How To Be as Unbothered As Me

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hi I decided to go live really fast I do have to be offline in about 40 minutes so um I just wanted to make a quick video because a lot of people asked me or how are you so unbothered I love how you are so unbothered how can I not be as emotional how can I just brush it off how can I control my temper what if this person makes you mad and maybe Sandy how do I do it um I think it's mainly because I have a focus and a clan and I know this ain't part of the plan okay so that's why I always tell you guys to create a plan if it doesn't get you to the end or to the goal did you know I'm doing C so I don't get bothered by people a lot of people you know who troll me or people that make me mad in real life I don't get bothered by them because I don't know my ultimate goal is not you know I don't have anything to do with them so I'm not wasting my energy or time on him you know what I'm saying um so what you have to do is find a focus that is bigger than that situation you know I don't care enough about this person and how they feel or what they said to give them my attention or energy when I need to be focused on getting what I truly want which is not you know something that it's right here so I just don't care enough and when you stop caring it's like a huge weight will just lift off of your chest Thank You Raven sprinkle sprinkle yep go go with the flow so I think a lot of people are programmed to argue to prove their point to be right to expect more from someone who never told you that they were going to do anything as far as you know your feelings are concerned it's just your expectations of people that will never be met and your disappointments and your eagerness to argue improve your point is not beneficial to you thank you feminine goddess scenarios to get 1k on the second date I don't know baby sprinkle sprinkle ask for it if you look good enough you should get it all right pick the right target you should get her hinge right people will always tap their opinion people are dead and still being talked about in a pleasant or unpleasant lady that's true so no matter what you do they're still gonna think whatever they choose to think about you you know whatever you do even if you prove yourself or your point right they're still not gonna care so it's a waste of time energy and effort so make sure that you're focused on your goals and not proving something or arguing or making sure your feelings are known who cares nobody cares nobody care about nobody feelings I don't I don't really go second my kids don't care about anybody's feelings and the point is because it doesn't benefit me right now I have a goal this is what I need to do I don't have time to care about every single person's feelings in the world I don't have the time and neither do you and the reason why so many people are disappointed is because they think everybody is supposed to have the time and they don't and most of them don't even care so when you are remaining unbothered it's because you know that nobody cares nobody has the time and you shouldn't expect them to what you need to care about is yourself and your goals in your plans and that's how you get what you want okay and people are gonna talk about you till the like like she said so the day you die let him talk you ain't talking about that therefore you are more important so revel in that and keep it moving I don't know um I don't allow people to get to me I don't take anything personally because I don't know them and even if I did know them they don't know me because I'm not revealing 100% of myself to anybody so whatever they say I don't take it personally because I know they don't even know me enough um they think they know me that's that's whatever you know so um you know people are going to talk because they don't have any business of their own so they're gonna say things you're gonna try to do things to trigger you just to get the reaction because they don't have anything else going on for themselves and when you find people like that you need to you know let them know that you see them I know what you're doing it doesn't work you're irrelevant that's it Thank You jazz sprinkle sprinkle so you know once they see that they really could never really get to you either they go away or they find someone else you know you hate having to be faking nice um well then don't be nice right so you know I'm bothered means you don't care enough about that situation to even be bothered with it you still got your plan you're gonna do what you're gonna do anyway another thing is you can't save everybody you can't bring everybody with you you know get to where you need to get first and then worry about you know being a good example so that they want to follow you you don't have to save everybody they need to save themselves and if you're a good example of what saving themselves is then they will follow your footsteps and that's how you help people but just being the best version of you um right what if you're in a competitive field it's it can get really easy I don't compete baby I would never sign up to compete first of all because I'm not a man so I wouldn't have to do that but I just I'm not a compete if I if I have to compete I'm gonna go the total opposite direction okay they're gonna say oh we need you to create a black background with this type of scene in it or whatever I'm gonna be over here in a green background with a horse and a unicorn that's gonna be me if I don't compete I just do whatever I choose to do if you like it you like it if you don't oh well thank you ten