Instinct to Increase - Part 1

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people live and die based on your instincts your instincts you can be totally oblivious to making somebody happy or miserable simply because you don't have the inner voice that tells you what to do at the moment what what do I do with this moment what do I do with this situation most people just live the moment without thinking the moment and understanding that there is an inner instinct that causes you to react spontaneously to the moment to the opportunity to the timing and it's a terrible thing to deal with anybody to ride in the car with to dance with to live with to work with somebody who has no instincts they bring you the right information at the wrong time instincts and so maybe do you have good instincts this the Barstow greetings in the invincible name of Jesus Christ our King I am so excited to have this opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you to be blessed of God and chosen of the Lord to present His Word to you is my highest honor as we prepare to go into the Word of God there I want to prepare your heart for what I believe is a life-changing series that the Lord gave me we're calling the series open doors I believe that God's going to really open doors for you the question is are you ready for the door that's about to open I believe if God presents opportunities to you what you do with that opportunity is actually your gift back to God now understand that sometimes opportunities come dressed up in opposition but if you define it correctly and you understand me correctly you perceive it correctly well let me go to this word I believe it's going to help you like this particular message shut the Latian it's an instinct to increase take a look at this this is absolute pure food for the Soul here we are listening at Jesus teach he has me and 'red through the preceding text in an almost loquacious matter letting himself go from this subject of that subject of the other as it were not as someone who is just gibbering and jabbering alone but more as someone who has more to say than he has time to do it he is trying to convey to them a truth that is quite profound if you approach this truth then you must realize that what he is saying to them it is like a man and he lets us know that this man is a very wealthy man and in a conversation with what the King James Version translates his servants my my version their translated is slave but there is definitely a gulf in the conversation there is a gulf in the conversation it is a superior speaking to inferior there there is a golf in the conversation and yet there is a conversation there is a sociological golf there is definitely an economic golf and yet there is a conversation the slaves were not on the level with the master and the master was not on the level with the slaves but there was a conversation when we look at that work slave it makes servant it makes us a little bit uncomfortable it's just this in just doesn't feel good for us to hear that we just not only if you are my historical background there's a little tense where you know you don't like to hear that word but just people in general we don't like to hear that word because we live in a democracy that lends itself to the ideology that we can lift up the lower-class to the middle class and and that we've done away with other systems that would alienate people from opportunity and the word is foreign to us but this is not an American text this is not a text about New York or Washington DC about - about your corporate office building this is not a Western text at all it is steeped in an Eastern culture that embraced a caste system whereby the notion was whatever you were born into that's what you were supposed to be a caste system teaches an ideology then that there is no responsibility on people or government or haves to have nots to bring people up because whoever you are it's what you are deal with it it is this sociological notion and ideology that was pervasive in the times that Christ ministered you can see it in in attitudes like the poor you have with you always you can see it in how the Bible is written y'all got quite Oh me stay with me you can see it in how the Bible is there were some people that were not there names were not included though their miracles were substantive their names were not recorded and maybe you didn't even notice like uh you remember who is that lady the the woman at the well what was her name uh oh yes just a woman at the whale and and yeah the lady with the woman the woman with the issue of blood you know her name was uh the woman with the issue of blood why is it that the Scriptures gives some names like blind bartimaeus the son of timaya is set by the highway side begging and other people remain nameless on the text into the reflection of the ideas of the writer that certain people's names were not even worth recording because there was such a gulf no need to record your name you are a nobody you must understand the expansive dimension of the gulf to appreciate to appreciate the power of the conversation so if you approach it purely from from your from the noses of of republicans'll if you you approach it purely from the notions of democracy you will get lost in in your reasoning because you look at it through the lens of American history city and you look at it with the condescending voices says slaves and turn up your nose but but you must understand the beauty of the text exists with the understanding that there is a gulf between these three slaves and this one master and yet there is a conversation could it be that Jesus might be saying to us that the gulf between the master and the slaves is like it is like the gulf between god and man that his thoughts are above our thoughts and his ways above our ways as i as the heaven is above the earth so are my thoughts above your thoughts in my ways above your ways you were born on this level born in sin shapen in iniquity I wasn't born at all I had no mother no father no beginning or in the days I am the Ancient of Days I am the father of wisdom I have more wisdom and the folds of my garment then all of your universities compiled together hallelujah whatever your highest thought is it is my lowest thought your your highs are my lows my my thoughts are so far above you and yet I have a conversation what a mighty God is this a god oh my god a God who doesn't need anything see the master doesn't need the slave the slave needs the master the master could go out and get another slave and yet there is a conversation of God who doesn't need me but I need him said in spite of the gulf between your ways and my ways and your thoughts and my thoughts I'm going to have a conversation with you and and I'm going to express it and I know you don't understand the gulf between us but it is like it is likened unto a master talking to a slave and not only did they have a conversation the audacity of the text suggests that the master gave his goods to us gave it to committed into their