T.D. Jakes Sermons: The Discipline of Doing Part 1

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a lot of times in scripture to bring out scriptural a revelation of the metaphors are often agricultural whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap agricultural times there will always be day at night seed time and harvest except the grain if we fall into the ground and die at about alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit agricultural terms occasionally God uses our contextual terms our contextual terms implies that there is going to be a lot of work involved in order for there to be a building is one thing to plant a seed and watch it grow it's another thing to build something from the ground up there there's going to be some sweat equity there's going to be some work involved there's going to be some tenacity required in order to build something from the ground up people people don't like building too much they know they don't like building to my faith they think they kind of like to buy something you know get rid buy something ready ready just move in turn the lights on I'm ready this is the Barstow greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our King I'm excited and delighted to have an opportunity to be with you I counted a privilege to share the word alone with you I believe God is up to something in your life I've been sharing this series work your faith today I'm going to share a metric called the discipline of going go take some discipline to do it you may have to go through some things but when you start doing the things that God has called you to do God is going to do some awesome things it's time to dig deep so you can build a life God and already playing for you are you ready for this even the best builders hit some storms don't stop blaming yourself when things go crazy it's not your fault endure the storm and when you come out of it God's gonna do something amazing God do you work now get ready for this method that's gonna bless your life and look at this building can be stressful I heard my pastor when I was a little boy they built the church up on Vandalia Lee he actually did it once he said he would never do it again he said building is for young men and and I didn't know what he meant but I understand now what he meant building is and and if you don't understand it you have build enough to pick by the time you get to going through the stress and the headache and the aggravation and the disappointments and the regulations and the committees and the zonings and the permits and and the runaway contractors and you have to be up for the task if you're going to build when you build now you bill first by design and then by reality you build with you you get an architected and he draws it out and when that when the when the drawing looks right then then the hammering and the nailing and the digging and the pouring began but nobody likes to build without a vision nobody wants to build without a plan once you get that plan in place it once you get that plan approved and once you get through getting L of that organized that you have the site at the location and the inspection and all the infrastructures in there that you need in order to build what you're trying to build then you start digging your way up yeah it's funny because building speaks to erecting something but in order to erect something you have to go down in the part of the world I came from we had basements you all don't have basements down here because of the soil and whatnot but we had basically city you you dug out the basement and put poured the footer and poured the concrete and then you started laying block and then you put the house or you put the house on the foundation now now down here they build it a method called pier and beam they they don't do it that way but they be able to pier and beam because that the ground is so weak and so vulnerable that they dig tunnels deep down into the soil and pour concrete in it to stabilize that not risking a basement they spend all of the resources digging deep enough so that they can hit something solid because they understand that they're building in an unstable environment and if they don't dig down deep enough then you can have erosion and wake up one morning and the whole place fall that our news is permeated it right now with the case where one moment the house is standing and the next moment they have what is called a sinkhole and everything collapse they said how can how can this mean we're sitting in the house having a cup of coffee the next thing you know the roof caves in the floor gives where everybody's screaming and they're digging and digging trying to get victims out of a house that looked good on the outside it happened it heated cooled air conditioning water how can it be that then in a flash she meet him everything collapse in a flash everything goes down they said we don't understand it it wasn't like it was gradual it wasn't like it was slow it was just suddenly everything collapsed they said because the turbulence the problem the issue was not on the surface it was underneath that time only brings to fruition the reality of what was underneath yeah things can look good on the surface but underneath you can be in trouble and have the potential for a sinkhole and never realize it that don't be afraid though because if it's built right if it's built right it can withstand all the turbulence around it if it goes down to something solid that does not break it doesn't move if you tie into something to hit rock you don't have to worry about it because if you hit rock everything around it may shift to move and vary but if you hit rock quit us all overs there's going to be saying but people don't like to build too much because because building takes too long they want to get it right now we don't want to we don't want to build a career because the notion is that the building takes too long somebody asked me in a QA what what causes people to go after after married people as well I said well I said where well what had happened was it's not that it's not a lot of good single men out there anybody there is true but but single men are not married man they're single man and they that you have to build but sometimes oh it's some good women out there is some really really good women out there but there may not be the wife you want them to be you may have to do a little construction and people who prefer going after married people they just feel like building tastes too long yeah yeah they want your job they don't want to train for it they don't want to work for it they don't want to grow up into