Get Well Soon

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coming up on the Potters touch we all have to live between two voices one telling you to the right and one telling you to the wrong one taunting you're saying where is your faith another one say hold on to God he may not come when you want him but he's right on time you might be sick but you can still call his name and he will deliver you you might be down to your last time but the god I serve is able to bring you out if it crazy how faith and fear can cohabitate under the same tent he sees the past greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord I'm so glad to have the opportunity to be in your life thank you for inviting me into your home your office or wherever you might be watching this broadcast the message that I have for you today I believe it's important enough to interrupt your day your afternoon or evening with this thought it is more than a greeting it's more than a card the message is called get well soon some people get stuck in the moment and they can't get out they want to get well they just don't know how however they are so busy worrying about the symptoms they don't work on the root problem make sure you stay tuned in until the end and I will come back to you and have special prayer with you the messages get well soon I don't care what you're going through you can recover and the car was well he was well he was well he was well he was more well than his father was his father was an idolaters his father had corrupted all of Judea with his with his ways and with his compromise and with his attitude but helic ayah came forth from a corrupted seed he came forth a whole son away with the notion that if your parents weren't perfect and if your home wasn't perfect you can't right above your circumstances Hezekiah is proof positive that you can bring good things out of bad places he was there synthesis of his fallen completely different in so many ways his father had allowed idols and corruption to take over the place but had the kya from the time he was a young boy - now was fighting to bring back true worshipping and true true holiness even he was fighting to tear down the idols that his father had allowed to be build in the hill and in the gross to tear them down and to bring Judea all of Judah back to worshipping Jehovah again he was he was committed to that and he worked hard for that he worked relentlessly for that he worked tirelessly for that he tore down the idols he resurrected a sense of worship and praise and order unto God and he worked hard to refurbish the temple that had laid in ruins and waste he refurbished it and renewed it and laid the gold back in place and the Cedars people had not seen the temple like that for years because the temple had gone down because the worshippers had ceased and the temple with an outer side of an inner corruption because sometimes when something's not well in one place it shows up in another imma let that just soak for a minute sometimes we're so busy worried about the symptoms that we don't get the root causes it it if he you wouldn't know need to fix the temple if you weren't gonna fix the worshippers so he began to restore the worshippers so that they would have a place to work in it amazing how many people have the cart before the horse how they're more worried about impressions and they're our reality they want the temple to look good but they don't care that nobody warship said they've got big Bibles but they don't read them but oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying and the guy was the real deal he fought for the pilgrimage the three three annual times out of a year they would make pilgrimages and go back to the temple to worship and he brought that back again according to the Torah there were three times a year that are good and devout Jew would make a pilgrimage back to the temple and he brought it all back and all of the customs begin to come here and as he begin to bring in right customs his father began to recede and died move out of the way and he became the king over Judea had moved into a position of power and Hezekiah was a freedom fighter he wasn't just a church boy he was just a spiritual guy he wasn't just a spiritual praying priestly type of King he was also a freedom fighter he was fighting to alleviate the oppressors first of the Philistines for God had unfinished business with the Philistines and Hezekiah made it his business to settle the score with the Philistine because you cannot sleep with the enemy and call yourself free he fought long and hard to move back the Philistines and then he had to fight Sennacherib the king of Assyria who were the tyrant he fought valiantly and he fought mightily and he fought with great tenacity has a Kyle was a warrior he was influenced by Isaiah Isaiah was was a bit of a mentor to him he was a mentee up under Isaiah he was kind of to him what Paul was to Timothy I there was the voice of reason and conscience in his ear that that applauded him and hemic I had done much to to to reestablish order and worship and then then then then things went wrong have you have you ever wondered how bad things can happen to good people see see Jack had had his father grown sick broke up with boils and diseases in his feet you could kind of understand it because his father was wicked and evil and hadn't done much good but when you've done good when you're so good and reap bad it's a painful experience with when you win when you've helped and you pray and you worship then you say and your dance said you clap you came to church you brought your times you raised your kids you pay your bills you bet as honorable as a human being could be and then all of a sudden trouble comes to your door it's a shocking thing to find that none of your righteousness has exempted you from pain you could have been a good wife and he still left you could have been a good husband and she still cheated you could have been a good mama and the kid still cursed you out I know you don't know anything about what I'm talking about but there are times that you are broken in ways that are confusing to have such a good track record where did I go wrong what happened I don't know maybe you never prayed that prayer but I have had to ask God where did I go wrong why am I going through this after doing this and that and the other and the other this was not supposed to end up like this it is kind of its kind of like what I was preaching last Sunday yeah you remember that one yeah I've been shortchanged I know I gave you a hundred dollars and you're only giving me back six field I may have to take it but I don't have to like it cuz I know