"Five Powerful Prayers to Pray" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection devine women are powerful tools in the hand of God we are ruled by grace and love we have become a force on earth that influences the world we live in Charisse Franklin and define want you to join us the boots on the ground a three-day Women's Conference from sea to shining sea join us in Gainesville Georgia this September 18th through the 20th as we welcome special guests Lisa Bevere Beverly warmer ins and Jensen Franklin and an Irvine California this October 2nd through the 4 with special guests Lisa Bevere Wendy treat and Jensen Franklin boots-on-the-ground tickets and information are available online now at divine conference org register today I want to give you five prayers to pray this week real quick and I that God can speak to you and he can bless you if you will release your faith for these five things I almost felt like I wanted to give advice to especially young people and to college students and businesspeople you know that listening to me God has a plan for your life and there are five things that I want to give you today that are necessary for that plan to be fulfilled that God has for your life you might want to jot them down you might want to pull out your iPhone and take notes and really do it don't be don't be checking your grocery list really do it but I want to give you quickly some thoughts and they all begin with a P so that it would be easy for you to remember how to pray this week first thing I want you to pray about is I want you to get God's perspective on your life and on what you're facing right now God's perspective it's what the Prophet said to the servant when the servant came running in to Elisha and he said we're surrounded by the Assyrians they're coming from every direction what are we gonna do what are we gonna do and he said God opened his eyes in other words change his perspective he's looking at the enemy but God if you'll open his eyes he'll see the big picture he'll get God's perspective and when God opened his eyes he looked at the same situation but this time he saw the enemy but he also saw a band of angels coming down from the heels in Chariots of Fire and he wasn't surrounded by the Assyrians God had the enemy surrounded and was about to deliver them into their hand you're either looking at the enemy or you're looking at the angels you're looking at the problem or you're looking at the promises and one thing that we need if we're going to live a victorious powerful life is the right perspective you have to see what God sees No what you're going through don't get your eyes on the littleness of your problem he's working all things there's a big picture to every trial to every challenge to every adversity we go through there's a big picture and he's working all things together for the good to them that are called according to his purpose perspective is important and pray every day God showed me the big picture show me and help me to keep seeing the big perspective of what you see not just the temporal situation that is that is causing me to be fearful and worried get God's and see God's perspective number two be a person a prayer if you want victory in your life you got to constantly pray Lord open my eyes and let me see the best and let me see the good and let me see the bigness of what your plan and purpose is for my life secondly you got to be a person a prayer be prayerful what other people call a coincidence when we pray coincidences happen when we don't they don't happen would you repeat that after me when we pray coincidences happen when we don't pray they don't happen and that's why you need to take on the push philosophy in your prayer life push stands for pray until something happens because when we pray coincidences happen what a coincidence that I was needing the car and somebody gives me a car or I find a great deal on a car what a coincidence has come to some people's lives and other people never have them and I am convinced that I could stand up here and tell you time after time after time when I have prayed for the very thing and God made it come into my life be prayerful everybody say be prayerful don't quit praying pray until something happens push don't just pray a day don't just pray a week don't just pray a month but pray until something happens gain God's perspective see the big picture see what God sees number two be prayerful be a person of prayer and then number three you have to you have to develop your potential God has given every one of you amazing potential but that does not mean that you will reach your potential there is a Japanese fish called the koi KO I fish the koi fish is an amazing fish because it is majorly influenced by its environment let me tell you what I mean do you know that they can take a koi fish and put it in a small fish tank and that koi fish will not grow any bigger than four inches but if you take that same fish out of the fish tank and put it in a larger fish tank it'll grow eight inches if you take it and put it in a pond it'll grow 18 inches even though it stayed the same size as long as it was in the smaller fish bowl and if you take it out of the pond and put it into a lake it will grow 42 inches the point is this it has every koi fish has the potential to be 42 inches long but many of them only grow to 4 inches because of the