The Best Chili I've Ever Made | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Turned a friend on to this video...he made it and agreed..the best chili he's ever tasted! Thanks for all the videos and ideas!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/handydan 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
Oh hot I shouldn't have done that smoked ribeye chili need i say more there's a couple ways you can make chili one is by using ground beef you cook it in the pot then you add all the vegetables and you let it simmer the other way is you cook all the vegetables and you add in you know like chunks of meats and let it simmer for a long time because the meat needs to tenderize we're doing neither of those what I think I swallowed a bug hold on what we're doing is we're what we're what we're doing is we're gonna smoke our steaks first let me rephrase that what we're doing is we're gonna put it and what we're do what we're doing is we're gonna put a rub on these two giant rib eyes first then put them on the smoker then make our vegetables and the the chili part of it then when these come off they'll get cut up into little cubes and then they'll go in this [ __ ] is gonna be insane and I've got a little surprise right near the end that you want to watch for because we're gonna try making one thing extra on the smoker to go with it and now that everybody's freaked out that I've touched meat I'll quickly rinse my hands and our rub looks like this lots of coarse black pepper some chipotle chili powder a decent amount garlic powder cumin kosher salt and a little sugar there we mix mmm smelling good already I love that you pull away I love the cumin and who doesn't like pepper next we bring our steaks back we give them a little shot of oil this helps the seasoning stick a little bit and then we seasoned liberally just like this and then edges too don't forget the edges and then whatever is left on the paper or the counter or wherever you do it just mop it up with the steaks then pick them up and head over to the smoker okay so the smokers on to 250 these high stakes put these guys on - to make sure I know when they're ready I'm gonna use my probe thermometer stick this guy in the middle set for about 127 there we go and by the way for all the people that are freaking out because I touched raw meat I just washed my hands you didn't see it you don't always see it everybody calm down and by the way there's not a restaurant it's just me eating this if I want to play in a mud puddle touch a bunch of raw meat put raw food in my mouth with those dirty raw meat mud puddle hands I can do that it's just me that I'm affecting I have a restaurant I don't do that cut my explaining myself I'm explaining myself to the two or three d-bags that continually need to remind me what I have not done alright for those of you that do not have a smoker a put it on a birthday list because they're a good thing to have if you don't have one here's what you do you set your oven to 250 you do the rub make the rub exactly like we did but by a little liquid smoke it's a little tiny bottle of liquid that smells like liquid campfire just put a little in a bowl brush a little bit on the steaks then put the rub on then put them in your oven at 250 and when they're at the temperature you want I've set 127 I don't know why I just have there'll be the same as that if they come off of this sort of but now we need to get the vegetables and the tomatoes and the beans ready for the chili right here so we start by dicing the widow these things called red peppers stand by yellow onion and and Pasillas and jalapenos and and garlic all this will go in buta licious red peppers first and i like to take the sides off and then cut them off next the pasilla take that up seeds out in my hand goodbye to those this guy will cut this way so pcs have a little I feel like that little kid that gets made fun of because he's always poking at his glasses and this you know movies like Sandlot like that kid when I do that anyway Percy does have a little bit more flavor than green pepper use a green pepper if you want look there will be no shortage of flavor in this chilli 9 whatsoever the onion jalapeno some garlic we'll just flatten rough chop and now everything will go into the pot with a little oil okay so we want these guys to start to cook a bit just break everything out let them soften give them about five minutes okay so they've softened nicely now it's time to add two more things we're very close seriously very close and in goes some chili powder kosher salt maybe a little more the 28 ounce can of crushed Tomatoes this next one is controversial because you either do or do not like beans in your chili I happen to like them so I'm putting them in about a tablespoon of mints to pull a peppers and about a cup of dark beer and I happen to be using Sapporo black which I quite enjoy and I just ended up mistakenly buying the 22 ounce can and I only need 8 ounces so damn it guess I'm gonna have to drink it but nuts mix first yum yum and now in the time that the steaks finish smoking this will start to simmer come together in a really beautiful