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That reel was hilarious. Not much has changed in terms of style, still pissing people off with soy sauce.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Danny_Ocean_11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been watching Sam for at least the last year and a half and I can't believe I'm just stumbling onto this sub now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PutnamBrewandBBQ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s a melt!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whiskerpolice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
viewer alan asked for a carne asada grilled cheese so that's what we're making okay i made that up well the viewer allen part there's no viewer alan i mean sure sorry there probably is a viewer alan but i just needed something to say and max goes okay ready let's go and then i deliver whatever line i'm going to come up with and my back was up against the wall i didn't know what to say so that came out yes there's probably many viewer allen's not that i can recall any of them asked specifically for a carne asada grilled cheese cooked on the big ass santa maria grill that we have behind us thank you weld dot com but how could this go wrong you got carne asada it's a home run you got the sandwich part oh we're doing it on a torta did i say did i say that no you didn't well you said grilled cheese [ __ ] carne saw the grilled cheese on a torta roll it's all good what if you don't know what a torch is oh torta sorry think mexican sandwich roll it looks like this it's way down in here and by the way that's for max's benefit i have a mic right here watch what happens when i do this she doesn't like it so when i do this it kisses me mexican tortoise roll mexican sandwiches go on these things lovely fresh bottom from the place where i get the giant ass tortillas we'll give them a name nico's taco shop right by my house here in san diego so so it's going on that we got to make the marinade the cranny saute marinade get the meat in it we've got some avocado crema to make and then uh it's pretty simple pretty pretty simple the uh the flat iron let's uh let's look at this for a second so here's what we have i have this lovely little little flat iron that looks like this but look it's beautifully thick i just want to make it a little thinner widen it out a bit so i'm going to sort of open it up like a book so we're going to take our our knife not cut all the way through but just like this and then start to just do this just flatten it out a little bit same thing this direction you get what i'm doing here max i do would you ever do this of course i would no you wouldn't you never cook little known secret ladies and gentlemen the boy doesn't cook no comment he really doesn't okay i'm always editing that's [ __ ] okay this is perfect right it's exactly how i wanted it to be nice let's put it on a plate and let's make our marinade pretty simple everything goes in our container and then we blend it we'll start with a bunch of cilantro uh when i say bunch i mean just the tops like that and then they go three cloves of garlic just dropped in like that tablespoon of cumin pretty much all i had actually a teaspoon each of kosher salt and black pepper like that i keep them mixed you know that about a tablespoon of brown sugar juice of one lime every time i squeeze lime in whatever it is and i say juice of one lime it reminds me of my demo from almost 20 years ago me trying to get into the the cooking on tv business my demo was 90 seconds and it was horrendous honestly should we should we yes put it in should i finish this and then we'll do that yes okay continue all right so we've got the juice of one lime we're gonna come back you're gonna like this we need some uh neutral oil and you know i'm going with avocado oil for this right absolutely we usually do we always do it's good fat it's healthy we love chosen foods avocado oil 100 pure and the thing that i put in that pisses people off all over the planet apparently but makes amazing carne asada marinade is a couple tablespoons of not traditional soy sauce the dreaded soy sauce one and two soy sauce and carne asada people float what was that all right then we take our base we put it on and let's go max up we go on we go and away we go just let it do its thing beautiful beautiful beautiful comes off oh my god the smell of this i mean first the look of it it's gorgeous but you have no idea how amazing this is gonna be i do all right so we'll take our steak we've opened up like a book we'll throw it in the ziploc bag come on buddy and in will go most but not all of our marinade will save a little for after squeeze out some of the air most of the air and then we do this what effect though see beautiful and now while all the deliciousness in here works to make this flat iron amazing we put it in the fridge and we move on so moving on means two things we have avocado crema to make oh yum gonna be so delicious but the santa maria is not gonna light itself we gotta get over there and do something