My Favorite Way To Smoke Tri Tip

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if you've watched enough of my videos you know that tri-tip is my favorite thing to cook so today I'm gonna show you my favorite way to smoke a tri-tip and you should probably stick around for the end because well things got a little weird [Music] yes today I'm gonna be showing you my favorite way to smoke a tri-tip out on the weber kettle but before we get into that I've got to give a big thanks to Russ Jones over at smoky ribs barbecue & Southern cuisine he gave me an extremely nice shout out this week and just brought an amazing number of people over here people who have been interacting in the comments already and I really appreciate all those new people coming by and checking me out and if you haven't checked out Russ's channel smoky ribs barbecue and Southern cuisine put a little thing up here for you to check it out he's been around for a long time he's been making YouTube videos for six years and I mean I found him a long time ago I always loved watching when he's doing crawfish he cooks on a sailboat just does amazing things he's got a new pellet grill he's been cooking with if you haven't seen his rib video on that awesome you've got to check that out so again Russ thank you that was an amazingly generous thing you did but now let's get down to some tri-tip so I've got a three pound tri-tip here that I'm gonna be rubbing putting out on the weber kettle with some hickory smoke and showing you the exact method I use to get the results that I like I like that sort of medium-rare ish level of doneness if it kind of moves a little towards rare that's okay with me I love the pink Center first thing though we got to make some rub my favorite rub for tri-tip super simple five ingredients we've got two tablespoons of a dark brown sugar if you've got light brown sugar that's fine I've got a tablespoon of granulated garlic a tablespoon of smoked paprika half a tablespoon of ground black pepper and half a teaspoon of salt this is a coarse sea salt that's been ground up just pop our lid on here shake and if you've got some chunks from that brown sugar that lump together just break it up okay so let's give this a little taste and see how we're doing yeah that's it sweet just enough of that salt and other spices in there it's gonna go perfect on this tri-tip so let's get that rubbed so we're just gonna start distributing this rub over the tri-tip no binder I don't use binders if you use binders that's fine it's not gonna hurt it I just prefer not to this tri-tip came already trimmed up pretty well didn't have to remove much from it sure you get the edges your big old end here on the tri-tip if you have another rub you want to use go ahead this is more about the method that I'm using out on the kettle this is just a flavor profile I like for this tri-tip rub so our tri-tip is ready rubbed up nicely got a good coating over all the surfaces insides and our kettle is up to temp so let's get it out there and start smoking okay our kettle temp is above 300 which is normal it's just starting up here having set the vents we're just getting it hot and that temperature will come down we're gonna shooting for between 225 and 250 today for this smoking session it's gonna be a two-part session we're gonna smoke with Hickory and then we're gonna sear it once we get to a hundred and ten degrees internal once we sear it we'll put it back in direct and take it to a hundred and thirty degrees internal that's our finished temp today so let's get this tri-tip on so I have my kettle set up with the vortex not quite half full slight chance we'll need to add some more charcoal to it but that's fine and you can see these aren't even fully ashed over yet that's okay it's gonna build more temp as we go along and that's what we're gonna sear over after we reach a hundred and ten degrees internal on the tri-tip I have my thermo pro tempore probe here and we'll have an internal meat probe for the thermo Pro also so let's get this tri-tip on get my temperature probe to about the medius part here that I can get you can see the internal meat temperature is now registering about 44 degrees on the thermal probe 43 we took it out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes ago so it's coming up from that 40-ish temperature that it held in there so we're perfect good placement I think we're ready to get some hickory wood on here and start smoking it's gonna flip up our great here put our first piece of hickory on this is a cut-down piece of a hickory log that I use in my offset I find this length in here really works well especially with that vortex it'll ignite we'll put the lid on it'll smother it'll create great hickory smoke there a grill grate tipped back all right let's get our lid on and start smoking now I'm gonna start with both the top and bottom vents fully open until I reach the temperature I want then I'll adjust them to keep that 225 to 250 temperature on the kettle today now we've only got about probably an hour to an hour and a half cook on here tri-tip cooks incredibly quickly that's one of the things I love about it smoker temps already up there so we're gonna start adjusting the vents I'm gonna bring my bottom vent over to the 1/3 mark that I made that means that lower vent is approximately 1/3 open I find this is a pretty good setting to maintain something around 250 ish so we'll watch it for a bit and see I've choked the top vent down to about 1/4 also so we'll play with these two vents for probably just about 5 to 10 minutes until we get that temperature dialed in at this point it's not a big deal if it's racing a little high in there the meats just getting started I have had tri-tip steak as little as 45 minutes before sometimes they cook quickly sometimes takes a little bit longer but it's not one of those cuts of meat that takes you know four or five hours we've got good smoke rolling out of their great hickory smoke I opened those vents up a little more to generate a little bit more smoke get some better airflow in there choke this down just a little bit or tip went up a bit internal meat temp 65 and our champ of the kettle's 270 so adjusting those vents to bring that in a line but we've got good smoke and again if it races up above 