This is Why Men REALLY Come Back

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hello angels welcome back to my channel welcome to my channel for all many subscribers hello everyone my name is Asha christina very nice to meet you we're gonna start off by saying you should subscribe to this channel like today like right now so what I want to start doing is a featured comment of the day so that comment will come from the previous video these people have serious issue late night Lance the typical cheating chase don't define anything Devin yet communicate Cory today's featured comment of the day Asia gaslighting Greg color struck Curtis and dusty the quante and edward the excuse her look what I saw this I was crying I was like what this is so funny if you guys would like the chance to be the comment of the day then be sure to comment down below and this a big sweet say something funny it gave me anything it's just something that sticks out to me also while you are at it be sure to follow me on Instagram that'll be over here and also do not forget to sign up for my mailing list V a list where you will receive my free guide that I have curated for you guys about my top tips on how to be a quality Queen also my mailing list that will keep you updated on all the things that I'm doing like the launch of my podcast which is coming very soon I don't think it's possible that I can be excited about anything more I'm so excited I can't even put into words and also guys we have a new goal here on this channel okay angels listen up this is a sisterhood we are a family now our next goal is going to be 200k guys so if you like my content be sure to give it a thumbs up that definitely helps me make sure that you're commenting I love to engage with you guys I'm very responsive to a lot of you and be sure to share it with whoever you think needs to see it or whatever you think it could help with that being said let's get right on into this video I Seve so many questions all the time on why guys goes why is this that's this I figured this is the perfect time to discuss why guys decide to come back number one he is testing your limits yes he's priming you for the nightmare of your life the roller coaster that you do not want to get on and guys do this because they want to see okay let's see okay I am really responsive to her I don't do anything really for her and more than likely if I hit her up again she'll still answer me and we do because for one it soothes our ego to know oh okay like so I mean I guess he does want me back because he's hitting me up and it's like Nana nanana nanana no babe if a guy ignores you gosu butts in no effort and low effort disrespects you he's doing these things to break you down so that it would be harder for you to move on because when we are experiencing all of this emotional turmoil with someone that we genuinely really like and things are so confusing with them we're kind of really building more of an emotional bond with that individual and unhealthy emotional bond but nonetheless a bond with that individual because of the fact that we want to understand and fix that dynamic that is slaying into our roles as nurturers as women that's why we get into fix-it mode it's a part of our makeup number two he's just simply bored yeah it happens in fact it happens quite often in fact that's probably happening right now to you he left abruptly and suddenly and now he's well he misses you well you you've been on his mind but but he didn't know how to approach the situation and there are probably a lot of you out there that have been getting a bunch of the exes resurfacing and wanting to come around and it's like you probably feel like wow this is this was really good to my ego they want me back to undo this so that's that now guys initially leave abruptly because nine times out of 10 many times out of many it is because they found interest in someone new all of them that operate this way do it the same I think they're sipping this kool-aid maybe drinking the same velvet Cliquot maybe it's as contagious as corona I don't know but they all do the same thing they have this consistency sort of thing going on until the ball just drops okay the roller coaster is stuck midair and then they're just suspended there yeah now you don't really know what to do even for myself like there have been so many countless times where it's just like I don't know what to do when really it's like yeah no I think I do I do know what to do I gotta go I gotta leave what is that song I don't wanna leave right now like you have to go you know except you won't be back before he knows it like that's what it is they always come back you know this you know this we know this they always come back so if somebody's going to not respect you enough to literally ghost you out of nowhere you have no rhyme or reason no explanation you can't even get an answer for a text message and then these people still want to look at your story on Instagram - which also makes it all the more confusing because more than likely you're gonna be inclined to you know they're a little sub they're not all of us but some of us you know and they're just gonna view it and literally ignore that sometimes some guys like they kind of understand the game and they know what they're doing so they're a little bit more emotionally in tune with what you're doing but still don't care and then some guys they're just so into their own space in their own world that they literally do not think anything you say is really about them at all it's still just as bad but the point is they will watch you make all these subs or both of these subs and like guys don't care about things like that think about a time where you have been with an individual and you were not really that interested in that individual and it's kind of like everything that