hands I want you to understand that the slave owns nothing has nothing has no rights or privileges and yet the master threw a decision in his own mind not a request from the slave but a decision from the master has decided to gift the slave was something that he could not gift himself with this vulnerable position of the slave of the position of us on earth and it begins with the understanding that you have been gifted if you don't understand you have been gifted you will spend your life walking away and walking past what only God has than you somebody say I have been gifted yeah I I have been gifted I have been gifted my gift may not be your gift it may not be shimmering in the light like yours is it might not be in clustered on a ring it might not be in a singing voice it may not be the ability to do something that you're able to do but let me tell you something I have been gifted I have something I have something some nebulous in the script thing that God has given me that is so unique in the earth that you will never see it again I have been gifted do you understand that you have been gifted because if you don't see what you have as a gift you won't protect it you won't guard it you won't take care of it you won't appreciate it you'll run around other people who are gifted and you'll be so enamored with what they have that deep down you won't appreciate what you have the greatest mystery of all mysteries in life is to discover where is the treasure inside of me what all have you put inside of me and what does it take for me to discover what do I have to go through to dig down deep enough to find out what God has placed down inside of me I have been gifted if you don't see it you don't own one if you don't appreciate it you can't have it but rest assured when I cry out my first cry and the doctor smite my bottom the first cry was a gifted prayer [Applause] still to come on the potters - yeah that's the goal that's what you're aiming that that's what you're shooting for you want to be excellent on your level you don't want to sit in your little trail and look across the street at the guy in the house and and begrudge him his house when you have fixed up your trailer you want to be excellent you see masses of people jumping in cars filling a place full of gas trying to get away from what they perceive as an opposition you will see a few people fronting to ward what everybody else is running away from because what is other people's opposition it's an opportunity I see an open door opportunity lies before me I've changed my view he thought enough of me to give me the opportunity the least I can do is to work that face others may run from what I run to aligning purpose to his wheel I attack like a warrior scale walls like a soldier marching in line never diverting the path I've done the math god is great Ross you handle the opportunity correctly you were able to move into the next dimension can you see your open-door order open doors three insightful messages when you visit our website or call one 800 Bishop to [Music] [Applause] I want to talk to women who are called to go into the next dimension register today for woman Thou Art Loosed 2014 at W tal org or call one eight hundred fish it to talk like you know who you are and say I have been gifted I can't take credit for it it's been given to me I don't know why I can do what I can do like I do when I do it I just know I can do it when you have been gifted you just got something you can do when you read it you understood that other people read it they couldn't understand it but when you read it it makes sense to you everybody in the room might be able to read but they might not be able to decipher it like you decipher it you have been gifted or you wouldn't be where you are do what you do have what you got know what you know you have been gifted somebody shot on gifted ah I feel something this room is some gifted people in this room right now all the gifted people clap your hands and he gave the bastard a v' unto them to one he gave five to the other he gave two talents and to the third one he gave one they all were gifted yeah they were all they all were gifted we're all gifted glory to God my mother taught me a poem you've heard me mention it before about George written by George Washington Carver when I was a little boys call you all that the greatest of men have had and when I was eight or so I had to memorize it little did I know that it was shaped my thinking the rest of my life that if you have two hands two eyes two feet you've all that the greatest of men have had you start out with the same stuff what you do with it is up to you but you've all that the greatest of men have had with the same thing they have subdued nations and taken down kingdoms because you have all that the greatest of men have had I did not know that she was depositing into my self-esteem the wealth that was necessary through the necessary through which I might be able to expand and draw from it the rest of my life that she was vanquishing my excuses for failure and opening my eyes to possibility because it was fair I have all that the greatest of men have had two eyes one nose two ears look at that look at this stuff I had been gifted fearfully and marvelously made I'm bad from the beginning there is no question then that all three the one with the five the one with the two the one with the one all of them had been gifted gifted but not not not equally not equally gifted but gifted nonetheless ya-ya-ya-ya-ya may not have what you have but I'm gifted nonetheless I might not have the dimension of gifts that you have but but but just because I don't have the dimension does not mean that I am destined to t not have five I may only have one but but Lord I sure do thank you for this one ha ha I sure to thank you for this one I may be a to talent kind of dude I'm just a to tiling kind of dude yeah but lord I think you're fatigued because I realize that I didn't get that by myself you just gave it to me willed it to me bequeathed it to me decreed it unto me declared it unto me handed it to me I have been gifted no no no no the problem comes the problem comes as the Apostle Paul so clearly says when we compare ourselves with ourselves and so doing it is not wise because if I become distracted by the discrepancies in the volume of gifts between us then jealousy is born rather than feeling gifted I compare myself with you and I can't enjoy my - for being envious of your fire so when my boat leaves for sure of understanding that I'm gifted and docks on the bay of comparing myself with you that is where my carnality de stories my creativity because you cannot be jealous and creative at the same time in order to be in order to be truly creative I cannot be distracted by comparisons with other people creativity begins when I invest develop and bring to fruition what I do have within my power to do rather than to become distracted by the inconsistencies between me and you and what I don't have if I don't understand that I may waste years of my life