Quality Queen TOTAL Hygiene Routine ;) (HIGHLY REQUESTED)

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[Music] hello angels welcome back to my channel and hello how are you my name is Asia to all my new subscribers welcome to the a-team if you have subscribed yesterday last week if you're a new subscriber welcome to the a-team this video has been highly highly requested ok and I'm happy to deliver this topic I'm gonna make a series about because it just needs its own series there are a lot of topics to cover in this and this is just a general video but before I move on I want you guys to follow me on instagram that will be right here and also do not forget to subscribe to this channel if you have not already if you don't know now you know our next goal on the a-team is 100 K and I'm thinking about either doing a merch line or doing a meet-and-greet so you guys let me know in the comments below what you guys are thinking without further ado let's get into this video I want to say as a disclaimer that all the information that you guys need to know will be in the description box below everything you guys always need to know is always going to be in the description box below so that includes what I'm wearing my hair who did my hair and my current makeup as well as my instinct Oh information for those of you that want to schedule consults with me and now my Poshmark information because I want to start selling stuff on my gosh mark quality queen total body routine let's get into it as you guys saw from the beginning quote cleanliness is next to godliness and if you know me personally one of the things that people compliment me the most on is my hygiene and how I smell all the time all my life people have always done that so it's it feels really good that people do notice things like that and of course people notice things like that because everyone knows the person that goes the extra mile versus the person that doesn't everybody knows that so let's start with number one if you wear extensions way like myself it's important to wash your hair at least once a week so your wigs wash your wigs you know once a week I wash my wigs every week and also your braids underneath you need to wash those as well I do wash the braids underneath I will just scrub in between the scalp we know with conditioner and that way I'm not throwing fresh hair on to like a dirty kind of scalp now if your hair is fine and you don't feel like it needs to be washed this is all at your discretion but it shouldn't be smelling or anything and you're just throwing a wig on top of that that's disgusting and before you say I don't want to do that because it might get matted I've done this a thousand times nothing happens I remember when I used to get senegalese twists and sit in the salon for hours I mean it's ridiculous and the first day I would get my hair done I would literally wash my braids the first day because not only did it loosen on my scalp but it also got rid of whatever products they use on my hair and made it more comfortable to me if that makes sense it didn't feel you know itchy and uncomfortable number two wash your face morning and night and do not sleep with makeup on ever in life I don't care what time you get home okay that is the number one rule you do not ever sleep with your makeup on because think about it when you go to bed every night and you're sleeping on your pillow I sleep on my face we shed dead skin cells every day and so you're gonna put makeup on and then put your face in your pillow and then the next day when you don't have on makeup you're that dirt from you wearing makeup all day is gonna go back on your face and give you breakouts even washing your pillows weekly also makes a huge difference in terms of skin care because when you are sleeping in your bed every single day and a month goes by and you don't wash your sheets and things of that nature you may experience some breakouts especially if you're not washing your pillows and your sheets makeup wipes do not count as taking off your makeup I don't care if it's my sailor water or Neutrogena wipes I use them both I do not substitute that for soap in water that's the dirty girl routine you need to take soap and water to your face and wash your face off wash the makeup off of your face additionally moisturizing your skin morning and night very very crucial especially with the anti aging process so I always make sure that I am moisturizing my face especially around my eyes because your eyes are the skin is very delicate and that's where people get wrinkles and fine lines the most this also just deserves its own separate video as far as skincare goes but that's the basis of it number three clean your ears did you hear yes your ears with either soap and water or alcohol so to clean the inside of your ears and get the wax out you need to use q-tips I use them every single day when I get out the shower because wax bills in your ear every single day and I don't know if it's just me but I look for things like that I will look you know just naturally if someone's next to me and I can see sometimes wax in their ears and I think that's the most disgusting thing ever when you're cleaning your ears you want to make sure you're cleaning the inside of your ear totally every crevice of your ear okay behind your ear and if you have no idea what I'm talking about go like this smell your smell your finger all right now even here people get odors right here where their ears are you have to clean your entire ear soap and water or just alcohol alone number four always floss your teeth get a Waterpik honestly getting a Waterpik really did change my life and really does change your oral hygiene game because it really gets all the food that even regular flossing can't get out because it's irrigating with water all of that debris and you know Oh food out of your teeth and out of your gums so that you don't get gingivitis and halitosis because your gums are swollen because you have like seven years of food lodged right in there oh my gosh and this is a major major key clean the back of your throat you need to brush your tongue brush the back of your throat yes you might gag it's normal yes you might choke it's normal but you need to