individual says or does is it always feels like too much it always just feels annoying and you kind of just you know with them just to like on a may time go by and I was just talking to one of my friends about this where guys are legitimately capable of spreading their energy a little bit here a little bit there a little bit everywhere all around the square we do tend to be more if you were traditional more monogamous or more inclined to be monogamous and dedicate our time to one specific individual so it's hard when someone goes suss out of nowhere and then comes back and it feels so good to just engage with this person you kind of want to see what happens it's curiosity its soothing to your ego it soon does he kind of want me back all these questions coming up but he's just bored number three it's familiar as obvious as this may sound sometimes we just need to hear something out loud in order to take precautions and in order for things to finally like someone has to say something out loud and I've said this in previous videos men are literally kind of like dogs and before you chew my head off okay for the angry people in the back a guy himself told me this where he said men are kind of like dogs where they like to dig their bones where they have it and dig it back up whenever they're ready to play that's kind of how they sort of view things and what do we say men sleep with who they can women sleep with who they want this is also why guys ghosts and come back because they want to test the limits like what we said in number one of the elasticity of how much can you really you know handle how low maintenance can you be no dates no calls but I bet if I text her she'll still want to Netflix and chill with me she'll still want to quarantine and chill with me and not adhere to governmental and also state regulations that's another issue within itself I digress men are not going to cut off these resources because they like having all of these options it is more natural to them than it is for women if you think about it on a spiritual level like one of my friends and I had discussed guys depending on where they are in their life especially with players what did I say in my last video they are not focused so they're more inclined to use us as a form of energy they are plugging into us make sense and of course you're a nice girl you're attractive why are they not gonna want to pick up the pieces it's familiar to them when you like someone it's so easy to overlook and really ponder on the meaning of what he meant when he said that and really take a deep dive into things that really these people are taking zero thought to send to us it is not that elaborate if someone is texting you it is not that big of a deal of someone's showing up and they haven't even spoken to you in weeks but they want to respond to your Instagram story instead and when communication leaves the text message and turns into exclusively and I'm talking about romantic relationships in particular in this instance migrates over to only Instagram communication it's a joke it's a data point that you should be taking note of number four they feel guilty I mean it happens and this actually I believe is the hardest part because some guys they're like a good guy but they're still not in the best position in their life right now to settle down so they feel bad for maybe how things ended but unfortunately they're still not in a position to where they want to fake their claim I should say of really saying okay we're gonna do this thing it's more of I kind of feel bad how things ended do you want to try again in a may be altered way so I can I don't know figure out what I want even more like I know if you guys are watching the show listen to your heart currently right now Brandon said from episode one or two I mean I appreciate you know Savannah giving me her rose it was a gracious gesture but I'm not committing to anything and as soon as the judges said that he had zero chemistry with Savannah who he openly chose over Julia who's in another relationship he all of a sudden wants to explore things it seems like with Julia at the end of the day the point of this is a guy will literally tell you something but his actions are with someone else and it's equally as confusing for the both of you bruh Julia he's telling Julia that he wants to explore things with her but his actions are showing that he is more dedicated and chose Savannah so Savannah's confused because he's acting like he really wants to be with her and is publicly just displaying it to in front of Julia and Julia is confused because she was told that he wants to explore where things are going with her and kind of leaving her on the back burner so it creates this very confusing and disingenuous sort of vibe if you will within the house and I'm sure Brandon probably feels guilty or how he approached the situation in not defining something that the girls are having a second thought this actually corresponds to a lot of us so hear me out I believe he only is recanting that because of how he was judged by the judges they didn't see any chemistry with him and the girl he chose so now he's exploring the other option the girl that he left on the back burner you don't want to be the girl on the back burner so unfortunately with your experience saying a guy that has ghosted you because he probably feels guilty for how things you know were handled and how they ended it doesn't even always definitively mean that he's ready to make a decision this pulls on our heartstrings cuz it's like oh wow he felt bad he feels guilty he has a heart and it's like yeah but he souls not choosing you so what what options do we have here like let me know unfortunately with a guy that is reaching out to you and stemming from guilt it's not a good thing because it's going to give you an inkling