Sheltered by the Shepherd

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coming up on the Potters Tech this is a testimony that I don't tell you this is the other half of my testimony this is the part that when I get to it I start speaking in tongues this is a part of my testimony that makes me run around the church I can't even tell you all the stuff that almost got me I don't even know how I got out myself if nobody in the whole church praises God I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my love this is the past greetings brothers and sisters I am so glad to have the opportunity to share the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to be in your life and in your Hall and to speak into your heart the kind of word that I believe changes us that really causes us to be revolutionized we're going to share a message today that I believe will bless your life is called sheltered by the shepherd if you have ever felt the storm but barn in your soul and felt like you couldn't take any more I want to recommend sheltered by the shepherd he covers us in such a beautiful way there are somethings in life you can live without such as material things but you cannot live without the Word of God take a look at this you're gonna be blessed tesslar man tell him I'm sheltered by the shepherd surely surely surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler now he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler he didn't stop the Fowler he didn't stop the snare he just didn't prosper it he said I will get you out when you think you're caught a snare of the trap a Fowler is a trapper who specialized in setting up traps so that he could apprehend most often birds that were flying in the air it is to bring you down from the height that you of your potential down to the reach of your enemy it is to bring you down from the height of your potential within the reach of your enemy he sets a trap so he can bring you down to an area where he could reach you because as long as you were flying on the height of your potential he couldn't reach you but he sets a trap to bring you down into his domain so that he could get his hands on you and every now and then I don't care how high you are I don't care how mighty you are I don't care how strong you are there in the trap that will bring you down oh you I said there is a trap that will bring you down and there you are made to fly and there you are trapped in the snare of the Fowler but God said while your trap don't be worried about it because I'm going deliver you from the snare of the foul y'all don't hear what I'm saying I'm trying to teach but I feel a preach down in my soul hallelujah touch them and say I'm coming out of this I may be in a trap of sickness I may be in a tract of pain it may be hard for me to get out of the bed in the morning it may be uncomfortable for me to digest my food I made the in the trot but I am NOT of the tribe God said he shall deliver me out of the snare of the Fowler in order to deliver me out of I had to be in - and God said even though you're into it you are not of it I am going to come down and get you out of the snare of the Fowler look into my cell coming out of this don't go judge me where you met me because I'm coming out of this don't lock me up to what I did because I'm coming out of this oh don't define me by my situation because he is going to deliver me help I've fallen and I can't get up God said I'm coming to get you press a MedicAlert I'll give you out of this I got good news for every backslider that came to church this morning you picked the right time to come to church you don't have to hide you don't have to be in disgrace I know you've fallen I know you're in a tribe I know you've tried to get out your feathers couldn't get you out your wings couldn't get you out but I know a god that's coming to get you out because you are he is and you were not meant to be in the snare of the Fowler you just flew too low you just lowered your perspectives you you just fell prey and now you're trapped but God says surely not maybe not hopefully surely he shall deliver me out of the snare of the Fowler if I said nothing else today I've already preached he shall deliver me out of the snare of the Fowler and the noisome and the noisome pestilence pestilence is a contagious infectious epidemics style disease he shall deliver me from the noisome pestilence he shall deliver me from what infected me he shall deliver me from what infected me he shall deliver me from my disease the plague comes from who I got close to and because I got close to you I walked away with your disease but it was yours and not mine so I'm not gonna own it I'm gonna give it back to you because he's going to deliver me out from the noisome pestilence and this is why I think and then and you don't have to put this down there's no absolute but this is why I think Moses wrote this because nobody would know like Moses what plagues look like because he saw the plagues that hit Egypt and he heard the rything screaming cries of men covered with boils and infectious diseases he saw the frogs come out in massive proportions and afflict all of Egypt he watched them reared in pain and disease and affliction and he watched the frogs hump all the way up to the Hebrews house he watched the death angel fly all the way up to the sea y'all don't hear what I'm saying is there anybody in here who has walked through some plagues and diseases and afflictions that by all rights it should have got you but it didn't get you because some kind of way you were sheltered sanctimonious people don't know how to praise the Lord but real people look at all the things that could have happened that should have happened that almost happened you don't even know how you got out of it alive and all but some kind of way God brought you out this is a testimony that I don't tell you this is the other half of my testimony this is a part that when I get to it I start speaking in