TD Jakes Sermons: And Ye Shall Have It Part 2

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a carnal Christian doesn't necessarily have to be a sinning Christian to be a carnal Christian it certainly incorporates that but it is not limited to that kernel where we get the word carnivorous just means meaty meaty carnivore carne meat flesh means that you make decisions through your flesh that's all you have to do to be a carnal Christian to operate through how it looks what you heard and how you feel danced all over the church you still carnal talk in tongues till your mouth feels like sandpaper you're still Colonel you are carnal because you are responding to flesh over spirit and if you sow to the flesh you shall of the flesh reap corruption if you sold to the spirit I believe it said of the spirit you shall reap everlasting life since the part of hi I'm Serita Jake's and what a delight it is for me to be visiting in your home on your job in your hospital rooms today to bring you the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ you're gonna be blessed watch this if I'm going to get the kind of faith that believes I have received it and faith comes by the Word of God this kind of believing can only happen when God has spoken in my spirit oh you don't hear what I'm saying when God speaks it in my spirit and my spirit receives what God has spoken to me I receive it right of the Auto hearing this is to keep me from trying to receive stuff this yours because if he didn't speak it to me I can't believe it like you and I can't receive what is yours so I can't comment what God has given to you because I don't have the faith to receive what I don't have so he says what I'm going to do for you will not come through your senses so if you are operating in your senses you are going to go back through the same thing you went through last year because what I'm sending you will not come through corn it will not come through flesh it's going to come through spirit and in order for it to come through your spirit you have to get it the birthing position a prayer so that you can birth in another dimension oh this is going to help somebody he says it's not going to come through the flesh and up to now you've been making decisions based on flesh what you see what you heard how you feel but eyes have not seen see you're not going to see this coming he said what I got for you if that even look like it's headed your way so if you look at in the natural so you can see your way clear you're never going to see your way clear because eyes have not seen neither has ears heard neither have entered into your imagination what good the the beach the things that the things things things things things things things things things they just touch three people say things things thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the things the things the things so when we say things we're no one we're talking about spiritual we're talking about tangibles God said I got tangible things I want to do in your life but I'm going to send it through the spirit I'm not sitting just the fruit of the Spirit the things God has to think if it's a thing God can do it if it's a thing God can move it if it's a thing God can release it if it's a thing God regret it if you been bread is anything too hard for the Lord he shall have anything touching ever say thing God's gonna do a new thing in your life the former things are passed away and behold all things are made new slap somebody say it's a thing it's a thing a thing a thing a thing is coming a day I think God's gonna do his thing in your life God's gonna do his thing in your finances God's gonna do his thing in your marriage that's gonna do his thing in your body God and the mapped into his thing okay let's try what the bishop is saying by the word because what he is saying is that things are going to come from spirit now faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which do appear were not made of things that do appear check me out I'm quoting it verbatim so that the things which do appear were not made of things that do appear so that things start in spirit things stand up her turnaround clinco instead turn around turn right see this suit this is the thing it did not start out as a thing it started out as a spirit it was an idea then the idea became a drawing and the drawing became a pattern and the pattern became a suit and the man became a customer and now he's got a suit but the suit didn't start with fabric it started with the thought if you can get it in your spirit you shall have it yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah so if you're going to be transformed it has to be by the renewing of your mind it has to start in your spirit eyes have not seen years have not heard neither have entered the heart of man the things that God has in store for them that love it well how do I know what God has in store for me how do I know that this job is what God has in store for me how do I know if this marriage is what God has in store for me how do I know if this move is what God has in store for me what are my things come Wednesday night I'll tell you about it god bless you I only know it if the spirit who searches the deep things of God reveals it unto my spirit watch his eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things that God has in store for them that love him but it had been revealed unto us by his Spirit oh so this is not just the book talking this is the Spirit of God talking to my spirit so the Spirit of God who searches the deep things of God brings it up to me you know and on that computer when I go in the World Wide Web it's got a search engine on it cuz there's so much stuff out there that I'm not looking for I don't have time to go through all of that for what I am looking for so when I type it in search search goes into all of that and brings up to me what is for me are y'all hear what I'm saying the spirit the Holy Ghost is a search engine it searches the deep things of God and