Easy Tri Tip Made In The Oven

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i've cooked a lot of tri-tips i've done a lot of tri-tip videos so when i saw this in the butcher case mark's tri-tip i had to get it see what i could do with it [Music] okay first of all it doesn't look like a tri-tip now it may have one time been a tri-tip and had one end lopped off and then part of this but i don't know i mean it just it has some of the grain the way it twists a little here i can see this part being cut off but why would someone do that to a tri-tip especially a butcher in southern california where tri-tip is like chicken it's that common so i just couldn't let this little guy stay in captivity i had to get him out of there and do something decent with him so we're going to give this a good rub we're actually going to cook it in the oven today using a variation of my 110 sear method that i would use out on the grill we're going to see if we can do this guys some justice so first thing i'm not going to do any trimming on this it's you know doesn't have a whole lot left there anyway maybe just a little bit of fat but i'm not worried about that i want to get a rub ready so we're going to start with half a tablespoon of kosher salt half a tablespoon of granulated garlic one tablespoon of coarsely ground black pepper and one tablespoon of a smoked paprika i want to try and get some of that smoky flavor into this even though we're not going to be doing it outside you can get some good smoky flavor using the right ingredients inside mix this up i really need babish's tiny whisk right about now all right let's get our tri-tip rubbed up i really do have a hard time calling this a tri-tip like i said it might have been a tri-tip at one time but it definitely is not a tri-tip now we're going to give it a really good coating of rub this is actually kind of a good thing to do inside because i usually do tri-tip out on the grille or smoker but you can do it inside in the oven using a very similar method to what you'd use outside we're just going to replace the sear that would be directly over the coals with a sear in a pan so like if it's you know a thousand degrees below zero where you are right now or i don't know you don't have a smoker or grill you can still make some good tri-tip all right let me transfer this to a baking sheet with a wire rack on it if i didn't mention it this is about a pound and a half usually the tri-tips i see in my area the most common ones are about three pounds so this is much smaller than that i'll see them up to about five pounds occasionally but usually it's in that three pound range so yes someone if this was a tri-tip has lopped a big piece of it off let's go ahead and get a temperature probe in here right here in the center and we're going to take this in the oven to 110 degrees just like it would outside and we'll take it out and sear it and we'll check the temperature usually outside on a normal sized tri-tip i would then put it back in direct for a few minutes but because of the size of this once it hits 110 and then we sear it it may come up to very close to that final internal temperature that i like of about 130 degrees so i may not need to put it back in but we'll see [Music] so we'll let that go until the internal temperature of the tri-tip reaches 110 degrees then we will sear it on the stovetop [Music] alright we have just hit 110 degrees internal let's get the tri-tip out of the oven and sear it up [Music] oh it's smelling good all right my burner is at medium high i'm going to go ahead and put a little bit of vegetable oil in here we'll let that heat up and then we will sear this tri-tip or whatever they turned this tri-tip into [Music] all right the pan is getting hot let's go ahead and get our tri-tip on [Music] and i think i figured out what they did to this they made the cut here this is the long kind of extreme side of the tri-tip this would be the bottom this would be the top the point would be over here so they cut off this entire section the real tip of the tri-tip because the grain is going this way which is what it normally does at this point on a tri-tip let's let this get a good sear and we'll check the temperature see if it needs to go back in indirect at all [Music] just want to get a little color on this no matter what they did to it it smells great [Music] get our edges seared a little bit do a quick temp check here that's showing 1 16. so we're going to throw this back in the oven for just a few minutes just like the 110 sear method out the grill [Music] when that hits about 1 130 maybe 128 130 i'm gonna pull that out of there tent it loosely with foil let it rest for about 15 minutes and then we will cut into it so here it is and i think i mentioned it while i was searing it you can pretty much tell this is the large end of the tri-tip over here and they took this entire end off the actual tip so this was about a pound and a half this would have been about a three to four pound tri-tip now i don't know what they did with the rest of that sold that is another tri-tip bad move don't do that now the grain in here just like on the full tri-tip runs this way on this side so we're just going to slice straight across here to get some pieces oh that looks good nice and juicy i'm gonna try and get some thin slices here [Music] very good oh look at that that is looking good if you can see this here i'm going to lift this up a little bit we definitely have a juice alarm and with video lighting sometimes you can't always see the color but that is a nice pink right there so i'm gonna go ahead and cut some bite size pieces because it's time to taste let's dig in here let's see [Music] that is the familiar texture and taste of tri-tip nice smokiness from that paprika you could also use something else like liquid smoke if you wanted to bring some of that flavor in from the outside or something like hickory powder which i've used in some other dishes lots of ways to bring that outside flavor in if you can't get outside and really for the rub on this you could use any rub you want you can make your own up you could use commercial rub tri-tip really takes on the seasoning flavor exceptionally well i've always found that to be the case i've marinated tri tips so do like a wet marinade that works well but i really do think a dry rub just like this works best and at the end of the day i rescued this tri-tip from a life of i don't know whatever it was going to be wasn't a full tri-tip we sure made it taste like one so even using this miscut tri-tip you can use the exact same methods to do a tri-tip in the oven a full tri-tip just mirrors that 110 sear method that i use outside time in the oven until 110 internal sear it in a pan pop it back in the oven if it needs to go to get to that 130ish if that's what you like you'll have a fantastic tri-tip to eat
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 145,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, tri tip, beef
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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