The Potter's Touch - Grounded in Family Ground Level Zero

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when you have somebody who has a foundation they are not quick to take flight you know how we got this generation or runners you take flight because you don't have foundation when you have a foundation you say I don't like storms I don't want storms I don't need this like that but light them do what you gotta do stones sake what you gotta say when it's all over I'm still ghost greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our King I'm excited I mean really excited to have this opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you I'm excited because I know this message is going to bless you just like it blessed our church I started teaching some powerful truths about being grounded I'm gonna share one of those principles with you today the message is called ground level 0 we want opportunities but we don't spend any time being grounded before we get them you have the gifts but you need to be grounded in order for your gifts to reach their fullest potential and capacity if you don't understand you will in a moment take a look at this get your Bible run right quick - Ezra at 310 Ezra 3 - you don't have to stand up because I will be moving all around answer 310 you're coming out of captivity you're coming out of bond this year you're dealing with the people that are trying to get back up on their feet again and rebuild from what they lost and it says and when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets foundations brought them trumpets and when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord they said the priests in their apparel with trumpets and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals - praise the Lord after the ordinance of David king of Israel and they sing together by course in praising and given thanks unto the Lord because he is good for his mercy endures forever toward Israel and all the people shouted with a great shout when they praise the Lord because they shouted because the foundations of house was laid they weren't shouting over stained glass windows padded peels who sat beside him how you got your hair done and how cute you look they were shouting because the foundation was laid God sent me here to tell you that he's been working on you for years to lay the foundation for what he's about to release in this season of your life don't wait till you get the blessing you need to shout because the foundation has been laid or I will try don't you I don't know whether they heard me over there or not you need to shout because the foundation has been laid for your victory everything you went through was God laying a firm foundation every night you cried every moment you almost collapsed in the floor was God setting the stage for what he's about to do in your life he laid a solid foundation touch your neighbor say he laid a solid foundation break this down storms come to try your foundation storms come to try your foundation the whole test is to see if you grounded once you are grounded my friend you can graduate but the test is gonna keep coming and coming and coming to test you to see if you're grounded and if you're not grounded you can't graduate the storm is testing your foundation your resolve how committed are you to it are you really a Christian I know you go to church you like The Potter's House you know I know that that's nice are you really a Christian if I followed you around what I know you were a Christian do you really even understand the faith are you trying to understand the faith when was the last time you aren't without any solicitation read your own Bible oh wow so and you wonder what a word it working for you you don't have no foundation I gave the time I gave my offer and I tried it three weeks it didn't work get on out of here get on out of here you don't have a foundation your roots don't go deep your roots are not solid they're not stable you have no foundation when you have a foundation you can withstand our position persecution trials tribulation you might be hurt you might be frustrated you might cry you might complain but you still come in the house every night still do what's got to be done every night still fight the good fight when you have somebody who has a foundation they are not quick to take flight you know how we got this generation of runners you take flight because you don't have foundation when you have a foundation you say I don't like storms I don't want storms I don't need this lightning but lightning do what you gotta do storms sake what you gotta say when it's all over I'm still gonna go to Matthew seven 24 through 27 I'm just gonna teach and it says therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man it's not just hearing it baby it's not just hearing it it's doing it whoever hears these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a what a rock a solid foundation give me more and the rain descended and the floods came rock or not and the winds blew rock or not and it beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock I'm not saying that if you're grounded the storm won't come in fact I guarantee you the storm will come grounded or not the Lightning will come the wind will blow the Thunder will rain the rain will come down but if your foundation is solid let's go further and everyone that hears these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house on the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it what and what great was the fall of it great was so far somebody said great is the fall of it anything that's not grounded great will be the fall of it a lot of things that you're praying for asking God to do he wouldn't have to do if he would just be grounded the storm didn't bother the house that was grounded it blew on it but didn't bother it the storms affect most readily those who are the least found grounded and I'm wondering if the storm is beating you to death are you grounded let's go down to ground level zero let's get past all the pretty stuff let's get down are you grounded are you grounded are you are you grounded from the ground that means a lot of things I got four weeks I'm gonna be working with you on this ground that means a lot of things it means balanced and I'll be honest with you I struggle for it I struggle for it I come my father with a workaholic I'm a workaholic work comes natural to me rests it has to be forced I struggle to be balanced so I have to have people of my life who say that's enough stop it because if they don't help me and that thing in your head that tells you when to quit mine don't work that thing that says you just hang up on them and go to bed Mike whatever that is mine is broken that thing that'll let you hear a phone ringing and not answer it whatever that is I need to get that because I will answer it even though I don't want to talk if you call that a bad time I will try to answer you anyway because that's how I'm worried part of being grounded it's being balanced whatever