of hope it's easy to miss read someone's intentions even their actions when you are so infatuated by someone and you are and your ego is being fueled by them really liking you and coming back and lastly number five he just might actually regret losing you yes ladies it is actually possible now for me unfortunately because I'm a little bit more hardcore I've never seen anything good come from any decision I personally made to go back to someone that I ended things with or that things ended with in general I have never seen it so I think it's fair to say I think I'm gonna go on a limb here and say maybe you agree with me too well we do it and we do it because it's soothing the ego right it's choking the ego we are hoping that we're gonna get a better understanding of where things went wrong and with the data that we collected with the experience with that individual we're thinking we can redo that with having the data that we have now expecting a different outcome when unfortunately that's not gonna be the case if it ended before more times than none it's gonna end again and especially depending on how it ended if this is an individual that just up and ghosted you like that's disrespectful you know like no if it's with an individual that cheated on you that is something that I don't see myself getting over it's difficult and I know there are so many different circumstances where people have families and marriages and so much of your life is invested in this individual there's a lot of stake here that you could potentially be breaking up and damaging but for the people that are single and you don't have any kids do not stay with people that are cheating on you I'm talking to you do not stay with people that are cheating on you you have no kids you are not married you can start over let that guy regret his decision in peace it is not your job to be like oh he regrets literally ruining the chance okay I'm gonna reward him for being an idiot and messing it up the first time sweetie you missed the train you missed the Train it is go time baby I mean that in every aspect of the phrase it is go time baby no I'm not going to entertain you even though it feels really good to speak to you because I know what an idiot you are and I also really did like you and you're kind of really hot we did have fun together I'm getting off track but I will not give you another chance I'm not going to allow you to access me any longer because you just want to test out if I'm going to allow that in my life or not I'm not going to do it because realistically guys that start things out like that you ever seen a couple where they're breaking up getting back together breaking up yeah but it's just I mean really in general that is as an adult a healthy dynamic is not going to be a couple that is breaking up getting back together breaking up getting back together that is not something that anyone should be doing because how many times can you put together fragments of something that is already broken right strength of it the core of it the foundation of it is no longer the same it is just broken broken broken and you're trying to mend the pieces back together and make something whatever remnants you have and that becomes increasingly difficult without taking mental notes of these situations when different experiences and arguments are triggering those negative responses and memories in you people make mistakes but that's their lesson to learn you will not get me back because you realize that you messed up and it feels good to me to hear you say this but I must move I think one of the best things ever is not letting someone back into your life that took an egg's in any way shape or form romantically this is how I live my life it doesn't mean I'm unforgiving for anything quite honestly it's the opposite I am very forgiving of people however I am NOT going to give someone who ruined it ruin the dynamic however it happened a second chance all over again into my life - I don't know possibly do the same thing again I got all the data I mean I already know how you move so I don't need to check anything else you know that understand this my angels that is the end of this video let me know in the comments if this has resonated with you I really would love to know we've all been in these positions before including myself I know what it's like we have to stay strong and I know it's a very tricky race to be in because it's just like oh my gosh when am I gonna find the one what am I gonna do why don't you do that your time will definitely come I don't want you guys to feel like all hope is lost for the simple fact that I tell you guys all these things and put you guys on - what's the tips and tricks of what's going on and I still don't want that to discourage you in your own journey because I think right now the place that a lot of us are in is transformation and self realization that work alone requires you to date yourself in general so do yourselves a favor and make sure that you are not allowing people back into your life that left for a reason it ended for a reason you don't want to have to start something on such a shaky foundation okay with that being said angels do not forget that I love you and God loves you and I will see you guys in my next video mmm
Channel: Asha Christina
Views: 116,308
Rating: 4.9563746 out of 5
Keywords: level up, relationships, relationship advice, beauty, Shallon Lester, dating guru, Matthew Hussey, sheraseven1, asha c, asha cee, dating, dating advice, school of affluence, Anna bey, pink pill, the red pill, red pill, the pink pill, millennial dating, teen dating, leveling up, classy, sophistication, Carli bybel, quality queen, quality queen control, QQC, Feminine
Id: f-woyS2G2F4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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