The Best Homemade Rotisserie Chicken | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Not gonna lie, I expected a naughty joke after the snapping of the latex gloves.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IROCKJORTS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

fucking sam, I swear

I find this channel like 2 weeks ago, blow through all the videos, and now we've already made 3 of the things he made.

He has me checking out a garlic press when I buy bulk minced garlic, a giant round cutting board when I already have a nice one I made, a 4 thousand dollar EVO I can't afford, and I have dreams about japanese mayo

And now I watch this video and found myself looking at rotisserie addons for my weber kettle despite having no real interest in rotisserie because I have a smoker already!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ponzLL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

nice to see your finger is better /u/samthecookingguy

that blue finger condom was kinda hilarious. pro tip, superglue. it will bond the skin together, and then when your skin heals, it will just fall off.

im going to have to ask max a few questions soon. im getting into video editing and want to pick both your brains on how you put your videos together(software, equipment, cues, time it takes for filming and editing). maybe a mini video on stuff like that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tunersharkbitten πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
today we do something I've wanted to do for a long time a rotisserie chicken and whether you have a rotisserie or not I'm gonna talk you through it this is gonna be unreal deli roasted chicken you see them in the supermarket all the time and they're delicious and they're easy and they're at the heart of many quick simple delicious meals but you can make one yourself if you have a rotisserie and if you don't have a rotisserie that's fine because I'll help you with that part but we're gonna assume you do watch what happens it's all great but we're gonna start by building our fire with charcoal come with me I used to be this guy that said I only want to cook on a gas grill because when I want to eat I want to eat now and that man I could turn on the grill in three seconds later it was hot and I'd put on my protein whatever it was and then I had an awakening and I realized how important charcoal was to the flavor of what you were cooking but charcoal can take a little while unless you use one of these a chimney okay and I know mine looks like shits and it's all rusted and whatever because I leave it out but don't worry about that that's not important what's important is this will help your charcoal heat in about twenty five ish minutes so think about this you come home you want to cook some steaks during your fridge I've told you don't cook them cold take them out for at least a half an hour you take them out of the fridge you get the charcoal going in your chimney and when this is ready your steaks are ready you get me the charcoal is one messy proposition hence the latex gloves and we fill up our chimney and so we take handfuls of our charcoal not charcoal briquets fault charcoal pieces and we fill up our chimney by the way I realize that by saying I'm using charcoal versus charcoal briquettes may make me sound like a bit of a leadest which I'm not I'd like to use charcoal briquettes I just don't have any I just have whole lump charcoal but whether they're charcoal briquettes or whole lump charcoal you know the barbecue guys might give me a bunch of [ __ ] and starting to rain Oh fabulous but both of these win out over just straight gas they really do straight gas gives you heat the charcoal gives you heat and flavor got it now we have to light them and here's how we do this we're gonna use these little lighter cubes so we'll put them down on here separate them by a few inches we will light them and then we will take our chimney and place it on top and call it a day and in about 25 30 minutes this will be lit and ready to use these are one of the best things ever and apart from the fact that I've already said mine's rusty don't worry about that it will not hinder the heating of the charcoal and they're like maybe twenty bucks we'll put a link below the video and for the critical people out there yes you can stuff newspaper in here instead of using those little lighter things and do it just as well I just happen to have them I like them and they work for me and the only newspaper I have is electronic and I don't want to put my laptop underneath that and start it on fire now we make our brine and we Brian our chicken because it makes it juicier more moist and tender just actually better a brining means putting the chicken in a solution that's generally as simple as water salt and sugar for three four five six hours even to overnight it's just better it requires a little forethought which generally I do not have but in this case I did so let me show you how we do that to a pot of just simmered hot water I'm gonna add 3/4 of a cup of sugar 3/4 of a cup of kosher salt and 3/4 of a cup of soy sauce and we mix hello come around come around come around thank you and at this point the only goal is to dissolve the sugar and the salt we take it off the heat then we add enough ice to make up about a gallon of liquid we let it cool down then we put our chicken in a big container we add the liquid and we're there and I had you make a gallon of liquid because if you don't have a container as snug as this and you just had a big bowl or just big bag or something you'll need more liquids so but here's the thing now that it's made we want it to just sit put it in the refrigerator leave it for you know four hours three hours overnight is even