because it won't let itself seriously i've stood there before and i go okay light come on lights it just won't do it it won't do it i don't get it so we have to do it for it come on so i've got my chimney filled with charcoal i've got paper down here oh come on sometimes this doesn't always catch like that there you go okay so let's light the paper shut up all right so here's the deal so forget my torch that doesn't always light a chimney it's one of the greatest ways to light charcoal yes you can scatter charcoal around and put little igniter things in it there's either natural ingredients or there's a chemical based ones you don't want that but you light it and then it catches but the fact that it's in this stove pipe shaped chimney and you fill it up and you put paper on the bottom and you light it in about 20 25 minutes that thing will be ready to go they're easy they're simple to use and they're really the best but wait so forget the rust because it doesn't make any difference this is my old one this one the only difference is it has a handle that's when you pull the handle it opens up the bottom and all the hot charcoals come out in this version you have to pour it not that that's a big deal but if you're in a confined space if you have a small grill that you're using this pouring thing can often be difficult this one that just dumps everything out of the bottom like a toilet flushing the terrible analogy i apologize for that but you get the idea everything just goes whoosh this is really a good way to go all right now we have avocado crema to make and that's going to be hey before we make the avocado crema i promised my demo video so take yourself back to 2002. some of you might not have even been born a lot probably a lot of you weren't born damn it 2002 i made this video to try and get myself on television i hired a guy to shoot it had to really help him along the way not with shooting but with what made sense what didn't make sense and i want you to watch this because there's moments that you can see mistakes you see his shadow on a cupboard at one point out the kitchen window you see a stand with a big tarp thing on it the part that speaks to what ultimately was really me is that i can't find my whisk in this the guy goes okay i'll stop find your list then we'll pick it back up again i go you know somehow it feels natural to me that people don't know where everything is let's leave it in he completely disagreed that was the beginning of real salmon cooking guys so here 90 seconds i'm [ __ ] awful in it why i ever got a job on television i have no idea here we go hi i'm sam the cooking guy today we're going to make lemon teriyaki salmon i call it rainy day salmon because back home we used to make it on rainy days all the time and it takes no time at all we start very simply with one pot we're gonna put the following seven ingredients into it soy sauce half a cup quarter of a cup of sake if you don't have this you should because it's great to drink and it's excellent to cook with a third of a cup sugar teaspoon of minced ginger clove of garlic juice of one whole lemon juice going everywhere a teaspoon of dry mustard we're done we're going to put this on the stove for 10 minutes let it simmer in that time we're going to heat the oven cut our salmon and we're almost set really it only needs to be there for maybe 10 minutes maximum you just want it to thicken up a little bit grab my whisk okay hang on i can't find my whisk uh okay we're not going to use a whisk you just need to stir it around all we're going to do now is we're going to baste it it doesn't get any easier than this honestly we're gonna pop this under the broiler five minutes on this side five on the other side and that's it if you bring this salmon to the table looking like this people are gonna be blown away i maze even myself my mom would be really proud rainy day salmon i'm the cooking guy i'll see you next time well that wasn't the best uh but got it got me max that wasn't the best but it got me on tv that little 90 seconds uh got a tv station here in san diego to call and say we'd like to put you on a couple times a week doing a 90-second cooking segment they saw something in that and as i'm fond of saying you only need one person to believe in you and a guy named alberto pando believed in me at what then was the fox affiliate here in san diego so alberto i take my hat off to you i would take my hat off to you if i wore a hat i just don't look good in hats any kind so thank you alberto for believing in me and look where we are i'm still [ __ ] up 20 years later i'm still [ __ ] up for 18. all right on with the avocado crema much like the uh the carne sauda marinade everything goes in here and then we mix we'll start with one avocado seeded peeled and dropped in next up a quarter cup of non-fat greek yogurt you could use sour cream if you wanted i don't think you need to and i like the little tang that this brings what will amount to be about a quarter cup of cilantro a couple tablespoons of milk one two one clove of garlic juice of one lime oh shh one half lime grind and