environment that they are kept in and the same is true for us we have enormous potential but if you don't ever get exposed to greater things and ever get challenged to greater things and if all you do is stay a small fish in a small bowl instead of getting around people that are smarter doing more of doing bigger things stretching you causing you reach and use your faith and equip yourself you have enormous potential the Bible puts it like this the same power that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you so don't live in a fishbowl when God has greater things for you do you know that there was a there was a an ice factory that caught on fire and yet they had to call the firefighters to come put the fire out even though they had at the ice factory all the h2o that they needed the problem was all of its assets were frozen and I'm saying to you that you have enormous potential but as long as what you have is not being challenged and it's frozen and it's not being released you cannot be what God intended you to be everybody say God release my potential release my potential you have huge potential be prayerful then pray God release my potential God keep challenging me let me move from faith under faith from victory under victory don't let me settle for a little fishtank when you have greater things from me and bigger things for me but always be enlarging they always be releasing my potential get God's perspective see the big picture be prayerful I want you to believe for God to release huge potential in you and number four be positive when David saw Goliath he had two possible reactions he could have ran out and said he's so big I got a run for my life but instead he ran out and he said he's so big there's no way I can miss that big corn-fed bigger headed fool I'm gonna take him out with a rock be positive be incredibly positive I'll tell you you'll stand out in life if bill and Sue have a problem and Bill and Mary have a problem and Bill and Jack have a problem and Bill and Sam have a problem bill is the problem and anytime I've learned this about negative people if you see somebody hanging out with negative people all the negative people go to this person it's because that person is a negative person you can count it you mark it down it's always true that's alone you attract what you are be positive positive things happen don't get down don't get discouraged don't get depressed don't get suicidal don't give up don't it doesn't matter how life changes and what seasons happen be positive be positive incredibly positive then I want to say number 5 expect God's provision expect your God's provision because God owns everything say man I'm telling you when I started out I didn't have nothing I was broker than the 10 commandments I didn't have I didn't have anything but I have learned that God owns it all there was a man in an airport and he was waiting on his flight and he had some time and it wasn't real hungry he just wanted a little snack so he got him a cup of coffee and bought him a little bag of of little doughnuts and he started to sit down he couldn't find a table all the tables were full and there was only one table in the little area and he walked over as many times you probably done this if you've been on been in the airport and it's not uncommon for somebody you don't even know to be sitting at one end of the table and and you said at the other end and this guy he walks over with his coffee sets it on the table takes his coat off puts it on the chair sets his bag down and sits down in the chair takes the lid off takes a sip Coffee pulls out his newspaper reaches over and grabs the bag of doughnuts and takes a doughnut out it starts eating it and sipping his coffee and all of a sudden the guy on the other end of the table reaches his hand across the table into the man's bag of doughnuts and takes a doughnut and smiles and starts eating one of the doughnuts well I have never in my life can you believe the audacity of this jerk eating my doughnut so the man grabs the bag of the doughnut and pulls it all the way to the edge and turns his body to send a body posture message as if to say you leave my doughnuts alone and he straightens his newspaper and reaches in and eats another doughnut and all of a sudden the man stands up stretches all the way across the table grabs another doughnut out smiles at the man and takes another bite and starts eating another doughnut he cannot believe in he really wants to fight him and and say something to him but he is pretty obvious the guy must not all be there he is one banana short of a fruit basket is something's not right with this felon he may be violent so he holds his peace but he's really ticked and after the guy eats his second doughnut he stands up and grabs his stuff and and walks off to catch his flight and the guy want you doughnut thief he's thinking what a jerk you are and then he notices the time it's time for his flight so he stands up and puts his coat on and starts to reach down to pick up his bag and when he does on top of his suitcase is his bag of doughnuts I'll wait on you he thought the man was taking from him when really the man was sharing because the donuts were not his he had all the doughnuts and he was sharing his doughnuts with a smile with a jerk now I want to make the point here it is God owns all the doughnuts what do you mean you won't