Bob's Guide to Freighters in No Man's Sky Gameplay 2021 Prisms Update Episode 7

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all right guys welcome back to no man's sky this is survival bob and we are in episode number six of my prisms gameplay uh series in no man's sky and uh so uh some stuff happened things happen what had happened was um bob uh bob lost about 100 million units and here's here's here's how so i recorded uh both episodes uh five and six at the same time i didn't realize it was going to be two episodes at the time uh but i wanted to cut it up and today's episode is going to be all about freighters was going to be all about freighters it still is don't worry and uh i deleted uh i deleted it yeah total new total noob i had already got my freighter i've done all the cool things and i deleted it but luckily i was able to go back and reload my manual save which brought me back to where we started uh the last episode at so i was just on the blue planet if you remember that if you don't remember that you missed episode five go back and watch it it's not bad it's pretty good actually uh let's see we are adding this stuff here and uh maybe i'll get my multi-tool right this time guys because if you remember last time i uh i done bloated i done bloated so uh so anyway today's episode is gonna be about freighters we're going to do our five warps to get our free freighter and i'm gonna teach you the things about that uh i'm gonna have to do a little bit of repeating stuff just uh because i need to do it and uh it must be done nice ball bro all right so we got the backpack thing was there anything else i was supposed to get here i can't remember i don't like being poor though i do know that yeah yeah all right so let's go and uh and start the warps all right uh let's fuel this bad boy up make five of those five of those and uh five of these and then uh no it doesn't go there goes in here nailed it such a pro all right so uh we want to go to free explore and uh i want you to let me go where i want to go uh three star where are you oh set it get there no right yeah there we go got it all right so if you don't already know in order to get the free freighter you have to warp five times after your fifth warp in the game uh you will get into a battle at the end of that battle you will be offered a freighter assuming you win and don't shoot the good guys so uh pro tip win and don't shoot the good guys now there are some tips and tricks to that and i will share what i know with you and of course uh if you've got additional information i'd love to hear in the comments down below as always get this now is this where i got my uh my cool multi-tool come on i think it is that's the a-class right look at that look at that totally guessed it uh okay so this time this time i'm gonna get it right okay i'm gonna destroy everything in here and that and that so i get these resources back then i'm going to uh compare and i'm going to exchange last time i bought it i meant to exchange it because i was getting rid of this stupid thing i don't need it you can have three multi-tools guys if you don't know and um you can't sell one though so if i had bought two and i had this one still it would still be taking up a slot which just kind of gets in the way so if you want to get rid of it you have to exchange it so uh let's do that i did it right yeah i did it okay and if you don't know uh you go down here to the utilities and then uh scroll over to uh change your web change your weapon uh but it's it's uh sorry that's secondary swap multi-tool but i've only got one okay [Music] all right and then we'll do this thing so got it all right getting some money back all right so we're here we got our backpack slot we sold uh we're going to i'm going to skip the planet planetside buying this time you guys know that uh there's another economy on the planets we got things to do people to see freighters to get so i'll make the money i ain't worried about it we'll get it along the way but i definitely need my extra suit upgrades because i ain't got none uh give me that see these are starting to get expensive i think that was 250 000 which is a bit pricey i must say all right one system down two to go i think we'll see right there and what i'm doing is i'm looking for three stars i'm looking for three star systems um because they're going to have more resources for sale they're gonna have better prices and they're gonna have a higher chance of spawning uh high class ships as class a class stuff like that and that's what we're in the market for what's up dude uh yeah let's see yeah 350k right now so i mean you're you're much better off doing drop pod uh data which i actually have too uh on me but uh ain't nobody got time for that plus i'm not really worried about money so being the most efficient i can be is not necessarily what i'm what i'm about because i'm more interested in being efficient with my time than my money uh we did not come here last time because they got a shield and a movement giggity thank you this is a good system got another movement module so you can get three of these upgrades uh in technology you can also put another three in general okay and then you can also add whatever blueprints you have so the neural stimulator if you have the rocket boots you could put those in here too so you could have all