thinking that the goal of my life is to catch up with you never realizing that I am not to be compared with you at all what I'm supposed to be is excellent on my level hahaha yeah that's the goal that's what your aim in that that's what you're shooting for you want to be excellent on your level you don't want to sit in your little trailer and look across the street at the guy in the house and and begrudge him his house when you have fixed up your trailer you want to be excellent he he gave them five the same men had the same status had the same master and they had something else they had something else he gave them talents all the men talents but they were not the same talents five two and one one other thing he gave each of them that it's not written in the text but it implied in the Texan if you overlook that you will miss the power of the text he gave them an opportunity [Music] there is nothing in the world as wonderful as to have been given an opportunity so many people wait in the wings chewing at the bid patting their foot waiting on an opportunity an opportunity is an invisible thing that if you don't discern it instinctively it will not be mentioned in the text because opportunities are a matter of perception you must have a revelation to see a moment as an opportunity an opportunity will not walk up to you and say hello ma'am I am an opportunity and if you're not careful you will become so distracted by the inequities of life that you won't even notice that the opportunity has been given to you because you are distracted by the comparison to such a dimension that you don't see what is in front of you as an opportunity I'm going to tell you how deeply veiled an opportunity may become opportunities are so often veiled that not only are they invisible they are often to come before you in the form of opposition did you hear what I say I said to you that opportunities often come to you draped in the suit of opposition and if you don't perceive it correctly you won't benefit from it correctly because you don't understand that the opposition is just assumed but up under the code is an opportunity [Applause] I can't go to deep time on around me but you see when when the waves come in and the winds are blowing and the ocean has produced high waves and you see masses of people jumping in cars filling up tents full of gas trying to get away from what they perceive as an opposition you will see a few people running to ward what everybody else is running away from and they've got surfboards because what is other people's opposition if you got a surfboard it's an opportunity and I'm wondering are you running away for what you think is an opposition because you don't see it correctly as an opportunity Oh y'all don't want to talk to me I walk like this this is how I do it I think better when I walk and when I start playing with my coach you in real trouble there yeah it's something about my brain and the bottom of my coat didn't we've been playing around for about 30-some years yeah yeah this is my hidden stash yeah little bit of everything applause we cleared our understanding of how the master has delegated dollars he has not delegated talents on a preferential basis no he has given unto them according to their ability ah next point he has given unto each of them according to their ability not his preference he didn't prefer one slave above the other he assessed the ability before he releases the level of opportunity we've got to stop right there my announcer is gonna share more with you I want you to get your hands on this message take a look you see masses of people jumping in car filling up tanks full of gas trying to get away from what they perceive as an opposition you will see a few people fronting to ward what everybody else is running away from because what is other people's opposition is an opportunity I see an open door opportunity lies before me I've changed my view he thought enough of me to give me the opportunity the least I can do is to work that face others may run from what I run to aligning my purpose to his will I attacked like a warrior scale walls like a soldier marching in line never diverting the path I've done the math god is great also handle the opportunity correctly you were able to move into the next dimension can you see your open door order open doors three insightful messages when you visit our website or call 1 800 Bishop - there's a tree inside of this Apple but it'll never reach this expression of itself if it's not transferred reach new levels in Bishop Jake's informational instinct everything that ever well you back tell your name I gotta join behind it's about change mind bottling get to the core of who God created you to be receive transformational living on CD when you help us reach others with your gift of any size all I gotta do is pull my hands of the things and anchor myself on Who I am and though the storms keep on raising if I have found my door I have entered must for your gift of $70 or more you will receive the entire transformational instinct series on DVD but when you sow a gift of 140 dollars or more you will also receive the instinct wall-hanging and Bishop Jake's profound new book instinct this is the year that pushes you into the next dimension transformation begins now [Music] [Applause] I want to talk to women who are called to go into the next dimension register today for woman Thou Art Loosed 2014 at W tal org or call one eight hundred fish appeal stop feeling sorry for yourself and get yourself up and work that thing work that apartment til you get the house work that job till you get the company work it where you're at I'm talking to somebody I'm talking to somebody I'm talking to somebody I know God is not gonna come and yell he's not gonna even he's not gonna make you but he did expect you to have an instinct to perceive that moment to bring yourself back home bring yourself back home every day and look at what you have and say how can I make this better [Music] that's it I've got to go I hate to leave you but I pray that the Word of God would dwell in your heart richly by face that you would value the tools that I'm sharing enough not to just watch them and walk away but they have a personal experience with your Bible get the CDs get your Bible get a notepad see what God says to you out of the work done you'd be surprised how much more potent God's Word is when you study it rather than just watch it may God bless you to accomplish that so let his word will forever be in the earth and know that we love you and the love of the Lord until next time God strength be upon you bless our partners wherever they are hold their arms up even sa whole lineup and may he impart a special grace to get you through this season in your life that's my prayer for you in Jesus name and amen [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 181,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: woEtvyhAQZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri May 09 2014
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