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I never get why tritip is shown as bbq. It’s meant to be Santa Maria style where it’s low and slow. It’s so fatty it doesn’t do a typical bbq

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/monkeyman80 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
if the idea of a four-ingredient marinade for a tri-tip and the world's most delicious mushroom caps interest you you've come to the right place i say it all the time we're here for you and i don't know if you believe me we're here to show you things that you can make simply and easily at home for yourself for your loved ones for friends today is no exception uh we're gonna marinate a beautiful tri-tip steak with four ingredients four you probably have them at home right now doesn't get any easier than this and while the steak is cooking we're gonna make some mushrooms keep the caps whole there will be buttery deliciousness involved some thyme gonna be so good marinade first wait just let me say this as i was thinking you're cooking for yourself your loved ones people will write and say hey could you do some recipes for people that live alone single person recipes i'm like yeah i can do that here's one go to the store and buy one piece of chicken well people get all wrapped up it's like costco is the only way you can buy chicken or steaks these days 17 pounds of chicken coming in no one chicken breast one chicken thigh one little steak you can go to the the meat counter and get four or three or two or one pieces of bacon scale down ladies and gentlemen you can do that but as i would like to say if you're gonna make one steak make two steaks and then eat one and save the rest for leftovers i'm not pimping my new cookbook see i'm a cooking guy recipes with intentional leftovers i'm just saying cook once eat a bunch of times everybody make sense marinate time my bad my bad sorry a bowl and we begin one half a cup of soy sauce one quarter cup olive oil and we want the buttery richness of the olive oil which is why we're not using all though i guess which is why we're not using avocado oil and you know we're fans of that one tablespoon of black pepper how's that look like a tablespoon yeah there you go you know okay do you want me to get the thing and show you nope too late i would have but nope you hesitated and the only other thing left 10 cloves of garlic now before you freak out uh it's a little garlicky but it's gonna be great all we have to do is mince our cloves cut them if you want watch how we're going to do this we'll just leave that one there the other one will go in and it will squeeze that guy out it's a good system i've already peeled these so this makes it happen quite easily just keep going i know looks like a lot of garlic don't worry about it it is you know there's that chicken it's called 40 clove chicken you ever heard of that no you ever heard of that [ __ ] we should make that 40 clove chicken and it's deeply flavored with garlic as you can imagine but but it's not over the top for some reason okay couple to go we're there and the last guy goes in we squeeze away get that off somebody say it and we mix and we do mix with the whisk i don't even know why i answer anymore you're usually trying to punk me perfect okay let's check out our tri-tip how pretty is that pretty as a picture max you look like you were expecting me to say wrong answer tri-tip because of its shape but this guy has some unwanted fat back here that i'm going to take off i don't need this at all sometimes you can just peel it away and sometimes you got to just work at it a little bit more it's a good thing you have the perfect paring knife that's a perfect little knife for this job isn't it going to be a lot of people out there with that knife i hope so we know some disappear like this is just fat that you don't need a little bit of fat around the edge of a rib eye wanted absolutely this fat here for me absolutely unwanted i mean like little pieces like that no big deal i mean you take them off if you want but but i just i like to clean these guys up a little bit i'm okay oh fine while i'm here i'll just get this guy off right that's good okay what are we going to do this now any guesses put it with the marinade we going to season it first do we season this first yes or no yes no oh my god we don't look we're not going to season it max because we'd normally season with salt and pepper well we already have the soy sauce so salt is eating out and i put a tablespoon of pepper in there so eat that's out too that's what makes this so simple so now just do this now we take our tri-tip put it in this ziploc bag like this keep the guys standing up a little bit when we come in like are you gonna want me to do this backwards aren't you like i think they'd get it if they couldn't see the liquid going in but do this and then just get the rest of this great everything in here close it up oh why did that have to happen damn it okay now i'm gonna get really anal because that little bit well it's not meaningful i have to have in here how can i do this i can't it's not possible such an amateur god damn it i'm so mad okay just made an even bigger mess now it's on my hands see if i just done it the way i wanted to not have everybody see it going in now look now the edge is all a mess clean this or it's not gonna seal properly there we go good now you do this mix it around make sure the whole thing is covered you don't want anything not covered and now you can throw this whole kid in the fridge i say if you can give it to four or five hours you should do that if you only have a couple hours that's going to be okay could you marinate it overnight i'm not responding nobody chansey yeah you could you could you don't think you need to but see uh so let me just go