Ultimate French Dip Steak Sandwich | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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two words French Dip [ __ ] you asked we answered French Dip Sam sorry Sam would you please show us a French Dip I'd be honored to I'd be happy to I've said it before I only have so many ideas in my head so when you guys say dude can you make this thing yeah we can so French Dip hmm think about it it's often made with thinly slice roast beef well I'm not making a roast beef today but I'm making sort of a version of it which is a standby don't look don't look a big-ass ribeye which is essentially the same kind of meat and by the way Max and I had an important conversation before we started today I said you know not everybody in the country right now max can cook outside max said something like I don't give a [ __ ] about anybody I want to cook outside it wasn't quite that harsh but he goes look and I agree the light is much better out here than it is in our kitchen so I'll try and tell you what you could do instead of doing this outside of your grill where 95% of the country came go outside right now because it's so she here's our poll question for today do you care that we cook outside when you can't it's a great way to work that yeah so we'll do that let's get the steak happening because we got to get this on the grill so look this is about a pound and a half rib eye it's thick it's beautiful it's gorgeous and it's gonna be great we have to season it so here's what we do we give it a little oil you know I'm an avocado oil fan so we'll use this besides two and I think I've said it before but but I like avocado oil because it's a clean taste it's good fat and it has the high smoke point of I think any of the oils certainly one of the highest if not the highest for today's purposes we're gonna season with Montreal steak seasoning even though my jar says cayenne pepper look I'm super you know I like the same spice jars and I found this particular one it's all my stuff we should show a quick picture of it look I just like everything the same and the company whose spice jars I used do not make Montreal steak seasoning hence the ex cayenne pepper now filled with Montreal with my handwritten nonsense on the side it's all we're using so seasoned liberally which looks like this I love these big looking these big-ass chunky grains here it's so good decide and then don't forget the edges when you've got a big-ass big ole steak like this and then whatever you've got here get some of that then let's let's take it to the grill that went on with a thud that is one majestic big ol steak our goal today ladies and gentlemen is beautiful medium-rare so what we're gonna do is we're gonna sear it a couple times on this side this this turn this this then we're going to move it over here to the not hot side and let it cook like it's in an oven ambient temperature we'll finish this thing off but we can kind of let it do its thing for a little bit we'll probably go a minute turn it a minute flip it minute minute and then go over here to the not hot side so now let's turn this kid a little bit I've said it before I'd rather have a good steak once a month rather than a steak once a week now after a couple minutes we flip sweet love this and by the way it's raining now starting to rain hard where is all this max okay you know you are not allowed to complain of anybody you can't complain Max and I fight about this is there girl let's put her outside it's okay we're good you're dry don't worry about it and then we give it one more turn let it do its thing for a second or so oh boy down for man okay and once it's done on both sides we're gonna move it over here to the not so hot side and then we shut the lid and we let it cook like it's in an oven anti-king em we're staying out here King pouring right now just take a look show some of this max was hell-bent max does not believe the iPhone weather app no no it's fine what do we do we've done this before look at my getting wet you're getting [ __ ] wet but I don't give a crap you're staying out here I don't care if your [ __ ] camera breaks which by the way it's getting wet on top I was not expecting this okay this is it just fine yeah yeah yeah just bring it inside you don't need that thing anymore you can take that away Jilly wait no no no what the umbrella okay here take this it's still moving we got to go inside max 50% chance of rain I don't believe it good Jilly like around the [ __ ] Arctic this is ridiculous I'm getting [ __ ] so alright we're okay we gotta move inside I guess Oh you guess you guess we got to move inside we got to move inside just getting everything's getting so yeah so it just rained like like the end of the world we started off outside and it started to rain and we go inside and Max goes no it's gonna be fine so we'll go back out inside and we're all set up and Max completely ignoring what the app on the phone says it's gonna rain no no it's gonna be fine that's his voice when he says stuff like that no nope it's gonna be fine and then that happened and now we're inside I'm not going back outside I don't give a [ __ ] what happens it could go to 90 degrees and perfectly sunny I'm not going out there the stake that was on the grill is now in my oven we got it beautifully seared on both sides nice lovely it's in the oven at 275 so it will cook slowly not and not go gray anywhere should be still gorgeous by the time we're done so frustrated should just should have been inside but max couldn't do it no delight so much better and I'm like well they not watch if we shoot inside I've got an OK kitchen no no as to the outside so the French dish so two important parts have