brings up into your spirit what is yours touch the babies I got some searching to do I've been getting the wrong stuff the wrong friends the wrong relationships the wrong jobs the wrong places I've been did somebody else's mail I got some surgeon to do can I go a little bit deeper so the spirit excuse me hallelujah the spirit who searches the deep things of God reveals unto my spirit dark things God has for me now we're getting somewhere so when the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God and walks up to my spirit and say this is for you not only do I have a promise which is yay and amen I got faith because faith cometh by and hearing all y'all getting it this morning I'll give it this morning but you thought you was gonna hear it with this here but it's not this year he's talking about it's this year he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the child see you've been listening with the wrong year come on here somebody so now the spirit has spoken that is yours and anytime the word is spoken faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and guess what the moment the Holy Spirit says is yours you believe you have received it slap your neighbors I believe that thing I don't care what you see with your natural eye I don't care what you heard with your natural here I'm operating on another level I receive that bit take 30 seconds and praise it like you got something from the law still to come on The Potter's touch now faith is the substance of the thing you hope for come on here but it is the evidence it is an evidence the fact that you believe on that level is evidence that is yours because you couldn't believe it like that if the Holy Ghost didn't show your spirit that that thing was yours slap somebody say that means it's mine have you ever wanted to discover the difference between God's desires and yours or learn how the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God God has a specific plan for you his desire is for you to discover his will and to receive the fullness of his blessing the Holy Spirit is our central intelligence agents are CIA you're making decisions based on the past and the present the Holy Spirit makes the decisions going to pass the present and the future your life is a direct reflection of whose voice you listen to desire pray and believe you will receive when you write us visit our website or call one 800 bishop to you'll be given CI a the spirit speaks on three DVDs just for helping us reach others with your best gift and when your gift is one hundred and fifty dollars or more you'll receive your very own devotions book set and a beautiful resurrection cross tuned in to the hidden wisdom the Holy Spirit has for your life today listen friends I want you to understand that the pastors and leadership conference is designed to take you upward and onward with what God has placed inside of you many of you are unearthing new gifts at you wishing you had mentoring you wishing you could see behind the curtain and understand how people do what they do we designed this conference for you join us for our pastors in Leadership Conference 2013 you are not like them they come down in your spirit your if you know how to influence people correctly you will increase your leadership they need our spiritual DNA God's not gonna beat us over the head to try to get him to us he could take on nobody and make something out of my life don't miss various workshops such as music ministry production and business principles of leadership support staff social media and Wars a gathering of people that God has selected to lead the way meet leader and will help get you prepared to reach the next level I received it I receive it in my sphere I receive it in my spirit I receive healing in my spirit I receive joy atmosphere I receive ich tree in my sphere I receive overcoming power in my spirit huh I receive deliverance in my spirit and if I get it in my spirit then it's only a matter of time before I get it in my life somebody who understand said you've got 30 seconds of a crazy break I said a crazy thing I said it raggedly see we get ready to unclog your birth canal so that you can start birthing out of your spirit rather than birthing out of your circumstances slap your neighbors say and ye shall have it you shall have it you shall have it ye shall have it you shall have it tell him in the balcony ye shall have it tell them in the quashed and ye shall have it tell him in the balcony ye shall have it tell them inappropriately so to have it ye shall have it ye shall have it ye shall have it G so have it God coli God Allah ye shall now sit out I'm gonna go a little bit deeper I'm a little bit can I go just a little bit deeper now my mother played the piano a little my sister played my grandmother played I grew up around music and classical music and and I liked music especially piano and I wanted to play and I do play a little the fact that I desired it doesn't mean that I should have it because when it came down to believe that you receive it I didn't believe I received it because the Holy Spirit didn't bring it to me my environment brought it to me now Marcus who's been playing for me for 25 years he received it in his spirit I'm gonna tell you how I know he received it in his fear we've traveled all over the world eating in restaurants been on planes been everywhere we have never gone anywhere where Marcus is not playing the piano comedy key commit this is community around this is the airplane seat in front of us Marcus is here this is the seat we're on the plane 40,000 feet in the air and Marcus is on the back of the seat go okay so I thought he's a little mentally unstable he does not seem to realize that there is no instrument here he is playing the back of a seat he is touching upholstery I looked at it with my eyes I can tell it is upholstery but in his spirit it's a keyboard y'all hear what I'm saying got to hear what I'm saying to you when you get something in your spirit you look like a fool to other people