250 for a bit that's not a problem honestly if you keep this you know 225 to 275 you know you're fine 225 to 250 is just that preferred temperature that I like to use when doing tri-tip but it's gonna be good no matter what temp you're at unless you're like 800 degrees that won't be good gosh I love the smell of Hickory it's my favorite wood alright the kettle temp is a 253 the meat temperature 108 or 2 degrees away from searing it directly before then moving it back to indirect to finish to 130 ok we are at 110 degrees internal it's time to sear this temporarily gonna remove our meat probe and try to remember about where we had it lay it right there on the grate let's sear this got a little rim so that hickory wood igniting that's alright give us a little char in one spot there we'll turn this a couple times just to get some color bark is not one of those things you're going for on tri-tip it just takes so little time to cook we're at about 50 minutes into this so we're just gonna go over an hour to finish this off just want a little bit of color on here all right let's move this back indirect let's see if we can get our probe you know back generally in the same position all right we've got 113 degree internal that's perfect we took it at 110 seared it brought the temp up a little now we're gonna go indirect again finish it to 130 internal bring you back when we're ready to pull it off all right kettle temp stabilized in the mid to 60s and there we are 130 internal let's get this off it's a nice-looking tri-tip let's get our probe out get this inside cover it loosely with some foil let it rest for about 15 minutes there is our gorgeous tri-tip I mean it came out looking just beautiful that's why I like doing this you know sear sort of near the end and then move it back to indirect to finish off you get this beautiful color you give it a few extra minutes just indirect and just look at that but let's cut into it and see what sort of doneness we achieved all right let's see where we're going to cut tri-tip is usually very easy to see the grain on the surface even after you've cooked it we can see we have grain lines running this direction sometimes it will actually turn a little bit so to cut across the grain we're gonna go just this way right here [Music] hanging on my everyone maybe you say baby you give it a little more [Music] that was weird well let's cut into this now oh yeah oh yes look at that beautiful beautiful juicy you can see that beautiful pinkish interior right there just perfect all right it's time to taste let me show you there is a tender bendy stretchy piece of tri-tip I've cut some pieces into tasting sizes here it's hard sometimes for the camera to catch things the color on this is perfect just that pinkish right there that you want if you're wanting medium rare 130 degrees really is the temperature that I've found for me is where you pull it is where it's done give it about 10-15 minutes to rest covered in foil then it's ready to eat Wow I've said it so many times that tri-tip is my favorite thing to smoke to cook if you get it right it is so tender that first piece I tasted almost dissolved if I didn't have any teeth I could have gum this it's that tender great flavor from that rub on the outside of the hickory smoke Oh ma'am I love that sweetness of the brown sugar that gets in there with everything now tri-tip isn't generally gonna get much of a smoke ring because it's not in the smoke that long that was a total cook time of an hour and 15 minutes so you've only got maybe 45 minutes of good smoke in there you get the flavor but you're not getting the penetration of that color but it's not necessary you got the flavor hmm so why is this my favorite way to cook tri-tip I mean I've cooked it in the electric smoker I've direct grilled the entire thing I've done it on the gas grill I've done a bunch of tri-tips in the offset smoker there's something about both the ease and the results of using the kettle grill you get that concentrated smoke under the dome you get the heat concentrated under the dome it's easier to control the heat over that short period of time we ran a little bit above 250 in this it was more between 250 and 260 most of the time rather than 225 and 250 but that's okay tri-tip is very forgiving in that temperature range of 225 to 275 you just don't want to get it too hot now if you're cooking it quick you can fire it up and actually cook it in like 30 to 45 minutes I think you get better results giving it that little bit of extra time this is why I love tri-tip I gotta cut some more I hope you can see that just how perfect that is and the juice it is incredibly juicy part of that is giving it that 10 to 15 minutes to rest so it just sort of lets those juices that are moving towards the outside of the hunk of meat come back into the center I could just stand here and taste this entire thing all day this would be like an hour video hmm so you can do tri-tip on any cooker you have and you're gonna get good results as long as you follow some simple methods if you have a kettle grill a weber kettle something like that charcoal your favorite kind of smoke I like Hickory pecan is also really good you can get amazing results in a very short amount of time with a cut of meat that generally isn't that expensive this was on special for $2.99 a pound and we can usually get it here in Southern California for about that on special normally it's between 399 $5.99 a pound and this is not prime I don't even know what grade this was it was just from the butcher at the grocery store I didn't even look if you want to spend extra money and get a prime tri-tip and I've done that they're awesome but tri-tip you can get great results from non prime cuts of meat I hope you enjoyed this video feel free to check out some of the other videos on my channel and consider subscribing and if you do click that bell for notifications thank you all for watching hope you have a great day I'll see you again soon
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 218,072
Rating: 4.9018788 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, grilling, bbq, barbecue, tri tip, charcoal grill
Id: EJDQI8wLbso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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