to happen now about onions which for me are very important they don't go in every French Dip in fact I think if you look up classic French Dip I don't even know if there's onions and you know what I don't give it if there's London's because I want onions and then the dipping the dipping broth is very important so let's get them both going right now come on so look here's my wet onions wet see that that's that is only rain these now need to start to caramelize and how are we gonna do that we're gonna give it two things a little bit of oil and yes I'm still using avocado oil some butter now the butter will melt the oil will lubricate and over the next you know 10 15 minutes these are gonna start to get pretty badass and then we'll start to add a few things to them so these guys just need a little love and a little bit of time like the steak that is now taking longer in the oven because of the rain that Max made us chew in so just let them do their thing I mean look they're basically white now and you want them like a golden color while they're cooking let's turn our attention to the broth because next to the sandwich the broth is arguably the next most important part this is 2 cups of beef broth you can buy it you can make it from bones or you can get a the cubes or the the what's it called the the what's that stuff called the bouillon base here's what I use I use this stuff it's deep it's rich it's full of flavor and a teaspoon of this turns a cup of water into really decent beef broth it's like sludge they also make a chicken one that I keep these are much more affordable than the box brats that you can buy I find so while the broth is heating you can see it's starting to just bubble a little bit at the edges we're gonna add a couple things we're gonna add a couple tablespoons of vermouth you know it's one of my favorite things one - a little washer Shire and sometime we mix and then over the next few minutes this is just gonna do some really fantastic things but just let it come to a little bit of us almost a boil and turn it down to a simmer and just let it do its thing meanwhile we come back to the onions and we can see look they're starting to get some beautiful color color is everything in this it's what the whole thing is about now look you could just leave them like this and they'd be fine but here's what I'm gonna do we're gonna add also to the onions a pinch of thyme and a couple spoonfuls of this beef broth just to give it a little extra love and richness and then we mix or the smell is crazy good crazy just let that continue on its path to amazingness so the onions are cooking the beef broth the Jew is cooking the steak is finishing in the oven we're getting very close I know that the onions are extremely fantastic and gorgeous little salt and pepper give me a little stir and at this point they're so beautiful we could turn off the heat and set them off to the side the steak is ready let's check it out there we go here we go doesn't look any different than before apart from the fact that it's now it's like 130 let's take a look I want it to pull it out at 130 and it's now work 129 120 that look it that's that's what I'm looking for now we let it rest feels good and the crazy thing is you really smell the Montreal steak seasoning on it if you haven't used it I think you might want to consider it because it doesn't just work here it works on a burger to sprinkle a little on some scrambled eggs put it in some egg salad who knows I mean it's just a really good thing but while I'm here this is probably not the right thing to do but oh oh that color is a very good indication of what's going on inside and because it's my hand now I might as well eat it mmm steaky hmm [Music] Montreal steak seasoning is amazing by the way two things helped me get it here one is a rack look if you don't have a rack that's fine I just like the way that the ambient temperature of the oven gets to go all the way underneath and around and it just doesn't sit in its own little pool of juices which are not too much but I mean you know I think it cooks better when it's off the deck and a good instant-read thermometer you should have we'll put a link to these things in the notes below we're gonna let this rest now for say ten minutes French Dip gorgeousness be all over the place like a fat kid in a candy store no I can you can't see a fat kid anymore can you you can say yes then we'll be like a robust a child in a confectionary business political correctness has gone a little far hasn't oh speaking of yeah I was wearing this the other day and somebody came up and went like it not a political statement I went you're watching thank you it's not it's not look there's really two sides of this country we can all play together we can all agree to disagree it's all cool that's all I'm saying I don't care about the politics part I care that you cook that we cook somebody came up the other team phone is that's yours man he says Shh Kelly wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop Oh somebody said to me the other day I can't cook and I go I don't believe that I don't think it's as you can't cook I think it's that you don't cook and they went oh you're actually right I tried a couple things they didn't work out and I stopped I go that was your mistake can you ride a bike anyway yeah I go do you remember when you first learned to ride a bike and they go well not really I was pretty young I can tell you what happened you fell off and you hurt your elbow or your knee or your your butt or something there yeah that's probably right I go well you can ride a bike now and the difference between then and now is practice you go to make a stake and you ruin it well guess what