one out of my 10 doughnuts God owns we look at God like he's some kind of freak and saying give me 1 out of 10 I give you 10 doughnuts every week all I want in return is one doughnut God come on say it with me God owns all the doughnuts if he wants to he can take all the doughnuts off your plate and just walk away but he's a good god and he keeps blessing you and blessing you and you eat five six seven eight nine doughnuts and then you say that's too much to give to the one who owns them all you eat and eat and eat and all you have is the crumbs off the Krispy Kreme and when the offering bag comes by you do like that when God owns it all he owns it all we're supposed to give him all of our time all of our talent all of our treasure what does that mean that means that that we're just stewards of it and Lord I put you first in these areas of my life what I'm saying to you that it's more than mouth service that if you want him to be your provider if you will put God first he will bless your life and all of these things will follow you there are five questions that you need to ask if you want to know if Jesus is first in your life if you want to know if he's first in your no no playing games this morning we all say he's first I love him if he is not first in these areas of your life he is not first in your life and let's use the word first F IR s T is he first in your finances four out of the scripture said for where a man's Treasury is there his heart will be is he first in your finances don't say he's first if he's not first in your finances do you honor him with the tithe do you honor him with your giving do you honor him this is not a commercial this is not a preacher asking for your money this is the Word of God 16 out of 38 parables that Jesus taught dealt with money dealt with stewardship dealt with what you do with your resources because he understood the love of money is the root of all evil and the tenth commandment is thou shalt not covet which is another word for covet is materialism there's nothing wrong with having things but God does not want you to worship things he wants you to put him first and we are stewards of everything that he gives us he owns all the donuts is he first in your the I the elf is finance is he first in your interest in your interest the I in first I mean what are you interested in what what what preoccupies your whole week what what are you what kind of books and magazines and stuff and how much time do you spend is he a major part of your interest if he's not a major part of your interest if you don't have interest in him all week long he's not first in your life if you if you've got eight hours for Facebook and in seven hours for this in three hours for that and all of these interests that we have but somehow Jesus gets lost the trunk he's first in your finances he's first in your interest he's first in your relationships the R stands for relationships in the in the letters of first is he first in your relationship is he first do you put him first do you just date anybody you won't and it has nothing to do you say with your spiritual life that is not making Jesus first be not unequally yoked with unbelievers and if he's not first in your relationship he's not first in your life well I'm going to flirt to convert and that he's a heathen but but I believe I can just flirt and convert and he'll get saved that's not what the Bible teaches I don't care how many muscles he has I don't care how good she looks I don't care how rich they are I don't care how pretty they are if they don't love Jesus Christ you have no business being with them first in your finances first in your interest first in your relationships first the S stands for in your schedule what's your schedule like what's your day like if he's not in your day if he's not in your schedule if there's no prayer time if there's no Bible reading if there's no feeding of your spirit if there's nothing that hardly acknowledges God all week long all you are is a it is a true Christian you you have him in the car in the trunk and you pull him out happy hour every Sunday morning I'm telling you that he will affect your schedule every day there ought to be a prayer place every day there ought to be time spending the word did you know that if you read the Bible 15 minutes a day you can read the entire Bible through every year it doesn't take huge amounts of time but it's just scheduling it in and saying I must read the Bible and I must pray these are important things and if you'll do it if you'll read the word the word will read you and dusty Bibles lead the dirty lives and if you'll read this book it'll clean you it'll cleanse you it'll sanctify you it'll set you free it'll help you it'll strengthen you and you may not need that word that you read that morning you it may mean are that night when you go to bed and you open it up it may mean nothing to you you just read it but the next day at about three o'clock when all hell's breaking loose and the Holy Spirit of remind you of the very words you read last night no weapon formed against you shall prosper and suddenly a confidence comes because you've had him in your schedule and then lastly boy this may be the biggest test of whether or not God is first in your life the T in the word first stands for is he first in your trouble what do you do in trouble comes do you turn to a bottle do you