way and that means I just I guess we'll just stand here and drink my beer cuz why not there's so much flavor in a dark beer yum caramel in interesting flavor remember what I say if you have a choice between two ingredients use the one that has more flavor you could use a light beer or you could use a dark beer that has all those caramel notes and it's deeper and richer and better now this is starting to simmer so simmering is not boiling you see these little bubbles starting to appear on the top that's what you want a little bit of more of that is okay don't want to boil the thing away coz all the liquid will go bye-bye this is exactly we want to try and keep it about there and 2025 minutes will be perfect to start to bring these flavors together and by the way you could use any pot but a heavy bottomed one is good and this technically is considered a Dutch oven it's big it's heavy you can do all kinds of stuff you can go on the stove like this and go in the oven and go anywhere we'll put a link this one is made by a company called Staub I really like them as do the birds who just chimed in so the link will be below if you want okay so this is good this is almost ready the stakes are almost ready we're gonna make some smoked biscuits so I've already made a rub I'm smoking a couple steaks I cut up the vegetables I'm making my own chili don't have to go from scratch on everything ladies and gentlemen I'm giving you permission not to so I bought a package oh wait cheddar garlic biscuit mix so we'll open this we'll make the biscuits we'll just get a cook them on the smoker when we're done so then goes the powder come on come on I wanna hurry go go go go go go okay it gets two things it gets maybe three things allow me just to consult the package get some milk get she's a good party okay it gets a cup of milk get a cup of sharp cheddar it looks like that I think maybe that's too much we'll find out butters melting so it's not there yet so I can start to mix this look we made biscuits the other day ba this is driest toast man did I put too much why I need the butter but let's take as much butter as we can now max oh okay the last of the butter funnel mixing and now you're supposed to drop these by like quarter cup pulls but I want to be anal so I'm gonna do this here's my little quarter cup guy I'm just gonna grease this and my little cookie cutter thing and now we'll get quarter cup holes in here put it in here and kind of Pat them down so they look like that now we're talking and repeat it's unnecessary there's no reason I have to be doing this other than I like uniformity I probably should have lived in a communist society I'll like everything the same I like the art on my walls to be even perfectly spaced somebody's gonna take that the wrong way here we go here we go come on come on come on max give me a read of the temperature please 128 okay I need to take it off I thought I said it for 127 I think I turned the alarm oh okay hold on coming I got to get something to put him on yeah okay here we go okay so let's do this yank this out put that down beautiful that is Wow number two okay it's close it up you let it get the temperature it will put the biscuits on okay a couple more and we're good there they are I mean I got to get up to 425 so it'll take a second it might be a little bit longer but this will be about 15 minutes those guys will come off in the meantime we can let the steaks cool a bit and then cut them up and look how gorgeous they are Wow should we have a little bite first that would be the right thing to do wouldn't it there's a little tiny piece beautiful color look at that and this is an end the inside is gonna be even better just one little gorgeous bite mmm oh my the juicy flavorful the spices are amazing but they're enhanced by the little bit of sugar that we put in that will now be enhanced by a sip of this that will now be enhanced by one more gorgeous bite how beautiful that is this is nothing official just let me say that but I'm just gonna give myself a sense of what this whole thing might be like if I was ready to have a bite of it now Oh hot oh my god all right I shouldn't have done that all I want to do now is just eat all of this and all of that it's ridiculous wait for the biscuits everybody just calm down I'll let these rest for a minute we'll cut them the biscuits will be ready it'll be a marriage one beautiful delicious freakin marriage and we're there so it's time to cut up the steaks in to mouth-watering absolutely delicious bite-sized pieces okay so this guy comes on here oh gosh we just take this little tip off so here's what I'm gonna do oh my gosh look at that's so perfect I don't want pieces like this I mean I just want to throw that in my mouth but yeah you think about how people are gonna eat the food you got to make these bite-sized pieces so pieces like this that's like that you can you can deal with let me think of how your guests are gonna consume something because that's that's problematic to give them a giant piece right so just continue on then Wow and for those of you that are looking is thinking Oh Sam it's too rare I cannot eat that and trust