The Potter's Touch - Master of My Need

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everything you have been going through and every error you've been up under attack in every area that you have a necessity your necessity is not a necessity it is in fact a ssin opportunity for you to experience another dimension of God's glory what I'm trying to tell you your need to act like you don't need anything is stopping the flow of the miracle-working power of God in your hello friends I'm excited to have this opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you I'm believing God for great things to happen in your life today I'm particularly excited because I'm going to share a message with you from the woman that loosed 2015 in case you didn't get to go I want you to have an experience and an opportunity to see what goes on at woman da Luz the message is called master of my knee join me now as I go to the Word of God much of our New Testament theology is a result of the Apostle Paul there would be no understanding yes Jesus died and shed the blood shed his blood rose from the dead and Mirth the church but the church that Jesus birth was an organism with no organization there was no structure there was no order there were no apostles prophets pastors teachers and evangelists Paul gives us all of that Paul begins to teach us and makes us understand there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who are no longer after the flesh but after the spirit Paul begins to tell us that is this earthly house our tabernacle should be dissolved we have another building eternal in the heavens which is made of God Paul teaches us it is him that we live in him that we move in him that we have our bed it is the Apostle Paul that makes us understand therefore having peace with God that we are reconciled with him we understand peace of God peace with God peace in God all because therein Apostle Paul without the Apostle Paul we would not have a clear understanding that the door to the Gentiles had been open that they might be saved as at 3:00 Paul preached with so much power that a man died while he was preaching Paul ran down the stair raised him from the dead and kept right on Peter Paul was so awesome that they tried to kill him they couldn't kill him they tried to beat in the death they left him from dad he got up and shook himself and walked away he was in Rex but he survived he was snake bit but he shook it all y'all hear what I'm saying that power that raised people from the dead withstood shipwrecks and shook off snakes why are you leading anything if you can raise people from the dead you can pay your water bill Paul says the truth of the matter is I am full lacking nothing but so that you might have credit to your account God created a need to test you to minister to that need this is weird in other words file saying I needed something that I didn't I was in trouble but I wasn't it's kind of strange this is the same guy that said I have learned how to abase and abound most to be fooling to being lon he says he said even when you're in trouble you're not in trouble now I need to preach it to somebody who's got some faith in them even when you're in trouble you are not in trouble that God allows certain necessities to come either to create a backdrop for you to experience another dimension of his glory or for the people around you to have an opportunity to flow into another dimension of His grace now back in the early days dr. Janz when I was preaching I would I would say something real hot and jazzy as a subject I would do something like tell you to touch your neighbor and say it's a setup so touch your neighbor and tell him it's a setup they don't understand exactly what I'm saying yet cuz I'm not totally through unloading it yet and when I unloaded everybody's not even going to get it because some people are so shocked by the situation and they've been praying so hard about the situation they've been so focused on the circumstance they've been so distracted by what they're going through that they don't understand that everything you have been going through and every error you've been up under attack in every area that you have a necessity your necessity is not a necessity it is in fact a stopper tunity for you to experience another dimension of God's glory to the ten people who understand it touched him people say it's a setup it's training wheels for your faith it's training wheels for your faith it is a passage of entry into the next dimension it is of our mitzvah for the son of God to have matured enough to carry the weight why didn't you give me this magnet I couldn't handle it back then and why would he give me all of these thousands of seats when I didn't need them it's God says the trigger point of my supplier is your knee no wonder he hates a proud look because a proud look will never admit me I know I locked out about 10 rolls with that I killed about 10 people with that why why does God hate a proud look above everything else above any murderers and lying and backbiting everything God said he hate not only does he hate pride he hates a proud look you don't even have to be proud he said you sit there and act like you important I hate the fact that you are got your legs crossed acted like you important because proud people will never admit me why would you have a savior if you won't admit that to drowning why would you have a miracle worker if you won't admit that you have a need no wonder some people get anointed while some people are just tired if God's up response to need if you don't need anything you won't all in needed people clap your hands God says let me see I got I got fish I got stars I got water I got sunshine I got oak trees I got panel of trees I got all of this stuff that I want to give but I cannot give it until there's a need so he forms the earth when he forms it it creates a void void is capacity and he responds to the capacity of what is form he said I create capacity in the ocean so I put fish in it I created capacity in the earth so I could so see them to it I created capacity