Beef Battle - Tri Tip vs Picaña

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[Music] a pitmasters what is up today we're going to do another beef battle tri-tip versus picanha [Music] and as always the first thing that we're going to do is fire up a barbecue of course we need a bit of big block to start up the barbecue I already have some leftover charcoal in here but we're just gonna add to that now for this recipe I'm gonna be roasting so I want a higher temperature I'm looking towards somewhere between 160 and 180 degrees Celsius use a couple of these fire starters to light it up while the barbecue is starting up we're going to take a look at that pacaya and tri-tip so I've got these beautiful cuts of beef they're both grain fat basically the same of course there's not going to be the same cow and now we're going to take this out of the package and take a closer look at them this is our picanha look at that fantastic cut of beef big fat cap on top here and then we also get a little bit of silver skin which we are going to take off goes on the on the bottom we really want to expose that that meat so we get a get some flavor on there and this is our tri-tip they both have a lot of fat on them and they both are really great to eat you can yeah used to be my favorite cut of beef and now I'm leaning more towards the tri-tip actually and the funny thing is that the picanha has become much more expensive it used to be very cheap and now over time is getting more and more expensive the price of the picanha is around 55 euros here in the Netherlands where as a tri-tip is more around 33 euros for the same amount of weight so let's clean yourself with a little bit of black pepper and salt on them and start grilling so what I want to do is take off this excess fat and silver skin on the bottom where it doesn't need to be you definitely always want to do this work because you bought a cut of beef and you want to make it look as good as you can it will definitely enhance the experience of look at this big part of silver skin with a lot of fat on it we definitely want to turn that off so girl underneath with your knife and when you're all the way underneath lift it up and start working your way up taking off as little meat as possible and at the same time taking off hold that's Pat look at that now take a look at the top I'm looking here at this part here which is probably gonna burn a bit so we're taking off the sides here I'll just score it just to have it render down even more even let's get the bouquet out also a beautiful cut of beef also into muscular fat right there look at this we want to get rid of that that's a bit of hard fat that's not supposed to be there our charcoal is up the temperature let's put the grill grate on now look at this grill grate it's all greased up and still dirty from the last cook we want it to be that way so what we're going to have right now is that we get that burning off the residues that's left from last cook and that's quite okay because this is a cast iron grill grate we're going to burn that off and when it's completely hot we're going to take a brush clean it off and then we're ready to go let's close the lid let the barbecue come up to temperature this is now two cuts that are beautiful this is the way they are supposed to look a picanha and it's right fit so it's definitely worth putting in the effort cleaning them up with your knife and don't be afraid to go in and clean up all that silver skin and fat that you don't want of course you want to keep the fat cap on both of them on top a little bit and you can definitely see you on the pecan yeah there's a lot of more a lot more fat on there because we had to cut off so much fat I just want to measure what the stakes weigh now they were both around the 1600 gram I just want to see what's left of that they both were around 1600 grams and the tri-tip is now around 1300 grams so we lost 300 grams a tri-tip and the bouquet is now eleven hundred and sixty grams which was around sixteen hundred grams so we're losing over around four hundred and fifty grams that's actually quite a lot but hey it's about the end result let's put some soul on these beautiful cuts and get them on the grill we definitely want to put a lot of salt on that fat just to help it render put the pepper on afterwards because the pepper will burn and become bitter there we go gorgeous now let's get these on the grill as you can see the residues of the last cook are burned and we just can't scrape them off like this now let's put in these beautiful steaks close the lid and let them slowly roast over indirect heat and around 160 to 180 degrees Celsius so wallah pacaya and tried to our roasting we are going to work on a salsa verde and I want to have a really strong sauce that stands up against a beef flavor but we're also gonna grill some lettuce you just want to make sure you don't have an excuse not to eat healthy food I'm going to start with a little bit of cilantro we're just gonna chop that up also going to take some parsley we want to have a bit more parsley than cilantro so we'll take double that amount now a few leaves of mint definitely don't want too much mint we want to add a shell if I wanted to jump this shouted really fine and then a bit of garlic now we want to have plenty of garlic I got smoked garlic here I'm gonna use four cloves of garlic now let's put all of this together in a bowl you also want to add four teaspoons of capers we're taking four of these anchovies Phillips or slicing these fine as well now you can turn this into puree if you want to