clean the back of your throat your breath should not smell like minty with a hint of funk in the back of your throat I can tell the difference the back of your throat should not smell it should not smell your tongue should not be white your tongue should not be way someone once commented to me I don't even know if I have it screenshotted or not and they said you have the cleanest tongue I've ever seen on YouTube and that really just touched my heart because who doesn't want to get complimented on you know they're really good hygiene I I love it you know but clean your tongue I think it's disgusting that people have white tongues and they just don't even care about how their breath smells and they want to be in your face and things of that nature body odor is offensive be prepared to catch this attitude and I'm a very nice person but the first way to offend me is having poor hygiene and very bad B oh I'm sorry it just is brushing your teeth is not a 3-second job he ever goes to mitts house at least I do and you see them brushing their teeth like all neat like it's like some sort of Colgate commercial what is happening right here what's going on back it up and redo it because I know that your breath does not smell fresh I know that you why are you brushing your teeth for the sake of brushing your teeth I said it's an alive you guys should not be brushing your teeth for the sake of brushing your teeth the purpose of brushing your teeth is to have good breath and proper oral hygiene cleaning debris bacteria food out of your mouth like I don't understand how that can be obtained in three seconds of brushing maybe that's just me this might sound a little strange but this is what I learned especially growing up with you know my mom I'm Caribbean right she always says scrub your neck because people don't understand next get dirty and you won't even see it take an alcohol pad or take a paper towel and take alcohol and wipe it on the back of your neck and your your gonna see what's going to come on to the paper towel or the alcohol pad there shouldn't be dirt on the alcohol pad or the paper towel scrub your neck and what I use to shower with is exfoliating gloves so before then I was using a rag but now I use shower gloves and they are naturally exfoliating so it really scrubs my neck to get any dirt and debris off my skin you're gonna take that same exfoliating glove or rag not a loofah I what is up with this loofah situation I mean no offense to anyone that uses a loofah but like what is up with that I really personally not a fan don't get it don't want to get it it doesn't make sense to me how a ball can really properly clean you when you can just take exfoliating gloves and really scrub your skin and really get in there I've always disliked loofahs always it doesn't do the job I don't care scrub your armpits I mean really scrub your armpits and that's what I love about the exfoliating gloves for all the people that use their hands when they shower we got people doing that I mean I'm sorry if this offends but the truth really does hurt what is up with the hand showering situation what's going on I don't want to understand it let me help you out if you buy the exfoliating gloves okay it's just the same as using your hands I guess except you're actually cleaning yourself yipee I just that was frustrating it really was scrub your armpits really get in there scrub every bit of dirt out of your armpits because you put deodorant on every single day it's kind of like putting makeup on every single day you have to get that out of your pores though next is a kind another weird one clean your bellybutton yeah you heard me correctly clean your bellybutton what I do is I take a q-tip Wow q-tips are so multifaceted it's crazy you take a q-tip and Utes and I take Dettol I don't know if you guys know what that is but I don't really know how to explain it but it's just something that we use I guess in Caribbean culture that I know of and you just you know clean your bellybutton actually that cuttings I bellybuttons get dirty every inch of your body is capable of being dirty there is no pass on getting away with never cleaning a certain part of your body it's just stop okay the Grand part this also is going to get its own separate video this is a very general general explanation vag cleaning yes ladies let's get into it to start with I use Queen V make it rain body wash to clean my vag personally because it's so light that I don't use it as a body wash because it's very very light so it's perfect for using in that area and they smell incredible it's a natural line and I 100% love the products it will be linked down below this is not sponsored in any way this is just something that I randomly found in Target one day and I was obsessed ever since and I got all my friends to start using it as well and they love it just for overall regular body wash what I use is the Dove foam in the shea butter warm vanilla scent normally I don't really like dove for some reason because I'm very sensitive to certain types of smells and I know for sure I do not like dove unscented soap it has this lingering some I can't really explain it to you guys but if you're close to me you know what I'm talking about and it smells so unpleasant to me it's nothing about it as sexy at all but what I like about the foam soap that dove has is it makes your skin squeaky so that's another thing especially when it comes to cleaning your body you want to make sure that your skin is squeaky okay squeaky it shouldn't be slippery slimy that means you still need to rinse your body off but what I love about the Dove soap in general is that it makes the skin very smooth squeaky so I remember growing up when my mom used to say it should make sure you wash your neck make sure you wash your neck and every part of your body properly and show you so tell me like take your two fingers and go like this behind your neck to see if your neck is squeaky see if your skin is squeaky to see if it's it's extra clean you don't understand what I'm saying so that's something to keep in mind if you don't want to use any soap because really we actually don't even have to you can just use plain hot water of course but rule of thumb ladies you are not to