The Potter's Touch - Grounded in Family Grace to be Grounded

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coming up on the Potters tech God just use good things to bless you God offered you the storms to bless you I'm gonna hear what I'm saying to you you sometimes you don't need to be comforted sometimes you don't need somebody to work it out sometimes you don't need anybody to protect you sometimes you just got to get on in the fire and say though he slay me yet shall I trusted you seize the past greetings in the invincible name of Jesus Christ our King I'm so excited and delighted to have this opportunity to share the Word of God with you we've got a message today that I really believe is going to penetrate your soul in a definite and powerful way the message is called the grace to be grounded the grace to be grounded there is a grace that God gives us it stabilizes I said no matter what we encounter there are certain values and certain ideas and concepts we never move away from let's get ready to go to the Word of God and watch this I'm blessed can we settle on that I'm blessed say that I'm blessed see a lot of people can't settle on that they think that being blessed is a condition when in fact it is a position I'm blessed I'm blessed see if you don't understand that there there is a grace that God gives you to live to move to function there's a grace that God gives you sometimes there were other people that should have gotten the job you got should have got the position you got should have got the house she was trying to get should have got the cardoons trying to get Sheila got demand you were strand again there are other people who were more qualified to be where you are than where you are right now but there's a grace that God has given you that you stepped into a situation oh my god somebody stomp your foot I'm standing in a grace right now I'm moving in a grace right now I'm moving in a great I'm functioning in a grace there's a grace over my life I know there's a grace over my life twenty years I've been preaching in the same spot and I pulled around the corner into traffic was still backed up for twenty years that's not normal that's grace God will give you a blessing your leaf will not wither you'll be just as strong twenty years from now as you're all right now even though people hated you try to destroy said you would last but if God put some grace over your life he's put a grace over you somebody you're walking in a grace right now that doesn't make any sense it's crazy grace hallelujah WAIS over your life that's what blessings have got a grace over my life makes crooked paths straight opens up doors makes ways this grace over my life is grace over my life grace brought me here grace Rodney to Texas when the Bible says blessed blessed and Grace are interchangeable Noah was blessed but the Bible says it this way nor found grace in the eyes of the Lord how many of you know you're walking in grace now imma show you some blest could not be a condition because the Bible said blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly so that means he is blessed in the midst of ungodliness if he has an option to walk in the counsel of the ungodly he's blessed in the presence of ungodliness controversy and confusion but he's still blessed some people don't recognize please hear this they don't recognize the graces over their life because of the problems that are in their life they are waiting for grace that negates problems and you say oh and as soon as this works out I'm going to stop it to divine favor no you're wrong whether it never works out you're still walking in divine favor you're still walking in supernatural favor the the presence of trouble does not destroy the potential for trials you have to triumph is the presence of evil and craziness and confusion and all hell breaking loose and they're barking at you and they're trying to destroy you but because of your focus I'm still walking into grace there'll be season in your life that you'll show the grace of God by the things he did for you the doors he opened the ways he made there'll be seasons in your life that God's grace will be proven by the fire you went through you will prove that there's a grace over your life because you walked through something that was seven times hotter than it ought to bed in fact the people who tried to fill you in got burned up in the fire and here you are walking around in some that should have totally incinerated everything around here anybody else would have lost their mind anybody else would have had a nervous breakdown anybody else would have thrown in the towel anybody else would have blown their brains out and it's not that you didn't feel it and it's not that you didn't think about it and it's not that the enemy didn't talk to you about it but every time the enemy was trying to burn you grace got all grace got all around you grace covered you a grace protected you you are walking in a grace the fire is everywhere the bills are everywhere the sickness is everywhere the pain is everywhere but you still walking around in it and you're walking around in it cuz you're walking in the grace of God somebody help outlast I'm blessed in this fire I'm blessed in this mess I'm blessed in this craziness I'm blessed in this door how you know it didn't burn me it didn't destroy me it didn't take me down I'm still here listen it's a man lord have mercy bless this man bless it is way why can't we start with that for is blessed is the man wake up in the morning blessed this man is it a wave after the Lord Henry said honor what we gonna do but I'll never go around all what we what with me if you wake up in the morning how about blessed is a man blessed this man gotta go to work blessed is a man drove to work blessed is the man I'm just a blessed man how you go I'm a blessed man I'm blessed this a man I'm blessed because you need to hear you say you're blessed it's not enough for me to say it you need to hear you say it to drive by all of those voices of doubt and fear there are spirits hovering over top of you trying to attack you right now and when you speak back and you say blessed is the man blessed is the man blessed is the man blessed is the man they're standing over top of you with all kinds of conditions that's why you can't live in your condition you got to step over into your position and say I'm still blessed blessed it's a man somebody holler blast it's a man so we know that there's a grace over your life that's one thing I want you to know second thing I want you to know if there has to be a guard over there grace but just because you're graced doesn't mean you have to be guarded you still have to be guarded the first thing it tells the Blessed man is what not to do it doesn't tell him what to do before it tells him what not to do everybody wants to hear what blessed people do but the real power is what you don't do grace must be guarded say that with me grace must be guarded you're going into a year where your grace must be guarded you