put this in the fridge and then um oh our mushrooms then we can start our mushrooms there they are our mushrooms cremini essentially baby portobello mushrooms and they look like this so i'm not using the stems i'm just gonna pop them out and if it's clean it's good to go like that if it's not clean like this guy that has some dirt in it you have two options one could be you'd rinse it under water would we do that no because it makes them soggy max is right we would not do that because they're like sponges and it'll make them soggy so what you can do is you can go buy a special mushroom brush which i think is a waste of money or you take a paper towel and you just wipe off the dirt and don't forget it's just a little dirt it's not going to hurt anybody and by the way we're going to cook them so we're going to be fine so just take a look take a mushroom have a good look at it this guy has a tiny bit just wipe and you're fine and just carry on don't wash it wipe it that's the key that's the key right there could you do this with those white button mushrooms you could but don't because they kind of suck they're really just filled with water all right mushrooms are set let's check on our tri-tip and we're happening and there it is it's been a couple hours and it's been out of the fridge about 40 minutes you don't want to cook this cold folks hard to get it where you want inside and out if it's ice cold so now let's try and take it out of here without spilling it again and making a huge ass mess so i'll pick it up i'll let a lot of this stuff drip and on we go boy first thing i got soy sauce and black pepper because there's a lot of it and it's going to be delicious so now it's just your regular everyday we're cooking a big fat steak is not going to take very long i think maybe 10 minutes or so and we're going to do what we normally do we're going to turn it so that it stays medium rare the way we like it on the inside so let's give it our first turn looks like that look nothing exciting of course but you recognize what the system is and the system is we turn it a lot all right so before we turn it back let's just give it a little a little this marinade shall we because it's right here in the bag and max gets some of his pretty flaming shots that he's so desperate for and we flip that's something else so we're gonna let this do its thing i've already said it's room temperature it's not going to take that long we're going to get it to the point where it's done take it off while it's resting we'll make our mushrooms a little bit more marinade and a turn i love that i love you flip it the smoke comes up the smell here is insane and i want you to remember you see me use soy sauce just to amplify the flavors of a lot of things that we make imagine what the main ingredient of soy sauce is gonna do for the flavor of this steak well it's just gonna be fantastic it's what it's gonna be and we flip and if you got a flare up like this just stay away from it i mean a little charring is fine but that would do something very ugly to one piece of that steak hey get away from those flames uh oh i just lost most of it over the edge damn it all right let's flip it while we're here dang we're a live fire show aren't we okay nobody agree or disagree with me fine i'll just talk to myself we're a little busy you know i need attention oh yeah so we've been on uh what five minutes let's check the temp 103 199.97 oh yep 90ish so we got a ways to go and each time we flip it we're getting just a little bit more color across it i guess the put a stake on leave it flip it once that's a school of thought it doesn't work for me it's not as much fun for me when i do this well you're gonna see when we cut it we're gonna have a gorgeous looking steak i'm gonna pull this anywhere between 127 and 130 i'll pull it it's going to be gorgeous medium rare end to end wall-to-wall and top to bottom so while we're here let me point something out you know i always tell you to cut against the grain you can see the grain runs like this to here and then it starts going this way so what we're going to do we're going to cut it right there and then to cut against the grain we'll go this way boom boom boom this piece will go this way boom boom boom boom boom i'll show you again but keep that in your head against the grain against the grain against the grain shorten up those fibers makes it more tender so our mushrooms start like this couple tablespoons of butter for some rich delicious flavor and so the butter doesn't burn a couple tablespoons of olive oil it's an olive oil day and then in can go the mushrooms let's just go like this on there that would be the mushroom stomach wouldn't it no i think it would be the ass no i don't think it would be the ass are you it's on the bottom is it not is it sitting down i prefer to think of that as its stomach so if you don't mind i don't want to think of a mushroom having an ass it's probably ridiculous to think of a mushroom having a stomach but all right and they go comments is that mushroom are those mushrooms sitting on their ass or are they flat on their tummy they're on their stomachs of course they are everybody can see that this hump is their back or something all right so gentle heat nothing crazy we don't want to burn them but we just want to get them doing their thing beautifully and softening up we don't want to turn a mushy that's for damn sure so there's gonna be a few minute process but not that long we got great stuff to add to this we're gonna be seasoning them with some salt and pepper garlic is gonna go in more garlic we don't need that much garlic we've got enough in the steak but we do want to flavor these beautifully see and if you look at them now never mind i want to turn them over in the worst way but they're starting to