tongues this is the part of my testimony that makes me run around the church I can't even tell you all the stuff that almost got me I don't even know how I got out myself if nobody in the whole church praises God I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth oh I feel grown we're about to hit this plate somebody take about 60 seconds and praise God for stuff you can't discuss praise him for things you can't even tell anybody about praise him for what almost happened praise him for how he made a way out of no way praise yah yah yah yah yah yah you only met much that I wish you would get tired I wish you would get tired your mama died from it your aunties died from it your grandma died from it your sister died from it and yet some kind of way you're still here you should have been in solitary confinement locked up in jail you know the neighborhood you came out uh you know your cousin is in jail your uncle is in jail but some kinda way God brought you out you should have died amazed you should have withered away swing it up to nothing you had all kind of unprotected sin but some kind of way God brought you out and if nobody else look so dumb I'm just talking to you tell three people have been sheltered by the shepherd I've been sheltered I've been sheltered I've been sheltered still to come on the POTUS touch he covered you with his feathers and brought you into his brood and warmed you with his presence and kept away the enemies that thought they would destroy you because when he covered you with his feathers he's now saying in order to get to him you got to come through me oh you don't hear what I'm saying in order to get to her you got to come through me are you under the Shepards watch alarms go off that you can even hear an angel start flying in that you can't even see because I am sheltered by the Shepherd for your gift of any size you will receive this critical message sheltered by the Shepherd on CD from the series the Shepherd's watch I can't even tell you all the stuff that almost got me if nobody in the whole church praises God bless the Lord and all and when your gift is $70 or more you will receive bishops series the Shepherd's watch on DVD your sister died from it and yet some kind of way you're still here the shelter of the Shepherd brought me through the storm however for your gift of 125 dollars or more we will also include TD jakes new book destiny step into your purpose the destiny Christian study guide workbook and destiny step series on DVD find your safety under the Shepherd's watch today in the text because spiritual things are difficult to articulate he now moves from analogies like he or she like breasted one or father or Shepherd or Rock of Ages or see the laborer ham of ruta Jesse he now moves to a metaphor that embraces what God has done for you through something you can see he said he covered you like a mother bird covers her eggs he covered you with his feathers and brought you into his brood and warmed you with his presence and kept away the enemies that thought they would destroy you because when he covered you with his feathers he's now saying in order to get to him you got to come through me oh you don't hear what I'm saying in order to get to her you got to come through me that's why a Thousand shall fall at our left side ten thousand at that right side it will not come nigh thee because you've been sheltered by the Shepherd you've been sheltered the pestilence in verse six walked in darkness all your feelings got infected they died they got sick they went to jail they got in trouble many of my gone the pestilence moved in the darkness in the alleys and the streets and the places used to be in a hanging run but because God had his hand on your life he brought you out but I challenge your mind to think back on all the close calls that you escaped and I want you to understand that God brought you out of some smoky burning Inferno situations and then you can sit there and cross your legs and be too important to praise the Lord you better find a way you better find a way you better make up a dance you might have create some we have never seen anybody do before to thank God for all the things he sheltered you from mercy only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked that's the only way you're gonna experience it you're gonna watch it but you're not gonna be in it God is going to bring you in the position where you are going to be in a place to see what he does to the wicked but not rejoice in it you know you have grown when you can intercede for your enemies I've been blessed I once said do it all the time because that's not true but I have been blessed on occasion at particularly high spiritual moments to follow the example of Jesus at the Last Supper when he sits at meat and feeds his Judas that's what it means to be a Christian which one of us is going to train you the one that's eating with me the one that I'm feeding right now are you mature enough to sit at the table with an enemy and say have some bread how how can you feed somebody who's about to betray you how can you be nice to somebody that you know is an enemy the only way you can do that I don't I don't think it's just goodness alone the only way you can do that is to know that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper you're gonna do it yes they're going to capture me they're going to drag me from judgement Hall to judgement Hall it's going to be a painful experience I will get bruised and taken lacerations I will be humiliated I will be nailed to a cross I will be buried in a tomb I will reside in the tomb three days but early Sunday morning I won't just be restored to where I was before you hit me because I took this lick I will go higher than you've ever seen me go before so Judas have some lunch have some lunch man get you some more biscuits and gravy I am sheltered by the shepherd as I close this message today I want you to know one thing whatever you going through right now