The Power Of Being UNBOTHERED Part 2!

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create a plan to manage your stress because life will throw many twists turns at you and you will be little kimming your way through everything trying to dodge every little thing what's happening here [Music] hi angels welcome back to my channel welcome to my channel we have gotten a couple more subscribers here we are very much in line with our next goal of 200k guys i know that we could do it because after 1 30 it's like basically 150. yadda yadda thank you so much for taking time out of your day to watch me today to watch any of my videos on any day i love you guys more than you'll ever know for those of you that don't know me hello my name is aisha christina welcome to the a-team babe guys this is unbothered part two unbothered part one did beyond my expectations i mean wow i kind of had a twist to how i wanted to discuss this so this is the unbothered personal development approach five ways to be unbothered in your everyday life because i know talk a lot about dating on here and that will never change but it's also important to know how to incorporate these tips into your everyday life so to begin with there are many things in life that we get all up in arms about so i've been thinking about unpacking what it takes to discover myself to help people discover their selves and their purpose and things of that nature and also taking the time out to prioritize the things that i am passionate about and i want to make note of the fact that when you are in your passion and when you find your purpose you will find yourself to be unbothered in more ways than none so boom here we are going to discuss how to cultivate being unbothered in your everyday life determine what you can control take a minute to examine the things that you have control over there will be many situations many things that happen to you just and unjust please believe me when i tell you this process of self-discovery is hard it's tedious for a reason i say this a thousand times it's not easy but you have to do it you cannot prevent a storm from coming but you can prepare for it you can't control how someone else behaves but you can control how you react and recognize that sometimes all you can control is your effort and your attitude so when you put your energy into things that you can control you will be more effective and proactive in your life at being unbothered because think about a time where you were busy someone may have called you with some nonsense and you're just i i don't have the bandwidth nor the mental capacity to even tap in to what it is that you're saying because i can't care i have a lot going on right now i'm focused right now i don't want to i don't want to get into the zone with that stop trying to fix people stop trying to fix people please please take my advice on this there will be people that you love the guys that you want to be with friends that you deeply care about you will see their issues you will want to help them because you are coming from a place of love we all as human beings want to see the people that we care about that you know that we love do better be better be healthy but we have to have the understanding that everyone is on their own path and it's difficult to really actually accept that all of these things are easier said than done believe me when i tell you especially as it pertains to all of our relationships it's very difficult to not get so invested in someone else's issues it's hard to unsubscribe to someone's issues when you care about them but you have your own stuff going on think about this i'm guaranteeing right now if you're watching this it's for a reason i'm guaranteeing that this is a sign that you definitely need to see this we need to understand our influence so yes we can influence things in a certain direction in a certain way but never force things to go your way please believe me when i tell you from experience force tactics don't work they don't work on me they don't work on you think about a time where someone a friend a parent anyone has forced you to do something whether that may be passive aggressively or even you know outright aggressively and forthcoming it doesn't make you want to do it anymore even if it's something that you're supposed to be doing nobody likes forced tactics no one and it's also equally as important to not fix people that don't want to be fixed because that is very huge we get so sucked into other people's problems and these people don't want help they don't you could be absolutely 100 right and someone will still not see your perspective that individual will still have an opinion of you that is false and there's nothing you can do to change it and it's hurtful but it happens so what be unbothered i tried i gave it my all i'm done and be okay with that part of growing into yourself discovering yourself is having the understanding that you may be right about something and it's still not enough you will really care and put yourself out on a limb for someone and it's still not enough so all this giving giving giving and investing that we're doing putting into other people and we're ignoring ourselves we need to be unbothered in our everyday lives by focusing on our purpose and our passion and instantly dropping and aborting mission for whatever doesn't work and not trying to keep tapping in continuously circling the drain because i get it first time we learn it's not enough second time you learn let's try it again third time we learn okay let's chill let's reel it in now fourth fifth sixth time to infinity and beyond we have to stop stop trying to fix people this is major in being unbothered in your everyday life let whoever do whatever let people do what they want to do so you could see what they would rather do you're not wrong for maybe wanting to share your you know perspective on something that somebody you care about maybe doing something that you don't approve of or maybe you want to help them but also don't demonize them for being differently or behaving differently than you do because we tend to do that too oh i can't believe this person do it even if the individual is wrong let them be wrong let life teach people life is the biggest teacher of all let life do it if you know that you're right about something whatever is in the dark will come to the light and people that are victims people that are extremely jaded they always always push away people that are more pure and they invite darkness into themselves they invite chaos into themselves and they have an extreme cognitive dissonance from what it is that they're doing they don't see it they don't see that they're repeating the pattern because what it does is it enables them to continue to be jaded and this is why i act like this and this is why i believe this and that they don't really want change because to cultivate change you have to start at some point with a clean slate stop trying to fix people identify your fears what are you afraid of what happens if something doesn't go your way why are you so emotionally invested in someone something to the point of it controlling your every decision and taking up so much emotional real estate and again i know that this is easier said than done but you have to stop the only way out is through almost all of the time identifying these fears will allow you to strategize so that you don't allow your emotions to control you and fold with unfavorable outcomes i mean to master this is something that i'm still working on being attached to nothing and connected to everything yes attached to nothing connected to everything oh that didn't really go my way okay that's fine and at first you're not really going to think of things that way you're going to be