The Heart of the Matter

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coming up on the Potters Tech I know you thought you'd be further than you were about now I know you had in your mind that you were going to be an overnight success but because of the womb you were in God had to keep you down because of the people that were around you God had to keep you down because of the system that birthed you God had to keep your neck down so you didn't get your head cut off but God is going to allow you to pass through the birth canal and now you get out where you can stretch your neck and become who God call you to be tell your neighbor this is my season issues to die ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters I welcome you for this opportunity to experience the power of the life-changing influence of the Word of God I loved the Word of God and this particular message that I'm going to share with you today is called the heart of the matter I believe it will bless your life it is an excerpt from the International passengers and leadership conference and whether you're a pastor or a leader or just a leader over yourself I believe this word will strengthen you are you busy working a vision that no longer works the more you are exposed to things the more you realize your dysfunction so wait a minute I'm behind I'm missing out come on catch up let's catch up in the word and you'd catch up in life check it out I want to talk a little bit let me explain a little bit about how I got to where I'm at right now I went to a safari in South Africa that really blew my mind I was invited over there the guest and I went to the Safari and I had this great experience and while I was out there I was traveling on a jeep with the zoologist and a Zulu and we were going into the into this conservatory to do a safari and the zoologist was spouting all kinds of amazing information he was telling me you know all about the animals and how the teeth were shaped and how when they bite certain branches and prune them in such a way that nature allows the biting of the animal to prune the branch for the branches not killed and it grows he was telling me how to look at their feces and determine whether it was male or female or how close they were at work what happened winter it just all kind of amazing you know zoological information that was amazing the only thing was he could explain about the eagle in the breadth of its wings and how it fly he could tell me about the rhinoceros and his mating practices and all of that he could tell me about the Lions and the Tigers and all of that he could even tell me about the elephants and and how they drank water and how they conserve water and how they mate how they do what they do but he couldn't find him he could explain it but he couldn't find it he couldn't find the elephant and all of a sudden the zoo who has got a shotgun sitting on the edge of the Jeep first time he says anything been quite the whole time he stood up and said the elephant is over there and I and all of a sudden it ceased to be about the elephant because suddenly I realized that I was seated in between intellect and instincts intellect can explain it all day long but instinct can find it some of you have spent 20 years it explaining something that you can't find you can teach it you got degrees in it you got classes in it you're qualified to do it but you can't find it and you get frustrated because you thought that if you went to school having a degree would make you successful but there the difference between explaining an elephant and finding an elephant thank God for the intellect that makes you explain it but dig a little deeper and get the instinct that makes you able to find it and I suddenly realize that most every amazing thing that had ever happened in my life had come through a collaboration of intellect and instincts that intellect hopes are gone but instinct pulls the trigger being smart as you can be learned all you can learn be exposed to all you can be exposed to because you're feeding your dream you're feeding your dream you're feeding your dream but when you get through loading the gun you got to have the instinct to pull the trigger when you get to get down the stats and the data and you went to all the data classes and you did all the research you did all the homework and now you're ready to go back you got all kind of information I'm so happy for you but it's going to take a gut instinct to show you how to take what you learn and use it in your situation touch your neighbors help get ready to pull the trigger for instance of giraffes the giraffe is an amazing animal in South Africa just absolutely amazing animal the animal is absolutely huge he is amazing and his name his original name literally translated means fast Walker one of the defenses that God built into the giraffe is the speed to which he can move about 40 miles an hour when he isn't Harry he can really get away that's pretty fast he's a fast Walker he's a fast Walker when you get back home when the plane lands or the bus lands or you get out of the car this is not a season for you to be moving like this this is a feeling for you to be a fast Walker and step into your destiny and take back what the enemy stole touch the neighbors say it's going to be fast buckle your seatbelts I'm going to go in the phone book or kid I'm going to come out Superman I want you to get my beat get my rhythm because I'm getting ready to expedite the process God to Abraham surely blessing I will bless see and multiplying I will multiply the multiplication is God expediting the process touch your neighbor tell them God's getting ready to multiply in your ministry more and more you're going to see young man there's some young man sitting over there right now who have built in five years when it took some of us old guys 40 years to build because God is in a hurry he has sped up the process you have got to move touch your neighbor and say move don't just think and plan and meditate and wish and philosophy and research and they're all pictures of it and set up a whole your hands and frame it on the wall no you didn't come all the way down here and spit all of this money so that you could decorate your walls with pictures of your dreams you came down here so you could step into your dreams and manifest the purpose of God look at some might say I'm going to step into it the amazing thing about the giraffe is that his neck is 9 feet long it's negative 9 feet long it's huge from his hoof to the top of his head in about 16 to 20 feet depending on how friends they grow that's a pretty big animal but let me set tell you something he is not born with a long neck he is born short and stubby and small because all of that couldn't get through the womb I knew it would get you in a minute so when he comes forth he doesn't really look like a giraffe because all of his attributes have not come to fruition and