you are not good at being balanced about you have to put extra effort there because it doesn't come natural to you rest doesn't come natural to me the idea of it sounds good but the reality of it is almost frightening to me but I never saw it modeled so it's hard to do it our family never took a vacation and all of my life I never saw it happen our vein case it was driving to Grandma's house for Labor Day weekend we had to turn around come back Monday we never took a Vig and he baby down there slaughtering the hogs and stuff that wasn't on vacation I mean a vacation where you really like rest and chill I never saw it so it's hard for me to become what I didn't see I have to be very intentional to balance in my life in that area because what is natural to other people is unnatural to me what is natural to me is going to work because that's what was modeled in front of me and when I got a certain age I went to work because it's hard to find man who when they get grown they go to work so when I got grown I went to work been working ever since so you understand it but that does not mean that it's a good thing because in order to be really to carry the weight of the gift you have to be balanced you have to be grounded you have to be anchored and rest does have a purpose I didn't realize it till I was about 50 I thought it was a nuisance I'm just looking a funny way trying to make you understand that some things that are good for you are not natural to you and the storm will beat you because you're not balanced or you'll have bouts with depression because you're not balanced you can be winning and be depressed because you're not balanced are you am I am I helping anybody do you not know you need to laugh sometime people will push you into always being what they had in mind and the expensive destroyed your right to have a life and these are the very same people who won't even come to your funeral when you die because they had to work you better get the courage to stand up to their people you better get the courage to say no I can't help you move I will not be over no I can't come over this weekend no I don't want to go to the store it takes courage to be grounded in who you are after knowing who you are is knowing who you are not and if you don't know that people will make you be who they had in mind and God didn't call who they had in mind God told me when he sees his nature in you that's what's gonna promote the promotion in your life is when God sees his nature his DNA test is in your fruit golden have DNA fruit does his DNA testing is in your fruit that's how you prove that your he is when you have love joy meekness temperance patience with your long-suffering and kind CDJs of global partnership system is one family joining hands from every culture community and Mason partnering with us in an effective and wonderful way to impact the lives of millions Jesus told us to preach the gospel feed the hungry clothe the naked visit those in prison and give God's gift of salvation to their is powering our partnership and together we're making a difference I believe that the reason David's Rock became so powerful is that he came added in the name of the Lord I'm coming at this opportunity to have a daytime talk show in an arena that I have never had before I'm coming at it with prayer and I'm asking you for the next 21 days to pray with me to take this journey with me to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with me as we fulfill the Great Commission to go into all the world he said we had to go but he didn't say we had to go by camel let's go through the modern technology that's provided to us today that we can reach the hearts and lives of people who would never think about coming inside of the church so I'm calling on my army to suit up and March up and drop down on your needs up for 21 days leading up to this massive event I want you to bathe it with prayer when the priests went into the Holies of Holies he went in in white linen when he comes out he changes his garments to come out and move amongst the people in the process of changing a garment that's got bells on the bottom they could hear it they could hear a sound before they saw the priests so all of Israel is waiting outside of the camp to hear the sound this is what Jesus meant when he told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait they went to Jerusalem and they waited he was behind the veil where they couldn't see him but they were waiting for a sound because if you were truly and Israelite you understood that if the sound went forth it meant that the blood had hit the mercy seat that the sacrifice had been offered and that you were free to walk with God so they were waiting in the upper room for noise and suddenly there came a sound from heaven the sounds from heaven said number one the priest is alive number two the blood has hit the mercy seat number three we have a covenant with God number four we're ready to enter into a presence we couldn't have before and they started shouting and blessing God somebody just praised him right now for a moment but it was the sound it was the sound that elicited the praise can I go deeper I believe with all my heart when Paul says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am nothing I believe when he is making his case in Corinthians 13 about love that he's thinking about the priests garment because the priests garment out down it to him at the hem of the garment was aligned with bales and pomegranates okay bells and pomegranate bells are science science gifts signs showy stuff bales pomegranates are fruit both of them come from the spirit the spirit has bells and the spirit has fruit the spirit has nine spiritual gifts whoo bells we can hear the sound from the bells but it also has nine different categories of fruit temperance long-suffering meekness you've got science and fruit when Paul said though I speak with the tongues of men above and of angels that les belles and have not charity that's fruit I have become as tinkling brass and sounding cymbals because what tempers the sound of the Bell is the presence of the fruit God don't want you to have no more gifts and you have grace he that want you to have a little more science than you have fruit he don't want you to have more prophecies than you have compassion so in between every sound is fruit sound through the sound fruit sounds through sound through I learned as a father you cannot just ties your children more than you praise them come on somebody if you get too lopsided and everything you're saying is what I'm not and you never say anything about what I am after while you were seven the relationship because to the child you become noise you become noise but if if you got a little fruit in between then I'm balanced or y'all I'll go talk to you now I want you to read this scripture I'm almost ready I'm almost ready I want to read the scriptures and they made upon the hymns of the world pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet and twined linen and they made bells of pure