T.D. Jakes Sermons: I am the Good Shepherd

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coming up on The Potter's touch the door it is so powerful that I can go in and out and find green pastures pastures in his presence pastures outside of his friends pastures up under the anointing pastures on my job green pastures in my church green pastures in my house green pastures with my preacher green pastures with my friend I don't have to be at a particular geographical location to give the glory of the Lord once I find the door I can find the pasture whether I'm going in this is the pasture greetings family I'm so glad to have the opportunity to share the word with you the word is the thing that sustains us that keeps us going no matter what you're going through and God wants to reveal himself to you he has given us direct access to his presence you won't want to miss this message the message is called I am The Good Shepherd find out why I called it that as we go now to the Word of God there are terms that are called in theology anthropomorphic terms anthropomorphic terms are terms where God uses things metaphors and similes to cause you to understand things that you would not be able to understand otherwise the hand of the Lord was upon the Elijah does not really mean that God's hand was on him physically but it doesn't mean that he was up under God's covering and protection he covered me with his feathers does not mean that God in the bird but it gives you a picture in your mind as a hand color covers her egg so has God covered you meaning that the warmth that you experience and the incubator process that exists in your life is a result of the hovering of the Holy Spirit over your head and over your life it is that method of teaching that Jesus employs here in the final summary moments of his life on earth to finally infuse his disciples with pictures and metaphors that would help to reveal more clearly his plan his purpose and his intimacy that he desires to express to you first he says I am the door what is a door is a portal of entry it's a place of access he says there are things in other words that God has for you that you have heard before that have been talked to you down through the ages and yet you have not been able to access then he says I am the door through which you can access the blessing of Abraham through which you can receive the promises of God I am the door that gives you entrance into the kingdom he is so bodacious in his claim that he says no man cometh unto the father save he come by me I am the place of entry into the promises that the father has for you he says so that you might go in and out and find green pastures we cannot just live in the Express presence of God we are certainly living in the on the presence of God but we cannot live in the Express presence of God no more than the priest in the Old Testament can live their lives in the Holies of oldest it is a futile endeavor for you to try to spend 24 hours a day walking in and expressed anointing of the Lord you wouldn't get anything but God's presence is so overwhelming and so powerful that if you spend all day up under the anointing of the Holy Spirit you would get anything accomplished in your life at all so he says I want you to be able to go in and out and find green pastures I want you to go in and out with a familiarity like a child of who lives in your house who goes in and out I can remember when I was a little boy growing up in our house and and we had a screen door and the object of the screen door was to keep the flies out we had no air conditioning you understand the times and and the kids would go in and out the door in and out the door my mother Hollis shut that door they kept going in and out the door the reason we went in and out whereas the neighbors rang the doorbell because we were able to go in and out they could not go in and out because they did not enjoy the relation ship that we had through which we could readily access without anybody granting us permission access to go in or out when you know that you are his child you don't have to stand with your nose pressed up against the windowpane and wish you could be inside when the holy spirit advertises before you things that God has in store for you because that is what the Holy Spirit does it advertises like a storefront window the things that God has inside the kingdom for you where did you give that from the subjects I'm glad you asked he says eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things that God has in store for them that love him but it have been revealed unto us by his spirit so picture the Spirit of God as a window through which you can see into the kingdom your destiny and your future and it is perpetually advertising to you what God has in store why is that important we would have fainted had not we believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living we would have began to become weary and faint with the storms and the adversities and the atrocities of our time but every time you got ready to faint God advertised your feature and it gave you the power to overcome your past and oh my god that's why the Bible said without a vision the people perish I may not be able to touch it but pastor one if I can see it then with patience I can wait for it and I understand that where I am will not last that there's something inside there I want many people see it they hear us they hear us preach they hear us teach on television on the internet through books through tapes and they hear all of the things that God has in store but they cannot access it because they will not come through the door Jesus says because you are my children I am the door you can enter in and out and find green pastures I want to take a moment and praise God for his accessibility his accessibility is incredibly important to us we need to know that there have been times in the past that the church has taught an erroneous ideology that suggested that God was not accessible to us that you had to go to a particular person or priests in order to access the Lord this is inconvenient because sometimes the priest is not available sometimes it's the wrong day too far away the crisis occurs at 5 o'clock in the morning I can't get the priest on the phone but