I gave you better than you gave me back I've been I've been shortchange does anybody understand what it's like to be short change these are the things that try men's souls these are the conditions said that challenged our faith what do you do but it seems like it seems like I'm not saying it's is like but it seems like faith don't work what do you do when you you prayed for other people and they got blessing you pray for your situation in it it got worse what do you do when you can help everybody but yourself what do you do what do you do when you know you're a fighter but you've fallen off your horse and now you're laid on your back and there is no captivity like the captivity you go through when you put a warrior in bed travel meant to fight I was not created to sleep Hezekiah was not made for badge he was made for battle he was a fighter and there is nothing as tough as taking care of somebody who was built for battle but they're stuck in bed I want to describe beyond the physical infirmities that has brought him to the point of debasement that now he has incarcerated in an infirmity I want to go deeper than that and to enunciate the psychological propensity of putting a warrior in the bed so he's not just hiding in his feet he's hiding in his sensibilities this man has rode horses commanded chariots subdued armies he has run into villages pilgrimage him with fire and fought his way out and now he's lay in the bed and wondering how did I end up like this and what exacerbates the text is that Hezekiah was a worshipper can you imagine the demonic voices that were standing on the pillow saying where your God now toward out all those idols you might as well and left them up you built back the temple but what good did it do you now I know y'all don't have those voices but when I grew up we used to have those cartoon characters and you would have an angel on one side and the devil with the pitchfork or another they both live right here they live right here that the angel is quoting scriptures to me and the devil is saying cuss her out the angel is bringing back scriptures to my mind and the devil is saying if you take this cuss word and put it with that because word and put it with her last name it will run and if you rhyme you can rap to it and if you write to it we all have to live between two voices one telling you to the right and one telling you to do wrong one time that you're saying where is your faith in other one saying hold on to God he may not come when you want him but he's right on time you might be sick but you can still call his name and he will deliver you you might be down to your last time than the God I sure he's able to bring you out even craving how faith and fear can cohabitate under the same tent still to come on the party's touch in some area of your life your faith has been put on trial I guarantee you at some point in your life you will go through something that whether you say it or not you will think to yourself where is God job said I look for him on the left hand and I couldn't see I look for him on the right side I couldn't see I cannot see you where are you megafest 2015 is more than a festival it's an experience this from August 19th to the 23rd megafest is taking over Dallas then extravaganza for the whole family and 100% pure fun there is something for everyone visit mega - fest calm to find event updates and to make reservation this experience is one you don't want to miss look at semester get-well-soon it'd be a shame to live and die and never be well it'd be ashamed to go through decades and decades and never be well it'd be a shame to go to work and come home day after day after day and never be well and it would be a shame to go to church Sunday after Sunday after Sunday and never be well but I want to tell you something I know a whole lot of people that go to church but they're not well I know a whole lot of people that dances shout but they're not well in fact you don't even know how sick they are till you marry or go home or get involved or go to work everybody talking about heaven ain't going there heaven faith has been put on trial I guarantee you I guarantee you whether you're in the balcony or the back row or you're sitting over here or sitting over here or in the choir or with the pastor's I guarantee you in some area of your life your faith has been put on trial I guarantee you at some point in your life you will go through something that whether you say it or not you will think to yourself where is God job said I look for it on the left-hand and I couldn't see I look for him on the right side I couldn't see I cannot see why are you in this marriage where are you in this layoff where are you in this crisis where are you in this mortgage being backed up where are you in my car being repossessed where are you in my daughter being pregnant where are you in my son being struck out on just where are you if my brother being HIV positive why are you I was doing some researching the Ohio State University done some research on the impact of faith on wounds and it is a statistical fact that people who have faith recover more quickly from wounds they heal more rapidly they are restored more rapidly it is also a fad the Mayo Clinic did some research and pointed out that it is also a fact that they age more gracefully or less prone to have strokes and stress attacks they can't understand what it is they want a point at the psychological ramifications of having faith because scientists don't always want to admit that there is a God that sits high and looks low and have our power in his head and what I liked about the research it didn't say that people with faith don't get wounded but it did say they heal faster I cannot say that I have not been wounded but I can tell you that I heal real fast looking somebody said my faith words for my faith words it may not stop the injury but it hastens the recovery I will say that again it may not stop the injury but it hastens the recovery and if you don't believe it look around you these people you see in church today are not here without bruises Sullivan cuts some have been stabbed some of his shots some of them betrayed some of it light on some of it ostracized anybody else would have lost their mind had a nervous breakdown but every time the devil thought he Isaiah's coming to visit the sick and shut-in is maybe a Sunday afternoon maybe in the pastor's visiting the sick and so he comes over to visit his mentee Hezekiah had the card can you imagine the joy that must have filled his heart when he heard out there coming through the gate oh how beautiful are the feet of them they preach the golf he's he's come to bring me good