The Ultimate Gift

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[Music] coming up on The Potter's dead his love his mercy His grace his kindness his compassion his wisdom I thank you Lord for the gift that altima gift you gave me thank the Lord because it was such a great gift it stopped me from doing stuff I would have done it wrought lead back when I went too far it dotted me around witches and enemies and people I thought were my friends and found out they were trying to kill me it fought for me when I couldn't fight for myself it opened doors I couldn't even see it is the ultimate gift this is the part we are so blessed we've received the ultimate gift for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and I'm so grateful and amazed by his grace you'll be to watch this message the ultimate gift it's yours he's the ultimate source so number one he's ultimate source I go to him to get the love I can't always get it for Mama I found out Mother's Day is not a happy day for everybody mm-hmm you get quiet cuz this is how I am woman hear me ward generation and that there are always great mothers but that's not always true there are many women who just had a baby I can't always get it from Daddy there are many many many many many many many million who could father a baby but not be a daddy to him so when you can't get it from where life says you ought to be able to get it where do you go you go back to the source for God the ultimate source so the ultimate degree love the ultimate power there's your power that is a mystery behind his majesty I would to my wife and I a few years ago I took her on the pick it was Valentine's Day and some birthday something to Vegas to hear Celine Dion sing and I had the privilege of meeting her and when I met her I found out that her spirit is more beautiful even than her voice suddenly I realized it was not her voice along that made her who she was it was the source from which it emanated they gave the power to the voice there are people sleeping up under a bridge who can sing as well she's an incredible singer but there are people sleeping up on the bridge who can sing as well but don't go as far because the voice doesn't emanate from a place of love so the real power is not in the gift the real power is in the love the writer here give me just a minute the writer here says God so loved that was the power don't be so quick to look at what he did until you understand why he did it it is not just what it's why it's not just what it's why I say that it's not just what it's why I want you to get that in your head is not just what it's why say it to somebody else it's not just what it's why that that's a mystery to people that's a mystery to God since the mystery with living with people and all of their funny ways and habits it's not just what they do is understanding why it's not just what God did it's understanding why this text tells you why he did it God so loved the world he so loved you that was the power behind what he did he's so he so loved something from which he had nothing to gain from loving it he's so loved somebody who was worshiping somebody else while he was loving them he's so y'all don't want to talk to me god I love anybody don't love me back if God did that you go to help God his power his power is rooted in love that was the power behind him that was the power that was the power behind the cross that that was the power behind the cross it was that he solo the power was not wrong it wasn't Caesar no no no no no no no it was entirely it was the power wasn't power it wasn't the nails you mean to tell me the God who made the steel was nailed to the steel he made or the God who raised the tree that would be the cross was now bound to the cross and when he made the tree that the cross was made from his foot pricks hollowed out the mountain that you call Calvary the mountain didn't hold him the nails didn't hold him the cross didn't hold him it was love love will hold Oh God love will hold you too across and to keep you getting about the bed in the morning here to keep you going stuff it'll keep you standing there not that you stupid is that you so love it's not that you're crazy and love that they tricked you when you are held by love Niva nails no word nor mountains held him to the cross but for the joy that was set before him when he saw you he stayed I wish I had time to talk about what true love will make you stay through I wish I I wish I could just dabble around it in the crazy love that make you look like a fool cray cray crazy love will make a strong God go weak on the cross and humble himself to the death of the cross he could have called ten thousand angels he could have gotten out of it at any moment all of the soldiers around him could have fallen dead they fell back at his voice when they came to arrest him they said are you Jesus he said either speak and he and they fell back for dead he didn't die because he was weak he died because he was strong love is power you got it twisted you think being hateful is powerful he so loved that was the power that was the power that was the ultimate power that's what's going to bring you through that's what's going to bring your family through that's what's going to open the doors for you that's how you're going to get the contracts close that's how you gonna get favored in business that's your secret weapon this your edge is not in how cunning or how bright or how smart you are there are people smarter than you that are jobless and homeless right now your edge your secret weapon emanates out of your heart and you may be hiding the very best point of view when you dam up the love and don't let it flow because love is power somebody say power it is the ultimate power listen to the president as he was eulogizing or talking about some soldier who had paid the ultimate price that's what they call it the ultimate price Jesus gave the ultimate gift God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son I got five children I don't want to give up wooden not what you think if you had five you could spare one even if each one brings a different gift to the table but this was his only begotten Son the ultimate gift and we've talked about it for 2,000 