The Potter's Touch - You're the man

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coming up on the Potters deck most people walk away from face it don't look like what they dream they don't understand it when God starts maneuvering you he will show you the destination but in the process it will ship and you thought you were gonna be up your first test is survive being down if I'm God in the pit I'll be God in the palace but until you can praise me hey everybody I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you the message that I'm gonna share with you today says you're the man once you get your Bible real quick go to Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 through 8 before you stand out you have to learn how to fit in whatever God is going to do for you it always starts in a crowd if you can't get along you can't get up understand the importance of this truth as we go into the Word of God take a look God gets ahold to Joseph when he is amongst his brethren sitting in the crowd shows him a dream that he's gonna rise to a position of power he shares it with his brethren and they see the position and not the mission if they would have seen the mission they wouldn't have tried to kill him but because he had a dream that they were one day bow to him they hated him over the position and not the mission I'm going to give you five principles this morning and the first one is understand your mission mission mission not position mission some people are so focused on the position that they lose sight of the mission they think God is a talent agency they think God is a booking agent they are trying to pray to God to get them in a better position if you are asking God to change or position he will never understand what you're talking about because whoever you are up here you were down there God knows position means nothing if you don't understand mission now if you understand the mission God will change your position to accomplish your mission he will change your position to accomplish your mission any time God brings you from something you didn't have into a place that you do have always be aware of your mission don't get drunk off of your position because if you get drunk off of your position pride comes before a fall you'll lose it all because you got caught up in the position and lost sight of the mission it's the mission that brings you to the position he shows him a dream and in the dream his brothers are bowing before him and in his immaturity he shares the position with his brethren and don't allow your immaturity to make you miss manage your opportunity because in your immaturity you will become infatuated with your position and never and lose sight of the fact that whatever God promotes you it's always because he's got you on a mission I was challenged of the Holy Spirit to remind you that God has given you every talent every gift every resource every door open every favour every dollar you've ever made every favor you've ever had with anybody not because he was interested in you being important it's because he has given it to you because he wants to trust you with the mission not the position now you're trying to get the position but God is concerned about the mission that misses that mission the mission he needs somebody who can represent people who would never get there and he'll move you up if you never lose sight of the mission and I want to ask you do you see yourself on a mission do you really because very few people pray about mission they want prayer for position they want prayer for power they want prayer for Prosperity give me power get me position give me prosperity you seldom get a prayer request for a mission I was in a pastor's meeting and one pastor was teaching and he was saying that a young pastor came to him and said pray for me that my church will grow he said I want my church to go I said like the innocent prayer request he said pray for me that my church will girl I was shocked at the other passengers answered but then I understood it he said why why do you want you Trish the girl and the young pastor couldn't come up with a decent answer he said that's why it's not wrong why do you want more people until you can answer the why of it you'll never get the one of it the truth of the matter is he wanted more people so that he would measure up against other pastors in the city that's position God is not going to feed your insecurities by giving you validation that has no mission Oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying I'm gonna work this thing I'm gonna get up over I'm gonna I'm gonna step on some toes I hope you wore some horrid shoes this morning cuz imma get in some crevices that's what you're praying for have a Y or is it just of what why do you want it more people for what more money for what more Fame for what for what do you know why or do you just want a bunch of people battling to make you feel good about the city and so when the pastor got through preaching and teaching I got him to the side because I was fascinated by what he said I want to talk about a little bit more he said if the man would have told me about his mission to win the city to feed the hungry to reach the disenfranchised said he needed more people to accomplish what he was trying to do as it related to his purpose we could have touched and agreed but the fact that he wants physician without mission says that he is driven by ego and I just want to know is ego making your decisions is your ego your need for validation your need making those kinds of decisions because you must understand until you are mission driven until you are missing driven resources will be locked up let me try it over here until you are mission driven resources will be denied why do you want it why do you want it want it for what is there a sense of mission pulling you along is it more mission or more money because if your money doesn't have a mission I'm trying to help somebody in here today so the big word is missing somebody hollow mission asks the person next to you are you on a mission I'm gonna put him on the spot ask him what is your mission number two my big word is manoeuvred Joseph saw that he would end up in