twenty five only the older 50s and 60s weight me and approach me why don't the younger ones approach me just stay stare because they got the money baby sprinkle sprinkle ten twenty five ain't gonna let e um so I don't really compete I just do what I'm gonna do so I couldn't I could not give you advice on how to compete with people because I'll do it um people always call you oh well don't take it personally they don't know you wanna see um that's how you have to be you know they don't know me you know they don't know me well enough to call me of stuck-up maybe I just shy maybe I just don't like them maybe they're stupid and below my intelligence level I don't know they don't know so don't take it personally is it wrong to be conceited it depends on who thinks you're conceited you know what I'm saying it depends on who thinks you're conceited are you normal you know it's their self esteem just super low is you're conceited just having self-confidence to them because their self-esteem is extra low so it just depends on their level of thinking about themselves that determines if you are conceited so it really doesn't matter cuz you don't have time to sit there and analyze their self-esteem issue so it doesn't matter that's how you stay on bothered you don't care um and you don't have to be this blunt with it you can just not care inside how did not stop being naive and you don't know what that means learn baby open a book click on some videos learn learn learn or pay attention that's how you can stop being naive it's to learn um how to be unbothered if he tries to convince that I lose the prize you with the wrong man baby you would have feminine man so let's switch to a masculine man okay inform you about news World Order's life okay just find some arts and crafts and you won't seem lazy as truth just some popsicle sticks and some cotton balls and glue okay re fly me once once yes I'm trans is that what you're here for yes would you like my phone number so you can call me later fly me 1:22 you looking for transit I'll be your trans dream baby what you like anyway how do I bother any work place full of black women I am the youngest and I'm far by far at prettiest then it again girl I wouldn't be working I wouldn't even be I wanted to have friends I wouldn't talk to people I would be a silent person I would do my work to get off okay I don't care about people enough to be bothered by them I would just do my work and leave and go freestyling and get me a sugar daddy so I don't have to return maybe one day okay I won't be there I want the socializing or because I don't even want to be there first first of all I don't want to be at work so I'm not gonna be happy so I'm not gonna be socializing I'm gonna get in and get out that's what you need to do get in and get out have your own focus Thank You jazz sprinkle sprinkle you made a 55 year old who owns a law firm he said he wants to marry me on first date how to react I've never had anyone say that don't believe it and get your money he owned a law firm ask for whatever you like you need a new car my car broke down I don't know what to do great try to marry you trying to get an H on it and getting the sack with you just get all the money you can okay so I'm certain you unbothered all the time because when you show up everybody is terrified um where to start I've been told I'm book smart but not street smart and therefore I'll come off a thing well then get street smart getting them streets and get smart okay get your head out the book watch some TV watch some videos you know talk to people you just need more experience that's all go out more I live with my provider and I rarely cook or clean I feel like I'm being lazy what should I do start your business baby start your business started startup Instagram started YouTube channel start a scrapbook started something fill your time up with something you know write poetry read books do something that's beneficial to you what do you think about Cassie leaving her billionaire duty for her sports coach he wouldn't fit marry her and he wouldn't fit have no kids with her and that's what she wanted marriage children so she left and got some marriages and children okay mm-hmm that's what that was people actually asked these stupid questions like y'all were so um yeah I got to get off in a little while cuz I have a consultation anyway how can't an impact for take their energy from the if I control it control it just like you protect your skin just like you protect your house just like you protect anything you lock it up you say you don't be bothered you know everything is free will don't allow people around you that is negative and trying to steal your energy don't go around people that are going to drain you with their issues and problems and just don't care about anything that people are telling you about if you don't want to be drained so that's so cool to now put outfits together in your mind yeah that's all you got to do it's that easy put outfits together in your mind when negative people are talking have a have a Pinterest in your mind what am I gonna wear tomorrow Oh what were you saying sure you know so unless you are consciously paying attention in allowing someone to negatively drain you of your energy then it can't be done okay not if you make it plans in your mind and not even listening to this work on something for yourself that way your unbothered by what everybody else is trying to do because you're too focused on whatever you're trying to do um yeah you don't give your attention away that has to be paid for every day somebody got it an invest in you to get your attention