years and we still don't understand it that when he gave his son which was the ultimate gift it was God making love to us oh no no no no you think you think you know what making love is all about but what you think is making love is only a shadow of which God is a reality you you think you're making love when you give your body one to another you're close but you don't get it yet when God got ready to make love to his bride he gave his body too but on a cross and it became the ultimate gift the ultimate gift had to be opened up in order to be appreciated the ultimate gift the ultimate gift I didn't get it either til I read it in the book of Acts and when I read in the book of Acts when the Bible were first when Luke who wrote the book of Acts refers to the cross as his passion after his passion he showed himself alive with many infallible proofs suddenly I realized that I had never understood the cross because when I saw the cross I saw pain but when he saw the cross he saw passions suddenly I began to understand that that is his misery was his ministry and that his pain was an expression of his passion and that the ultimate gift was cavalry that when he gave his son he was giving his body to his bride this might be too heavy for Sunday morning it was the ultimate gift it is the ultimate gift because I'm still opening it I'm still unraveling it after 35 years I'm still opening it and finding little nuances that I didn't understand I'm and it's still usable it's still relative it's still functional it's still life-changing it's still first quenching it's still mind renewing it's still hard fixing after all of these years of being safe I'm still exploring new facets of this glory in its grace the same grace that got me through my adolescence it's helped me through my adulthood it's helping me through midlife it's not just something you use over here and don't use over there it'll help you with the healing of your body it'll help you with how you do business it had helped you with your attitude and your disposition tell somebody say I'm still opening I'm still over they're still opening his love his mercy his grace his kindness his compassion his wisdom I thank you Lord for the gift that altima gift you gave me thank you Lord because it was such a great gift it stopped me from doing stuff I would have done it rocked me back when I went too far it dotted me around witches and enemies and people I thought were my friends and found out they were trying to kill me it fought for me when I couldn't fight for myself it opened doors I couldn't even see it is the ultimate gift still to come on the Potters death by His mercy you have entered into an experience for which many people are not thankful they do not appreciate you have an experience with him that you enjoy you enjoy his mercy you enjoy his grace you enjoy his understanding you enjoy his compassion he brought you into an experience did not deserve my only question is why don't you bring other people it's an amazing experience it's an opportunity to learn and you know from Bishop Jake's to learn from what he's experienced to understand what leadership is to understand what it is to be a pastor God has a place for you to go and to preach and to touch and until you finish your purpose no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper this year we decided to bring most of our leaders so they can hear that life-changing message it's critical it's essential I recommend it to anybody I've seen others talk about it but I have experienced it a witnessing it's like none other save your money do whatever you got to do to get here because your ministry your life will never be the same enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless his name this Thanksgiving we are reminded to count our blessings we are thankful for you share what you're thankful for using the hashtag tph thankful when he gave me Jesus he made my presence count he made my voice count he made my life make a difference he gave power to my walk he put on sand in my step he gave me to bounce back come back kid reality in my life I am still here because I got the ultimate gift when the devil tried to kill me he couldn't get to my dip I have the ultimate somebody help me praise Him I need somebody that's gifted to help me praise him I got a gift to touch three people and say I've got a gift I gotta get I got a gift got me off drugs got me on the street gotten out of my storm got me through my test healing my dysfunction changing my mind hit somebody I got a gift I survived the storm I survived the divorce I survived the crisis I survived the sickness I survived the agony I survived the loneliness I survived the pain I survived the rejection because I got the gift I got the gift I got here by the gift of God that's why I praise it that's why I love him that's why I rejoice her that's why I lift him up the gift rotli here your gift will bring you before great men every time God open up a door it was me coming to give somebody shout in this house glory to God glory to God glory to God hit three people as I got the ultimate I got the ultimate I got the ultimate you can't get me enough to know better you can't order me enough to know better you can't shop and get nothing no better I have the ultimate gift he gave me his body and we entered into covenant through the giving of his body and the shedding of his blood when the co let me stop when they pierced his flesh they broke through that high man that flesh wall that that brought life into my spirit and into my soul when they pierce him in the side the veil in the temple was rented from the top to the bottom when they pierced him in the side the heavens opened up a dead man started getting up out of the grave when they pierced him in the side it was an expression the gift is open it is the ultimate gift my final point that gift leads to the ultimate experience the ultimate experience is whosoever believeth in him whosoever is a blank check whosoever is a blank check it's not just a gift for the good people it's not just a good gift for the rich people it's not just a gift full of famous people it's not just a gift for the important people whosoever brought the experience home to me I can be