put products inside of your vag it nothing is supposed to go in there it's self-cleaning you're only supposed to clean the outside and make sure that you are cleaning every single nook and cranny every crevice on your badge I mean seriously get to know the thing you need to look down there because it's yours and people should not be more familiar with that thing than you moving along your butt yeah Wow oops Wow you guys know me I'm extremely blond is what it is first of all I want to point this out what is up with the people that's saying Oh every time I poop I shower what is up with that I've never understood that because it's like wait aren't you getting poop on the rag if you're pooping after you shower like I don't I've never understood how people don't have wipes my whole entire life I was raised on using wipes I like I digress the brands of wipes that I use our parents choice in the power refresh scent and also pampers not the off-brands I don't know that equate makes or something like that they are not the same all wipes are not created equal because the other cheaper ones and the off-brand ones they rip easily and they won't get the job done it's not the same when you poop you need to use wipes not shower after you need to be able to clean yourself properly also you don't have access to showers everywhere you go I mean I'm sorry are there like porta-potties and there are portals showers now like be realistic you need to carry wipes with you everywhere and also you can use that to clean your vag to not the vagisil wipes and summer Eve summer's eve wipes I don't know what is up with those things those wipes are like so tiny and just pointless use regular wipes if babies can use them on their skin and it cleans babies then you can use it too and not have any issue now of course like with your butt you can just use regular soap the Dove soap that I mentioned to you before the only Dove soap that I use is that one otherwise I don't use Dove soap at all um I have use Shea Moisture soap I just use honestly regular soaps like caress just all the really really smell good ones but I love the foamed of soap the most because it's a pump and it really makes your skin squeaky squeaky clean and it doesn't have like a weird lingering smell you know anything other than a rag or shower gloves I don't accept so I don't I'm not here to beat with you I know what works you know I don't know it all but I know what I'm talking about in this area I mean really everything else is going to be ineffective you need to use a rag you need to use shower gloves to properly exfoliate your skin as well as clean your body properly because another thing people do is they shower just to shower people are showering and still stinking okay how sway how I don't want to understand do it the right way and I understand before you guys get in the comments and say well not everyone has taught these things I mean a duh that's why I am here to teach you these things don't be so sensitive about it just actually fix it if you are asking me about why does it smell you know when I do this I do that I just want to be clear about this if there is a smell there's a difference between a smell of just you don't know how to clean yourself versus there's something happening here I need a guy know like yesterday you have to be able to differentiate the two and you're not an idiot I'm sure you can if it has a very strange smell of fish or of metal or anything of that nature that is an infection you need to go to the gynecologist if it's just a regular you know you just smell you don't know how to clean yourself properly which means there's no smell inside it's only pretty much on the outside that's the difference I believe there's no outside smell it's only inside that smells know the difference in conclusion of the first video of this series eat healthy drink water being vegan makes it easier of course not everyone's meant to be vegan but if you still eat meat and seafood whatever the case is eliminate the dairy that's all I ask because dairy is actually harder to give up then chicken and anything else it's the hardest thing to give up because it's in everything dairy causes mucus dairy makes you sweat and it makes you stink I just I believe it makes you think so workout arts sweating get that your body moving get your lymphatic system moving expel your body of toxins hey chlorophyll vitamins I think chlorophyll actually helps with body order as well this is not a substitute for actual issues these are just for people that want to up their hygiene game and everything is good in the hood follow the medical medium I'm gonna post his link down below because I am an Advent follower of the men of the medical medium I had all his books I love everything he teaches he has a solution for everything okay body odors you know bad breath even Lyme disease migraines neurological issues he's absolutely incredible so understand this you do not need to fall prey and victim to bad hygiene you know and body odor it's offensive and it's disgusting and nobody wants to deal with that it's just gross oh my god my collar was bent down the entire time were you guys gonna tell me uh it's fine I hope you guys enjoyed this video in my car okay do not forget all of the products will be in the description box below I mentioned a lot of different things so I will be adding them incremental e throughout tonight because a lot that I mentioned so do not worry about that make sure you implement all of these things I love you and God loves you and I'll see you angel in my next video
Channel: Asha Christina
Views: 86,176
Rating: 4.9188266 out of 5
Keywords: level up, relationships, relationship advice, advice, beauty, Shallon Lester, dating guru, Matthew Hussey, sheraseven1, Bella barz, asha c, asha cee, dating advice, school of affluence, Anna bey, pink pill, the red pill, red pill, the pink pill, millennial dating, leveling up, classy, sophistication, cleanliness, marie kondo, clean, hygiene, queen v, body care, Dove foam soap, beyonce hair, queen, shower, body routine, shower routine, feminine hygiene, Feminine hygiene routine
Id: giHZXblPMgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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