with a tip of your knife that will help to mix it up your salsa verde and now will add some good quality olive oil and you want to get that peppery kind also want to add black pepper now we'll mix that up and before we're going to add salt we just want to give it a try hmm Wow mmm powerful flavors the reason that we want to taste it before we add soul this because there's a lot of salt in our anchovies and in our capers what definitely needs a little bit more so I'd say that's a teaspoon of salt that quick try Wow great flavors now the best thing to do is do this like two to three hours before you start grilling your steak so really the flavors get an opportunity to blend we'll set this aside let's check on our steaks look at that now you can see that they're about done because they are tensioning up and the fat is starting to pop out so you just want to check on temperature yeah we're getting close to the 50 range so we're at 48 degrees Celsius right so now that's where I want to get them over to direct heat and just get them to crisp it up so we'll move them over through direct heat and the charcoal has really slowed down in heat so we're just getting a slight heat I just want to steer it maybe rotate them a little bit just to make sure that you get the prop on my artifact now flip them over cut side down and this is where you really want to keep checking them just to make sure you don't get these flare-ups that burn the meat now put that horrible fat burns fat flavor on your steak you can hear the soap pop and that's the fed that's rendering down the soul just dropping into the fire and that's why we put a lot of salt on the fat it helps to dry out but it eventually falls down into the fire so it won't be as salty as you might think it would be look at that look at that we're getting that fat that's rendering down look at the color we're getting nice golden brown crispy and crunchy absolutely beautiful now we're taking off the tri-tip because she looks absolutely gorgeous look at that color look at that crunch that we got in the fat perfect Wow and afrikanya has done as well look at this nice crunchy nice caramelization absolutely gorgeous I've got to let these rest for at least 10 minutes do it you just need to redistribute and it's got to relax so we're leaving them on the plank we're putting on a little bit of tinfoil just to keep the heat in and that's it we don't want to pack them into tied in a tin foil we just want to have it on loose so the juices can still evaporate a little bit it still keeps its crunch but at the same time it won't lose too much heat now it's time to give it a check whoa they look really really good amazing now there's one thing left to do and you thought it was going to be slicing into this steak right well that's not true first we're going to slice into our gem lattice because while we are waiting for us to slice up our steak and do it to taste-test we're just gonna cut these lettuces like that open them up put on a little bit of that salsa verde and make sure it gets into that lettuce and this is a really great barbecue side this so you really have to give it a try now let's go to the grill put these on we only need around 10 to 20 seconds or so look at that nice bit of caramelization on the outside of the lettuce not too much you definitely don't want too much this is gonna give us a little bit of extra flavor now we've got the healthy part out of the way let's start slicing into these steaks now you can see if you slice with it you're gonna get a tough cut of meat to eat what we're going to slice against it [Music] let's do a quick taste test that is so amazing now of course what this video comes down to is which you pick tri-tip over picanha or the other way around so we're just gonna taste both of them look at this the tri-tip you see how tender that is I'm lifting it up it already is almost falling apart gorgeous real nice beefy flavor this is just fantastic I love tri-tip it's absolutely gorgeous let's take a look at the picanha just a little talking down the tri-tip let's bite a piece of that off absolutely fantastic as well you know what the picanha is actually a little bit more tender the flavor is actually the same if I'm gonna give my verdict I gotta say I'm paying a little bit too much for my picanha if you compare it to the tri-tip if I'm paying 55 euros for my picanha and I can get it right it for 33 which has the same flavor profile I'm definitely gonna pick the tri-tip so we have a big winner here the tri-tip won for me it's my favorite cut right now absolutely gorgeous of course we need to try it with a little salsa verde because you know that salsa verde is just looking at me screaming eat me so there we go that is so good it's really strong in flavor but it's freshening at the same time now of course we got to try that lettuce as well let me get a piece of that off there we go mmm the last is a great side dish it's crunchy it's fresh with the salsa verde it's fantastic all in all this was a great test I love doing it if you enjoyed it hit that thumbs up button leaders are coming down below and maybe you have a great idea for the next beef battle until next time it's mark liquor and keep on grilling [Music] Oh
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 188,843
Rating: 4.7376151 out of 5
Keywords: beef, battle, battle royale, steak, food, recipe, tasty, dinner, how to grill, pitmasterx, barbecue, bbq, grilled, sauce recipe, meat, butcher
Id: 9M8dcVGSI7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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