How to Find a Rare Hot Rod Fighter Ship S Class | No Man's Sky Expeditions Update 2021

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fully maxed out s-class fighter and it is purple and chrome i say purple blue and chrome purplish and chrome welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and in today's video i'm going to show you how to get an amazing looking fighter that i found over on the nms coordinates exchange over on reddit you know i'm always over at the nms coordinates exchange over on reddit and specifically this was a post from quick beam the ent32 or the 32 i don't know i don't know how to pronounce your name i'm sorry i'm mispronouncing it but picture up here all credit goes to him quick beam veen32 he's the one who found it i'm just showing you guys how to get there so first things first as always you guys know find a a a portal if you don't know how to do that link up top and also you're gonna need all the glyphs so make sure you have all those link up top and down below as well for that let's just jump into these uh these glyphs now this is gonna be a traditional ship hunt which means you're gonna want to turn off multiplayer of course make sure you're in the euclid galaxy that's the starter galaxy and you're going to have to go to a sp uh a trading post and wait there so i would always recommend an economy scanner before you even go through the portal okay but here are the glyphs if you're wondering how to get there it's gonna be bird bird teepee bird bird the moon the uh uh hot air balloon man i almost lost my brain there [Music] the trivial pursuit or stop sign the moon the dino the weird looking face and the last one is your whale so either take a screenshot or pause the video whatever those are the clips you need to use now remember turn off your multiplayer and make sure you're in euclid the starter galaxy or else you won't you know you won't be able to get there it won't you know work or if you're on multiplayer someone can take it before you even get there so turn off the multiplayer and i will see you guys on the other side yeah we loaded right into a storm awesome and we have some comm stations which is always a good sign right uh looking for the ship thank you yeah now i'll be back okay now always always always remember your multiplayer is turned off so go to your options go to your network settings right here and make sure your multiplayer is disabled you should have done this before you went through the portal but if you do it now you should be okay as well as long as you do it before the ship lands you're okay and again that's only if you don't want to fight people like anybody can join up especially if it's a popular location people will just start appearing in your area and so you don't want to fight them so just turn it off that way they don't show up now once you're in the air in your space uh your starship go down on your d-pad and hit the gear icon because if you have an economy scanner you can scan for a trading outpost the reason why we go to a trading outpost is because it has the most available landing areas for starships so you'll be able to get the most amount of ships in and out because this is a ship that is not a first wave it is not a first wave so you can't i mean you can go to the space station but you'll be waiting so much longer for that on the space station because there's not as many landing areas as a landing pad on a trading bout post man i can't see anything okay let's go up here so just go to any trading it doesn't have to be any specific one just go to any trading outpost at all and so yeah again i'm telling you this is the traditional way how to ship hunt and so it's gonna be a lot harder it's gonna take a lot of time i think the longest i've ever waited for a uh ship was about eight hours i spent the entire afternoon because i really wanted the ship that was way back like two years ago so just keep that in mind it's a random roll it's an rng random number generator and so it's gonna be random on if you get the ship or not you could get it really quick you could be very very lucky and you can get it right off the bat or you could be very very unlucky and you'll have to wait here for like hours and hours and hours so first thing you want to do is come over here to the middle part of your training outpost because there's always like a cool little platform you can stand on and so you can see all the landing pads right here you can see that there's a hauler right there we don't want that one that is a shuttle and you can kind of see from the uh the ship outline that's an explorer over there but if you want to really pay attention it's an s-class explorer look at that so over on the left-hand side it'll give you all the information about that ship so you see it says the name mq3 yakuza class it's an explorer and it gives you the classes in an s-class as 19 general slots and five technology slots so that's all your information now what i will say right now is we already have an s-class right here it's an explorer that's not what we want we want it we're looking for our fighter and so what i generally do and you could do this as well you go in here you you would lay down a uh save beacon right here we're gonna need two metal platings let me put that in there real fast so i will put down a save beacon and you can change to whatever color you want i will always do purple where's my purple there it is purple and we're gonna go with wood because of course purple wood and we're gonna make a manual save right here boom so now we have a manual save so we can do our ship hunting and you know you see there's no other ships really coming in if you get into a lull like this or if you wait i usually wait between five and six minutes after that you'll you'll start to see that they come in slower and slower all you have to do is reload your manual save and it'll start you right back where you were three hours later can you move it along i'm all out of time and there it is let's go check it out guys holy cow look at this this is what we're looking for now it is not the class we want but that's okay let me check this guy this is not the class we want but we can we can actually make a little bit of a a change to it later on but yeah this is the awesome fighter we were looking for look at that chrome and blue now i wish this blue was purple if it was chrome and purple this would be the perfect ship perfect but it's chrome that's okay it is a c-class as you can see let's negotiate the price now because i'm at the my my max number of ships i'm at six ships i have to trade in one of my older ones so i'm gonna be trading in my uh my little guppy the bar to fire in order to get this one but that's okay because i think this one is a little bit better this will get this little uh fighter is better than my guppy but we can do better so we're gonna exchange it for now yes so now we have it technically here we go this is our guy right here let's go back up here and there's our guppy that we traded over there so now that we have one that's our ship we want to make another manual save really quickly that way now we have it now it's permanent this is our ship forever and so if we need to we can upgrade it we can go to the space station and we could totally fully upgrade this thing to be an s-class and have all the inventory slots we need or you can wait around and if you just want to reload your manual save and just keep doing it you can wait for the perfect one to arrive i don't want to wait that long and i have a lot of nanites i think i have a lot i only have 40 000 nanites so we might need to wait actually let's see if we can wait i need 50 000 or technically i would need 75 000 in order to upgrade this one to an s-class all you