the reason he has been dwarfed down is so that he could make it through the passage from one idiom of thought to the next from one world to the next touch'n ever tell him I'm passing through my neck hadn't come out yet my hoofs aren't hard yet I haven't got my legs together yet the Bible said this fires not the day of small beginning don't judge me by where I start judge me by where I finish is Nexus growing once it gets out his neck starts to grow once he gets out his legs get strong once he gets out he starts moving around and little by little he comes into the full stature of what he was meant to be not not all at once but every time you look around he's growing just a little bit more into coming into his own and becoming and that's the way God bless you I know you wanted it to be quicker I know you thought you'd be further than you were about now I know you had in your mind that you were going to be an overnight success but because of the womb you were in God had to keep you down because of the people that were around you God had to keep you down because of the system that birthed you God had to keep your neck down so you didn't get your head cut off but God is going to allow you to pass through the birth canal and now you're getting out where you can stretch your neck and become who God call you to be tell your neighbor this is my season now understand me y'all doing all right understand me here what drew me to this particular approach is that once I learned that the giraffe of a fast Walker and and once I learned that his neck and his body and the massiveness of his body doesn't begin to grow until after he gets out I begin to think wow there's something in there and then I found out that giraffes eat from the tops of the trees giraffes eat from the tops of the trees and God knew that where his sustenance was where his nutrition was God knew he was going to need a long neck to be able to reach to the tops of the trees where the Sun has fallen and produced the best food for him to nurture on giraffes eat from the tops of the trees not from the grass I want to speak to every longneck ministry in this place your neck is too long your destiny is too great your prophecies are too sure the anointing is too massive on your life for you to ever drop your head again you cannot drop your head you cannot drop your head you cannot be around people that make you drop your head you cannot feed thoughts to you that make you drop your head you are at your best when you're standing up tall and ready to step into your destiny touch your neighbor and say don't drop your head when you get back home don't drop your head when you face trials don't drop your head with your wrestling with the budget don't drop your head when they call a meet with you to say I believe in the church don't drop your head because you're right I always eat from the tops still to come on the POTUS touch to all the giraffes in this room don't climb up there for the money don't climb up there for the fame don't climb up there for the crowds if you don't do it from your heart your head will never be able to stay up there in order to do a big work you got to be a person with a big heart cuz a big heart gives you the capacity to love on that level to think on that level to live on that level it's not about getting a big church it's not about getting big money it's about getting a big heart megafest 2015 is more than a festival it's an experience this from August 19th to the 23rd megafest is taking over Dallas then extravaganza for the whole family and 100% pure fun there is something for everyone visit mega - fest com to find event updates and to make reservation this experience is one you don't want to miss wonder where see from the top of the trees if they can see up there and they eat on the level of their vision always eat from the tops of the trees keep on the level of your vision eat on the level of what you see inside and don't be intimidated by the critics who cannot see what you see reach what true you reach know what you know nor have what you have it's ironic to me that the giraffe occupies the same space as the turtle and both of them are doing what they can in the same spot that the giraffe exists the turtle can be right at his feet but the turtle can't see above the grass and he eats on the level he sees and the giraffe can see to the top of the trees and he eats on the level he sees and all of it is flying until the giraffe starts learning from the turtle let me show you what I mean I had an opportunity I was doing some writing for The Washington Post and they're there their own faith line had asked me to present and to write various op-ed pieces for them for continued length of time and I wrote them for a while and I enjoyed writing them for a while but I thought written several of them and and I've made the mistake of looking down at the comments and when you click on the comments I don't care what you're talking about there people will come out and say some of the nastiest most hateful obnoxious remarks you the acrimonious remarks that were said were just just mind-blowing to me and I stopped writing and so the head of the department came to me and said mr. Jakes you haven't submitted anything for a while when are you going to submit anything I said well listen I figure I wasn't too good at it she said where do you say that we loved your material it was a very popular column I said well I started reading the comments at the bottom and and they were so negative I decided I wasn't good at it she said Bishop Jake's like are you she says don't you know those people who comment at the bottom are not our audience she said the Washington Post writes to intellectuals the people that we're writing to don't have time to write those kind of comments she said did you notice that the people who responded couldn't even spell and all of a sudden I realize that I had allowed the comments of the turtles to rob me of the giraffe opportunity that God has given me and the reason I want you to understand that is the moment you stick your neck out there will always be some turtle down there criticizing what you're trying to do but don't let the total stop you from stretching your neck to the level you're on because the turtle is talking on the level he sees he has no clue what's going on in the tops of the trees he has no clue of what it's like to be you the people who are talking about you and your family have no idea what it costs you to be who you are the people who are evaluating you and telling you what you ought to do with your money have no idea how to run an organization you don't get the advice of turtles when God call you to be a giraffe how did Lillian a God touch three people and tell them to stick your neck out stick your neck out hold your head up and don't be distracted by the comments of the turtles are there any visionaries in the house visionary let me tell you a quick story