don't let everybody into it you don't try to pull everybody into it you don't try to make them see it you don't even tell everybody about it your grace for 2016 has to be guarded in other words God said for what do you get ready to do in your life you're gonna have to shut your mouth oh you are going to talk to me I'm going to kind of crude I know that's kind of rough but I gotta give it to you just like God has given it to me your grace must be guarded as God begins to open up doors you can't say anything you can't pick up the phone and call nobody you can't put it on Facebook you can't put it on Twitter you can't put it on Instagram God is getting ready to open up a secret for you he's getting ready to make a way for you your grace must be guarded who walketh not in the counsel this is no time to walk in the counsel of the ungodly I thought to myself well it talks about the counsel of the ungodly you picture being Galia strolls and and wicked people in and witches and enemies but let me tell you the counsel of the ungodly can come from church people let me prove to you what makes the counsel of the ungodly what it is when it says not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly it's not just talking about not to listen and people who are living right it's talking about receiving counsel from people that doesn't line up with your purpose let me prove it to you Peter was trying to protect Jesus from being crucified he was ready to fight to protect Jesus from going to the cross Judas had sold him out for thirty pieces of silver Peter was trying to save Jesus wife Jesus calls Judas his friend Jesus calls Judas his friend because what Judas did escalated his purpose Jesus called Peter get thee behind me Satan even though you're doing a good thing and it feels good to you it is the counsel of the ungodly because what you're trying to do does not line me up with my father so stop telling me what you would do if you were me you are not me you could mean well and steer me wrong for this season in my life the grace over my life must be guarded you're not walking in the counsel of godly because the ungodly are often walking in the robe of friendship I'm gonna say it again via godly are often walking in the robe of friendship they mean well they're trying to save you from something that God is trying to take you into because God had just used good things to bless you God often use the storms to bless you are y'all hear what I'm saying to you you sometimes you don't need to be comforted sometimes you don't need somebody to work it out sometimes you don't need anybody to protect you sometimes you just got to get on in the fire and say though he slay me yet shall I trust it still to come on the party stage just because you're under attack doesn't mean it's not yours just because all hell is breaking loose doesn't mean it's not yours if you're going to be victorious in 2016 you better hear me real good God said he's given you things that don't even look like they're yours there's gonna be all kind of enemies gathered around it trying to convince you that it's not but the devil is God sets and yo growl brothers and sisters I want you to hear directly from me how important this opportunity is I I need your prayers for the next 21 days I'm asking all of my partners all of my friends believers all over the country and around the world for 21 days to join me in fervent effective prayer that God could use this opportunity in a powerful way the fact that God has opened up a door for me to have a daytime talk show through secular media to reach around the world to people who don't watch Christian television is indeed a privilege but it is also a responsibility and I want you praying for me as I embark on this journey he didn't just tell us to tell people to come to church he told us to go into all the world well here I go and I want you to go with me and together we can do this let's do it God said I don't want you to walk in the counsel of the ungodly I don't want you to stand in the way of sinners I don't want your weakness to be something that devil use this for other people to trip over oh I lost them on that Jesus I don't want you to stand in the way of sinners look at somebody it's time to clean it up your lifestyle your character your tongue your move it's time to clean it up some of the reasons your children find it some of the reasons you're having a difficult time getting your children to be saved is because they saw too much out of you the reason the pastor has lost his influence with them because the kids heard you talking about it now they're in trouble you want the man of God to pray for the kid is confused because they heard you on the phone saying that he was slick and he was no good but now they in jail and you want to sleep preacher to come down and pray for your habits are standing in the way of sinners you got to be more disciplined than that look at somebody say guard that they guard that they guard that they and then he says nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful he said if you want to be blessed you can't be bitter you can't be full of scorn full of scorn negative negative negative negative negative negative negative whenever I get on something like this everybody shouts as if it's not them if you're the one who always throws the bitter listen to the conversation brings up the pass goes back to yesterday you're the one who always rains on a positive moment you are scornful you are full of scorn you have become bitter but you got to release that thing tonight you cannot go into 2016 with you whatever you got to do whoever you got to forgive whatever you got to climb over for we're gods get ready to take you you can't afford to be bitter you can't afford to be scornful you can't afford to get even you can't afford to get back Adam just tell the devil get a worth it it ain't even worth it it ain't even worth it don't you worry about it it's all good it's all good somebody just wiped their hands like this say it ain't worth it I gotta wash my hands I gotta wash my hair it ain't worth it it ain't worth it it ain't worth it it's not worth it but it is a man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in that law doth he meditate day and night and then he says and he shall be like a tree planted I got to give this sin to you he says for what I'm getting ready to do in your life you must be grounded you got to stop trying this and then trying that and then try another and then try this over here and try this over here and then if that don't work in three months I'm gonna try this over here you're moving around is canceling your blessing the Lord told me to tell you I'm gonna tell you whether you get it or not stand still and see the salvation of the Lord you will have to be grounded you have to be grounded in your faith grounded in your Christian behavior grounded in the Word of God you will have to be grounded Testament so you got to be grounded you're coming into a season that you got to just stand there and be