me I will hear from you it's not and B if you stick it in the chili long enough it will continue to cook even more and become that gray overcooked well done that some of you seem to desire I don't really know why gorgeous I'm telling you the little little seasoning that's on this is simple and so damn good you know look it's it's it's ribeye you have to work your way around little bits of fat and that's okay it's worth it because of how anxious it is and it is super anxious you know what I'm saying so brunches I'm chess we need to look it up it means like like like a to me like a fatty kind of mouthfeel I don't know if that's right stand by nobody move let's look up on shoes I hope you you look up words you don't know cuz you need to we all need to we don't want to sound dopey anxious funk funk I'm Ches no that's not it don't chew us I'm truss excessively or ingratiatingly flattering that's not right having a greasy or soapy feel well that's disgusting it's not what I meant at all I mean a delicious fatty mouthfeel that's what I mean if that's not what it means well it should or care what it really means let's make a little bowl shall we get a biscuit and look they didn't keep their shape like I wanted but they'll be okay hello kids oh they smell really good I have to say watch let's pick on this guy I have a little butter left I can't be a bad thing again no it can't so now here's how this will work let's get some chili from here go one nice scoop and by the way notice how thick it is for me there's nothing worse than watery chili that's not chili this is chili but wait don't stop there now we need the steak so we take some my gosh Little Mix rimmel two things for me it's our King and of course that's what we're talking about now that's freaking chili and here we go some chili a little sour cream some green onion and a bite of steak we refer to this as a come wait wait this is a composed bite I put it together just for me perfectly hang on I wasn't sure like a perfect level of heat it's great the steak is great the chipotle chili powder is great the Sapporo beer the dark beer is great and these smoke biscuits hmm could have done him in the oven but we did him in the smoker because it was already hot and was sitting right there question is will head have picked up any extra smoke flavor certainly has some smell not a ton a little bit but a it's a good party trick and B the thing is already there I'm going through the house and start heating up [ __ ] in there but then you can do this I don't even know what to think I set the max when I took that bite before put the camera down I go I think it's the best chill I've ever made he goes there's the title how could really say that people didn't go clickbait dude clickbait you're just saying that okay it's not clickbait i mean look at it the way you want that is the best chili I've ever made care what you think care what some of you think I don't care what the haters of you think newsflash do this take the best guy bust some pieces up then you can go like this and get them with a bite of that mistake my new favorite Julie okay you like you comment you subscribe you you engage with us and that means an awful lot it's a it's a it's a crazy thing that we appreciate so much someone at my restaurant not not talk was the other day said you say that at the end of every that and I think you mean it I said I do mean it I go you if you like me on the episodes you'll like me in real life that being said if you hate me on these episodes you're gonna hate me in real life I am what I am and that's all I am thanks for hanging out make this and you can get this if that means flavor then I am effing delicious so many people have bought these how great would it be if you walk into a bar and there's another person in the same shirt not like two women walking through the bar in the same dress now that's not cool but two of you you know what this means this means that we need some hand signals so you know that they know that you know you all watch the same thing on YouTube Oh bust up the biscuits alright you could sit there and watch meat for an hour because that's what's gonna happen okay Max's reminded me we're taking the next two and a half three three weeks off so no no new episodes but we'll put we'll put all the ones there that you can re-watch it'll be fine April Fool's I didn't want to do that joke was Max's idea was a stupid joke better not make it if it makes it into this episode I'll be really pissed yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,108,697
Rating: 4.9215193 out of 5
Keywords: best chili, steak chili, steak, best steak, best chili ever, rib eye steak, ribeye steak, best steak chili, sam the cooking guy, chili recipe, best chili recipe, best chili recipes ever, chilli recipe, chili, chili beef, chili beef recipes, how to make chili, recipe for chili, beef chili, beef recipe, best beef chili recipe, smoked ribeye, smoked rib eye steak, how to make the best chili, make chili, sam the cooking guy chili, cooking chili
Id: 8Dbmn-Cgezs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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