turn to appeal do you turn to screaming do you turn to anger do you turn to depression do you turn to fear and worry and anxiety the real sign that Jesus is first in your life you you meet someone who he's first and it's not that they're exempt from trouble but when trouble comes they know who to run to I will lift up my heat my eyes unto the hills from which cometh my help I'll run and cling to him in trouble my first salt is not the bank my first thought is not the doctor my first thought it's not this or that my first thought is Jesus who do you run to in trouble that's a real sign of whether or not he's first and if he's first then you get his perspective you'll see what he sees if he's first you'll be prayerful if he's first you realize that you have huge potential if he's first you'll be positive and if he's first you will see his miraculous provision because he owns all the donuts and when he's first he will bless you in ways that will astound you so I'm speaking that over your life and I'm telling you pray this this week God make me positive God let me see from your perspective let me see what my natural eye is not focusing on let me see what you see God show me things show me Lord show me how to be prayerful let me be prayerful this week let me be positive let me be Oh God see that provision that I know you have I'm telling you if you'll pray it God can do it I don't believe any of you are here by accident today I believe today can be the most significant day as it was in the first service in many people's lives if you will turn your life over to Jesus Christ if you will make him first if you will say Lord you don't deserve a second place a back seat a trunk or out on the side of the road hitchhiking but I want you to be my sovereign Lord I will put you first in my life I'm telling you if you'll do that you'll see the potential and the miracle that God has for your life if you believe that say man I want to pray with you today as you are watching this program I don't believe it's by chance I believe in Kingdom connections I believe that God can can know what you're going through and send a preacher into your life to speak a message that speaks to that situation in your life and I believe why you've been listening today that God has done that in your life so why not open up your heart why not why not just start all over today and give your life completely to Jesus Christ sell out maybe you never prayed that prayer I want to pray with you right where you are you can experience the power and presence of Jesus Christ he always comes where he's invited so open up and invite him pray this prayer say Lord Jesus I give you my life I surrender everything to you forgive me cleanse me of my sins through your precious blood I receive it by faith I believe in you I believe you died and rose again and I believe you've come to live in me today with me you'll never leave me you'll never forsake me in Jesus name that's a powerful name in Jesus name and I speak healing and health over your body today if you're sick just be healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ amen life has a way of weighing us down we want to live in life's full of hope and joy but the problems we face often lead only the hopelessness but we can overcome God offers a promise instead of a problem all we have to do is pray in faith and watch as he opens our eyes to his supernatural promises because everything changes you get God's perspective in his new message five powerful prayers to pray Jenson Franklin reveals that God has given us a formula for prayer that can touch the heart of God don't just pray a day don't just pray a week don't just pray a month but pray until something happens request Jenson Franklin's new product the five powerful prayers to pray action plan including this powerful message and a five week focused prayer journal it's time to release your faith and start praying these powerful prayers as you do you will see your life change and the power of God revealed in your life request the five powerful prayers to pray action plan today over six years ago God led me to come and begin a church here in Orange County free chapel Orange County we've seen that church explode and now thousands of people call free chapel home I'm standing in the Bren Center at the University of California and Irv right here in Orange County and we are believing that God is going to give us a harvest in this room as a matter of fact on September the 21st at 6:00 p.m. we're coming together as a church family all of our services and all of our people are coming but we're opening up free of charge to all of the community my friend is we're hoping multi Grammy Award winner will be leading and worship that night along with our free Chapel team I'm going to be preaching a special message and I know that God will touch you and bless you if you're here tell everybody you can bring everybody you can I'll see you right here at the Brent center at the University of california-irvine September the 21st 6:00 p.m. is gonna be awesome this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast go online at Jenson Franklin dot o-r-g
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 433,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: 4c2oe9-1mVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 08 2014
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