all not the whole lime pinch of kosher salt and pepper we put the base on and we mix do your thing baby come on don't tell me i know how much liquid to put in apparently not i have 15 emmys now i can't see anything i make shakes like this every day i know when there's not enough liquid fine i thought i put in enough liquid i did not put in enough liquid well but here's the thing i'm not trying to turn this into a shake i want this to be thick and spreadable that's what she says that's what she said see what this looks like oh this that is what i wanted this is going to go on that sandwich let's just taste it oh my god that's heaven garlic the lime juice it's freaking perfect this is going to help make this i'm a mess today but you see all that smoke [ __ ] ready shall we go let's do it let's [Music] go okay we're here so you can see just this very top of the charcoal is not gone white yet and that's okay because it will sit on top and then it will get the benefit of the heat from blow it'll carry over and all will be well so we take this like this we pull it away now we crank up the rack and we come in here remember what i said when i pull this trigger right here all of this will drop down and i'm ready to do that when max is and like this how great is that that's a great thing man now right away we want to lower the rack so it gets the benefit of the heat i want to get rid of the dust stuff that was there beautiful there's a beautiful layer of heat in there so i thought onions would be a nice addition so i cut a couple fairly thick threw a little oil on with them and we'll let those start to do their thing nice these are actually going to take longer than the steak is if you can believe it i'll cook them right in the eyes of my face and while the onions do their thing we'll get ready to put on our proper carne sauda and by proper i mean not proper because i've jacked it up by putting soy sauce in and pissing off somebody someplace but here we go it's gorgeous and if you don't like the way that looks max hates you because he does love the way that looks and with a little extra marinade in the bag i might as well take advantage of it i'll use more when i flip it now just leave it there's really nothing you need to do we're just cooking steak and trying not to eff it up love this this makes me so happy you can't believe it let's check our onions we're getting there slowly of course i should have put them on earlier dumb things the black's good it's okay they're gonna be amazing now check this ready wow let's give it a little turn hello shall we yeah let's give it a little flip and see how we're doing come on you do your thing there you go and i might as well use up some of the marinade because oh my god it is so good lovely i got an idea let's hurry these guys along wow this is making me really happy here oh so the carny's ready as we take it off let's put some of this juice on top of the onions and this it's gonna go rest for a minute there's smoke coming off it wow it's gonna be good i say it's time to get ready to build there's some major sensory [ __ ] astro there's some major sensory [ __ ] going on right here so first i've got this the carne that's if you haven't made this please if i ask anything of you in this year of the covid it's i want you to make this look it doesn't benefit me at all you making this does not help me one iota hey by the way what's an iota a little bit doesn't benefit me at all it will only benefit you of course if you hate it then then here's what i say if you hate my carne asada unsubscribe never watch again is that fair yeah fine it's fine because i don't know how it could happen like that but the sensory thing i've got this look at these onions look at the steam look at what's go look at the color the crisp the blackening the everything that's amazing and then hey hey don't forget about the avocado crema all of these things are gonna make this wait what's that the sum of the parts is greater than the hole there you go nobody knows what that means but i think it's true so here's the plan i need to cut this carne but before i do i'm going to take my tour to roll like this and i want to give a little crisp to the inside i know it's crazy but i don't have to do that would you do that with a regular grilled cheese no do i have to no do i want to f yes i do so i i need some lubrication and here's what i'm using japanese mayonnaise laugh all you want go ahead take an hour it's going to make it incredible so on we go so mayo mayo could you do this with regular mayo max yes should you no no because we're big fans of qp japanese mayo not sponsored we're just in love with it that being said there is a holiday gift coming from cupe that somebody's going to be really happy when they get so we're going to take these guys put them face down on the flat top little sizzle just a little texture and a little more flavor so we're giving away stuff what are we giving away we're giving away an eva we're giving away a traeger smoker we're giving away a caliber oh it's over here caliber pro kamado in stainless oh [ __ ] where do you see that