a reject a mess-up a fool around somebody nobody wants to be bothered with but because he left a check blank and said whosoever will it open up the ultimate experience because he was the giver I was the receiver of an experience that was procured by him so lovingly that he gave me an experience that I could not access on my own now I stand here look at you look at your life look at it look at your friends I didn't make it look at your classmates look at the people who were raised up around you that I did Oh crazy confused do you think you're having this experience because you're good by His mercy you have entered into an experience for which many people are not thankful they do not appreciate you have an experience with him that you enjoy you enjoy his mercy you enjoy his grace you enjoy his understanding you enjoy his compassion he brought you into an experience you did not deserve my only question is why don't you bring other people what is Grace for you alone are you the only confused wounded sinful person who deserves to be understood then why do you handle people the way you do why don't you love them with the love you have been loved with if you want to give the ultimate gift give them the love he loved you with even if it hurts even if his scripture it makes you feel vulnerable even if you've never opened yourself up that wide before you'll never find your life until you find your cross now the truth of the matter is this to those who had an ear to hear I said some heavy stuff this morning in a message like this people don't dance because they have to think and you can't dance and think at the same time because this message challenges your behavior he never said about how you dress they'll know you're my disciple he never said about how you prophesied they'll know you're my disciple he never said about how you sing they'll know you are my disciple he never said that yet I hear all kinds of sermons about all kinds of stuff that don't make any difference I don't care what else you do I don't care what you own what you buy or where you live he says if you don't have this you have nothing it's not just about what you're looking for and what you want to receive it's about what you're willing to give my mama used to walk me up the street our garden was up the street we had to carry water up to it she'd plant the garden in rows she plant the corn and let it grow and then plant the pole beans beside it so that the pole beans would run up the corn stones the seeds were planted right beside each other benefiting from their differences if the corn stock didn't stand up the pole beans couldn't wrap around it so the pole beans couldn't say to the corn stock you need to rap like me because if the corn stock would acted like the pole bean the pole beans would have fallen over they were very different but they complemented each other if they didn't try to change each other [Music] [Applause] you could plant a pole beam right beside a kernel of corn they could be in the same soil be fertilized by the same fertilization system watered with the same water and still if it was a pole bean when it went in the ground it would be pole beans when it came out if it was corn when it went in the ground it would be corn when it came out only multiplied one seed for a pole bean would produce all kinds of pole beans one kernel of corn would produce many ears of corn what are you talking about it's this agriculture now let's do Bible give and it shall be given unto you again good measure pressed down shaken together and running over if you want to receive it stop praying about receiving it and start praying about giving it because if you sew it right you will reap it right if you're not reaping it right maybe you're not sawing it right Wow the ultimate gift and I'm gonna tell you something right now if you heard this series and if you apply this message you'll never want another day in your life you'll never want [Applause] you won't like for friends people will hunt you down people who don't look like you don't vote like you don't think like you don't drink don't worry about it remember the pole beans and the corn you don't have to be elect to benefit from your differences they'll come to on a mule you'll outsell all the salesmen your class will be running over people who come from near and far to hear you speak because you have the ultimate gift the ultimate gift what a beautiful message what a beautiful offering to you that may not know that that gift is available to you yes God loves you no matter who you are no matter where you are no matter what you've done his blood is so effective it cleanses from all sin why don't you take advantage of the ultimate gift and give your life to the Lord he's waiting for you he loves you more than I do and I love you lots I'll see you soon now every sermon is about the benefits but the only problem is nobody's going the job how are you eligible for the benefits when you don't do the job the only reason you're afraid is because you are filled up with yourself but when you get filled up with him you will not be afraid with your gift of any size you'll receive Bishop's message out of service on CD from the full tank series and with your gift of $70 or more you'll receive the entire three-part series full tank on DVD thus Christ hang around or does he live inside of it he wants to go from being around you to be in you however with your gift of 160 dollars or more you'll receive full tank on DVD and our Christmas gift collection which includes the message of Christmas booklet a box set of inspirational cards and joy hope and peace candle holders rev up your engine and go the distance on a full tank today as they stripped me down like they stripped you down take take all this facade off of me we train the retooled me let me put away my childish things the things I've built around me to protect myself are robbing me of life itself and give me the power and the courage to love like you love [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 98,941
Rating: 4.9286985 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: eGusTexfd0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 23 2014
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