this place but he did not see how he would be maneuvered to get there if anybody would've told you 10 years ago that you'd be sitting on this stage at the potter's house in Dallas Texas yuichi said I would never believe it never believe it no way in the world left your family left your background singing with your sisters way up and oh how how in the world did you get to Dallas Texas when God has a plan for your life he will maneuver you he will maneuver you he will maneuver good God of mercy do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth somebody watching over the internet that's your word God is maneuvering you don't even worry about it even cry about it don't be upset about it he maneuvers she the strange thing is Joseph saw up but he went down what's his he saw up he saw himself up and his brothers bowing before him but before so that means he saw himself up and his brothers down but when God started maneuvering him his brothers were up and he was in a pit so the maneuver looked just the opposite of the dream most people walk away from things that don't look like what they dream they don't understand that when God starts from a nuvaring youth he will show you the destination but in the process it will shift and you thought you were going to be up your first test is survive being down if I'm God in the pit I'll be God in the palace but until you can praise me Oh I need some pimp razors everything happening backwards to what you plan everything looking different from what you had in mind but God have what to test you can you praise me now can you dance in a pit will you clap your hands in a bed devil I will just praise God in the palace I will praise Him in the pit before you earn the right to praise God with your own time you have to praise God when you're in the valley that's what makes you appreciate being on top I need a thousand pit praises still to come on the Paris Dutch manitous top clan and manager stop feeling sorry for yourself and manage it stop having a pity party and managing manage the people manage the problems manage your emotions manage your fears manage your doubts manage your insecurities you're not fit to be blessed if you can't manage the process I want to thank our partners for helping us make a difference in the lives of hurting people the partnership has provided food clothing clean water medicine distribution and so much more at home and abroad in fact the mega care we are establishing medical camps and health clinics to increase the rate of survival while giving hope and healing to a hurting the community if you are not a partner I encourage you to become one today somebody with in my pocket space is nothing wrong with the pockets right that's something wrong with you when you get where you're supposed to be you can walk amongst witches and not be touched this job no demon in Hell can take you back into that sorrow this joy is permanent in the name of Jesus to be free in your mind in your heart he is a master of your knee if you don't need anything you won't get anything but if you need something tonight God is gonna open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to be seen number three is management can you handle it can you handle it can you handle it I know you want the role but no you want the ring but kidding you handle it I know you want the position to know you want the title can you handle can you handle the stress can you handle it I know you got a degree in it but can you handle it I know you've taught it but can you do it I'm shocked at the people who can teach things they can't do can you out you know the book of it but you don't know the experience of it can you manage the pressure the anxiety the loneliness alienation or does do you feel so uncomfortable by the opportunity that you go back to your old seat because you can't manage what goes along with sitting in this seat are you praying for a blessing that you can't manage the thing that makes Joseph incredible whether he was in the pen or Potiphar's house or in the prison the life couldn't draw anything on him that he didn't manage he managed being in the pit he survived it he handled it they drug him out like a slave and took him and sold him in the Potiphar's house this boy who had never been in the house of aristocracy stepped from obscurity to aristocracy and managed it do you know how hard it is to manage success to manage being in a position of power when you weren't raised like that you didn't come from that you don't know the protocol to adapt to your environment step in it and ended up running all Apollo furs business affairs excuse me what University of it Joseph go to none what tell of my grounded Joseph half in managing a rich man's house none excuse me Joseph didn't even in his neighborhood with his kid people how does he end up managing it Joseph has the ability I don't care what you throw him in he will always manage it touch me people that say manage it manager manager stop crying and manage it stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop having a pity party and manager manage the people manage the problems manage your emotions manage your fears manage your doubts manage your insecurities you're not fit to be blessed if you can't manage the process mani did I'm gonna be further my fourth word is mediation now mediation is really the mission he has moves Joseph into a position ahead of time before the famine ever broke out so that when the famine broke out amongst his kin there would be somebody in power who could mediate on their behalf who who was strategic enough and a managerial enough and confident enough and had survived another maneuver see because Joseph had moved into a position of power where everything is about to change he steps into the position as the Prince of Egypt and moves into position he says King you're gonna have seven years of plenty you're gonna have seven years of famine but don't worry about it I know how to manage stuff I know how to manage all kinds of things I know how to deal with maneuvering I was up I was down I was in the pit I was in the palace I can show you how to good times bad times clearly like I got a degree from this I got a degree in hard lots and