you know what I think they haven't bought you a drink a dinner a B C and D you not to listen to all their problems you know what I'm saying if you know if they're not compensating you you're not going to give them the time day so I'm not let's just say for example one of your friends is texting you or calling you and telling you about the you know dusty or whatever and for the fifth time and you didn't see they didn't broke up three times and they said they were moving on and now they're still back together with the dusty you don't have time to listen to that put the phone on mute and do what she was doing before she called you know what I'm saying you know what everyone sit around click and fake uh-huh and click it back uh-huh I told you that's all you got to do you don't even have to listen you can be doing something you could be doing your hair you could be doing your makeup you could be watching another video on YouTube and just clicking uh-huh every night you didn't hear a word she said because they don't matter she don't listen to you anyway you're not drained she's dumping all this stuff on her because everybody else tired of hearing about it and you still good because you're still moving forward with your plans as you know as scheduled so that's how you don't be bothered then you click off until your battery went out that's it then you're done so unbothered unbothered by what men think about you they don't have enough money to be having a an opinion about you if they're not giving you that money anyway you know and even if they are it still doesn't matter because the only thing that matters is what you think about you until you think differently now can't can there and could help you improve maybe but do you have to accept it you know it's your free meal and it's your choice so stay unbothered as much as possible and you'll probably have less stress less signs of aging easier line happier life and you'll be good okay you'll provide her husband cheating I told him our marriage is open now should I really go cheap or just act like this is my thing if he's providing for you and you told him you have an open marriage whoever you go cheat Whitney's to be able to replace him and have money to also provide for you otherwise you being dumb okay you can cheat if you want to but you know if you get caught doing so time to get another one that that's more money that can do the same thing see men cheat lower women are supposed to cheat higher supposed to cheat with someone that has more not less okay so if your husband did that you need to outdo your husband baby that hurt him more if he found out you just move on and a smooth transition on to the next okay what made you start the channel and give advice to when people kept asking me what would you do what do you I had I was a more spiritual channel this this channel originally started out more spiritual and then people started asking me questions about the dusties and it's that I saw me are we meant to be no food and so I thought people kept and they wanted spiritual advice on how to deal with it doesn't like it's gonna take more than that it's gonna take some real world so I started to these videos because people were like looking at the wrong direction how to get an older man to propose he needs to be at the right age to be able to to feel like he wants to marry mm-hmm anywhere before you know 55 and up is probably ready for marriage the last go-around you're probably in here before the America did you know pull in the reins and settle down okay when their whole lives revolving around men it is other way around it is the other way around oh no not men but that money okay Real Talk listen says marriage is dead yeah because there's no providers and protectors anymore so why should a woman marry somebody that's not going to play their role I don't know it's not dead it's just dead amongst to use older people have no issue with it thank you see see thank you for teaching me how to have high esteem and everything you are doing for us women completely change how I view myself in relationships thank you CeCe's point falls briefly um marriage is dead because real man don't exist at under the age of fifty something so you don't usually care sure I didn't used to care what people think of me until they started making fun of me now they have me thinking there's something wrong with me I feel confused how can I get back my spirit make fun it in Batgirl if they can find something to make fun of you about then you sure can find something to make fun of them about you okay like people can make people can choose anybody they can be perfect and you can find something to make fun of some someone about me okay doesn't mean anything is wrong with you it just means that you care about what they think and they're making fun of you because it triggers you if it didn't trigger you and you started making fun of them right back they would stop by now you know so I start making fun of people back that make fun of you make sure they'll quit then cuz they'll start looking at themselves would mm-hmm um what did you do when the guy gets jealous on the regular for no reason um unless he has a lot of money I'm not gonna be with somebody stupid like that I'm sorry it means he's insecure is what it means thank you now me sprinkle sprinkle cheating provide her husband says he doesn't want to open our marriage should I close it to get him to stop girl he ain't gonna stop spring sprinkle what you need to do is spend his money baby every time he don't text you back or call you or come home on time spend a certain amount of money okay get his credit card