if you understand that Christ is my high priest then then that means I don't have to wait the bishop up to get a breakthrough I can go to God for myself I don't even have to leave the office I can be in my office and go through the door I can be in the courtroom and go through the door I can be in a prison cell and go through the door the door is so powerful then I can go in and out and find green pastures pastors in his presence pastors outside of his presence pastors up under the anointing pastures on my job green pastures in my church green pastures in my house green pastures with my preacher green pastures with my friend I don't have to be at a particular geographical location to give the glory of the Lord once I find the door I can find the pasture whether I'm going whether I'm going out then he introduces an alien factor into the taste an alien factor into the text an intimidating factor a slithering crawling factor he introduces the thief the thief crawls into this text like the snake slithered into the garden interrupting and romantic interlude between God and His Church he deals with the intention of the thief he says the thief cometh but to kill steal and destroy the fact that you have access to the door does not mean that the thief will not come the fact that you pray in the spirit does not mean that the thief will not come the fact that you pay your tithes does not mean that the thief will not come the fact that you sing in the praise team does not mean that the thief will not come the fact that you pass to the church does not mean that the thief will not come the thief will come Jesus told you he would come Jesus said he would become Jesus declared he would come why are you shocked that the thief has come just imagine now if you knew a thief was coming to your house how would you get ready for these if you knew a thief was coming to your house would you leave the windows open and the doors unlocked if you knew a thief was coming would you set the alarm if you know a thief coming would you arm yourself with weapons if you know a thief was coming would you hide your possessor I came to tell you that these is coming the thief is coming I could have slept in this morning but the thief is coming I coulda laid in my bed but the thief is come I could have taken it easy but the deal is coming I can't let him come and catch me with my work undone two T's coming the team can't even see that he's coming I cannot afford to fall out with you and get in a war with you and spend the rest of my life arguing with you whatever we're angry about we gotta get over it because the thief is coming the thesis coming I can't put that much energy into you I've got a devil to fight I've got an enemy to thwart I gotta lock these doors I got a hammer shut these windows I gotta pull these were the thieves cover don't think I came in here acting funny towards you I'm not thinking about you I've got a devil the fight still to come on the Potters touch reaches it took him 40 days to gather up the sheet he showed up in the upper room and they were scattered Thomas was not there he had to come back to death so he could bring Thomas back and then at home tell Peter I know you did not me but me me in Galilee Sam yeah so in the book of Acts he had brought amah back together again are you under the Shepherds watch alarms go off that you can even hear an angel start flying in that you can't even see because I am sheltered by the shepherd for your gift of any size you will receive this critical message sheltered by the Shepherd on CD from the series the Shepherd's watch I can't even tell you all the stuff that almost got me if nobody in the whole church praises God and when your gift is $70 or more you will receive bishops series the Shepherd's wash on DVD your sister died from it and yet some kinda way you're still here the shelter of the Shepherd brought me through the storm however for your gift of 125 dollars or more we will also include TD jakes new book destiny step into your purpose the Destiny Christian study guide workbook and destiny step series on DVD find your safety under the Shepherd's watch today have you ever felt vulnerable ill suit it for the fight you have to fight all hell is up against you and you don't feel equipped to withstand the adversities that have come against your life you assess your own strips and don't feel competent to survive and the atmosphere that the Lord has spliced you how could God be good and put me in a world full of wolves how could God be loving and put me in an office full of wolves how could God be kind and put me in a community full of wolves doesn't he know that I don't have the strength and the apparatus I need to fight against the opposition that fed hand doesn't he understand the vulnerability of my nature the weakness of my flesh the cravings of my lust doesn't he know that my mind and my will is not strong and tenacious enough to withstand the kind of battle that I have to fight every day does God know that I can't sleep at night does not know that I toss and turn because I smell a wolf does God know that I can't rest in peace because I kiss the sin of trouble coming and I feel ill-prepared I don't have the money and the bill is coming I don't have the strength and the challenge is coming how could God put me in this situation where I am so ill-equipped to fight against what I've got to fight without glad you asked that's why he said but I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly help me preach tell your neighbor you're not in this by yourself you don't have to fight this by yourself you don't have to withstand this by yourself you don't have to deal with this by yourself oh the shepherd is coming the shepherd is coming the shepherd is coming the shepherd is coming so Jesus says I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly he is saying I come against anything that if against you woo oh I got a dance right there myself whoo I felt that thing I come against whatever is trying to kill you whatever is trying to steal from you whatever is trying to destroy you I come against it I come against it I come against whatever enemy that's trying to assassinate your destiny your future your calling your purpose I come that you might have life I came to protect what