in the heavens so I could throw stars at it and birds have it now you got something to fly it I couldn't release the answer until I formed you form the earth and feels it he forms the ocean and fills it with fish he forms the air and fills it with birds everything God forms he feels he formed the tabernacle and filled it with furniture he formed the Holies of Holies and then filled it with glory in fact he formed man and filled him with her which came first a man or the breath God had the breath but until there was capacity he couldn't feel anything until you admit oh you're here he responds to capacity easy he'll go down to show me what you see in the valley I see dry bones in the valley he said can these bones live again Lord thou knowest speak to the bones that they might live so I prophesied as I was commanded suddenly there was a noise there was a shaking the bone came together bone to his bone and they came together bone to his bone and sinews came upon them and then he said prophesy to the wind because now I can feel what I formed because God responds to capacity if you don't want anything you won't get anything if you don't need you won't receive anything do you not know that the real star of the story with the toussis and the five loaves of bread is not the little boy and it's not the lunch it was the hunger that moved the Lord when the when they came to Jesus and they said the people that are with you are hungry he's a no-good that's capacity wherever I see capacity I will release a box oh I want all the people that's got capacity to hollow right now they said Lord you got 5000 hungry people what do you have he said we don't have number the little boys lunch he said I could work with anything if they're hungry I can work with anything if there's a need I can work with anything if they're thirsty I can work with anything just give me a little bit you got it I know it's not much because the star is not what's in the bag the star is sinking in the belly of the people God responds to hunger the Bible said that with Jesus after John the Baptist was beheaded it said when Jesus saw the people and how they were hurt he was moved with compassion and heal them what I'm trying to tell you your need to act like you don't need anything is stopping the flow of the miracle-working power of God in your life he that hind us and that's not the righteousness shall be healed you've been trying to force him to love you you've been trying to force him to hear you but God said I'll see your gift where he can shine go to the winner's house swap Tibet is a cow every time you reach for God's will give you a handful every time you use it God's gonna release it - that's a useless girl every time you use it second time you reach you somebody within my parking space there's nothing wrong with the pockets right there's something wrong with you with you getting where you're supposed to be you can walk amongst witches and not be cursed this job no demon in Hell can take you back into that song this joy is permanent I command you now in the name of Jesus to be free in your mind in your heart in your spirit woman you can't be alright I come against everybody roses tumor breast cancer depression he is the master of your knee if you don't need anything you won't get anything but if you need something tonight God is gonna open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to receive one moment can reveal truth I think that you see the best in him but you don't see the best in you one moment can give hope you can teach other people how to love you bow how you love yourself one moment can change the rest out of the edges of what you have left will come the resurrection of all that you will gain it the profit has experienced a brook that has dried up and God says I want you to go to the widow's house there I will sustain you I will minister unto your necessity through a widow who is broke what God's getting ready to do is so crazy how can I be thirsty and hungry and you send me to somebody broke God said I am going to minister unto your need and I am going to use people to bless you but it's not going to make any sense who I use because when I bless you I don't want you to praise who I use I want you to praise me so I'm gonna sing you down there and I'm gonna show you how to see glory where she sees agony God's gonna let you see how to take something that looks like nothing and turn it completely around Lord I don't know who I'm preaching to you don't have a larger you don't have food and you don't have water but you got creative concepts and ideas and I'm going to put you in a position for your gifting to shine you can do no more in the brook the water is not the problem the famine is not the problem I need to put your gifts on display and I can only display your gifts in a place of need so I'm going to bring you to somebody who needs you see you've been trying to feed both who de Legion and you can never reach your potential anytime you have to force people to feed you've been trying to force him to love you you've been trying to forcibly hear you but God said I machine your gift where he can shine go to the winner's house slab - that is a Lux's I'm the master of your need I'm going to deliver you from feeding people who don't need you from forcing yourself on people who don't want you I did not create you for you to beg people to receive what I gave you I'm gonna put you in a place where people can appreciate what I gave you you have been in a spirit in a stage of dealing with people who have no appreciation for what you have but tonight God said it is now what just watches I want you to give this he takes the need of Elijah and matches it with the need of the widow he takes a need and brings it to a need I told you he's a master of my knee see the only reason your ministry hadn't gone further is the thought that you're trying to feed don't perceive that they need you if you find somebody who's willing to admit how hungry they are you won't have to beg them to see them he hungers and can't after righteousness shall be filled okay