of those wrapped around this jetpack to give you more technology we'll be able to get three shields in here uh as well as uh as put them in the um the general what do you got you got a horny little pistol maybe we did come here i remember a horny pistol last time it's a little a class cute horny little guy uh what do you got for upgrades because i didn't want to show them the scanner upgrades uh uh bulk caster mining beam meh i'm good all right thanks guys excuse me pardon me coming through in a hurry oh that was kind of cool looking i think i don't know uh come back i want to see what you look like all right so we should did i get the i did not get the anomaly here let's do that real quick the next jump will be it okay uh and so on the next jump we're gonna be thrust into a freighter battle and uh we're gonna get our first fighter i just received 10 tritium really the hell bro what kind of cheap ass dupes and then only gives away 10 tritium really really cheap ass yes i know i know i'm probably overly angry about that but uh galaxy map now one thing if you realize you're about to go into the wart battle let me show you this um i didn't look at the freighters here uh if you realize you're about to go into a warp battle and you know you're in the system that you want the freighter like let's say i love this freighter here and i wanted this one what you can do is you can teleport to another system and then warp back to this one i mean that one's kind of cool looking i've had so many capital freighters guys the um the really cool looking ones that all the new players are like oh my god those are amazing i've had those for for over a year now both of them and they are really cool but sometimes you just want something different so i'm probably going to end up with a system freighter this time um well i know i will after this warp restart viking nice i can have a viking crew i dig it also if you want to choose your crew you can choose the system because it's going to be crewed by the race of the uh of the system here we go right so you see we immediately see the space rescue now here's what i do um i'm gonna find the space station and i'm gonna run away like a little scared baby run and uh and what i'm doing is i'm flying to the space station i'm gonna jump out and i'm gonna create an auto save that's gonna allow me to reload if i get just an absolute horrible freighter and i want to get a better one okay now the fact that you can uh swap out freighter bases in between freighters makes it less of a big deal but i mean if i get the absolute worst freighter which i did last time um it had like 15 slots it was a c class it was like 15 and two it sucked um i reloaded it uh and i got an a class the next time this time i'm sure i won't be so lucky but we jumped in we jumped out we created an autosave and now we'll go back see that pirate followed me that's rude i didn't make my rockets did i dang it oh well the great thing about the rockets is you can shoot them from a lot farther away and uh the fact that they kind of track the target means you're less likely to uh shoot the good guys which you definitely want to avoid because they will start shooting at you and not be so friendly to invite you on board the ship come here all right he's dead no you're not dead yet can you get away from that please there you go all right and as you know i don't like being cautious it's kind of like you know waste my flavor go they did look at that they did enhance some of the explosions in the last patch i saw it looks like they are a little bit bigger look at that it's like multiple explosions now and then burning flames nice hostile ships defeated is this it because i don't want it is that one isn't it yeah that's the one with the white lights all right whatever i'm coming at least we're here so uh you're gonna be you know it'll mark which ship that you want to go to so you go to the ship after you speak to the uh to the guy novice destroyed five ships you just wait buddy you just wait all right uh and then once you get out you don't have to go up you just look through your visor and this is a c16 plus four and uh hard pass so we're going to reload our auto save here we are and we're going to do it all over again now it doesn't create an auto save when you jump out of a freighter that you don't own if you own the freighter it will so you don't have to worry about that what's up raw yep i got you don't you worry where you at all right now the other thing is that some of them should be taken out already so we may not have to kill as many let's see look at those explosions yeah yeah well done hello games i like it uh and i had people asking me last time uh why i wasn't scooping up the stuff when i killed the pirates it's because my inventory is already full i know it restores your shield but you know i mean i'm pretty much full i got this time i'm not but i mean i like the cleaver one better i mean it looks like it's got a big meat cleaver on the front of it i'm coming yep i love you too you're welcome you better have a better ship i wish you could ask him like class is your ship sir i'm gonna decide if i want to save you or not a class 18 plus six that'll be fine thank you guys both of the times the second time around i was able to get an a class that is bob luck right there but uh deleting my video definitely definitely