number while you sleep and every time you you think he cheating go shopping baby okay have a relationship with his money she don't have with his own money drink it and have a good old time is he a knight he's not gonna stop let's go have a good old time with his money when he starts realizing that you shopping morning his bank account is a little slim and you know he he don't got enough to do what he trying to do on the side anymore could you use that all then you know pulled it in so I mean book yourself a vacation use his credit card book your stomach vacation go out of town on the weekend tell him he could cheat all he's like you'll be in the Bahamas have a good day okay all right I'll be here I'll be there have a good time tell whoever she is I said hey you know don't base your self-worth on trying to control a cheating man enjoy your life use all the assets that are available to you via that man and go ahead and enjoy all right so you transfer money to your account that's right get that money but what about STDs you ain't gonna be sleeping with them no more even less you stupid so what about hope you don't I hope he uh protect it and go to the doctor cuz if I thank you cheating I'm not sleeping with you no more okay so you hate me I don't hate man at all why would I hate me when I'm totally provided for by me I don't hate me I just love myself more you see just because you love yourself more doesn't mean you hate someone else it means your focus is not on them but on you and that's where I should stay so it's not hate it's just self focus okay they can do what they want to do hate will be destroying the entire house slashing the tires when you get home acting a stupid fool I hate you you cheated on me you ruined my life anything that's hate all men are trash self love is taking that credit card number booking you a nice trip going shopping taking care of yourself going to get facials on to the spa while he's doing whatever he's doing and living to her best life on his dime and never thinking another thought about it because you're not sleeping in any way anymore so you know somebody else doing the dirty work for you just getting all the benefits now that's how I would feel because I have self-love I don't care what he's doing I'm still you see and that is the difference between being bothered and being unbothered okay think about it like that you have everything you need enjoy okay you wish you was unbothered that's me just stop carrying you will be man push buttons on purpose to control emotions yeah but you should be able to see that a mile away if you watch this channel act like you don't get him IQ like you like you don't hear him he says something like oh that's nice even if it's negative you say so oh you did oh that's that's funny that's nice be preoccupied that's nice uh-huh you came here done you can't use it they can't push your button well that's why you do this isn't that so kind if that's what makes you sleep well at night let so be it don't care you know if they're trying to get a reaction out of you don't give them a reaction Dean you're unbothered right um how do I use being a version to my advantage with a sugar daddy well I really wouldn't tell him I really wouldn't tell anybody um because he's gonna grow bored of you quick and not gonna invest in you because he doesn't think he's gonna be able to easily get it and he's gonna move on to someone who is not you know um but men like virgin they sure do but they're not trying to waste time and money on them unless they're guaranteed to get something do you know eventually so depending on the patience of that man and if he you know you gonna give it to him if you do day him would you mind if he went and slept with another woman because you're not doing it and if you tell him he's gonna want it more so why would you tell him you tell him when it comes to the moment where you eventually may want to sleep with him and then you can buy yourself a whole nother year girl and more gifts if you really want house car money in your bank account but you don't tell them right away you wait a long time then you tell them okay wait till he's already hooked and you know wrapped up in you Dan you tell that's gonna make them even more crazy about you don't tell them right away okay what advice do you have for European women trying to find a rich American husband I'm leveled up and my English is fluent and five other languages I just want to leave my 50/50 country find you two literally as thing that's old and start emailing them child text messaging and DM them hey Big Daddy okay find somebody unattractive and talk to him in that accent whichever accent you have and tell them all you are so handsome I want to come to visit you you know Great America Manor easy okay how you hiding out break up with my dusty boyfriend all my friends and their boyfriends like him and I don't want there to be bad for a girl laughs tell me cheat then they won't like them then you can break up with okay there you go I think he's cheating on me and I can't I can't stay here the only option I really wouldn't care but see I don't care what people think if I don't want to beat you I'm breaking up here what my friends think angle me no type of bad blood because I don't care you know you gotta you just gotta be like that you know if I if I decide to break up with somebody and I have to worry about this person and that person in that person then that's too much it's my life okay I'm gonna break up with who I want to break up with and if y'all don't like it bye that's just how it has to be because I'm not a people pleaser I live for myself not