like no that really bothered me this is this and this and this this is adulthood baby this is growth honey do you want to be right or do you want to be happy it's up to you not everyone's going to agree with your perspective not everyone's going to do what you expect them to do everyone is in their own head thinking of what they need to do for themselves and this is not to be pessimistic and say everyone is selfish but naturally people are more self-serving because we all are trying to do what's best for ourselves but of course there has to be a balance in all the things that we do we shouldn't do everything out of selfish gain however for the most part fundamentally we are all trying to survive life get through life and at best do it without hurting others without stepping on other people without demonizing other people for not believing in what we believe in or doing things in the way that we want or not forgiving people because they didn't do what we expected them to do because a lot of these things say way more about us than it does of other people people are gonna disappoint you it's life you can't escape without these heartaches and heartbreaks this is where the character is built this is where your self-esteem is built because you need to be tried you need to be tested to see if you can endure this is how you become wise what are you afraid of nobody likes rejection nobody i don't care who you are nobody likes rejection no one wants to invest their time being friends with someone and it doesn't work out no one wants to invest their time on a project and their manager doesn't even give at the time of day nobody wants to be in a relationship and figure out that this person wasn't who they thought they were nobody wants to do that but all we can do is move forward and move on so ask yourself what happens if this doesn't go my way how can i train my brain to genuinely be okay with these unfavorable outcomes if there are any create a plan to manage your stress because life will throw many twists turns at you and you will be little kimming your way through everything trying to dodge every little thing what's happening here i'm scared exercising eating healthy getting plenty of sleep these are just a few easy free things that you need to do to take care of yourself and i understand we all channel our stress in different ways for me exercise is a very emotional thing i do enjoy exercising and channeling my stress my frustrations in that way do i do it 100 of the time no but i do resort to that most of the time figure out how to manage your stress because sometimes we like to tap back on in to whatever is hurting us trying to analyze that when let's be honest here we have things that we need to work on for ourselves but it's all too easy and much more satisfying to our ego to figure out well why did she say that at the board meeting i don't even understand what she meant by that and well i don't understand why he's not texting me back but he watched my story like all these things that don't what about you what about you i think it's important to find healthy stress relievers like meditation learning a new hobby or even spending time with your family your friends and you have to make the time to manage your stress so that you can operate more efficiently you have to because you never know when it's gonna happen you never always know how it's going to happen but it will happen pay attention to your stress level and notice how you cope with distress do you resort to overeating do you shut down that's my method i tend to shut down and i believe that's because i in a happy state i am so you know extroverted and you know outgoing and things of that nature so when i am going through stress i tend to shut everything down and i just need the solitude to myself and you have to identify this so that you can eliminate the unhealthy coping mechanisms like complaining or drinking too much what is your vice because you can't change it if you don't address it and a lot of the times you're gonna realize in this journey of self-discovery being a quality queen being refined that some people live their lives permanently numbing themselves they never tap in and that just shows how deep their pain really is because i am such a reflective person and i love people and i'm always trying to understand people and what makes them how they are i look at situations so much more different now i don't jump to anger initially because i'm able to identify where this person is coming from to the best of my ability and why they did what they did why they reacted the way that they did why they perceived a certain situation the way that they did why we are miscommunicating the way that we are and you start to separate that from what's actually being done and you start to almost i don't want to say pity but you start to have more empathy for the individual that created the offense figure out where you are giving your energy where are you giving your energy that could be placed elsewhere so if you are someone that is easily angered and annoyed that usually stems from a deeper issue and you will start to hate yourself and resent yourself and overall this is going to affect and be reflected in all of your dynamics it's so simple to go where you're celebrated and do things that you genuinely love to do but because life is full of twists and turns what is your reaction gonna be like when you have to do something that you don't want to do in service of the bigger picture all of these things matter in how you become unbothered in your daily life because to me a lot of this stems from lack of passion and purpose when i think about where i am specifically right now certain things that i may have gone through that may be similar to things that i've gone through previously my reaction is much different and i'm able to identify that because of the fact that i have grown so the same thing goes for you if you were tested with the same situation how are you going to react differently where are you going to choose to expend your energy okay before you know let's say you spent all day stalking you know this guy's ig trying to figure out where he is what he's doing what he's doing all right maybe you spend half a day doing it okay this is progress this is growth you know something like that figure out where you are spending your energy because i can guarantee you you were doing this as a coping mechanism and you should be doing something else life goes on no more wasting it on people who don't want to be in our lives people that are determined to demonize us people that have fixed opinions on us and we want to change it but we can't who cares i don't care i don't care more than i'm cared for i don't care what this individual's opinion of me is i know who i am i know what it is that i wouldn't wouldn't do i know my friends know people that actually matter they know and that's on that so you always want to operate from a place of understanding and tap into your passion and your purpose in order to be unbothered in your everyday life so angels that is the end of this video i hope that you guys have enjoyed it let me know what other suggestions you guys have in the comment section below again thank you guys so much for all my new subscribers we are on the road to 200k with that being said do not forget that i love you and god loves you and i'll see you angels in my next video
Channel: Asha Christina
Views: 64,921
Rating: 4.9840579 out of 5
Keywords: quality queen, quality queen control, Feminine, Femininity, personal development, law of attraction, purpose, finding your purpose, motivation, motivational speech, school of affluence, loa
Id: n1XhDfoQzeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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