get hot and slippery on the edges let's leave them for a couple minutes then we'll come back right so let's give these guys a little flip onto their backs and this is what you want you want this pretty little color around the edge here look at that that's gorgeous beautiful hey this guy's messing with me man that was the perfect time to throw in some thyme let this start to perfume a little bit the color of these things is insane look i love this love mushrooms do you love mushrooms max yes chance do you love mushrooms i love them nice you want to see our steaks looking how's that look beautiful it's finishing let's check the temperature shall we all right oh sure dang oh that's hot oh that's hot there we go 117 oh oh [ __ ] that's hot all right we'll still get in there i'll use the last of our marinade right there we'll give our guy a flip gorgeous boys our gorgeous tri-tip is ready let's pull it off let it rest finish the mushrooms okay with our mushrooms bubbling away look how gorgeous they are look at the back side the stomach no yeah wait that's the back sorry they're on their stomachs no this is this ah [ __ ] it i'm gonna take out this time because it's now gonna start to interfere and i'm going to put in some garlic that's going to look like this we'll just make a little landing spot we'll go bang come on baby get fragrant get fragrant oh and it is i love that it does not take long we're tossing we're tossing the butter the oil the liquid that's come out of the mushrooms is mixed with everything now we haven't seasoned them so let's go with a little salt and pepper and mushrooms can take sort of a decent amount of seasoning because they're blank canvases man the smell the look the gorgeousness the garlic-ness flip everybody over beautiful beautiful turn down the heat we're getting a little splash of vinegar we've got a little balsamic just a tiny bit in here wow that hits the heat and you smell it right away amazing huh these guys are done i'm going to take them off the heat i'll put them back on when the steak's ready to heat back up again who's ready you ready oh yes are you ready yes sir we're all ready let's cut this let's cut this steak beautiful let's revisit the grain so we see what's happening here so let's remember the grain goes this way here we want to cut across it this way makes a little turn down here but that's okay so like this is this way so let's do this this way this way so if i cut here now you see once again i always say this people think i'm crazy because i turn my steak so much this is why we do it max this is how gorgeous it can be so just cut a few slices shall we still still still i mean okay i'll stop here i don't need to keep making my point okay but now let's check out the mushrooms because these are going together so here's what our mushrooms look like all soft and glorious and amazing so a little parsley a little finely chopped parsley in here and a small mix that's what this is about all right so let's do this let's take our presentation plate shall we and put some of these beautiful mushrooms in here oh god they're so gorgeous man i'm not kidding i just love everything that's going on with this plate careful careful okay let's put our steak in nicely just like that oh boy oh boy tiny bit more last thing i like is just a tiny drizzle of good olive oil over the top of the steak just for a little extra richness and boom so everything is looking gorgeous here and i will take a piece of steak and a mushroom i'm gonna have a bite here so let me just cut this my giant knife okay i don't have a fork out here so i'm using a spoon if that's all right bite of steak first look how beautifully it's cooked turn it folks i'm telling you that's the answer i just pavlov's dogged in my salivary glands is that they're called salivary glands salivary glands that's right saliva i'm sure somebody will tell us tender oh my god just this really rich delicious flavor you wouldn't take a bite and go oh i'm eating soy sauce and the garlic is way way downhill it is not so in your face like you would imagine 10 cloves would have done so good and now a mushroom these tender delicious beautifully flavored mushrooms oh my god and now a bite of mushroom and steak together talk about the perfect combo stop everything this must be made mushrooms insane steak and shame call me crazy but i'm thinking this is one of those dishes to get you i won't say that too loud because you know people might get mad by the way we didn't tell anybody max is a green milky drink from last time do you want to say what it was people are guessing it's a matcha latte with two shots of espresso matcha latte with two shots of espresso people guessed matcha i don't know anybody guessed the two shots of espresso it's kind of too milky of a thing for me i don't really dig that but this you will dig and by the way don't forget it's uh sam's giving right now we're giving away some crazy big stuff an evo a traeger smoker caliber pro kamado from qp 5 000 to one deserving person and uh other stuff including a dinner grace by me sam cooking guy here my restaurant graves in san diego all right that's it thanks for being here make this hope it gets you you know what and uh subscribe like comment all that good stuff oh boy this is all mine these mushrooms can you just see how gorgeous those mushrooms are prettiest mushrooms i've ever seen in my life
Views: 460,399
Rating: 4.9300146 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, tri tip, grilling tri tip, grilling steak, steak, tri tip steak, sam the cooking guy tri tip, sam the cooking guy steak, sam cooking steak, sam grill tri trip, sam the cooking guy grill, grill steak, cooking steak
Id: YZldN2Upe94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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