gold and put fells between the pomegranates upon the hem of the robe roundabout between pomegranates look at how much detail they go to make sure you understand it a bell and a pomegranate a bell and a pomegranate round about the hem of the robe to Ministry and as the LORD commanded Moses God said if you're gonna minister you got to have a bell and a pomegranate a bell and a pomegranate a bell and a pomegranate you cannot minister just because you got bells just because you got a nice voice just because you got a degree just because he went to school just because you're great speaker no you cannot have the oratorical ability but not have the heart of the ministry because God is going to raise you according to your heart when he sees his nature in you that's what's going to promote the promotion in your life is when God sees his nature his DNA test is in your fruit goal doesn't have DNA fruit does his DNA testing is in your fruit that's how you prove that your he is when you have love joy meekness temperance patience when you're long-suffering and kind now do I need to call Maury Povich up in here are you his kid or not do we need to do a test because the church tested the church tests you buy talent if you're talented enough we will promote you but God didn't care about the talent he goes for the character come on somebody Oh y'all are gonna say anything to me why does God want you to be grounded where you will have the fruit of the Spirit and not just the gifts of the Spirit number one God promotes you based on your heart not your head so you can have your head right but if your hearts not right you're gonna miss opportunity for man looks on the outward appearance God looks at the heart out of the heart flows the issues of life that's why the enemy has tried to attack your heart with bitterness using the people you care about to break you because the enemy knows that if you can become bitter you can't become better so he attacks your heart he doesn't mind you going to school you can get all the stuff he won in your hand if you don't get it in your heart God is not gonna promote you your promotion is being held up not because the people didn't see good in you but because God did not see himself in you whenever God doesn't see himself in you he starts looking for himself the Bible said in the book of Genesis as long as God could see himself he never had to walk the garden but when he could no longer see himself because he had made himself in a little mini-me called Adam he started walking through the cool of the garden saying Adam where art thou any good mother will go searching for her child God says I'm looking for myself in you well are you where are you where are you I'm looking for Michelle Adam where are you I created you to reflect me let us make man in our own likeness in our own likeness in our own image after our own kind I made you to reflect me where are you I made you to reflect my love in the earth my peace in the earth my long-suffering in the earth I made you at the core at the foundation to be my representative in the earth realm I made a little mini-me when I made you and you're so much like me that I had to make you the boss or something so I made you the boss of the earth to subdue to have dominion to rule and to reign because there's so much like me I had to give you something to reign over and you will never lose control of what I gave you the reign over until I can't see myself the moment I can't see myself your kingdom will start to fall great was the fall of it great was to follow it great was to follow me the fall in comes because I can't see myself it's not because you're not good at what you do you can be good at what you do but I won't bless you like I could bless you because your foundation has got a crack in it and if your foundation it's got a crack great was the fall of it I wanted to keep you in the garden but because you stopped reflecting me I had to take you out of what I had given to you because you're no longer at your foundation look like me so you've done all of these classes you've done all of this clue and you've argued with people you fought with people to get their promotion and you've read everybody's bucket everybody's saved on everything how to get ahead and you wonder why it's not working you spend around seven times you haul it Jesus you jumped on one foot you threw tire down dance on it said the devil was alive and when you have to doing all of that stuff you were still in trouble I want to tell you where the trouble is coming from the trouble is coming because you're not grounded if you're not grounded if you're not steadfast if you don't have his character in donating out of your heart if you don't have the kind of love where you can't help it if you don't have the kind of love that it make you call up somebody that you ought to be mad at and say I just want to make sure you're okay then you're not ready to give this kind of blessing if you don't have the kind of long-suffering that you can take a lickin and keep on tickin and they never call your name and they never acknowledge you but you busy doing what you're doing for the Lord anyway then you are really not his child if you don't have the patience just say though he slay me yet shall I trust him and wait on the Lord that maybe you're not his child anyway because if you don't get this thing right on the ground you won't grow to the place of being great stones and life come to try your foundation anyone not grounded will fall the only way people can be grounded is about building a foundation based on the Word of God the Bible asked how will people hear without a preacher how can we preach let C be sent Thank You partners for sending me to the world to share the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ your support of our global partner systems since we to take God's grounding word all over the world is the only sure foundation upon which we can stand God wants to give you the grace to be grounded in every aspect of your life for your gift to the Ministry of any size you will receive grounded in faith on CD from Bishop Jake's mind renewing series grace to be grounded and when your gift is $110 or more you'll receive grace to be grounded in its entirety on seven CDs your very own walk through the grace to be grounded series with Bishop Jake's 28 day devotional and unique grace to be grounded art des Display don't be stuck in infertile territory get the grace to be grounded not Quinta though he slay me yet shall I trust him and those stay right here and they'll get my balance back i'ma get my fruit back I'm gonna get my heart black I'm gonna stay right here till the power of the Holy Ghost wounds me grounded in my spirit grounded in my walk grounded in my prayer life open your mouth and give God the praise
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 16,302
Rating: 4.847826 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: ExcYfNgcY8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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