the next time you go to make it you know okay too much time in the pain too much heat too much salt too much this - what's that dial everything differently and try it again it's practice that's all it is I've shot two shows on Navy carriers the John C Stennis and the Ronald Reagan overnight on a aircraft carrier out at sea do you know what the sailors do all day long they practice practice practice practice they're not at war out there they're practicing and they're practicing for the moment that they need to know what to do that they can do without thinking I can't cook it's not that you can't cook it so that you don't cook you need to cook more it's that simple this it's not politics let's just get your fine ass in the kitchen and make something god damn it that's all I care about so go to the site make America cook again calm I can't believe we have a website for that make America cook again calm it's crazy but people are buying the stuff people are buying in and and and I hope they're buying in and the spirit of unity in the spirit of food and your stomach that's what I want this rests then we build okay let's cut so and by the way if it wasn't obvious this is something that you could get your steak prepared the day before there's no problem about that so all we want to do is we want to cut it against the grain and the grain runs this way green runs it this way so I'm gonna go like this you want to see the inside from the way we finished it here we go one two three oh good lord ladies and gentlemen that is the beauty of slow cooking a piece of meat like this it's outstanding so now we'll just do this now I'm just gonna cut this super thin because I want to pile a bunch of this on the smell here's what I smell I smell beef I smell Montreal steak seasoning and I smell my stomach juices starting to work because my stomach knows how much I want this right now so we got this we got this we got this so now we'll take a good roll you want a good crispy roll we're gonna cut it leaving a hinge like that stay there stay there you don't have to come over max I don't need you all the time a little oil here then little color a little crisp a little color and by the way that adds flavor you don't need to do that well okay you don't but you do because it adds texture and it adds flavor have you watched our episode on reverse sear only cooking a steak in the oven yes I started at the grill but I could have done the entire thing right in there would it come out like that freaking tremendous oh please I know a little bit on that side look at the onions just i heated them up just bubbling away I'm telling you it's gonna be insane okay let's build this bill shall we take this and now look we're gonna add some cream style horseradish I bought it I didn't make it nobody freaked out a beautiful layer on that side the other thing I'm gonna add again I don't think this is traditional in the least is some of this Coleman's mustard that you know I'm a huge fan of it's all about flavor layers ladies and gentlemen a couple big swipes of this then we've come along with our onions that are so gorgeously call this is not even right I should be arrested if the cops came in here right now instead put your hands behind your back you're going to jail for making something that should not be legal I could not argue with them and now guess what's next you know what's next how amazing that look one more thing I'm gonna give it because I really like this part going fresh ground black pepper and not an insignificant amount over the top and then we close so now here's what we have to do we cut one a diagonal telling you you're gonna want to dig you know I'm gonna show you why in a second we put some of that broth in our bowl and then the sandwich on the plate okay so time and here's why you cut it on this point because you want to dip that into the jus the onions in here perfectly rare beef the mustard the horseradish on the bottom and now it's the dip there's a look at just get that all soaked and gorgeous and then take a bite mmm tender delicious beefy the beefiness of the steak the beefiness of the broth that horseradish the mustard that caramelized onions are insane and before I take another bite I just have to teach you something French Dip yes French Dip you know the term Oh shoo that's this that's the jus Oh shoo in French means with juice or with broth so when someone says I'd like a French Dip with OHS ooh what you're really saying is I want a French Dip with with the broth it doesn't make sense don't say with OHS you just say with as you or I want French Dip Oh shoo au means width in French I'm just trying to help you so you don't sound you know not sophisticated when you're on public but when it tastes this good who gives a [ __ ] if you're sophisticated or not because it's fantastic thank you for being here you can do this don't make the same thing all the time subscribe if you like us like if you like this video and comment below we're here for you we want to make what you want we made this because it was asked for by an awful lot of people [Music]
Views: 2,402,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french dip sandwich, french dip, steak sandwich, steak, sandwich, best steak sandwich, best french dip, best french dip sandwich, french dip recipe, french dip sandwich recipe, steak sandwich recipe, sandwich recipe, steak recipe, how to make french dip sandwiches, how to make french dip, how to make steak sandwich, how to make a steak sandwich, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy french dip, cooking steak, ultimate steak sandwich
Id: b3hDwESofW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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