because even though it had manifested in your life yet it's so real in your spirit now you see he doesn't have no more fingers in me in fact my fingers are better for piano than he is I got long fingers they look like piano fingers I got all the attributes and coordination to be able plays the only thing I don't have is I don't have it in my spirit I have the desire but I never received it in my spirit when you get something in your spirit circumstances can't stop you you may not have the tangibles but if you got it in your spirit well blessed ahead is going to let me tell you what I did have in my spirit I didn't have music in my spirit but you know what I had I would be in the shower no visualizations please I would be in the shower and i'ma stop preaching to a dishrag and a parcel and I tell soap you've been in sin too long oh I know man from Galilee and if you're in sin then I tell the wash rag come to Jesus while you can while the blood still runs warm so ultimately I became in the natural what I received in my sphere I'm helping somebody I don't know who it is thought about said about says that's okay go ahead what so ever you desire go ahead desire whatever you want to but here's the test when you pray believe you received it if you can believe you receive the very fact that you can believe that the back of the seat is the PRI that the bar soap is a soul if you can believe crazy stuff that's a sign that ye shall have it now faith is the substance of the thing you hope for come on here but it is the evidence it is the evidence the fact that you believe on that level is evidence that is yours because you couldn't believe it like that if the Holy Ghost didn't show your spirit that that thing was yours slap somebody say that means it's mine that thing that's in my spirit that will not leave that thing that's in my mind that will not go away the thing that's gone in my heart I haven't seen it in my life yet but I got it in my spirit like the neighbors say it's mine it's mine it's mine it's mine I would give you to quickly biblical examples in our going God tells Joshua Joshua don't believe the Canaanites the Hittites the Jebusites or the garish lights they're all running around there within chariots and stuff they think that that's their land I have given you the land they may be driving it they may be living in it they may be walking around on it they may have the deed to it but I fit my search engine and I'm telling you that's yours I'm going to give you houses that you didn't build I'm going to give you a vineyards that you didn't grow I'm going to give you stuff by the Spirit he says I have given you the land to possess it it's yours go get it it's yours go get it it's yours go get it how can I go get it cuz it's mine if I couldn't even wouldn't mind I couldn't go get it I don't know who I'm preaching to today but the Lord said it's yours go get it tell your neighbor it's yours go get it okay I won't even bother I was going to use Urim and Thummim but I won't even bother it I will just cut through the weeds and run over the fence and say whatsoever things ye desire you hear the different now when you pray believe you received it and and the after-effects of believing you received it is and ye shall have it say that with me and ye shall have it said again and he shall have it said again and ye shall have said again not speak to yourself I said and he fed again one more time if you believe it give him a praise right now I'm sure you were blessed by the word today and we'll be right back to pray with you have you ever wanted to discover the difference between God's desires and yours or learn how the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God God has a specific plan for you his desire is for you to discover his will and to receive the fullness of his blessing the Holy Spirit is our central intelligence agents are CIA you're making decisions based on the past and the present the Holy Spirit makes the decisions going to pass the president of future your life gives a direct reflection of whose voice you listen entire pray and believe you will receive it when you write us visit our website or call one 800 bishop to you'll be given CI a the spirit speaks on three DVDs just for helping us reach others with your best gift and when your gift is one hundred and fifty dollars or more you'll receive your very own devotions book set and a beautiful resurrection cross tuned in to the hidden wisdom the Holy Spirit has for your life today who you talk to about it women everybody else's talk in dry places and drought and barrenness it and they've learned how to live in the desert and hold church or the whole city on the whole organization has become happy with promise but you are not like them they come down in your spirit you hear yeah thus we have something for everybody of the pastors and leadership conference this is not just a gathering of preachers it's a gathering of people that God has selected to lead the way into various spheres of influence meet me there and we'll help get you prepared to reach the next level don't miss various workshops such as music ministry production and business principles of leadership support staff social media and war this is your time don't be left behind register now online or when you call 1-800 Bishop 2 today Lord we ask that you would save the loss that you would prick the heart of that person that's given up on you draw the backslider back to your side we know that you love us with an everlasting love and we know that there's absolutely nothing that you cannot do we love you for it in Jesus you bye-bye this is the
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 217,320
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Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, the Potter's Touch, And Ye Shall Have It, sermons, how to rely on our senses, finding time for dedication
Id: _Tn0WqgsAhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2013
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