and no matter how painful it may be because the test is custom designed to the continuity of your weaknesses I have a trainer and when I train with the trainer he never focuses on the things I'm good at in fact a couple of times you know I told I do better training without you but the test is designed to challenge my weaknesses so that they will not remain weaknesses and everybody in here has a trouble spot that when the enemy hits you right there your knees buckle and you're in it right now and you're shakin but you're not in it by yourself you can be you can be mighty at work you're smart you're brilliant you're effective you revered you're honored but when that one child does something you feel like a complete failure of bloom and idiot you sit up frustrated how can I be so successful over here and be so defeated over there you can be established and one fun do everything good and then come home to a to a spouse who treats you like an owl of all the people at work respect you and honor you and you come in the door he talks to you like you are a tram and you wonder hind the world could I be so highly respected every place except with you it's because the test is designed to challenge your weaknesses it wouldn't be a test if you didn't feel it what good is the workout that doesn't work you out I'm amazing to work out about how sore I am the next day if it don't hurt it don't help so the thing that hurts you the thing that keeps you up at night the thing that stops you from being proud because you are successful everywhere but here it is the thorn in your flesh that humbles you to pray but gotta say in spite of that I've got you covered now the truth of the matter is some messages I preached hit some people generally not everybody but I don't see how this one could miss you because everything in here breathing air has something that drives you to your knees and it is to that thing that I'm ministering today it is to that thing that I tell you there is a secret place it is in that area that when when we are all worshipping and you are distracted by the swelling from the aching of that thing drag that thing into the secret place and the closer you get into the secret place the less it can hold you because I believe that God is saying to someone in this room I want to heal you from that that is contagious from that that is aggravating and humiliating from that thing or that place in your life that drives you to your knees he says I'm going to open up the doors to the secret place now you can sit there and be macho if you want to and then try to drink away what you could have worshiped away I'll go home and fight with the wife and kick the dog and slap the cat you express every other kind of emotion but your pride and your arrogance stops you from worshipping me and God says I'm going to keep hitting that spot I'm gonna keep hitting it and hitting it and hitting it until I break you until I bring you to the place that you acknowledge that I am God and besides me there is no other hallelujah I'm no keep on touching you right in that joint that hates so much until you stop worrying about your image and you come helplessly to the cross and say yes I am the one that heals I am the one that delivers I am the one that sets free I spoke this message to you so that you would know how to move into the secret place I've got to stop there I'd love to share more with you but I believe this is a powerful and provocative subject that every Christian needs to be armed with and prepared to go out there and do exploits in the name of the Lord many people oh how to cultivate a spiritual connection with God they know how to go to church they know how to climb their hands and sing in the choir but to have a personal intimate relationship with God they don't know how to do that worship is not emotional friends it's spiritual and I want you to allow this spiritual enhancement to just envelop your soul and prepare you for all that God would do in your life before we close today can I take them on and invite those of you who do not know the Lord Jesus to accept him as your personal Savior I don't care what you've done I don't care what you've been in - I don't care what type of lifestyle world you came from background religion it doesn't matter save you know Jesus you're missing the greatest wonder that God ever sent to this earth and I want to introduce him to you right now all you have to do is principle prayer just say Lord Jesus come into my heart forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood I repent of my wrong now I'm ready to walk upright before you I want to serve you I'm yours amen in that simple but if you said it from your heart you really do mean it let me tell you something he comes into your life and into your heart and begins to change the way you walk and talk everything we learned a little bit more about how to be like Jesus don't forget friends before I close to stop by and get a copy of the Destiny book I believe it will change your life it will really speak to your heart to your soul to your ear just go in there and ask for destiny about TD jakes it will bless you I'm sorry Brian we're gonna have to let you go we had to make staff changes listen festivals identical destiny awaits you will you take the first step destiny is written to connect what's in you with the purpose that awaits you the first action step requires faith order destiny today everywhere books are sold there is more he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty maybe the other folk don't need it but you going through what you're going through right now God says you know you need that secret place you know you need that healing you know you need that touch this is the
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 158,842
Rating: 4.8112736 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: Jq9e4fGLwmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2015
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