news and Isaiah I walked in the house and said thus saith the Lord set your house in order for surely you are going to die you will not recover now you could rebuke him and say he's a false prophet but he's your teacher he is the embodiment of everything you understand about God as now said you will not recover for this there's no more saying if it be the will of God because I there is an eagle-eye prophet that's his nickname is eagle our prophet he sees clearly and precisely like an eagle and so there's no doubt about it being the will of God I there has spoken truth you will die and turns around and walks away and then Hezekiah begins the struggle the struggle to recover is more intense than the struggle of affliction it you have to work to get well see this is this is what they don't tell you you have to work to get well faith without so Helmick ayah turns cuz he's got some work to do he says he says I got a good resume he said look at my resume look at my background look at how I tried to serve you look at how I tried to worship you look at how I tore down the idols and look at how I restored your temple and look at how a group yokes and look at look at how I fought for you look at how I stood up for you and and the death angel is still flapping his wings and Isaiah still headed out of the court and and when you read it in second Kings you don't really get it till you read it in Isaiah because then Isaiah Isaiah tells us the line that had nakiya prayed that turned him around how the car was praying and nothing in his background was strong enough to break the whole of sickness or his life but finally he said to God he said God the grave cannot preach you can't get any glory out of me diet but if you keep me alive I promise you every day of my life I will give you the praise man God if I don't Craven the rocks are cry out it's hot all cravin the rocks will crowd do you know where I came from as is on his way outs and he's sure he's heard from God but just before he could get out of the outer court the word of the Lord came times here as said Isaiah go back and the Lord told me to tell you that he's about to reverse the Braddock see in in theology they have what they call an anthropomorphic term it is when you use a humanistic term to explain something that defies human logical comprehension like it repented the Lord that he ever made man the eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the earth doesn't mean God had eyeballs going everywhere it's just that he's using something you can relate to to explain something that you could never understand and so I don't know exactly what God did because I there's word from God was correct it was true it was as true as gravity is true whatever goes up must come down the only thing I can figure is that heaven Akaya tied into a higher law it's like the law of gravity against the law of aerodynamics there is a higher law that supersedes lower laws the lower law said if you're this sick you're gonna die but the higher law said if you praise God he will bring you out and then go back and tell a havoc higher if you don't praise me I'll have 15 years to your life now I know you a church folk and I don't want to bother you but if they're in the praise that attack things around and give you 15 years of life what do you yeah what do you do when you've been a fighter and you've fallen off of your horse don't let the pain that you're going through deter the purpose that God has for your life let me pray with you that you can get back up again because I and it made living witness you can get back up again father I thank you because you have the grace that is sufficient enough to heal to deliver to strengthen and fortify and when healing is delayed your grace is still sufficient give that grace to those souls that are praying with me right now that whatever state they're in they could look to you as the author and the finisher of their faith in Jesus name Amen now listen let me hear from you let's seal the deal I want you to just seal it right now by faith and send me a word letting me know that you receive the word of that God is strengthening you and just just claim recovery emotionally spiritually financially whatever thunder attack Kidwell come out of it don't lay in it don't wallow in it it's get out of it right now in Jesus name thank you to all of you that support this ministry this broadcast and see it as a vital part of your spiritual well-being when you support it it really does make a difference enabling me to stay on the air to say that I care if you are a pastor if you are a leader whether you are leading in a church or leading in a department store you need to be at the International pastor the Leadership Conference it's April 30th May the 2nd it's where great minds gather themselves together John Maxwell Samuel Rodriguez Steven Furtick and more are coming together with Bishop TD jakes to teach you leadership leadership and more leadership come and learn how at the international pastors and leadership conference 2015 registered today at pastors and leadership org or call 1-800 Bishop to build locally think globally you don't have to wish for it or sit around hoping for it the all-encompassing freedom of Christ is yours today when you have the will to recover and they have done what they say I did but I am not what they say I am have you ever done something that didn't reflect who you are for your gift of any size you will receive the encouraging message from guilt to gratitude on CD from the will to recover series Bishop Jake's will teach you how to find victory in unexpected places how to overcome your past so that you can go to the next level how to eliminate excuses so you can get your power back and much more you cannot feel it if you want all this and when your gift is $75 or more you will receive the inspirational series the will to recover on DVD however for your gift of 160 dollars or more you will receive the will to recover series on DVD a brand new King James Version Bible and great as thy faith while art victory can be found in unexpected places when you have the will to recover it is not your praise alone that brings about your preservation it is also your purpose ah put something in side of you that the world is going to need and no weapon formed against shall be able across and every tong that rather against you it shall be condemned because there's something in you this is the
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 139,362
Rating: 4.898962 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: -_Zw9AGdKzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2015
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