no matter how high I get I'll always look up to you yes sir John Bryan is to me Floyd's lately is my closest realization of Adam Clayton Powell Wow to actually see ministry in the marketplace to not preach it but to be a practitioner of it I'm a fan of Floyd flame I want to throw some young names out why she say younger yeah listen engage probably the most brilliant biblical mind in the body who was born too late he is a critical man absent of technological savvy and so the rawness of his presentation you can't tweet him you can't Instagram that the messages that listing page preaches requires a cassette tape need to rewind that did he doesn't preach in sound bytes I and so he's he's classic because he's out of his time brain cards Brian Khan is a walk-on player for the NBA haven't gone to school but extremely gifted and has incredible opportunity that is only matched by incredible temptation so you'll only go as far as his discipline will allow but his gift will take him around the world and back Noel Jones no Jones is the Billy Dee Williams of the gospel smooth this man on the planet and is just brilliant charming charismatic reserved and a word my generation doesn't know a gentleman T Jake's TT Jake's is Wikipedia you could not introduce him and give the affordance of what he does it is the eighth wonder the world somebody with a high school diploma has seven New York Times bestsellers the most prominent preacher in America black or white done plays done movies won Grammys now has a talk show and has maintained his brand publicly publicly I'm in all of you can you can't put them in a box Jessica look tasker lied is positioned for Global Witness the world has gone global the church is still colonial I and so we don't really preach from a global perspective jazz coming out of Trinidad now in the nation's capital is on the front line and will be known around the world for being a global ambassador of the gospel Neil Ellis Neil Ellis I think is you have to hitch to the analogy of jazz will have a global impact but may not have American acclaim is that it is amazing the greatest black actors I now British and have learned the accent and can take on American roles but they had to come here in order for that craft to be shown I think that the gift in the anointing or Neil Ellis is undeniable but whatever he does in America next will really put the stamp on what he does George bloom has the problem of many kids in the wrong school is that George bloomer will not do as far as he can if he doesn't find a challenge that he can get bored where years and do well but he will fight against mediocrity because nobody is challenging him and that's how you play word chest I just saw her maid interview I appreciate it
Channel: AcesHighStudios
Views: 138,657
Rating: 4.7069306 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant, The Interview Series, Farrakhan, Arrogant
Id: q1hn_OoMwzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2015
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