excellent but after that time you bring it out Thank You magic of television and be doing this earlier today and now you've got a perfectly brined whole chicken that we're ready to deal with so we take it out turn it upside down because the cavity holds a lot but most of it drip off and then we'll put it on paper towels and start to dry it and you want it very dry at this point so under the wings the legs into the Gooch I don't know I don't know what you call this part the the opening sorry might have been wrong and you can see it's taking on a little bit of the color from the soy not much just a little bit but now we trust so here's what we want to do when this is on the rotisserie if the legs are like this that will they'll burn it won't cook properly and they'll you know they'll knock into like imagine kink kink kink kink kink kink that's not good so we want to sort of tie it up like we would if it was a turkey at Thanksgiving we want to bring the legs in and the the arms sorry wings I know it's a chicken I know it's not a person so get yourself a nice piece of twine cut a piece off and we'd trust so turn the kid over I like to do a loop around each leg just go over here pull them tight or taut if that's your terminology and then do a couple knots the second one should secure it so that's that cut now a longer piece will take care of the wings and we're golden look I know there's fancy ways to do this and somebody will call me out and call me a piece of sh and I don't know what I'm doing and I don't really care though I do appreciate the people that reach out and say don't worry about them oh I don't I really don't but the goal at this point is simple right I wasn't a Boy Scout I don't know how to do those knots I just do what I do and it works so here we go and there's our chicken one nice tight little bundle that's ready to go on our rotisserie prongs and skewer so here's what we do we take our rotisserie what's this thing called broad Thank You Jilly we insert it into the chicken at the back or the front I don't know what side that is and now we take our forks like this we unscrew so they're open bring one here and we tighten up and then the other direction we come in and we don't want to make them too tight because we may need to adjust at the grill to make sure that it turns evenly so let's go hear your ear and feel pretty even so look is this gonna turn nicely okay so let's just give it a tiny splash of oil and at this point I'm gonna use a little sesame oil just a bit just give it a quick rub all the way around let's go let's go put this kid on okay so we take off the chimney we set it down for a second in this case we get rid of the grill so this comes off because we're not using it and here's what we're using this is a calibre pro Komodo Komodo is what this egg shaped kind of charcoal grill is called and in this case the calibre guys make what's called a rear blaze basket so we're gonna take our coals we're gonna put them in the basket and by the way max take a look in there you see how it's been about 25 minutes and they're all basically white and ready to go and that's where you want them white-hot ladies and gentlemen is what it is what we're using so I'm going to dump those in now that they're in and ready now we're gonna add our chicken on the skewer and that looks like this chicken goes in here oh you hot yes Oh anything shut oh my god so we put the chicken the skewer into the rotisserie we settle it right here now I'm gonna adjust it just a little bit so I'm just gonna loosen it up and Center it a bit and when it's centered to the fire then I'll tighten it up turn the rotisserie on and let her go and by the way the caliber Pro Komodo is the only one that has this rotisserie in it but if you don't have this use your grill use whatever we'll talk about the oven in a sec what's happening behind me it's turning away everything's gonna be fine and I know some of you are looking at me going great Sam thanks I don't have a rotisserie I don't have this I don't have a grill ups I don't have a grill I don't have an outside I live in an apartment how am I supposed to do this well you're supposed to do this in an oven 350 degrees I would say if there was a way to raise the chicken so it didn't sit right flat on the sheet pan in the oven at 350 degrees till it comes to temperature you could use balls of tinfoil you could use oranges or lemons or limes cut in half like a base you could use a ton of onions you could do anything there's all kinds of things that you can buy that will raise a V rack thing will raise the chicken or the turkey or whatever it is you're cooking off the deck of the the sheet pad to make it better for you okay but while this starts we want to make a sauce for it the first 5 10 15 minutes of this by itself are fine but then we want to start basting and here's what our sauce is gonna be we begin with hoisin sauce about what is that third of a cup do we add some soy sauce and by the way if it wasn't obvious we're doing an Asian thing look the soy sauce and the brine didn't make it an Asian thing it just out of that extra little something that you can't necessarily put your finger on but not necessarily Asian in any direction but these ingredients now will make it Asian but in a very delicious way and if you don't like this we've shown you the basics how to set up your fire or how to trust the chicken how to get on the thing and then at that point you can put barbecue sauce on or barbecue rub or anything you want Greek seasonings oregano lemon thyme that you know garlic that kind of thing but this is different I don't know that everybody will do this and maybe that's one of the reasons - let's continue gets a little more sesame oil about a tablespoon about a tablespoon of five-spice