don't worry about it you can save up the good times I have sprinted into bad times I did it in the pit I did it in the prison I did it in part of his house I know how to survive a famine I had a famine of love I had a famine of support I had a famine of recognition but I Swiss turn it all and if you'll follow my direction I will show you how to survive your credit some of the things God took you through it wasn't even for you it was for other people so that if you hadn't gone through it you might have been hardly an high-minded but you learned some principles that make you able to mediate and now in a position of power when the same brothers who hated him come in to try to get food not only is he managing the gross national product for a country he managed he managed to be an independent he managed a rich man's house he managed in the prison - Joseph became a leader in the prison and now he is managing a country an entire country he has grown so much that when his brothers come in they don't even recognize me do you not know that the people who knew you when you were sitting back there sometimes they don't even recognize you when you're sitting up there because here have grown so much you're not recognizable but here's the key they're not recognizing you doesn't give you a license not to recognize them so here's the dichotomy not only are you helping people who don't recognize you you're also helping people who were hating on you all the while you were getting there but God has God knows that you have the kind of character that can manage any resentment that you would have and still function from a position of clarity and when they don't recognize you you still recognize them and now he is mediating in their behalf for them to access food that they wouldn't get they are eating josephs characters it is not the corn that they are eating they are eating Joseph's character without Joseph's character they would never access the corn sometimes God will allow you to access corn that you would never get through the character of somebody who is kid all y'all are here for my preaching too they are eating off of Joseph's character because Joseph because he has came to them can be touched by the feeling of their infirmity now I see out of all of the brethren why Joseph was selected he was selected to do this job because of his character when push came to shove he could override his own frailties and get the job done that's why he was the man and until you can override your insecurities and step into your destiny you'll never be the man but the Lord gave me this message to preach today because the principles that I'm teaching you will reveal whether you are the man or not there is but one God and one mediator between God and men and that is the man Christ Jesus the man Christ Jesus had a mission the man Christ Jesus was maneuvered the man Christ Jesus had to manage his own feeling not my will but thine be done are you following me the man Christ Jesus ever liveth as a mediator between the power and the problem and all we are waiting on now is for the manifestation the manifestation the Bible says that Joseph finally revealed himself to his brethren the Bible says that Jesus will reveal himself to his brother so my fifth one is manifestation the whole creation is waiting on the manifest Jason are the sons of God you know what the world is waiting on they think they're waiting on a new president they think they're waiting on a stronger economy they think they're waiting on world peace but they're not waiting on any of that the Bible says the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain waiting for them manifestation of the sons of God the sounds s o in s thus not and so in the SL in s the sons of God you know why the world is in trouble right now they're waiting on the manifestation of the church but the church is so busy having a pity party that you never show them the power of being the sons of God I came to tell you this Sunday morning this is the Sunday that you are a grow up and step into the full stature of who you are in God see the whole sermon you thought I was talking about Jesus did you thought I was talking about Joseph but the truth of the matter is I'm trying to talk about you from the lemon now are ye the sons of God intelligence appear what you Salvy I don't care what you're going through right now it does not yet appear what you shall be touched in people and say you're the man you're the man in that office you're the man in their courtroom you're the man on that board you're the man in your house you're the man you can wait though somebody just fix your problem fix it yourself hey I gotta stop there I pray that you got something that would nourish your soul and Richards spirit and move into the next dimension of God's grace for your life God will change your position to accomplish his mission for your life trust him he's got a strategy he's got a plan he's your God you're the man are you sure you can handle the process before you ask for the promise to him who much is given much is required for your gift to the Ministry of any size you'll receive cheering you on on CD from Bishop Jake's challenging series press in and win and when your gift is $70 or more you'll receive press in and win on four DVDs there are people who had less and did more for sure you all however when your gift is 125 dollars or more you'll receive the press in and when four message DVD set the ultimate collection of megafest 2015 on 14 CDs and your very own mega faith mini book now is the time to press in and win there are so many things that God has been trying to give you but because you don't know you the man you don't receive it if it was true about Joseph it's true about Jesus it's a principle not just a person the fact thing that gave you the mission the manoeuvred the management the mediation the manifestation for you to discuss just to heart somewhere doesn't mean you have to stay there
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 83,924
Rating: 4.8859811 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: 29iZzrYIisE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2016
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