bob luck as well so you gotta take the good with the bad if you want to be a bob all right so when you come on the freighter you're gonna come and talk to see these guys here this is who you're coming to what's up commander good to see you brother oh bro you've been dehorned i'm sorry grah interloper from viking the alien barks a loud battle cries i approach celebrating our victory i hope they gesture towards the control panel of the freighter is it to suggest i take command uh i've got stuff to do but why don't you stay here and you take command okay let's go ahead and inspect your freighter okay so this is a system freighter this is kind of what you're gonna get now you can uh you can decline this freighter and then you can keep going and you'll get offered another free one okay uh i'm gonna have so many units i'm just gonna buy the one i want when i want it and i'm not gonna go off on that tangent uh right now in my gameplay but if that's what you want to do go for it um look we got deuterium in here i think this was the same stuff i got in the last one i wonder if this is a set thing because when you buy a freighter you generally don't get all four of these you usually only get uh maybe two things so i don't know uh we got uh six technology slots which isn't bad so we're gonna go ahead and if you don't want it you just you just hit leave and or if you don't make it that far uh you just go ahead and decline the freighter okay so uh we're gonna go in here and we're gonna accept the freighter uh yeah now i have been told if you accept payment instead you can still get the free freighter i don't chance it i don't know why i'm just like no i don't want anything i'm gonna leave and uh that'll be that all right so there we go we got our class we got our freighter now you can get these in the 30s right so you can get 30 slots in these freighters easily um if you want to do some looking okay a little short and stubby i'll name you short and stubby how about you stubby stubby and pointy we'll just go with stubby all right uh so we've got our general we got our technology of course you can move this over here bam and you want to wait for the fleet command uh mission to appear and if it doesn't appear go to your log and make sure you've got this selected because this is where i have messed up in the past by jumping ahead and doing the things too quickly okay and uh so so we've got that selected and it's going to put a little icon over things and you need to go do it in that order or it gets mad at you and could mess some stuff up dude we got an s-class combat frigate i got that last time with my a-class is that a thing guys let me know are you guys getting s-class combat s-class frigates now or am i just ridiculously lucky so we can inspect that frigate and we can take a look at it this is about the same stats i wish i could go back and look at it because i remember 29 was not super great it had robot butlers i remember that last time well groomed crew i wonder if this is just the thing now i don't know let me know are you guys getting the same thing tell me uh it may have to be it may go with the a-class i don't know uh so 516 encounters expedition's 36. now these will upgrade over time so i'm not going to be looking to buy s-class i'm going to be looking to buy c-class in the 21 range and they will upgrade to uh high 30s uh for their main stat here uh we're gonna no no no jesus all right this is a new button they've added dismiss you can remove frigates from your free fleet uh you can't you can't remove the last one so uh yeah yeah whoo that's what happens when you're rushing because you screwed up a video all right so we did that now we gotta go talk to this dude what's up buddy yes i salute you as well grah interloper captain our ship laughs fleet command room we cannot possibly dispatch expeditions in this state navigator surnaga certain cern dock this guy this guy here uh we're gonna call him olgaeller uh has prepared an expedition for my fleet but the freighter lacks fleet command room i need to maintain communications during the voyage so we can send our frigate out but first we need to make a fleet command room and you just go into your build menu which is z and go to this and see we've got all the that's why it gives you that stuff because we've got all the material silver gold and tritium they gave us in the freighter uh to build a fleet command room so if we didn't have it on us we could still go ahead and build it we can go ahead and slap another one down as well you can have i used to say five but uh i was wrong you can uh six you can have up to six at the same time because maybe seven i don't know because some of the missions are gonna last over a day so and the the missions in here which we're about to look at will refresh every uh every 24 hours so if you have a mission that goes over 24 hours you may get new missions you can send out before they're back view potential expeditions so here we go here's our expeditions but i i didn't do what i was supposed to do and talk to the computer so let's go to the hat because i have to learn the fuel see what happens when i get out of order all right so we're going to learn the frigate fuel now by talking to this calibrating command post to new master signature success master bob in the house master profile indicates one support frigate