I started in you I come you for my life you fought for my joy you fought for my peace you fought for my promotion you fought for my survival when the enemy came in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord from battle olive good supper now he says I'm not trying to make a shot he says he says oh I am The Good Shepherd I'm not a hireling he said a howling will run when the wolf comes but I am The Good Shepherd when the wolf runs to you I'm gonna run to Lord him I don't run from the fights salius merely says the wolf comes so that he might scatter the Sheep I got to deal with that word scatter see the wolf knows that there's strength in numbers so he tries to scatter the Sheep that's why the Bible said forsake not the assembling of yourselves together because you got a wolf to fight and if he catches you by yourself he's able to devour you but the Bible says the closer you get to the last days the more you gotta stick together the more you under attack the more you need to be in church the more the enemies up against you the more you need to be in the service of the Lord because you are not strong enough by yourself to come against the enemy the enemy wants to scatter so that he can destroy he wants to scatter so that he can destroy he wants to scatter so that he can destroy that's why I told you last week the Good Shepherd left the 99 they were safe together and he went after the one because he was out there by himself all y'all don't hear what I'm saying look at your neighbor say don't be out there now I want you to hoop it don't be out there by yourself the reason Shepard leaves the 90 and 9 is because your strength in the back he goes after the one because isolation is the last step before destruction or if I had time I would work there anything that is about to be destroyed will always isolate itself right before destruction whether it's in your family whether it's in your marriage whether it's in your church people leave before they leave the last trick of the enemy is to get you isolated nobody understands me nobody loves me nobody's there for me all of those are the tricks he used to put you in a state of isolation because once he separates you from the pack he is trying to destroy you look at the message don't go anywhere stand still can I preach this in Hornet now now all my preachers are saying bishop I see the text I see the exegesis of the text you have exceeded the text properly but there is one problem why did you have us read that's one what does that have to do with the door the thief and the Shepherd the reason I had you read acts one is because the devil tried to trick the devil knew that if I smite the Shepherd I can scatter the sheep so they hung him high and they stretched him wide so they thought if I get this shepherd I'll destroy the Sheep and when they hit the shepherd the sheep scattered Thomas threw his hands up and said I'm leaving the church Peter denied him and with depression and the wolf was coming in for the kill and he said I got him where I want him they're all scattered they're all broken apart the tattered and torn hell started having a party the party lasted all weekend Friday night they were high Saturday night they were drunk Sunday morning ah Sunday morning here come the Shepherd that's amazing oh here he comes here he comes the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Rose of Sharon the lily of the valley the bright and morning star Nash he's bossy oh he's my buckler he comes Regus it took him 40 days to gather up the seat he showed up in the upper room and they were scattered Thomas was not there he had to come back to death so he could bring Thomas back and then at home tell Peter I know you didn't add me but leave me in Galilee son yes so in the book of Acts he had brought amah back together again there were you tried to destroy me but I'm back you asked about joy when I'm back you asked about me when I'm back everybody who ever got off-track you ought to be praising God everybody who ever went down you ought to give God a praise and say I'm back and back and back and back you should have killed me when you had the chance but I'm back so yeah I've got to stop there but it's been a real joy to share the word of the Lord with you a particularly this message I am The Good Shepherd it is your will that activates God's power in your life he doesn't make you worship Him he is the Good Shepherd that cares for us one of the things that I believe we provided I spent a lot of time with the Lord really grumbling over this book that I just released called destiny step into your purpose this is about everybody's talking about I want you to have it not because they're talking about it but because it is relevant to those of us who are really trying to step into our purpose and soared away from us all the things that have been given to us that we're not really drawn to we're not really called to it's not really a part of our destiny I pray this will bless your life like a spice man it has been the catalyst through which my entire career involved there was always something pulling in the even when I didn't know what I do yesterday god bless you I'm sorry Brian we're gonna have to let you go tsilya stop it we had to make stop changes listen festivals identical destiny awaits you will you take the first step destiny is written to connect what's in you with the purpose that awaits you the first action step requires faith daughter destiny today everywhere books are sold there is more but they were all a symbol that's what the text is and then it's not naming him James was there while our meal was that Matthew was that child who was there none of that excited me but when they told him that promise was there and Peter was there I knew that the devil had tried to destroy them but they made it black just in the Lord said you made it back just in this is the bomb
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 193,430
Rating: 4.7740812 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, the Potter's Touch, I am the Good Shepherd, sermons, good shepherd, sheltered by the shepherd, why does god love us, finding confidence in faith
Id: j0h3ErX28QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2015
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