about 25 25 25 at least 25 years ago maybe longer than that I went in I was praying for a building it was the first building that I would ever buy for a church and the building cost thirty five thirty six thousand dollars and and and even back then that was a very low sum of money and and and the building had been condemned for about twenty years and it had trees growing up in it and rats in it and the ceiling was caving in and and when I went to see it I thought Oh this'll make a great Church look at this building and I looked in there and they creaked the door open and it smelled real bad and I was so excited I went back to my church and I got my little members and I brought them over to see the building because I thought they were going to be so excited and I brought them in to see how it was going to be and one girl threw up they got so sick they thought I had lost my mind and while they were trying to help her recover from being sick I was saying I'm gonna put the GWACs stand over there I'm gonna put the choir man let it wrap all the way like this and then i'ma build a wall up and put the wall all the way up to the ceiling right here and i'ma build a staircase right here do you think we can get it I fell through the floor I fell all the way through the floor jumped up and said you know what if we put the balcony over here let me tell you something faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things you cannot see tell your neighbor I can see it the reason that the giraffe's neck is so big it holds up his head but it's fueled by his heart and the giraffe's heart is 25 pounds and the reason his heart is so big is because God knew his heart would be down here and his head would be way up there and he needed a big enough heart muscle to pump the blood all the way up to the top of his head to all the giraffes in this room don't climb up there for the money don't climb up there for the fame don't climb up there for the crowds if you don't do it from your heart your head will never be able to stay up there in order to do a big work you got to be a person with a big heart because the big heart gives you the capacity to love on that level to think on that level to live on that level it's not about getting a big church it's not about getting big money it's about getting a big heart so that when all hell is breaking loose you can still get the blood right up to the top of your head bring it another bag the giraffe's heart is that big and the human heart is that be and the turtles heart it's the size of my thumb small heart small head bigger heart bigger head huge heart huge head you've been trying to get up there but if your heart is like this you can't have a ministry like this it must come from the heart or it doesn't work the reason the giraffe cannot lower his head no longer than to drink and come back up is because he will faint if he puts his head down because the blood is designed to go up and the circulatory system that exists within the composite of his neck depends on him standing erect with his head up because if he starts losing blood he starts losing consciousness according to the capacity of his heart now I'm getting ready to close and I don't say that in the preacher sense of clothes I don't need no organ another I have learned that some people don't have the capacity the capacity the capacity to do great things to accomplish great results not because they're not smart not because they are not convicted with principles but if you love on a turtle level you can't live on a giraffe level what if your heart barely makes it around your own family you don't have enough heart space to have a church if you only love what came out of your body and have no compassion for what came out of your ministry you can take all the notes you want to take but if you got a small hearted pastor I can put them in a big huge church and he'll lose members down to the capacity of his heart and if you're in a small church like I was a little storefront with seven members and your heart is that big God will give you people or vision or work or opportunities or relationships to match what is beating beat beat beat beat beat beat beating beating beating beating down in your heart unless we must go but as we go I pray that the heart of the matter has not escaped you I pray that you are sensitive like never before to what it takes to really shift the course of your life and get on course with your destiny your destiny is too great and your ministry too important to drop your head and start eating on the level of the grass stretch your neck up and come on and be a part of what God has for you and I would to God that you and I could agree together that God would make a way for you to set us out a few days like we're going to do and join us in Orlando Florida where we can sharpen each other and strengthen each other and build one another up I believe that what you have been looking for that our international and path to the Leadership Conference do not miss it before I die in a cage I want to run in the wild to understand what it is to be a pastor they can hear that life-changing message that I'm the education you are frustrated about something that just an incubator to take you to the next dimension now we're gonna grow and go to global missions no more limits no more boundaries to register for this international gathering visit pastors and leaders org or call 1-800 Bishop to religion always gazes and where it lasts all God but relationship moves beyond history to destiny bringing resurrection power to your stagnant situation purpose and motion God only asks you to pray to bring you into agreement he doesn't ask you to pray so that he can get information what do you know that heaven is unaware for your gift of any size you will receive that God has moved on CD from the purpose in motion series and for your gift of $75 or more you will receive the purpose in motion three DVD set it's not just that you have a testimony you are a testimony anybody been through what you've been through and you however for your gift of $160 or more you'll receive the purpose and motion series on DVD large print Bible and an everyday reminder of God's faithfulness it's time to move forward put your purpose in motion you're trying to touch and agree with people who don't have your rhythm you may touch but you can't agree I want to prophesy to you that this is your year to make connections with people places and things that have the same rhythm that you have been carrying in your heart all of these years and when you connect yokes will be broken doors will be open ways will be made God will do what he call you to do this is the [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 214,692
Rating: 4.8711772 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: u6_gxchnO8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 28 2015
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