available although it's actually not a support frigate it is a uh combat frigate it always says that profile indicates no forget fuel blueprints available would you like to download them why yes i would all right now we learn fifty hundred and two hundred ton fuel okay bam this is probably harder to screw up in the main quest line uh in expeditions uh you usually have uh the ability to learn frigate fuel in this upgrade control room which we'll talk to you in a second let's go ahead and send this guy out by talking to the navigator i've plotted many roots interloper make your choice uh we want to go combat now this is a fleet star rating of one and we're going into a two star so that's not really good let's go ahead and assign that and see if we get a two star okay so now we're two uh which is the same now for me i like my fleet rating to be at least one star or higher than what i'm going on and preferably i want to send every fleet out five stars that's what i want to do because i hate fixing these things when they come back broken but let's see what happens we've only got the one now so it requires 50 tons of fuel we were just given 200. we're going to launch our expedition oh if you have upgrades you can equip them here uh which will help with your fleet rating you got mind control which will help with the economic ones uh holographic analyzer uh what does that do i don't know these do different things to read them i believe in you you can read i rarely have them so i rarely use them there we go speak with the fleet commander make contact with the fleet command room so now they're telling you this you can go in here and talk to this guy uh you don't ever really need to do this but you know it may be a little bit more immersion something i don't know so you can speak with the commander this guy's horny that's why we sent you out of the ship huh greetings interloper captain the expedition has covered 196 light years and i estimate our plotted route will take a further 58 minutes and five seconds all systems nominal so this is real time by the way not in game time so you can leave and come back and you'll be done uh we can inspect our ship if we want to just see it looks exactly the same um and there you go now if you will get alerts uh while you're playing the game that something has happened and you will have to check that out all right let's see where are we at now are we done wait for expedition to complete okay so that's done now a few other things that they don't show you in the upgrade control uh you can add additional storage if you have bulkhead storage you get those from the desolate freighters uh purchase upgrades uh so you can come here and you can get salvage frigate modules and you can use these to get uh these awesome things now this is already unlocked if you come here first before you do that mission you'll have the opportunity to buy this and this is where i screwed it up in the expeditions mode because i already had frigate modules i just went ahead and bought it and i never learned the blueprints for the 100 or 200 it's kind of a pain in the butt but at least it was expeditions and it's over now now what you want here is the matter beam this is the one you need to get uh and i'll show you how to get some salvage forget modules here in a moment uh the other things you can do here is you can change the color of your ship so you can customize appearance uh you can do that yeah but you have to buy these with nanites and they cost 5000 a piece and we don't have 5000 anymore because i bought those upgrades so we can't change the appearance now over here is the freighter warp menu so you can come here and you can use this just like a regular ship to work from system to system okay now back in the day uh you used to be able to use one warp cell to fully fuel your frigate so one warp cell would fill this up all the way i imagine that was a glitch because they it doesn't work that way anymore and now it takes uh you know the same as a fighter or any other ship so uh we got that covered let's go over uh some of the stuff inside every freighter looks exactly the same on the inside okay it's kind of you know it's kind of sus but uh they all look exactly the same so first thing i always do is i come in here and i'm going to go to tech and then i'm going to go over to storage okay not in the freighter parts in the regular part so go to storage and it's going to pull up freighter parts and we need magnetized ferrite and sodium which we have and we're able to build our storage so we have access to all ten storage containers here okay uh zero through nine so we're gonna go ahead and build uh zero and i'll go ahead and build one as well and if this thing is in your way you can just uh just delete it it's a base part delete that all right so there we go i've got zero and one what i usually do is i go even down one side and odd down the other not that i actually go to them anymore it's just a habit i used to go to the actual numbers but uh if you come over here to your tab menu and go to your freighter now you have a menu that you can go through the storage and these don't require power either so storage container zero has the same thing as the container i left on my planet and the one that i built a couple episodes ago so i can go ahead and grab this cobalt stick it in my ship with the other