The Perfect Tri Tip in the Oven | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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today we're gonna make you a hero by showing you how to guarantee tri-tip perfection this is a tri-tip try because it's in a triangular shape I'll show you in a minute where it comes from on the cow arguably one of the most flavorful cuts of meats on the entire animal I'm not kidding I think if you looked up beef flavor in the dictionary there'd be a picture of that but I'm gonna show you how to cook this so it's perfect and extremely delicious but we need to trim it a bit there's a little bit of fat on here you can buy them trimmed which is more expensive or untrimmed in my case that's what I bought I'll show you how to trim this so you can make a decision on what you want here we go so using a sharp knife you want to get rid of most of the fat because you don't really need it leaving some is quite acceptable but like these pieces here this kind of stuff you don't really need right like that I'm trying to do this angle towards Max and it's difficult just trying to clean it up a bit look I always say this fat is flavor but there's times and you don't want the entire thing to be fatty so get get some of these pieces off right here this is a good sharp knife talked about it before if you don't have a good sharp knife it's just freaking get one and I don't mean go buy a new one if your knife is dull what I mean is take your knives and have them sharpened that's what you need to do it's just a little bit like this kind of stuff I'm gonna flying with that but now if we turn it over you see what's here there's a lot so take your time don't cut yourself from arty concerned about that so there you go right it's nicely cleaned up you're happy with it still tiny little bit there let's check this out though because what's interesting is this was $6.99 a pound so let's see how much and the whole thing was we can do some math here so it's three pounds so I took off a half a pound the difference between trimmed and untrimmed is like three bucks a pound or two bucks a pound it's worth it to buy it untrimmed and then trim it if you have a good knife if you don't have a good knife go get the damn thing sharpened so we're gonna go simple little neutral oil you know I'm a fan of avocado oil that both sides not a lot just enough that will help our salt and pepper stick beautifully and it's a fairly thick cut of meat and you want to season aggressively all the way around the sides the edges here backside the backside I've hit the bottom back side forget it lovely right so now let's swap this out for here and look if you did not have a roasting rack that that raises whatever it is you're cooking off the deck of the baking sheet you'd be fine but but I do think that these are pretty good we'll put a link in the show notes okay so we've got the meat perfect it's trimmed it seasoned and now we're gonna cook it but to guarantee perfection and cooking here's what I'm using a probe thermometer that comes with one of these guys that sits inside the meat wallah cooks comes back to this when it gets to the temperature you want it tells you there is no guesswork we're gonna cook it at a low temperature that will guarantee perfection top to bottom side to side end to end and wall to wall pretty much covers everything inside a tri-tip so we go like this we take our probe we insert it into the thickest part of the tri-tip or whenever is your cooking we'll go all the way in try and make sure you go in horizontally because if you go down or up it could poke through and that will just screw up everything then we take the end that we have right here trying to do this with one in one clean hand okay we plug it in I hit on and now we want to set our temperature can you see that max just bring it down now shoot set temp sorry there we go we're gonna go 128 128 is our temperature that's what we want okay 132 if I miss the 128 will be our high number and now we take this the whole thing goes in the oven and then she goes and now this guy sits right here and we wait look currently 47 degrees inside the tri-tip not for long so here's the thing we cook it at 275 degrees the relatively low number let's a cook evenly all the way through giving you a perfect tri-tip or steak or roast whatever when when it's done well pull it out the only thing it'll need at that point is a little searing to give it some color and some little texture on the outside we're gonna make a sauce to go on top but let me show you where it comes from first let's go to the board here's our cow let's make them happy we have a happy cow look the chuck comes from here down here is the brisket the ribs the sirloin this little torpedo piece in here is the tenderloin and it's so tender because it's protected it's not near any moving parts it's protected by the sirloin and the flank down here here's the round the bottom round and this little thing right here is the tri-tip there's two on an animal one on each side it's a really common cutting in California really common cut what they call it in other parts of the country I don't know I've had conversations with people that don't really understand it so if you're not in a place where you can go readily buy a tri-tip you should ask your butcher for it don't know what it is they might just call it something else you might already know this but if you don't know it I'm telling you relatively inexpensive super delicious beefy all the way through but we're gonna make a little thing Jesus what could I just notice sitting here that's horrifying half a pound of fat remember Oprah did that show where she lost like 67 pounds and she brought a 67 pound bag of pure like fat out were thrown on the stage disgusting softly we're at 97 degrees that tri-tip will ultimately take about 45 50 minutes ish at 275 degrees I don't know what your oven is if it's calibrated if it's not calibrated if you dial 275 you only got two and a quarter then it's gonna take longer but because you have one of these guys in all that matters is that it's ready when it's ready at the temperature that you want okay but we're gonna do this little so this came with this recipe came about because my youngest came for dinner the other night I cooked the tri-tip and I wanted to put something on top and I did this little green onion garlic olive oil things so we'll do it now and you know he liked that I liked it hopefully you'll like it cool so green onion diced like that parsley but the same amount curly parsley I want this garlicky so I'm gonna put like 3 cloves of garlic in here lovely olive oil so and I think beginning that being maybe like a third of a cup I want it like you know drippy red pepper flake 1/4 teaspoon something like that kosher salt and pepper the last thing just a little splash of Worcestershire about a teaspoon and we mix mmm can you imagine just some of this just dumped on top of that steak and now we wait for the steak to finish we're about 25 degrees away it goes pretty fast you go slow in the beginning then pretty fast hey by the way you want to support our channel go down below go down below look below look look in the show notes