corporation they just want to walk in with a cute dress on and say I'm here and start doing what you do because they think it's easy they don't want to earn the right to be who you are because building tastes too long and I'd met building this building that building is it's hard it's hard it's hard but but but if the only way you can know what you got the only way you can step into the moment and be fully prepared for the moment the only way you can deal with the thing and knowing that you got what it takes to sustain it is to build it from the ground up then you really know what you got but but brother this is Jesus really isn't so much teaching us how to build a house he's really telling us how to build a life and he and his concern is they they had that people have a tendency to hear more worried than they do they love to come hear the word oh where are you going I'm going to hear the word oh yes yes I'm going to ducted up stretch cuz he can really preach the word that I love to hear the word I love to hear the word I hear love day I drove 45 minutes this morning to come hear the word glory to God oh I see him on Twitter Oh Bishop was on this morning he was on fire he was preaching the word love the word god we love to hear the way but Jesus is saying that hearing the word doesn't necessarily build the house now now I understand faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God I know I know if you hear it you get faith but what does faith have to do with it if you're not gonna do anything still to come on the Protestant figure out everything that's flaky they got everything that's shaking they got everything that will break her did my fear out my restlessness of my give up spirit my quitting spirit my turn my spirit my doubting screen dig it out Lord my mind may be distraught my body may be right with pain my enemies may surround me but God believe you if I can have my little prayer time with him in the morning I don't care what happens that day I walk out the door armed and dangerous for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive radical faith from the unbeaten series on CD just write us visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 and when your gift is $70 or more we'll give you all 5 unbeaten messages on DVD as well I Know Who I am I know where I am I know who's I am and I know when it's all over I'm going to get the victory however when your gift is a hundred and twenty five dollars a war will also add the book Tree of Life songs offering hope and healing in the Hebrew Scriptures along with a beautiful faith candle this time is not going to be like last time the fight is on Jesus says to them I don't want you to just hear the word I want you to do the word I don't want you to just hear about healing I want you to go out there and lay hands on the sick I don't want you to just hear about victory I want you to walk out the door and walk in victory I don't want you to diss hear that I'm gonna bless you I want you to walk in the blessing I don't want you to just hear about loving your neighbor I want you to practice on somebody that gets on your nerve I don't want you to do this oh I'm losing the blood it's gonna be tough this morning I don't want you to dis hear it so you so you can throw scriptures at everybody else I want you to actively engage in the process of trying to do what you hear because when what you believe infiltrates your behavior that's what gives you foundation when what you believe infiltrates behavior the process gives you foundation oh yeah you got me the process that's what I'm after the process gives you foundation when what you believe infiltrates behavior the process gives you foundation when what you believe infiltrates behavior the process gives you foundation it is not just the hearing of the word nor is it the doing of the word it is the process of doing the word that gives you found that it is it is the struggle they don't hear me it is it is the struggle it is the wrestling it is the praying it is the pulling it is the trial it is the temptation it is the stumbling and falling and getting back up again it is the aggravation and the intimidation that gives you Foundation is alone it's just it's not just the mechanical influence of robotic Li doing the word it is just as you go to do it you learn things about God that you didn't know you learn things about yourself that you didn't know you learn how to go through aggravation and heartache you learn how to deal with obstacles in situation and while you're trying to do and carry out what he told you to do all of a sudden you're going deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and so as he gave it to you without letting you build into it you wouldn't be prepared for it it is the process that gives you the power it is the rejection of the alienation and the intimidation that drives you down to your knees where you say I thought I had this and I'm gonna have that and I thought I had the honor but if mama don't go if daddy don't go is sister brother don't look so he says when you do it he said doing is digging doing is digging if you look at the text doing is digging he said when you do the word you are like the man who dug down to the rock when you start doing what God tells you to do there is an inevitable digging process where everything that isn't solid has to get out of your way for you to be able to do what did this is the process when friends leave see I I gotta tell you this because it will look like the devil has gotten loose in your life but it's not the devil it's a shovel and when the shovel starts digging down everything starts moving I want to talk to somebody who's getting a lot of movement in your life everything's moving everything things you thought would never move are moving look at somebody I got some digging going over it's digging me out he's diggin my friends out by circumstances my situation he's teaching me to shut my mouth teaching me to hold my peace teaching me to chamber it and God stuck a shovel in your life digging past your fear digging past your insecurities digging pass how you see yourself digging past your limitations digging you all the way down he's gonna dig he's gonna dig he's gonna keep on digging he's gonna keep on digging he's gonna keep on digging until he hits rock Oh hallelujah I'm about to get happy in here Aylin Liliha just somebody tell him I got rockin there somewhere I know I look fragile I know I look insecure and I know I look intimidated and I know my hands are shaking and I know I'm nervous and I know I don't look like I got much confidence in me but if you bite me in a corner I got rock up