cobalt and i come over here and stick this pugnum uh in here freighter storage bam and there we go right easy peasy cargo how we doing we're good all right so uh yeah so you can add all 10 of those if you're a pack rat and you're full eventually i will do that uh i'm going to build a freighter base not today not in this episode uh so i'm not going to build too much in here until i'm ready to do the base now let me show you one more thing real quick if you come to this back room on any freighter including the freighters that you uh you just visit there's going to be this stuff here and you can come here and get the free things okay it's going to refresh if you have the atlas pass or stuff in there so you can always wander in the back room and take their stuff um now if it is your freighter you can go to the build menu and uh you can delete rooms now freighter is kind of uh the logic is kind of opposite in my opinion the freighter is not a big open space the freighter's default is no space at all so all these empty spaces that i'm walking around in are actually rooms that have been built that required resources to build okay so uh if i come over here to my build menu and i hold down control on the pc i can see i can delete that i can delete these rooms and uh you may want to do that because by deleting the rooms see i just got 120 silver and some 20 tritium so i got those rooms deleted bam and and i could use that as building material to build other rooms if i wanted to move the rooms let's say up here okay now it's not going to give you what you need for the fleet command rooms but uh it will give you some material so uh i know a lot of people come in here and just delete all this stuff real quick uh before they get started i like to have kind of a big area to run around in i don't know uh we'll we'll figure that out later now you can also delete uh these parts here and get those resources but i don't know them so i'll never be able to build them back i'm just going to kind of leave them here for now we'll go ahead and take a few more of these out bam there we go uh and i'm going to take those resources that i just got and i'm going to stick those in my freighter i like to keep my gold and silver in my freighter because that's where i usually need it to build and apparently we need tritium in here too uh a couple things you're going to want to build on your favorite now somebody made a comment about the uh refiners let's take a look here uh so you can put your refiners down in here and you can spread them out and you can have a uh you know three of these and two of the large refiners all over your base as long as they're far enough apart i usually just put a couple here uh when i'm doing a lazy base which is what i'm doing right now so put that there somebody said they couldn't delete it yeah yeah i can delete it there's no problem for me but anyway so you put the refiner down uh and uh it doesn't require power which is awesome so uh you know you can go ahead and refine away without having to use carbon like we do in our backpack now another thing i like to get is the uh trade terminal which i haven't gotten yet and i'll stick that right here or somewhere up front where i can buy and sell stuff quickly uh with the trade terminal which is very nice you get that blueprint in the anomaly and what else anything else i'm missing oh teleporter yeah you can build a teleporter on here as well uh the teleporter however so you can't place it uh on the bridge uh but if you stand here you can so let me show you something so if you go into your uh build camera and you're standing in the right spot you should be able to kind of get it here which is where i like it actually that dude's right there so let's not put it in his way there we go so i can rotate it and get it lined up the way i want it there we go and now we have a portal on our bridge pretty cool i could have made that a little better i could put it a little farther back now it's automatically powered as well you don't have to power this you can leave from it but you cannot return to it okay so uh you can go anywhere you want to from that teleporter you just can't come back to your freighter uh from that teleporter or from any teleporter because they still haven't figured that out yet so we've got our freighter we sent our fleet out uh we've got access to storage anywhere we go uh what i want now is a matter beam because when you have the matter beam the world is your oyster whatever the hell that means it's easy to get stuff i don't understand why is it why is the world your oyster well i don't understand that all right so i just heard a fleet come in that's what we're looking for where you at there you are all right so this is another freighter now we could fly into this one um and talk to the cat no actually that one's kind of cool looking why can't i have that one let's take a look at this guy i swear they've got new models on some of these because i don't remember all these parts on them it's like these are regular basic ship parts like the wings that i have the engines that i have i should say on my wings look like they were on this freighter i want to look at this thing i want to look at this thing so you can fly into any other freighter uh that'll let you this is a b class uh 17 plus four it's 10 million looks exactly the same on the