couple thousand dollars worth of product from chosen foods cupe has given us five thousand dollars to give to someone someone [Music] one person and what do you have to do to get this max you have to be a subscriber is that it at the very least the very least you can get notified you need to be a subscriber so you can get notified we're giving away five grand we're giving away a lot of a lot of [ __ ] but more about that later now i just got to get these off oh hello gorgeous anybody that thinks mayonnaise is ridiculous for a grilled cheese is themselves ridiculous all right now we get going so we take our beautiful piece of carne here oh god see look at all this juice that came off that and now i'm gonna do this oh hello could you be more beautiful i don't think so is that your eight-inch chef's knife this is my santa cooking guy eating chef's knife available now available right now link in the description if they ordered right now could they get it like right now i mean yeah it would maybe ship the same day wow so we're just going to cut this up with ass whole barking in the background so i want a pile of this you were concerned that this was way too done that's what you said i didn't say that oh well i didn't okay so maybe i did say that look i worry about this so sensitive isn't it better that i worry than not worry dick so now i'm just gonna do this i'm just going to cut these because i want to pile this up i want this to be a pile of carne look how beautifully cooked that is how about one little bite is it possible i could just have this little piece yes okay quick dunk in the extra marinade oh my god okay oh my god it's freaking mental i just said to max this might be one of the best things we've ever made haven't even tasted it yet okay now let's build it right now here's how this looks oh my god look at that color that color is insane very nice beautiful okay first things first the avocado crema is going down spread spread spread gorgeous don't be cheap next onions these onions man there's some crazy ass flavor in these oh so happy we did this part next maxi what is it it's our steak obviously ready part of my hands but that was the only good way how's that look i love it you know how it looks to me looks like i can use another piece or two wow now we come over here we're going to put our cheese on and i'm going with monterey jack because i just love it i'm a fan i like the way it melts should we go three pieces uno dos and tres good and now we go here remember the extra marinade that i saved back here's where it's coming into play it's very faint but can you hear it whap oh my god put it on top could eat it like that or you could pick the whole thing up like this put it on the flat top so on we go and just let it start to crisp up on the bottom that's the point the point is a crispy sandwich apart from the mayo slathered and griddled inside of this torture roll we want to add crisp to the outside and that's what we're going to do now the weight is going to help compress a little bit push everything together help make it great all right time to flip don't don't eff it up folks oh ow but you see here listen that's the point it's the textual differences that make stuff like this great it's a simple concept all of this inside that tortoise roll uncooked uncrisp would be delicious but when you take the extra time to get the outsides crispy and melt the cheese a little more it becomes amazing and when it's ready it's ready and all you have to do is take it off you come over you carefully upright it you lay it down and you look at your work and the only thing left to do is cut it because that's amazing oh look what i've done i've made a terrible mess but a gorgeous mess wow i mean seriously what's not to like all the components garlic lime these onions are insane the whole oh my god knives are in stock not one not two not three but four of our knives the nikiri brought all its friends the nikiri brought its friends the 8-inch chef's knife the 8-inch offset serrated bread knife and the perfect 4-inch paring knife 4 inches is fine that's a howard stern reference that maybe some of you will get anyway go to the link is below and have a field day holidays are coming up make somebody happy [ __ ] it make yourself happy you deserve it i ran into somebody the other day that said dude you just you just play up all the for the camera i'm like no i do not play this up for the camera if it sucked i'd say it sucked i don't benefit from lying [ __ ] you
Views: 693,184
Rating: 4.9341335 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, carne asada, sam the cooking guy carne asada, good carne asada, carne asada torta, carne asada grilled cheese, grilled cheese, sam the cooking guy grilled, sam the cooking guy cheese, sam the cooking guy carne asada grilled cheese, sam cooking carne asada, carne asada sandwich, carne sandwich, carne torta, sam the cooking guy torta, sam cooking grilled cheese, sam the cooking guy grilled cheese, grilled carne asada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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