in me somewhere is there anybody in here that knows you got a rock somewhere yeah yes yes yes yes yes the discipline of doing says there is no shortcut to excellence you just can't fast traffic so in this instant age we live in we have lost any understanding of slow preparation in this microwave shaken bait 30 minute quick serve soup in a cup generation we have lost all sense I bet you there at least 30 percent of the people in here have never tasted a slow cook grid don't even don't even they don't even know that they have never had anything but instant oatmeal I bet you thirty percent of the people in the room have never had anything but jiffy corn bread in this jiffy instant quick easy serve aged with you get into something that requires slow cooking and stability you think that the devil has gotten loose in your life but they that wait upon the Lord ten three people Sam waiting on something waiting I got to slow cook it I got to dig it out I've got to get some discipline I've got to go through some struggle I got to go through some heartache but I'm working on something and what I'm working only can't be instant it old car helped me a minute huh what I'm working on has got to be able to stand some stuff what I'm working on has got when I get to the top of the hill I gotta be strong enough to stand somebody holiday get out loud figure out everything that's flaky they got everything that's shaking they got everything that will break her did my fear out my restlessness of my give up speared my quitting spirit my turn box feared my darling spear dig it out long big out my sensitivity and big out my insecurity and often the shovel God uses his people Hey oh we were having such good Churchill this in it fascinated me when I went back and reviewed the text that the preceding verses were dealing with human relationships how you treat people how you handle people what you say what you don't say and then I realized that God shovel is often people that he uses people and how we interact with them and how they interact with us to dig you down to something solid the problem is most of us really want to be dug down to somebody if I can just get you to act right do right get yourself together so I can count on you you can't build on the shovel so the reason people keep hurting and letting you down is because it's using that to get you to the rock I wrote a book years ago I wish I had waited and wrote it over now because I could write it so much better now than I wrote it at the time I wrote a book can you stand to be blessed can you stand to be blessed can you can you stand up to it can you can you busy talking about give it to me give it to people can you stand can you stand to be but can you stand up to it that is not all you're talented enough it's not are you gifted enough can you stand up to all the things that come from it can you stand and see everybody wants to do the above-ground work because the above-ground work is the pretty stuff oh look at the stone and look at the windows and look at this people that look at the door look at this Allah and look at the landscape oh the landscaping if you ever see something landscaping at all your life all the interior decorator was just absolutely amazing that's just stuff that gets you the handclaps is for the above ground work but it does not matter how beautiful things are above ground if there's all kind of craziness but Neath the ground eventually everything above ground will sink if you don't put the effort on the ground you have to have discipline to do that you have to be willing to work in places people don't see you have to be willing to take the time that it's necessary to prepare the foundation even the more when you believe God is going to do something great in your life the work goes down before the building goes up I'll be right back with you after this my mind may be distraught my body may be right with pain my enemies may surround me but God still believe you if I can have my little prayer time with him in the morning I don't care what happens that day I walk out the door armed and dangerous for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive radical faith from the unbeaten series on CD just write us visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 and when your gift is $70 or more we'll give you all five unbeaten messages on DVD as well I Know Who I am I know where I am I know who's I am and I know when it's all over I'm going to get the victory however when your gift is a hundred and twenty-five dollars of war will also add the book Tree of Life songs offering hope and healing in the Hebrew Scriptures along with a beautiful faith candle this time is not going to be like last time the fight is on when will I sleep good at night when life gets hard and tough and you feel like you're at the breaking point there's something about being at that point that it's gonna going hunger you go over window my merits have the love bag your baby is coming the question is do you have the strength when will I have real peace concert in times past I winked at it but I'm not winking at it right now you got you gotta get right about that because where I'd get ready to take you this year you gotta trim your wig so you'll be lit up and ready to go it's over in the my smile be real these are the questions that plague the souls of men in silence and the answers to those questions they're in this message the message is it's all good it is all good even when it don't feel good I'm sorry brother than shifted I'm out of time I got a go but if I go I want you to know that the Word of God that we have shared today I pray I believe I trust it has fallen on good ground and if it has it's gonna be harvested help me dig real deep go through whatever you got to go through I know what it's like I've been through whoo I've been through some David I thought I could make it having done all the staying God brought me through and sometimes if you just hold to your conviction you'll understand better buying by like the old folks and why things happen the way they did so you be encouraged and know that they're fifth man down here in Dallas Texas praying for you and with you and I believe that together we touch and agree best is yet to come hang in there I mean when you can I'd love to hear from you god bless this is the bomb
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 700,217
Rating: 4.828619 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, Discipline of Doing, building a spiritual foundation, spiritual foundation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2013
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