inside as you can see and let me show you this as well uh you can run back here exactly the same and you can grab their free stuff thank you i accept your tribute and you come in here hey that guy's horny i like your red better than the purple horns down i hear you i kind of dig this guy uh interloper brings interloping yes the interloper does bring interloping always all right so we can talk to this guy bra blah blah blah uh an air of weary authority clearly marks this being as the freighter's captain do they tire of the burden of ownership i wonder it is a burden the responsibility for the life and livelihood of their crew must weigh heavily on their mind they seem to be amenable to an offer this is where it tells you that you can buy the ship if you want uh a freighter brings access to a large inventory a hangar bay in which to store your multiple ships and space in which to construct an orbital base hey you know what this one looks cooler than mine and it comes with this similar stuff but uh it didn't have the deterioram that mine did uh let me compare so okay so this is an a class uh it's worth 10 6. uh this is a b class why is it worth more so i can exchange this for 250 000 all around not near as good but it does it does look cooler i gotta say it looks cool and because uh i've done this a million times and it's for science don't freak out on me i'm gonna go ahead and buy it i'm gonna swap it out i wanna test this freighter base thing so uh we're gonna go ahead and uh we're gonna we're gonna swap this out let's go bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam move all my stuff over and uh we're gonna exchange and see what happens for science right you work for me now yes you work for me all right bam look my teleporters right there my stations are here medium refiner my storage uh yeah that's pretty sweet guys that is really sweet it was immediate i thought i was gonna have to reload or something but it was like i turned around and abracadabra it is mine that's uh that's well done let's check you sir yes i salute you as well navigator um yeah my guy's still out on mission that's pretty pretty uh seamless right there guys i'm amazed don't worry i don't really care about the class of my freighter i'm not going to be warping in it anytime soon now i ran into the wall there in my monologue and um yeah i'm not really worried about uh the class of the freighter we're gonna get a bigger better one at some point anyway and uh we'll just buy that with with all our billions of space bucks that we're gonna have now uh now that i own this now if i did that by mistake i could reload right now and uh it would go back because when i jumped out of here this wasn't mine so it my autosave was in my freighter before but i don't care let me show you this too before we go uh we go to options if you reload if you're coming to your freighter for the first time and you're wondering where your ships are uh you just have to reload or leave and come back uh give them some time to show up but all your ships that you used to own will now magically appear in your freighter unfortunately you don't really have control over where they put them or you know uh they just kind of do do this you got your oldest to newest kind of this way uh see did i leave anything in these things and this is a good place to do a little bit of inventory management so i can look in here say yes i did leave stuff in here see he's got the rockets i want the rockets down the rockets then we got uh the golden mosquito here so there you go freighter it'll uh you'll also have npcs fly in and uh you can buy ships from them uh it's kind of the same stuff as the trade post it's not the same as the space station which is interesting the stuff that they sell i i mean whoa watch out dude i was i was coming out while you were going in all right yeah i like this model better if i'm gonna take a system ship it's not bad and see look those are the engines that i have we're matchy matchy i dig it all right see now my guy's alone he was with that fleet but now he's alone and your frigates you will see them flying around your ship okay now you don't have to remember where it is you can call in your fleet with uh just like this uh from anywhere you can call them in so don't worry about that and it doesn't use fuel to uh to call them in all right so we're gonna go over to this fleet and uh i'll show you a few things see now that one's not open so we can't go in that one so if i wanted that one i couldn't have it that one is not open either it's the uh it's short and stubby all right so uh we've got frigates we need to get those uh uh storage what are they called uh frigate module thingies hold on i'll find it i know if you see if you point at the cargo you can see what's inside it guys full of gold cargo pods that one's empty which means nanites gold okay this is what we want salvage frigate module or geo where are you there you go salvage frigate module that's what we're after okay uh so what are we gonna do we're gonna freaking take it give it to me and then uh then we're gonna take that gun out so uh he doesn't get mad at me and uh make sure you've got free space in your frickin inventory first total noob yeah sorry bro do you have another one i'm doing a demonstration here all right so see there i got magnetized ferrite yeah yeah damn it all right