know right outright from the main the upgrader let's see if we can get one to land for us so i will see you guys in a bit when we get another one to land for us many months later all righty you guys holy cow i've been here for quite a while my butt is like numb i know there's probably more information than you need but this is the best one i've been able to find so far in a class now i've been sitting on a b-class for a while but the a-class is the best one i've seen i've seen a couple of these come in and i'm just like okay the the game is beating me into submission a classes oh yeah wait a minute before we do any of that move some stuff over that way we can make sure it's okay boom boom boom done done done now we can exchange yeah a class is the best i've been able to get to oh and maybe we could look at this say a survival bob this might be one that you like look at it later right next to us too all right so survival bob you let me know this is an orange one that we've had come in a while it's a cool like a five fin orange and yellow i don't know if you're into that survival bob an orange and yellow it's kind of a matte color or my blue and chrome colored one i like the blue and chrome this is definitely my jam right here but you know what survival bob there you go if you wanted to get a uh an orange and chrome one come on over and this one shows up a lot more frequent than my blue and chrome so this one definitely shows up more just in case you wanted to to see that but yeah look at this baby right here let's go up let me show you what it looks like on the inside so cabin view so this is what it looks like on the inside so this is your cockpit if you're in a vr you this is what you're gonna be looking at most of the time i love the hot rod engine simply because look at that you can see the hot rod through the the windshield or the uh the cover i guess you would call it i don't know but anyway so let's go into third person let me show you this oh let me let me get out of here first get out way out the space that way we can kind of oh it's gonna be an orange color anyway because this system is orange we're definitely gonna have to get a better better system i mean it kind of comes out blue still i know that yeah actually it works it works it gives us a little bit of an orange tint but it's actually a chrome color that's why it's coming through his orange because it's shining that uh the sun color the uh star color back but yeah look at that it is actually pretty cool i like it a lot look at that baby right there but what we can do is we can go to the space station and upgrade this thing to the best it could be so let's actually go do that real fast so once you land on the space station excuse me once you land on the space station which you have to do is go over here to the uh the ship upgrader the ship outfitter whatever you want to call it now again remember like the last video we did you can upgrade the starship and you can apply augmentations if you have storage augmentations those are technically like quote unquote free upgrades or you can purchase storage and it starts at 5 million units it goes all the way up to 300 million units so what i would recommend is if you have uh augmentations by as many as you can with your money however much cash you can spare and then go to your augmentations because it will get more and more expensive and so you want to use your augmentations last because they're worth more so i'm going to apply my augmentation since i have a lot of them we're going to do that boom and it'll fill out all the gaps in your inventory at first and it'll go over to your tech tree there you go so it'll fill in all the gaps and then it'll kick you out don't worry it's okay you can still increase the inventory a lot more than that so it kicks you out because it's like okay you filled in all the gaps okay let's let's fill in the rest of our inventory all right come on i know apply augmentation so it'll do there and you don't have to start with this one if you want to go switch over to your general inventory and do that one first you could totally do that or if you want to do your technology inventory if that's the more important one you can do that as well so i'm just going to apply as much as i can here i believe i have enough storage augmentations to full fill it out completely and boom starship size increase okay we can go farther than that though i don't know why it kicked me out oh it might have kicked me out because we're not fully upgraded to a an s-class level so let's see if we could do that let's go to yep purchase we're up to 80 million and if we try to apply max storage reached on on all our inventory but that's not the maximum number the reason why it's so low is let me go over to my starship we're only in a class and so each class has a limitation to how much storage it can hold so if you're at a class you can't max out completely you have to be an s-class and so if i have my exosuit i have been refining tainted metal into nanites just that way i would have enough nanites to make sure that i could buy my upgrade so i should have yep i have 50 000 nanites right here that should be enough let's see what we got here going on [Music] let's upgrade and to go from an a to an s class you're gonna need 50 000 units so keep that in mind if you don't want to sit at the trading outpost and and wait and wait and wait i waited about three hours i was just done after three hours i don't wanna i'm an impatient man now i'm getting older i'm getting more impatient so i'm willing to pay the 50 000 just to upgrade it to an s-class so there you go now it's an s-class and so now that it's an s-class we can upgrade the inventory even more so let's go to upgrade starship and we're going to apply augmentations because i have a whole bunch of uh inventory augmentations oh and it gave us two of them for free you see that that's okay i'll take that so it gave us two for free i'll take it and oh we didn't get any free ones on the technology tree that's okay we'll go here and we should have enough [Music] and yes perfect so we're fully upgraded it's an s-class and it is fully upgraded let's check it out make sure 100 so we go back in here and i know it's fully upgraded but i want to show you guys like purchase storage augmentation 300 million but we're at the maximum yep c max storage reached max storage reached so we're at the maximum storage for an s-class which is the maximum in the game right now look at this beautiful purple and cro all right i wish it was purple it kind of looks purple it's more of a blue but man i wish it was purple if it was purple it would be the best ship ever let's go and yeah that is how you would do that so i have an s-class fully maxed out look at this baby let me you know what actually let's look at this thing fully maxed out s-class fighter and it is purple and chrome and i say purple blue and chrome purplish and chrome i love it it is the coolest looking ship in the game i think i love these wings i love the engines being on the edge of the wings it is such a cool thing so hopefully you guys liked the video if you did hit that like button for me and if you want to see more subscribe to the channel i'm uploading videos all the time and i will see you guys next time [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 168,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no mans sky beyond, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions update, nms expeditions, no mans sky fighter ship location, no mans sky rare fighter, no mans sky s class ship, no mans sky s class fighter ship, no mans sky hot rod ship, no mans sky best ship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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