others and that's how you have to be it's a being Baalak great be unbothered always and you'll have your best life um how soon is too soon to ask for money girl few like it elongated you know what I'm saying if y'all picking the wrong targets if you'll have to keep asking me how soon just do some estimate he should already been giving you money as the third date otherwise he's not sugar daddy get you know you need to just say some stuff and sound like you need something and if he doesn't offer you he's not trying to give you any money okay [Music] do I suggest having a mentor when living up I suggest having an inspiration or a muse which means you know someone that you admire their looks their characteristics you know whatever whatever and you know kind of use that while you level up but I don't think you need a person first let me found that you need a person you have to be self-motivated okay what if you're the other woman how do you deal with wife gone with the wife gone crazy you're going crazy get another girl supposed to have to love you the little with the wife gone crazy like the wife is going crazy on you know that I'd be specific so the wife is crazy and contacting you that what your name um y'all know me I'd sit there talk hey how you doing don't let a wife call me um okay she's gone crazy on you the other woman thank you ma'am oh speaking sprinkle beautiful queen sending a lot of what thank you for I would sit there and talk to us like hello can I help you yes I'm the other woman and I mean that will be my conversation would talk to your husband not me babe if it ain't if it wasn't me it'll be somebody else that's all just tell me who wasn't me will be somebody else what can I do for you um but he's so worthy he's an attorney okay what did you get from your husband in the very beginning stages like date one or two money who gives drinks envelopes of money slid my purse you know it's just I just have to like you a lot more I don't know it's just so they just got to like you a lot has to be on that level I don't know don't know about a cashmere sweater because I took him to the mall a restaurant in the mall suggested so you go shopping at the Galleria I will sleep with you Oh what do you want to go eat this place it's at the mall okay oh there's about a 45-minute wait okay let's go walk around you gotta sit up can we stay on topic today I really want to be yep just don't care enough you know I only value your opinion about yourself and never take anything personally and ignore people that you know are coming with you coming to you with negativity and just say uh-huh okay every now and then to make it seem like you're listening okay because I think so many people take things personally that they forget no one cares enough about you to make things personal so many people have this problem and it just get on my nerves so many people think you're talking about them or you're looking at them it's not that you're not that important first of all I don't even know I'm gonna see you you know I didn't even look at you I just respond you know not me in particular but a lot of ladies take everything too personally stop doing that okay stop doing it not that important to anybody so will you take something personally you'll know when it's personal you'll know when it's personal because it will be intentionally geared towards you your name will be sieved fingers will be pointed and they will say this is personal if that doesn't happen then anything that occurs may not be personal so stop taking everything personal because if you do you're always gonna be bothered right always very bothered even if it's not even geared towards you but geared towards someone that you feel is similar to you you are looking to be bothered you know a lot of women look for things to be bothered about well they're just being mean to me they're not you know they don't do this they're you know they talk about this and they talk about women who do this and that and that sounds like me they don't care why are you so stop lumping yourself in to groups that people are talking about thinking they're talking about you stop looking for people to offend you and stop doing any of that if you want to remain unbothered because if you look for it you will find it okay for me I don't look for it so I'm here and I'm gonna find what I was looking for before I was distracted you know so just stop looking for stuff to be upset about to be offended about to be bothered about stop looking for it look for something to get paid look look some way to be paid okay if you focused on how to get paid versus who's offending you and who's talking trash about you and who's doing this about you you be paid okay stop focusing on people that don't matter focus on your money focus on your you know gold focus on your level up stay unbothered and stay striving moving forward because I don't I could hear yes I don't you won't remember their name tomorrow thank you look let's sprinkle sprinkle you know so thanks girl so they stay on bother and keep it moving mm-hmm when you do that you're free but I got to go cuz I have a combination and I told y'all this was going to be super long so thank you all for tuning in I appreciate it and remember stay on bothered you know 2020 spambot it let the little things go focus on the big things okay you don't get distracted by the little things and the big things are going to slip away all right can see y'all later May
Channel: SheRaSeven1
Views: 41,684
Rating: 4.9307442 out of 5
Id: 7J1owmkZuQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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