so uh let's put this away too let's just move some stuff there you go right all right all right prepare better prepare better guys all right do you have any more i'm sorry i messed that first one up this is a good way to get resources and as long as you only shoot the big guys like that when i was shooting you uh you won't get in trouble with the race i don't know why but if you shoot these smaller ones you'll totally lose uh use lose rank uh you got any more of those yes thank you thank you okay how about you i nice cobalt yeah we'll take that i made i made room might as well take everything right wait did i see more oh all right not used to having a uh a crappy ship so when your shields go down you can recharge them with uh with sodium you can take out their guns as well makes things a little easier so this is a freighter as well so as long as you're just shooting the freighters you're okay i know it's kind of small a nice cobalt chromatic metal all right we checked that one can we check cleaver over here i don't think we checked the cleaver let's check the cleaver and you just kind of fly above it see he's not mad at us yet so those are nanites just says cargo pod stop shooting dude sentinels be all mad magnetized ferrite gold if you're gonna fly right in front of me then i will murder you so sorry not sorry and then you can fly under them and sometimes find some different yeah here we go here's the good stuff nice cobalt ionized cobalt magnetized ferrite here we go give me that gold a nice cobalt i mean go ahead and get all of this stuff i mean there's no reason not to i just have a full ship uh and i don't want to fill up and screw it up again but if you've got an empty ship take it all out make some money be a pirate uh is that what is that thank you trying to hide from me all right we got three right yes three now see we have not lost any uh favor with the vikings at this point uh there's another fleet over there let's go check that those guys out i think we've pretty much gotten what we want out of these guys so we come in here uh if we do see these green guys we can come over here and we will get an incoming message on our free fleet frequency and we can come over here what's up buddy viking high command requires we will assist the interloper my vessel is yours should you have it in your fleet uh so we can buy this if we want to so we go over here and we inspect the frigate and what what i am looking for in a frigate is a uh a c class with very few expeditions like this one oh man the police are after me still uh so that's good this guy will level up but his main stat which is trade is only 18 okay they're always gonna have 15 here so you want this to be which means it has three uh innate points in trade or whatever uh so i want this to be at least 20 and then i would buy it because it's gonna level up and be nice very nice all right go away i'm trying to do something here guys really i'm working i'm working and you're just all up in my business see if i had room i would probably be getting some of those upgrade modules let's uh let's go ahead and make room and i'll try to get some of those all right let's see what these guys have we'll shoot a few more sentinels because those guys will give you some good stuff too sometimes and this is where having an exotic or a a well maneuvering uh ship comes in very very handy a hauler is a pain to do this in a nice cobalt cargo seat the ship's not shooting at me yet because i haven't shot at it i'm just looking i'm just browsing just browsing magnetized oh here we go thank you i'll take that uh chromatic metal look at that one hey you better go you better go on get all right do you have anything fun for bob no all right keep looking how about you do you mind if i have a look at your undercarriage all right so anytime we pass by one of those we're gonna get an incoming message on the fleet frequency to offer to buy it no i'm not kind of in the middle of something and these sentinels aren't giving me a break so i'm just going to keep keep browsing the uh the store here all right there we go that's what i was looking for i got a mind control device so this is where you get those uh upgrades uh for your fleet from uh killing sentinels in space now it's honestly it's easier to just fly by and shoot all of these rather than looking but i'm kind of trying to save room for uh the things all right should we check a look at this and i'll show you these empty ones here those are going to give you nanites see nanites are really everywhere if you just know where to look all right so we have pretty much beaten the crap so look at my viking standing actually increased because i killed those pirates even though i was robbing uh the other freighters in the system so again as long as you don't shoot the small ones and you're only shooting the the the freighters and not the frigates you're fine you're good to go so i'm gonna come in here i'm gonna stick this in my freighter i'm gonna stick these in my freighter all right so now i'm gonna jump in and jump out and it says restore point saved and then i'm gonna reload and i'm going to get a fresh batch of ships to go shoot up or you can just go to the next system and uh and do it that way but pressed for time and uh the the fleet seem to be flying into the station pretty fast you know what let's take the pillar