powder and by the way look these herbs these seasonings and these jars are expensive if you can if you can find a place that sells it in bulk instead of six or seven dollars for a jar of thyme or or rosemary or you know whatever you're using you'll pay about a buck 80 cents 90 cents in bulk don't don't buy don't bite the jars buy balkans just search online and find a place near you and by the way are the other channels giving you this kind of information to save money and make your life better in the kitchen and taste better and life better why is that because they care about themselves we care about you right now right max cares about you I care about you we continue two more things and one is sriracha maybe a couple tablespoons and the last one is brown sugar I don't know what that was couple tablespoons maybe and we mix and this gorgeous paste this deliciousness is gonna be amazing when we start painting it on that chicken let's go look so here's our tamp we're just over 350 which is perfect if you live between 315 375 400 you're gonna be in great shape and here's our chicken after about 10 minutes maybe max right starting to get some color and now we're gonna help it along we've got this gorgeous glaze right here and we'll put on a nice little layer oh boy and once you've got a pretty coat on and it is darn pretty isn't it the smell oMG oh my god like a 14 year old girl oh my god this is insane you got a beautiful coat on that's frickin Purdy ain't it lot there's a darn pretty chicken let it do its thing closer up our goal is about 160 degrees I know I know they say 165 for chicken we'll pull it off at about 160 and then it will finish it 165 and it won't be over dry because you do not want that we're gonna come back every you know ten minutes or so baste a little bit a chicken this size this kid was about up three and a quarter pounds maybe three and a half pounds it's probably about an hour and 15 minutes something like that but we'll check depends on the temperature the how cold the chicken was when it came out the whole thing good good and so you want to come back every 10-15 minutes have a look give it a little baste a little baste a little baste the color improves it gets gorgeous until the point that original about 160 degrees and you take it off look at the 161 59 9 7 8 7 8 7 8 can't get much closer let's take this little sweetheart off loosen them up and one shakes - come on little guy so let's cut the strings off oh do you see that it just gave off a whole bunch of juice and it's completely clear this is gonna be amazing okay now yeah we kicked this guy let's put him right here and look you could eat him now I like the idea of letting him or her honestly I don't even know anymore with chicken rest the bits but let's make it prettier shall we wallet rests we'll give it just two things remember the Asian influence so some green onion and a little toasted sesame seeds goodness gracious that is something to behold that could happen in your oven on your grill with a rotisserie on your grill without a rotisserie and your caliber Pro Kamado and whatever you have but when you view this gorgeous creation from the top you must be happy you've done something amazing here I said in the beginning you want to make a barbecue make a barbecue but these asian-inspired flavors give it a little extra something special and you might not be able to hear it but the gardener's are coming there they are as if they know when I pull something off the grill and now time for a bite so we take our knife oh look at this oh my gosh leg a beautiful leg bite oh come on look at just see the look it to see this juiciness holy crap it's I can't even get it okay wait right now quick a bite what okay here's the reason you want charcoal because of this flavor that you get that smokiness look at that gorgeous little leg we have a bite of this should we do you see the steam ready for buddy gorgeous oh my god mmm look the fact that we brined it gives it that extra tender juiciness that you absolutely want if you have time brine your poultry ladies and gentlemen always but on top of that the the heat from the sriracha the the the little sesame oil but the this the the five-spice powder just takes it over oh my gosh well okay this is insane I want you to do this I really want you to do this and if you did it in the oven it would still be tremendous but remember don't I'll yell over the Gardiners but remember don't cook it past 160 it will get to 165 when you take it off holy s today's a good day thanks for hanging out with us max and I had a huge fight in between that nobody saw and now we love each other again right right I'm not sure he means that I mean it though because I love him and I love you guys for being there and by the way just a reminder if you hit subscribe of course we love that but you also have to hit what is it you also have to hit the notifications Bell subscribing is great but if you subscribe it means you like us and if you like us you want to know what you want to know when we put out new stuff and hitting the notifications Bell tells you right when it happens thanks for being here see it
Views: 1,005,488
Rating: 4.8758135 out of 5
Keywords: best homemade rotisserie chicken, homemade rotisserie chicken, best rotisserie chicken, best chicken, best chicken recipe, rotisserie chicken, chicken recipe, how to rotisserie chicken, rotisserie recipes, rotisserie chicken recipe, how to rotisserie a chicken, how to make rotisserie chicken, how to make rotisserie chicken at home, whole rotisserie chicken, whole rotisserie chicken recipe, best rotisserie chicken recipes, cooking rotisserie chicken, sam the cooking guy chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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