and buy some make America cook again merch it's an easy way to say we support you Sam max it is you're waiting for the steak to get ready so you got nothing else to do right now right just hang out with us dr. max is here you mean we can do this he doesn't trust me to do this oh Jesus careful there max is wearing one right now how do you hold on we do this big buttons hold on no sorry oh the joystick oh wait hold on let me see open your jacket there you go make America forget me and there make America cook again hey this is badass wait Oh what do I need him for I could just do this whole show by myself hey Sam and today we're gonna make a tri-tip look I've got it down here in the oven oh it's heavy a [ __ ] take that back that's awful we're a few degrees away in that time I'm doing two things I'm hitting a cast-iron pan because I need to sear this on the outside to give it some color some crust little texture and make it freakin gorgeous but I'm also warming watch this hold on I don't need to look but I'm also but I'm also warming some mashed potatoes by the way have you seen the movie was it bird bucks bird box have you seen it started out great and I thought I just went downhill really quick I didn't dig it I watched the whole thing but there's this bird box challenge [ __ ] you can do blindfolded people putting on makeup and whatever max texts and he goes hey let's do a blindfold a cooking segment I go I'm in two seconds it's all a chug oh I'm in it has nothing to do with that movie it has everything to do it let's have some fun I could cook I know my kitchen well enough might be a disaster but it might be great entertainment might be fun who knows what I can do blindfolded anyway these are old mashed potatoes from the other night two nights ago you do not look that appetizing they're drying stuff ooh ooh who wants that so we're gonna heat him up shite we're gonna heat him up then we're gonna add a little bit more of the green onion into this jazz it up a bit it's gonna be good we need four degrees four degrees where they're close to the mashed potatoes first come on so look they're they're drawing they're lifeless if you're exciting so let's fix that a little bit little heat underneath we're gonna give it a little squeeze of olive oil that will add a little richness and a little much-needed moisture so here we go you just mix look they're better already honestly they're already and now some of the green onion out the he'll certainly can't hurt right now it's pretty right a little bit more of the oil and perfect turn the heat down a bit let them sit there they're gonna be good now for the steak all right we're there okay turn this off turn this off there we go okay let's get this out all right here we go and oh boy there's nothing exciting looking about that is there let's take out the probe Wow let's put it there hey I like the fat I liked a little bit of the fat striations through this it's really nice but now we have to give it some gorgeous color because that's what it needs we're going in this big cast-iron pan right beside us so here's what we have to do we have to turn on the fan because it's gonna smoke like crazy and then it goes in and this is the top I like the top to go in face downs first here we go we're just trying to give it color all the way around it's cooked perfectly inside why am i yelling because the fan is loud it's cooked perfectly inside we just want to give it a gorgeous outside to go with it and it won't take long look at what we've done already right so if we give this more than you know 45 seconds a minute on each side we're gonna overdo it and we don't want to but because it's not completely flat I got to work on the edges a little bit then down we go and if you could smell the way it smelled right now that you think that you were in a great steak restaurant I like the sides done - I like the ends done I like the sides done if you skip this step you'd be making a mistake because this is adding a lot of flavor so just use your tongs maneuver it to where it needs to be so it gets even color and when you like the way it looks which is almost now you take it off and you cut it look oh pretty she is or he I don't really know what you would call a tri-tip and so we should I suppose cut into it and look you want to cut against the grain oh geez that's why you have a cutting board with a little moat for that so you can see the grain runs this way we talked about it before right like this you always want to cut against the grain because it will shorten up those fibers and make everything much more tender and a tri-tip can be a little a little tough but not for us today here we go okay just if there were angels that could sing right now that would be the right thing because this is what I promised - what I delivered perfect medium-rare top to bottom side to side and end to end if I made one long cut you would see was like this the entire way and look at this piece right here look this isn't there's no magic ladies and gentlemen this is exactly what we've just done so we should have one little bike just because we can look how juicy it is oh my gosh that is beef capital B capital e capital e capital F that tastes like beef but don't forget we've got our little garlic green onion parsley thing and the potatoes so let's do this the right way shall we let's cut some and then plate it really beautifully we got a couple pieces here here we go so potatoes first a little bit like that now a couple slices of our tri-tip like that and then the perfect accompaniment is that green onion garlic little red pepper flake that is gonna be fantastic oMG knife fork let's just get a piece you need the mashed potato you need the steak and you need some of that some guy accused me of trying to be like a porn star when I ate people are so funny it's just freaking tremendous mm-hmm tri-tip forget all the other stuff this really that kid that's the star of the show Oh Shh okay so what have we learned we've learned that through the use of a lower oven temperature and a probe thermometer you can get absolutely perfect results for any kind of meat you're cooking that's one two we've learned that a little garlic olive oil parsley green onion thing the combined to make a magnificent topping and three we've learned that well there might not be a three so I'll just say thanks for hanging out with us check out everything we put in the shownotes probe thermometer stuff the rack to raise your food up on a baking sheets like subscribe comments and don't eat shitty food because there's no reason to promise
Views: 924,385
Rating: 4.8403106 out of 5
Keywords: how to cook tri tip in the oven, how to cook tri tip, tri tip in the oven, tri tip, tri tip steak, best tri tip sauce, tri tip sauce, oven tri tip, cook tri tip, tri tip recipe, how to make tri tip, how to cook a tri tip, beef tri tip, cooking tri tip, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak, best tri tip, best tri tip in the oven, best tri tip recipe, best tri tip steak, best steak, best steak recipe, best sauce for tri tip, bes steak sauce
Id: fvKvjE2rlco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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