let's do in the pillar because it has rockets so it'll be easier to take out the sentinels and i think it's empty too what i should have done is i should have thrown uh rockets in the exotic uh because it would have handled much better all right where's the fleet sometimes you have to wait a minute for him to spawn in there they are hello boys i'm just going to steal everything this time i'm just going to take it all because i've got an empty ship and we'll see what we end up with there we go got it number five and not once have you seen my uh stats go down right they love me here they really do look at all the goodies we made about a million pretty quick uh through piracy giggity all right restore point set reload all right i can't remember exactly where my guy is and i don't feel like flying that far so i'm just gonna have him come to me thank you very much and now that we've got five of these we can do the things and i'm also going to put this with the others all right so we've got our five salvaged frigate modules is that what they're called modules or data modules modules right yeah salvage frigate modules so we got five of those now if you're not into piracy you can get those by running derelict freighters as well uh and uh sometimes your guys will bring them back as mission rewards from doing missions your frigates that is so we can go back to uh purchase upgrades and we can get a matter beam hills yeah so a device that modulates standard freighter communication signals to enable interplanetary transmission of matter as well as data freighters fitted with such a device can send and receive products and substances to the user's exosuit over long distances so you can put stuff in your freighter basically from anywhere now that we have the matter beam we just need to install it you go to your freighter go to technology install matter beam uh we need uh 10 wire looms wow back in our starter system with all these ugly corvax i mean lovely corvex and we need the wire looms yes you guys have a good the good price on wire looms so i will take you know what uh i'm not gonna buy 10 more but i'll buy another i'll buy another five uh just to have them on me what we'll do is since i can't teleport back to my freighter i can just fly out here and uh call it in even though it didn't have any warp fuel in it so just fly out and bam there she is pretty cool huh so you can do that anywhere you can do that in other galaxies uh so if you go to um isentam or galaxy outside of euclid after going through the core completing the artemis quest line then you can call your freighter back and forth no problem at all it doesn't require fuel alright we are back on our frigate i didn't really have to come all this way up but i did anyway uh technology matter beam matter beam has been installed yes all right so now let's go test it out right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to warp back to where we just were uh previous system because i still think we need to call in the anomaly and get our backpacks slot let's not forget that mission that we're on and we haven't crashed their economy yet either we've busted up all their ships but we haven't crashed their economy it's kind of silly all right so freighter uh item teleport teleportation is enabled now so we can access our freighter uh even though it is not here isn't that awesome now we can't access our storage uh from a different system i think you can if it isn't your system though i'll check that out guys i think that is gonna do it we've got our freighter we've got a frigate we need to buy some more i'll cover that a little bit more in later episodes but uh i've taught you a lot about frigates today i hopefully you learned something new uh they are great we tested out the uh uh we tested out the freighter base transfer which was seamless pretty amazing i know this isn't great but i kind of like it if it didn't have this uh you know fat belly down here i think it looked pretty cool but it wouldn't look as much like a freighter though would it look more like a frigate so i guess it needs that that's where it keeps its stuffs right so anyway uh guys i hope you enjoyed this episode uh we need to name this guy i need to name you you will be named um spacebob one except i used to name them spaceball one but uh spacebob one did i just name that damn it fail guys this is survival bob said if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it and if you're gonna play no man's sky get you a freighter man freighters are awesome you can do all kinds of great stuff with them we will see you next time and uh we'll see you next time guys take care fail you
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 103,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get the best freighter in no man's sky 2021, freighter guide no man's sky 2021, no man's sky freighter, no man's sky freighter guide, no man's sky freighter guide 2021, no mans sky freighter, no mans sky freighter guide, no mans sky freighter guide 2021, how to get the best freighter in no man's sky, no, man's, sky, freighter, guide, 2021, no man's sky freighter tips and tricks, no man's sky freighter tips, no mans sky, no man's sky gameplay, no man's sky gameplay 2021, gameplay
Id: e2IAm9Nl1Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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