grounded you can't get out of it just because it rains you can't get out of it just because it snows you got to be grounded good times bad times winter spring summer a full you got to say God put me here and I'm not moving anywhere in fact you're going to get the victory just to being grounded in fact you're going to put on the helmet of salvation the breastplate of righteousness your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel you're going to take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and it's going to look like you're getting ready to go somewhere but God says you're not going anywhere you will leave the whole armor just to be able to stand all the staff to stand there I got all this just so I can stand though the storms keep raising in my life I'm ghost and go I'm going through hell and high water I'm ghost and I got my short so I can stand I got my feel so I can stand I put on my helmet so I can stand I got all dressed up to tell the devil you can't have my house you can't have my children you can't have my life you can't have my peace I'm grounded if you're grounded give God a praise right now run over tell Sam I'll go stand right here I'm going to stand right here till the clouds burst I'm going to stand right here till the seeds of shame I'm go stand right here till God opens up the door and go stand right here till the prophecy is fulfilled I'm go stand right here to mercy and truth catch up with me and we'll stand right here till my blood pressure goes down i'ma stand right here to Madhavi this gets better and will stand right here to the yoke is broken tell every whips tell every warlock tell every spell for tell every duck Shore tell every demon tell every hex I didn't come here to people ghost right get Ramallah home and pull on the arm and say you've got to be grounded they go try to ship you this year they will try to shake you this year they will try to break you this here they will try to move you this year but this is the year that God said all you got to do is be grounded stand there to the door pants stand back to the way is Mays have that to the yoke is broken this is the grace the grace to be grounded no longer tossed to and fro somebody ain't going nowhere I came here to get my blessing I'm not gonna leave till I get my blessing I'm not gonna let you go till you bless my soul if we got to wrestle all night if we got to cry if we got to crawl I won't let you go till you bless my soul and ground it God said for being grounded alone if your feet are planted in the house of the Lord but that scripture says man if my feet are planted in the house of the Lord God said you will flourish in the courts of our God oh my god they don't hear me if you're planted you're gonna flourish if you're grounded you're gonna grow if you just stand still God's gonna make it happen shake your name and say be steel just about just by being grounded just by being grounded be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the law just be grounded look at somebody just be grounded now look at this I'm almost cities I'm almost ready kind of just starting into it but I'm almost finished but what I will give you tonight the enemy is trying to fight you off of your ground he's after your ground with the Bible says neither give place to the devil it literally means neither gift territory to the devil it literally means stand your ground he's after your ground that means on the deed is yours oh my god the deed says it's yours listen what got to the children of Israel I have given you the land to possess it now if you've given me the land why do I have to possess it God said I have I have decreed it to you on the deed it is yours in heaven you will have to take it in the earth realm and the reason you won't be able to take it in the ark realm it's because it's yours in the heavenly oh you know I hear what i'm santi get your faith oh and run over to somebody and tell them god it's already it's already mine it's already mine the devil don't know but it's already mine it's already mad it's already might it's already mine it's already mine and the enemy is after your ground stand your ground that's your son stand your ground that's your wife stand your ground that's your business stand your ground that's your promise just because you got conflict doesn't mean it's not yours just because you got trouble with it doesn't mean it's not yours just because you're under attack doesn't mean it's not yours just because all hell is breaking loose doesn't mean it's not yours if you're going to be victorious in 2016 you better hear me real good God said he's giving you things that don't even look like they're yours there's gonna be all Kali enemies around it trying to convince you that it's not yours but the devil is a liar God sets kin-yuen growl slap - Marissa stand your ground let's confess it's a neighbor I got the grace to be grounded the enemy tried to fake me my emotions tried to fake me my dear tried to sacred but I got the grace to be grounded 2016 is my year to possess the land to possess the promises I get to possess my blessed I wish I had somebody with in this place open up your mouth and give listen regardless of what you are going through God wants you to stand your ground very it's a grace that God has given you and it's grace to be grounded God's grace over your life means you a blessed being blessed is not a reflection of your condition but it is a reflection of your position never forget you are child of the king this is your season and your fruit I appreciate every one of you joining my global partner system together we are taking the gospel around the world if you are not a partner join hands with us today become a part of our global family we are making a difference God wants to give you the grace to be grounded in every aspect of your life you are a limited resource and some of you are wore out now cuz you are too many things too too many people you gotta bring your circle down for where God is get ready to take for your gift to the Ministry of any size you will receive grounded in faith on CD from Bishop Jake's mind renewing series grace to be grounded he thinks he did so because he knocks you down to your knees but you just brought me down to my ground level and when your gift is $110 or more you'll receive grace to be grounded in its entirety on seven CDs your very own walk through the grace to be grounded series with Bishop Jake's 28 day devotional and unique grace to be grounded art deaths display that's gonna be all pala animus gathered around convince you that it's not yours God sets your brow don't be stuck in in fertile territory get the grace to be grounded look at the baby say neighbor it's my fruit and it's my season goal I say that rights in labor his lab troops and it's my fruit is my sealer open you're loud and give this is the bar
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 32,773
Rating: 4.92629 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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