there's a couple of things I want to point out this woman had a need she had a like in her resources because she did not perceive what she had correctly and until you perceive what you have correctly you will eat it and die when you don't think that what you have is enough to help anybody else you will eat it and die not because it's not enough but you will eat it and die because of how you perceive it so God brings a prophet to see what she has in another perspective he says what's this he says there's nothing wrong with a little bit of all you have in the cruse there's nothing wrong with the barrel or the handful of meal it is that because you perceive it as an impossibility your perception is killing you he says I wanna I want you to act like it's more than enough and the more you act like it's more than enough the more I will make it more than enough if you walked in the room like you're not enough you're going to be received like you're not enough but I want you to set the table like you got everything need and serve it like it's more than enough and if you'll serve it like it's more than enough I will release you into a flow but that's not the thing that got me let me show you what got me what God knew was most of time you pray in the ask God to do something you want to see the increase you want to see how many people want to see the increase you want to see the increase but if you see the increase is it really a miracle come on if you see the increase is it really a miracle if you can see your way clear is it really a miracle if you can see how you gonna do what's next is it really a miracle the real power of the miracle is not just that God sustained her and Elijah as long as there was a drought what's it the Bible said I will I will sustain you until it rains that no miss said they didn't get that I can tell you got that God said I will sustain you until it rain he said until the outside blessing comes I'm gonna do something underground in the spirit to make sure you live as if it's raining though it's dry oh I was a head of church that was ready for this so watch this the Prophet comes in the house says reach your hand in the barrel and bake a cake for me first and he says your mill barrel will not run out nor will the cruse of oil fail you until it rains but wait a minute it wasn't that he said if you make a cake for the man of God first I'm going to send you 50 barrels he said you're gonna have the one barrel the same barrel that you always had you will have the same handful of meal that you always had it's just that every time you reach toy every time you reach for it I'm gonna give a release in your life let he said in other words I will show you what's in your barrel you don't know what you got put your hand on your stomach you don't know what you got every time you need it I'm gonna send it every time you cry for it I'm gonna release it every time you open your mouth I'm gonna release it you aren't watch wait a minute you are never gonna see any more than what you see right now I'm not gonna give you 50 barrels so since I won't give you 50 barrels I gotta change your perception of what you got you don't know what you get that's what's in the profit reach for it it happens reach for it it happens reach for it it happens reach for it it happened not sister let me sir I'll do this I want you to act this out I want you to reach for it right now just reach forward it happens do it again reach for it it happened good again reach for it it happened good again that's how you won't come out of this season every time you reach for it God's gonna give you a handful every time you use it God's gonna release it scrub some sa use it girl every time you use it every time you reach every time you y'all no human reach forth resource before the years up every time you eat God's gonna do another miracle in your life if I'm talking to you you've gotta pay God is about to fulfill his promise to you the Bible says for my god shall supply all your need Thank You partners together we are changing lives for eternity and the message of the gospel God is in control always remember he is the master of your need the more effective you are the more attacked you will be because you are losing somebody that the enemy wants to keep the worse than awesome is just being spiritually renewing for your gift to the ministry of any size you will receive master of my need on CDs your necessity is not a necessity it is in fact a opportunity for you to experience another dimension oh just one of Bishop Jake's groundbreaking messages that became a movement from woman now I lose it's nothing matter what they think about you God is not gonna bless you by their opinion God is gonna bless you by how you see and when your gift is $70 or more you will receive the best of woman Thou Art Loosed vol 2 on five DVDs as well as master of my need on CDs however when your gift is 140 dollars or more you will receive master of my need on CD the best of woman Thou Art Loosed volume two one five DVDs the woman now at loosed Bible and woman Thou Art Loosed mug set let these time-tested messages take you to a new level of freedom today when you start flowing in it he's gonna flow in it the miracle is in the flow the miracle is in the release the miracle is in using what you got you've been waiting to get all your ducks in a row and when you get everything together you don't move that you're on sand that's what's killing you that's why you eat to take and die if you take what you got and start stirring it up God says if you stir it up on earth I'll stir it up in heaven and whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven slack your sisters a woman feel free to reach out to us on social media and share your story of how god is impacting your life we look forward to seeing you next time on the POTUS touch
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 94,909
Rating: 4.8766627 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: 2i4dnrWwCkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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